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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Table of Contents

    Introduction .3

    Partner Acknowledgements

    Vision and Mission

    Project Description

    Situation Analysis

    Opportunity Analysis

    Appendix 10

    Family Literacy Center-Lifelong Learning

    Local Business Consortium

    Housing and Homeownership Consortium

    Community Ventures Development Consortium


  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan



    21i4Community Transformation

    The idea of community transformation is not new one It has existed in various

    iterations over the past several centuries In its modern day and urban context

    communities have struggled with multitude of problems that have left them unattractive

    at best to near hopelessness at their worst We have witnessed large declines in the

    industrial sectors with the resulting layoffs creating significant declines in their skilled

    workforce populations In many circumstances this has left our most vulnerable

    populations in largely untenable situations We have seen inner city school districts bear

    the brunt of these population shifts with not only loss of students but their teachers and

    academic achievement levels as well Homeownership levels have plummeted in these

    areas and without homeowners taking care of their properties substandard rental housing

    has thrived These are only few of the national challenges that exist for many of these

    historically urban settings

    Benton Harbors challenges are no different than what we have already described In fact

    many of Benton Harbors systemic challenges are more extreme because of the near total

    absence of middle class population By federal definition every census tract is deemeddistressed The hurdles in Benton Harbor that currently exist range from the obvious to

    the subtle One of the glaring challenges is continually declining population In its

    heyday Benton Harbor had close to twenty thousand residents At present only ten

    thousand seven hundred people still reside in the community As percentage of the

    countys total tax base Benton Harbor has gone from over fifty percent to less than seven

    percent in the past several decades Benton Harbor has also turned from community

    thriving with homeowners to one that now has over sixty percent of its homes owned by

    landlords And lastly and most importantly the city has watched it academic achievementlevels and literacy levels fall to unacceptable levels

    As urban communities have faced theseproblems


    there have been multitude

    of ideas studies and initiatives designed to reverse these misfortunes They have come in

    the form of education reform housing initiatives specific job training as well as host of

    other strategies These efforts have ranged from no measurable change within the

    community to very narrow pockets of success Unfortunately these targeted successes

    have not lead to sustained community transformation for the broader community


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    Different Approach

    The philosophical model we have embraced within the context of the Harbor Shores

    project is to embrace all of our municipalities and community partners in process ofcatalyzing systemic change and community transformation Over the past three years this

    philosophy has allowed us to successfully work with federal state and local

    governmental units as well as broad based of community organizations Our first step

    was to acknowledge that full scale community transformation cannot be successfullyinitiated within narrow community framework The Council for World-Class

    Communities was established several years ago and served as the driver in bringingthousands of our residents together to establish this common vision We realized this

    transformation must come through the collaborative efforts of an agreed upon common

    vision for the betterment of the entire community This vision includes economic

    development lifelong learning understanding diversity and developing grassroots

    organizations within the community The Alliance for World-Class Communities was the

    first formal step in bringing the right resources together to achieve this vision The

    Alliance represents four affiliated organizations Cornerstone Alliance Council for

    World-Class Communities Citizens for Progressive Change and the Community

    Partnership for Lifelong Learning that have joined together to begin addressing the

    barriers to community transformation

    These organizations informally worked towards arguably the same outcomes with the

    challenge of wasted human and financial resources With the formal restructuring of

    these four organizations into collective force we have been able to significantly

    leverage our efforts as well as our impact within the broader community This same

    leverage opportunity exists for Harbor Shores

    Harbor Shores has the ability to use large residential and recreational development as an

    enabler for true community transformation Using the Alliance framework of economic

    develop diversity with inclusion lifelong learning and leadership development four

    community benefits plans have been designed to take full advantage of development

    that could exceed $500 million in its overall impact to the area These community

    benefits plans include job creation workforce development literacy skill building

    increased homeownership opportunities local and small business development as well as

    developing strong grass roots organizations

    The following segments will describe the Harbor Shores project on vision and mission as

    well as detailed community benefits plans


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    Partner Acknowledgements

    During the past threeyears

    there has been significant level of support provided to the

    overall Harbor Shores project This support has come in the form of strategic

    development governmental assistance technical development financial contributions

    and community engagement The Harbor Shores project wishes to extend their

    appreciation and gratitude to those organizations and individuals who have contributed to

    keeping the Harbor Shores project on pace to become reality They include

    Harbor Shores Project Partners

    Whirlpool Corporation and Whirlpool Foundation

    Jeff Fettig Chairman CEO Whirlpool CorporationDavid Whitwam Retired Chairman CEO Whirlpool Corporation

    Governor Jennifer Granholm and the State of Michigan

    Congressman Fredrick Upton

    City of Benton Harbor MichiganCity of Saint Joseph Michigan

    Benton Charter Township Michigan

    County of Berrien MichiganThe Alliance for World-Class Communities

    State of Michigan DOT DLEG DEQ DNR DOEHeartland Alliance

    Michigan WorksLake Michigan College


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    Vision Statement

    To create an inclusive environment where the richness of our differences are viewed as

    strengths and where all citizens are prepared and contributing to our interdependent world

    class communities


    We will accomplish this work by directly engaging with our federal state and community

    partners to leverage the physical development opportunities generated by the Harbor

    Shores project and in turn catalyze systemic change opportunities focused on human

    capacity building that include educational economic and social initiatives


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    Project Description

    Harbor Shores is proposed 530-acre mixed-use development that spans parts of Benton

    Harbor St Joseph and Benton Township Current plans include residential units

    commercial space hotel/conference center Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course indoor

    water park marinas parks and new green space and various other amenities

    Harbor Shores is unique opportunity to revitalize the Twin Cities area and begin

    process to reverse declining populations shrinking county-wide school enrollments and

    manufacturing job losses that have burdened our communities for the past several

    decades It represents shared responsibility we have to one another and multitude of

    shared opportunities for our connected communities The sheer physical scale of the

    project will give us the ability to lay the groundwork in addressing not only our economic

    challenges but our educational and social ones as well

    Harbor Shores is projected to create 6000 direct and indirect jobs 4000 temporaryskilled-trade jobs during the construction phase and 2000 ongoing jobs in the hospitality

    service and technology industries The residential space including mid-rise and low-

    rise units town homes single family homes and senior independent living will offer

    affordable housing options as well as at-market housing choices In addition the plan

    would enhance the arts district and add recreation/entertainment opportunities retail

    establishments and office space to the community

    Situation Analysis

    The idea of redeveloping several hundred acres of contiguous dormant

    contaminatedlandlocked properties in Benton Harbor Saint Joseph and Benton

    Township has existed for almost twenty years These properties at best generate minimal

    ad valorem revenues for their governmental units

    Elements of Decline

    As our communities have suffered through the pains of deindustrialization population

    loss in particular our 18-34 year-olds plant closures and job losses we have recognized

    that we must be open to innovative approaches to protecting the future viability of our

    residents and businesses while continuing to use the core strengths of our communities

    Educational disparities and high segregation indexes have also played negative role

    across our collective communities


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    These are some of the harsh realities our local communities and county have had to face

    over the past several decades

    -.9% population growth from 1970 to 2000

    Above average exodus of our 18-34 year-old demographic in Berrien Countybetween 1990 and 2000

    Geographic specific erosion of tax base BH SJ etcLow in-migration between 1995 and 2001 that cost the county $100 million

    dollars in personal income

    Non-uniform educational attainment levels across the county

    Ten-year projected declining county-wide school enrollments

    The county continues to lose retail to surrounding areas

    Quality of life measures such as new housing prices crime and school

    performance have worsened

    Opportunity Analysis

    With all of the stark realities our communities have faced there has been an historic

    coming together of our communities over the last ten years Weve seen significant

    community engagement around creating world-class communities through diversity with

    inclusion as result of organizations like Calling All Colors Council for World-Class

    Communities and Lake Michigan College Weve also seen resurgence of

    entrepreneurism as technology- and service-related industries have seen rebirth The

    broader communities have also recognized the need for diversification of businesses

    our region Cornerstone Alliance has played significant role through its economic

    development strategies and collaborative efforts Quantitative and qualitative research

    provided by the Upjohn Institute Berrien County and others have also been instrumental

    in identifying our core assets and direction

    Some of our community assets include

    Shared lakefront and riverfront properties

    Large land masses of undeveloped properties

    core leadership group committed to systemic change

    Proximity to multiple major MSAa Chicago Indianapolis Detroit etc

    growing base of diverse and innovative companies

    Whirlpool Global headquarters

    Our communities possess significant strengths which have helped us to maintain our

    status quo can we make this status grow at best They have not provided enough


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    leverage around our existing assets to create the systemic change our communities are

    striving towards

    Given the resources and foundation that has been b ui lt i n our communities the

    environment is ripe to take on project that will allow all of our communities to share

    andexperience growth


    economiceducational and social

    wealth At no other timein

    our communities histories have we been poised to successfully embrace such an

    opportunity Community pride work ethic and the momentum around collaborative

    community building is recipe for creating systemic change on multiple levels


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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Family Literacy Center FLC





    January 2007



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    Executive Summary The Family Literacy Center FLC

    Recruitment Procedures

    II Assessment Orientation

    III Training Registration

    IV Training Courses

    Center for Literacy Development

    Center for Education Development

    GED Preparation 10

    Catch the Dream for Adults LMC WMU Partnership forthcoming

    Center for Life Skills

    Bridges Out of Poverty 11

    Diversity with Inclusion 11

    Home Management Resources 12

    Career Development 12

    Personal Development 12

    Program Monitoring 13


    Volunteer Handbook 14

    Life Coach Implementation Strategy 29

    Literacy Impact Metrics 33


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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Executive Summary

    The Family Literacy Center FLC

    The Community Partnership for Lifelong Learning CPLL an affiliate of theAlliance for World-Class Communities The Alliance is charged with developingand implementing the goals and objectives of the LIFELONG LEARNING

    consortium Our goal is to create an inclusive community where all citizens are able

    to receive training and education that enables them to earn decent living at ajob that

    provides stable and secure environment for their families

    The lifelong learning continuum outlines the mechanism that will deliver the broad

    scope of services to individuals in our community The LIFELONG LEARNING

    consortium demonstrates the overarching service providers in Life Skills Diversity

    w/inclusion One-on-one reading development GED preparation Job training and

    Priority hiring in partnership with workforce development agencies local churches

    colleges and volunteer and social service organizations

    The Family Literacy Center FLC will focus on the literacy education and life skillscomponent of LIFELONG LEARNING We are adapting national family literacymodel which has four primary components

    Adult Education may include basic education life skills workplace skills andESL instruction

    Childrens Education may include instruction for preschool-aged childrenelementary school-aged children and/or infants and toddlers

    Parent and Child Together PACT Time interactive parent-child literacyactivities that strengthen the learning relationship between parent and child and

    help parents become more empowered in their roles as their childrens primary


    Parent Time provides parents with information about the literacy developmentof their children and an opportunity to discuss their childrens development as

    well as other concerns

    Residents who cycle through the FLC will be engaged in number of ways To

    ensure we reach high potential residents we will engage them using an Island1

    process This Island engagement process will seek out individuals who demonstrate

    high probability of success The profile characteristics of Island participantsassume

    High School Graduate GED Completion

    9th Grade Reading level

    support system with at least committed partners

    Willing to step out of their comfort level

    Believes there is more to life than what they see in their current environment

    Island process is designed by Marcus Robinson Ph.D President CEO of Citizens for ProgressiveChange and has been renamed as the Centers for Creative Living

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Through all of our engagement processeswe seek to create vocationally certified

    individuals with enhanced life skills who are GED and literacy prepared With the

    ultimate goal being to equip these individuals with the necessary literacy and training

    to secure employment in todays competitive job market

    Family Literacy Center Flow Process for 2007

    Island Profile Assumes

    High School Diploma or GED 200 Word of Mouth Walk-ins Referrals

    At least committed partners

    Willing to step out of comfort level

    Believes in better quality oflife



    eTrainigTransltlonal Jobs

    November 29 2006 Family Uteracy center Operatons Manuel

    Saundra Johnson Austin EVP CPLL

    The Family LiteracyCenter


    drivingforce of the Harbor Shores

    Community Redevelopment Project It drives building human capacity through

    holistic approach using literacy and life skills as the foundational building blocksfor

    residents to become job ready

    The FLC serves residents throughout Berrien County with emphasis on the

    communities in most need

    The FLC targets residents who are unemployed underemployed incumbent

    dislocated and ESL workers

    The FLC focuses on developing the family through family literacy modelwhich

    focuses on adult education childrens education parent and child together time

    and parent time

    The FLC has adopted model of combining each training opportunity with

    developing life skills for participants through life coaching strategy This model

    supports providing guidance in achieving individual goals by advising of the

    possible steps resolutions and resourcesfor attainment while providing client

    driven advocacy and support along the way

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Through funding from Harbor Shores partner developers foundations the

    Department of Labor and Economic Growth The Alliance and other affiliate

    organizations residents participate in FLC training opportunities with little to nofinancial commitment

    The following pages demonstrate how the Family Literacy Center FLC becomesoperational

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Recruitment Procedures

    Individuals cycling through the Family Literacy Center FLC will bevigorously recruited through various community engagement streams Our

    goal is to engage cross-section of individuals who are in need of training and

    literacy development in Berrien County

    Open Recruitment

    Individuals that call-in or walk into the 175 Main Street facilityor identified HUBS

    ii Mailings sent to current and former Bridges to Digital Excellence

    Program participants

    Selective Recruitment

    Individuals targeted through the Island

    Agency Referrals

    ii Primary Agencies Department of Human Services and MichiganWorks

    iii Secondary Agencies YMCA Salvation Army CapstoneRiverwood etc and local churches and their affiliates

    All participants through open selected or agency referrals will be asked to

    come in and fill out an application sheet and then scheduled for an assessment

    orientation If no assessment time is available participants will be placed on

    the waiting list until time slot opens up

    II Assessment Orientation

    Through the Assessment Orientation our goal is to assess 200 individuals each

    year Of those 200 we anticipate at least 100 will become engaged in somelevel of our core services Reading Development GED Preparation and Life

    Skills training

    Fifty 50 of those individuals will be priority designation and assigned Lifecoach who will help them select training and community benefits plan

    programs that will help them realize their goals We anticipate the other 50

    receiving services in one of our core areas with limited oversight in the form

    of quarterly progress evaluation sessions

    The Assessment orientation will determine each applicants area of interest orneed and be conducted in two phases

    Phase 3-hour assessment which identifies reading level strengths and

    weaknesses goals and attainment ability

    Phase II 1-hour strategic focus session to integrate assessment results into

    an Individualized Action Plan lAP and timeline

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Phase Scheduling

    Monday and Wednesday from 1000 AM to 100 PM and 300 PM to 700PM

    Thursdays from 530 830PM applicants will be assessed in the followingareas

    Soft Skills Assessment includes career profilingii Reading literacy Assessment CASAS TABE or other DLEG

    approved assessment

    iii Opportunity Analysis

    iv Culture Assessment

    Each hour time block will accommodate up to applicants given current

    staff limitations and scheduled two weeks in advance The Education

    Specialist will be responsible for delivery of all reading assessments

    We will engage area churches and organizations as HUB sites in deliveringliteracy and life skills training The primary goal of the HUB sites is to

    provide residents with alternate locations that are easily assessable within

    walking distance to receive training Our HUB sites will be selected on their

    desire and level of capability to deliver training to children youth and adults

    Tuesdays and Fridays will be designated to conduct reading assessments at

    HUB sites Time frame and number of applicants assessed will be determined

    by HUB coordinator and Education Specialist

    If all time slots are filled weeks out applicants are placed on the waiting list

    until scheduling resumes the next week

    Applicants who do not come in for their assessment orientation within

    weeks of completing their initial application will be placed at the bottom of

    the list to be scheduled for an assessment orientation

    Applicants who miss scheduled assessment orientations will not be able to

    re-apply for assessment for months

    Phase II Scheduling

    After Phase assessment Island participants will be assigned Life Coach

    The Life Coach will work with these participants in intense one-on-one

    sessions in developing their Individualized Action Plan lAP creatingtimeline and working with them through guided advocacy model to achieve

    their primary goals as defined by their lAP

    Island participants are matched with Life coach because they have been

    screed to have the highest probability for success Island participants are

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    expected to reach their goals established on their lAP within to 12 months

    after engagement

    All non-Island participants will be scheduled for one-hour timeslot with an

    in-take specialist During the strategic focus session they will discuss the

    results of their Phase assessments develop their TAP and formalize next

    steps Non-Island participants will meet with and in-take specialist formally

    quarterly for progress evaluation and non-formally by appointment only

    During the in-take process there will be instances where individuals who did

    not come through the Island will be deemed good fit to receive the

    services of Life Coach When this occurs the in-take specialist will forward

    the individuals lAP results to the Life Coach who will put them in the queuefor the next available slot for services

    Non-Island Strategic Focus appointments are scheduled on Tuesdays and

    Fridays each week Island participants will be contacted by their Life Coachto set up their Strategic Focus session and all other subsequent one-on-one


    III Training Registration

    Selective Registration Throughout the selective registration process

    applicants who have gone through an orientation assessment in the

    following categories

    Island participants

    ii Agency Referrals

    Selective Registration occurs for approximately six weeks prior to training

    opportunities noted in section IV During this time period only applicants onthe aforementioned waiting list will be allowed to register

    Applicants on the waiting list will be contacted through letter or phone call

    to come in and register for training opportunity See Section IV

    Open Registration

    Open registration occurs three weeks prior to training opportunity until

    impending training classes are filled During this period any applicant

    whether from the waiting list walk-in call-in island or agency referral mayregister for training opportunity Open registration applicants must have

    gone through assessment orientation to register for training opportunity

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Hold Applicants

    All assessed applicants will remain on file for months If an applicant has

    not come into register by the end of the months their application will be putinto non-active file after which they will have to be re-assessed

    IV Training CoursesDuring the strategic focus session applicants will be made aware of training

    opportunities based on the goals set forth in their Individualized Action Plan



    The Center for Literacy Developments primary purpose is to provide one-on-

    one tutoring for individuals who test at or below the 8th grade level The goalof this center is to provide literacy instruction that increases their reading

    ability so they may enter GED preparation course

    Of the 100 individuals that will be served through the FLC we anticipateminimum of 25 individuals who will engage in Literacy development services

    that will increase their grade by at least one level per year

    Applicants working on raising their literacy levels those who test at or below

    the 8th grade level will be referred to the Literacy Specialist who will perform

    an additional assessment miscue analysis and match them with volunteer


    Volunteer Tutor will receive an instruction plan developed by literacy

    specialist that tells the tutor the students instructional needs the short

    and long term learning goals the materials prescribed to students and

    list of appropriate strategies to use within their tutoring sessions

    Both parties will be brought in to make their initial contact This

    appointment can last from 1-2 hours

    They are both asked to make month commitment to meet one-on-

    one at least one time week

    Tutee is given information form which lists contact information for

    their tutor

    Tutor and tutee will work out schedule that is mutually acceptable


    forward with tutoring planVolunteer tutors and tutees can meet at public places the training

    center or hub sites for instruction See attached volunteer tutor


    Progress Reporting

    After the pair has been meeting for six months the Literacy specialist will

    bring them in or visit them for progress report meeting This meetingincludes the setting of new goals discussion of the students progress and

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    accomplishments and assessment of the current materials/strategies used

    within their meetings and gives the pair chance to discuss

    concerns/questions After this initial progress report meeting pairs will

    receive progress report meeting yearly after that

    Every student must receive pre and post test each program year We willoffer all testing after the initial assessment orientation in group testing

    format Each student will be invited to group testing session at the Main

    Training facility two times year Each time student is tested the tutor and

    the student receive letter alerting them of the students progress and areas of


    Pre Tests will be offered in August and Oct of each program year

    Post Tests will be offered in Feb and May of each program year


    The purpose for the Center for Educational Development will be to catch the

    overflow of GED applicants who contact the local provider and are place onthe waiting list The goal of this center is for individuals to prepare for take

    and pass theirGED exam in its entirety

    OfthelOO individuals served by the FLC we anticipate minimum of 25 toprepare for and pass at least one of the five GED exams reading math

    science social studies writing needed to receive your GED

    Currently we are only offering computer based training for GED preparationusing the NovaNet system NovaNet is being piloted by the Michigan Dept of

    Labor Economic Growth Individuals placed in our GED program will bescreened during the assessment orientation to find out their level of interest

    and ability to use computer based instruction program Applicants working

    on completing their GED will be referred to the Literacy Specialist who willset them up with NovaNet user account

    Students will be given weekly calendar and asked to schedule

    minimum of hours and maximum of 15 hours week at NovaNetdedicated computer stations

    Applicants will receive information on how to access NovaNet fromhome or other remote locations

    Students who do not want to receive on-line instruction or preferclassroom instruction for GED preparation will be referred to the

    appropriate area GED class

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC


    The Center for Life Skills purpose is to provide individuals with the necessarytools needed to successfully navigate their home and work lives The goal of

    this center is to provide menu of personal enhancement programs that will

    make individuals more attractive prospect for employers lending institutions

    and other community environments

    Of the 100 applicants served through the FLC we anticipate all to have

    participated in at least one Life Skills training program

    Applicants will be able to select from life skills training programs

    Bridges Out of Poverty

    Moving out of the culture of poverty requires more than an increase in

    financial means devaluing relationships and accepting achievement as

    the driving force in ones life It will require one to learn and use

    middle class language and behaviors It will require the individual to

    take on new worldview that is reflective of the middle class It

    requires more than just workplace training The individual is

    challenged to adapt new way of thinking about life their childrens

    lives and the future

    This session will assist individuals in understanding and experiencing

    the differences that exist between those that live in poverty and in the

    middle class These sessions are designed to stimulate strategies that

    assist persons to be more successful in the middle class workplaceand community

    Bridges Out of Poverty is 10 week program taught by volunteers Sessions

    will be offered on Tuesdays from 6pm to 8pm Bridges Out of Povertysessions will be offe red t imes year with scheduling being driven by

    volunteer teams Bridges Out of Poverty will be offered at the Main

    training facility and at HUB sites

    ii Diversity w/inclusion

    During these interactive multi-media workshops participants take

    part in discovery session that examines individual attitudes

    organizational culture and community forces that affect our


    othersThe goal

    is todevelop personal

    accountability for ensuring an inclusive environment and building

    awareness and skills that can be used at home at work and in the


    Diversity w/inclusion is 12 week program Sessions will be on Monday

    evenings from 6-8pm times per year

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    iii Home Management ResourcesThis training course offers the essential skills needed to manage

    family personal growth positive attitudes healthy lifestyle family

    relationships clutter organization meal planning and preparation

    parenting and house cleaning

    Home Management Resources Training is 10 week course taught byvolunteers Sessions will be offered to 10 times year with scheduling

    being driven by volunteer teams designated by church affiliates HMR will

    be offered at the main training facility and at HUB sites

    iv Career DevelopmentThis training will enable the participants to Know their skillsvalues and experiences and understand how to leverage this


    Defining their self brand

    Developing their resume and cover letter

    Enhancing their interviewing skills

    Career Development training is an week program Sessions will be

    offered on Wednesday mornings from 9am to 12 noon and Wednesday

    evenings from 5pm to 8pm in alternate week cycles times year

    Personal DevelopmentThe training will be adapted from Tough Choices beyond Anger

    Management comprehensive video-driven cognitive-emotional-behavioral life skills program This personal development trainingwill help participants begin the process of developing the

    interpersonal skills required to perform effectively in home and

    professional work environment

    Personal Development Training is an week program Sessions will be

    offered on Friday mornings from 9am to 12 noon and Thursday eveningsfrom 5pm to 8pm in alternate week cycles times year All trainingwill be offered in consecutive weeks because each topic builds on the next


    Applicants are allowed to partic4ant in no more than two life skills

    training programs at one time This is in addition to any literacy orGED

    preparation training they are engaged in Various life skills training

    programs may be offered at HUB sites depending on staffing logisticaland scheduling restraints

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Program Monitoring

    There will be pre and post evaluation participants will be asked to fill out onall training programs they are engaged in The pre-evaluation will ask why

    they are taking the training what are their expectations and what they feel

    they will gain from the training The post evaluation will ask whether they met

    their personal goals how satisfied they were with the training program i.e

    tutor instructor instruction schedule and materials provided

    Instructors and volunteer tutors will also provide evaluations on student

    progress attendance and program operations

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    Kent County Literacy Council

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Tutor Job Description and Responsibilities

    Our volunteers are

    Good readers writers and communicators

    Open to new ideas and teaching techniques

    Tactful nonjudgmental dependable patent and flexible and

    Comfortable giving generous sincere compliments and praise

    They must have

    Enough time to prepare lessons and work with student in relaxed mannerMature and realistic attitudes and judgment

    Assertive leadership qualities in finding and scheduling tutoring site and in

    follow-through with student

    Willingness to ask for help when needed

    Willingness to submit monthly reports to CPLLTime and commitment to attend meetings designed to improve tutoring skills

    Ability to foster independence in the student

    firm understanding of and commitment to confidentiality

    Tutoring Information

    STUDENTS ASSIGNMENTS student will be assigned to you after you havesuccessfully completed tutor training literacy specialist will call you to discuss the

    assignment You can pick up the students information tutoring plan and materials at the

    Main St training facility

    To become matched with your student

    The Literacy specialist will call you to let you know you have been matched withstudent and to set time for you and the student to come in and meet

    At the meeting be sure to give you student you name and telephone number and

    specifically ask him/her to call you if there is change in plans before you first

    tutoring sessions

    Know your students name nickname or both and how to pronounce and spellthem properly Ask you student what he/she wishes to be called

    At the first meeting give student an index card with your name and telephonenumber on it As will as your tutoring day time and place Be sure that yourstudent knows where to reach you if he/she is going to be late or absent Be sureto let your student know in advance if you cannot meet with him/herCall the Main St facility after your meeting Please report the day time and placethat you are meeting Ex Mondays Union church 4-530p.m This will confirmthe tutor and student match

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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    REQUESTING TUTORING SPACE People usually respond positively to you requestfor space Introduce yourself as CPLL tutor and ask whether they have private roomavailable for you to use weekly for about 1-1/2 hours to tutor an adult learner As

    courtesy please notify the site provider if there are any changes in plans for use in their

    space EXAMPLE You will not meet for two weeks because of vacation

    BOOKS AND MATERIALS your student and tutor materials can be picked up at theMain St facility Hopefully we will are the books of interest on hand if not they will be

    ordered and should take no more than business days to arrive Please be prompt in

    picking up materials

    ATTENDANCE Remind your student to call you if he/she will be absent Sometimes thefirst few meetings can be challenge as both of you are doing something new Be specificwhen making arrangements with your student EXAMPLE We will meet inside the frontdoor of the library next to the check-out desk

    NOTIFY OUR OFFICE After you have your first meeting please call our office toconfirm that you have met You may leave message on our voice mail system or speakwith office staff unless you have questions or comments You may also send an email tothe literacy specialist It is best that your questions be directed to the literacy specialist

    RECORD YOUR TUTORING HOURS AND REPORT THEM MONTHLY Mosttutors will have their own system for keeping track of their time- calendar weekly

    planner or scrap of paper tucked into their pocket Please remember to send in your

    Monthly Tutoring Log each month for the previous month You can send those by mailemail or fax You may also call in your hours but this method is lease desired

    ENDING YOUR TUTORING SESSIONS If your student plans to stop tutoringplease call the Literacy Specialist Your student may need to be re-evaluated before youstop meeting In addition you will need to complete Match Termination form

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    General Guidelines for Our Tutors

    Your att itude of acceptance is your most important asset Accept your students

    abilities without criticism or blame Your student may come from different culture

    accept personal differences Your student may need additional encouragement or support

    because of past educational experiences

    Be dependable meet your student regularly Do not accept undependable behavior from

    your student Failure to call you or last minute cancellation except for real

    emergencies need to be addressed early and assertively If you are not comfortable

    doing this please call the Literacy Specialist for support

    Your role is that of reading tutor Please do not get involved in counseling or testing

    even if that is your background Refer your student to the Literacy Specialist if there are

    Problems or concerns outside of your tutoring role However you should show interest in

    your student Gather knowledge that will help you to relate the instruction to his/her

    goals Be aware that there is delicate line between real interest and prying

    Your student is and adult but he or she may not have the social skills or assertivenessto refuse requests from the tutor Please do not proselytize evangelize or attempt to

    explain your religious or political beliefs to you student Also please do not try to sell or

    offer products or services to your student

    Transportation You are not expected to provide transportation for you student If youchoose to do so you must have adequate insurance and the willingness to assume all

    responsibility since CPLL does not have insurance for this purpose

    Not in the home it is our organizations policy that tutors and students meet in privateroom in public supervised building and not in the home Safety issues and distractionsin the home make it inadvisable to meet in this setting

    Probation and Parole Occasionally will CPLL serve individuals who are on probationor parole and those who are in treatment programs for substance abuse or emotional

    problems It is our policy to inform the tutor of these situations before he/she agrees to

    tutor the student insofar as we know abut the situation The tutor always has the option

    of declining to work with particular individual If the match has already been made and

    you become aware of students legal emotional Or substance abuse problem pleasecall the Literacy Specialist

    Waiting for students Sometimes students will ask tutors to wait for them if there are

    going to be disruptions to tutoring such as illness or job demands Sometimes reasons are

    vague such as needing time off We ask that you wait no longer than weeks for yourstudent to return to tutoring If you find that you are being put on hold by your studentexplain that she/he may call our office when ready to resume tutoring and new tutorwill be assigned at that time Meanwhile we can keep our valuable tutors YOU busy

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Close relationships Because of the close relationship that often develops between

    students and tutors some students may develop crush on their tutor If you become

    aware of this through the students actions or comments it would be best to address the

    situation as soon as possible This may be very difficult for you to do but ignoring the

    situation will usually not make it go away Pleas call the Literacy Specialist to discusshow this can be handled without embarrassment for you or the student

    Partners in learning Sit next to your student so that you can work with him or her

    corner of table work well Do not sit across from your student so that you can teach to

    that person Remember You are partner in your students learning process even though

    you assume large portion of the leadership role

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    General Policies Relating to Tutors

    To be eligible to become tutor individuals must

    Attend one-hour information session

    Complete and sign tutor application including providing references

    Minimum skills Be at least 18 years old with high school diploma or GED

    Locate and meet with their student in an approved public supervised site

    Demonstrate patience and genuine desire to help student

    Demonstrate the ability to read write and spell well Demonstrate good verbal

    communications skills including good grammar

    Ability to relate to people diverse backgrounds and to be culturally sensitive

    Demonstrate behavior appropriate to working with student which excludes such

    behaviors as

    Use of racial or ethnic slurs





    asked to


    Disruptively loud behavior

    Threatening behavior

    Disregard for personal hygiene

    Complete the interview process as designed by the Literacy Specialist

    Attend 10 hours of tutor training hours mis-queue hours one-on-one skills

    development and hours diversity training in consecutive sessions

    Complete the tutor commitment form at the conclusion of training

    To continue to be eligible to tutor individuals must

    Meet their student on regular basis

    Report volunteer hours and student progress on monthly basis

    Maintain confidential treatment of all student information

    Maintain conditions of initial eligibility as defined under General Policies

    Relating to Tutors aboveAttend periodic follow-up meetings and training opportunities

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Student Eligibility Policy

    General Literacy Service

    Be at least 18 years old or 16 years if out of school

    Agree to meet in an approved public tutoring site 9barrier-free if needed

    Be able to and agree to get to the approved public site without assistance from the

    program or the tutor

    Be able to express their needs/goals related to reading

    Demonstrate the ability to attend to tasks for the duration of the intake interview

    Be able to respond to personal history questions

    Demonstrates desire to learn Participant needs to come to CPLL on his/her own

    free will

    Demonstrate behavior appropriate to learning with tutor which excludes such

    behaviors as

    Use of racial or ethnic slurs

    Harassment any behavior perceived as offensive after being asked to


    Disruptively loud behavior

    Threatening behavior

    Disregard for personal hygiene

    Be willing to commit to least hour per week for six consecutive months of

    instructional time

    Reading must be identified by the individual as his/her primary need

    For Reading instruction at initial intake participant must also

    Be able to communicate basic information in English

    Be able to differentiate characters on the printed page

    Maximum skills Demonstrate reading deficiencies by scoring no higher that 9.0

    grade equivalence on the Test of Adult Basic Education

    Be able to use writing instrument such as pen or pencil to print out letters or

    to draw recognizable square and recognizable circleOR be able to find and

    strike specified keys on keyboard

    To be eligible for continued literacy services after being accepted into the programcandidates must

    Attend scheduled tutoring sessions regularly

    Arrive at tutoring sessions on time

    Notify the tutor in advance of planned absence or expectations to be late

    student who does not call/not show for three sessions can be terminated

    Maintain conditions of initial eligibility as defined under General Literacy

    Services and other applicable sections aboveShow measurable progress as demonstrated by increasing test score after

    months of tutoring OR meeting some other indicator previously agreed uponTake an active role in the learning process

    Participate in scheduled testing and progress meetings

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Confidentiality Policy

    Confidentiality is essential in working with literacy students particularly those who are

    working to improve their reading Many students who come to the CPLL for readingassistance do not want others to know that they have asked us for help

    In the course of your volunteer experience CPLL staff and your student likely will shareconfidential information with you We ask that you follow these guidelines

    Always keep your students personal information confidential As you share yourstudent stories please do not reveal personal information about your student

    such as name place of employment personal problems churchlclub membershipetc that would indicate the learners identity You do not know whether the

    person you are speaking to knows your student

    Always check your tutoring plan to see whether you can leave message for your

    student Please follow your students withes about calls to the home or workplace

    Do not discuss your students abilities progress or attendance with anyone other

    than CPLL staff Examples Do not discuss your student with their spouseparent or other relative the their employer or supervisor or co-worker or social

    workers medical personnel or other human services worker CPLL will notdiscuss the student unless we have the students signed consent to do so

    If you are questioned by relative caseworker employer or other individual

    please say am sorry but cannot discuss that with you Please call CPLL

    CPLL takes our confidentiality policy very seriously Violating your students

    confidentiality can harm family and work relationships In addition it is grounds for

    dismissal from your tutoring position

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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Helpful tips for Teaching Adults

    After providing an overview of the purpose or goal of reading activity break

    down tasks into small increments and teach the student in paced sequential


    Present variety of short assignments

    Use as many of the senses as possible when presenting new material visual

    auditory speaking tactile and kinesthetic

    Teach to the students strengths

    Relax new material to everyday life whenever possible This can make abstract

    concepts more understandable

    Control the complexity and the amount of directions Break things down into

    steps and present one step at time Speak at an even speed

    De-emphasize any timed reading timed test or timed anything Give your student

    the times/he needs to learn

    Limit the teaching of new vocabulary to words used in specific lesson or

    exercise Do not overloadyour

    student with new words or information about

    works Do not teach all of the meaning of one work at one time that can be too


    Use uncomplicated drawings and large print when needed Use color whenever

    possible Color-coding is helpful to many

    Help the student visualize material being learned The more student can

    visualize and hear what is present the better s/he will understand and retain the


    Provide opportunities for touching and handling materials that relate to ideas

    presented Provide the aspirin bottle when teaching to read directions For


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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Tips for Successful Tutoring

    Respect your student as person Do not criticize student who doesnt read

    well Your criticism may destroy self-confidence and interest in learningDo not ridicule or shame your shame student Never permit yourself to be

    sarcastic Do not parrot the student by repeating the answers he/she givesDo not correct speech but accept it Some students may have dialects andaccents making their speech different from yours Your primary purpose is to

    teach reading Limit your corrections to those that affect the meaning of words

    Concentrate on helping him/her understand what is being read in English Too

    many corrections of your students speech will be interpreted by her/him ascriticism and could destroy the interest in learning

    Be sure to give directions clearly Do not talk above the students head do not

    talk down Assume that if the student does not understand there is somethingwrong with your techniques or your explanation not with the student

    Do not teach what the student knows already Build on what she/he knows

    Do not ask the student about something that you have not yet taught Follow

    the sequence of skills introduced in the materials Do not skip around to test the

    student If you thing your student may know something already askHow you react to errors is very important It is more constructive when the

    student has made an error to correct it casually rather than overemphasize it by

    asking questions to lead him/her to correct it himself or herself If it is

    appropriate teach and re-teach the pointDo not do tedious drilling on particular skills Practice is already built into the

    reading material If the student needs more help give little at each lesson

    Build on your students strength and interests Remember that it is your


    plan carefullyfor the lesson and at the

    sametime be

    flexibletaking your cues on content from the student

    Avoid asking questions to which the student need give only one-word

    answers particularly yes and no Instead ask questions that encouragelonger answers Tell me about the TV show you saw yesterday or what areyou planning to do this weekend Encourage students to answer in completesentences

    Never promise anything you cannot deliver you may be joining long line ofothers who have broken promises to him or her You must make every effort toshow your student that s/he can have confidence in you and that your promises

    are meaningful

    Be careful not to overwhelm or overburden the student S/he must leave eachlesson with this/her self-confidence intact and real sense of enjoyment and


    Praise the student frequently during the lesson but only for genuine success

    Indiscriminate praise is not helpful Your student can sense if you are genuine

    Say something positive at the close of each session Be specific

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Be patient Progress is sometimes very slow You cannot hope to teach

    overnight what your student has failed for years to learn nor can you hope to

    undo instantly the damage that has occurred over period of years

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Strategies for Tutors From Other Tutors

    Write story together and encourage the student to use words they may notknow how to spell

    Give your student an incentive to learn You might for example work withmenu from your students favorite restaurant When they become comfortable

    reading it offer to treat them to meal at that restaurant

    Make flash cards with words that the student cant pronounce or spell After

    teaching these words quiz them After few weeks show the stack of cards

    to the student to reinforce how much progress has been made

    Keep shared journal or personal dictionary Encourage the student to useworks they are unsure how to spell Have the student underline the words

    they are unsure of and then go over them together

    If student enjoys or wishes to travel to particular place order travel guide

    and read through it together

    Surf the Internet with your student Show them the basics and most

    importantly get them to site with an audio dictionary such as

    words-Within-Words is great trick to help remember how to spell wordnot to necessarily

    pronouncethem i.e friends ends with

    endsUse readings that are positive of interest to the student and dont focus on theskill level so much If your student doesnt know some of the words thenmake them part of the lesson

    Create list of words that often appear in the students environment This

    gives them wonderful opportunity to practice outside of the sessions

    If student is unfamiliar wit ha word or concept try to demonstrate it

    visually Let the student see or touch the actual item or concept

    Make sure that your student comprehends what he or she is reading

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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Tips for Tutors From Other Tutors

    Be upfront with your student Ask your students whether it is OK to correct him orher Deal with lateness and problems that you have as they occur Always clear the


    Tell your students to stop you if they do not understand Clarify and re-explain

    Be as open as you can with your student You will need to build your students trust

    Ask your student What are your expectations What would you like to learn

    Make your students feel good about what they know Remember They now

    something that you dont know Share your knowledge and let your students sharetheirs

    Go back and review your students plan occasionally to remind yourself of the goals

    Help your students to refine their goals Always keep your students goal in mind

    when planning lessons

    Ask for the students input at all times and encourage him or her to voice opinionsabout the structure of each lesson This gives your students an avenue to tell you

    what is helping them

    Work as long as you and the student are comfortable Dont s tare a t your watch orend in the middle of lesson just because it has already been an hour and half This

    shows the student that you are there helping because you enjoy it not to pass time

    Look at your student as new friend not student Respect them and treat them with

    the same if not more respect than you would expect

    Make sure that your student understood what you said Ask them to repeat directions

    or statements in their own words

    Always use humor whenever you can

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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Library Skills Checklist for Literacy Students

    Literacy tutors are encouraged to help their students get library cards and learn to use the

    library Some students find the library an intimidating place and avoid it Others may besomewhat familiar but dont feel comfortable going on their own Please accompany

    yourstudent and


    to learn the skills necessary to access information andcheckout books

    If you have your tutoring sessions at the library access will be easy For those of youwho meet elsewhere please make plans to the library periodically change of scene is

    always welcome for students

    Following is list of skills and activities you can teach your student over time

    Take an informal tour of the library Stop to examine books or materials that

    might be of interest to your student

    Invite your student to apply for library card usually all that is needed is

    picture ID with current address Make sure that your student understands thatthey will incur fines if materials are not returned on time

    Help your student select and check out books for himlherself of for children or

    family members Many libraries have adult new reader selections or books withlarge print Explore the records tapes CDs and videos

    Browse through variety of magazines

    Explain briefly how books are organized in the library Read the signs together to

    help your student in future visits

    Practice using the computers the copy machine and the microfilm and

    microfiche machines

    When the opportunity presents itself look up information on topic form

    reading lesson find word in the dictionary or use an encyclopedia map orother resource

    Many peoplelove to research their

    family historyDirect

    yourstudent to the

    librarys local history and genealogy materials

    Reassure the student that libraries expect to he asked for help

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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Community Benefits Citizen

    Engagement CycleCreating an inclusive

    community where all citizens are

    able to receive training and

    education that enables them to

    provide stable environmentfor

    their families

    Creating and


    Thatutiuizes arts

    cultrire as means

    of enriching lives


    sunvundings and



    Creating and

    developing quality of

    lifeassets in the


    October 19 2006

    October 19 2006 Kareemah El-AminDirector of Training Operations CPLL


    January 2007 Page 29 of 34


    reating opportunities forbusinesses to benefit

    from the economic

    ty generated by thearbor Shores Project



    Family and


    capacities to

    drive self-

    sufficient home

    Kareemah El-Amin

    Director of Training Operations CPLL


    Engagement Process IL

    LEWS Life dch H20HowWeGet


    AE Phase IIICVD



  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC



    weare nowSoft Skills Assessment

    What you do well like to do want to do or would do if given theopportunity

    Literacy Assessment

    Evaluating clients literacy or level of knowledge relative totheir area of interest or need learning to read buying houseopening business etc.

    Opportunity Analysis

    The potential gain realized if the process for change is implemented anacted on The analysis is an opportunity to determine up front if the timeinvestment is justified by the potential returns

    Culture Assessment

    Any support challenges or changes in the home work or socialenvironment that will

    helpor hinder the effectiveness of the


    vision attainment

    October 19 2006 Kareemah El-AminDirector of Training Operations CPLL


    January 2007 Page 30 of 34

    Coaching Implementation Process


    Now Are We Doing

    The Vision Realized through guided advocacy

    October 19 2006 Kareemab El-Amin

    Director of Training Operations CPLL



  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Phase II

    Visioning Where we are going

    Strategic Focus SessionPart of the challene of changing is avoiding the temptation to

    just do something To avoid in the moment response andinstead adopt strategic approach the client and the life coach

    will clearly define and tie together the clients goals and


    Develop Individualized Action Plan lAPOnce the goals and objectives are clearly established plan ofaction is designed lAP The Individualized Action Plan is theinitial roadmap that will help define which activities are essentialand which are distractions

    Create Timeline

    The timeline will reflect measurable and realistic timeframe to

    reach goals and objectives

    October 19 2006 Kareemah El-AmiriDirector of Training Operations CPLL


    Phase III

    Learning How we get thereLiteracy Activities

    Clients will be engaged in appropriate literacy educational businesshousing social etc development Activities are designed to ensureconsistent understanding of the process of learning and acquaint themwith the mindset skills and maturity needed to be successful

    Communications Plan

    At every phase of the process it will be necessary to keep all stakeholders

    aware of the thinking the purpose the plans the activities and the results of the


    Engagement ActivitiesThe purpose of the engagement is to make clients feel sense of involvement inthe implementation process Engagement also includes

    involvement with/in

    community resources and activities that will help clients reach their goals

    Learning Take AwaysAs the implementation takes hold there will be opportunities to recognizepockets of effectiveness within the process of change Recognition and rewardsgiven to those who make noticeable and tangible changes will reinforce new


    October 19 2006 Kareemah El-AminDirector of Training Operations CPLL


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    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Continuous Phase

    Action Learning How are we doingMonitor Measure

    Before the process begins we will establish measurable goalsand outcomes It is important to continually monitor the results

    and make adjustments as needed

    Measurements that establish specific consortium goals relative

    to their mission and goals

    Plan Evaluation

    specific discipline that assesses how well we have followedthe Individualized Action Plan lAP and how close the resultsmatch the projected outcomes

    Periodic Mini-Surveys Best PracticesSurveys that give feed back on the Life coaches effectiveness

    from participants they work with Periodic mini-surveys are

    designed to assess how those perceptions are changing for thebetter or

    worseas the

    implementation processtakes hold

    October 19 2006 Kareemah El-AmiriDirector of Training Operations CPLL


    The Vision Realized ALLc

    The purpose of the entire process is to move

    progressively toward the vision/goals

    established by the Individualized Action

    Plan lAP The continuous improvementloop in the process is way to make sure

    our clients are moving forward and that we

    are raising the bar as time goes on

    October 19 2006 Kareemah El-AminDirector of Training Operations CPLL


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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Operations Manual for the Family Literacy Center FLC

    Literacy Impact Metrics

    Description 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 TOTAL

    Volunteers recruited trained 100 100 50 50 50 350

    Grades 0-3

    Pt g ra de g ai n p er year 50 50 50 50 50 250

    Grades 4-6

    pt g ra de g ai n p er year 50 50 50 50 50 250

    GED Test Takers 50 50 50 50 50 250

    GED Partial Completers

    P as se d o ne or more of five

    GED exams 10 10 10 10 10 50

    GED Completers

    Passes all GED exams 40 40 40 40 40 40

    High School Recovery

    psrtcipants w it hi n c re di ts o f

    graduaton 10 25 25 25 25 110

    Life Skills

    Assumes participation in two

    or more Life Skills training

    sessions 50 75 100 100 125 450

    Impacted youth 50 50 100 100 100 400

    Impacted families 50 50 100 100 125 425

    Impacted individuals 160 175 175 175 175 860

    January2007 Community Partnership for Lifelong Learning

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  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Implementation of the

    Local Business Consortium

    Community Benefits Planfor

    Harbor Shores



    Small Business Services



  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Small Business Services Cornerstone Alliance

    Implementation of the Local Business Consortium

    Community Benefits Plan for Harbor Shores

    Executive Summary

    Healthy local businesses are basic component of strong sustainable communities They provide essential

    amenities and generate job opportunities for residents that keep money circulating within the communityrather than draining it outward as quickly as it was attracted project such as the Harbor Shores

    development provides opportunities for local enterprises both existing businesses as well as entrepreneurial

    ventures to expand their operations and to maximize their wealth generation ability

    The Local Business Consortium targets small businesses that are located within the communities impacted

    by the Harbor Shores development special emphasis is given to businesses owned by people of colorknown as minority-owned business enterprises as well as women-owned business enterprises

    Challenges facing these businesses include access to capital training equitable contracting prospects and

    joint venture and partnership opportunities Additionally many local businesses are often overlooked in

    major development projects in favor of larger businesses from outside the area Such biases inhibit growth

    opportunities for local and small businesses and stifle community development

    The Local Business Consortium LBC was established in the late spring of 2006 as forum for the inclusionof local businesses into the planning of the Harbor Shores development The initial membership of the

    consortium ref lected the emphasis upon the construction trades during the early phases of Harbor Shores

    Both well-known general contractors as well as subcontractors with wide range of experience were

    included in the Consortium Membership also includes staff of Cornerstone Alliances Small Business

    Services SBS Plans to expand the consortium into include suppliers local retail and service providers arealready underway

    The LBC will establish program to create opportunities for those businesses to benefit from the economic

    activity generated by the Harbor Shores Project These activities will be delivered within two primary

    program areas contractor assistance and development and entrepreneurial small business development

    The Contractor Assistance and Development Program CADP will initiate immediately to takeadvantage of the momentum generated around the Harbor Shores project and provide gateway for

    local contractors to realize benefits during the construction phase of Harbor Shores



    E/SBD initiatives willprovide opportunities


    long-term successes as entrepreneurs are identified and their businesses are nurtured through this

    support and assistance plan

    These programs coordinate with both the Housing andHome Ownership Consortium of the Council for

    World Class Communities as well as the Literacy Education and Workforce Solutions Consortium of the

    Community Partnership for Lifelong Learning

    The LBC staffed by Cornerstone Alliances SBS will work primarily with the Citizens for ProgressiveChange CPC and other local organizations to help populate the programs


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    Small Business Services Cornerstone Alliance

    LBC Contractor



    Three assessment tools have been developed to help the CPC staff identify those candidates that are ready for

    participating inLBC programming These assessments tools include the following and are attached to this

    document as Exhibit



    You planningchecklist for individuals

    considering entrepreneurship

    Prescreening Assessment Checklist tool for CPC staff and others to use when discussing

    entrepreneurship with individuals

    Business Readiness Assessment Checklist -- This tool developed and used by Cornerstone

    Alliances Small Business Services division is discussed with entrepreneurs during their first

    counseling session

    Through the efforts defined below the LBC will be successful in achieving the following long-term goals

    Increasing the number of local business start-ups from last years number by 20% each year

    Developing stronger local businesses by increasing participation inCORE FOUR


    programs by 20%

    Encouraging local businesses to hire local employees by member participation in three local

    job fairs each year

    Establishing 25% local business participation goal for the Harbor Shores project by

    initiating and tracking benchmarking data

    Following is detailed description of each component of the Local Business Consortium Implementation

    Plan proposed 5-year budget for each component has also been developed and is included as Exhibit

    Additionally priority budget for Year is included in this spreadsheet that indicates all LCB activities can

    be initiated in 2007 for under $100000

    Contractor Assistance and Development Program CADP

    The Contractor Assistance and Development Program CADP will initiate immediately to take advantageof the buzz around the Harbor Shores project and provide gateway for local contractors to realizebenefits during the construction phase of Harbor Shores

    Local Contractor Assessment and Directory

    Local Contractor Assessment and Directory

    Program Summary

    Participants Local contractors and subcontractors

    LBC Candidate


    CP/LocaI Organizations

    Initial LBC Candidate



    LBC EntrepreneurialSmall Business



  • 8/8/2019 Harbor Shores Community Benefits Plan


    Small Business Services Cornerstone Alliance

    Accountability Small Business Services SBS staff of Cornerstone Alliance will take the leadin developing updating and printing or electronic dissemination of the Directories Harbor

    Shores management and project developers will help distribute to materials to other developers

    and general contractors

    SBS staff will also work to locate suitable location for the Plan Room for Harbor Shores

    and other projects so that development plans and blueprints can be accessible to all

    contractors The Plan Room will serve as library of project plans and specifications where

    subcontractors may check-out bidding documents and receive access to Harbor Shores

    project information including plans specs and addenda for bidding Harbor Shores

    construction projects and other projects posted in the plan room

    Local and regional general contractors will be encouraged to share private projects posted in

    their Corporate Construction Offices by utilizing the Plan Room to post preconstruction and

    bidding opportunities for their privately bid work Through this network LBC registeredsubcontractors will have the ability to request access from general contractors to bid on

    private projects posted in their Construction Offices Thisis one more way that the LBC can

    help subcontractors find additional opportunities for work and cultivate new relationshipswith general contractors looking for additional participation in their projects

    Objectives The Directory will provide an avenue to increase the exposure of local businesses

    and thereby their prospects for increased opportunities The Plan Room will provide earlier

    access so that local contractors can plan ahead to bid on projects

    Expected Outcomes The LBC will develop directory designed to identify local contractorsand subcontractors Project developers and general contractors hired to build Harbor Shores

    product are more likely to consider local contractors if the LBC provides easy access to themThis Directory will be updated every six months and distributed to the Harbor Shores

    development team Additionally the Plan Roomwill

    spur early financial and constructionschedule planning encourage local contractor partnerships and lead to local involvement on

    larger contractors

    Implementation The Local Contractor Directory will be presented to all developers and

    contractors as they are interviewed about the project All Harbor Shores developers should be

    required by contract to make their project blueprints available through the Plan Room at least 20

    days before bids are taken

    Timeline The first draft of the Directory is complete as of September 2006 Updates will be

    added on semi-annual basis The Plan Room should be open and information dispersed to

    Directory members prior to the first bid letting for the Harbor Shores Project

    Metrics LBC Directory will be developed and updated bi-annual during the first three yearsand annual thereafter

    The LBC will work in conjunction with an existing program for contractors funded in part by the MichiganState Housing Development Authority which provides twelve week contractor training This program is our

    starting point for developing local contractors that could benefit from the Harbor Shores project Upon

    completion of the Spring 2006 program graduates were assessed according to their specific trade in terms of

    experience equipment bonding capability and insurance coverage This information is now being


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    Small Business Services Cornerstone Alliance

    incorporated into revised Local Business Directoryfor distribution to participant contractors in the Harbor

    Shores development

    Incentives to contractors including CADP graduates of up to 10% of the contract amount have beenfactored into the planning of many of these tasks Harbor Shores Plan Room containing details on the

    project will be availab le to local contractors seeking relevant work opportunities Speaker identification for

    continued development meetings is currently underway to ensure continuity and ongoing involvement Our

    goal is to provide additional educational opportunities networking and practical experiencein

    manner thatwill expand the overall capabilities of contractors in the region consistent with the overall employment goals

    of Harbor Shores

    Contractor Development Program


    Assessment of



    Draft Local


    Directory and

    Distribute along

    with updates

    Identify location

    and open Harbor

    Shores Plan Room

    Diversflcation of Development Opportunities

    2006 2007

    Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug





    DiversjIcation of Development Opportunities

    Program Summary

    ParticiDants Local Business Consortium including local Contractors Subcontractors and SBS Staff

    as well as CAP Graduates Developers City of Benton Harbor

    Accountability LBC SBS Staff including LBC Program Manager

    Objectives The diversification efforts will produce teams of lesser experienced contractors capable of

    performing three residential rehabs per year We hope to build capacity by connecting teams of

    contractors that work together to finish rehab projects

    Specifically we will coordinate an A-Team of contractors which will consist of one specialist ineach area an excavator mason framer drywall installer roofer and painter If the local

    talent exists we will expand to include an electrician plumber and an HVAC contractor With

    oversight from local General Contractor project coordinator will supervise the A-Team on


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    Small Business Services Cornerstone Alliance

    residential rehabilitation project to build experience in all aspects of rehab project including skill

    building timing concerns and teamwork Additional contractors will either be worked into the

    Team or additional teams will be developed if the talent pool exists

    We will work in conjunction with the Literacy Education and Workforce Solutions LEWSConsortium managed by the Community Partnership for Lifelong Learning CPLL to identify thoseindividuals who may either have des ire to become an independent subcontractor and to assist those

    individuals looking for career in construction with finding employment with participatingsubcontractors

    Expected Outcomes Expansion of the subcontractors relevant work experience and interaction with

    the major General Contractors as well as the rehabilitation of existing residential properties and the

    development of future commercial facilities

    Location of Activities Greater Benton Harbor with an emphasis on the area surrounding downtown as

    well as the major feeder corridors to Harbor Shores These corridors include Pipestone East Main

    Street Britain Empire and Broadway

    Implementation While the CAP graduates will be promoted for inclusion on all upcoming

    construction activities much of the work detailed above will actually result from the input of the Block

    Club Corridor Analysis and the Feasibility Study which will be conducted in the spring and summerof 2007

    Timeline Preliminary activities can begin in conjunction with the Spring of 2007 round of fa ade

    grants pick up additional direction from the Block Clubs and community based organizations and

    continue through the design and construction activities related to the new service and retail

    requirements identified in the feasibility study

    Metrics Over the five-year implementation period up to 11 contractor teams are formed including five

    A-Teams and up to B-Teams consisting of framers painters roofers and carpenters It is envisioned

    that these teams will be the core of our areas small and minority contractor base and Teams will

    play prominent rolls in completing 21 commercial and residential fa ade projects

    In an effort to expand the capabilities of our local contractors the LBC seeks to provide practical experience

    in residential projects that are driven by local market opportunities The transportation corridors feeding

    downtown Benton Harbor as well as the entry points from Harbor Shores to the Benton Harbor communityoffer many rehabilitation options ranging from minor repairs and upgrades to complete renovation projectsWhile the Pipestone and Empire corridors will see the most immediate impact of Harbor Shores East Main

    Street and Broadway will also be impacted locally-funded fa ade grant program in conjunction with

    funds from the Cool Cities program which has focused on commercial buildings in the downtown area

    will be expanded to include residential buildings within these corridors and will present many viable small

    scale projects

    The Housing and Homeownership Consortium managed by the Council for World Class Communities

    CWCC is expected to further increase the demand for residential rehabilitation opportunities The LBCwill work with homeowners wishing to embark on improvement projects to not only improve the housing

    stock within the City of Benton Harbor but also to provide additional training opportunities to the LBC

    contractors and subcontractors Grants and loans will be available directly to the residential property owners

    for improvements through an application process and review based upon need and ability to repay

    In June the LBC hosted mobile meeting of its members and participants identified several areas

    surrounding Harbor Shores and downtown Benton Harbor that will experience great deal of growth retail


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    Small Business Services Cornerstone Alliance

    and service clusters resulting from the Harbor Shores development These businesses will address

    additional long term employment needs as well as construction work opportunities feasibility study to
