Download - Have you been the Victim of a Predatory Loan? Find out with a Forensic Loan Audit

Page 1: Have you been the Victim of a Predatory Loan?  Find out with a Forensic Loan Audit

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Have you been the Victim

of a Predatory Loan?

Find out with a

Forensic Loan Audit

Page 2: Have you been the Victim of a Predatory Loan?  Find out with a Forensic Loan Audit

The number of homeowners that have been taken advantage of by their lenders with predatory loans across the country is a staggering amount. It is estimated that about 80% of all home loans have multiple TILA and RESPA violations. These violations have placed many homeowners at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure.

Predatory lenders such as Bank of America, GMAC, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo have been found guilty time and time again of violations at the state and federal levels with their predatory loans.

There is a good chance that you could be a victim as well. You can find out if you have been a victim of a predatory loan by having a forensic loan audit examine all of your documents in order to find any violations.

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Page 3: Have you been the Victim of a Predatory Loan?  Find out with a Forensic Loan Audit

A forensic loan audit will make sure that your loan complies with all state and federal predatory lending laws, such as RESPA, TILA, HOEPA, UDAP, ECOA and OCC.

Lost documents, incorrect appraisals, improper notices and other violations that are becoming increasingly commonplace when dealing with a predatory lender means that a large number of mortgage loans could be legally unenforceable.

A forensic loan audit that has the potential to give you legal recourse against your lender will help them sit up and take notice of you, and potentially move you to the front of the line when it comes to renegotiating the terms of your loan through a loan mod.

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Page 4: Have you been the Victim of a Predatory Loan?  Find out with a Forensic Loan Audit

A forensic loan audit will examine your mortgage documents and determine if therehave been violations such as excessive and unnecessary fees and high interestrates, to more basic violations such as incomplete loan applications or incorrectdates.

If any of these are discovered by your forensic loan audits, it may be able toopen doors allowing a homeowner at risk of defaulting on their loan and going intoforeclosure to obtain a loan mod that could significantly lower a mortgage payments. If a forensic loan audit discovers more serious violations, this could give ahomeowner legal recourse against a lender and in some rare cases, be able to havetheir loan rescinded.

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Page 5: Have you been the Victim of a Predatory Loan?  Find out with a Forensic Loan Audit

Remember, predatory lenders such as Bank of America don’t care about the homeowner at all. The only thing that matters to them is their bottom line and taking your money.

This is why you should not hesitate to contact Tila Solutions to give you the help you need in the form of a forensic loan audit. For over a decade, Tila Solutions has been looking out for the homeowner with their forensic loan audits and securitization audits.

If you need help stopping foreclosure, a Tila Solutions Consultant is available by telephone at (702) 508-0335. Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at loan audits.

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