Download - Hdd repair virus removal guide

Page 1: Hdd repair virus removal guide

HDD Repair virus Removal Guide

Page 2: Hdd repair virus removal guide

Step : 1

Print out these instructions as you will need to shut down the computer in next step. Need help call us at: 800-518-8533

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Step : 2

Now power down the XP Antispyware 2013 infected computer and wait for 30 Seconds before you turn on.

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Step: 3Press f8 key continuously

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Step 4:Select safe mode with networking

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Step : 5Press windows + R

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Step : 6Type iexlore.exe and hit on OK

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Step : 7Select tools ->Internet options

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Step : 8Click on LAN Settings

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Step : 9Keep the box proxy server uncheck and click on OK

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Step : 10Now hit the OK button to close the LOCAL AREA NETWORK dialog box. Then press the OK button to close the INTERNET OPTIONS dialog box.

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Step : 11Press windows + R

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Step : 12Type iexplore.exe and click on OK

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Step :13Save the Rkill.exe on your desktop. Double-click the Rkill icon and run Rkill.exe. You will see a black MS DOS dialog box. Now it will kill all the processes of XP Antispyware 2013. It will take several minute before a Notepad file containing log information on what Rkill found will open. You may review it and close notepad file.

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Step : 14Typeiexplore.exe on OK

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Step : 15Select language and click on OK

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Step : 16Click on Next

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Step : 17Click on Next

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Step : 18Click on Next

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Step : 19Click on Next

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Step : 20Click on Next

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Step : 21Check on Create a desktop icon and click on Next

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Step : 22Click n Install

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Step : 23Click on Finish

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Step : 24Select Perform Full Scan click on Scan

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Step : 25Select C Driveand click on Scan

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Step : 26Click on OK and Show Result

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Step : 27Remove Selected

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Step : 28Click on OK and Restart your computer