Download - Happy Thanksgiving!! November 2012 · make a food called pemmican. • Revolutionary War veteran Henry Hall planted the first commercial cranberry beds in Dennis, Mass., in 1816.


108 Marine Dr. • Oceanside, CA 92058Phone: (760) 385-4835 • Fax: (760) 385-4841 •

November 2012

Office PersonnelMelanie Gowdy Community DirectorEstella Sanchez Asst. DirectorRoyce King Leasing AgentAmanda Gough Leasing AgentJessica Kaiser Leasing AgentAnikka Cox Leasing AgentMichelle Darrington BookkeeperGrey Quintana Work Order Control

Maintenance TeamDawn Perry Maint. DirectorGustavo Orihuela Asst. Maint. Dir.Lucas Lilio Asst. Maint. Dir.Juan Juan Maintenance TechMynor Iriarte Maintenance TechGabriel Montes Maintenance TechGuillermo Mendez Maintenance TechJeremy Mohabeer Maintenance TechJavier Vasquez Maintenance TechMarcos Vega Grounds Porter

Contact InformationEmergency/After Hrs. (760) 500-6115PMO (760) 725-3888

Stroller Walk“Come out and meet other moms

in your community in a stroller basedwalking and stretching class led by anexercise specialist from San DiegoSpine and Rehab of Oceanside. Bringyour child in your favorite stroller, andenjoy an energetic and beautiful strollthrough the neighborhood with yourneighbors!

The group will start with warm upstretches, followed by a 45 minutestroller walk, and then finish up withsome cool down exercises andstretching.

These stroller group walks will beheld every Friday morning at 8:45 am.We will meet up at Deluz HousingCommunity Center! See you there!”

Happy Thanksgiving!!The staff and everyone here at

DeLuz Family Housing would like towish you and your families a veryHappy Thanksgiving. We appreciateall of your hard work and all thesacrifices your families make. Enjoyyour time with loved ones and eat lotsof yummy food! The Housing officewill be closed Thursday and Friday,Nov. 22 and 23.

Veterans DayHonor Our Military

Let’s honor our military,The men and women who serve,Whose dedication to our countryDoes not falter, halt or swerve.

All About CranberriesOften found on the table during

Thanksgiving dinners, the cranberry isa small, red, very tart fruit. Cranberriesare one of only three commerciallygrown fruits native to North America.The other two are blueberries andConcord grapes.

Here are a few other facts aboutthis little berry:

• American Indians mixedcranberries with deer meat tomake a food called pemmican.

• Revolutionary War veteran HenryHall planted the first commercialcranberry beds in Dennis, Mass.,in 1816.

• Sailors used cranberries asa source of vitamin C toprevent scurvy.

• Some of today’s cranberry bogsare more than 100 years old.

• Most of the world’s cranberriesare grown on 48,000 acres in theUnited States and Canada.

• Cranberries are harvested inSeptember and October.

• Americans consume about400 million pounds of cranberriesa year, around 20 percent of thatduring Thanksgiving week. Thefruit is also used in salads, trailmix and baked goods.

• Recent studies suggestcranberries may promotegastrointestinal and oral health,lower LDL (bad) cholesterol andraise HDL (good) cholesterol,and help prevent cancer.

Why Water?Although often seen floating in

television commercials, cranberries donot grow in water. The berry grows onlow-running vines in sandy marshes.To help with harvesting, the marshesare flooded, equipment knocks theberries from the vines, and theberries, which contain a pocket of air,float to the surface.

Picking PresidentsEvery four years, American voters

head to the polls to elect a presidentand vice president. Yet those votesare just part of a detailed systemknown as the Electoral College, whichis used by the U.S. to determine itsexecutive leaders.

The Electoral College is made upof 538 electoral votes divided amongthe 50 states and the District ofColumbia. A candidate needs270 electoral votes to be elected. Thenumber of electoral votes each statereceives ranges from three to 55,

based on the number of congressionalseats the state holds. The District ofColumbia gets three votes becausethe 23rd Amendment grants it thesame number of votes as the leastpopulated state.

The voting public’s ballots make upwhat is known as the “popular vote,”and in 48 of the 50 states, plus theDistrict of Columbia, the candidatereceiving the most popular votes in astate will receive all of that state’selectoral votes. Only Maine andNebraska split their electoral votesamong candidates through theirstate’s system for proportionalallocation of votes.

In the rare event that no candidategets the necessary 270 electoral votesto win office, the House ofRepresentatives elects the presidentfrom the three candidates whoreceived the most electoral votes.Each state gets one vote.

Giving GreenWhen planning your holiday

shopping this year, consider addingMother Earth to the list by “goinggreen” with your gift giving.Eco-friendly gifts are as plentiful asthey are diverse, and their impactextends far beyond the day of your giftexchange. Whether you prefer thethrill of the hunt at local retailers orshopping online from your favoritechair, here are some options formaking your gifts green:

Gifts that give globally., the gifts you buy inhonor of a friend or loved one actuallybenefit people in need or the planetitself. From sheep that can provide aThird World family with income fromwool production to trees that reduceerosion, the generosity of these giftsknows no boundary.

Does that come in green? Lookingfor something more tangible? Many

retailers offer items that are made withrecycled materials or via ecologicallysound practices. Clothing and textilesmade from organic fiber, books fromrecycled paper, and environmentallyfriendly coffees are just a fewexamples of gifts that can be givenwith pride.

Zero waste, zero emissions. Youmight find the perfect gift at a localantique store. Buying used means nonew resources are consumed, noemissions are released throughshipping, and there is no packagingwaste. Wrap the gift in somethingreusable, such as a cloth bag.

Avoid Holiday Weight GainThere are many reasons adults put

on a few pounds over the holidays.Here are some helpful tips to buck thetrend this year:

Stress. Family commitments.Deadlines at work. Traveling. All thesecontribute to stress, which takesattention away from eating right andexercising. Before any obligations kickin, stretch and take a moment to relaxin the morning. Enjoy the holidaysdespite the hectic schedule byreminding yourself that in a fewweeks, you can return to your routine.

Snacks. Every holiday party hasfood. It’s impossible to avoid it, so trya few bites of your favorites anddistract yourself with good company.Another option is to eat somethinghealthy before leaving home so youwon’t overeat later.

Snow. Much of the countryindulges in comfort foods during thecold weather of the season. Don’t fallinto this trap. Root vegetables andleafy greens are bountiful during thewinter months. Fill up on thesehealthful choices to leave less roomfor the heavier fare.

Schedules. Your days are likelypacked with many responsibilities.Keep exercise penciled in. A game oftouch football is a great way to burn afew calories and spend time withrelatives and friends.

Society. It’s easy to succumb topressure during family gatherings.Your aunt might have spent all daybaking, but don’t feel obligated to eattwo pieces of pie. Indulge in a smallportion and tell yourself that willpowernow will pay off the rest of the year.


Ingredients:• 1/2 cup mayonnaise• 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese• 4 boneless, skinless chicken

breast halves• 4 teaspoons Italian seasoned dry

bread crumbs• 2 medium tomatoes, seeded

and chopped• 1/4 cup chopped red onion• 1/4 cup Italian dressing• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil

leaves or 1 teaspoon dried basilleaves, crushed

Directions:Preheat oven to 425° F.Combine mayonnaise with cheese

in a medium bowl.Arrange the chicken on a baking

sheet. Evenly top with mayonnaisemixture, then sprinkle withbread crumbs.

Bake 20 minutes or until chicken isthoroughly cooked.

Meanwhile, combine remainingingredients in a medium bowl.

To serve, evenly top chicken withtomato mixture.

Find more recipes

Wit & Wisdom“Feeling gratitude

and not expressing it is like wrappinga present and not giving it.”

—William Arthur Ward

“As we express our gratitude,we must never forget that the highest

appreciation is not to utter words,but to live by them.”—John F. Kennedy

“Gratitude helps you to grow andexpand; gratitude brings joy

and laughter into your life and into thelives of all those around you.”

—Eileen Caddy

“Gratitude is one of the least articulateof the emotions, especially

when it is deep.”—Felix Frankfurter

“Gratitude makes sense of our past,brings peace for today, and creates

a vision for tomorrow.”—Melody Beattie

“Some people grumble that roseshave thorns; I am gratefulthat thorns have roses.”

—Alphonse Karr

“The essence of all beautiful art,all great art, is gratitude.”

—Friedrich Nietzsche

“A man’s indebtedness is not virtue;his repayment is. Virtue begins when

he dedicates himself activelyto the job of gratitude.”

—Ruth Benedict

“A person however learned andqualified in his life’s work in whom

gratitude is absent, is devoid of thatbeauty of character which makes

personality fragrant.”—Hazrat Inayat Khan

November 2012Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

»Trash PickupStroller Walk8:45 a.m.Date Night in thePark6 p.m.


4 5

Pest Control

6 7

Kids’ Movie Night5:30–7:30 p.m.


Pest ControlDance Class4–6 p.m.


»Trash PickupStroller Walk8:45 a.m.Ladies Night6–8 p.m.


11 12

Veterans Day(Federal Holiday)Pest Control

13 14

Kids’ Movie Night5:30–7:30 p.m.Bingo5:30–6:30 p.m.


Advisory BoardMeeting CommunityAwareness10–11 a.m.Pest ControlDance Class4–6 p.m.


»Trash PickupStroller Walk8:45 a.m.


18 19

Pest Control

20 21 22

ThanksgivingCommunity CenterClosed


Community CenterClosed»Trash Pickup


25 26

Pest Control

27 28

Kids’ Movie Night5:30–7:30 p.m.


Pest ControlDance Class4–6 p.m.


»Trash PickupStroller Walk8:45 a.m.