Download - Head Teachers


What do Head Teachers

worry about?

Here are 3 main reasons why Head Teachers may have sleepless nights…

The balance between paperwork and knowing

your students

• Results are becoming more important to schools, Head Teachers are

trying to be inspirational and personal while keeping an eye on

attainment and assessment.

• This is leading to higher levels of stress for Head Teachers due to the

attempts to get the correct balance between these two important

aspects of the job.

Making Coherence

• Teachers need to put their expert knowledge about Maths or English

together in a coherent whole, while simultaneously making sense of the

context – the local community, national changes, staff and student

turnover, resources. This all needs to piece together to form a collective

school community.

• This triumph to make the school a community has many different

aspects which all need to piece together, this can be a difficult

challenge which teachers find themselves participating in.

Negotiating with other stakeholders

• A school’s vision is determined by the Head Teacher, but working with

the stakeholders is vital to make sure decisions are taken with full

support of the Board. Finding the right decisions which will be best for

the school and having all parties agreeing with these decisions may

take a long period of time with many decisions.

• All these changes will have affects on the school, knowing if they will

be positive or negative is the risk Head teachers face which causes


What might Head

Teachers be Googling?

Charting Improvement

• Head Teachers use comparative benchmarking, comparing data from

their own and other schools. They are keen on ‘benchmarking’, but they

do it in a climate of encouraging risk.

• They ensure there is a proper mix of ‘appreciative enquiry’ and ‘problem

solving’. Appreciative enquiring involves finding and celebrating what’s

good and engaging on a search for what’s outstanding.

Better Time Management

• Head Teachers have so much on their plate that balancing everything

becomes nearly impossible. Time management is always at the front of

their minds

• This may be aided by creating daily plans, pegging time limits to each

task. These two tips can be used together in order to prevent dragging

your work on and getting tasks done in an orderly, organised and

simple manner.

Better ways to use technology

• Head Teachers know that their pupils are always online – and increasing

their engagement with technology, and working out what technology they

should be using – is important.

• Being up to date and making sure the rest of the staff all have the same

knowledge about current technology is vital to make sure students are

reviving the best and the same standard of education which can boost

engagement and help understanding leading to better exam results.

Future changes

• With Michael Gove talking about changing up the education system,

possible changes and the latest news are on all head teachers’ minds.

• Having an open mind may be the easiest way for Head Teachers to ease

stress on this particular issue. No one can be prepared for the future

changes in education but knowing that it will change is the easiest option.

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