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What is the Money Buying?

James Harvey

National Superintendents Roundtable

ASCD Annual Meeting


March 24, 2012

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The evidence

Source: Education Next, 2010

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Per-Pupil Spending Southern States(Black spending as % of white)

• Alabama - 33%• Arkansas - 43%• Florida - 44%• Georgia - 31%• Louisiana - 32%• Mississippi - 17%• North Carolina - 65%• South Carolina - 30%

• Alabama - 80%• Arkansas - 66%• Florida - 79%• Georgia - 68%• Louisiana - N/A• Mississippi - 30%• North Carolina - 85%• South Carolina - 60%

1940 1952

Source: Clotfelter, After Brown, 2004

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Separate but Equal School in South Carolina, 1938

Source: Library of Congress

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Steady Growth in Schooling Completed

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Dramatic Decline in Dropouts (Status Dropouts, 16-24-year olds)

Source: NCES, Condition of Education, 2010

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Enrollment of Students with Disabilities Booms

Source: NCES, Condition of Education, 2010

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LES Enrollment Surges

Source: NCES, Condition of Education

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Women’s Participation in High School Sports Increases Ten-fold

Source: American Association of University Women, 2010

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Teachers Paid a Living Wage(Constant 2009 Dollars)

Source: NCES, Digest of Education Statistics, 2010

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Expenditures in Broader Context(Constant 2009 Dollars)

Source: NCES, Digest of Education Statistics, 2010, Author’s Calculations for some years

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The real story

1. Today’s schools aren’t educating the students of 1920 or even 2000

2. We’ve dismantled a “separate but equal” system.

3. We’ve increased number of students with disabilities (75%) and those learning English (140%)

4. We’ve increased the number of high school girls participating in athletics ten-fold.

5. And we’ve gone from only 50% of Americans graduating from high school in 1950 to nearly 80% today, while lowering real dropout rates.

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The Horace Mann League• The Horace Mann League exists to:

• 1. Perpetuate the ideals of Horace Mann• 2. Preserve and support quality public schools• 3. Preserve the separation of church and state

• Annual Membership Fee: $75

• Contact: Jack McKay• Email: [email protected]

• Phone (360) 437 1186