Download - HAWAIIA1N llijllil · r. C. 88EW BK 1 00. A. SCIUEFER, AGZIXT of Brem en Board or Undcr-nrritr-of Biwtea B--u of Eras, ia il. a, iiewt af Tisaaa Bar of Cuei.iltoia. aCrf.. titjei

Page 1: HAWAIIA1N llijllil · r. C. 88EW BK 1 00. A. SCIUEFER, AGZIXT of Brem en Board or Undcr-nrritr-of Biwtea B--u of Eras, ia il. a, iiewt af Tisaaa Bar of Cuei.iltoia. aCrf.. titjei


Every Wednesday Morning,

Forcer Swtcrtbers. J-- e i -

Orr: i--Ii dw Pee OhcM --viuuK StM-r- t, HcaWafa, H. L

ratMM by 3t Ku.MHcs-mea- t

rrttcaur leatoa. watosa a w l mi ii I

Jaaa aista



C.B2EE2 & CO.,

v. c mm. a.( a. mm 1


, Iih-r- it If

V. si. CLHGUORX Jt C-o-

C-- de mr-- i btaM surest,iiiiii. XL. .oa osswor Port j stosei Sot.


CVT rt.-- ai ' r fill vw. .Mtwmm Pj il eoit Ware..



t . eeat till C. In ii i Win i.i-- ;ibv mi fm Miiii"i.i Iwim Owtttf, ami


PmIpts id GrHcral




Aftaft fcr At Haniixs Piiitl IL.t.

E. P.





?i.KJi:mv 31. I.,MWy MlSt, .I.L. jAl



XllOS. G. THKCJfSSsriuMary, Cutiery and News Depot

arjci Circulating Library,



: 'rwcuuhm. m MihutL m.m. P rtj. mm

af fori as! Jnnla. aTiuntatu j

. a-- B fcr ik Bawuawa --ap Cav fca,, , ,. ...;mmt ai iau.iitj ew&KL

lUasaLmmu iWian n ammi tu Uke Sbsawawaarffli ii a. aw

JOIL II. PATV,Slacy PaMbt aad CasxMKs ef Deeds

rWlfce (kuaf OaiaWaak CUM ataao JMbofal but

D ILI.t Il.VTl At CO.. '(


AXB 3CAL3C IX HAE3ASE,Br. ii... Pun Ml OSa. aad Cuint Mm--

sa. aiiMi. ftaOyS


Oaaw. Stowet. atauoiafea. T. flrT


4' ,.: .Ma. H I TjT


awoiaiw. Oak - L 3JOUA HILL.

Maehtntst, Lock and Cun Smith,

c a. una. J. . SKXi



Wniatilsiii ltliaaiMiw.liai aaa ll h.liaiif



msssii . wtiinnn. i


XZHCHAXMSi,a. ftreet. Maantara. K. I.




c e. AriLi.iAjn.s,XAXTTACTrT.TT, at?ETZ2 AST! BEAIZ3ta Pwnoare af sa j iiai liM Piaulf Wan ItlMsaa

PWn Sm il aaMaCllapii,Pb iiffaiif Bitlii j Work- - jmmrnc mm aba eat stMi o. abssj CHiut. aear fan.

C filial I to JTrT

J. . I)ICKOS,Ese, SMp and Sisn Painter,

X. 94 Kljc Street,"Searr. opsaatito 3f., imirha-i- t i Cj

r i.ast., OasMsaasac. a.

i... bc. jax oaoaaaoa ea tho ibin l awaaea,

mSBaai mm aba aaaat mi f.iateSwema. 3-- te


fa - btoototo. ..! T C Hwacfa. ay


Csets Etrwt. Hszsjfcla, .

I?ffller ef


r aa fcaau aoa in-- mmir u tae rt

Dealer ia TaiaaM Cm,tore. Street. TTll ilanii .TT T


At Idea,-Ti-TTirr- vien izi Scalenkfs mt 5if. Beef, 3aton. aid Seat

Veat feat, where eritrs wal he reeecred


BesaaaaatStoeefXoaaui ilifn SabW's:Si 1iwaiaii . j itamn ill hi uLlLlI


jgMt nhsliili i u L tMcnrtomthaeaaUaaiix






& CO.,EB.S

-Tur r r isr .... rm rstnirn i

e w York,A ItlU MUi: 63- -


TKBiaES7XLBiUC3i5?eSlT16!l, : : : : LEXD0.V,

Sydney, aad.


R A RTCTTT.T. - Carpenters, Contractors, Builders,Cat lel ?lkr. Turner., Kir-- . Ktc

CoitirOojia aad fart Ssav, 8wMl.Ssg BwaaeX prwa?Uteeehaac of bass: e irt..cs. we are

Ell ..mi Is caecese all fevxiptiao. it wee Ik tbe

tTBUI.JS. WH1T3I.CV ."txxsrrcrracat as wums

HARNESS.-- SADDLES. .Azd crtzj Atciigfca c Articles iz. C"

WOKS.Mm taa Ik MkK wtwh --cK wt fmtf il--

No. 83 Street,








. km lMMtoo. M


and Commision Merchants





a toauabi CVxhinc Btf. Ckf. (M. Sko, uW IL. MirrfcmtStrCBwl.-- .


A. 1- - IIULSTER,SKIF, Sfcil, CiEEUGE i 6n.1iBE.1T4L F4WTER,

W.n SM. mt ft 0U PAIXT SHOP.

CiJ rv-r- - mat SOiitr. ml! irirrt be iuoW vitkprvptMM& at Upv nscc aai a tv! a catV Am


At ti Old Surd, eer KHg ird Eti; Scea.A Larg. Stjck. f! ud all timmn 9

T ""T MEnaJs cnhifit!y M baad.Use, Sbrf ec ti jasa4. sear tie Ci5ie Hesse

H. haftrt bv Mtrni us u bwirn to awtt a cuatiaayaac mt tib acroaafv vbic. h baa karHuAjn rjvmtai Car wfraca h awr nrtmgaa bat thaaAa. 3T4f

r. ii. liAiiuis.Attorney at Law, Notary PubHc and

Master in Chancery,3j Otfce utblli f twMint totiam StraeC ftr

A1"0 .V ACIIICK.Importers, "V?i6iesale aid Retail Sea!srs is

General 2erebasaise,IWCUMieaV. is rhenrt-prwfftv- cm Numaaaftee.

uaawr the Wb! tUll. K

IIOLUlSi .V CO..Sit? CiizdJfrj aad Coaztissiea XerKits.

Tujaaaa in i aua l abws at Cas-r- al M rhu. flee. Oaeoa Street,

as-- Aa tar ah Fia.ibitaJ, SIVMatK, aaa Kabubo j


ha n iMiaitti OiaiMa Hmw. Caps, Boats. SbM aaioeor wtbtr ofOiiHiaiia' luoirkr furufchiMu; sJaMb.

Sao la Mabee-- Sbaeb, ata Sswt, Hiaaiutu, I. L-- i nj7

t. r. xsuks. a. iikh.II. F. EIILKKS A CO..


aeaoSowe ou TrSt lb. t. iM,i PeOjw. Bag. ST4jT


gafcjiaam ta Queea Street, oao ooar frtac EaasMonsa

voiiCawo house.Crater of Kilauea, Hawaii.esCabtMbsaent if i". ope. tar tbe re.

of Tiars to the Tstasaw. who mmrMTbat oa .atlinbli fraoaw. a iwjaaa praatpc amaanm. Eapeneae--.

ai-- &moi aa4 SeJpbav Wcb Moeww erain4 a.4 sta-- '

Me aenre4. Charge Keasonablel Il-t- r


55. STBA3I EXG1XES, Sosrar Mills;iBolIerCooiVrv Iron. Bras, an Lead Castjugs.

Mchlnery of Every Description,W to Oraer --S3

Fartinlar attezsa paid ta Shis'! BUeksait&izg'.XS- - JO WOKS elected oa the shortest aoCict

31. BEAFIELD,Wagon and Carriage Builder,

T4 aadTS Shag Street. Houoiula.

ttttHbftostaM iU !?, ErPJ ,




s5jr irTFZjSf Alju. pardesiar attoa-- j

Rcpalrtas- of Vehicles of Ewery TJcscriptloa '

a- - baetoaiittiijg ana Kxrsr Carrtne. Sen utOraaaHsatai rasatia CWrktse Triaomtoar. Ar wal alwaji beasaawM ta ta a saaaaer to warraat afaaeacboB.

jti ruars ftwux as pares acta, bstaaaw prosaptre exscotoi.13 ir

. SBasuxa-- . E. Rama.SEG ELI1E!V Jc Co..


Street, hetwees 3Terexst asd. Ha.e roaoau eu sue. Sow. Fff. inlTiawW

eaets.s Iron mat Easeof a aaasa ,Nj"tr Saboer Hi. tut ia laswtBstaSh fcec with aiiBanaaJ pipe r mailiii Bath-Ta-

mat minx wry larffaaetrfBawareafererj-- demsipthm- -

PijtaeaJayarbeution greea to t. fsrderstraoiaoother Maa4t will to caretMy irtsaiitto.

Ikcataat to taw Clrtin i of HoualaJu atxl eto MuJisfairaap ajr their liberal patroaace is ttie pact, wa hape beKnrt arteatioB at bostoeee u cert the same tar the Man.




TTIIXJAJI III GIIES,Coraer af Hotel aad Fort Street..

THE CHOICEST AXD BEST OF ALES, WLSHSalways to be fbaad at the Bar. S-l- y


A Larre and Fine lssortiaent ofHavana & German Cigars !Xiiricisla, Porto ISIco asd

Kanawa Smoki- n- Xoliaccej,AXD

A Saa.ll Lot or Terj Ciiartttes :



Jlcrrhnnn Pipes.Caax Xloldcra, &.C.

7n tte OHest Qjar aad Tabaim) StaradReaalals., eorarx of Qsees. aad Xaazza Stmti.


27, 1872.



LAHA1NA. MAUI.nnirc srn k tTw. . i cs t

CIA XBa 7.

- Sugar and Molasses,NOW" COMING IX, and for saleCROP to !it purchasers. j




Pioneer Mill, Lahaina.aVMPBELL Jt TUKTOX, Proprietor.

a ia tt nit is fuititm t nit by43-t- f H. HACKFBLD Jt CO.


Sixcar and ?Ioln"o Crop 1ST!IX. FOR SALE IX tJUAXTITIBSCOXIXS penbuen. bv



Snjar and 3Iola-.- c Crop 1STIIX. FOR SALE IX QCAXTITIBSC0UUX6 porckaMrs. br


Ae"v Crop of Jiusar A: 5Iolas.sTV 0T COJOX! IX. AXD FOR SALS IX (HTAX-1-

t svit poreaafers brC. BREWKK i CO.. Ae5.


Wax C. BKEWER i CO.. Acwt!



Shipping and Commission Merchants,21S CsSfru SCeet, Sut Fnaeiseo. Vr



uo asasTs orPaeiic Earrtl ard Ets Caaaaay.

Are arrpxi to Nro--b KDi a BAUtSL SH0OKSmaw ..n .city mia m. immowj mhofjraaalstaaJPntali

Refer toMessrs. W iba. t Oa.

" U ButMi 1 Co .. ax. "- euavaoawb. Zi. -WaKeraOaa. "

OFFICE,o. 40 Cltromla Street. San Franctsco- -g U

BOOKS & STATIONERYThe Basis of Our Business.

To Mnufrtar-- aB such As ur Sa--FlItST. as can be &mhasw4MfMrwbere,aae!feWn.f earectre beoeflt our caetors aasl eurserres.

O To Bay and Sell Boobs mat Statbm- -I nan j so as to aaabe it to the interest of liedm ae coasat-er- s

boeauw touo ia antaraoee to nsmh. Jbait.JW'euaaaractan aaa bapwf eeare Jililptaiii of

jaag. Wipe Awfta f raor. T..,jafi i mat Btaak.Eoobj af pgr own Mllll'n mi. tabs, etc

i Orer lc nnaoes of Btaok awuM bept in Stsek.

A. L. BANCROFT A CO.,24r fa. Fraacfsco. CaL

acr aaaAXr. 1. c.

Itrtia. S. F. CbL



G0H2IISSI0N JIEHCHANTS,Portland, Oregon.

Saesaur beea osurarea W owr piigsal bwuhii.ij Ssr Wpwinlsaftwetre years, wf oeia Ifcg4 ta a Flu pi aufaVwt

f li4.mi ; Saw. Srme. R.PBhL. Cotan, ot-t- ta vrrasttre.CMtfaattMate especaalrf sooeaawl tar tbo 0nttsa Mwrbet, to

arnaeiaa wm a. aesa, aaaajawe eaea

Oartf BrsotiJCNarriBaOaFre4 rbaaBaJCTraLlasartiiijir .

Jases Pacriek a OaI WmTCblnais. aC

SteTea. BaberaOar ABea a Lewis


A a.

,Sa Friacise.


General Shipping- - & GonimissionMERCHANTS.

405 Jrcst Street, corner cf Clay, Saa Frasfiseo


Boston Board or rndenmters.ACESTS tor tbe Hawaiian Islands,


Philadelphia Board or Undennittrs.BshoaM isabn i GEATa for the Hawaiian Islands,Psaw. Plsak




C. 88EW BK 1 00.

r. A. SCIUEFER,of Brem en Board or Undcr-nrritr-AGZIXT of Biwtea B- -u of Eras, i a il. i a,

iiewt af Tisaaa Bar of Cuei .iltoia.




n.w . . i . . i - - -

r on aweaasin awsrai at s.Mif .iiOKS. wm aaece ta aw aae mbnwm jen u mabe tbesa tt ,7


THE C.VDEHSIGXED, ACEXTS of thebmvi been aaxaorbMd to iasxre nstioa Cargo. Krelent aad Treaaixre, by Coaatcra,ttom Baaatntu to mil pert, of tbe Sawaiau Sreca, and rfce

Tersa.Hft " BL A 00.


fjTHE XTXIiERSIGSED lunnf been, ap--- mum. imrrT.. we Mn.e ueopaay. are prepared

totssnrenabi aaat Fire, aa Stone aad Brick Baudwjrs. aaaoa Jlfrcunaise stored therein, aa thormst brenMe teraa. Jar parucatan afacy at toe n of

J- A. SCHiSrEt a 09.


Starsae lassraaes ratsaaae llinltan luta redazo tbe razee mt Two.- rmL between Hrmorntn aad Partita tho and basein.pared to hana Petaciea at tho Ztmmt Bi' fi. with atp-ci- al

raortwm aa Preighs per Steamers.THIOL K. BS.TIPS.

at SrO. Jbr. Jftr. hu. Cb. LimiL


THE raDERSlCXED, AGESTS OP THECa--T efcrte to fcire rUk,a Ca-jr- o. Prelsnt aad Treasure, frara. HoaeJatata alt peer, uf ts wwriaV aadrfeaTeraa.I5-- V fe. Hictrsia A 09




Ifot THIS, but the Other One !

Queer! Very Queer J

IX MY ADYEKT.ISISG COUU.M.V, mrAaekw; aad Ctuiss tr J are erill t mt

in amir!t tb Xrtkas (a Brrtuh Xts). Therwill b sW cbeap, rj" cbMp.

Funny ! Very Funny S

In ar AilrwtKinr CJmn. my BirJ Trpj. BirdIlwurs and Hrrrvlin- - Cacts. whieh I bar a Sf4eo-d-

aswttuwnt. an crwJJ out. Tfcty be cMcheap, very ekp

Queer I Very Queer IMt Pias BUir'i. tVbetpWa'f and CocbU', are

cntviied aut aaJ ire i)sJe4 In the XUds.Iron VHe fr tVtre Feww?. wbteb I win ttil fr

25 eeata eaea. U muea Is than the raw materialeasts btrr.

The I'nnniest of All! Brassrts Carret wkfcliI bare fVr tale, a splraiii artiete, aad purantceJ tteual quality. atM percent less taan tb Carpet rrthe New Haiel et in San Francisco, besblcs which,fretgat, tafansee and Jty aast be aMeJ to the SanFrascife co?t. It wtH take a matkematteiaa tseakaUte the foil iaeurrel by not purehaslnf- ber.

Aot Queer or Very Queer !

Tbe Steamer K3aaea u a lieetiletl ;eeesi anj ma.tcnalty assists to preoote traJe and derelwp the

of th Kisgdom. (Grumbler) netwilhiun J--

The "er Hotel.There hu been a difference of opinion is cne-qee- ee

f Optaalaia. I am morally certain it win bea ireafei Meeess in Brvmetiar the nterests ef thesefair isUaais. and a great beeeat to then.

Ledin: Ba Keepers seed sot quake or seek areduction in rest, for t&er wilt bare their share fromthe eitra aaarter of visitors to 5 tbc woaden of thisKtagdes.

This Xatioeal Hotel, so mneh needed for the nn--eoiWiof of our Sunny Islaods, will, in eoojusetionvitk ether, solid inproteaieats aade by our Gurefc-stea- t.

iauaortaliae the reign of Kaxehjlxibj. Via.Loaj aay he lire aad reiu.


NOTICE.the rrvriKusifiVEn ncTnr;vs

Itkanb. ftaw.11 Mtrwi S.r Ti. . f f.eM. .aIhIi.- - f. I..- -emaa4s.Aay aafaid aaarterly aecMBts to the SIst Decem-

ber, IS71, deslrni; to have settled wit hoot aay far-ther .Sorts to jog parties' memotfes, as k is a perfectbore to 2HT.V. aaJ ebjoets to h.

His priees have bees reasosable and should bepaid. It is, he thicks, taking adraata of goodaatare.

JOHX THOJUS TTATERHOUSE.X. B. If sot paid se. he will have to be at the

expease of seare printed slips not calculated uponwhen, his goods were soM.


TO LET.SBVKR.IL COTTAGKS,speotablr situated. Atsn.oae

Mansioa to let, with as allowance in root for impruve-aet- (ra the shape of shrubs and choice trees.

Also a School House or Shop. Appiv toJOHX THOS. WATERHOrSE.

January 31. 1572 3



United. States!HAS DOXE 3IOKE BUSIXESS dnrin?

past eear than as; other Life InsaraaceCompany in the Coiteti Slates.

Had an income in 1570 of. . . .$7,500,00011$ Assets amount to $13,000,000



Premiums payable Quarterly,oc AawaHy.

It is the onlj Cotnpacy harise; a resident Directoroa these IslaBds, His ExeeBeaej S. H. PatLUrs,the Attorney 6eeral haris been for many years aDirector of the Company.

J&? Xo Life Ifwaraaee Carspaay does hasieessmore trberaUy than this, aad none is more reliablein its dearragt with tbe insured.

For fall apply to

JI. KAPIXE,11 Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


PATROM2ED BY ALL THE 1TORLD IIh'anir. Trail. Braaa, Jeetey

Oeav rraayiawu UVud .rtber PerfamesnSTex.iaaHte Eracraoce.BisnsBeTs tareweer Water dlstiUe from Mitchamnewen.E rmm il'a Toilet Tnegir. eelcoratea' fcr Its userai mat taai--

.ary m up n lies.sHayaaeTs Kitraet of TJme Jtnie aaat Bljeerine. the best

eeoerataws fee ttyf Bair. eseeaaIIVt wirwa .ST. euou? Od Soap, petTaed wrth Aastnlbfa Ea--

Pjaef&eTf fTNeerfne. Rodct. WTadjoraBaotbetToiset Smk1mi Ba Water. Co.torn, aad rkral Cracbm, eeryMMwn& k omom man i u Lies.

BtenMr-- s Tioiet. Bw-lea- l; Bice and ether Toflet Powders.A IAml Jflfasaa t Stepperr.

ETOtarE EIMMEL Perfumer to H. K-- IL the PrhKeesefwaios. wi teaa, Hezenc street, aad - OnhiB. Lon-don: IT Bouleeard des Iralhrno. Parts, aad T ISac's Bud.Brmthtau- - g-- SoU by ll Temtors- -

efce.THK UXDBR5IGXED, from and after

date, win issue BiDs of Biehaa-- e and Lett-

er- of Credit onSAX FBAXCISCO, XFST TRoT,

LOXDOX, HAJ1BPEG asd BEHHBX,ta rami to raft at lowest rales.

Best Csjsamerstal Paper dlreoesteii, aad 31oaiesoa Kert-ag- es as the tsost favrahe tenst.

Case aiTaaees di4e os conrijatcets a! Ietaadpra4acu at the rate of 9 eeat. iatereat per intra a.

H. HACKBELD A CO.HeBavnta, Xot. 4. 1571. 4Z- -t jfr

SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned Goat and Sheep SMnsCOS5TA.TTLT OX HAXD and for Sale,

WAI3IKA TASSEHT, C. IOTLET, Proprty--c A. g. CtEIVHOlt A OO . (tears.

Ship Chandlery and Stores.THE LARGEST A5SORTJIEXT OX

kept fcy'any rTooso pa these Islaais, andtor tale at the Lowest possihle Prices, fcy

2 j BOLLE5 t CO.

SALOOX, Pilot and Jledinm Bread, inboxes aad quarters. Also.

A Fall Assortment of Cracker-.- ,

Per COlf ET For Sale byBOLLES A Co.

"Golden Hod" Tobacco.OA CASES of this article for sale lots-- , brU W BOLLES

Hawaiian Mess Beef.THE BEST ARTICLE in this market,ft) BOLLES k CO.


CASES Pembroke Salt, Preston &KerriII.Teatt Pewier. Far Sale Vy


GZSTOTE Spent Candles.Cajei, 4s; do. 3t;li'imcW frsninr." FsrSa-j- fcyEOLLES A CO.

llijllil 1 Jlii





The Old Sen King.The fottowinc reminiscences of many of the

oU wbalesWpa hare ancMrod within ourharbor in former years, is furnished by Mr. F. 0.Sanford, a resident of Nantucket, nfcich wo coovfrom the Xew Skunhrti. as they wilt j present Southampton buildings. Here,provo interesting to many here who may havebeen associated or can recaM incidents connectedwith many of the ships mentioned.

Many of tbeso old ships, the writer says, whichweot to Cultrornta on the discovery of giW there,aad were converted into piers and dweMrags, andsome broken np and sold for d, bad a his-

tory worthy of remembrance. There were soeof the London, Liverpool and French liners, g

the famous New York and Havre pack-ets, the renowned China ships aad hundreds ofothers, smaller, bat of equal interest, that weretaken from the whale fishery, as weH as many ofless note. Amonsr them was the Cadmas. inwhich the patriot Lafayette came to this country,and the Utica. Francis da Tan, Alhambra, SirasRichards. Splendid, Superior, Home, (of Salem)Byron, Robin Hood, Charles Carroll. General oot H Kingdom. this time, half aJackson, and Balance, the latter being shipstaken in the war of 1S14 by James UeWoJfe'sprivateer the True-Blood-ed Yankee. They werebuilt in Calcutta, of teak-woo- and the Balancebad the same masts which were put into her whenshe was built almost a century ninety yearsbefore. She was named tho Balance after

captured her, to balance a ship lost byhim a short time before, which bad beetftaken bya British cruiser.

There were .numbers of ok! whalers, Englishand American. The celebrated Lade Ambers t- -

an KogKih whaler of great repute, beJooging toSamuel Knderbury .t Sons, of London, which, insix consecutive voyages, with an average of thirty-f-

our Booths to each, obtained 16,000 barrelsof sperm oil, a catch never equalled by any shipfrom our own ports.

Among tbe Xew England whalers was the shipEquator, which bad a peculiar interest for tbewriter of this article, for it was in this ship andthrough her intelligent commander that we wereintroduced to the missionaries at tho SandwichIslands in 1S24, These were tb first missiona-

ries who went to those islands, having been had- -ed there in the spring of the previous year byOapu Reuben Ctasby, then in tbe ship Thames,of Xew Uaven, Conn.

It was at this time we saw Boston Boy, thenonly just out of his teens and in cowmand ofMr. Thomas II. Prkin"3 splendid Beaton clipperNile, on his way from China to Peru with a car-

go of silks, teas, and frankincense, seekioer a market first among the Peruvians and again back tothe Celestials. There were also tbe Mayflower,Olympia, Martha, (a London packet from Nan-

tucket in 1609) Elisabeth Star bock. Franklin,Japan, Mount Vernon, Mofltano, (a French pack-

et from New York in 1S24) Henry Astor, (ooeof Mr. John Jacob Aster's famed Northwest fartraders to China early in this ceatsry) Ilibernis,Ellen Brooks, Deoealios, Ontario and York, oftbe Liverpool packets. Thos. Bennett of Charles-

ton, S. C, Ann MerTim, the Baltimore aloper,Architect and Grey Baste, of tbe same port. TheInez, Kataioff and Steditz, formerly traders be-

tween Boston and St. Petersburg-- . Also, theMennon. rveosiscton, Windsor Fay and Niantie,the latter (formerly a New York and China tra-

der betooeing to Goodhue Oa.) was moved npin tbe center of the city and for a loo; time was

famons and 'thisBranch. raised Pn.arrlonging to Satem when she was cut off by the Ma

lays, forwbich our government sent oat the frigatePotomac in 1E32, under Commodore Downes, tochastise the natives) Saratoga, Pantheon, AnnParry, Gold Hunter, John Adams, Rose, Row-en- a.

Ctemtis, Cokmbtis. Isaac Hicks, (for yearsa Liverpool packet nnder dpt. Macy, nora retired New York mere baa I and in his Sithyear). Mentor, Morrison, (built by Girardof Pbinelphn, and for ntany years eaga-e- d intbe tea trade from that port, bet more recentlythe property of Spofford & Titestos, a Xew Yorkfirm) Lavrreos. St. Lawrence, Sabine, Plymouth.Palhtdium. (one of Tborodike a Boston ships) aadscores of others that were thrown aside, tbe razefor tbe pursuit of gold being so great that everything else was deemed worthless.

In the "stone blockade" off Charleston, S. Cin IS62, a Seet of ships were sunk that bad formerly been employed in the whaling tmioe--s, andpretioas to that, many of thees had bees ia theEuropean and tratie from the various

centers of onr conntry. Aoj thesewere the Garland, Maria Theresa, Harvest, Ken-

sington, Potomac, Leooidas, Amazon, Cossack,Courier, Francis Henrietta, L. C. Ktebmood. Ar-

cher, South AiBeriea, (ori nelly ooe of tbe fa-

mous "Hack-ball- " peekeU between Xew 'Yorkaad Liverpool, and wbec trawferred to tbe wba-lfo- g-

bosiness from Xew Bedford, wa3 noted forBKikirrr several very soccessfal voyages in succes-

sion, and seldom by any other vesselfrots the same port, ber hut voyaje being otm-jilet- ed

oa her retara from the Pacitk in 1S69)Bebeeca Strana. (fcrateriy in the China tradefrom Pbviuietybia when owned by the Qttakerraerchant Woodraff Smsas, of that and last-

ly the Herald, almost a century old and osee thepride ef Boston. In addition to these, a noaberwere destroyed by Confederate privateers, andamong tbem was tbe Alert, eaee the property ofBryant and Stargts of Boston, and for gosve timeta the Gahforant hide trade commanded by Capt.E. H. Faacon. when jfened at San Djego by the

Dana, who hi3 since favored cs withthose graphie (BseriptHHH of sea-fif- e from tbe

Chicism has fire theatres asd minstrel bait isfuR bb3t, and the papers jtjbtknlly tBomKe thatone of the theatres took ia over $5,1309 hutweek. While Chicaro thus raos ts the thovispaying- ttoasaads of doHara weekly to bear tbenfrgen siaz, or to see tbe ipaafies si thplayer3glisten, does sh need the farther contriiwtioBSof the werid for her sopport ? Answers, raetoslngstamps, statiaj'wfcere aa interrfew can be had,xig be received at tbe other

Bewapx op MrDDtzaa. A man who rseddtesin txier ppies acairs is tare to make raKcbfeC

generaHy ceddfca to lerTe Haself, andpots different coMtrsrtfea ec the tame

things when said to diSerest people, w thatYtbensn iasocest words get distorted Isto asprrsa-Os- oj

which these who rued them never intendedtfcould bear. ,


The KnlchtK Templnra.In 111S, ttm order Erst settled in London, not

here, where are now Mandinf, on tho bank ofthe Thames, bat near OWboome. as it was thencalled, onr present Holborn.on the site of tbo

Bedford morathan a ceatory ayo, when tho ground was dmj np.were discovered the remains of the original Tcm- -

p I hurch. bmlt in a circufcr form, lite thochurch the knights reared afterwards on theirnew site, and which still remains as tho entrancechapel to the present Temple Church. Ten yearsafter their settlement in London, Hugh de

the foamier of tho order, visited Englandwith four fellow knights, in order to recruit hissmall band of foltowera. and to create throughoutChristendom an interest in his new society. Horeturned to Jerasatem with tbtea hundred com-panions, who had devoted themselves tolhe de-fense of the Before ho left this country

i he placed a Templar, designated tho Trior of thoTemple, at the head of the order in London, withsupreme power over all tbo preceptories through'

From fortwo


j century onward, tho othe Temple noblyearned out too gionoas purpose for which theywere founded. On the sunny plains of Palestinethey fought with all that heroic chivalry which has H

lent sach a lustre to their name, and left soa field the mangled remains ofhundreds of their brotherhood. At last the enddrew near. On the banks of the river Jordan, &

river so associated with all that they held mostdear, in the year 1179. they met the mighty boetaor Saracens, led by tbe renowned Sakdio in per-son, and. after a terrific and prolonged struggle,tho crescent waved victorious over tho Cross.On that day the fato of Jerusalem was sealed,although it wa3 not finally taken untill 11 88.Before its final fall, the venerable Heracliuj,

of Jerusalem, came over to tomake one last and vain effort, as it proved, toobtain snfScient help still to preserve tho sacredcapital of Palestine. He offered tho crown ofJerusalem to Henry II. if he would only comeover and assist in iu defense. But it was not tobe. and Heraeh'us returned in disgust to tho Holy

in time to share in the feeling of. bittershame and remorse that pervaded the Christianwarriors when they bad to forsake tho land theyhad so long defended with their blood. Jerusalem bd fallen. The Holy Land was troddenunder foot by tbe exultant-infidel- . Tho objectof their mission w gone, and tho order couldhardly find a resting place wherein to itsbroken and decimated band of followers. Yet,ft this evil hour, on the morrow of their greatdefeat, when the san of their glory seemed setforever, they were more to bo envied, far morO tobe admired, than when, in after their gor-geo-

pahces and rich domains were to be foundscattered in countless numbers tbrosgbout everyconntry in Christendom. Bnt we roust return fora moment to the history of their order in London.When HeraeHas visited England in 1184, theTemplars had removed from their old preceptoryin Holborn to their new buildings in Fleet Street,oa tbo site of the present Inner Temple. Tbovenerable Archbishop consecrated their newchurch for tbem, as, well as that belonging to tbeHospital of the Knights of St. John," of Cterk-eawel- L

Thehnreh wa3 dedicated to tbe BlessedVirgin, and built after the model of tbe Churchof the Hoiy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. As I havealready stated, it stiH remains to remind m of tbehannA4t. tUrMVl In tha blainwe. t tJi. t

a hotel; the Minerva, George Mar- - iZtullLS Around iT77 cowecrsted buiHtngtha, Aurora, Nite. Olive Fneodship. be- - tbe 0rder its new



China al













they lived for many years according to the sTrietrales raid down for them by St Bernard. Beforeeotenntj the fraternity, each member had to de-clare that .bo had already been a knight, that hewa3 neither married nor betrothed, that be hadnever taken vnws in any other Order, and thatbe was free from debt and in sound health.i?drirpiVr.

Motockxts op the Pacific Fleet. Tbe Val-lej- o

Ktcorthr of Peb. 26lh, gives tbe roovementaof tbe Paefie fleet aa foiiows : Tbe headquartersof Admiral Witt-lo- Bagship Californo of theNorth PaciSc Beet, k at Panama. Letters ad-

dressed to persons attached to that teasel willsoon reach their destination by being addressedto Panama. Tbe Pensacob is also in those wa-

ters, where she too wiB receive a raaiL Tbelllo-bica- n,

we learn, is on ber way here from Mexicanports aBdmay be expected within a few weeks.She has fibjen absent a number of months andhas done efficient Eerrice on tbe station. Inser-

tion has been received by letter that tbe Saraaacmay be expected early in March and wiK probablyreqajre extensive repairs when she arrives. TbeReseca has been absent nearly three yean on tbeSouth Pacific station. She has been ooe of themoil efficient vesele ami costing the Governmentless than any war steamer in the PaeiEc waters.She is now on ber way here, and when the ar-rives will reqsire another crew aad a completeoverhanKec, or is likely to be put out or commts-sio- o.

The St-- Marys, wben last reported, was atAuckland, and is destined to remain for sometime cruising aaweg tbe istaods of tbe South Seaand Polynesia. According to tbe latest dateathe OiHpee had left Caifco for Valparaiso. Allwere weil on board, bat desertions were said tobe very rresieroos, ntany of tbe men having ship-

ped laerefy for the parpose ef obtaining a pojjajoto Pent aad Chile. It is thought that the Pen-f-a

cofa wiM refiere her as flagship of the SouthPacific tewwdrot).

MacaTfTD Max. There it an expression in thefree of a good married man wbo bai a good wifethat bachelor, can not have. It m indescribable.He is a little nearer the angels than the prettiestyoone fellow firing. Ton can see tbit his breadbreast h a ptllow for somebody ' bead, and thatbtlle fingers pull bis whukerx. Xo one ever mistakes the good married man. It is only erraticones that leave yoa in doubt. Tbe gooS one canprotect all tbe unprotected females aad makehimself generally agreeable to tfcelidies, and yetrver leave a doubt on any mind that there is aprecious Httle woman at home worth aQ tin worldto htm.

Tax St Loots Drnxral of Saturday, undertbe head cf 11-1872," commence a columnarticle witfrthe following astonishing seateoca :"Sixty-on- e --year, ago to-d- the rambling echoof an fsfasttfe caterwaul was heard among thegranite bin. of Xew Hampshire. The doctorlaid it was a boy, the curse pronounced it adarMBg, aad tbe world hit since learned to bofaaakfal that it wu" Horace Greeley."


Spwo iieanrW sa , ,XertffWt Typa.



ttUw-tlw- hoMUae Xtaabe.


1 0J 1H 1

1Mae4W IMhto44 M

la. IanIt4ti

KM )!"a mt ?

Pwataw Cafwa, rwyrvi aroaajs.

meaw, pM aaarje earuesx.


Cor WoItcs.


m SMnevm He

e- - wbui mm a uutavui nosu wmm ntewafemaro aw u...

ea or


A young man named Oscar M. Ferry arrivedIn this city, Saturday, frota CHads-- OaMy,having as baggage aboat Hv4jfre ws)V tkeM,three or four bear tldsa and a toga brasher atdeer skins, coon skins, maskral aasl itettik tketM.

Last fall ho. In company with two ohetyemcn, went from Detroit to the) esaaty Based,with the iQtaUoQ of takiae; op a penw,et

for tho whiter tu hnten aad baffers.Perry wintered there a year ago. aad made Ma

stay among the wild soitaeJt a vary ratieae .Ho was yesterday raakirtr arraagemeaU It) re-

tara, and was, for ooe ptae. at tb ewiek-yard- a

in SpringweleS, iwirhtr after wattt-a- htmlpurchasing teveral oH.eqaiaea at hat vb prtoe.Ho also mado lharebate of aa oM Mgh.aa he

is to take back a quantity of awtiiapaj aadIeavea this moraine; with the iatttotioct of raoaata

ing in the woods until Sprint;. Ills purwbaw ofold horses is where the fat colts k. he saya, mho Is to nse them for bailiaa-- waleea.

Iist fall the party (wtt54rwtel a staot Hg cab-

in in the woods. Mar & fergw atasth. praatiitag Mmake it a permanent rsatp. Tha haastc ia a tw

story one, asd the leaaiaN 6fj aad tfeep Itt

tha second story. TVa Ur siorj ii bafotedonly on two aided, but the) --A bar aadsto are taiga

I doors, so arranged that they m beojpaww if orlet down, at tho wist of tlaee atwe.StrucUoaof the cabta IB Ihto inanaor was tt ttsaseof the first story a wolf trap oa a whihtala sdotaand it has been tested several tastes be tkawtisj-factle- n

of the buKdera. Ia adttUioa to tVtt saaat

log and trapping the men propoinil to mak waif

catching a specrklhy. They (wsad that by iMeasr

strychnine they test raoay of the tetMssaj, whs rsm

away and bid where their tjadlw aaU rtat. W)

found, and in time wolves xot sy af the baea

flung around.

After the camp was cowyrttcJ. am M horsewas purchased at the- Bearoevt setttoeSeaH as abilt. That afternoos pitwas of meat p

around and soate bloody jitvt af a fresh kiiilddeer were carried off in ihSereeil iBreattatia thatthe wolves r&ht get tbe see;. The atea

on the watch all night bat ware trbtaf-pointe- d.

The wolves case witkia ptstot shotbut were afraid to approach bbttarar, mi SaaAy

went Off. Tbe oM horse got aa toed azt daf.and at night coo plained aboat it ia a enenetgbs which coshi be beard featf a apjla. Matemeat was scattered aboat, and toward niowiaattbe wolves caae op, aad aW a osuwta sreayto see if a trap existed, ooe ef that. Taotared m.then another, aad and at testa tb a delta waives

surrosaded the old horse aad leaaa saiffiag athim. Frightened oat of hta horse stttsit. tiwequine kicked aad rdatsged at a ttmble rate, taok-itr-g

it warm for the wolree, wbea ds- -- mat thedoors and the aniaiali ware trapatd. PaHef ttba

pack had tha horse dowa teeutoa Mat at the tee.bat they left off aad begun raeaiag atwaad to gatout. One of tbem foaad a comer wkara tha efcerdid not fit welt, aad aM rathsd to the hale wMb

Sflch force as to take the door off its IaUiwi, at

capiotr to the woods. The aaea fasaad the aMhorse so badly bitlea that he was kittari to aadbis se Strings. The body wtt. loft titraa aaajMs,

but tbe wolves would not totsek, it, theacii eea ortwo ventured into the trap withoat raaett luar.

Finding that the palates of tbo ied for old horse liviBfr iostaad of oM

another jaded animal was parcanud, aadtbe same dresBSiaaeec a baton, wad


to decoy eeveral wolves iato tha ttafk, aadthis timo the doors herd thaaa. Hy tadnof af aboard In tbe floor the heelers aad an aar Job toshoot tbe animab. The wolves gat anspaciumtbe out Dht and woald not eater tbo trae, aadotf tha foifowiase aifht tha Iborte waa lied to atree in tbe woods aad two woieatt wara UBed hythe aaaoseWe) haao. Tha aext day a SeStaW

pen was eatMtraelad aboat two attie. away, aadby taking oW horses frofn oao pea ts aaother.wrth anebawtoael aiglK ia tho wwsb, Befrf aadbis conipaQstHH hate) liette a wnaljh tnttaetilie staled that oee horte ttoed theea aAeaat tbajatwolves genttJry, bet atatioacd two tabsat whapa

In the eitalaea had bee sM0eaefl34Ce(A CeaM'ewflwB (9give up tbe ghost after owe atjot'i worlc. Atx- -

mm were paftbaiod ia llay City aial aifiaaaer.and about tea have bee tbted 9 ateaa hatt ML

Qgroit Frm Pro.nOwFRaUTX is Sr i.IX. The toisaaal wasttef ty

asvac; the Spa .bird hi ta Jtattottty afeulart, thai it deterfwf a ftw waast, o (IMtf.

Tbe odd thtc It, that they lay ettOM to , law wtShat other vlrtBea ; aad that baeaetoataj to allilauilL J.Icpcblrt, totjrltote wMeh athttly lllllltia tePtJSf-e- r,

Jrnt at eaitare to dttti what thtta a amnor hooka. Tbe prtlaac to litis as Her toper-bt- pt

the qaeerest ef an prsUeatts. The Thinta.i i attoM that a aote.b) "at hit dkptiMa," aad tttetoaattty of hosts eVroperty be tsajefaiapaf tkU tetjpeeonwr ktad la rwyeaMe. Bat Wbaet t. uiliAto can at Mi hoase, aad be it newer laiHitl tijttS.1Ij to it Tbit b Baerc or seta tree el taattsada; letstree, perhaps, of Madrid than ef other dttes; aadleu true of tha Btteaiaa ptavlacaa. or Ataattartt,Uua of CtUjaaU; baj trae, ia Saw atatta, mt tbawhole petrfBaala. Where aid thet tttaa-p- tttaMatcose from? ItU not Lttta, for Ike gaauai wiredraser-slve- t. froas tha hartttr, Skci the Otaeti.and mneh of the heat fen af the ruib; wiHttl.fcexnPUatf to Ptealat, tarat apaa that sotV. of MtotrMMtahla aad hrmaat Itfe. It it aot OtitaaM. ToeArab4t ready with Mt teat, bit heaad taat tatt aaddatea; aad. ht riWag gpoa a pasbx, V veto tea ssotisre of kthohe or ptstas, yoa at ktt-- st aerer sShv- -

muted wMhoet ptpea aad ettTta. Hit aot I

Tha Goth was ofrai.y T4rtottoa aad af a


bsl be was always aare er hat ghma to tiialaj,opes hxn ; tad A4ms Sattltk hu tottoa tbe toauBtoto Ire a pMotevbieal tartdanattea of the kautywelosnB aad hoaett cSVear e the o4 aeitttnsj.1 abta.The truth teeta ta he that tbo tamm oaaasisttad.Mag eoDoaerert eaty, aad aa way inUiij t aBatra&ef the iadtcesaei gtpaUltoa, wMak waa(trmere ngastroM, acrer peaotratod dtaytr ia tttotrfolaewce thin a Hi tie betow.M,t laitaaa. aad tattallected the fonaa! aaaatMStttata, wwhuttattaetotl toprassto a see ttMr aataaaei afariHir.ScnUh KataUn, taJd Xteattoa, aad yaw ad aTartar. Serateb a SfmaM, heatbnetaHaadj&a Sod la We osrUessy hire kaowa aaateen Ieddeslt of Jpaoiwh btopttasVty waftoy efteeIberltsa of SCraba. Ia ese eate a Sptalali SuaHjtriced aome fortegBara to a itinea lSm iliinslij.west laVswfolly oa tilt atoat hatf part a oteet,wbea the lady of tin how twtatTetttotwtoay tsjber frlesdt by wiyef bgwhsj tbttha "Id, warjgwbst; "ff,7t OmJm Jfo.gadne.

It eott the FrattiiB (revenseBoat SaeOSOMraaea(50,00) Lo jet up bhelr adtttarj atiof?rraoa,wbien terpasawl eteo tint hr, thepeiiirtrVo af hhageneral tUffof tlws rreaafe aest

A Fcjia4a tory sa4 twtrBtea tta.taawtttDiptte ctftlatVaaf -r-afito.'' 70 to mtatttft

bsnere the4r werd.

A ....SBi..j.i

Page 2: HAWAIIA1N llijllil · r. C. 88EW BK 1 00. A. SCIUEFER, AGZIXT of Brem en Board or Undcr-nrritr-of Biwtea B--u of Eras, ia il. a, iiewt af Tisaaa Bar of Cuei.iltoia. aCrf.. titjei





P20CLA3LLTI0X.Tfi 1? tie Grate

" ajfGaaY, TA Hairaisa fefeafe, Kxs2,DO TSBOClADt-- .

the rmhbr

Oa T!iij,i Ti':tmhh at Aj

Gton TSmm One Capital THmM,



M. . Trst.T. Thshemr AHK.1Q. EfchfcMft Hwei

at lUaeeia e Qtj Ha-- 1

tc Beknarx. k.fcwa niaatvijamiiinmrv. ami. sk 2Ciak !


Ihe Itoaa I the lacenac,

Sr Em. TF-- Hnonsas.

V. Btrsaasaa.

inaa-ii- r

Mi iiiii. XuAStKa ;

Jaufc .Vdbt Luul ui Kibibn a.BluCKtoBS XsxAwr. axwri.

Saarcaa Faasar;.Jaat3j- C9iL

haaaftac Vc aa faawa. to fe JiuiaVjJmm Muf ar.i..j. Be BbfeasK


atAataair wak a&ct u aariatilfen&a rii,aii


3fe. wuLua&t Xmt 3fir-rftfe- . Weeict Scat

a. fcai.Saaaal laaal





wat mcx.


war nft

aaa- -



avu A.

t af Eaao. MiU f, aa. 3aar toe 3k r fXi.4.t af atotoat ifliu, (Mimfah). toko.


Aa,aaaiwerfVi Cmraaiiaa. aaiaaW gar- -

aaato wkamaaaaga aaf ae aa at ta Bawaaaa. j

Iimaj.MaiBamHfaa. KSi j

kanfaj aaaaatorf to aawr aW itom il a aria aaraatom ! . aaat 111 iitiHi to f

atlartnaiMnfHgatantmaairKaakiat aafay saf

Btotaaaaa tor aaa hii aaoaa

fcaat vM

Trs. 15.2.






itoag- aa tke iimOsi. A-- Ojiu,

Bilmj.h-- aignattr Aaawate.


c nto m :ii ii i to & anpaiiat Ae raawAJjagiei.itifaiuI

It ihKnnj Turn 1. lit in4, tti 1 win rL Aa wsafa aaeore.

Caitoi gtiiaji, aat Imats, tk, Sifeaeefin lui naif i poii in ajfun aS fa&

Ba CaaJAra ar Tax PvixjLXr-&cniaJ- .

uwaltea Offiie, tutoa. ZS& SE&ar, ln.A tcbt .aaiitoia aai ataiacite artkia was

airfi..i7:ia tie fF-ir- iy Jlarui uLijj ef ygs--cc Ae taf--ct of Ae Titer at

IIiii AJa, Tfe saftf.t. to aor dti--i af AeKsast as$rtaat wkidt. canaf

ke amxaafaii to-- Aes. ree Ae rsserra afat Ae-- rrserraar aecead!, sat aasr tke

wt whmii, atTarf; keeasrre saaprr(arfhrwkkk Ae water ssanSed

k torc, vraKr ta Ae kne&fek aatcreaf Ae aatoc ki iriiMjr faaai k Aec is eafefaasak) kat far se. awfcai iuiu itka. Tkersserrak;dcaaiak ; 1 wj kek cafakfe ef kaiass-

SJH kacsalE af water ias teeit A-- lwkks. Ae aky af Hanahat kas

keae ipfB ta aa cstoat wkkk kas esAiedAe kkiAi a In to war Sae tress wfei ectitfeit to Ae aaste af Fawst CSy," wa. sxAaare abas tayAe Atfe Asa eeStr tawas. wiA. j

mif a few sw af tees Ataazi Aor atkekalHrweMffeki-toi- cataAc to. Tet,at--fwieaitiaAac4 akosaaat saaatwaf water wkaakat aakfal Ae ae af Ae atj to sab? 1fcr-- af 3. cwfinfre kj is irA jfeia. ltdto frwiii Sme ftower raraeas ai inahl

stoat ase aat m ke sensed a: asf. Aers x times wkes. awiay to tie faqr

; af rsas ac Ae kBa feacr wkick.

Ae tafafcj- k asriveti. aaSss it secesirj faraaofie to ke tarefci. as Aeir awa. acsaat, satto ill ai in njiplj rti ieatai aaacat W&L

k k faiJkii to aktok fats Aesacsssaf sq-as-.

Xssaag TaBaf ; feiag- agategaed iSwnrrfiC

Kat ecb- - aaes it arrarre o aitaa arf iniast i3f;eirerre ase ky Aeserrea.kac k iAr aat? ta wars BrTwf Sff llJ,fcOES

asraabst z.secs&sa af Ae teakaiaca seasoc ef &aaat Is case af Ae acszr

tease af a re. Ae-ee- means at kasd ta cieck

ki asssss it At Kfp cf water k Ae rssenaG-

at ssfJj-to.rKiieeite- wasted ay tae

af A town. Aec-- ase. ky Aeir ra ors- -

ksaes. sat ask jeasafcskf esr aws prso-act- ?,

kst Aaief 'Aeir sekakors. Far As rea--eaa. w a? Aat k k Ae iaty af err atczn j

te wx kk seskker acakat as saxsagecaafe arwaiUfla cse af vater Ssscsz times w&es AesapaJw k Aart, aiAaas& Aese Baakc Ae msz- -ssaseat af tke water-wer&- a ase. aad &xre eec,4

8e3TGeEffi A feraa. s saoaaECf eves

far jraate sf wkkk. ky Ae way. wastre mnrkeaS After esmtfnm as hc as kwas gessafcfar Ass.ta cteeC tie excesses ssatzzzaezti ef

Tin ciasess ef'JStcakk are as caefct wail

saareAfi aobr fes jaat few" naotSs Tiry fittSe

nh "iin Ti" IB it in tn r Aeoesstakg

af wkics, Mr aak -- aaprr at tc tj eVnre

tkmsk tie-- f?s. Atapdwaoticekas bee jtrebalk cf aoHettjseaeats sad pasters. sjahe pee-

rs truest asiac aa taasrssarr aeacat of waterfee trriJiaB aaaEctke sieve tiew. aikseas. so

QwtilrfN k --s MC seen to Sj rtrticsMT sieoa.--T cktract t br waaH N ssSckai

txasr. hifriT aaewessary fee as to sy skat 5e-- iaerfer? BatomT witii arxakcrsltie iaaial if ti-- e VTaier-Wari- s. Ve ?ffewiK Aftjsp.aiBMatk sw stabte

W aM,; A pabac tkat owiag to ratt tt fcca af gowrawf t stakfckd far tk wkakwater 3 tke af saps?, tkor - be kat Rttk aaae ta aerefcp t--?

qefcvitoinkte watacs carta, tweadi. b j cafcsral resaarces af tk felaaa.

nteMtK bis saekantkj to um aae J t radorswd. 1 tksak few reaMfe


tkecr. B is iajrjx Mac las ' soacces, tree: tas aasseeterxat. tcere aas

a? wkari. ttox w etVMkfcts."tkec eSfereat parts of tkese

tmU faatr aaprvestte fai--m t;W? aai tk bast sressa) ef b partreeearaa kmwkeas, ret&fcss as? fjcstr arm Ae &ec $eea to t caass fecB-.J-J

3W JtMfM MriStot hr IS71. fcai ti tt

Tg alie rioi

to TifAirx A? i iit.-- W prtoet-- ,

fdkj Km htm4 few A UaMSkUw tor so-7- s. taw Art farto-i-o fcf a ,

"Wjiato afatrifca f ia? Sagtoattoas j

aW iUw-- TWtaWes hmW r, v; j

fcras ISWLatiaw i(Pe tw Htfefcui j cieacA anas, we cae. Ttf- -

lfnwCm straickaH. sad Aat Awajktod aaAer Ae Aictoc Ueftatst. aaatatwk Ae aaVsaBereattoalwwaBeAe Aat Aae was carried ea. far to k ecder. Tkere qake krpwkafe.ecAieewstarbreealaat toe -- ar. j, wMk. .iu slaak? kais. k is

toalec toe TiBtoaa. kHaaai toe saam Aes fraa Ae ffece- - TkfaAAtatk. rk afl Ae wkakrs al fcrtr caaiaaiaas Ae westersPat spjr. wkefats. erasarc tAat rf A sr aa Ae easters part

TW ifcT m-- a tfc? iapxte iaaa AUailjil Saatoi af !fcs imi vhaie kai miniiiriai.- iiiwe hati tiaw. eaeiac fam. xaesxtfsi at jaytctatwe af waafe a8 ia 1554 afik5luNkarrsfcar at af ?p?rx. to ataart aa eaaat laanaar af eaA Ikanac ttf

Basnet af srecx eei thatwaaW tk. at ISC wk tkaw wwelSoOT karad af (Kwc.i ItLMtl aurrefc

f Aa btaar, xai ia wkat HJ3akajn OjHS karrcl?. 1V auftVtaaacat af aalJaipmeif Aa; afAjr-tw- a Tears was at i;5, wfea Ae aawaataf specs rKsai JtjSE. Aat ef waaie to




ter. tt,;. JaAxaKil tkal kaIK twos pttess He aa aanac tke wkiek

akaae stotai kees. far saara. ai2, j, Apil iestrojeJ dl cecsaraw., astej wlr tkere sack crest

kicaet. k 15 aasi $LSwkak at liSt JSceats jafcL

Om. Ae af 9skerr 1S7I. Aereeasfjffjii it Ae kasiaess 22J sself af al disses,aroasiliac 9STT Mas. iraiest Tessefe. k;

taas. ac Ae 31st af15 Ar aaiia? ke lass at,, to am? af1M3 teas. Barinc liTl. aafe- - twa ressefe kave

aafei to A feet eoe k Xw Beaainitsai aare k Sjs Fnari:aa wka Aere kaekeec wiaVaaws toft irc Aot Tear 72

rea. Of S3 aassets euaafai kkastoess. CT were at kaise farts ee 31st afDecsoter- -

Hoxtr. Marek 1ST1.

Catnaa? Saus. Sic: lagerimiiiatfiac Ae stwets kare kearr laaiac; afTaai tk;. Om k Aat U. S. Shia Narneaasett kai kaktei Ae Aatetiraa at PaaeeFaas WW. ac Ae Xstoaa af Tira' '.'af

Naaicatar SaaaH Graay. Ae 5aaAAat twoty keec Bto vaA

Ckaif af Aat kfaa A aface aafcratatanroa af Ae Uattae States, aaf Aat allaiaeas af Aaee fefcsnfc skaaal ke aaaatte iataAe Uaatoi Sofct; frae af aatj. Sack riaaw:,

gaaacul Ake, ate af ktA caacmaiiiMe.

k Ae gtttjeat tiaaipltmirkap ketweea Kr. Tekkaai Ak k Bar ke wal to aaAii

la fast aliee. Ajaerieaa imsz was satkaktel k Jiaea Pxaea karkat, eaeft aa. kaari


ubitKSstkeu M










Ae aa as

t! eaae

at atat ax j

Ae i

w Ae ;




i ia


ar at


- "


II sct,

j grre.!



t Wr arfwrwW twokas 5 tke

1 I aTk

: were



aaiAe ar Ae





AerVajcac a


x kat


Ae Ae





korkar tkere

aaay dtposttiac.


Aere sae



aweaiK nBtniwuiKBaii, poa Sttirtajzirbt.toMwtteraictsal fcaawaut beaas swa Saay

States few keCere eorard ralrlQaatoaaaar afaaizeiEawaaaailafewaatkeaiBCTa

Aariirto tssatolas Ak cicIaftwtlTaartkirtmlkttoiii aorrMc


aa; rsoarss ef tfca aaraerweras ay tae tke

aaricrw, aotaauj jary,

kkab. kaw Sjaafitaaiafeare ftJ" "'"yac tkei


ksCaan waaaaiAe twa

5tfi tke aeaamewifatkcs dti, preeee set SreeasayaeeasaSik- -

Farraaatoly. aMtoecatae iiaw?en63lTaat ssfioeotJj staaaei!

er, aoer caweaaeaees, T;irt jeceaoM Kakafaaaajofeii ky thehre xsaaat af gtof tkeasttckkf wtkkscsH 5reto tke

Paaea Tkeaiaaaataf ukasaiSeastrae&toenwtaEteftkekacsekerafpiSBeawkaAarrweUaaawejaftfaas araaedaorattkesaaetiE

saeieat crawlafsatoesewstyjiraslraei

trttrq te exceaasil at toBekko Akpart keaiass. Ae greater nnnwt

Ae ktHts ets carrr agtatke kete wfl ke a kaace-ne- at

ta mais 1 fkes farkae af steaoers laakg ketweec Froaefeceaad Ae Kew 7ahmf asd AsstraftasTke dktaaee ho Piscw Paaea BarFraseKca rasad aaskers i2t& aiaVj. wkfle

Aaekiiad k aej 3,I5.a(SSfrescs af Kif sties.

Tkere a SsfakKnest to Ae--jaa Jja--. weeis aza, fand

fwdttec inagqaid kf ageat afH. VTew&4 ef Ae 'antar Saaaaa

Aeir gkyacM eafabaTtji prafcowreaSee, aad aAer artajef

kaar-tsaek- recares. I fsksenke Aes&jteceats resrad Aek arsiiBctiresesjwkes Ae sail eaftrntet. kat wkae tacsftkateAesaS? aat Ae iahfl afAe Ishada, eTery Akc reipiregTSWs spee&aeeaftf kaaaaas. eacsa.-sssM- s,

aad Easy aaets wkkk ecfycaafckstsa Aat Aere iaygrtoKi

af Ae wkere Ae kfcAkaats aat 'eatBread hi Ae af Aek kraw. Aaee

Tae bker Aej perfara. far pas-ti-ce

azd asssecent. ssck aa Ssamf, pfayfeirgames, dn --,awz, kat iker toeEHcesatfes ef kfe Ae? fe awfessaad.

x C&e- ketore Aey wal easfefted L

resarts k. It ke anenp'iW.i tiaM-du- ct

i jcrxr r yif?wirirro a taseAe ktadiseAK a fareka kier.

far ijker eaakf sK cade vih.peJe fcralaarferkd af Aae.

Besides. t&? character ef Ae Garzrsast tatS&rest feact eMer Aft BiwiSut

Socety Idaids, Aere a mje tieg?cs3c:enS ef Ae wkefe can?- anyts&ad, latkaritf s ierafed fajeta pettesmkeraf ckefe. aafcanndrtat steers

idKa cvJ of tea. saiat FifL

iSfereat part? fclaait, lad ikWiiri Ikes

irfc fee tiey call ef a

tks SLrrt--








kr ai it (to Itoac SMKviatwawk b. Ski: l!w et UH afviiod

arir at atoiitj NHwa tke cgatee&asryartKS. ( Jsctk Apia. beiac tiearnatac ae MKrsMs.lia. avnw. that poctwa f Jv stvep l&

ta I$a$ f Maaaa.fcjjaga- - aai TilaiTai was to fovertol

ttoju'g iiyri! :i!'1iag Ae nstm partiac C

w? eiMBpiji rvtovat streacaaKa $edl iitmltl Ke4m Ufofe ai

vkr a af is V:store e af aWutor. TWre Vet

fiwaae kar

wkaiac fess is akfes--








af Ae Ktoaae is tokre aae abas aad straarer.Aer se aire to cass tt at Ae eseeaTer to

Sataft.Wkk Ae ckas ef tke cf

this raasv IeaofsiK CirocjklT

TKitoii tks bbfe se Tars asdeatwiac tke af Aaia. kkl at UpoV

aa tke rxrkt lai wka: bui,at tie WtaNCMMt kct I eaN

ceceoaati u ai I csatl see tetkewestward tkere m pkarr af stssjs aftrees kat ceosaaau. I iaqainM teaseswar tke af tkese trees W feea cat ai. I

--3 ferare karrscaae eccsr-towt arrkMS.

at iaraaraaieeacs; atrwaaaj, at was


coacoerse af eaab aa Cacoaaat Itoal Aere was a war fcetweec tke ports ef I

Ae isbisr Aat twa warrkrswere liBiwaajoii ac Ceceeaat iadsaoa kaTe a kattfc; wiA Aefc- eaoaiiej. OaeaflAe ekiffc af Aas war party eaaje am Kri af mrskk-- aai tab! me Aatae W IMU aae mas nUk

caa ; eaasmietwi k atte aa act at ararerr.aiAoagk Ae was treeiL aaj sanaaaaW brac kaaareii eaeaates.

sr star is Aak. I aaifeakrs af tketrrnaiw-- :aai Aeir war eJaks, watek Afkoted Swa Sha Saaaja." Ae saate aeatdacwkiek nrec to Aeir afeaces- - BattwB Sftr aae ksare war were eier- -

k Ae af t star,was M&aos wtA Aeir eaeaaies. IAereCere eaaetoae tkat Aer are aatenSr cow--

aaj treaekeras k 15 Ae ejfe--

rieace of Persase ea arow k Massacre Bay.

I kare Bet fetter detract freeAe eei aaiiKtius af g:apfc kat skaw

Aat are fjuefc reod as oAers,ifchangk Atf were oat bora k

Ass cur rsorc witir wettse.I aa aat Aia& oar abaters fear asek

cutoaaB'tioa sasar froai S&ooa, skaakijKaaaaUed lata tke States ilatr free.

Tinnier- - at 31aai Trro--Vrl People- lim Jlanlemlaad their Itoiiies Uorneil.

, T , ' ottwamci osrjen W14 coafflktnl to thatat aaw pen.

toe doefc aeraiac. tkat ka-e- aeea rt- -

eaaer'Ae CatteJ af jatyv I aa. taeae Was, wftick ia tbe iattAat XeiMe caak! Was aa--i

' sack a wkk aar aaaitoir at a waeac yearsacics. Te at tab tnztOrI c - 1 , - i u v7. we

I taatafo w; ureMKuKs. girl Saawefcaiwi.tiaitoj tttse lew as ae Tae eitsaaKtiaees is araciatoct

rasas aaoot, I w to ear a few i tke erUeace af xtri aa4 tk caaaVseias ofac Ae ictaai state a eaadfaks af Ae

' aefere Ae are as faBawa

&3rent whr tk Hi-- wife tocaerwkk tke Bttfccai were

wik Isfaads Ae arar stoaakc ,itmz fe 1. 1, . . . aaa aasai Saki-f- c wtnafrn. a aeakew

kfaee Mhmi ?? - Jjg ran-- . z ttaaiABstEiiEi. ia tke Scst akeeTlt waafcl Mjifcarst iBrai tke pVMi tftes itUti- -

toasx aaraare taaa aae aageruace to tke rtri, fatSirtiac rril seme asf Ae &toaee sufac ketwees aarts: ke-- kaefc at aer aeec. aappoiiag tkarg ttree af afe

wkkk Ae recewe k Tifla n ae to to toe

" vkar rk . -- f wW W ' aetocof tkatea was. . . eg. girt wisr r. . , , t ,

"J ' ' - . " waoaaai sae was to frewaasr aaa warn t wax Sa. f- r-

cast a oaaer to estikfch at '

koase,Piaca-- SraKkt aad affia- -j

' tfcu eseafed btmHawabfe are'a farr- r- tee. to eaar. kather--

time at: af Anesk

freest wkkk. kf karkgcooSae saSeieat

k jert staiwci Sas Saa

k kfcrra ITanahk. to k

aaceared k P. C- seme a Terr

a b acVT. arTfeffd. af5Kr. eaosas. amkeedk

ax to

Ceriakfe- aattre intias waiea tfc?T


retire if Hgfake da

iweat k acTtSirda. tote k

itiz. ta frrbcx--e

aat aad itwal ke faar keta waoki

rattanwiAact u cac-tu-

ke Ae

eststfr ar13 ca Leaf 'ta

cor Regie&t sS

af eaci

tiee) are




to to

Satai. bowif ea



caatarerard to At fceaks



; far




Poiat, kteaie4to

a kesac

Iariar witaesseil


dAoaskto eaaees

cfeta each airaa oast

Acs toaar ta



of beneed

if it



Eoaiac, tke waoaded



ci tke


tte kaese towaras teat afa aefcrakar wkere ske was

ieras tocad, aa iaibem! tke xatkscitka aftke UeaMty af tte smrferar, wks wis ir--

iestc.It Kesa tkat aa toe c eTeafec a parry af aa-ti-

kad set at a fcoaee aat fer Ostut kwa tkeease ar tke sssierfac tke asrfeee afpttytoz atria ;

(fcaas- tke afcat, akaat twa a'daet. wkfle tkey I

ware BUfiec; ajknifcmuaafca catered tke kseseevt- -

weaflr arA enftad aad keatod ky atohat espefee.After HUmz ku-- tke abyea far a few giacaaaai kearetoaaed to ftunt tkat tke kaese wkere kfe deadTfetksa by was ev 4t, aad wis lsioac Ike first toreaek toe seeae af eoadasntiea. Tke rsBaiaa af I

toe igricacate were toaBtkaggkkai.Ikhj aoraeg,sat sa see sa bat tkat tke waaaaa wWek aasetfcefr aeaCks were t&ttoeUy traced ky Sr. Beratz I

wka wu is attEadases ketore tke Jarr SjaakzwisfmzsA ta kxrs kees kSfcd ky Km eat icwatke Araat, lay af wMek wasfcf km araved btO,wkSe EeckBd ohfeullf set kerdaatkawax strafeackerkeid wkiebfeiaarsdtketfeaB. Skeabafcai!rseefced tersnl seaare eats akaat tke aeet. TkeeraieBce af tte akSU Eiseefcatwa tetes tke jarywas Tery Seset aad dear, aaadstakabry coaikulB,iB tkat Kiftei3uiii wu tke fepetntar ef tkekerkb aaaMe sisrder. Br. Bentx,aaerBer5eaeeiiaad sigfcl ai?Mc. esytsaedkfa apiuioa tiatwfc I

irat exte aad good creareeat tke zfci arkt rscwr- -

er ke aer waszds aftkaci ke aaoiifcfajed tits: I

diasarasa.SoriK the isreaiisattei kefere tke csraaera JSry.

Eafcefcamnwfcs ssuie a uuA.jiiaa is wkfek ke ks--

fAeated aaacker ywss? aa iUtrac tkatke. MmaSC fii aeC cacxszft gftr ssr&n, bat tkarAe tfflwr wis dase ky Frkaaa, xsd toat ke 3- -

kefeasaia&a set Z ta tke kaase. it wis prared I

fcawTer.wfcact adeckt, Bfctt Eskeieassutz wisaiaae ia tke peretrxtioa af toe deed, xs ke aadetke ftataseat abate to scries HkK Tke cardafayfcff jitrty pare! tfcat Ejfcotl was at tkeksssewiav ttost Srwo. as early aae- fa tke ercziszastSUter Aeassienr caae fct at aaaat Ares tfdKic.

Tke rsasaa asifcaed fer tab karriafe erkie fa tkatEsaefcacaiafcc wa joist kefr wk EaaiesIdMwx tatoe araferry at tke maaeerat garrfrr, asd tkat kytBBBaKtkreeef asesile wawld sat only reeefreat once kfci akarr fIt, kst Hacsf Tie kale zSAxha- - I

TSgkfaJeaf feecaaetatfe waafcgdiat&ersfcaafAs asraed kaese,. aad fens 3ari sk aru r2--1

escabs! ky kfe fdfcrw wartsara: u tke ceehued ty I

tae saardeur fct Sc casciaSii.

KakraaskB U a yeaar BMa tt S jrancf ae. aad eestl tie jvrrta rf tab karHeerbae k Jswia tbe ncif ct a rwrtfiWe aad

tosir. taift. II teat tfoajM to Hcaale-t- a

la t&e tSnan acd Mcvd la pria to await kbtrtU at tie etxt term cf IN- - Cbcalt Ceart at Laka- -


Tie RJtow fes b tke rmikH of tbe CVrfEcr'? jarrAt as kaarst takta at tke Ocrt Uaase at AVxikts,Isbad at Miai. e tbe ITia, ISa, IStk. tad SVXhdirj

of tke Orocers ef mM febad, oa tt todies of Ka

rate ft) aad Koetea (w) tyres dead k tVabkn (atke district it. WaBeka. by tke oat&s of tkcarorwfcoee mew are hertBBto tBterribrd who fcclex

twors ta e&jttire wkea, kow tad by wbateseaes tkesaid Kaeate asd KoaVaa caa t tbrtrdMtbs&fvnIbcir oatks do say that tke M KaaaJo aad KooVea

vr.t taardercd by oc KaktWaaaieka ft) whh a

race kiWe, aod accona$ty retarn a Ttrdkt cttat ssnler agalost tke ok! KakrtcnEoVa.

la testteoaT wkeregf tke said Cewcer aed tke

arrs ef tkb faqsest kTe kereaato set their bacds,

tie dy aed Tear a&rcsaM.Parv'xi. Gto. E. Kicsmiix,J. IV. Lexoiti, & XI. P. Kauu,TT. J. JUrra, 3. K. jxac


Calendar Sup. Court. April TerraTke toBawtorbUe cabadir cf Ae Saprrme

Ocrt for tke coada? April terta:CaiMlXU. OIVSSS UT12U5 JCXT.

Tke KteCTs. Maakb. (wO-Pnc- eia? Mrdfcfae

witkaat a Lfcease. Apfwd troa Ckv Ocrt ofOakc

Tke Attercey-Gcce- for tbe Crown.

H Kaaikeb "far Defeaeiat.Kuwakt ts. Ktool LUaataat Xew Trial Ap

peal frwa decbiee ef Mr. Justice BartwdLJ. V. AasAt far FbiaArir. a Jeees far defaediat. ,ft. Jb. Estate of EHxabetk Kttaka HiioJa -- p-

ped fewat deetska ef Mr. Jasfee WWestaaa.VT. C Jeoes aad J. W. Asstto far AppeBiat.

atrxD JUST.

IL X. Grteswelt ts. K. Keer&absi Assacpsit.W. a Jscs far Fbtotte.

rosxiax jcst.Aekoa ts. Osw; Hooa Asssmpelt. Appeal

&a dttfefea af Pottce Jastke ef HBa.S. & Dofe far Villa tkL&ib TrecT. Ak Toe Jt Ckas HeoBy Asssopsi!E. Prestea far Fbtotrd.Tkea. H. BiTbs ts. WtBto Basse.K. H. Stsky for FtUatfcE.


Jeka MaetsaaierT tv J. C.P4aser Assampslt.Appeal feaet ilerbioa ot Mr. Jestice BartweB.

Z. Frestec far rbiatiCR. H. S taster fer Deft. AapeHist.Jka Xortoa ts. Pukaaa Dtrerce- - Appeal from

Hi. Jastiee TOimni.W. C Joaes far rbtoAT A?petbBt.C 13 IU.fe.IUl ' - - "t A, Estate ef Tkocus Keegao, of HeaoMJ

eeeessee urepaaes iroo roanrei ur. justiceWMeskaas.

E. Frestas far Exceptiacs.J. Mealaanrr. toatra.

Eat Whiu at Kaci. Tke yackt Hearietta,wktck kas keea cratrs far sereral weeks forskaiksaad wkdes aa tke leeward side of itaci. ia tbe

ef Maaiea Bay, ia cfearp: of Mr. Gea. GOey,festeaed to a brye ksotpfcaca; ee Ae ltk tost.,wMei tsraed oet aeirry fifty barrets ef oB. Tkewkale was towed into Kalepofer-- a Ely, wkere it wastried oat, sad tke oB skipped to BobotbIb by taeMai Ke&i, wkkk armed os Sdtanby. brici tkefirst catek of tke seasoe tke resart af doiaestie ea- -

terprisc at tkat. 'We saderstaad tkat tke Beorbt-U'- s

rtykaTekboredBadercoesidenHedisidnB-taz- e

since tkey started from bare. At first, tbelrkoet-tKre- OrsoeiemsoB, last two fiae wkababy refBsto? ta strike wkea btd oa." After ea- -

rwc a aew boat-teere- rt asd pKtia last, to tkeirfirst wtale, it tos. A sart time aXterward, wkileemfciap is tbe Hearietta, tkeir wkabbeat, wkbkwas aaekored ia tbe bay, was hwt, witk

wktck led to tke sappcakioa tkat some oneendesMy saBereDy bMBaed toward tke party, badssakkerdariec tkeir akseece. After "cattisjTB"tkeir list whale tbe carcass was sectored a abortdistance trecx tbe beach as a decoy for sbarcs, aadwe aederstaad tkat sereral bure beea captsred,wkscbhas added a coesiderabie qsaatity ofuQ,of asaperior qsaBty, to tkeir preriocs catcs. AltbocgktbeBttle craft kas bees craisfag- kat a faw weeks,ker saeeess kas arared satbbctory to all taterested,tae ptaeeeds aaasatie ta aboct a tbocsaad doBars.We koee Ae XTearieMi's crew will seeceed ia tskiacsereral nare wkoles before "tke seasos" Is orer.

Texucss Ssisca rsm Piano Anatber ex- -petBrfae kas beea fitted oet froai Ssa Fraaeiseo, lasearcb at tbe fisecs Ceccs Isbad treasare, iawkkts tke HiwaBaa sckeoeer EtoeBae, Capt. Daw--

i, was eszasd sose years sbtce. Tbe brr-

Lisra saSed froct son Frasdsca oc tke Sd ofbst soetk. for Ocas Isbed, wkbh is tbealedbetwees tbree led fear kaadred mires froatcu.ra btftade 5" 33" aorta, loecitade ST west.wkere 1 farce asoaat of treasare b said to ke coa- -

eeaied. It b sot bcried ia tke eartk, 14 tbe partywkbk west bt tbe EseBse asd etkers prerioasly

sapposed, bet aecerdis? to tke story of tke twosarriror! af tke party wko baded Ae treasare oatbe Isbad nearly fifty years izo, aad wfca aaoia-pos- y

tke expedidos, tt b coeccakd is a care aad beasy af access. It seees strange tkat ersai

to kaaw tke exact pssitioa of tkb treasaresboold kaTe aBawed R to rennte sarbrarbd aBtkb ttae, asd aBboct tkeir sli.ry b tocrediMe tosaay, 1 coaaasy bas beea fenaed wks bare

a brge ajseost of caaital (a fonaer retideatotitis city befaT krpdy taterestedcd are coafi-de- st

c Qaay tcfore tbes of tte saeeess af tkeexpeditiOB.

Arrival of tfieokfne J. A. Falfanbarg !

ForSale by Castle & CookeASSORTED LUJIBER,

Bets asd half koto Salszra,

Eezs af Orrjta Bned Aaples,

II I Bcaa. Bm Frmli Apalti.

GET THE BEST!A Jew Subscription TTorfc bj a Popular



Prated fiaa Gtear Type, aa Fb Piper, Is


One rrr OcUto Tolnsae of" aboutIlamlrcfl Paes,

sap erbr ia. Hzasnr. XastractxTa Iacsizta azd

IHaad franaj.


MzebIfesenabTc Sirritrrta H tke


Issued by Snbscription Only!Cloth. ftf.SO,latberv rtAcjry Style) ... J.0O


.rjf-- Trrni, Cn.h on DellTerw-- -

THOS. C. THRUM,Sutfacxr 13-- Stwt lValer,

Scle Agent for trie Hawaiian Islands.23-- Orfira fcsoi & tbr Tabs-I- wm reearr

pranrfC iseaan un wax Be aaua a- TT&S PORK A fear barrel first oaali-J- ji

it ftnta 3faj PBrfc,tru!k7




That they have removed their businessto the HAEDWAEE STOKE, under theOdd Fellows' Hall, on Fort Street, andwill occupy that Stand until the erection

of a Commodious Warehouse now beingbuilt at their place on King Street.






Importer gixacl Dealer In


ACCOUNT HOOKS!Aad every Artiele of nttKtv- - and fancy connected trith the line, adapted to tbe

CoaBtiarr IToase aad Office, and for Artists, Teaebers, Professsional Gentle-rae- e,

Trarelers, etc., on as reasonable terras as can be badhere or is San Francisco, among which are the

fbllgvring Staple Articles:

Haffeh aad Fnaeb ttlar Pafers, fatia rarfaee andextra Im. abfat ed zfll efizra

IK. Billet aad Xote, da. do. da.1. Letter aod XMc Berahwes. ta matab the ibieMmrefe? ytt Par aa4 BnTebpea aa atMrt--

swt cMStaatty as baadlastrieae papers, frtat tbe belt niters, af alcest

.Tery JuuiptbaEaaaeibd aarfiee aad pearl ratface 'OardiEakMte-- i aa--t FrMeoskip CaresPerfenl2 Sirit. for GkeaeOe .rkTbeae aai faney PaperiN.nee asd EobMsed. aad SaU aad SBrtr PapenBest Laaata Qaitb isd Qawl Pealsteel Peas, from tke best antenEarBtb Bed and ealand WafersHaziutt S.ttrial WafersBaclbk SttXag Wax, rfi and faseyKMr' t Paym't ladettab IskBbe. bbeb and red Writfar TabHair, CUth, Taatk, Sail ad Sbaris; BraibeaTberziameMrs. Tatfc-p-

Kaps af Hiwaiiaa Irbadt.ParuUe Writiar Detkr, fno 12 to 22 fata.

Uakaasy aad Bwd, adapted for ladies'aad reatlesea's ere

Casjtxatiyasbtad, StitM Baebi ofiH ihit isreseral a

FaraSy aad Packet BMes.Test&aeatJ, tte.SUadard Eazfifk aad Aaxerbaa B44bPifer-eart- Ekr, Saaf asd Marie BotbsJercawe aad Ty Baabt ef erery derertptbaEsrlbb Trravis; Paper, aX aim, frna deoy ta

dasMe deakaatBrutal Baardi, af ererTlibe isd tbfebset 1

Trieraf Paperi aad Tries: r CaaibrieSrms't Water Caiari. ia baxesEest SaMe aad CaiEeft Hair BrstbetFiler! rsperbr Dnrfcr PrceasObred Pccerb, CreU Irrii in.IfatbeaKtieaJ. r Dra-rta- IsrtnsesU, ta eases,

fraas II ta lit eaebChat Kea, Wood tsl XxstjBekr3asaia asdjCbess Bssrlf ,IsteBeetaal Card CraaiesrMofaae af Tariff patferoaGaM sad swrer Peaest Cases

QH Peal, witk GoW Caret" witb SBrtr Cues aad dfamnd potati,

frast il 54 to tl M eachRazerr' teltbrattd fiae S9rtr Sleel Ptabarret, 1 ta

t Haiiej, f thttl, irory. boeb and ksSafabaadbt, f rbb aad beaatifal patterns, la partedtiprtttly ta order

Irorr Tabieu, Pieer Catlert, tte.Pereebia Elites aad Drawls; SatesEtaatie Baodt aed Blar, Alpbabtt Bfaebs, Ph.t- -

rrapb AHaaiiCab aad Deed Baxtr, Cbeek Ostttrs asd CisedtersCraoaet Sets. School EifcbebIakKieds, la rreat rarietyPee Wipen and Basil, Balm, Elites isd Pteeflj,AB Hods af Ua roodsBbek Walaat Bk BaebtCUklrea'a StU Tenptar. ChfHrcn'l Drawlsc CardaCfjwg Prtsiet, (m SbteU aad BrnibetCrayawt, wbite isd eobredDeak FaKar, Padt aad Weljbli Ir.ry Dice,Drawier tSakj, Drafts asd X.tet2S0 aM Bartlrpet of all rites isd TirlttyByeieti aed Byclet Vaekfaetlierbarfaisa asd Scrap BeatsInitial Paper and Enrebpea

LEATHER GOODS.A larre aad sore cMapleU uiartauat tbia eaa

be foaad at any .tber ntaUbbaieat. iceb aaKeaarandsa EaaVi, P.ftire Htiap AHmatPaelet Baebs, Waftett aad Partaasalet

DLASK HOOKS.A Terj fail asd extesrfre utartasrst of tspcrbr

qaiBly, coasprbis; erery ririety er fora asd style,adapted ts all binds af baafcerr, sameiyLedrert, Jaarsilr, Day Ek, Cub Baokt, Sales

B4ki, Warte Baokt, larake B4b SU Bosks,5st aad BfH EmIu Letter Eoski , etc. tte.

Writio; Baaki, af ill tbe tirbas raHajl, Uagand Lrsi.l. qaarta fsreaQartd Aeeaoat BaokaBiisk Dnwisr "Smp asd Herk triors Ea1uArbasr. rirbty of tlezant rtyletFfea Eard Bki, for Societies, ClaW, ate,Wsrksus'i Time Boobs

F.B. All Hew Articles of PAH"CY STATIOHjEEY received ty theearliest arrivals from London and New York.

ACCOUNT BOOKS, for Banks, Insurance Companies, Railroad Companies, etc,raade to order with despatch.

Printing of Bii! Heads, Circulars, Cards,Eiecatai with Despatch at the Lowest Rales.

IVew Stoclc 3Eiteeeivecl ly Jti;-veiy- - Steamer.fcs Conxtry Jftkltmij end Ikedert a&JM Ufor (hexr nUretl to call and examine.

Htsififr, Sareater lit, 1ST!. ''fe a

Stint KM R COttKT M flrviHu, Uf,.j Mm. h.MMtwwxHt.-- r iwaawt uT9niiZWa n.aHn .ijl mbtiMai1iitnMtWtka mM kuaaajT wrr IM. Xmm. kntMaaaaW a

dayaf m.l a. t trt, i .i.c . raja 1 r

HHWraky . jm II aVl hi. raa JafAktaV Jl. tatl. t m a. s imy

a. fca atwiiMaaoaasetm

iliiiittvaa mmtm aaa o ftm at BVttgae t WaaJPiata. y jo mtmm a, a.



Atat: riTwni. Mat, cav.

Hoalth Officer's Notice IRK ATTEXTIOJt OP PArTrnW

lalaab or im tkapaaH-w- t

Hmfaaid.. if oabM to tVrotraa IfkHi. 1 aba at Raafta. Amf .inaw at atima.ajnaa4 atak at tafcOapa aaaotaejtaai iavabate fftattaa wttl j99mwti tajaalaaat atTawi.

Haaokata. Fab. ntb. Mt1ST or FORntn JUROR us.

XJ ATOIL Tafut. A. P. 1TZ. at m lCoott a aba tUwaiaw

WKVa Wefak.JfaU rtebbii.


pjj9at JjjwVawVaaVBTalaabttb

Toot Waj.iWi ..1 aVtaaaPttalV


Jbnalaf Baatwaf

34wBk 8 JaxWaa"""abJwS


J X Wktka,



Jifc9Nt'ib3 Watkatv






For Portland, Direct.Tbe Fiae Jlra rbekaaaato

J. A. Falkinburg siCATHCART- - MatallV

Hariac a aut af kar aata. aaaae wiaafctk airpattk t tk part, par ttaktpataate apply to C tSTlE X IHOH. Saja- -


Browor Co.-Aoan- rs.


mm uiimi









It. Xa o- - X A. xa,

af kbaf tk



ir C. JL saa fraa a4

Btiral caA a i)n aa fkat aam

C. Brower & Co. -- Agents.rtTi-rat- arrai



uaaV ar ma aa4 iinai t . awWaaSw to ,. a ii '- - aa,atbar taatara rvau. Caa Un a n

Ht i' aaiwca a m

United States, Stvr Zaalsad asd AaHtraliaHail Steomtaip Liae.

For San Francisco.A STEAMER

wtu. UUVKOn or about tbe Ulh r.kprll- -

For .uioT: 1 giqjLcLA.ND

Other New Zealand Ports,.it tnrtund sriih sicaaitrs far SjnSeJ,

llflbournc aod BrbbaBe,

THE 9TE.maittt


On or nbout the Oils ofAprll.Timo tttcvToIo I

Hate, at aaautmaa few Baayraacaro ftw Haaaaata aasJ.TU la Saw 1 1 aae

TTiSaililT atarrk XT. 173

iiipnMiaaalaaaatta faataae

m ataat

MB' PaaHaeort beaked Ikraaak at ita paiau ia tka Cajtad rbaiao aad ta timpul. aaatalta ta parts n Sat lawk ad aaat to Mrtkmiat.

Par fraiefct or pntan aad ail faatkot aafaaaaaaba.apply to

H. HAOUriU A laaiai

For Kohala, Hawaii.

st Schr. Active, kWm roe at a rogalar paokat ta skora paaOa.

Par rraiekt or aaaaaaa aaat aa


WALUKHJt laaAam. aftaaB.

v Regular Packet for Motoial

Schr. Pauahi,II. ItET.tOLDS, .... Waaler.

WiB rmm aa a raaralar paakat limmaad Xabfcat, toaokatc at Kaoaababwi aa

For frafebt .r pawaaw apply tatanra or

H. PRKKMHrtArTT. Aatat.



riiiAncoA. mow.

Tm Win. S(HJravMfawiM. aa Oa Bailata,Sat I

BntlrJasaa TV-- anrka. l.iri aJtaeMaaaa, tlaU al laalO,PJaMa lo kafraW.



Wklafc tkay aaar tar al at law11. IIACKPBLO aV BO.

Notice of Assignment.araClIEUStaa, TEW A IIT II A 31 1 1.T6Sr'l


aart, JL a. BR tn i ij aad aMa la tka i

aa KMita hi tab Ktaaaaam. tack nalaaaaaffarawtiaiat af kai mini; an aaaaaaa kaaaaaaVaMabsatail iy.ja a iawajaa aw

rhaaMaa Caaaw are aali 1 awti ra I linalflaaiiMaaliaw.aTiaaa. aka ill iilltaait

Hi. !. JvaawT ML tan.

To Let !

7T?o2 TIIK PKEJMHK bATStCTlll&a MK. J. a. -- Oi m 1 . -

Itawa ara tara aaMaMa r a rataM



TO IWWTT.A Ctlt Xwaanai tt.ttaa iiiIIiiii WO. c. a t lai il. aaajra.

Tl garattkiiawc. Tl Matlaa.u camua aaaaaavratUajanaiV.




U atMlaa. . II K awlnsa. (1

Dubanl n :saaaa3aaL, IIZ4m


WIT1IODT CUVfilSQ TO T.XAX1XK tfaTiUlafn mr afwul ac aaa kataSai

urxtti aaawely.aaalnn tin tifka t4 Haw. aaaV&xt.aaaa aaaBT. aiaaa Bnrf Baama


w. m,





wai tM







Tap BafaT. tUaav aaa Ham i uuWiaaa, av UH Mom Cart. ac OH fWttx, Jkata.w! niai, immi Hn tn ai cirwiin

W.fiaTfc)(w ai ta aiat at arkHa ta aaa) aka KnM.jitaaraa - aaar

Kim TtaadM Staga.Devoe's Kerosene Oil.


to be IkeWAHRA5TED aaaat fa ea of JawarJod&HrEaa j7rasatoo, uXm star taet anVaf ata aiabfc Itrv

Jersibby JH) BOLtBa t Cm.

Page 3: HAWAIIA1N llijllil · r. C. 88EW BK 1 00. A. SCIUEFER, AGZIXT of Brem en Board or Undcr-nrritr-of Biwtea B--u of Eras, ia il. a, iiewt af Tisaaa Bar of Cuei.iltoia. aCrf.. titjei


in nBw





Tlxi. ef tie X ter tie XcHi e 2X 15

mnStSSSn'"Taaajjtt. tat BBajaL aUX. - Sfcfct5?lfc,

jyr-- w aa9 a " rcsow'to eaaaraac MniXrtK a Jeaapiinui a at

i Naarr Mj. 1Wi V eaa- j-

Ste tea Tttrat W far ta W

gi it urn ma Uttref Aae aOkfiM to


(toe Tte trap tkeaaae; tte " .

TMpm A.fiT A i tin t SfcRK'

infT. kai kk ax kafl ankaa aa Ta aij rfaa

nZta t.triaajf.kfelacgaaBc- -

taan aat af Bt nee. It at ae OKaaaat taa aa lac aaaaV kaac I kr aaaakak aaai at aaw aiamLiaaukiiai,aa ataattyeatH

vrvoMfair aT aW aac? ial aa Fart atwtrwvttL a txaw ata rt ta luhl af J'aaiaa

lvmHIkraak. ataaC aatt akt wasaaktv - - - - - t - '

t:?. m4 mmbbc kai i n I. Ml amR T ate j

wi-rt- aaai ia ti maaf airt if --tirl 1 T

Mrf W aaw ill laa iC aaaaatiatriata. aaafa Maac.ll r

Ei . a--4 Taaj tiy. tar iatt at-la- . tt aawaaat

rawt tkasakt af Cat aanAaane aaA Aatoafu- - M3KlHakaBtaBaBac k frnjal. w,kf Ca

ria null at tfc Mi ijlit. ate Sc

aat t --J aaaataam Ha! raa. Ir aaMaasu i ant a ta. . wka varr taanrfi ate

at ate anant; Mt kat wka XiMliI

a. itv aara WBar ttjaiwaiL ' i

Tmm aam i Hai tkaasate aa Sakanktr nt--

t en X Mat vaak, ltaa Baatt ta Bsa aM Xr.L &a cawaaanajBaaaaaat tk fc-wB- Xante.

aaa . j mat. m Baufcat kill it ajtlmil- -

BMiaUUta- - aaryefee teas otetate adeakHtar- -

tea iau caaat aa anaii ia. TtealprAn.kecp-- . aad Iki I'liaaiaaaaaaaeBaaate aMit--

m Clht fartaaaiaaai aaaakajkkplaaiaC fat--at Macktea 3fa- -

i!ut jy aaa ate Hat MOkC at Xr. t BafSuu. fen- scaMaaBdaa laaoac tke aawt abas- -

Kr 0 r m aaialaalaw 1 kin aot aga.caahlf iiaaLi it

auJl. iTlflTVlf BaWkT PBOafifcJat Soaat tkat etetrxt tkeLstcaafeaMaCSkat eaaaaaa reaae kn aalemeten. tte fast krv aL Tte aCcaae ttaHua wt BataaE wjS MSt Sattkar ante tffcat

. .ol. tad w ate aat larnaakt tkat Ste ateaki- -

on w'S Harm aa atei winiiaidrifaectkaw af tke

amniin. matw iatit --i M.Ki--- .r

&iw wveka.

.aa at man iihi'H aimtikte

in Tt llean ttka f kj HUti foxi' -- te Baaae-a-f aak Baad akaa tte ftktee

ZVt at kte aaanataa-- jay aa OmribU

..-- Trove aaaat flte e af k neaaat; Sr.Xf. Mtne te lacinaif ate anlaaiailtia,! i litC"iD' m a af a aacatttat ataaaaat at iMUfsiaase: veoa te aaanaa jeajf i . ik wt. at teiFt-iju- ,

ac wk kk Mac amtealy. a ataartt Weaj m tteakt kaar kf kte aest aaai, af a um--

aawptka i n af tte Braaia wtkdt afi.--i-Kr cvnaaee Bar Majaaty of kte tijulHi af tec j

xW"Tmjl 0aaaaaaak Vkate tke BTteiatr 3bkt

a tjdtc a aate. ttaaac tec teit tzar ktSjubb. tke C l fi , wttk tea kaaaiyaaat tkecae--

waa :S exeaaataaa tat aaaa if iktHadPitarae naas af aasv a. akaarjaar af kte Oatasa ncan taur. Tte aa, Tk twm laiaf laj at1 at tke knitwaaa aat odkaa t kafckte atMia. s at wace tkattteeaaUwatl Lsataatsaaaaaeit.

atraiaaatyt'ia eMM.rte aaa twT jaafiac ilia i

tteaadt wat aat teaa tana, (as ate eaaaaaeaaamfcttet it aaaaackaaa Mkaaiackaeaaa,atkiaJtiiiXIT aa. Jt 'a taanajafac tatet tb czits li aot roefe e

ter mtc tns. Laoiat af Ba--: ta a jwia. iiiiBaaiii

: aa kaat aeataat tea vajtah,, a flataata af tkarty aaaata, te

la, atatataaktc afta kaa exaa

t ta aatfiHat..

Tte aaaaaaar atxite at tteaaaa kaar aa Cataiaaj ainieiai tajatjag.Viiailliirrarte. tte aciaadcai t tte Wiailklla ttagatly facaaatetf. aa akw a Paaaauiaieae wka te tesa efiaf a aaaa oa ate Waac !ffiaat CkaaMa wkaR te kaa

Erwffl teanacy tf i aafW c senitat, aav, tea tees afvaaata StezflC ofKw. kt attea af tte lata T E. Taatwaf. JfcSeatta tea team. Bar tke aut yeStaratTatTttelitftniof LtmL aa kat aainaa tiaa iff xvbj akki aaraanraf atfcar. Bat ataaj laiiiiniiniif Be tiaa MigMaaietV

toc jo tjB at an etoaacBraw aa te axciriytteyteaattetjatethifiiie-- IRa aae katatm-cikat- T

TT. XaasetK. aet. wka aaar aaaaar wees teajtaataet ! Ii llklj maiiai'r l lnpnr .tei if

Xaai. m aacaMne tate apgnfaBwi nt ef ataajg; ii

take &( aat. ataaaae tte taeiaii iiiubwiiiItaary ef ta t5ee: aaaaHtat. Ma luuiaiifineat ta taacfmSnm waakf ai iiata kat utwiialagaBatB c Wat,latafc r Ii iin aa iinmailalTy airaiifli tUL k&t

Niii-- Xte tt a a actual enertkrCattttaaaitar aaa Saeaaak aaata ftnas: Caflim Fad.rTtii. 6rBlsalaterp5tHBete Sewft c.

aa at b ueaattttil akat ate wffl afea wkatTte Sjastate wae aaaat at JteatT at Baataae;

ao a ateerSkw aat aaa af ate Atest teseefe aftereiaae at caa faafc. Paaaaa kaaatra tnm.tke r S. ataasw SanasawetX atata tkat ate rSB.

rrtarate BaaaftJll akottt Oa baasrjasSaf tGiytaranV tees fkrafeftuit br

Ste eal araaaktr '

: mi Fljainx jesa aa asfaa-- '

Tte TMrtl frimTa La Flan, limtnta. i

li iAauta -- -' fteex TaaSi. TteasJbMBawtrSBB!enwtremaaeEaeaian anrrh Hi an Tk iifr ntr ae rmm--juaaatf

Tte CoTaaR as WeereBte ter--!

kETiS Fcacice 8 fat. tate Siren oftHr :

Oaaat. Btete- - IhAhh aa tfcatfceraisaa akntaaatagea

rate!rpririraL tttnaxmsaaCamAsoycseajtajaiaf fcexs wtett ate Stfldssis arxra tte day

LIB t auu. ijri-- . sfetr C903& s 4 ai saaSsr a caB

t keftE tera ta- - teiBp Seaasa. Kite pran 8; Biir

Bttt ate Siet of tee- eteoct toins-aJwer-y i

eainmak 'a tfai ri nfiii Tfjn?Trtnrtif ITrr r i ' '

ier CbsmI aeaeSp iaU ikte ag ygamnta &r


tnktT cer i SinaKir Smui.-I- i.; feat. Veta?tte sy-- k

r eteerteiarwiStrtxaa a .Ii4t acrrfrkjuig. tt V tt 8iiu VaV

y Saad (to. imml twret atasie.'' Smn; uteaeVitp aWei ax tarty Vtar Is tte iltnra HB a

bhwktk Htw;. tteday tte lit m at ear ertraaa. Mans) n jea--


Barwtr i Trv. T ...Mlil- - C Mr-- Mssy wrs

cat TahT aftctC eaTktst w&, ta Ike

wmM at "aaa&ice a nf W a

rttfeMMW(tn. Ctfttjae. tette tawtte lettMea i tkM pitpoiw

efeaaataaBaaoirsratecttetstieWMiwalete late taut Tte ..jkattc. of Hr. Jijrra was

tterrarteraactteateeaetai te te--

wte as "iai lip kt9t.soel x sBw watrk. wattlaieM eaea we una jy. tte lima. TVf swat

akar x Oa ,ji ij, t tea ?ttr? of age. Cte. teatIt ttt tea af TMtkatr tte teesev taak tte:

wadt tte jtxi;tejiit"eeT Mr. Taaaaatt tar re

weM as xtterww' was to tte Datarn

kk B Banna? w .miLia

W UEctea tke nor.

af a e"raataSac t--rt. ktnteTake k Tjt. Ita astan af ate Fta. itj vraateaai Mr Waks last akC aai

aa &Mk itMv ixokcatateaBMtk.

f tkcaaxaaiat aW Petti, aatkcria. af ate Khar Thy aa ate keutTktlaaaliaaaaj in Iki IHk. tBj kww-f.l- tt

haa katttaajfi af laaakas taatwt aafiakrtaVtkc .Jliiii yr tk citas m

atWurtuSr fePian kteaiawctBPfva kaaaaaMt. Xa tewr Madae af &mal Utt

fet Jake aatf as are loud. wtaf tea eCilas tvrr- - ckBatc

w Wam af tttkcm ateac tk litar teaSiS.Unaroe, FA 3M. JJair tkt tkaaMac cr-SMak- es

ate Kmc af malsx r tutor fteQaaas. Lateu stefaRT akaMA tvaa)aik&

Tkacaaaaelaf tkaatet StaMs teate se K- -

k;mt Intna. ttejr tkWt ktet lias- -

lnaattaaaKMaCWuktetkMks thit ateCkbfcaaW Mfcfe? a e ace af pr &efnR aasrucki i titet iin aa irtnii asaau

TWan fct aaiL ra i. k Ve aag Jmi M tike (ataauA Bekheci: afCaaaC aa Ckmteci at Jjatva

Tkare vr tew laiWmi aaewaaamiaas aiJatiMg hie kat afcakc JJI kgrr aa nwinijia a; kf kte $vae fazae.MiMiettaiajtiKaic kM& aite: at ttc

sbkA. Sadtomst as kte aaf tke aaw w

t Item t ia af lk eaaateacttae. ahwit krCtiaiiii a, kte Tandy af an Mm. mi.itM skMtaieaaat ! :kf at d.

BtaBLO. Mi SS Tke tkMteAater seniKsJartir nrnr ( JmB- r- af W4ri. tt te Sot-aV- k

CkaaCB. at Bate iy jajkuitof; Taat lttaafait te kgSaawar Wmm ai aatai of tke SayrifeBfly.

ai9B Fas. Tk eJatexlani. ta aer afkte f a Maec af Xaats was af tke

IteaassiiiaBivrriees are tijiutawt a9.katkRfciitzs.yktre kt tke fta etaif ea af beaut

"Eke yaciijiilat. iterate anas laia.ii i, ifiiteiat teJfraast eirt--ft x. x. A tke Qama. It tketututeeat af tke Naee. tke laku af tkfctr

tke Qanat. Tke trnnts at is. F3aT eatt--sasteelat taacittcasaad Te tw Ctev, vdaBficgittttatitttVltfl8i,MtowaUarMte raaaakf afjuftti iai xomtu. k;aA juiiLiiaa imtkit.

Elak Kalt kt Site Ctete-ia- il wart sec xsaa irea''a,at irw at eapatee, at tke ag-et- o wajact

afctetdtaea. Tke OKr waatmaawMiI af vkkinl"teawCbi..icatw s7aK- - ate

vkateDtaae teaaatates. tke OMtaltil aeaesmta ia. toaesfc. aai ate prsesiBe --via Jmt iteura

Tte x L9sr-M- - Xdf4teoat aael fifteilaassete eaaaai. ttneC ttaaua. atef te tewaaalakteatect'late aiinHtti i af tke Jsmjami Sxrj Ctea, tt

ktML. tke fa a aeaater. fiferaatwaa,kMvttot Xogqieas. iscOmfi as natifaljatt ateeititetraces, kt te srsmoC at SaiAateamn. Paitee, aadyitae-- u late ateaonaxe af tte Xujai caaoaaee.

Tte hn.iM i km in ast saM. ta aae 5arjuasi aa?-aaa- e:

eaar tettet "tsaara. Jfaaa ef tte Jteaiacawaae; jaaas ast ae taotznX ta te atsasifaiatif atUbieageaw af tte "Kktiaauiai. At the emuiing af

accent fan a ajfauigat taiuuutiit ares, tteam tarn af wkaeS. it if&L sattec, kanr teaapfamHir fawi Ogkant gtrjtA. Fters. fcaaeEa,aa aaygaqr wasnte f erary iuhiiliJi ulate eflacieter

Kri Utatofmi teas itaestt kr &ast as TtaSaivai tte tcceoau aa a jtsaeet waaaarseaa af &ear- -

fct, xvtt. mi ttee lStC6 ru&l &B52. i ter get

Tte tiest estaeaoaas abestke ssaaoeaf tfeefiaacsutoa net-a- ii kajuiHstct at ifMJW. BeavtBHJW tiiaja aeXe-- i tte Ieaet TihTi ateatc

etaaj tkat tfews aacfette aa Macragcteea or aeesieata. JJjukt tke estirsHkttl flaaVBt flaBKBtt &tfrf fcjJIT QfSSaTJa. fcB4s4ai!lt3 kaaVBC

ateaJMa fiaast ef paOaa ta tees; tte aBtoar caawktus. aeenteawinc tte tenaavs aa atwoncrfas:tte praecsEtas. Saasy akott aa keaae aiosz'tte aaaa-a-t teajtukt a fcpsaaoa tank far Hats.

aaeaMtatry teilifin:: Tare aat karM far tttuoxajcr Ok aaeoat aoaes kratujit sat

tattat aanpuacaatM veas aatoe far ttte Wlnntii Ifuq

af tke waataaat (caat an entire ioem ef it ?xsfwtm ag, fcaeerM as ante.

Tte Saarit af Socbunt. tMt heear aaT paoifeliiiWliiiri ta ataaatajpBfattatatta, aa maSMz Oeit

atemjit I'kiiTi ate jcjcB6ttt punned.

hh II ikaaiii.X ajanaVexaBaraaC aaataasa iSkkj

JHatiakX.eaaE3adap; aware ta. tte jrsssaas ef tte zraat aasa of

y iantiii.1 aa tte tee ef ete jiai i infmi. ftea33S2X ms csate ka Jaajtk. sas rf

aiimni-- r i af gHeart mm or bsa otkaaa.Ta aaatoa, taes eaaettBlcapeaaacsfeSxsil

saaay tress tedp- ttrabe.aWspetetea fcetaBekSn. it tTaK tte tvfckrjtliBQ.

tkiiiu. Toa x igliuiJkf aaai a. Tteca was a. ftmexs- -timt a St FatnesTt Cufteani, itac xTeBensi.vaueane at Ste fttmaaag af tkirEHatiLaasassastaarf taW pniliiijiiT iffwr af tkj. Cai nmtt. Jatte tMaaatg tte eatp to Wnmttnimif.

JL mraeai. itfcgeflri ateca aeaamratataa tkastToaanutr aa iaaMmr ate (Tirfli ill iT Sr

SxtsEa a lift if fcx taeir Scs. teaatac, ate Jnan ateir afataacsas. Fntifos fattear kesofea,JOatatmcaa aa aeter rrfBdHBK teeaa is aftr urr--end pfoea ef -f tfrnf fri itVrTtjt fceir2afisrfartfce uaaaei a aaHeie Ekufefc gne- -

irj,. ttu r---

iaaaFrmJeisaaiitSna TKaania. cax2aE33car IT aMBF-5a3ia3- 3T xzsirzrFVrir-g- g: Bzhw Sin m-- a-

iic anc tzn CaHiftftutfeti rtHT ka hnppfly tbckzbjarj: Tie wucM-ls-e twnatfiT Tax pcasftty af.

tTSTaT.AiTTrar ( Xrw Tarfr 5S5r5rma11

" r ," '". ,

iflrf 'Briurz Aszhnxj. wag wxa fa aSg-i-i- r "ngsTfta:

Brfcnciiiii,. inr feira. Tfcx8dn- -

..tjawtntsrim aa Sm. FtBacica Sin psoftOTqjla.J.Hi-- '

atetrte Ta iiscHiiwal Kvrt mrk rryrt af kte uteaft aa kte Bfeai tktQea,b he

. xte of tke treaia fr neviroi atnaH aacto as ceaSnaaMcr dctafe rx?wlaawm. Cfw an iti& ev&Ke& c t&t itrrrtj

!essi5 i a w ai xvdtkt tatttar jartJrabMvScal ttate9 fC tte fects ywiaaT

aaaakt Tdaiaaat tab crata vkte, vkea fc.eaawaaavc tiMe. $naU raVtvet paaBe axte-- r.

WSV tkt Baas af Larfe to kt cwattabtee,sa-- kte EKwiitnl SOI Laci Cnaxate

Hcri i nM kt te tevv ttetr kMkks "Mhfxx tkt i ktannftWa af kteyenmakigs.act ke te ac aaoajDcvpcat W aa& vklte k "wj5

dkMeskaakt t caIBteat KtJ6fvwi ta stele ktet it teaVaa-- ftwt tab tTeaatstte Qm, kt rHwraktc tcaat a aH te mMSae&acaas Tahwc aa as ter earrtr ataafeiat

re i .: i n ta tec wW at pewk4a afctal vttkat a knit af tke QaaeaH Wj.'aka teat&vxMsrat tar tket, kav kte afetal aalaatex-t- c

Tte trisrw tea! kt a tea a ?fec a-- tttrjfcMJ af tke Ftatea yckaarjv akiet ke

ate tiete tkraiea-fasker- w

x vfetat. He ir kKtaattr Misvftte atannaiato aa jttmri tntm aakK: lartterbn.nkm imRt tat kk Mat wa

wi f task, adaddr craetiB. at if K

tU teas leaM k caakt at tent teSksAirrri HrSrT-isTj-ek- c

tke oms vtet k te oa t.ftii- - exMfettnl.Ste te cekat tkat a atakiaiiat af tke einaai-a-taac-

te kiaii Wi ttej ataje ta katk Ht- - ui ofkt arder te eBt xaatd naorts.

IdkatetwMeiaat te aaH. M wB Vb tte 4t-kd-te

ar aaaat aat tke t iiatf ijt tetwree tke eartkract ami. TwtrjH"' extnar-iteajr- r eskMOoa vf ticartttta tejikj.

Tte IMbe af SaeXkate teatS; iynr?ed tke1aiiiiiaii f ate Swag at Her 3JjeitT'a

we. daac.ehataae3e t stateateat kt tke Boast af Ckca-sa-as

skaaar t tkat af lari txnatflfc.Tke neaM-S- f aisuskt tras te&ea to tke aeamtaBe statin,, wkeee kfe aktiarwu aSiukb

haeaie faMaterriiat. He teasart tkat te Uiei krk. ate N dariactke acronsiasaaTskir.Be at) mk as tyCaaaar, ai k ateat akte-tee- a

ar twa(j vaa af ae.Tteararitrftte?iiilitetteerwjwtos-- '

ktteSoyilFtrTsa. iteJtf twstaatfcKntM kf Sfwtitan a atteaaai vtdt bmcs.ii mi r i mi iilni n"im ta sfk tappeeeic. aa& K

Tte l&fue dfeces tke Akttean esse ta rstkat EagtuJ tg aar :i nrllfa j taTg wkat b rggjaanslhi HHMhaacg te tte lieefeataiatrtke CcaeraTtiteaal.Ste aer aVataaatl f tafcriag aaf agnuaaeat afarttaakV dtCesMn. eife e tte treaty. Iftte tiaty fa a iiSajrt it 5a ate Steal f tite Jjsedcxi

Faxi.r. S3. Tte Casecittee aa: Catefettesljq)imttiti ttetaiOiy foe rxanhtfecr ia tteatecs caaaeete i7k. tte safrc tezatte, a AttV-ntio-

ei tVoas tte .VdaJeaaul

Ow2 1 Htz Bt Farm, ta tebrr jcxisit As itir- -

jtet. Tte wataaiaie wtg tear tteJirsCHjaor tt tte '

eftteoafew. e tac Mt ef 3kHs. TteXesMrtedrj.atweitkV aiijoaci aet tte 5tJa oC 3tViret- -

Tke Cataat it Ckaaatec tes hat Dvnirvcilt aa

uutV irrMaMtfe; be a tempucur it tte&ts.

Tte Jaaanf amoaer. tte wrtOratWC af irteeit.VL . , j i-" , evIt fe ljatufwl ttec Tbk tea asaa atSmnl tte

Rape tke tepitaittT af Ftaoet, aaatttet AasttM. tedktaeaueii ale Bafiawsa Sirtarr Cfc-a- ki toe i rwitlaawe.


Pi tcly tVnerJ aranl tee ear lut fceae ia ttetefk CteMt oaaa. ;u Fraaetwa. waaak. asxted. tteraBf mt StciuwftB. ateeeiuaAe lajiga&xagm

at C. Spiwc A Ok.(teacwatee (net atwa&aaXaat taae tkattearr

nms teve eJtmi tun. taate saHmm tar ate giw--suae aa tar maanaiePiriar paaywee.

Ttere aatwasa tt te a fce&B asect- ate Vafeei j

uair tatat trate aaat aaaprtea wttitaa wry seeof awe way at taoot aa a aeffiewkat 4aa- -






S. E.









ef ef ;asttereii taac.ajf. pert

witt tereferfin, waiOk

te ef naaew

are aa Jax aie today ix ef meeey. tkart are aVw

is. (ia anacy, at aaf, eaSaaf fir asmateasitaaiffee. aa tte aafy tsanata a? tjtat truie ia

ewtrieae at N04 estest badC, aa tans

tke ntt ta teacseea ky waafejeact, wana wxi at ese aaaa ear aely Jecwssnie,aatte aeoie twelVe agw rtti Oene waeeg.

taefc pfaee aeme aate yean are at a avet efSrMwkM. iteot af szot tii wat eatef ewaatry ta Bar nzar suxwtBetj aa ttelataee paai fiar amldtar m.tawsil, aiee&aajaa. Later,era, ajraffftrral aatpieewstt, far staaamery maaaur-tas- !

aa. tte aiaiit. Tlac Seta j- ef tkepajevaa aac te kn aee te ta aay gzsat extent fee

mmas, eaiaf wkaes. b tke aeaaity efcatec

Aa ar tie wiafia Tt aee aet Itrrijen tkat Jar ajeiataaee, aftteazk. b yet3krfy kt aa wkaae it kuta m jfcilahraya ke tore aa a lean ef it It b ET3S WQ L

aemjui gaity ac b aZ gwn? teFEaaebea, aa aa deoat ataay ef atesx w3I; tiejac tfu taa manner of ettaitaataaj wkatta Teyajee

aa. tteee aopa b ipxatB aereat ta wtet it was afkMo.

acev aa b ut see& ae cte armcipfiuajeatca b. years put, wkeo. w axaie ax tketeemeeer aa ate pete af Fraaabaji. ae wa

tte waS asiaae zeat art aiaie ax

tke way af esaersa, b aet tte ptaee at rtaert aa beeswtxeiny

Wie aetteffim axetsakaagv aarab wt see aayaajieijhg aeeit tar awfafainc nx ea ate etaeraaa. ww aoe pfl Bar (kat teniaTaS a&aaa x matat teattkar tkat fani' ifiisawSte siace eSa texoia tttaaef ateu-ee-r

axatce ef tke acessBorfee tkaa ef tke krT7TriiFe efHa aa wt espeet aersiase at te

ax a er year- kl we art aa. xtetter teatoese pwcaeo. akoa-- wt wars sr fftknirrr yoaraxa, wtea n ia at aky eoSy en. "t x fwsxfert fcr a

TteteiiaKBet btebaau; be Sas. Fraaebes, aaaray ax ateat a wenc.

Jian i Filliiiiterx b biiBnj- - fcr!SJa,t ug wit tea. ibfcartwa ia. wdk.a Biff earaWv ef aajran. ULiay wiS

yjjtxr akbtfoagxprffrrtiiea Ftx3eiten,xrigjraa tte uprtfrif ataat af ate aoaar atxriet at tie

wkm ak bat antel

Tte kiii StiWatB aaafe brTbtarfa.T. L x aat aaaa af pmihm. aaaiiitcfi 4-

- fengtr... aa rum.

ijii'o irrv.tlmn jnrtlTM Timlitiii. TTn ll B

leats.a St Zjoataxatea.ate Sat Ifcias;aBisaex.ak3s teatc.s tetct a)uw,ia

iartwr tgatV t.bga sr SftME.!Dtezb SfewlittaiatHxm. 3 3uwaEcifEeBEXHeS9,lxw T

iSaacaav ttentv a

annz.afeeBas,ta$x itfux, A. taniiMUta PzaaicUbr Kat-- . a eaprfrre-tt- I.

a me htottKiI a.eattrOn M

VtecvaKea tte SB&,XtunfTujuUr ,ksHatv taint


3&iavjR.w&& ituiwaSteis Vr2jr,ariT

uoitx or omiumAtUUVKD.

Stir?.' .Va i Ctewt. atr. W v SaTttaeki.Mwn hwk a4 ftvo tint

3t-j- cte Nw Mnl Iran MuL-- ir 1nrjV ftvo tlSJ SwKthwktmfnvfrVM rt

(m .O. Vuwt XtiXtiU km Siw.SJr. rttx m H Ykai.M tc

NaLSS k-f- JlhI te Km aS Kin riii v )K SIuAm1 fraKftjtL


3h-- VI Mimh, KtBBi V J, oVrKdWlicllul.Jwa tie tH tWtotlwXihtiJ.s t Ka.

kr Xtte J!--t c t Trriek&-- nr KteM te Wi trtv Vtwlt

ftr Jua tit wt tVM r. krS-f- vkn rtw ai fT Ke U.i. it lp

U luln i- -

Hot Sa Iwis r" CVowt. Vrt4. ?) A CtaM.itiiiii Tiflt Xavk 'vrt CTtOTtcvm,

lra !.!M Mve PVrt. yf 3t (few. Virrft 3t--Br

Ix K Stabk C S a viK CM e tstr r sitn cr. c rw rtj, Xtvk.IlMwlKt,f KtttM. JIAJ Hr Ti

K KntfaoW. V H Vf IMr Xvm C Mrfc- -mm 3tm Xt Vfel. lot. Xn r X Viara. MimCWbH c r Mm. C w $kAu Xr Xr Jvo.3Be Aim. A4u tat X.V

Kirar Mr Kitr la HiaiatK FtV.

vaa tecibaed St dJt ttsfct vt tie baaI.ttes iu--t Kst mttavrtjr wrr mtnl iars watc

kt a ga&t&tfa i. VT. iti teatr wa. s4era-tat- ;

aaat a kjat wntter frot E. J. K, tO last Ikrre liira, arrms; at u Fraac a tteSlst, tt ibjt teece. nsara trip taSVi a ti lit

t. at 7 a. at. eatterlr wltI as4vafttervta 32arate bwn. S-- ftr dart, haaktkttv yr. y. VT. aad crrfw t a tlty.wiclt

Jrwa. Vark-sti- it

Jaae JL.. i"ailia a the il. teo4 W tailpru 5at vteo. hi trai wka eaccpcWa ftw (iara previvos a arrival. $fcr!ttl M4kat thawrateV af tte tfetaat ?-- W. r S., arnxiatr at 2 pt. ax. Hai a Urj tefier a lwi: aaJ va?eiaiflal te eOAarv etrarse aeTeral tsaie4 te prrresttile Ttfsl frts. rnWiny.

Attitut in Wa. Tte Eritiji bark KiseOscar wai rrojathr attatltti tj a 5ft rm. waie isr

eafcaiB. fftri vita, ateat tiktr m.ei tajtCafe He-w- te aigitted a liri tefi srem wki a!:tS

Tartly xrvot fete T?t gtaajf ia tile aaax iiirrctianwaaca. eeatiaaot ia evmur tam day iritteat pmuaaa; aeanr. tte atarta. ttj ti eet

scarkaortl tark. a3'l ptia; at tte rate ef ire kstaa. bor ta vtal nxa a ia'i-i- a Vmca aai easetavariV tke Ttel at a farwu rate, atri&isr ber vitatrtmcgiem fceee aa. tte rt tew ai earreoaa? tersereral itrtaij. tte ateii vaiel vaa sknitar tesciai3;B inci. fttntyt were tBldsiTrattiese aa4 ahewei tfiat Teswl waa nxatisr waterat tte rate af aix taetes as tear. Tte whale ikaailfiI after stt&iaf t&e a!t aai waa set Kes alter-war- i.

"TssaAwajrarr Sstrs. The sjittot ef seaiioj affstiaw that are wiwertir ba3 rroitrt-- l aaMtiea. weeta. au teease e ?liris; that aak--kc atteotiiK. ra ttwarl at atejkeea aieaaed tkat will y a fteat wa; te nmtij

eeS. The aew Xereiiasia' rwtalfTeaaated. ff.ii ameo rther ta& Sft&jpts f tte eeew ef a t&itt tie aaetajer ter lea.vnrtkr. iter riemanl a nmr ae te teM at tteSrst wtere alie re$tfe; tooetee, tile exfe&M eftte a I.., neater ae te tiafratd br th astrtr araaastwaesi tte tegjatt w tt ab atal at a ort.itesieaaacftraaLawaerBa Ji skip ta jea, laawfef&er ae te aawawerta y.

Tie efiataer ship fyrva Haj baall tste tae tertkrrHTy Tacttad kf tte BeteaAire asi eestseBeedtebSswata. tite ar ilarri trtst that texlSte ttt tate ateat twwkirlt af it. wltias i teat;Mer tte eflSeiea iar ef Meretiara aaatr HesrtTaraac 4 BarrKea. wte tert ter reaJr atewaatB tteee

Tte trancaa; wflt taS firr Bewtaai't Iilij I ateottte ea ef tte WW& ae bui zuaae far IittrpeeLTtew eater Tteeeai aae xaetat he--e jteetty frectSaaFtueHt wifcii wr aw iin tecs artni atereimmg-ti- a gnue SMBtk, ha ae tke 6ta Ist--aa-i- f at kai r peril is areae, Oae ef ttect ii&ta toatf weeit.

Tie Dwawart saifol ea Friity maraiaf strTKte- -

Mk Faaaebee pterbiu tet tte Sttk ait.Tte KawuSoa terx letaai b au&r ratter a Tea;

paaaatia Seweaatfe, 3. S. Wta tkat pert, tela;aaw aUya eat. a3e beta here Ser. 13 aaiiae teee ate aot aearty 4j ataacke ea rayae.

Tte Jaae J Fjftiwterj mnaklrl iSaekarzaar attte eeptxaaite. apDaeite tke Catcra HeaKattSatartay, aa akote ker terck aa t ti-e- ti

&ery wharf, wtere tie b tor PrtiI.krer Soaaaa i5iraierly tke Sssaaj

knufiiifr br Ckma aa iae tees reay fir aea aereraliayt fm. Ser "ftpartors m aseettahr.


1i m t)Io of tlxoSteamer trffg " Kilauea."JlprtT HtAprti lit. EiulApril I EauApril KiUprta 23 in mC HawaiiJTajr (tatx. EeaaMay I5tH.Xr 20ta aa Ketwa3Iy 2Ttt. Ctrcnlt fJaaa iytii KlaaI

Pnsjmo, Caaalx,


Tleaday Klrninr. April I.t.CHEAT TREAT FOR THE EASTER


WSaafearax aa. eatireiy nvw prejaaattae, asaaaceilky Fnafc Xnitaa,


WMSCK SEALS. I XXKST.Clara. Herkers pruM atte pfaaa Ftete.

Bmks eant at 7$i eftaaei. Ptrfirauaeii ommmstf it i.Peace t faiwair. Bno CBrtn JTJW- -. gat liielBw a tawr


Ceraer of Jaitd aunt Liliia.a n j atrwea. cnacaiaiac mar Larzit shdj.

Bdt SVinta. Paaisy ia CefcScaBiee. Carritrt ZnnsK. WxUT&geslaat m tae prsauaez. Appry at

ir a B. TOSg.

TO THE PUBLIC.VOTICE IS HEKEBT fllTE.T THAT IJLl ban Ota? ifay ife-wnt- 'brrH ?. BHiia aamy traa ast Eawjsl Aiaaiaey en taia puiuuaaia aaipiaati, aaxE perwteral te&tefsi a n ja tWitkat EsnxCaex. a B ify Infirm ef tte lite STASAIXI-Eemrfe- fa.

U. M-- ar

Notice.ITTITE Quarterlr of tke of

1 infiwj n ca tgnggg: tmntpttax. im tt BJtfii arate Own Senae, ea SATkTK&AF. tte &Bames&Uety after eke airetkig ef .kit tfieafi

Sflcfrfy a.frwarari- - Per erfgs.F. A. SCHA272K. Eeeratary.

Eennfafer. 5, MC i ftNOTICE.

flTHE Talse of Trna la Foreija Jlarfcer.X kawaie; gntaaV ahzzevi, ttn kTasfeaagarf in

eraaeJTert aa naie tkesrpoeea aa Ctftm :

Bar Irtt, S el, jxtar Tfc,ttnilr-- r Jraar - - I o eta. per- - Ifc.Atrsfelrtra, - - - 1 a eta. perr lb,fnurart Irett, . par lb.n tr ayK.TMr i2y wmzs.

Stt etBaa. Ttet saay arcatfee steeaaaajiiee rU wata. a earja liemeKW reieee rafeei at ceariy

wimfrwaa aeoaeety a iJIJ- - Ste will rears to ttt freot Barrai'tfaateraj aai eotiaatecttetaer. aA4aieiaaaa;nuiat; tie teoai crUw trtsa ttew iiaj. ter tut trip

3Sl3 wiB AffWHui at- a seaeral way tfcaa iaa Ae aaae tte b Cat FUttery ialt dayi.IteafetteajearweaHtia.saB. i a. Beet, a iae tttae waei 6ro Hbb- -trrtafefcam. Ttere art m atuaatteu ,ka a earg ef ktatter, iarfay Ift Saa

sh ef lut oenta. teteU. Tie teritvataajaeteii. jraJaaHy teeomia bee. Every iay, Weett ?. Jvram wn ta UD-r- r tet hxi nt

ate way

ra tkmxa

isipetsa tie matr.

staraBef pttxteot

Hjm tkatthe pay ,

ewoscry. tte.

aixay aauec

deer, riekaaTfiiSag aet

teewma astiset,reeeate

tear tkat tie S.ratet


Sua. terkaaw-- very efezsae

at;mtat teSeric


tBfwuuj. aazflyaiaib aay x btaneat




fa atefciedy ririaj tken

atSaal vecat

wtt.axeexaMv, paar

In-tT- lir


fcaa-Sia- . per Zanst:



eteelura. SuHtVaK

xjca fJt.








i HBhAwkMn


OawHt. a (Met


. stats




set eteckTite

attruted aad

tte ihvi"Ce,titlt tw.








Tke liabteit



ijk Hlla



3l5n win

caX l


Ztrr-- k.

Jleetiar Board

Sax-gie- if




CTjj, FOR SALE.One Elegant Phaeton I

wB.3kafc aad" fate, i PiSeasjUaterat34t


Honolulu Steam Saw and Planing Mill

Xr. C Twtert. Prerrltter.&K. ttartrj, AgesL,

33sxlrtwAncaO. ZIouoluluVAClUtXY far STlnK, PluntutITtVKRY




1 stock cf srnn tco um m hmiTable test. Bad Pott, Cal.iraht, Ac, Ac,It! O Mm4 Tri In Char ra fWrt .YWw 3i




oMITHY CO.VI, or enpetior quaiity.O Cterartte lialtaaUr Iroa.

IVe Brick . arrh aa farr.Fir Ctay. Ii tea We Itea.

rTovrcneitlo GrirtclatcxnoeaBest Boiled LInsood Oil,

Cut Ktaek rarsbk, Tm VrkKe Leai.Ttata Ziae, Tia Kl LvaA.

Blaei. Blue, Qrwn and Yellow Paints!1 cases Uaee Jaice.

Cxsee Ptmt rrtTbttBS, "Cases Cars Flaar,

Cases Jaaas asJ JeWes.Cases rkklrs,

1 casks Bettiei Srttek Ae,11 itttx eases Gtetta,

eases kaest Sceeek Wibt.r,II jr eski Seest Sewtck Whtskey.1 ores. Marett's Braadr, 1S;,J ,r sVi Iittitk's Old IrWa Wktikty,J ejr ei See Pale Skerry,5 qrrska rtry tee Skerry,3 kks as 9 ar caVsllcaaessey! BranAy,S v esks MartetVi BraaJr.

A.LSO,Just Received via Panama


Ovsks ri.K rui.vrs,ceat Patters Priets,

Caset lask aai atrttsk Priats,Casts assail citeks aa stripel Prints.

Also, on hand per bark " HalvinCIt.VUCU.VYS l'ORTKIt,CASESeases (tie. cases ABeei KastBtl,

Baskats ateae jer ilaUaad Git,Casts Cettae. ilHiftaa'i Abotet- -t rail eaei.Cases Pert, cases IWackassp Bitters.Cases Sterry. Cases Nerkaaer Wkiskey,Casks txtrsaa Ale. Dttttat fat tettlts.Casks Larer Bbr in pis as ats Aa. MaXcr,Casks SwtJisk Ate ae tettks.Cases Ttrj nice SL Jaika Cbrtt, q,atte saea.


.Also, on Hand,OTKOXt: tt KST INDIA UUJI in hhds,(O Seetek as Irtik Wkarke;

Very sererier White Cettens,JJriiwiH tt ante (.Xtam.

Ftatflrbk lisea, ii.. U.


! W. L. GREEN."F1 O DEL 1511


E a P. ADAMS!Roofing Slates, 10x16,

Superior Quality.

Roofing Felt,Sheathing Felt, in Rolls,Portland Cement,Barrels Rosin,Chain Cables,

One Large Iron Safe, Combination Lock.

Prices to Suit the Times IS Is rat



Hawaiian & Hicronesian Curios !


Uicltson's Art GnUory,i-- So. 61 Fort StreeU tet

Lumber at IMnced Prices!



$25 Per Thousand Feet!D. FOSTER CO.

S 1st Brfpiaaaiie- -




Garboard Strake Prices I

Oar Spcrinl ty twill beTo 3Delixrer Xjxxxelooxt

At aS tka Fsrta xzd. Aaaksrata Tsritliathis Zizriszi

A.t: Howei RatesTkaa Toi vnz tees ittfiaptai terttaaate.

pa-- ORDERS rerpeetfallr lolirited bra i D. FOSTER & CO.


Lumber k Bailding Materials:


kosoi.vlz. j

At any Port In the Hawaiian Kingdom !

az tintAi Law as offered bj any ot&tr PartFe.

C H- - LEVTHag.1 J. t. VKl&fS.




ctoaatkeaT ef ateat7,000 Acres Tee Simple Land,

rSoyai Paaot, arak. t& jBoIItllssa Sc Impmrremeitla thereonxaezpind feus effaaear laada iittsx32:. aaIl.OOO ITead oTfiiltle. l laKsUi oat,

20 JFcma. Carter, Tool,TTtenalla, dkpe.

. ESLrktsai, ar

TJotice.jit tEtEsa: enmi TniDtnrat

sts&ertsatatrser. a waaj fcaarr eterr eCaar ttfwe., it, TmKtfMK.EsMfefa, inta (ft, tKi tf



Desirable Investment

REALESTATETo be Sold by Auction,


Oxi SATURDAY, - - Mnrch SO,

that Tract of I.ANT sitnatc InALL. Henelula. keM nnitr twKetal TatcBtJ. aa cealaiBiac (i H) two aoi alae-ttat-

Aerts. eiitir rt class Kalo LaaJ, HwHi setae


Wooden Houses!IDiesceatlraeatU tk City, at.1 ia tie tWalty

f the btesdei ewctlaaatiea ef Schtl Street, tkMmarliea ef Dch w ill rtnJr it a desirable bcalitMfwatesMeatre. A Tiaa f tte Laoi tnay be sttaatijthe Otkve l tk unJarstrarJ.

Farther rrticlert taay te learaei ky appKcatleate JOUK MOXTdOMKKT. K?q., at hit cSce, er arKrAUIXE. a tk rtrmlts.Tit ttcre laadt trill b OStrti. la Separata LaU,

u fr Soyal Patsats.B. T. ADAMS, Anctt.t


At 19 A. 31.. nt Salesroom,

Dry Goods,Fancy Goods,


Boots and Shoes,

Ladies& Cents' Hats,Groceries,



Glassware,"bases Boston Card Matches,

Cases Downer's Kerosene,

Cases Devoe's Kerosene.

BTIOOMS,Ac, ' Ae., Ac.


E. P. ADIS, Ano'r.

AIRS. BALLISTIBR htn ta aretaa&i

cSiker fntsJl and the LaJies ef Htaatata,ibtt batlarTttaott ta Uwa, the aaH

resase riris tesseas ta FttBek aa Ptaa.Reeiatetee oa Fert Street, thiri dear atere the

GeretBBeet OSees. J--lte





C. F. XICH0L3.


1 00,000Genuine Manila Cigars!


II. I. XOI.TE,1 n Ceraer Qaeea ani Xaaaaa Su.



NOW HERE FROM EUROPE!Kx llark "Malvlnn,"

KJace, Mister, 1ST days from Breaeo, tbe; goods:

SUGAR, in half-barrel- s.


JCS-- rfpEiii Aancta .V Bft.S!Cuts Ffckte. BittrJ,

fBati OadTar,Bttt Staclhata Tir,

mtftati Saaekkeaat Tar,'Bad 2Mttecai FtCta, v, BaWtata SttcateiEi FBek.

Guts T iltl iBi Qsaaa,Itee Pit rralh, rj,Ikaaatk's BeaM Paitt 0


Catet qr-bo- SAIIDIXES, not pnt np for the21 an oTerthettTiyttet i tinilef ajswwfat

mwf mftni im Ox irbt.23r AB af tte akaee will le nU is law as aay

attired ky aay atter party, ky !


licenses Spiring in March, 1872.

ETAII.--n0X0LU- Oaks Stb, CraawaldIU A Seaatte ; lAtk. Aajast Sirtkl ; 11th. Ira Bkfc-ardt- as

; I3tb, Fa Ckaa ; Sttk, That. Wilt ; lttk,LaatTai; Mtk, Ftteker A Beek ; 5th, 1. W. WHli-tei- d

rtraaefemd Oet. Std. 1572) ; Mtk. Aares K.Pawtri; list, Aatose Maasel ; M.TeeW; ltk,C. Brewer A C. ; IJtk. Pk aa;Xaai Htk, E. H. BaOey ; WAIMBA, BawaB letfa,W. P. Akaa; WAIA5AE, Oakw lStk. Ak Chear :

BEET. K. H. IlawaB 23d. Jks Oraet; LAIB,Eaefctafe. Oaks Ktk, 0a. Seteker; ECEABEI,Waiawa, Oaks tk, Ak Lea ; HAXALET, EatalJl. Ak Zaaa A Oteka ; litk, Ak Mas ; KEALIA,EAaai Ut, E. Exafl ; LIHUE, Eaaai 7ta, LikseFlaatatiaet.

Wholesale HOSOLrLU, Oaba Utk, Qeos;Tt Ctea A C. ; Slat, C. 5. Bartow ; Mtk, C.Bftwtr A C.

Wholeiale Spirit HOSOLtTHp-ltt- k. . C.CkaUaaaei ; 21 K. Haaapte eyi A Braara.

Tirtaalin?-H0S0LD- LC 1Mb, Ak Ckeax; AAi Kin ; LAHAISA, llaai 21st, Ayaa ; II th, Pai

Catcher bWoLITLC 7lk, Geerzt Bbely;WAILCKir. Xaai lltk. Frxceai Mradex $ LAHAl-- ;S A lltfc. S. Laste ; HA5AIrKaaaI 2d, Ka- -pakaSkBa. HOSOLrLU tb. V.Wtirrss, R- - Weedea, S. M.Fire Ami EOSA, Oaks lit, Astes Detrta;

a tttaat Feetaa.Ltpaao HATTATIAS KTSG DOM lttb, AI

sersea Swtaey ae ; atiauAui.uut itaa,Kakeakaas : MA SOA. Oaka Mtk. Mate ; HO- -yrrXA,Ut lata. Ea peso ; KIPAHCLC. Jfaoi

net. Kmnt; EALIHt LfcA. Oas Htk, Otale.

Kilauea, t

From and alter tfalt dale tke--jCArtstef tte ttcuser "KHas-- a " witI as set way teU kisutif rmcatiU br

aay rre5t er rrrM t ty stextaer. saieuU tte Paner. aad s rtevtist tsteo far Ibt

aaa. Asr aad aii Ftcizkt wB) te utea at tt-n-

nt. aad ; wBI le praHy kasdled, cad iftr aay eartteueexa dasair4r Kit. wan MrMfutftt. " 8AH1, C. W1XDEB,

Ilonolnla lee MaHflfaeforj!

rjTKK VSUZltSKTSZIi HATTJfG BECEIVBD AJL frerk nppty ef Asmssi. aad cud peraaseat

iirx;cr ta pretest fJfej krt fa tka fetor,ICE irBU (fekerf t JUjsIiTCsitasWt Ufera,

At fire (3) tenia perpinad.trrisri rxs U jjjn t Mr. Ka. VTalfxt, wk kas

tie rate 2d dtshtry fa tiarjr. artefto tte Utlat Tte. G. Tares' aed at ladd Lejl'l.

Orders ftm tte stter Tsfzsd dB erad tSmftUtk Tttb, ptroerfy pasted, at oat rat, tritk eeetf Ux tad - (.ltd. Cset tf Ux uUUi U

retened to tie TuterjmZSAnim aad Ire &si sad to Tdr at bar.

set pseeaVt ptfee. D SUIT!!.HtztHalz, TA. 1, 1371. 4i


r c. s. nAiixow.



VEDNESDAY. : : : MARCH 27thAT 10 O'CLOCK A. ii.t


DRY GOODS!A Variety of Clothing,

V. Lot ol'Inniitin-o- .ALSO. AT IS O'CLOCK SOOS,

One Good Top Buggy Ia S. BARTOW. Aertbittr.

At &llG& RoomON TUESDAY, : : : APRIL 2d,

AT 1 O'CLOCK A. ..

Will te


Cottons, Denims, Prints,XkXusaOJjneat.

Superior Boots and Shoes, Gaiterslorjacco ana uigan,

Card Matches.Aaa

a. "Vnrloty or !Snn cLrlon.C. S. BARTOW. Aa

REAL ESTATETor Solo by Auction,

Attho Auction Mart of C. S. Barlow!

ON FRIDAY. : : APRIL 6th.Ar 13 o'clock rVoon,

All that Tract of LandCalled Manuel Place or Powell Place.


(Xtar tke resMeoe af liar Mae4ly Qarea, Bedma.) aa eeataiaias ateat


A Dwelling House and other BuildingsThcrtwD. The Laa4 is keU fat Ft Statale. aa4 li

a ipkadkl tie af tke CMy aj Tatley. Ttefiaeit Strawberries ytt tmited kat teeo predaewAea this fans. A Plaa may te ma at tk Aewa

aata.Fr farthtryirtitaUniaplr W TliOMASCUtRK,

the prtfriaUr. ar to J. MONTSOUXRT. Maiala.C. S. BARTOW. Aaettesttr.

Administrator's SaleOF

REAL ESTATEk.t LA.xa.otloxa.,

In the District of Halelea, Island ofSinaiVIRTUE or an Order, itsned oat ofBY Saprceaa Caart ml tte Hawaiata laaaataj, aa

tte Ilk day of Matak. A. D. ISTS, w te Mi atPabtie Aoetaea, at tte Aeattea kaeea rf C. S. Bartvw.en Qaeea Street, Honolulu,

On Saturday, 6th of April 1872.At 13 o'clock roon.

All tbe rijht. title aad ioureet cf tke Batata T WB.Bias 11. rease. lata at Ueaelala, iwiast. ia aaJ to

All that Tract of Land,KaewB ky tte aae f Haeaa. iitate4 ia tte W- -trict ef Ilaleiea, Isiaad of Kaaai. Tten an ia tkatLaaal abwat 24M Aeret. ef wkiek tte Aaew an ataaVable far ajiewJtaral and grauag pwrpiiaa. aad tkLaad ii well watered, aad rms from tte tea a ABeaalaia tke wkate fataaiag a deeetabt Batata farBTtetaeeat ar impntetaeat. Tula gaad. A plaa orthe preaiisef Buy te sceo at tte Aaetaaa Rttte.

For ft liter partiewlara apply a J. W. ACSTBT.AdBiiaisWatoraf tte EsUta ef WBIiaat It. fWw. rto C. 3. BASpepW,

Sit AaeMeaeer.


Notice.mllE Subscriber to tbe Fand of tkeJL QCBB7T3 HOSPITAL anleeakle at tke Caart IIn,Ota .Saturday, the Otli April, nt rVooa,T flteir tte expediesay ef applyiag Ito tte Cbarter, a tallewi :

1st Tkat tte Miaiater f Iaterlarte a eataaket af tte Beard f Tfwallae.

3d That tke MiaMer ef Iateeiar aaay te aatker-be- d

ta Bake his a,f aiataaaati af Ttatteas fans ttepaUtaatlarre, ltaaitiar tte aaaater to alae,

Fer Order, T. A. SCHAKFBR.ntsaMB, Uarak S. 1871. (a 4t)


lately taeapltd by Ik " Oaam Ckefc," KittVards Street.

All., tte IIwm aad Pitaaiata Ipieaeai. . 3.Paitiiaiaa riseti tcendttUly. Par nittei par- -

tiewlari, apply to I. H. COHaTT,a tr or to . . ajtjtjyw .


n o tTc E., LL PERSOXS IIAVI5G the pririregeCi. of irrkratiag from tte (Menat pipe aea

kertky aetated tkat ttey aaaet aaaiae ttetr trrtfaaw;wttkfe the MfcwfctjCkean. ra : fma tal 1 X,aad fiwctt to 8 P. II. Aad ai tkat al anigaita-ta- pt

taatt te kept tiued dariag tte arkt.Aay iaris;rcsiat f tk atee TaejatalattawtB avk-je- et

tie partie iatrisgiag to ftrftMeji af tke awea-pbt- d

term f tketr water prftiitfa tt tt tee ttetrwater ikatef. Tae. K.!,IIwnls, Martk 11, 1R.AppnTtd : ggpttaatoaitm TTaier Wtck.

Tire. W. Hetcajiaaa.Miaa4trefIttir.


TsTo. G , JSTixn rtn u. StrotTt,OaJaBat 3f 49at4fcaVtt eatjasrat)tBrtSBft

Wkcre a itsall IsTeee f Pallet At Jonet cele-brated Hhlrtf . ia kigk aaeaten, dknat ft VrrTk, aaa be bad aad art to te

SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE.CWtts, IHeskkM, Cassfe, Twe. La4jr Ckatk.Baa Fbsett tad faStd VMto Pkaaai, Malaaktae.Dats, PrBIa aad Veatiaia, Mid ky tte yasd er aaaastaetortd to fder is ttrl.

Merekaat TaaWa M ataVf ky aeaeVag ka tkctV t-de- n

iar lit Sfftog tad game at Ptskaar at, tat adby BZt Klii.

3.1a ALEX. CAKPBPJX, Tatter.


rrniE pbopbibtob of tbe hawaiux m--

J TZV rctptttnay aate tte mMwIi f Xa-tel- a

tkat fctka Stted op lfHot and Cold Water Baths7r tte cMreeiese f tke vk wlak to eafey IM

BtthxHiMd ptotrtat IRtatt. TteteaktinfttodapvitaEpeeial Eegard to Comlert aai PriTxeT IFEMALE ATTK30AXTC atetpt at hAm to


tSrJhO opt front frmri, UK MliirmtPitVateitoBtak...Balk TCekete. tkrt. Sptalal srraa jnteat a4 wfta limaaw,

SUB ICE CILSAaC 7A3X03COptca erery eratsz bt l3a aatd tTnUaaaa. frtattUtStU. Mat

Page 4: HAWAIIA1N llijllil · r. C. 88EW BK 1 00. A. SCIUEFER, AGZIXT of Brem en Board or Undcr-nrritr-of Biwtea B--u of Eras, ia il. a, iiewt af Tisaaa Bar of Cuei.iltoia. aCrf.. titjei

Soniclktns' cm rrr jvnvrx-- lC.It feat a mC ltV a arte uttidw T t&

skscdkr is tb rc" krtest fcr ssia.asl af esat. Hi sal is femriesr with. esa--

am at tocprws Ho Jf fa Uxr wr tia brSKliac tb tjy ri :

- We rtes ok tkab to ilr. Jia Psw.far a fia sii. tke fed t W

pre . i TjtUc 6tt tws. ilr. k W nfcMWna. dl f rer Vrahkr l liiivrJlwc. IV ifc: irx ii jwt c wt i W$-- litW Kwc atictii tVtf tkM5ai Mts fac K.

vfaMqr. Mc. Iv K a crUcite f HarruL U

atHmmti aj a mMiK tec the axt LrW-t- r,

sa Ws KMt V3M sad aarlHvd SwiivTCT Jf SiCS-- Ik)!llMllMMMkU.i

smi ime tmtArs, ami tkumt I tfce wfc f M

(MittmTTtMt Pen kar Us tetteiM

a pstV Htm jmS Nr. IW-- Mr

ijliiiia. sfce tiBiic mM birr madT a aim am. ami txs Mt tsu

$ni MR Mr e It ww. Tkc that.Oik n S.c w prrf witfc aiif W--l ,

rfyotUf?. tc tbati: that Jfce jas;ltie lami k an wVet mi jili c fat a firMtiffMkrWi aat ezUMleii eVe

VMtfcaf las satitafcT Ve rikei t iis

fa zmi ssai:" "W 5st irsia rwrsri vrtr iosp rratrtae? to

mt M MM Bk-tfo- caJf aWrf-tat- .TVf yrtJift w as BMiftcni u

case. Mt. Sftust'Ltj Skw Sr m Cf3- -tpm!. IS Wa. l ef. T Wc?. J pwsf,3par; nr. SN aai war th iAir fceM&

W (twa a atxa wfcfmiij I am dcaHraat .HMmv tfai X.--. Bhat. VaebaMAttti SktaT wC ta eaeaar axt SfHac eAdl W at; iff wain L H w aleaf aocxa ryaraact Aaab he tae ygtrtaas. Wsiaatieethat jits. Sbak a; teftViae aaanar aaaajusetak Tvatar. 1T aba aatiee that tae tare ctaV

af hiat eaaaVtap? aai tej '

ahi.aim-- W jfcx thai Mr. Bb

Dts a kafc a a cM fceactei af!IkaaaiXaVaa Maar aat al the Saer

f the eater.atPK aaaaaak aVB a VaVSFSk aaadaaaaB aaaV CaaaliCiAaBttMBaaaaBBVS

HPaT faaaaMaWaf a $aal ihaw the stale af fawv aai wrTIkttetls Sat Swax X tutmi seatMac WMn? aa as jaV-nW-, ami he

r & i aBMaaasraat! cataff BV aJawiat

' It k fyakai tht tar e&twraf a vAir puvrHaatW(nMcfirdaaU7foToakhaar im nil IT of hie icdaaas khgr ami. arr

, ...M$.M " Waar ". nmcr- - ta aar leagy ;

RtfMCnatitww.AHataaa, etrCMwctar. I

Oeia4a4)atatf teTatStrLrok.far ta fja-aaM- ami ac sataa- - Tie sas

ta a. wnca ad$ asialtheawM. WeaaawrsaK

aar kaarwVAac Aat aar mU ta faster the j rifT. i tfcrt:at tae laicerr. twi'lfrcwj.iJteaaiffi af 'jiir Cftyaai rat imvm. Ae heaatsg I tftffiaiaamtaC tat k&cats, tweire re-o- f

Gaaadl Maf yayeity ayareartej. a)arjieaftteawatfccrTeearrt't-Ta- - ?grr tt-Jt- : i;iae!n(iMr Taaaa ai nr tt ta' n

aca. aai kas hens aere sans laneec;aaehai lek SM i aire

paU. "K haw ak rftec hat a Sae tareemeH; a: ttr pes&W .- - sreoeti : fc tkebaiiaiLL- - air he kas. As aa, iaiaiatv af las aafc ' ViaWiisii;taBit.iaiyg: teagerciirTee-ipm- i

aarr that he ku aui th heat ;tef awa aac mses; k tat taaairktva; k the war- -

Wj,,. kb--W i Wrltfri fe&i k war ar fc twefre ; k the

Oaahi patitaae exhaait itsaT it x aaaawepkaaT Date oar eaeamcreta Sfa&af thkaatiat aiiaaf! Tkia& af as aCtar rwanar azaXaf inaoaaf. imi thoa rteroaer to poar oataaaanaraf a eakaat af hear varas a esters !

Tkat iaii-v- r eaaar. Be seat kk klts ta s.

UT , ml mmJ j. mt

Ontak iaecled mt t f. ssae it was '

has.' CaaW that sJnaraa kii taaa 5r :

'Jail ii n ill 1 Ii ia rtin'i j

to Jar- - Pfcc the arstQc he aad ihr sifer ocths AonaaK He Fat? is aV rsatfoow whose

. , , .l!r.trpacqrii Hii! Wari. Beatsaafod i SM of SOi-Mt- So ias E--shK. larei a aew Tape laaki;. aai aaw

Cmhes HOf tirira Tfi fniij i Ji f H

Kr.sreaiw He has ktetr pat Arsuof ifes It aas aas-- aai was oak westec&r

. , . .that Wv tea etmrnaearo taaa a aop u laroaCTi wwo. ?f?emanate or-- wcrr to kars tkat has fil- -r


jrr-r WmsC aai fair AeuAmz .

OmK t-- 'f wit PeerOaRsksapaT? Aat aC tker maaik;aiatuaahahf sasg. lfciiaewsaafr lanes, age of. W smi Ikt aaTraaocr mtw W rti-- !

tAc m: m CftitnH ; oW Rissiij.ML

; a!9 St 1ft aVC

hyBlfcsacJuiiliiii the tanker erfke-atio-a

of Sast Ort idhaf. wS-- rs tk Crmnskwtfcgar miaaili isaaeefc.

Xar Goucx- - At AjaBUtrias. tkt jacr atWkwaa pakaaac- etstv ncaaec. a Tecfict afsat faaf Sonar the" tskL ssrtcf-i-si ikii..iuaa saaaa sa Sftr--ai iTotx Tkscosiafthe taad aaaaa to aooat $I$JH.

p iajs that at Stst 3St ks wg. k x saast.taak: kic ao a&e s ktt k. a saoczz, ip:e the

;tiat it a Hocz wts& ksr k x sates, isd.

tke nAcoqauaC mossui Bs EliUcXsaeaSk b sasasaced ofXc. Zewfe lym. cce

of Ite ofek5t of Lo&tes jftsnakst!. Sersarraiajlra33!MejiLiti.Ta6.tti prbiCkx

c wia.tkXa-jlij-f Ciffwfia,. aiaaag hh. Mr. Attamadii &e was edatr oflke anr, aad easdKS-- d

t Tfjt tr .r, - tii lc r?rSd at Skj-sz- s.

Be itstaB?f(iaf ts a tte aae cf hisaVift, -

C. "SarrsaaF; of hst jet faaes-(k- s

afisioet Zkdfak chaiaatar k Lata iioaCIWtprtecSoT-ofe- t Wistteoy isdKSIi:khawhSe be win GimixirafXissadtai- -

S k ttjKk dhji"? seas; aadtaijh w-ang- - 2trf iiitii aafaed tefca, tmtnffegLzif scaa wsK&dxSEd tozi a IsJK.

haj rwsBBY hassic craHf- - csamcrrf. cfr tgilwltfit hat Sees giino. hfct,he Sefea; "'jof te Sx bb9e tat,"

iasitei tin. Cnees to hk grrafswlispasa,. yroarw wise I par--"'

ftTtt ,..r cf s. Eotajti jU.'",ilir b 33

tjloikcthsiitsetaViA.T15&Tfetedto hsLWft& est&s JbEt33rta&aaaed ar ia:CCaa; j 1

nisdraaa aid. I

Mnrt-itajjv- j in Kuawlru





the w.-a-m it t& .Qfcsxk csJavwc at rasSi two fesjr hocrs; feat that put betes: tie cfcsax ef

ih hipjyr eru ft is fc ao w csftJsoe. No! m with theThe traesseaa aa the reafectia.- - NW"gvxvU ir aSurs of etas !al te tb Jw?Use's fejoalr Not oarr pw! ef the eke. rjArifd. Sat a3

tET St). ti klTlS.Fsv i Tnc cMfie i? this catir, to mis

aatS after Mr tasrios 5 farads lie sees

mU kw Kf caantesiaceA The bride ew:Mem? tbaac w?tk her as awir as sk? cas.

Aaoay tk iedh.' a.tkk ann The boasfiaxo. fcitthea ateessk, nbee service sad rosao.sod orJor to pcwri? .htf articles pare of j

hsastes MMiiw froat their ckTs tarSestcawMbcvx! to kr aji. irtieiej far that pcrp,ii caVc Kmc Mk aar atteaSioc whalcrer has

occarrifti cterKaMU are sad at od tieses

rtwmri fee the he enfat.Asnc th vn&fcj the Mt&t ii tncMto,

the ajaasttitr of SnAkimKr. im taak tsartyferfgitimtT fcup. tks; skwarra the hit'sn fife, aae! pve sm f kr Awshacs, W

k)ud ict.kvTf,fteauV! Mi ikir? c(t

ecU. cAftr tW aarHr fefthiaiM are arer. tbe

Taegttirniifaic tieif 8t tm e. eaatttbaf ti dtT Mkexiic; n the kaaWciar xa$

te the e&aatrr. BiMi foe tae fccwU

pvvc aai sixve foe the are the earhftare at Wi a caaatj sxj he aoinei. isc $for a sis fViara nyn the litest.

Faertk aanuciK are a4 kvfeL aa a takii iicajaere! aartlac haC praper.

1 Mmc w the ctNuax charrk ii afeaegs

c3fis.r k Bassia. aaii caarvyoatir enterset af a Rs?siij Sa if awev c le5 oaBctiivitk ak NfeaNt. laewfcw a nr7iiij ajtt?rAgiaaih- - kva! So he Weil at aX.

A weaai awape pbsef the ponief tMOer xpeaaare foe tw jer. iinasrtf hete ia

tr $eead eaaja." K acaiait the hr, & eaa

f a .n laaai fa. Neitherr a Tuna: rsa bbitt a, uM fereai; tat m.t

tec cuaaac aaaer tae aeas cf "aKitaac relitaMs.Iwiu smct bit eoee. iai iShiVtr thce i--aa

kv- - Kaast the nfa af & aatijiars9ai taae, it i hr ac mns wa:Worvi.

ami jhteM a kir ferst ia hecaaaafihe 3sr t ssrs. at soiiaf a secsatMC

lawae ahe cWrjrif aat w SKtetr eaeculDirareoG are aaheari CaW searet aaEntesare

Ciaacor Wn.-Xteoaea- agt the ters afa the ae saaVaekj tae

Sute.cMaaiteeefcoeaVtmifetofc. Hfaea- -

Jrt taaii. Be teat plaai. HiMulitrtentfeiiywil eectshwg, rrnt--

kewrf awiiajp, aciaaa a; tae"rafocatos af ak faav erriee.

Tae M cAmaicatts ir, titox - mot Im Ms ViK

caaiJISr three aoamfe ieat. iMt tamnriKifaia stt, atreaaam; aat a taatrnBhr. aa

27," TiZr: Zl

w rt.Ari,rf;L rA--

,v l. --M. - r-M tae alte aaa there were

That tatet was t jt--c eftke tajre; a a&ster of the hone ; aekrS: af

thtak: iSnftSer. akrrier, TtaaaBOf the chariot, a Jiiaain af the stkrxp, ae&Mer, a z- -tteagsum oftktstaak. J bb caapel h hat aIkaa. a greet aTiki ladaagnaaf dceaeot karakt; i

a uaaitec of the chair; a KpiArr: aia!tJau. tec saarterpnesti, aai tweatrtw sar-- j

tegaea aad laBai ia. The taroltarf af jae chtpet j

'eapesaiTekperMV4wetae.TtesMes rkfc erases aai caaakstk?ES.'weatsarohewaaaWadhf ihtealiaf araaj.aV" irag. i paycii. a ifitWtMK. loer

! T1?1: (

jTuafched m rick ralfe,alaSe5ofjWr!,tatwakk crew to airreat aserafi

Hfe na hb saaaeraf raeU Rest-1

nai im BJMrhttefcrat. Fast he kaarf sec- -

The k has ctestt w ai ekiaaia.i ; theahewoahtaeaaad H ab raats were te reaaMss, ami bti

TT" - " rrTTTof sawertbai, he eaae oat aT ho hoauc ahacteehtatthectaanaoaMafikoeaiaeoc crie tm tmzn;mmL EehadaMe ifcoat ab ai. aacsKteablua

arres, tae tKa ae aost raoQMw jmk aaan aaee. . . .rtw&. aar satEs; ami kian. a: wxs

escialike kraai scat afSeikai. aad afeasSaxPshat irrat $okaafrr. As sow a he kud catersd bbehwaer of peseaee. hb two rt erogjes werethareatScaakCBi he Wraekiaire hat; Oeacird

utai :, jakg befotetkabajAiiiati,On Ma. af Loafe sad amts. aa keJors;

v-s- f tor at Lore gs.' Thas .wes. hewant s serjeat aai twainfkoae ; m.jte, tgutaace aad twogjeat aaata afsSeec. Saek'ibKtUteioii3tnKiIitcjeMCTilnt,warn x saHk of the sos, aai

T mt T11 ITI a ir itii 11 hi of the Ara--Tiaaeokc. has rseeatTrrf toMct

af SOJRO bs itr at JfonsimudaStorjV irm X. Goixst, te,ieiaaw.Ikdjjki tfctogfa cocaakattea. fcosi the Seert- - j

arr, sap, "last eouBY prosd aad grit? ait forfla neat afhoaac. sad f bexjws toezprKs toaejkuoubratfcitliiid wakhhi fctatea-saj- i

beejtpoHised aa toeeine ae k tbar naSa theseaaVtBtsra I eaaeraxte for tab mtc evkteaee aTkaBSf L.

IkaTeaBRaBsttoBdjc. WM washe soared it to to the Aaas9r or of

f nl'a L Bbaoa. iwiarof thehieaaM xsrtoateaniiiFirbii of ipmeto bgxMuJad bythe

het wart pabfched itSatthe- strr preceaar wean either- tt aae cf theXnaz peaed of Find Storicsrs. tract, ta rSse toarfRseaClk3r.ar3fQG thslfctnt "vorli of the

catFisijt water, titer praae or jcefts. t9s-sofili-

tssaomaa. ocsttcs orbarzed caSa."

Osskt or - 7sa Cixrrtx. Tkree ddrkx-a- '

Seca af the word Csaoe sra zircz, se hesctaashexaapaadaorrrii?TCor-fti'rT:8a- sews

traaBSatIaewafeferb9id by the Sggchfccf TeaSs, caJasd t&e &zrmx, wis in ohd cak al-c- d

1"""1 a20Cherars tfte ffaTT.' b derirtdtrta. mnfcT a --srajie er ekasssrar;

ssd aaeAer; fiat fc orcteated k the Lafit sardfca-'- whsa: caffossaay ataaesed fczte

ScsieaBae; trtasarr aCaews. TieEhearj k xeeeed h? the SjnTwrdi. ast

jraftiiiT eerrtct. Txearitrsii3.Wffitf bxdegiamagiaaC!tiJwjfegatstae

iisJafcararJ; :" ia SfcC tie

BiimegcgesXagidtasieii.extafedeKrtfcrr af aViir orctes. Cf cafea: Stet esaer

fjan, SKk trsaaacks rforwa er tafcj.

Sucitie esdaf JS&t&s? hare Sees koatl1,- -

tie ealaSalei, saiitfa xfeerrfztaaataa.ii.ia;rir''ifa- a

wtntziarcad rtsli?cf Ta

tfui 9aoat sot twts asa,kst ontfc. ii 5afe--1 wWrsof the jatuaiat'j wkhai to ttlae aat. aadii nil 11 of Mr. Feaj tkJpi Sad ap aiak a wfcersfc acaeatCteokrfsrwiirg pertfcat








Cuas was te









Gcamr. Oa tfct Cbar Elrtco, the other !T'I stet M. Gat. tata, n4er, aetl iwOiritlTe. TbeTeamWe hfetarUB fe eat ef the raen nhesa t&e

eTvtsXteruttwTYarsbare)tfu'b(Gl He

b Ew, I '&Mtsi, a peoeeaeeeij rtcthcrj,s twwaercj tatt he nra prcKwJ as ataadKSitr

fcf the eaecTave j tec the rsoat swt ot lriste fee AfwaiHy. He alwaw ba a jwR-ce- J

attrst et DesKvrr, .wi fcTte bccocac JUcvor-- i

awi free the pcwpccts of Orteaattaj frels bfcalt j ater tfce tMare of Fraeee. Trolr Use

i. cr cfcintr. TMrtj rear apj M. Galretae XL Tilers were riral satMrs frr the faw of

Iab FaOHpr. Te Utter ttiempicj aJ Glitretarse to fcb ESearr aad abtttertrjr ntt KorThiers b rmMeat 4" a catteJfr-stHe- , hts hi J an

opea taplare tth the Orteaabt;, hu jwoececrvi ta&TwTrenBeat eUMbamest of tbe prweatioJksj, ami au amnreaUj' Mt the SeU clear ta M.

Oaisat. shede the Jahr aMaarchr e rertrei BatI that M. Catsafs iter tu psi! (cireTer.

Alaj aareaf a stalest thaa a sUteaia, nj eterttrhiajrafier a fsjUtini Meat vhica ran aerer teraitsei! k Fraaee. he BI iicbtk$, pa dewo tob? fnrr c StiK w eU fitt?4 iti. hteuett aalhb vails as the sottltaae af thtUc sm vaekae- - hav ta prize the aataar 4 the "Hbtarr (4CtriBsttiaa. Psris fVrrw. .V. 2" .SnivRt- -

tVass Soats. Maar a tua !s c tie irocr atteetker wh rwpect le m? prof tskc WeWtr twwi sa artb fce trae Tocattoa a

aaeaarifer, awl aaare thaa eae Sneranc with al

ab heai aw heart te art, a Terr bad airgataer, oetapriJaAreaTcaiarsaMta capttxlkaaii Joiirrfjisc

t a (takr; i a&citoc, croaai (Jora to a desl,vheeatire rwid kr sle the sea cesca, aa4 Ntrreatfce tra awi the a cterrass, wbo

tnK hate been Bare at heae te a carpenter hpthaa k the pGt; aai aa actress, wbre beas-Mei- l

hscsa Jtk a a iraAaje daw la the coss--trr, waete ae aht fce! her listits ai chiejcea

htrseK, aerieta the iUrr a& ttake. N'aw alltscse peapte vece oe t&e wroer roai la Hte, eae- -

eeertfcej- 9KNi ccMrste ttefe fcolpe ktprefettr. pat arereircetoecateatHkp(caGtsai bketbFris aai atjtate; ebe that cuae aaaij- -

tae cnee of aatare; BeTvr aUc to rtbe & baitHafrak for harrwt ttew, erta either their awsajw! Jar ta?c. . If tfeer htj ba aathe rickttncTc M art, tker Ettrac bare caMnrn! ererjsaaare iMt af their portieas aat thea the vatUvaek htTe hai fo Baachaed harm aar betweeseairorter aad k i. sfcttteace, sai to cgefr gore ttH?s-f- al

nec.heartB pefforaei.

A SiaSTials. Artesx tVtri. wfeec a jesajrsaa. aaee ar6: spie Ckmiaa4 sad tok spthe praenskc at raweforoae of the pipertkere. Oatthitvir there 'us reBartat4j

xai Arteaa Cied to kit taere wit a aisjoaae . hattrsalv fal of hlpe tad as aht hearteda cMTirt as eaald be fesai, arao ws jatar to speadsceeieotTenn is the peaheatttrr st the otaeread at the roi. He sot m the trite satMartedforab aestteatioa. Whea he arrired there he va

aH,ecie?W aidcasmred te appeireace that hevasi aat asswer the arcrjos, aad wis refsMdakafctiatt. The road i s sarce of jreitaaaarsaceta Arieses aad oaedar hereoatrs-te- d

a the eaateetor tenter hai that the rosdvas ax tejasliee ta saatSad. Toe ocrht tapat the oe the other tad of the trite

5hr" vaers xM tie &uer li." " VThj mJ"ak the coaasctoc WeU, Tocseetkit there b.

so BeBhoed that tok wja atttae l coir; batwatt' tohnecricavlToa n&te;k stthemrdear aad hitteftt pa;easrs.

A Sets os- - Satcsje Lost. Prof. Strare, thedb-tbs3bhe- d

aatrocoaer of Pcltors ha been for remocerruc: the tap of Satara; sod the fawer ooe ofthetk,o.prtparmataofwhat ippt-- rf to be Tipor, ha bees eea to approachthe bodf efthe pbuet, sod to widea it desucceIroaa the other whkheaad to he laid la chandl-er-, or pechtpg sule a? of aenid of 3aU bcdie

csis Krhc Bfce the Ureas of Bettor wtietssppir oar pecioae shawers. &ti dirjjf !!T-er-

sooths atft, the teecr rioc ha kllen corenpaTif. sad IoiTTt theattnetioa of Satara entirtufooerctae the ceatriiarat forre, sad eteeed apoe thehowr of the pkaet, foraacr a bek whfefc frsdiu-i- jSaed orer JLs jiaue, o thtee b aow bo trice cftbertexleJt. Ithbto k thekte abaof tieotherrkes! or w& the? afcaKtetr leather lata sxteilitc,a sasaore cuBJB3iatrtweain i.ed!

T2 "ict- - Cstsr. It hi loar bees befieredthat the earth s roafflsed of s aottee aa esTelop-e-

te a oat crast, bat the thiekae of toe crast haI aniaij a scaject of aasac cacjjectare. Prof.Thoaasoc, however. aw show to the British

Itthat ao !bJear le thaa 2jEG or 2,3OT

reawaaMeaaakthccrattorrbtthefareesof the sP aad aooa. A thteatr crst

h jt woad be bad sp by s tMe w jthte theztoke eb Bse the tier of the oceaa. Esperi-mat- i

beariar 3oaa tab tetenrstior poiat hare kte--k-

mae dariatr the ofenttec of tefriags(haft i Wfesa, sad te wMck it wi fooad thotthetcacratBR of the strata whkk at a depth af 11Tsrii wi acw, rose to derrees at S36

Tiris. The rise or tecrae ot teEtperiEsre exhih-fced- k

tab rase wx sboeCoae etsreeef Fihreahtitfor eTerrL3; feet aesoeat iato the earth.

Ce rTtrrma. gtece tke aeack of Ftther Txr-wr- ToBostoa, aaar aaecaote are rekted of htat.

aawawatrhbthetoaawiKBwKcaatosd. where rhewahors. He syfce the ." riilwr Tetaaewlor to ao j uimthweii. mwttiT affcitaout am, tooat tat goat ,

aitBii. Ot aae oeearfoa, whBe aitiahe awIjios the pate n.hin r, he aClcdsWat Jtt,wtese weather hmia be to agaodjhr ikaVafaaKaMMtordoar-ahhe,ateartatiafraa- d

who sire eieeios to bbeoortedbw. of tea ar loadgratatged jtraaas wtorh beeaae laiitr. aad at ererrrtaewed hket kact the pakft, whereat the rood b-- wm

ther iaad has wttfc a eye aad ioared boa tethese war: -- Lad; brother, te! her wa the

Tathrreas; joaTI wtatbtr beHfet,itk the be leuh-es-

Tosrtofsaaseofciorr'' wtoek ii1t ataargsregged, eaaa

3 or of the Cwui Ciaur toaw&Ff ocnaaaatfeaox 2cw beesikaliaiLif by the tin lalTTie of Caacreei,

Mi Ml iiaioin nil if 11 tki r- - Tai'tTr Tttt- -Itoawke a cosariet with the Vam jreateaSaeto azear

rirnr- - iffaTta- - rlif!--,--,g- -1 'Tir.tkiteori-ise- e

Ttt tab reeJWK j imlirlan Br.Thereasos for tia; JatLaoa b that the Cimrf ara

Casaosr MBialait t with three others k ia azree-Beact-

nm,tott eari7the iSi lor theI'l.lf itTun otSmd, wb (he WTSistas &oe ZtJmt

raforwtrd aad oficsrtd to tarry are

cae sia it taw rite ax: ar siw. toss luaeistu. tee a

daf iutgsr ofajca ejaasnatirwor tSMStteiLinnTax sew 3ttea Ia Vtz 4i Jitctc, aaty

Jnftre--- the ie9Ciae of Sjtaais. poAry te the WestanofexaHhesasfoaowa: TWh' itTsnrton toagesraoaj-I- f

eaaed to the worsU the JOaktrr hate pat k theSjkKrsiiiaiir. te repay an the Cortex wtth rtsud toCai.T llOai i, fjrr CfeL The jhaae .iaaliilj fVjmn.rjr) bajaeeiei ttot if the Trw lrktftt sCTtfoets trieare not to he aartraed Sy ffeaki kars. the terafci-thtcatTC-

wir mrB he x fiuKiateCiral, noC am

feet. We ens sv'fozther are hsJarrethat the Dtsaecsiafe aetiC3Daati afCtnte. aad Partap.i.-raiso- i m-- i etfca-a.r- J

mr Pkie to Heswes we aof he saaiAzs 7

liiE C r!awjaaaWMeMoftheSa!rxiGeii-- 2 hiMk it Ssefiety, wriaes: " As rcssotxrs of12

rrmrr k rsssrdto SSrS-EoSs-ft

k rarrTOitfoc for tatttszse tfcse s. at csay te otioaerw:&id aad to She hili1 to ksrs tear I txre reseor-e-d

fcscr Hz. ZtezKS,BszyUiotfi Caaasf at CifctJ, w.ateaerxtot&efoeawW:(SSst: "Cifrav Tia. IT,

3SK. Srw frac Stirr, dated OeS. S. liTL. Laai-taf-

i S itecrircs "ortS-- AS Batfeaw wesa.' iJSdezras 5etk; k the exist kttsdc of Gon.iwi.oeo,waere scasc we may Is tBeead-ograrv- ri cfcte ezeaHc saee atocaas aucje.'

fiaifThi TiauM ii&t uj that thefiiaic ofiitfct 7i

x jiia. is aat T-f saeg the of the fci.cujTaJs of the Wiafcssx Sosasaa. Ie-j- u Kasz ht sasr.

19 at Use, asd aSeke aat ajfoe wiefaerhe&sa rrrsflenrd to Mhrir zm S ktSe Tfetocx, iltfcifjri it Si

srrvf Use he tag grtrrrf Tray .eg.ska frasr the JissSsSxftt tmsaii. OwaSe '(her Saait, the ket tfttarari-ilterfe- i ataafei had &etfflfeer-rasnndesi- er

waSfc ate Wnzikteai does aC feess toSacUtsSeiTcry oecareteasreof pwex w ao aaarin2 fr tar Sas-- cf ftekit ef Eiioi. r



tiik rvLtovrixo


CecsUtiac ta l'art cf

Tietst tVWe VTeel 4 riiaed.FiBtttni M VoU Anel White ITariBd.

eoJ (ittr atd White all Wvelttiace),'lxi Elhr4 Saeclfar,Thosra GtTr-Tf1t- F OrU.Amwinj; IVnitaJ. Jras5. Prilb uiBleached aad Usbkackr4 Cetteos,

A Sup'r Ass-'- t of Stationery,W!rr Liard Xete Taper.Whit EaleJ Xete Paper.While Fvalrd laid lsS. Letttr led Kill rrT.AVhit. Cc!T ssd Aatc; and Letter asd Xott

KBTtkpeJ,rarsea'slBdeliWe.aad Carter's Copjlajflatt.Artbt' Jt r' FlesiNe Knlen,Saith Jt WefJa's rtJ CsrtrWrM,Hair Girths, Stirraps a Leathers,Sabh Trees. Croarers aad BrUle,0k EltiEr. Street Bwris.Wood riacet, Lap Blade,

Italian Packingr lncc I.rnthcr,Paints, Oils, &c.

White line 1 Led, la 1,3 a ii E cestatctrPari a&d Chreese Greea.Chro YeJWw. Cnber, Slecstr,Palest Drjer, Vemillien.Whitiss Prcssiaa, Bke, BUJitrs tf Pattj--

Carriage and Conch. Varnish,Bright, Cepal and Torahore Varauh,Botte-- l Ltced 03. TarreBtise,3!ia BUcaisr. Oft UHl!,Aae. Pitt. SWre. Adt, Hoe, Oo,Haaser Jt Chisel Hardin,Wool Card, Saddle. Esaatled Trunks,

Coopers' Tools,Creier. Uewel. aed Chiaperirs Kairts,

Carpenters Planes,Fore. Snoeth. Jack Jt Jointer,Cat Xiib. t, , S, 1, II. 10, 30,40, SO ssd61. Boat Sail. 1, 1. 1 a 3 iach,Presed XaS. 3 a It tseh.Ceeper" Kivttj, 4. T a S B.Copper Kiret a Ban, , j,i a i iach, GiopTsch,Irea a Ceprer Ticks t all ttze.Beet BsVUr IIn. I. , 1. 1 i i iseh.Cestrifsri. ViraUh, Paist, Wkite-Wsi- h

ad Serab Brashes. Ctr'd Tia PaHs,7.1,1. J. 4. . ?. l a 13 qairU.Cerered Sfop Fails, Dipper,Dish aad XUk Pia.Jcnaisoits,s))deriBr;tro:. Thinjej.itcels,Haisaer. Gaace. SaareJ. Chisel,Avrer. Siere. Lime Saeeaers,Trd Stkis, Barj: Starter. Ale,Shard. Spade. Oe. Listens,Eagle Herse, A aad 0 PUw j isdPotsl. Pari F1i. extra hrarr" rtrecr,FrUwiHt T Inn, Pafe KHkr,Poked' White Pise Cospossd,P3. Tae. Brota, Etc. Ete.


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fa f frwin imgairtjvzef t rt tk staeuc rWc TWwPVl r yFijHn. aJcerxXfTvf. x2 itmAUtimi tf tihitrsul IWy Skhj fte txXte. wrtair wy ctrtiBniBC i.

Weakre537 aad Debility, BerroTis Irrita-bility.

XaW --Wm 9&xt tinrtM Vf tiw Jhfij-ri- Pfic ftft Mb mjbi . rt4ntrr ht a &na tm itiiyil'

Warkrmr porfe. mmt i eatoiiaaf AMrMMif. Tfctir piMnlykttttw wl lit (fees Sir x rcsrstic m. jfcU i. fuz- -

ww l4rr tkmj- i&njrn eufcit britar tkjipm&tr --jwet aS uuyu Aw fcwu dbc yit. 2

t7 fwUM, tib fe?ir, zimr wnifarfxl tavvM xai esr-z- j-

M wviX a& fcMI i Tnf'gw wtti tbf knee &1stmzdbeti tks 9fis is. x zmet tiaTxarlfeiTy

Eegaia Health, Strength and Vigor.lnr uraa Sat rtmi rw m that Rate Uijad a

Bttinl hmt."Tiot ihir artwaaojf eiem t rkitartm Bfe it m.7 rhtt BlOi hf'i PUV. the

uaL C th fcfaf ?r tjlir, 11. jhuulltw at lw.tfrt. Morrnl.ifaMaao2aaojrall Mrtd wt--

MH(r!iMi3SMiriiino!aaaefrase as a SMt xtrurrAEU7 aassr.Old Ccsghs, Colds aad Athcatieal ASec-dci- u.

rXase Paf. SAtfotAt fea Ktaoa. ay ratotsx HlSm.'l

OlnT'iinitf Tin &KtsJmJ twte 4xw vgm taw ttiwt mlehrit. aai txfaism tara ancr war the fewantaw,

te feast the afSSiie ratr Sir Dtten. ososhi,IwmftitU. aatS Sal lay tiauicVi tru .afflii-I-

anazasex. sweh t&a irncacW atr-t- tt as-i-ft

aa OMMzaax law ijOJaui vtada infn ay cte aarpunn.tnaBi ka eoa wiibbtbay 2iac is sue aoij

r3nx iM tteii conxhf z&t oifct. toe astssa f aatorarv iliiiinHOr. aaC tit heit taw patamti vrre im Vitt a

m vtt atte e ate ihrrx ea tbe&- ftrf tut tiy a&sat tar ghJuaai.

DT3itniest 2tt Distensioa cf theBevels. FlafcileEcy, Diarrhea

ai3 DjJ2teryAsr 73soiis.f cf lbs ifeffFercastififtts shotol k huautf

aut af ar!mtT 0ief 9Z ta fi K

oewTEBOt TS .MSr are a oroit nesstf he aB oiiaiimiia c wm aOBMsocT- . kt aaxf a ta taaraorafiataiii. mf mm awJL aait act sirait kaaHty aa the sSssua.

SeaaT1. aat Imk A a tminaatt ' t&fazraruacij, a3Jt foomi arvapa ae as ftaal.

Very Inccrtact, Of Ccjtivecf53 Bevare.pwraa. up x trc fex fibu itsar fe nee. AJI

wferf wsA atyoafexr asd tartlyst. fart eoafr oA

immt. mctS tci it rraeand ee taw heaas. aari t fcaww-t. c cwBMef oir lr 111 itfe aac IMNOjfcwa

whfi.awTer r to Vi 1 um.m afcai. g theawwttsac hmt feop-rtj- - raond Enr the diy, saroaiiilj if

hk amay tat irmy. a trw gioaaa am ot tawsMatt wat nsasaa A afsft ftowid, aad sa--

ass evixaawna 3raaomn.

gcokmiji's Jaty7t At bat Ttmeif isaes isxnarii ftr Oe i3ku-- fgy :

reaiale Irrtr, rS3sriam

Cfeci.&iSaai SorsTlimtaBiaccaat as. tft Seas aad AroaL

itax .'r ao'iiyafatamaOTtlGaaotEss9 atwae

ssdRBstioa TiLwm 1

Cauapnjafw of aae' fi S mlwirr ItkanUChmftiaaai SarauaTaataads

Wftacy Seaasa,lr3yiievj! IsaBBtanm ' tt--, ks.

sr7wosw atdsawnzarscsa,6t.I JT ltiMwfenesC tt r&&mm. UYLLJ.T1T,tiiru.l,(irTeiiio( sj it by iM mrfzl- -

actcaost Brag ta,wa ma6trfwwfSlt7atf itjhi i wrai-ts-ia- sl, ii Id, fa. of,

"TimSiafaai&!T3MTtiTajaytilfa.aUhrifa.3L i'"jasj tVraVe'ipttaaig tf ;mfeaufci tydb-oris-rare a2Lud a dk tosL

B-- J. X. WlTEEHOriE, awt- -

CHAET CABLES 1 5 fa. tar. fci, I fits.;bar. Kak. Vt tarae: If fx. bar. Esk, M

r It e-- rmi Sa-k- , i filt ; 1 fc-- rrszA fe-k- ,

ixs-- ii c. nasi Sai, & ttr.; 2 ke& roxadM fitss . I ssd i iseh this tx leagtlt to

x head ar daxy saai. Sir sate byBSHXE5 i CO.

T7"ECS of Ore?oa Dried Apple's rseefotdper aSflaiswrjtad tar sale VT

EOLL3S i 60.

ClAilFOESTA BBICK, CaliforalsXine.E9LX25 i CO,


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TIUTK MARSEILLES. BKD Ql'ILTS, WhiteI Cotton Turkih Tnweli, tlrej and Llntn Huck

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r. Black, White a Brown Linen Thread,White Cotton Thread; Hrirj nil extra wide Tickler,Hair-clo- th Seating, Black Ore? Linen Drill,HorreeV'a Whit Cottn Lone Cloth. Crochet Cetton,bales Blue Prilling Htsry White Corduroy, Amos-kt-

Pcniat, Italian Cloths. Black and Blno Bread- -cleth. HeiTT White Cotton Ecd SheeUnr. Cashmered'eeosJe.-Cirpet- ind Tapestries. Tape Cheek, PaperCaabnc. Mlestai.fine x nut Linens, Ladies' Corset,Buttons aad Tnmminra for tailors' use. Clack, Brownand White Linen Hollands. Black Silk. Black andWhite Cotton Wadding, Zephir Wool, Saddle Cloth,Black Crepe, etc.

GBO CURIE'S.French Pea ia Water, Freich Teaj In Batter, tins

Peia and Carrot. Aspararus. Soup Boaillr. MockTattle. Jclien Crab. Kidney. Fowl. Oxtail and Karaboops. tins . f Tunrue, lirnnswict Liter, Masnroom,Hestpharis, Itilu, Cerreut, etc., Carranl,Apple ind BisbcrrT Jellie in jars, Strawbcrrr, Car--rant. Raspberry ind Currant Jaice. Rapbrry Vine--jar, eases Mixed Pickles. Picalillj, Onions and Gherkins. LimbBrg aad fwist Cheese, barrels lite rlonr,boar lie-bar- in te-- s. kepi tilted lirinner Kohl,Carle Kehl. tins Brsaner Kehl or Carly Kehl Cabbiirekej Dateh llerrinrs, kesi Salted German StringBeans, kegs Silted Turkish Peu, Canary and RapeSeed, demijohns Yellow and Green Split Pea. Sar-det- te

and Anchoeie in patent glass and tin boxes,kej-- i Saltpeter, case Sweet Oil, Westphalis Hams,lees Kassia Sardine, xrenca 1'rnne in rlas. braTrna Fir in glias. Zinte Currant in tins, Muscat Rai-sins in tins. Capers in glass, glasses Preserved Limp-rej- s,

Rassia Cariar ia patent boxes. Candles. Saltwater Soap, drench Chocolate, case Confectionery,Manipan and other Sweetmeat, Vinegar in demi-johns and barrels. Grocery Paper aad Bags, etc.

XilQUORS!Winos, AToa,

3?ortor, cfco-2- 4


in ease. RI1LXE WIXE3 in esses, inch 1Geisenheuner, Hochheimer, Xiersteiser,

Radesheimer. Beidesheimer, Bocksbeatel, all warrant-ed geeaice, Medoe 1S63 and 1S61 ia eases, Santernssad Hact Santerne. Case CLARET of other brands,sseh 1 Chit Litare, Lagrange, Leorille. Chamber-ti-

Case Port Wise, Sherry. Marachino. MaltXordhaasex Braatwein, Scotch sad Irish

rkBramel snd doable KnratBel,Swed- -iK PnnS. 9n.l fjw-- tiT PrnT r,ra, InMil.nssd Booneksiep Bitter, best and teal Hollsnd Gin,iaitatioB Holland Gin, eiski Brasdy Gin and Run,Beetjea A Schroder's stir brand Ale in pU and qts,Norwegian Beer in pt and qts. Marian'a Draft Ale incasks. Alcohol ia demijohn ssd keg. Scltxer Water.

.cioTnixcr,Ladies' Hats aad Bonnets, new styles. Children's

Hat snd Gents' Felt nils, new styles. Ladies,' Chil-dren's aad Gents' GIoth, colored Kid Gloves for La-d- ie

sad Gents, Suspenders, Garter. Whito Pi ueVests. ne Blae Sacks, Black and Blue Cloth Plats,White Dock Sack. Past and Vests, Oriexn and Al- -

pacta ie. Pnsa Pacts. Sgarei Moleskin Pint,firs red Vktsrii Pint. Silk Umbrella, whalebonefraaes extra site. Ladie'Silk L mbrella. Brown andBine Cotton Umbrellas, s complete assort of Gents'Linen and Paper Colar. Xeetties, Men's white andgTy heiry aerico half-hos- men's and boys, hearybrown, eottoa soeki, ladies' snperior white stockings.Merino nndershirts snd drawers, extra site, browneottos nndershirts, pilot reefing jacket, monkey jac-ket, waterproof eoiu, white eottoa beamed handker-chief, ssperior white lisen and lawn handkerchiefs,Boaxsiar handkerchiefs, calico and cadapolaa shirtssad other cameras ankles.

BLANK BOOKS, eh as ledger. joBrnal. daybook, eish book, stock book. aeeooBt books, copy-i- ar

book, cote book, book folios, octave book.Bill, eip sad letter paper, pens ssd pes holders, ink.copying presses, etc etc.

H?iiTTtS dE3 Oil.White lead and lice, black isd green paints, lis-- I

sect oil, sheet leid, etc. ete.

Melodeons, Iron Safes,


Perfumery, ctbo.Best eas it eologre, poautasts, hair OO, :e pe

fssery, toilet tosps. ete. ete.

MI C ELfLiAjYEO IIS .Case siekaick aad fancy artklea, toys aad dolls

jaek ksiree, beteher knires aad pea knire. watertsoakeyi, sua beitiagt, ribboc ra Urge assortaeBt,feather aad pia es. srttfieial flowers and wreaths,gstta pereai rswsd eomb. dressiag aad ne tootheosbf , ladies dress trieersgi, Sae embroideries, thebeet ot Gerssas etgsrs, eorks, black hit ribhoss, blackpotished fesce wire, i good article, boop iron, MaaBi

rfe, heap rail twist, walking sticks, riotin strings,hooks id eye, hair piss, meenehias pices, oraa- -aestu gioae uate laapi, witeses,wtsdow glass, etf.

-- ALSO-






EXPECTED via PANAMApASES PRINTS, LTLvLIIS, white andV-- dark groscd PriaU,


WHITE and BROYXlong cixmis.

Boots & Shoes for Ladies,GENTS and CTCILDREX

Denims, Brilliants sad

lTiimeroiis Other ArticlesSUITABLE POR TEE TRADE !


Coses DTBer5 Best Kerosene Oil,

Cast--i Best Amerfean Csrd Mstcbes.

Bales Amcrksa Heavy




Coiratry Dealers are Pajticolariy Invited

fmE-S- My txk keSore jsrtsast3g akewherc.

Js THEvS, C, 5X2BCK, x$rt cuttt.


Offer for Sale




Lime and Cement,

California Hay,

AJfD- -

. .v. i.lDj Steamer from San Francisco,

Potatoes, Onions, &c.

.eoxxtai forBrand's Bomb Lances,

Perry Davis' Painkiller,

Pnnloa Salt WorksI ly









A splendid'assorUient of the above


BOOTS just received; also, a few more


which will be sold at the Lowest Possible


M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.46 3m

o m7"M

. . . j . . .


Tobaco and Cigar Store !IVo. .11 Fort Street.

"tOrfSTAJiTLY OX HASTJ A LARGEJ Assortment of the Choiceit Briads of

wittsrii ieaf and Fine Cat

Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,Hiraai, German aad ITinili Cigars,Turkish, Haitian and Harass ia ported CigiritoiCasks tf Kary Ping, (in bond.)


lc, lc, it.ALSO,

Zilauea Smoking Tobacco!So well known for its parity asd freshness.

For eile by II. it Fort Street.

TO RENT.Ejr THE HOUSE and premises5o. JS9 Xanana Arcane, at present

oecapied by V. L. GEEEi", Esq. Posiessioa gireaoa the Srst of April.

A!m The'Iltnie and preafacs So. 113 adjoisin;.PtMesskn girra iaotediitely.

For particulars apply to C. E. WILLrAJISor J. U. WOOD.

ntnttara, Feb. Sth, 1872 (

To Let or Lease.Those Terr Desirable Premises

S3 the Plains, known as tTLDLAXI, atby-M-r. S. B. Dole. The Dwell-is- :

Hsaxe eeotiit of a large Parlor, Din EaeBoon, three Bed Boons, aad Pantry, two largeStore Eoaot os baseaest; there it alw on the Utvls Cottage eoctiiarsg two roost, deUched Kitehea,aerraxU' ilocse, etitnes, te., vitn a well ofrvA witcr. Also a Cotiazt la Sauna Valtrr. Ifappfied for Isaediitely. For farther ctrtloalari ap- -pty J. O. kBXUN.

To be Let.The Home Stakal ot Dr.

EtiageswaM's reslenee. Kaaaaa Ato- -sss. Apply at the Office of this paper.

4i If'

Knigfifof the Red Cross" Tobacco.

A SJfALL LOT of this fine Tobaeeoalso other ririetSej for sale low br

B0LLE3 i CO.

PAI5T8 aad OIL 13et Bngllsb and03. Wbito Load, White Zice, Black

Pairt, Eed lead. Faery Cokrt aad Patent Drjer.Alto The eletriel "tar Copytr Palct,"itr-rritc- d

aai fr sale ty (7) EOLT.ES k CO.

O US with iron slocks n sdditfantamatatatrtUei,whUh atitJlit n.rtatntssd ettapteio.iest reeeired freta Earope ir Zirk

kvicaoL. Ia Lisd cr da!r rati, for ill. h-- r l ' --"

7 -- tK B0LLE3U CO.

" T3BGE coLOTnr 1 "ESTABLISHED 1851 1



americTnIoods!nRTCIUS TII1SK1 rr P.t Vmvmrm. Alf.A rsKTUts for mis o try BBStirrtmi.VOT TO SS cyOEH30LV-ot- l.) lit mfm aw M Mmttllewnig geods, tweMcDry Goods, Groceries, Earthenware,

Hardware, Cutlery. Saddlery,

Glassware, Leather Goods,

Faizits, Oilsa. Colors, ctjo,wmi

A LARGE VARIETY oC'NOTIQNS,Not taalKted la this .UmtbmnL


SMlthsta, Sbeetlotm Pasmtt j gnal mWf,AlnthwSee Rats, Oupeta Twreos, MrtiM,SecHh Oabarin. rtnet Meriaw am'4 (atari, Aheu,BthMu, llrMfi, SmtW aad MawH Ifaeto,While StatrrHa BMrflu aa4 tkr TirMfcat WHwuTofklsb Ssset It aad irweta, whaa aad UlJ taaia Saweta,Heete Btaakela, white, arrj, llat, ff9 ao4oarM K

f Tartooa analiUM. Hornvt,' Lest 9aFancy Oelcfvd and wk4lv.ariB4 vetota.

tern i.ry iseiraMa for tb aatiT IfaaAIiotD Drllla. Sketlrs aad Nnttfa. IHaym, --to.Bhu rtiaael, Scarloi aad tThito do, ant Oiaaiitii.Tall Darefo. black. wkHe aid browa Uaea Threai,Kreear aao otaee vpooi Urtwu, vaveawt awe an.l'Ju iirtuiag. aiie uaewarsj, laaaaaeac waaTap Cheeks, Caakrtc, stOectaa. todbo Cieaeta,uoiioaji aw matBUBE. waca a aiiiwa.BUik Crape, Bet lla )Veal in aK oaowa.

Gents' Hats of Christy & Son's, make.LjuKm' lilts aad BaaaoU, CalHcrn'a Mats,Meo aaa Bo,' starrlor Mraw 111.LadOs, CMMmi aid Onita' Oloeea ta Tasitt. ,

rtaoe. Silk tad Cot too Catealsaa,OeoU' Uses aaJ Paper Cosara, A my two Boo of SUrte

of alt ttada, ptala. woat, caWtai aad amsayNecktie, mi'i half km In weal aa ewtloo,ladles' lopertor wblto atxt hrowa steektOc- -

A Complete Arctic Outfit!COMPBISXB ALL


Meria Usdenblru and Brawm, Uaa aaS rawa Haadfti,Oarrt Baaa, Mea's aid Baja Casw S all ill nlallaaa.ntot-clot- k Coals that cannot tf aaraainit, Bbek OathSacka, Caebmere Sail. Tweed Saita, FOne Itaoowl aod deo- -

skta Pasts for mea. ,iths aad kvya. rtaaatta sMrta.Jeao "ktitt. TsraoTer Salrla, Jack ibwtaadlaiaaMa.near Ctotli, Carrtaaw aad 61 Ctetk. TaOla OO CWct a

Terr eswlca patUrna. Bartaa Skwta. Tlrtartaiiawas,Muk Oreoadiaas, Daaaask Strtaaa, Tape Cbeeka,Cambrfci. Hair Conl Checks, Otmt Jiarail 0 Iach,Mt TolTeta, ITaler-oroo- f Tweal af T.ihiai roliri.Tallin m. Crochet Edglee. Erattanttoc BaBsac.Laotea' Slaraoo Coflart, Jaeooet SK M Mi,Una fett. Lac Ttaa, laiattaan. Jaraaat Soatsata,Iafcat's Froek Boil, CaanSek Skirts,EiaaroaSered skbta. Tar. boar.

A Fine Selection for Leap Year I

Silk Ilaadkarcaiafc. Uses and Coltoa rttatat HaeaTta.TabW Covers and rtaao Cover of att ktoas, Anoa Caoa.rruxe oftTalai Caps, sjllk raaaravi, Sasro Calw,Aliaca Cmbrvllaa. Silk ParaaS aad SaaiWSei.Alpaca aed Coltoa do. Uats Tlela, Wool toaatvt,labats' Faacv Wool Boo.. Waal HiIIiii , VTaal Ctaalv,Ladlvw-- raacy IToul Tlaa aad Soara.

Ilair MlliUry half tow I i.a. ...n...BlMk Mlk j mm I la. nil. avhalr iwai. cheatO nili.Black eilk.. Caacv silk., tri IIWlDKl. (l Ml BIBOa,Buttouaof all kinds, sbawit of ail ktida, laer shawla.Pink aiaahaaM fast culora. tarkev rod aad vvltow.Torkej caavarir, .triavd aod padded Itava aiWa.Cotton, liaes aad baatyoo,b lowats. Hbsa eaedv, eta.

VERY CHOICE GROCERIES!IV frniu, pick), cubnnmtm jd, tplit pw, otaravi;Cataaurr ana hfiup wwd. whits? twu, TuriaaMr thaw,Veivtpbaim Imbm, Wrbd gtaT. gommd pkmimtWaEpaaotD &u, Knmmi cIvvm, Buxd yie, grtmmd gtakgr.On and bUck ppr. vltittp pwpfn . u;nM ftft, it zmd tmtm iommr lii ptvKOtoTcrMtiua Uw9$m, i9t ttkt ft tfe lMkttafal,Cr-- m Urtar. aaJcrmtM in Jan 4 Wtttn. MChiJa l04fr. Lm axl rrrfci MMt, Havrf!Rervjing 5uKe. John Ball wtct, ht mtmlt tm,Mogul mocc. Kinc of Oodu war, ntktvj hw.Caatej Sun, uih ra! Mace.


Liverpool salt by the bag or aw. kotstta of eats.Castor oil ia qaarw, plots asd VaMsta. rote haw afl,Lara and .oiall, aad atavr jaaM, aalaiva.Sago and otaar drtaS bvlpaBlckM iialsa.. aapass,

aveaee of lesaoa aad vaadtta, Froach paaa,feidifu pawdara. potted tovf, baaa, aini, aaleaom.Cod roe. In lib liaa, too tadl Mao. Savr wave haas lha

tiakerr ot IlaaUov aad Panaw, im Oaaieaa kli.aila.I am lHacalU, aoaack katiialw. nwlila.lloa at laHi.tTeat Iadia piae-app-l isHrap. .prtrHa. atawad aaara,A great variety of aiaaatwys lafgato daav f m aJtrvr

asd told laatta kavai, with 1OTHER SUCH LIKE SWEET THINGS!

SovLv c41, MhBoo ntHi, XtffrniM 4nH-i-.Faiaova ba4dnt. QxtvrH tm-xg- trmMrt f--

HDb trailer lm 2t Him. p.oo wx tm t Mm,Eozhtb plum pvxfcttac la tim. bbnmUr mwi wtauijHriTiD a mt Jibm. sackcrtl Mtaacm, flrtak ImntmmL

iiBtima eiMk tf&mn W ctW Hwm tilalu vfiPaKnwtlaJBK ttMt U kftr tbaiO.K


ia barrets aad aatf karrvla.

M'lltaltlre Ckeewc, S'nrdlnea In Una,Cltocolate, Courectlonery, kc



Biefay k I'etkia'i a fn rata artasS.aid very iiiuat he ssraaac aotbera.

Jvffray. aad lad CooV. Sta, paaas aid oaarts.Bat Breakaa Ak ia ptala aad oawaa,

CIIAJIPAC.VK, aaau aod awHCLARET, K oao oosea at.


Sold by Iie Original l'nckaK:An" Tav r, mU b, tha ml ia mi i.alj la illail fait

a;-- v that hav. ao( keaa taaaaarad win.atiHa Imp, yvllow taS aHrtaa, iteoaa Wavtwr twi

CaaUla Soap, Da BehaU (aaava, is.


X37 la retard ta wkark Ular m,.A aSCHKT, aaal I tealwaraoat aaiae Is Mood whaa aM obar win enca. shoiaSo)lr. Toshnt dociarad that he woalrf rataar aatv awa oajt ofJIT OIT.V thaa two ear, of the asersfel0i4CtaUaa.

Cases Downer's Best Kerosene Oil!Beat Aaertcaa esrd awHehas lo earn.Hatkatk'alafladail la patoal draaas aad auks,wKa Ziatfla. wkHa had. grava fatat, ataak pasat.Bed Uad, , aoaUaa rat. yvtlaw eaea. UmXf laark,Moetor Parie, dry ipd, had oryeev. sowita tori nrk i,LadW aavtSaata' aaddla. of att klsaW-oasa- k teat,BrSttx, xeaata Maafla aad Saw SMaad tmam,trtra stvpV tk aaty atlaUw aaarkaa. .wi.kiir. rtu,PtrtaM, cmanliia caps, eavusdfas. f iiarh ha fua,Eofcl Chaaa toa aota, waa.r aeta aad hraihfct atas.

Musical Instrnments. Toys. &c.SlaelMl Boxaa, oaaeantaa.. aomaaaao, vSaataa,Irotas. stasis atriaia. toys of alt kiaac. crytac tvaKM,Lawt craatl atSa. aagatolia kaatdt. keelaaa ssaaokaa.SSas frart aad SVawara, gWe. ahaoas, .atalasaava.P.aall.. mhet mt alt alaaa. knrh - tmimmUnalvaotiad baa wWvaaanvat, Iras dfSa, artWfciv

CARPENTERS' lMPr.TOfF.HTS.Dw-- r fxeka. ( ,ka, taraae'a iUm. aSsataU,

pake.aavve, padlocks, raaov laraae, pK aaws,Trytoz pturtt, iratwl aawa. Jack aod eOMoeator pfaaattUri Meavt, lery vrto beacior assat, dWoVakXPall Kaevae, aaoa kahai, piaeara, aha. rwfa, ekasSrnel Kafvai. avtaren, rpedW. .aaala. aaa.aaaaCahsolud tekab, tats, taa. aid aars ck.rfce,BoW krtwi. aaavwe isspt, rat Wsta' ou wvw. ttsapa;his irtpa, wosus isspa im woit tnp.

Double ttntl KIllIr. Iltsraseoo.Ktpreaa Haraeaa.

TW, Sili Uae. vl Imk4i, lrrar-b- ryrx..i .jiua .para, laraaa apae., rragaeaa awa.injMiiM, rad ui wavsaWauries trass Vt la at a" raws, 39t aat tsaa irr pits,Tr7K,tlM, availLJtaa Lh - -

IirU. ila Mite. aovl kwd te, tAf, araifcwari,Cialvaalud Are, eOlWal. flgyar imIh, traiavra.Iraw Calaa, Jask tswka, lm Kb? pert. wHk oappar