Download - hayfield news Autumn16 · New Clerk and RFO The permanent post of PC Clerk has been advertised and after a lengthy process it was decided to offer the post to Julie Gough and create

Page 1: hayfield news Autumn16 · New Clerk and RFO The permanent post of PC Clerk has been advertised and after a lengthy process it was decided to offer the post to Julie Gough and create

Hayfield Parish Council Autumn 2016

NEWSLETTER For information on your Parish Council contact

clerk@hayfield-pc gov-uk

or tel 01663 744 550

A full list of Councillors and their contact details are displayed on the Parish Council Noticeboard or

available on the website

Issue 002

New Clerk and RFO The permanent post of PC Clerk has been advertised and after a lengthy process it was decided to offer the post to Julie Gough and create a new post of Responsible Finance Officer. The combined hours of the two posts are the same as the previous Clerk. Julie has a wealth of experience in the charity sector and marketing and the new RFO, Keith Bevins, who many people will know from Hayfield News, has extensive background knowledge in running a small business and IT systems.

It was felt by the PC that this combination would be an ideal ‘job share’ and both have now taken up their posts. Julie will be in the Council Office on Mondays and Keith will be in there on Thursdays. The Chair of the Council will be available on Wednesdays. See times on website or our noticeboard as to when all three are available to speak to villagers about any concerns they may have.

Thanks were given by the PC to the former Clerk Brian Smyth and his temporary replacement Michael Presland for their work on behalf of the village.

Contents Appointment of new Clerk

Councillor Vacancies

The Orchard Project

Hayfield RBL Commemoration

Grot Spot Campaign

Christmas Tree Appeal

Hayfield Summer Show


And much more…

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Great News!!! The High Peak Arts Project work on the Hayfield Sculpture project has been shortlisted for a public vote in Tesco’s initiative! They will be granted £8,000, £10,000 or £12,000 depending on the number of votes we get! So please vote for them in store to win the

top prize. Vote in Tesco stores 26 Sept – 9 Oct to help them secure a Tesco #BagsofHelp grant. The grant is for Project eARTh and Hayfield Primary School to work together with artist Tracey Cartledge to create a steel sculpture on the bus turnaround in Hayfield. Also to clear the overgrown area and sow wildflowers grown there in partnership with the DCC Countryside Service.

Here is a picture of one of Tracey's other work with schools.

Easy Steps to Good Health Number 1: Be an Allotment Tenant.

How many of you know that besides growing the world's finest fruit and vegetables, allotment tenants live longer, have perfect teeth and their eyesight and hearing are well above average. Scientists have proved it. Hayfield allotment tenants certainly enjoy a bit of gentle exercise, good fresh air, lovely views of the hills and a chat with their allotment neighbours. If you'd like to give allotment gardening a try, and possibly see further than ever, call me on 07815 133695 or email me at [email protected] for details. Pete Webb

Co-option to Hayfield Parish Council

After the recent resignations of Mr Keith Bevins and Mrs. Ethne Bailey from the Parish Council, two posts for Co-Option onto the council are now available. Any local residents who are interested should contact the Clerk at [email protected]

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The Apple Team

Grot Spots in Hayfield Several local residents have complained about parts of the village looking untidy and overgrown. The Parish Council is serious about addressing concerns about our environment but are restrained by the amount of finance we have available. Nevertheless we are looking at the contracts we currently have with the gardeners and Derbyshire County Council to see how best to address these issues. We are also considering a repeat of something like the 'Clean for the Queen Day', we organised previously with volunteers, and which proved very successful. Further information on what and where will be posted around the village and our website. Watch

Parish Council Meeting Please consult the Parish Council

website for dates and times of meetings and when the office is open.


Volunteers spent many hours over the winter months pruning and weeding around the fruit trees. The results this year have been great and there is a bumper harvest of apples. However there is still work to be done and so if you’ve got a couple of hours to spare and you’re interested in helping with this important community project contact derek.clarke @

Thanks once again to all those people who have volunteered on this project who have made it such a success.

Community Orchard Project

Traffic Recommendations - Update:

The Parish Council sent off their recommendations to DCC last year. We have still had no response but believe a communication from them is imminent.

Hayfield British Legion News

The Battle of the Somme began at 7.30am on 1 July 1916 and lasted for 141 days, resulting in over one million casualties on all sides. To commemorate this event the Hayfield Branch of the British Legion is organising a ‘Salute to the Somme’, to remember those who lost their lives and loved ones on the French battlefields.

This free commemorative event of film and music will be held at New Mills Arts Theatre. Some tickets are still available from David Ash on 01663 742480 or email [email protected]

Telephone Box Future

The future of the old Telephone Box at Dungeon Brow was discussed at the last Council Meeting. The box has fallen into disrepair in recent years and has become a bit of an eyesore. It has been suggested that we purchase it, renovate it and install a defibrillator inside it.

Yours comments would be welcome?

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Hayfield’s Christmas Trees

Back in 2012 the Jubilee Committee was formed with the aim of organising of celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The street party and other events were a great success, enjoyed by the whole village. But when it was over there was still some money left from the pot which had been raised to pay for the Jubilee. The committee decided to use the money to put lights on the big tree at St Matthew’s, pay for fireworks, and help people in the centre of the village put Christmas Trees on their houses and shops.

Each year since then we have bought trees in bulk and sold them around the village. The profits have gone to keep the lights on the big tree going and to pay for fireworks on the bridge at Christmas and New Year. We store the trees in one of the garages at The Royal and sell them from there all day on the Saturday, delivering them, and even putting them up for people who need us to do it for them. It’s a big job, and we could do with a bit of help. So if you’d like to help keep Hayfield’s Christmas lights going please call in Hayfield News and ask for Lisa, or call her on 07930 683296.

Hayfield Country Show and Sheep Dog Trials

Congratulations to all those people (and animals) who made this years 40th Anniversary Show one of the best ever. It was estimated by the organisers that almost 7000 people attended over the two days of glorious sunshine. The charity which benefited from this years sale of programmes and donations is the local ‘Air Ambulance’. Everybody agreed that a visit next year is a must on their calendar.

Spirit of Kinder 2016. The 84th anniversary of the Kinder Mass Trespass was celebrated in Hayfield on 23rd April, with speakers in the Royal Hotel, local art works in the Village Hall, and with moorland walks on Sunday 24th. The event was organised jointly by the Kinder Visitor Centre Group and the Kinder & High Peak Advisory Committee. A highlight was readings by pupils from New Mills College and Hayfield Primary School, describing their feelings of freedom after a walk on Kinder. Musical interludes were provided by folk singer Brian Peters, who led the traditional singing of Ewan McColl’s Manchester Rambler. Jan Gillett, son of one of the imprisoned trespassers and 86-year-old Alan Edwards of Stockport, who as a two-year-old had been carried there by his elder sister, unveiled a commemorative plaque which will eventually form part of a Trespass Trail in and around Hayfield.

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Page 6: hayfield news Autumn16 · New Clerk and RFO The permanent post of PC Clerk has been advertised and after a lengthy process it was decided to offer the post to Julie Gough and create