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Page 1: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

DifferencesThis page indicates all the differences between the British and United States versions of Harry

Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

pp. U.K. Edition U.S. Edition pp.8 top-of-the-range top-of-the-line 3

10 fortnight two weeks 5

12 ice-creams ice cream 10

13 joint loin 10

17 September the first September first 16

19 wardrobe closet 17

22 tinned soup canned soup 22

24 'Bit rich coming from you.' "You should talk." 25

26 wound down rolled down 27

29 windscreen windshield 31

29 wellington boots rubber boots 32

33 Father Christmas Santa Claus 36

38 tank top sweater vest 44

39 holiday vacation 45

42 pulled the doors to pulled the doors closed 50

45 an apothecary's an apothecary 54

48 wonky lopsided 58

52 group who group that 63

53 cock-crow dawn 65

53 boot trunk 66

56 check no one's watching check that no one's watching 70

58 bonnet hood 73

66 good on you good for you 84

70 timetables schedules 89

76 can't say fairer can't do better 98

79 waste bin waste basket 102

79 candelabra iron chandelier 102

89 It's mad It's ridiculous 116

89 treacle toffee treacle fudge 116

93 shift the slime get the slime off 121

94 peaky pale 122

94 jump-jets missiles 123

Page 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

96 he's got flu he's got the flu 125

101 go to the loo have a pee 133

111 hadn't got haven't got 146

111 nutter maniac 146

118 cistern tank 156

135 prised wrenched 180

pp. U.K. Edition U.S. Edition pp.135 prised open opened 180

147 end of term end of the term 197

160 Much the most difficult bit By far the hardest part 214

160 cupboard closet 214

161 treacle-thick glutinous 215

167 gormless clueless 223

173 news agent's variety store 231

185 grass on Hagrid squeal on Hagrid 250

187 rubbish lousy 252

198 they went, crocodile fashion they marched 267

199A second later, Harry spotted something that made him hit Ron over the hand with his pruning shears.

A second later, Harry spotted something.Several large spiders were scuttling over the ground on the other side of the glass, moving in an unnatuarally straight line a though taking the shortest route to a prearranged meeting. Harry hit Ron over the hand with his pruning shears.


199Harry was pointing at the ground a few feet away. Several large spiders were scurrying across the earth.

Harry pointed out the spiders, following their progress with his eyes screwed up against the sun.


199 Harry watched the spiders running away.

Harry's eyes narrowed as he focused on the spiders. If they pursued their fixed course, there could be no doubt about where they would end up.


199 Professor Snape escorted Professor Sprout escorted 269

208 hatching Aragog out in hatching Aragog in 281

210 revising studying 284

226 monkey-like monkeyish 307

233 straight away right away 302

240 got fond grown fond 326