Download - He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Page 1: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

the story of the river

Page 2: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Leo was a very busy business man who almost had a nervous breakdown, Why? What did he decide to do?

Page 3: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Yes! He decided to move to the countryside, and he found a very nice place by a river

Page 4: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

He found some wood and made a hoot

Page 5: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Had a little garden where he grew vegetables

Page 6: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

One day, walking through the forest, a few miles down south , he found a hoot, quite nice… he knocked on the door and who opened it?...

Page 7: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Was his friend from childhood Marc, who came every weekend to escape from the city… how do you think he is?...

He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Page 8: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

What kind of relation did they establish???

They had a business relationship, Leo would give Marc tomatoes and vegetables from his garden in exchange of products only found in the city as tools, canned groceries, etc. If the crop wasn’t good enough Leo would have to pay in cash.

Page 9: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

One day, the river was calmed, and he felt very strong and he …

Jumped into the deep river and swam to the other shore

Page 10: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

What did he find on the other shore??

A mysterious hoot in the forest

Page 11: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

He knocked on the door… Who did he find? Fatima…

She was a free spirit, romatic, sincere… and had a boat to cross the river.

Page 12: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

They liked each other and they started a relationship, although they had to establish a calendar stating what days she would go to his house and what days she woul pick him up with the boat, spend the day at her house and take him back with the boat…

Page 13: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Leo starts thinking that he is tired of going back and forth with the boat and always depending on Fatima. On the other side he feels really in love with Fatima, so one day when she had picked him up to go to her house and were having a romantic dinner, he decided to…

What is Fatima’s reaction? Why?

Ask her to live together

Page 14: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Exactly, Fatima doesn’t want to live with Leo because she had a very bad experience with her ex and she doesn’t want to put their relationship at risk. How does Leo react?

Page 15: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Leo and Fatima have a very big fight. Leo asks Pilar to take him back to his house and Fatima says

I won’t take you home unless you

accept our relationship as it

is now

Leo, desparate, goes away slamming the door and starts walking through the forest in the middle of the night…

Page 16: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Leo, gets lost, but after hours of walking he finds…

Page 17: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

He knocks on the door and…Her name is Sara

She is passionate, open minded, she likes men a lot, and she also has a boat.

Page 18: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Leo asks Sara to take him to the other side of the river. She thinks about it but in exchange she…



Page 19: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

What does Leo do????

Leo is in love with Fatima and he doesn’t want to be unfaithful to her. He says no to Sara and Sara gets angry and doesn’t want to take him to the other side. Leo leaves desperate…

Page 20: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

What is his other option to cross the river?


Marc is his other option. He starts yelling to Marc: “Marc, Marc, please help me!!”

Page 21: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

What does Marc say?


What does Leo answer?

I will come and pick you up if you have some cash to give me

Page 22: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.


Right, Leo has no money, so Marc is not going to pick him up. This is the situation:





Page 23: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

What happens with Leo?

Leo is desparate, he is cold and wants to get home, finally he feels strong enough to swim back home, he jumps into the river… but there is astrong current and Leo drawns and dies

Page 24: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Make a list from the least guilty to the most guilty, according to your opinion.

Complete the sentences: If Leo hadn’t ______________________ he wouldn’t have


If Fatima___________________________ Leo ________________________

If Marc __________________________ Leo _________________________

If Sara ___________________________ Leo __________________________

If _______________________________________________

If _______________________________________________

If _______________________________________________

According to your opinion, who is the most guilty of Leo’s death? Why? What should have happened for Leo not to die?

Page 25: He is a businessman who likes money a lot, he is competitive, ambitious and is successful in the business world. And he has a boat.

Lets imagine this order

Sara (least guilty)



Marc (most guilty)

This is a psicological test, depending on who you think is the least and most guilty you have some priorities in life:

If the least guilty for you is Sara, sex is the most important for you, followed by love and freedom. Money is the least importnt thing in life for you.



