Download - Handbuch Der Biologishen Arbeitsmethoden. Lieferung 117: Die Blattfarbstoffe. By Richard Willstatter. Pp. 70. Berlin: Urban und Schwarzenberg. Price 3.40 Swiss Francs


3133. 0, 1024 CHEMISTRY AiiD IXDUSTRY 405

Dict,ionnry ” to the prcscnt one. A wide range is covered, inclucling mincrnls, proprietary products, appmatus, theoretical definitions, as well ns clicmicals of inany kinds. ’ It is cvidcnt thiit there is n public demand for information on the many clicmical nintcrials nnd subjects that nrc becoming more and niorc a fcaturc of crcry-dny lifc, and sucli information is supplied in abuntlnncc by the Chcmical Encyclo- lmdia.‘’ The book is wcll prcsentcd in crcry wny.

LIT DE - m M O I RX POU 1L L‘ TS D USTRI E I) U C-\OU TCI I 0 U C I.:T DES ~LITIBRES PI,.\STIQUIS. By A.-D. LUTTRIXQICR. Pp. 2%. Paris : 11.-D. Cillard, 1983.

‘l’liis book is dcsigncd to scivc as n coiiipciiiliuui of uscful information for tlic riibljcr niid :illicd industrics, niitl tlic nutlior stntcs tlirit i t is tlic first of n series of ni01i0griil111~ relating to various 1)rnnchcs of thcsc industrics, which iirc to IJC pu\>lislicd in conjunction with specialists.

The first cliqitcr is it collection of matlicmnticnl tirb1c.s: wciglits i i i id nicnsurcs, conrcx.l;ion tiiblcs m d pliysicul constiiiits, ~diilst Clinptcr 11 consists of tiiLlcs of forniulm ;ind pliysicul propcrtics of inorgiinic ;ind organic compounds. Thcsc tiiblcs covcr tlic first I00 pigcs, i i l id contain littlc inforn~ntion tIiat cannot bc found in tlic CImiiisls’ ]‘car Book, &itJk!J’S C‘Iwn isfs’ Pocket I ~ o o ~ , or itny siniilnr worlc.

C‘li:tptcr JCI is n uscful dictioniiry of tccliiiiotil prod‘iicts and tcrnis aiicl triitlc nnnics, though ccrtnin rlclicicncics may bc pointrtl out,. A nunibcr of tlic nccclcrator tr:idc niinics, with which tiic list is replctc, is cpnlificd siniply by tlic word “ accclcr- ator,.’ :uid sonic notahlc omissions tire “ Ctitiilpo,” ‘. Xsccllcrcs ’’ niid “ Titwiiuni Wliitc.”


Any ~~oluttic on plant pignicnts with which the name of Prof. 13. Willstiittcr is associated is certain to-be worthy of thc closest nttcntion, for tlie isolation nnd investigation of chlorophyll nnd tlic carotinoid pigments, carotin and santhopliyll, arc vcry largely due to tlic rcninrkable scrics of iiircstigntions which hc and his collaborntors h a w carried out. The niain rcsults of tlicse cstcndctt rcscnrchcs h a w already bccn publislicd in two rolunies (“ Untcrsuchungcn iibcr Clilorophyll ” and “ Untcrsucliiingcn iiber (lie Assimilation dcr ICohlcnsiiurc,” R. Willstiittcr and A. Stoll), in which thc wliolc siibjcct is given tlic very fullest trcntmcnt both froni tlic thcoreticni and espcrinicntal points of vicw. The prcscnt voluiiic, wliicli consists of a niost lucidly constructed precis of thcsc, will undoubtcdlg be of the greatest vnluc to all workcrs in tlic hordcr-linc field of botany and chcmktry. Full dctails of tlic proccss ciiiployed for tlic ex3raction nnd scparatioii of tlic lcnf 1)igiucnts froni 0110 anotlicr arc gircn, as also tlic nictliods cidoptctt for thc qumtitntirc cstiinntion of each. Tlic qucstion of tlic so-callctl crgstiillinc cliloropliyll is discusscd, nnd csnct dctiiils for the preparation of both ethyl and mctliyl cliloropliyllicl fully described. In addition, tlic isolation of a iiunibcr of the inore iniportnnt cliloroph~ll tlecoriiposition products, such (1s plinopligtin, phytoclilorin “ r,” phytorhodin “ g ’’ ant1 tlic unsnturiited alcoliol, pliytol, arc dcalt with i i i such n ~iinnncr as to rcndcr tlicir prcpnrntion easy to tlic carcful inniii1)ulntor.

Mthough, as nlrcidy statctl, tlicrc is nothing csscn- titilly iicw in tiic prcseiit volu~nc, t.hc clcnr and concisc iiianiicr in which 1\11 uiidouhtcdlj7 diliicult

Cfhaptcr N contiiiils it miscclliiiieoos collcctioii of d i i t i ~ Gfcrring to Intcs, riiw rubber niitt iillclu, and of tlicsc tlic tnhle of tlcnsitics of coiiipounding ingrctlicnts, rcprintcd froni Tuttlc’s “ Aiiiilysis of l ~ u l ~ b c r , ~ ’ is probnl)l~* tlic niosL uscful. I ts utility ~oul t l , Iio~rcvcr, linvc lxcii grcdly cnliniiccd if otlic-r physical properties such as rcfmctiw iiidcs iiiitl fiizc of pnrticlc wcrc included ivlicrc possiblc. Agiihi ccrtniii omissions are noted, o.Y., “ Tiiuonos ” i ~ d ” Titiiniuiu \\’liitc.”

Cliaptcr 1’ is dcvotctl to tlic mccli~iiiicnl tcstiiig of ~nbbcr aiid ftibrics, niitl dciils nliuost csclusivcly with the BrcuiI dynmioaicter mid elisto-duromctcr, wliilst Clinptcr 171, on tho clicriiicd iiniilysis of r~bbcr niid tlic p r i ~ ~ i p i ~ l conipounding ingrcdicnts, is tnlicn from the stmidnrd works of Pontio, Cnspnri i l l id ‘I’uttlc. .

A brief chapter follows coihining statistics of rubbcr production niid distribution, with 11 concluding clinptcr on tlic nnnlysis niid testing of n varicty of ~ilnstic niatariuls including cotton, caniplior, nitro- ccllulosc, celluloid, ccllulosc acetnto iiiid photo- grit ~liic filnis.

llie nutlior succccds in prcscnting a lnrgc niiiount of mntcrinl in n condcnscd form, though niost of tlic usefiil mnttcr is to bc found in otlier books wliicli iirc probably nviiilnblc to nll wlio niny bc intcrcstcd in tlic subjcct.



subject is haiic~cd is bounc~ to ensure it: wclcoinc rcccption by all active workers in this field of chcm- istry. I. 31. HEILBBOX

OI~GASISCIIE &I$>IIl$. By Prof. 13. 1’UX.\lEREIL \\’issc~iscliaftliclie Eorscliui~gsbcriclitc, Natur- ~~~issciisclinftliclic Rcilic, cdilcd by Dr. E. Lres~cma. Vol. 111. Second Edition, roriscd ;ind cnlnrged. Pp. sii+210. Drcsdcii and Lcip- zig : TIicodor StcinltoplT, 1023. Pricc, papcr, 4s.

T I ~ C first cclition of tliis useful sunirnnry of the outstanding rcscarchcs puhlislicd sincc 1914 covered tlic work doiic up to tlic cnd of 3920 (cf. J . , 1922, 165 R.). I n tho n e w cditioii tlic trcatmcnt of the various subjects is brought up to datc by Mic inclusion of work doiic in 1881 nnd 1832. Thcrc is every sign of t i tliorougli rcvision : ncw paragraplis and footnotcs l inw been added niid otlicrs rcwittcn ; tlic subject indcs has been condcnsed, but S ~ O W about 5 per ccnt. of ncw rcfcrcnccs, and tlic nnnic iiidcs lins grown by ncnrly onc-half, tlic wliolc book sliowing 1111 incrcnse of 27 pngcs. Tlie intcrcst of tlia discussion is wcll maintiiincd, niid the rcvision has nddcd to tho value of the boolc for advaiiccd workers in orgcinio chemistry.