Download - Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 1: Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Happy Father’s Day!

Page 2: Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan

From Fr. Joe On this 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle

A), the 1st Reading and the Gospel point out

some difficulties of being a faithful servant or

disciple of God, but those same Scriptures also

give the assurance of God’s great care for them.

In the first reading (Jeremiah 20:10-13) we

hear from the prophet that his friends and

neighbors were denouncing, ridiculing, and

threatening him. Why? Because he was being

the prophet that God called him to be. What he

was speaking, and what the people of his day

needed to hear, was not easy, and Jeremiah

was paying a price. But the knowledge that

God was with him enabled Jeremiah to remain

faithful to his difficult task as a prophet.

In the Gospel (Matthew 10:26-33) Jesus tells his

disciples—tells us—to openly and fearlessly

witness to the Gospel. He knows they will

encounter fearful things (the same kind of

reactions and persecution that he himself faced

and experienced), yet he repeatedly says to

them, “Do not be afraid”, and assures them of

God’s care for them. Jesus isn’t saying his

disciples (i.e. we) should never feel afraid — he

knew they (we) would – but he encouraged

them so that they might move beyond their fear,

so as not to be paralyzed by it.

We’ve all experienced fear. It might be just

fear of the unknown, or maybe the kind of fear

that exists in the horror of war. The fear of

standing up for someone who is experiencing an

injustice, or maybe even something as trivial

(though it doesn’t feel like it at the time) as

fearing rejection when considering calling

someone for a first date. It might involve resisting

peer pressure to do something that we know is

not right. (Though often associated with the

teenage years, peer pressure affects many

adults too.) It might mean speaking the truth in

difficult situations, or even something as simple as

being a good example and cleaning up our

language in spite of the language being used by

those around us. Each of these examples

represent a hardship of witnessing to the Gospel

(well, maybe not the first-date one), to which

Jesus says, “Do not be afraid.”

Jesus also gives us assurance of the Father’s

loving care. I don’t know about you, but when

hearing the bit about God knowing when

sparrows fall to the ground, and us being more

valuable than sparrows, and about the hairs of

our heads being counted, have you ever

thought, “Well, big hairy deal, what good is

that?! The sparrows still fall, and it still hurts

sometimes when I try to witness to the Gospel

and speak up for the truth! So, what good is

God’s knowing about it?” If you’ve ever had

that kind of thought—like I have had—you’ve

missed the point. It’s not about our heavenly

Father being a great accountant able to keep

(Continued on page 3)

Mass Intentions & More Fr. Joe & Fr. Scott will both be celebrating Mass daily

(without a congregation).

The following are the scheduled intentions for this week. Monday, June 22

.................................................................... †Jim Wiles

Tuesday, June 23

......................................... ††Larry & Winnie Stevens

Wednesday, June 24

................................................................. †James Roy

Thursday, June 25

............................................................. †Betty Ludlow

Friday, June 26 .................................................. ††Mark & Doris Kelly

June 27/ 28 Weekend Masses

............................. Living & Deceased of the Parish

............................................. Clarence & Carol Kraft

63rd Wedding Anniversary

................................................................ †Ron Murray

...................................................... †Allen Lazarowicz

*The Mass intention that was scheduled for Sunday, June 28,

††Mark & Doris Kelly, has been moved to Friday, June 26.

The reason for this is we no longer have five Masses each

weekend, for the time being.

**Our weekend Mass schedule is subject to change weekly based

on the availability of volunteers.

***Weekday Masses are celebrated and honored privately (i.e.

not a publicly celebrated Mass).

Date of Adoration Ending Early Due to a scheduled funeral Masses, Adoration will end at 1:30 pm

(instead of 2:00 pm) on Friday, June 26.

All Saints Parish Livestreamed Mass By this time in the pandemic, you have already found your preferred

method of participating in Mass from home. But may we suggest another

option which is watching weekend Mass livestreamed from All Saints

Parish. If you are unable to come to weekend Mass at All Saints (and we

do understand), this may be a way for you to still feel connected to your

home parish.

Visit our website,, and click on the YouTube button in

the top right corner. Once you are on our All Saints Parish YouTube

homepage, click on the videos tab and you should be able to find the


You can watch the 10:00 am Sunday Mass live as it is happening or, if that

time doesn’t work for you, check back later and watch it when it is more


FYI: This weekend (June 20/21) the 10 am Sunday morning Mass will be

livestreamed as usual. In addition, this weekend only, the 7 pm Saturday

Mass will also be livestreamed. This will make it possible for any family and

friends who are not able to attend Mass at this time to view the blessing

for the 2020 graduates.

View this bulletin online at

Page 3: Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twelfth Sunday—Ordinary Time Page 3 June 21, 2020

Stewardship of Prayer June 21, 2020 Sunday Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jer 20:10-13; Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35;

Rom 5:12-15; Mt 10:26-33

Monday Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; Saints John

Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs

2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3, 4-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5

Tuesday 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36;

Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14

Wednesday Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5-6ab, 15ab

and 17; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17

Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15;

Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80

Thursday 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9; Mt 7:21-29

Friday 2 Kgs 25:1-12; Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6; Mt 8:1-4

Saturday Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop & Doctor of the Church

Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7, 20-21; Mt 8:5-17

Sunday Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a; Ps 89:2-3, 16-17, 18-19;

Rom 6:3-4, 8-11; Mt 10:37-42

From Fr. Joe (Continued from page 2)

track of all the little details, but about God’s

intimate and infinite knowledge and care for us.

We don’t even know, or even care (well, most of

us) how many hairs we have on our heads, BUT

God knows and cares so much for us that he

knows those details – and so much more – and

loves us still!

What we may struggle with is that if God really

cares so much about us then he wouldn’t let us

be ridiculed or persecuted for standing up for

our beliefs. Jesus never said he’d take away the

difficulties, the hardships, the pain of discipleship,

but that he would be with us IN OUR difficulties,

hardships, and pain. Jesus himself gave us the

reassurance, “And know that I am with you

always, until the end of the world.” (Matthew

28:20) Jesus faced these same things in doing his

Father’s will. The fact that God doesn’t prevent

the sparrows from falling, or prevent us from

being persecuted for the Gospel, doesn’t mean

he is indifferent to what is going on. God is

NEVER indifferent about the fate of any of his

creatures. BUT our faith tells us that even should

death come, God will take care of us.

True, to be a disciple of Jesus Christ was not, is

not, and never will be easy, but God has assured

us of his loving care, and he has given us help.

He has given us each other, the Church and the

sacraments, and, particularly at Mass, the

Eucharist – his own Body and Blood. So, with

those assurances and help, let’s not be afraid to

be faithful disciples, and for sure, not worry about

the hairs on our heads.

Fr. Scott and I will be away from the parish for

a few days this week. We will be driving down to

Alabama for Bishop Raica’s installation as the

new Bishop of the Diocese of Birmingham.

Monday – Thursday (June 22-25) there will be

Adoration at St. Anne from 10am-2pm, but no

Masses or confessions.

Please pray for Bishop Raica in his new role, and

for our diocese as we await a new shepherd.

Peace and blessings,

Stewardship in Our Readings The Psalmist assures us that "the Lord hears the poor." Often, however,

He answers their need through the generous gifts of good stewards.

Blessed Mother Shrine Votive Lamp (14 day candle at St. Mary Church)

In Memory of Archie & Violette Lewandowski

requested by daughters: Mary, Susan, Laura, Grace & Jayne

Please Pray for the Departed We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have gone to their rest

in the hope of rising again:

Mary Ann Corthals

May she rest in peace!

June Prayer Intentions All Saints Parish: For the safety of all

Rosary Society: Fathers and Graduates

Pope Francis: We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life,

allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus

June Contact Confidential Prayer Group Marilyn Klingshirn | phone: 354-0884

LARCC Prayer Intention We join our brothers and sisters in the LARCC community

(Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Congregational)

in praying for this weekend’s intention:

Grace Lutheran: Foster Children / Foster Families

Diocese of Birmingham:

Bishop Raica’s Installation On Tuesday, June 23, Bishop Raica will become

the 5th Bishop of the Diocese of Birmingham,

Alabama. The installation may be viewed on

EWTN or live-streamed through the website and

Facebook of the Diocese of Birmingham.

We continue to keep Bishop Raica in our prayers.

View this bulletin online at

Page 4: Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 4 Alpena, Michigan

Stewardship of Treasure Week ending June 14, 2020

Offertory needed to sustain parish each week: $20,481



Online Giving

(6/8/20 - 6/14/20)

Regular Offertory—Weekend

Masses of June 13/14 and

donations that were mailed in or

dropped off.

12,919.50 2,187.21

# of Donors/Envelopes Used 206 42

Loose 52.00

Combined Total Offertory $15,106.71

Budgeted Offertory Income $20,481.00

Difference -5,374.29

Building Fund 203.00 6.00

Capital Improvement 53.00

Utilities 53.00 40.00

Livestream Fund (as of 6/17/20) 4,940.00

Job Opportunities All Saints Catholic School is taking applications:

Middle School Teachers: Grades 5-8 Math, Science, Spanish, Home Economics, Life

Skills, Yearbook, Band

***these are part time employment


For more info and to apply, visit:


Elementary teacher (full time, grade level

to be determined)

• Possess an undergraduate major or minor

or graduate degree in the subject(s) and

grade(s) to be taught.

• Possess elementary teaching certification

• Proven commitment to the students’

academic achievement with high

standards and innovative educational


• Seek opportunities to model and advance

positive behavior, values and character

among students, parents and teachers;

• Ability to thrive in a fast-paced


• Appreciates the importance of parents

and guardians in the success of the


• Excellent interpersonal and communication


• Ability to work effectively with students,

parents, volunteers, teachers,

administrators and leadership.

For more info and to apply, visit:


Update on All Saints School Cash Raffle and Evening of Elegance

The Evening of Elegance dinner/dance has been postponed until

October, 2020 (date to be determined).

Our Super Cash Link Raffle drawing, however, will take place on August

20, 2020. We realize that it has been difficult to sell tickets, during this time

[of COVID-19], which is why we have extended ticket sales through the

summer months. We certainly hope that these new dates will benefit our


2021 Mass Book Opens for Intentions

Our 2021 Mass Book will open to schedule intentions beginning

Wednesday, June 24.

What 2021 Masses will look like in terms of social distancing, is anyone’s

guess. For this reason, we will only be scheduling two intentions for

Sunday Masses and we will not assign them to any particular time.

Before the pandemic, we had five Masses each weekend. Our current

snapshot of weekend Masses has four Masses (if we have enough

volunteers). So we don’t want to overschedule and would rather add

intentions, when things begin to ease up that we could return to normal.

Reminder: at this time, weekday Masses are still being honored, but

celebrated privately by our priests.

2020 Graduates Congratulations to our 2020 graduates! They

have certainly experienced an unexpected

end to their high school years.

Although we won’t be able to hold the usual

graduation celebration that we have had in

the past, All Saints Parish would like them all to

know they are in our prayers as they move into

a new phase of life.

Our graduates were contacted through their

school email to notify them of a blessing this

weekend at the 7 PM Mass.

This weekend (June 20/21) the 10 am Sunday

morning Mass will be livestreamed as usual. In

addition, this weekend only, the 7 pm Saturday

Mass will also be livestreamed. This will make it

possible for any family and friends who are not

able to attend Mass at this time to view the

blessing for the 2020 graduates.

View this bulletin online at

Page 5: Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twelfth Sunday—Ordinary Time Page 5 June 21, 2020

Happy BirthdayJune Mills

90 years young—June 26

“Time to Help, Period.”

All Saints Addresses Period Poverty: UpdateDespite the quarantine, All Saints

Parish continued our outreach to

young ladies throughout our


Beginning on March 25th through

June 3rd 1,274 bags were packed

and available for families at the

Alpena Publ ic School food

distribution pick up sites.

That means over 15,000 individually

wrapped period products made it

into the hands of those in need right

here in our community!

“Time to Help, Period” here at All

Saints Parish will continue to try to

help fill this need, but we have to do

it together.

Consider making a donation of

products (that can be dropped off

at the Parish Center, Monday—Friday

from 10:00 am—2:00 pm) or perhaps

making a monetary donation either

directly or through our Online Giving

Program accessible through our

website (

Pictured: High school volunteers,

Brydi King and Victoria Foco, assist

with creating individual packets of


St. Vincent dePaul Thank YouDear Parishioners,

Thank you for your generous donation of $125

received through on-line giving. During this time

of crisis, we are providing food through a drive-

by process and providing for emergency

services such as shelter and utilities through

phone calls only. It is our hope that we will soon

be able to provide services through face to

face contact.

Our store is now open for sales, using all of the

guidelines set forth by the CDC, Governor

Whitmer and the State Health Dept.

We appreciate your support and kindness.

Society of St. Vincent DePaul

*All Saints Parish thanks those who have

donated to our Parish Drive for St. Vincent. This

collection continues during the weekdays.

Knights News: 4th DegreeTo all my Sir Brother Knights members of the 4th

Degree, Fr. Clarence Smolinski Assembly, #485:

Your monthly meeting will be on Wednesday,

June 24, 2020 at the Knights Hall in Alpena.

The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm. HOPE TO SEE


Dan Przeslawski

Faithful Navigator

We Need You!

(To be a Mass volunteer)

Although looking a

lot different, summer

continues to be a

busy time for folks

who have plans to

visit family, etc.

Because of this busy

season, it makes it

harder for us to find

Mass volunteers.

Have you been considering offering your help? Now would be a GREAT

time. Even if you only have just one weekend you could commit to this

summer, it would be a BIG help.

For more information on the weekend Mass volunteer opportunities,

contact Kristin Carriveau:

ph: 354-3019 OR [email protected]

July 4th Updates• The Parish Office will be CLOSED on Friday,

July 3rd in observance of the July 4th


• Because of the Friday office closure,

MassPasSM sign up will end on Thursday,

July 2nd at 2:00 pm

(instead of Friday) for

this particular week

leading into the July

4/5 weekend.

• Adoration on Friday,

July 3rd will still take

place as usual

(ending at 1:30 pm

due to a funeral) and

evening confessions

will continue (6-7 pm).

View this bulletin online at

Page 6: Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

All Saints Catholic Parish Page 6 Alpena, Michigan

Welcome to All Saints! We would like to welcome home anyone who has been away from the Church

and has joined us for Mass this weekend. We know coming back may not have

been an easy decision, and we are very glad you made it. Please stop by the

office to introduce yourself and register.


Rev. Joe Muszkiewicz


Rev. Scott Lawler

[email protected]

Parish Office

Phone: 989-354-3019

Fax: 989-358-9079

817 Sable Street, Alpena, MI 49707

Monday-Friday 10:00 am—2:00 pm (During Pandemic—social distancing)

Facebook ‘Alpena Catholics of All Saints Parish’ Parish Access: visit, click “register”

Business Manager

Kim Krajniak

[email protected]


Bette Tadajewski

Business Office Assistant

Angie King

[email protected]

Office Manager

Maria Kraft

[email protected]


Penny Jones

[email protected]

Office Assistant

Judy Quast

[email protected]

Parish Catechetical Leader

Jackie Benson

[email protected]

Discipleship Coordinator

Kristin Carriveau

[email protected]

Music Ministers

Suelyn Bartz, John Luke Grabiel, Julie Wood

Maintenance Supervisor

Joe Pokorzynski

Maintenance Staff

Ken Smarr

School Maintenance

Chris Johnston

Part-Time Maintenance

Jim Bouchard

Pastoral Council

Bob Mischloney, Ann-Marie Ruder, Mark Balko, Virginia Tadajewski,

Christopher Benedict, Deb Spleet, Bill Kuchnicki, Jane Hiske, Marty Gougeon

Finance Council

Jenny Poli, Don Bartosh, Vaune Bieker,

Dylan Wallace, Ralph Stepaniak

Diocesan Pastoral Council Diocesan Finance Council

Seth Wm. Peters Don Bartosh

Local Ministries Madonna House 354-4073

Catholic Human Services 356-6385

Friendship Room 354-8018

St. Vincent dePaul Society 354-3671

Options Pregnancy Center 354-6089

Baby Pantry 356-9317

Children’s Closet 356-9545

Caring Place Adult Day Center 358-7928

Salvation Army (Call Us for Help) 358-2769

NEMCSA 356-3474

Holy Cross Cemetery 354-3831

Parish Vision All Saints Parish is a spiritual and faith-filled family,

embraced by God’s love. We are centered on the

Holy Eucharist, inspired by the Communion of Saints

and empowered by the Holy Spirit to enliven and

ignite a community bound by love. We are united in

vibrant service under the leadership of the Trinity.

Parish Mission We, the members of All Saints Parish are called as a

sacramental people to grow in our faith and

participate fully in the one Body of Christ, centered in

the Eucharist. We value each other’s gifts and talents

as we serve the needs of our community while living

the truth and love of the Gospel.

All Saints Catholic School 500 N. Second Ave

Phone 989-354-4911


Nicole Hatch | email: [email protected]

Scrip—Online Option Did you know All Saint School’s Scrip program is

also accessible online and that many of the

cards are instantly available (ecards). And

when ordering online, All Saints School still gets

the profit. See below for the website address

and the All Saints School enrollment code to

get started.

Enrollment Code: CA56343B6298L

Scrip Online Payment Options

• Credit Card (2.6% fee/total order)

• Bank Account “Presto Pay”

($0.15/total order)

• *Pay at All Saints School

Place your order and pay at the

school with a check or cash.

*This option is currently not

available during the state issued

“Stay at Home” order.

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Page 7: Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Page 8: Happy Father s Day! - · 6/21/2020  · Happy Father s Day! All Saints Catholic Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan From Fr. Joe On this 12 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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