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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Handbook of Procedures















    NEW DELHI-110003

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Handbook of Procedures





    NEW DELHI-110003


    File Number : 5-5/2003-RDDate : 01-08-08.

    Subject : HANDBOOK OF PROCEDURES -AED-HDBK, Revision -4.

    The objective of this Handbook of Procedure is to establish the general principles

    to be followed by DGCA to perform environmental and airworthiness certification of

    aeronautical products, parts and appliances, including post certification activities, in

    accordance with the applicable CAR and AMC & GM. The Handbook of Procedures,

    Revision 3 has been revised in order to harmonise the procedural requirements for

    certification of aeronautical products and parts with the procedures followed by

    international regulatory authority. A comprehensive revision has been carried out to bring

    the Handbook of Procedures in line with CAR 21, issue II, rev. 0 and certification

    procedures followed by international civil aviation authorities.

    This Handbook of Procedures, AED-HDBK, Revision 4 has been issued for

    guidelines of officials of AED for the purpose of issue of type certificates /

    supplemental type certificates, design organisation approval, repair/change approval,

    continued airworthiness approval, approval of flight conditions to issue permit to fly, flighttests, ITSOA and approval of test pilots.The contents of this Handbook have been taken

    from relevant subparts of Civil Aviation Requirements.

    sd/-(CHARAN DASS)

    Deputy Director General of Civil Aviation.New Delhi.

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Handbook of Procedures







    Description Insertion Incorpor

    ted by

    Rev. 0,Amdt. No. 0


    The handbook covers procedure forissue of type certificate, type approval,

    flight test guide, advisory circulars.

    R & D

    Supp lementa l Type Certificate is

    added at page No. 6, paragraph


    Editorial c hang e at pag e No. 7

    bec ause of am endment at pa ge

    No. 6

    Amend me nt No. 1/01, Effec : 3-09-

    01A NOTE is ad ded at pa ge No. 8

    ( Sub part II of Pa rt I)

    A NOTE is ad de d at pa ge No. 8.

    (Part II)

    Rev 0

    Amd t No. 1



    A NOTE is ad de d at pa ge No. 26

    (Part III)

    Pages 6,7, 8 and 26. R&D Dte

    Rev 0

    Amd t No. 2

    5-7-02 AC 01 of 2002 is added a t page

    No. 38.

    Pages 38, 39 and 40 R&D Dte

    Requirements for DesignOrganisation Approval in Part IIare amended as per therequirements of CAR 21.

    II-1 to II-9 R&D Dte

    Guidelines for the officers of R&D

    Dte. is inc lude d in Pa rt VI

    VI-1 to VI-2 R&D Dte

    Rev 0

    Amd t No. 3


    Numb ering of pa ge s are c hang ed

    . Pag es are numb ered ac c ording to

    their Part No. and corresponding

    pag e No.

    R&D Dte

    Text revised Page No. I-1 to I-10

    Text revised Page No. II-1 to II-10

    Text revised Page No. III-1 to III-7

    Revision 1, March

    , 2005

    Text revised Page No. IV-1 to IV-6

    R&D Dte

    Text revised Page No. I-4, I-6 to I-


    Text revised Page No. I-12

    Revision 2, Dec e



    Text revised Page No. III-1 to III-10

    R&D Dte

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Handbook of Procedures


    Amendment /

    Revision No.




    Description Insertion Inco rpo rate d b

    Text revised Page No. I-


    Text revised Page No. II-2,6

    Revision 3, March

    , 2007

    Text ad ded Append ix B, C

    and D


    1. Pa rt 1 to Pa rt III a re deleted

    and new parts are introduced.

    Som e pa ragraphs of Pa rt I and III

    are retained.

    Part I to Part 9Revision No.




    2.Part IV, V and VI a re reta ined

    and introd uce d as new pa rts.

    Part 10 to Pa rt 12


    Note : Erstwhile Research & Development Directorate (R&D Dte.) has been renamed as

    Airworthiness Engineering Division (AED) of DGCA.

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Handbook of Procedures

    Handbook of Procedures














  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008




    NEW DELHI-110003

    Handbook of Procedures

    PART 1

    Type Certification Procedure (TCP) / Restricted Type

    Certification Procedure (RTCP)

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1


    Subject Page number

    1. GENERAL 4

    1.1 Introduction 4

    1.2 Scope of Procedure 4

    1.3 References 4


    2.1 Acceptance of application 4

    2.2 Allocation of technical investigations tasks 5


    3.1 General 5

    3.2 Determination of the Certification Team 5

    3.3 Management of Certification Teams 6


    4.1 General 6

    4.2 Phase I - Technical familiarisation and establishment of the initial

    Type Certification Basis 7

    4.2.1 Technical familiarisation 7

    4.2.2 Establishment of the initial Type Certification Basis 7

    4.2.3 Recording of the Type Certification Basis 8

    4.2.4 Intimation on CRI 84.2.5 Acceptable Airworthiness Design Codes 8

    4.3 Phase II Agreement of the Certification Programme 8

    4.4 Phase III Compliance determinations 8

    4.5 Phase IV- Final Report and issue of a Type Certificate 9

    4.5.1 Statement of Compliance 9

    4.5.2 Final Certification Report 9

    4.5.3 Type Certificate / Restricted Type Certificate 10

    4.6 Imported Products 10

    4.6.1 General 10

    4.6.2 Type Certification under a formal agreement with the State of Design 10

    4.6.3 Type Certification under a working arrangement with the State of Design 10


    5.1 General 10

    5.2 Aircraft/Engine/Propeller interactions 11

    5.3 Equipment Approval 11

    5.4 Design and Production Organisation Approval 11

    5.5 Maintenance interactions and MRB 11

    5.5.1 Maintenance interactions 11

    5.5.2 Maintenance Review Board 11

    5.6 Operation interactions 12

    5.7 Ap prova l of Test p ilot for Prototyp e a irc raft 12

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    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    Subject Page number


    6.1 Panel of Experts 12

    6.2 Resolution of Disagreements 13

    6.3 Reserved 12

    6.4 Documentation 12

    6.4.1 General 12

    6.4.2 Documents associated with Aircraft Type Certification 12

    6.4.3 Documents associated with Engine and/or Propeller Type Certification 13

    6.4.4 Communication and Publication 14

    6.5 Confidentiality of Documents 14

    6.6 Human Factor principles 14

    6.7 Interior design security consideration 14

    7.0 Guidelines for issue of Noise Certificate 14

    8.0 Cancellation, Suspension or endorsement on type certificate 15

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    0.1 Glossary

    Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR) means the imposition of a maintenance task

    arising from the certification process, necessary to satisfy the airworthiness requirements.

    Certification Review Items (CRI) means a document recording Deviations, Special Conditions, new

    Means of Compliance or any other certification issue which requires clarification and interpretation, or

    represents a major technical or administrative issue.

    Deviation means any deviation from the applicable Certification requirements (CS/ FAR/ CAR-21).

    Equivalent Safety Finding : See CAR 21.21(c)(2).

    Imported Product means a product originating from a foreign country to be imported into India.

    Special Condition : See CAR 21.16B.

    Type Design means the Type Design definition (see CAR 21.31) presented by the applicant and for

    which compliance is demonstrated with the DGCA Type Certification Basis.

    0.2 Abbreviations / Terminology

    AED Aircraft Engineering Division

    AID Aircraft Inspection Division

    AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance

    AFM Aircraft Flight Manual

    CAR Civil Aviation Requirements

    CM Certification Manager

    CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements

    CRI Certification Review ItemCS Certification Specification (Airworthiness Code)

    DOA Design Organisation Approval

    DAED Director, Aircraft Engineering Division

    DDG Deputy Director General in-charge of AED ( for this document only)

    JDG Joint Director General

    DG Director General

    DGCA Directorate General of Civil Aviation

    EASA European Aviation Safety Agency

    ESF Equivalent Safety Finding

    FAA Federal Aviation Administration

    FAR Federal Aviation RegulationITSO Indian Technical Standard Order

    ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

    MoC Means of Compliance

    MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List

    MRB Maintenance Review Board

    OEB Operations Evaluation Board

    PCM Project Certification Manager

    POA Production Organisation Approval

    RTC Restricted Type Certificate

    SC Special Condition

    TC/RTC Type Certificate

    TCP Type Certification Procedure

    TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheet

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    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1


    1.1 Introduction

    Rule 49 of the A irc ra ft Rules, 1937 em pow ers the DGCA to issue Type Certific a te to

    a irc ra ft/ airc ra ft eng ine / prop eller ma nufac tured in Ind ia and a lso to va lida te theType Ce rtific a te issued to the a erona utica l p rod uc ts by foreign a irwo rthiness

    autho rities. A Type Ce rtific a te issued by the DGCA imp lies tha t the design o f the type

    a irc ra ft to whic h the ce rtifica te refers and of the va riants spe c ified on the d ata

    shee t has bee n a pprove d by DGCA. The Airc ra ft Eng ineering Division (AED) of

    DGCA is responsible for issue/ va lida tion of Type Certific a te of ae rona utica l

    p rod uc ts. This d oc ument has bee n p rep ared for inte rna l use o f offic ials of the AED

    to p rovide the m guida nc e for Type Certific at ion of ae rona utica l p rod uc ts. This

    do c ument is revised from time to time to provide upd ate d guidanc e to the o ffic ials

    of AED on Type Certific a tion of aeronautica l p rod uc ts.

    1.2 Scope of Procedure

    This p roc ed ure de sc ribes how DGCA internally ha nd les the type certific a tion of

    aeronautica l prod uc ts. The issue o f type c ertific ate is pe rforme d in ac c orda nc e w ith

    the p rov isions of CAR 21 issued by DGCA, wh ich lays d ow n the req uirem ents for the

    a irwo rthiness and environm enta l ce rtifica tion of a irc ra ft a nd relate d p rod uc ts, pa rts

    and ap plianc es and the related Acc epta ble Mea ns of Comp lianc e (AMC) and

    Guidanc e Ma terial (GM). This p roc ed ure a lso desc ribes how DGCA will hand le the

    suspension or revo c a tion o f c ertific a tes acc ording to Airc ra ft Rules and CAR 21. This

    p roc ed ure is a lso a pp lica b le fo r issue o f Restric ted Type Ce rtific a te.

    1.3 References

    Aircraft Rules 1937, CAR 21, Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and

    Guida nc e Ma teria l (GM) of CAR 21and ICAO Doc ume nt 9760.


    2.1 Acceptance of Application

    App lic a tion for a DGCA Type Ce rtific a te is submitted to the DAED and made in

    accordance with CAR 21.15. Ap p lic a tion for issue of Type C ertific a te is to b e

    sub mitted in the form and forma t as g iven in DGCA Form CA 30 (for a irc ra ft and

    rotorc ra ft) of CAR-21 in dup lica te to the Airc ra ft Eng ineering Division of DGCA,

    Technic a l Centre, Op p . Sa fda rjung Airport, New Delhi- 110003. The AED

    ac knowledg es the rec eipt of ap plic ation form within two we eks following the da te

    of receip t by DGCA. The fees as per the Airc ra ft Rule,1937 / CAR 21 should be p a id

    after receipt of preliminary acceptance letter from AED.

    AED examines the ap p lic a tion. If an inc orrec t or inc om p lete informa tion is

    p rovided the DAED intima tes app lica nt as soo n as possible by a letter reg a rd ing

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    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    the om issions and errors. For any tec hnica l issue, the DAED ma y co nsult the

    c onc erned AED officers or any other office rs as dee me d nec essa ry.

    The DAED tog ether with AED office rs ma kes a first c hec k on eligibility ac cording to

    CAR 21 and dete rmines how it will p roc eed w ith p roc essing the app lic at ion. He

    c om munica tes the app lic able req uirem ents with a ll relevant informa tion to the

    ap plic ant with in fifteen wo rking d ays following the d ate of rec eipt of ap plica tion.

    AED officers to b e invo lved in the Ce rtifica tion Projec t, a re a lso identified . The

    DAED takes nec essa ry ap p rova l from the DDG b efo re issuing the p reliminary

    ac ce pta nce of the propo sal.

    Afte r the eligibility of the ap p licant has bee n fully assessed , the DAED intimates

    follow ing informa tion to the ap plica nt :

    (a) Whethe r the app lic a tion is ac c ep ted or not, if not, the rea son thereto;

    (b) The p rojec ted time frame ;

    (c ) The p ro jec t file num ber ( xx/xx- yea r-AED)

    (d) Preliminary ac c ep tanc e of the propo sal

    (d) Fees associated with the application [Check compliance with DGCAs

    app lic ab le fees as per Rule 62 of A irc ra ft Rules, 1937 / CAR 21]

    After rec eipt of fees the DAED upd a tes the DGCA ap prova ls da tabase with a ll the

    relevant information. In case of refusal of an application, the DAED intimates this

    dec ision in writing to the a pp licant toge ther with the rea sons thereto.

    2.2 Allocation of technical investigations tasks

    After eligibility has been fully assessed and once in-principle acceptance is given,

    the DDG establishes an appropriate DGCA certification team (see 3.2) consisting of

    AED officers and hea ded by the DAED. Office rs from othe r Direc tora tes of DGCA

    are also c o-opted a s tea m mem be rs d ep end ing on the co mp lexity of c ertific ation

    work. Ge nera lly, the DAED is a lloc a ted with the responsibilities of Pro jec t

    Certification Manager (PCM).


    3.1 General

    The investiga tion proc ess for type c ertific at ion of an ae rona utic a l p rod uc t is

    performe d b y a team of spec ialists, led by the DAED. The DAED with his team

    rep orts to the DDG .

    3.2 Determination of the Certification Team

    In order to establish an appropriate certification team, the applicant, if deemed

    nec essary by the DDG, orga nises an initia l b riefing fo r gene ra l familia risa tion with

    the p rojec t. This b riefing ta kes p lac e a t a c onvenient loc a tion. The a ttend ance a t

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    Direc tora tes of DGCA, if dee me d ne c essa ry. If the app lic ant is no t fam iliar w ith the

    type c ertific at ion p roc ed ures then the DGCA- Type Certific a tion Proc ed ure is


    Follow ing the g enera l fam ilia risa tion the DDG, dep end ing on the ca teg ory of the

    produc t a nd c om plexity of the projec t, ap po ints a c ertific ation tea m led b y a DAED

    c onsisting of Dep uty Direc to rs, Sen ior Sc ientific O ffice rs, Sc ient ific Offic ers and Junior

    Sc ientific Offic ers of AED. Office rs from othe r Direc tora te of DGCA ma y be

    included in the certific ation team d ep end ing on the c omp lexity of certific ation


    The c om position and size of certific a tion team s can vary and is dep end ent on the

    p rod uc t which is to b e type c ertifica ted . Where the extent of the investiga tion doe s

    not justify the need for a team, one person m ay pe rform the investiga tion.

    A c ertific a tion te am fo r a Prop eller ma y co nsist of o nly one spec ialist, wherea s a newLarge Transport Airc ra ft, for exam p le, ma y nee d m ore spec ialists c ove ring the

    d isc iplines of: Flight Test Pilot, Flight Test Eng ineer, Performa nc e, Struc tures, Power-

    plant installation, Fuel systems, Hydro-mechanical systems, Electrical systems, Avionic

    syste ms, Transmissions, Elec tron ic Co ntrols & Softw are, Ca b in sa fety, Environmenta l

    Co ntrol systems & Ic ing, Noise & Environm enta l prote c tion.

    3.3 Management of Certification Teams

    The AED-officers throug h mo nitoring , c oo rd ination and ma nagem ent of DAED, a im

    to ensure eq ua l trea tment o f app lic ants ac ross c ertific a tion projec ts. To ac c om plishthis, the DDG orga nises reg ular c o-ord ination me etings w ith DAED, in order to

    ac hieve the administra tive and tec hnic a l sta ndard isa tion ac ross c ertifica tion

    p rojec ts. Tec hnic a l training is p rovided in a reg ular ba sis to the o fficers of AED with-in

    and outside the c ountry to up -da te the knowledg e o n Type Certific ation.


    4.1 General

    Onc e a n a pp lica tion is ac ce pte d and a c ertifica tion tea m is estab lished , the DGCA-type certification process can be divided in to following phases.

    Phase I Tec hnic a l Familiarisa tion a nd e sta b lishment of the Type Ce rtifica tion Basis

    The ob jec tive of t his phase is to p rovide tec hnic a l informa tion the definition, and the

    agreem ent o n the initia l DGCA Type Certific a tion b asis of the p rojec t to t he te am

    spec ialists of AED.

    Phase II Agreeme nt of the Certific a tion Prog ramm e

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    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    The ob jec tive of this phase is to de fine and a gree on p rop osed mea ns of

    c omp lianc e a nd with ea c h p aragraph of the Certifica tion Basis and ide ntific ation of

    the tea m involvem ent with different certifica tion prog ram for ea c h subjec t.

    Phase III Com plianc e d eterminations

    The o b jec tive o f this phase is to de mo nstra te the c om p lianc e w ith the Ce rtific a tion

    Basis and ac c ep tanc e of the c om plianc e de mo nstration.

    Phase IV- Final Report a nd issue of a Type C ertifica te

    The ob jec tive of this pha se is to esta b lish and justify the c om p lianc e d em onstration

    with respe c t to d esign requirem ents, type investiga tion and , based on a pprova l of

    the fina l rep ort by the DDG , the issue o f the DGCA-Type Ce rtific a te.

    4.2 Phase I - Tec hnic al fam iliarisation and e stab lishment o f the initia l Typ eCertifica tion Basis.

    4.2.1 Tec hnic al fam iliarisation

    The DGCA ce rtific a tion tea m ge ts fa milia rised tho roug h tec hnica l b riefings from the

    app licant ab out the p rod uc t in order to fully understand the design, inc luding newly

    used technologies and any unique or unconventional features or intended

    unconventional usage of the p rod uc t. This tec hnica l informa tion a bout d esign

    features, which cannot be addressed by the usual applicable certification

    spec ifica tion, ma y be inc lud ed a s Spec ial Co nd itions in DGCA- Type Certific a tion


    4.2.2 Estab lishment of the initial Typ e Certifica tion Basis

    Sup ported by the ce rtifica tion team, the DAED d ra fts the initia l Type Certific a tion

    Basis wh ich c onsists of a pp lic ab le airwo rthiness c od e like certifica tion spec ifica tions

    (CS) / Fed eral Avia tion Reg ulation (FAR), env ironm enta l p rotec tion req uirem ents

    and m ay inc lude , if ap p lic able, exemp tions / limitat ion.

    Spec ial Co nd itions, when prop erly justified , ma y a lso form pa rt of the Type

    Certifica tion Basis. The a pp licant ma y also e lec t to c om p ly to a la ter amend me nt of

    the a pp lic ab le c ertific a tion spec ific a tions which w ill then b ec om e p art of the Type

    Ce rtific a tion Basis. New Spec ial Cond itions, if c onsidered as important b y the DDG ,

    will nee d to unde rgo a c onsulta tion process with the a pp lic ant.

    The DDG a pprove s the initial Type Ce rtific a tion Basis and any cha nges to it based

    on the exam ination by the office rs of c ertifica tion tea m. The initial Type C ertific a tion

    Basis ma y need to b e c hange d d uring the c ourse of the c ertific at ion p roc ess due to

    new applied technologies, introduction of design changes, discovery of unsafe

    c ond itions or c om p lianc e d em onstra tion results.

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    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    4.2.3 Rec ording of the Typ e Certifica tion Basis

    The DGCA Type Certifica tion Basis is rec orded by the DAED in a Ce rtifica tion Review

    Item (CRI) do c ume nt. Any Deviation/ Limitat ion, Spec ial Cond ition , Equivalent Sa fety

    Finding or useful interpretations and alternative means of compliance and

    Exem pt ions a re presente d in deta il in a CRI doc ume nt and bec om e pa rt of the

    Type Certific a tion Basis.

    4.2.4 Intim ation on CRI

    The PCM intima tes the ap plic ant about CRI a fter examina tion of the do cume nt

    4.2.5 Acceptable Airworthiness Design Codes

    a . Ac c ording to CAR 21.17(a ), app lic ab le FAA/ EASA d esign c od es for

    ae rona utica l produc ts a re to be p rop osed b y the ap plic ant.

    b . The a mend ment numbe r of the selec ted de sign c od e should be as

    app lic able on the da te o f TC a pp lic a tion. How ever, be fore the issue of TC for

    the product if any amendment to the design code is carried out due to

    sa fety/ sec urity rea sons, tha t am end me nt will a lso bec om e effec tive for the

    ce rtifica tion o f the p rod uct,

    c . Suitab le environme nta l (emission and noise) p rotec tion req uirem ents in line

    with CAR 21.18(a)&(b). Also, subpart I of CAR 21 prescribes procedure for

    issue of Noise c ertific a te ,

    d . If the a eronautica l prod uc t is an a irc ra ft, then eng ine/ p rop eller certific a tion

    basis in line w ith CAR 21.17(a ) should be indic a ted b y the app lic ant,

    e. In ac c orda nc e with CAR 21.16B, DGCA m ay imp ose spec ial c ond ition(s) in

    the certification basis if it is considered that the selected airworthiness

    requirement do not contain adequate safety standards for the product, or

    the p rod uc t has nove l/ unusua l design fea tures, etc .

    4.3 Phase II Agreement of the Certification Programme

    The c ertifica tion team disc uss and a gree with the ap p lic ant on the ce rtific a tionprogramme which:

    (a) defines the prop osed me ans of co mp liance with the type certifica tion basis;


    (b) describes all the activities and certification teams involvement with respect to

    compliance demonstrations, test witnessing, compliance tracking, compliance

    records, conformity statements, time schedule for achieving compliance, etc. All

    do c uments req uired to show c omp lianc e w ith the a pp lic ab le requireme nts and their

    sc hed uled d a te o f submission to AED is identified in the C ertifica tion Prog ramme for

    each subject. When defining the certification teams involvement, the applicants

    Design Organisation Approval (DOA) privileges under CAR 21.A263 (b) is considered.

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    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    Whether all com plianc e d oc uments are to be ac c ep ted , without further verific ation

    or not, by the certific ation tea m is ag reed up on with the app lic ant ac c ording to

    the sc hed uled leve l of involvem ent.

    The PCM gives his c onc urrenc e w ith the agreed c ertific at ion p rog ramm e in writing.

    4.4 Phase III Com plianc e Determina tions

    The ta sk of show ing c om plianc e with the c ertifica tion b asis is the responsibility of the

    ap plic ant. The a pp lic ant :

    (a) defines the DGCA Type Design

    (b) submits a procedure to cover equipment qualification

    (c) sub mits a sta teme nt of c onfo rmity for c ertific a tion tests

    (d) submits the required certification documents (including compliance reports,

    manuals, etc.);

    (e) concludes each compliance report with a Declaration of Compliance with the

    applicable requirements.

    The ac c ep tanc e o f the com p liance de mo nstra tions is the respo nsibility of the

    c ertifica tion te am .

    4.5 Phase IV- Final Rep ort and issue of a Typ e Certifica te

    4.5.1 Statem ent of Comp lianc e

    On completion of the certification programme the applicant shall provide a

    dec la ra tion of comp lianc e (see C AR 21.20 (b)) tha t the type d esign of the produc t

    to b e typ e c ertific a ted c om p lies with the Type Ce rtific a tion Basis. The te am

    me mb ers of the Certifica tion team issue a sta teme nt ( internal note) to DAED(

    Project Ce rtifica tion Ma nag er) with the ap plic ant s c omp lianc e de claration with

    respect to the discipline involved. On acceptance of all necessary statements by

    c ertific a tion te am, the DAED issues a c om p lianc e sta tem ent to the DDG, throug h

    an internal note, confirming that the type design of the product complies with the

    Type Ce rtific a tion Basis. The request of ap p lic ant for any exem ption is exam ined b y

    DAED. Sa fety co nsidera tion must be ta ken in to acc ount while grant ing suc h


    4.5.2 Final Certification Report

    The DAED in con junc tion with the Ce rtific a tion Tea m, submits a rep ort to DDG,

    which inc ludes type de sign of the prod uc t, the type investigat ion proc ess,

    significant sub jec ts investiga ted , deta ils of tha t investiga tion, p roc ess follow ed and

    the c onc lusions reg a rd ing c om p lianc e w ith the Type Certific a tion Basis. The DAED

    submits this final report to the DDG for approval through an internal note.

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    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    4.5.3 Typ e Certificate / Restric ted Typ e Certificate

    After ap p rova l of fina l rep ort, the DDG intima tes the Direc tor General (DG) by an

    internal note about successful closure of the technical investigation process. After

    ta king consent of the DG, the DAED p rep ares TC/ RTC and Type Ce rtifica te Data

    Sheets (TCDS) to b e signe d b y the JDG or DG and ensures tha t all nec essa ry steps

    for c losure of c ertific a tion issues a re pe rformed. A Type Certific a te Data Shee t

    bec om es a pa rt of the DGCA- TC/ RTC.

    4.6 Imported Products

    4.6.1 General

    For type certification of aeronautical products originating from an applicant whose

    principa l p lac e o f business is loc a ted o utside the te rritory of Ind ia, p roc ed ures other

    than those described above may apply depending on the content of bilateralagreem ents or wo rking a rrange me nts.

    4.6.2 Type Certification unde r a forma l ag reement w ith the State of Design

    In c ase o f a Bila te ra l Avia tion Safety Ag ree me nt (BASA) includ ing the assoc iate d

    imp lem enting proc ed ures (IP), this agreem ent ma y supplem ent, c hange or

    supersede the above certification procedures. In this case, the DGCA certification

    may be called validation and it is assumed that the imported product meets the

    same level of co nfidenc e, a level of sa fety equivalent with an Ind ian prod uc t and

    c omp arab le with a produc t de signed and manufac tured in India.

    4.6.3 Type Certific ation unde r a working a rrange me nt with the State of Design

    In c ase of a wo rking arrang eme nt be twee n DGCA and the co mp etent c ivil

    avia tion autho rity of the exporting c ountry, the a bo ve c ertific a tion proced ures shall

    app ly. How ever, based o n the working arrange me nt, the DAED ma y use the

    foreign c ertifica tion system , if tha t has dem onstra ted the same leve l of indep end ent

    c hec king function and c omp lianc e d emo nstration functions and c orrespo nd to

    DGCA c ertifica tion basis defined und er 4.2.2 of this pa rt.


    5.1 General

    Co -ord ination is req uired with a number of othe r ac tivities. These a c tivities include:

    (a) Aircraft/Engine/Propeller interactions

    (b) Equipme nt ap proval

    (c) Design Orga nisa tion Ap prova l

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    (e) Maintenance interactions and MRB Process

    (f) Operations interactions

    (g) Ap prova l of test p ilots

    5.2 Aircraft/ Engine/ Prope ller interac tions

    The app lic ant fo r an a irc ra ft TC is responsible fo r insta lla tion o f eng ine/ p rop eller on

    the a irc ra ft and ha s to show c om p liance with insta lla tion req uirem ents tha t ap p ly

    to, over and above, those required for separate type certification of

    eng ine/ prop eller. The e ngine/ p rop eller manufac turer is expec ted to supp ort the

    a irc ra ft ma nufac turer in this p roc ess. The DGCA a irc ra ft ce rtific a tion tea m exam ines

    interfac es betw een the relevant certific a tion spec ifica tions/ a irwo rthiness cod es.

    5.3 Equip me nt App roval

    For the approval of equipment that is not to be certified as part of the product,ob ta ining an ITSO(India n Tec hnica l Sta nd ard Order) Autho risa tion is the responsibility

    of the eq uipm ent manufa c turer. The ITSO Authorisa tion is the rec og nition by DGCA

    that the equipment meets predefined qualification and performance criteria.

    How eve r, the TC a pp lica nt is responsible for all interface a spec ts betwe en

    equipment approval and product certification including showing of compliance of

    the eq uipm ent insta lled on h is p rod uc t w ith the Type Ce rtifica tion Basis. Ap prova l of

    the equipme nt will be trea ted a s a sep ara te process for which ap prop ria te

    procedures apply.

    How eve r, for the e quipm ent for wh ich ITSO autho riza tion has not be en issued ,

    DGCA ac c ep ts the eq uipment ma nufa c tured und er FAA TSO / ETSO


    5.4 Design a nd Prod uc tion Organisation App roval

    The DAED ensures app rop riate c om munica tion with the responsible DOA/ POA team

    lea der in order to exc hang e a ny find ings by the TC team w hich ma y affec t the

    c ontinuous valid ity of the organiza tional ap p rova ls of the app lica nt.

    5.5 Ma intenanc e interac tions and MRB process

    5.5.1 Maintenance interactions

    In accordance with CAR-21.61 instructions for continued airworthiness shall be

    furnished by the app lic ant. These instructions norma lly c om prises of the approved

    a irwo rthiness limitation sec tion c onta ining Certifica tion M a intena nce Req uirem ents

    (CMRs). Airwo rthiness limita tions and CMRs a re reviewed by the c ertific a tion team

    to ensure c om p lianc e w ith the Type Ce rtific a tion Basis.

    5.5.2 Maintenance Review Board (MRB) process

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    MRB is intend ed to p rovide an introd uc tion to the m aintena nc e review boa rd (MRB)

    process used during the development of an initial maintenance program for newly

    c ertifica ted a irc ra ft s initial minimum ma intena nc e req uirem ents. The p rimary

    purpose of the MRB process is to assist the design organization and the operator to

    establish an initial approved maintenance program for a new aircraft and the

    DGCA in approv ing tha t p rog ram. The MRB rep ort bec om es the basis for the first

    issue of an op erato r s initial ma intena nc e program . Relaxations ma y be necessa ry

    to a dd ress op erational or environm enta l c ond itions app lica b le to tha t op erator.

    Throug h op erators experienc e a nd with reg ula tory app rova l, add itional cha nge s to

    the maintenance program may be made by the operator in order to maintain a

    sa fe and effic ient ma intena nc e p rog ram. The AED and the Airwo rthiness

    Direc torate of DGCA and aviat ion industry a re involved in the p roc ess of

    de velop ing an initial ma intenanc e program for a newly type c ertific ate d aircraft

    The DDG e nsures app rop riate rep resenta tion on the MRB from the c ertific a tionteam.

    5.6 Operation interac tions

    If the ap p lica nt req uests to e sta b lish an operat ions eva luation b oa rd (OEB) the DDG

    informs the JDG / DG for set ting up of an OEB. The JDG c onstitute s an OEB with

    appropriate representation covering AED, AID, Flight Inspection Directorate,

    Direc torate of Training and Lic ensing and any other Direc torate of DGCA as

    dee me d nec essa ry. The DDG ensures app rop riate rep resenta tion o n the OEB from

    the c ertifica tion tea m.

    5.7 Ap prova l of Test pilo t for Prototyp e a ircraft

    The p roc ed ure for app rova l of test pilot for p roto type a irc ra ft is la id d ow n in

    Ad visory Circular num ber AC 01 of 2001. This Advisory Circula r is a va ilab le in Pa rt

    12 of the Handboo k of Proc ed ures.


    6.1 Com mittees for Spe c ial Certifica tion work

    In ce rta in a rea s of type c ertific at ion w ork such as certifica tion of elec tronic

    eq uipments, avionic s, softw are and system s with unusua l design fea tures and ha ving

    new tec hnologies, DGCA doe s not have the experts to c a rry out c ertifica tion

    wo rk. In suc h c ases DGCA c onstitute com mittee of experts from the releva nt fields

    and applic ab le to the w ork unde r c onsideration. The experts for such c om mittees

    a re taken from rep uted Government orga nisa tion / pub lic sec tor undertakings/

    ret ired DGCA officers. DGCA enters into som e wo rking arrangem ent w ith the

    c om mittee me mb ers. These com mittees a re cha ired b y the DAED / DDG and the

    c om mittee wo rks ac c ording to the princ ip le of type c ertific at ion p roc ed ures of AED.

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    AED-HDBKType Certification / Restricted Type Certification Procedure PART 1

    6.2 Resolution of d isagreem ents

    The Ce rtific a tion Tea m is the p rimary dec ision m aker in the p roc ess und er the

    sup ervision of its PCM. The C ertific a tion Tea m should ha ve the a b ility and pow er to

    take the first decisions to the largest possible extent. If the certificate

    holde r/ app lica nt doe s not ag ree with the Certific a tion Tea m s dec ision, the

    responsible DAED (PCM) will try to find a m utua lly ac c ep ta b le solution. If an

    agreement still cannot be reached, the matter would be brought to the DDG to

    take a dec ision thereto.

    If further deliberation is nec essa ry then the final de c ision w ould be m ade b y the DG.

    The a pp licant is informe d a bout the final dec ision.

    6.3 Reserved

    6.4 Documentation

    6.4.1 General

    Som e d oc ume nta tion, ma nua ls or sec tions of manua ls req uire forma l DGCA

    approva l. The DAED on beha lf of DGCA, forma lly ap p rove s the doc ume nta tion

    identified below once these are reviewed and agreed by the appropriate

    c ertifica tion te am spec ialists.

    6.4.2 Docum ents assoc iated with A irc raft Typ e Certifica tion

    a) Aircraft Flight Manual

    The Airc ra ft Flight Ma nua l (AFM) is review ed a nd should be ag ree d by the

    c ertifica tion tea m. The te am dete rmines whe ther the limitations, ope rat iona l

    p roc ed ures and performance c onta ined in the AFM p rovide s for sa fe op erations

    and a re c om pa tible w ith the DGC A Type Design, and the DGCA Type Certifica tion


    b) Airworthiness Limitations Items and Certifica tion Ma intenanc e Req uirem ents

    The d oc uments c onta ining A irwo rthiness Limitations and C ertifica tion Ma intena nc e

    Req uirem ents a rising from the c ertific a tion p roc ess a re reviewe d and agreed by the

    DGCA c ertifica tion te am .

    6.4.3 Doc uments assoc iated with Engine and / or Prop eller Type Certification

    The Airworthiness Limita tions sec tions, if g iven in one of the follow ing doc uments,

    req uire forma l approva l:

    (a) Engine and / or Prop eller Insta lla tion Drawing and Ma nual

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    (b) Eng ine and / or Prop eller Op erat ing Instruction Manua l

    (c) Engine a nd/ or Ma intenanc e a nd Ove rhaul Manual

    6.4.4 Communication and Publication

    Signific ant d ec isions a ffec ting the result of the certific a tion proc ed ure a re

    c om munica ted by DDG to the app licant in writing. These dec isions a re relate d to

    issuing, modification, limitation, suspension or revocation of certificates and are

    c om munica ted to those co ncerned. The DDG takes nec essary ac tion , in orde r to

    ma ke the relevant informa tion c irc ula ted .

    6.5 Confide ntiality of Doc ume nts

    All documents and information related to the certification procedure, submitted by

    Certific ate holder/a pp licant, a re kep t in a sa fe plac e. If the ap p lica nts c hoo se tosubmit the data required to support applications in electronic format , these data

    a re a lso p rote c ted and kept sa fely.

    6.6 Human fac tors princip les:

    The d esign of the a irc ra ft, systems, instruments and e quipment and p erforma nc e

    sc hed uled sha ll ob serve Human Fac tors princip les. Guidanc e ma teria l on Human

    Fac tors p rincip les can b e fo und in the Huma n Fac to rs Tra ining Ma nua l (Doc 9683)

    and in the Human Fac to rs guidelines for Air Tra ffic M ana gem ent (ATM) Systems (Doc


    6.7 Interior design sec urity c onsideration :

    For the d esign of a n a irp lane, c onside ra tion sha ll be g iven to d esign fea tures tha t will

    deter easy concealment of weapons, explosives or other dangerous objects on

    boa rd a irc ra ft and tha t w ill fac ilitate sea rc h p roc ed ures for suc h ob jec ts.

    7.0 Guide lines for issue of noise certificate for aircraft d esigned and

    ma nufac tured in India:

    7.1 The b asis for noise c ertifica tion of the a irc ra ft de signed a nd d eve loped in Ind ia

    sha ll be in ac c orda nce with com p lianc e with CAR 21.18 and ICAO Annex 16,

    Volume I.

    7.2 The noise ce rtifica tion for the a irc ra ft designed and ma nufa c tured in Ind ia w ill

    be issued by DGCA (AED). Ap p lic a tion rec eived for issuanc e of a noise

    c ertific a te is assessed which inc lude s:

    (a) A sta tem ent of conformity issued b y the authorized person who ho ldsrespo nsib le position in ma nufac turing organiza tion a nd c ounte rsigne d by a DGCA

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    offic ia l show ing c om p lianc e to the requirem ents of Annex 16 Volume I as ame nded

    from time to time.

    (b) The noise informa tion which is d ete rmined in ac corda nc e with the

    app licab le noise req uirem ents. This informa tion sha ll be included in the flight

    ma nual, whe n a flight ma nual is req uired by the app lica b le a irwo rthiness

    c od e for the pa rticular a irc ra ft.

    7.3 The basis o f no ise c ertific a tion includes the Type Ce rtific a te Data Shee t

    (TCDS) and the Airp lane Flight Ma nua l of the pa rticula r a irc ra ft g iving

    follow ing d eta ils:

    a ) Informa tion to be inc lud ed in the Type C ertific a te Data Shee t (TCDS):

    Ma nufac turer and m anufac turers designa tion of airc ra ft.

    Engine ma nufacturer, type and mo de l.

    Prop eller Ma nufac turer, type and mo del for prop eller-d riven a eroplane s.

    Ma ximum ta ke-off ma ss in kilog rams

    Maximum landing mass, in kilograms, for certificates issued under Chapters 2,

    3, 4, 5 and 12 of Annex 16 Volume I.

    Add itiona l mod ific ations inco rpo rate d for the p urpo se of c omp lianc e with the

    app lic ab le noise c ertific at ion Sta ndards.

    Reference of the Chapterand Sec tionof the Annex 16 Volume I, ac c ording to

    which the a irc ra ft wa s c ertific a ted and c orrespond ing noise leve ls.

    b ) Informa tion to be include d in the Airp lane Flight Ma nual (AFM)

    Informa tion a s included in the TCDS

    Ma nufac turer s Seria l Numb er of the a irc ra ft

    The he ight above the runway at which thrust/ pow er is red uc ed follow ing full

    thrust/ pow er ta ke-off.

    Note: A note shall be ad de d stating that the thrust/ po we r cutb ac k height relates

    to the noise certification procedures and is not intended for use in normal


    8.0Cancellation, Suspension or endorsement on type certificate.

    Aircraft rule 49 D empowers DGCA that, if at any time, the DGCA is satisfied that

    there is a reasonable doubt to indicate that the safety of the aircraft is imperilled

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    because of an unsafe condition in the aircraft, helicopter, engine, component or

    item of equipment of that aircraft/ helicopter, he may cancel, suspend or endorse

    the c ertifica te issued o r va lida ted for the a irc ra ft, helic op ter, com pone nt or item of

    equipment of the aircraft/ helicopter or may require the incorporation of any

    mo d ific a tion as a cond ition of the Type Certific a te rema ining in forc e.

    In addition, in dete rmining c om p lia nc e with the design aspe c ts of the ap propriate

    airworthiness requirements for an aircraft, DGCA shall take whatever other steps

    deemed necessary to ensure that the design approval is withheld if the aircraft is

    known or suspe cte d to ha ve d a ng erous fea tures not sp ec ifica lly gua rd ed ag ainst

    by those requirements.

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    NEW DELHI-110003

    Handbook of Procedures

    PART 2

    Supplemental Type Certification Procedure (STCP)

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    Supplemental Type Certification Procedure AED-HDBK

    PART 2


    Subject Page no.

    1 GENERAL 2

    1.1 Introduction 2

    1.2 Scope of Procedure 21.3 Abbreviations / Terminology 2

    1.4 References 3


    2.1 Acceptance of Application 3


    2.2.2 Reserved 4


    3.1 General 4

    3.2 Determination of the Certification Team 5

    3.3 Management of Certification Teams 5

    4 CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES 54.1 Principles 5

    4.2 Classification of Changes 6

    4.3 Phase I - Technical familiarisation and establishment of the STC Basis 74.3.1 Technical familiarisation 7

    4.3.2 Establishment of the initial Supplemental Type Certification Basis 7

    4.3.3 Recording of the Supplemental Type Certification Basis 7

    4.3.4 Intimation of CRI 8

    4.3.5 Acceptable Airworthiness codes 8

    4.4 Phase II - Agreement of the Certification Programme 8

    4.5 Phase III Compliance Determinations 9

    4.6 Phase IV- Final Report and issue of a Type Certificate 9

    4.6.1 Statement of Compliance 94.6.2 Final Certification Report 9

    4.6.3 Issuance of the Supplemental Type Certificate 10

    4.6.4 STC for a product with FAA/EASA Type design 10

    4.7 Changes to a Supplemental Type Certificate 10

    4.8 STC application from a foreigncountry 104.8.1 General 10

    4.8.2 Supplemental Type Certification under a formal bilateral agreement with the State of Change Design 10

    4.8.3 Supplemental Type Certification under a working arrangement with the State of Change Design 11


    5.1 General 11

    5.2 Aircraft/Engine/Propeller interactions 11

    5.3 Equipment Approval 11

    5.4 Design and Production Organisation Approval 12

    5.5 Maintenance interactions 12

    5.6 Operation interactions 12


    6.1 Panel of Experts 12

    6.2 Resolution of Disagreements 13

    6.3 Reserved 13

    6.4 Suspension, limitation and revocation of a certificate 13

    6.5 Documentation 136.5.1 General 13

    6.5.2 Documents associated with Aircraft Type Certification 13

    6.5.3 Communication and Publication 14

    6.6 Confidentiality of Documents 14

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    PART 2


    1.1 Introduction

    This part of the handbook establishes the procedure for the approval of major

    changes to the type design under supplemental type certificate procedures( STCP),and establishes the rights and obligations of the applicants for, and holders of, those

    certificates. Any natural or legal person (organisation) that has demonstrated, or is

    in the process of demonstrating, its capability under CAR 21.112B shall be eligible as

    an applicant for a supplemental type-certificate under the conditions laid down in this


    1.2 Scope of Procedure

    This procedure describes the process how DGCA handles the supplemental

    type certification of aeronautical products and how it issues Supplemental TypeCertificates (STC). STC is issued for approval of a major change to an approved

    type design which is classified in accordance with CAR 21.91 and the designer of

    the major change is usually not the Type Certificate holder.

    The supplemental type certification is performed in accordance with the provisions of

    CAR 21, Subpart E which lays down the requirements for the airworthiness and

    environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances and

    the related Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM).

    This procedure also includes the performance of supplemental type certification of

    major changes designed by an organization out side India and describes how DGCA

    handles the suspension, limitation or revocation of STCs according to the Aircraft

    Rules,1937 and CAR -21.

    1.3 Abbreviations / Terminology

    AED Aircraft Engineering Division

    AID Aircraft Inspection Division

    AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance

    AFM Aircraft Flight Manual

    CAR Civil Aviation RequirementsCM Certification Manager

    CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements

    CRI Certification Review Item

    CS Certification Specification (Airworthiness Code)

    DOA Design Organisation Approval

    DAED Director, Aircraft Engineering Division

    DDG Deputy Director General in-charge of AED ( for the purpose of

    this document only)

    DG Director General

    DGCA Directorate General of Civil AviationEA Exporting Authority

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    PART 2

    EASA European Aviation Safety Agency

    ESF Equivalent Safety Finding

    FAA Federal Aviation Administration

    FAR Federal Aviation Regulation

    GM Guidance Material

    ITSO Indian Technical Standard OrderICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

    JDG Joint Director General

    MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List

    MRB Maintenance Review Board

    OEB Operations Evaluation Board

    PCM Project Certification Manager

    POA Production Organisation Approval

    SC Special Condition

    STC Supplemental Type Certificate

    TC Type CertificateTCP Type Certification Procedure

    1.4 References

    a) Aircraft Rules, 1937.

    b) CAR-21 , AMC and GM.


    General technical investigation procedures are described in this paragraph. Theseprocedures specify the interfaces between various groups of AED of DGCA and

    the Design Organisations.

    2.1 Acceptance of Application

    Applications for a DGCA Supplemental Type Certificate is sent to the DAED in

    DGCA form CA 33 prescribed in CAR 21 and made in accordance with CAR

    21.113. The fees should be paid by applicant to DGCA after receipt of preliminary

    acceptance letter from AED.

    If any incorrect or incomplete information is provided, the DAED informs the

    applicant as soon as possible mentioning the omissions and errors. After receipt of

    correct and complete application, the DAED immediately assigns a project / file

    number, for example, xx- xx/ year- AED, to the application with preliminary approval

    number and date. DAED ensures that all relevant data in the applications/approval

    database are updated. For any technical issue, the DAED consults with the DDG.

    After receiving the correct and complete application, the DAED, acknowledges the

    receipt of the application as soon as possible. The DAED, in consultation with the

    DDG, makes eligibility checks according to CAR-21 and determines how the

    application will be processed and what are the applicable requirements with- in one

    month of receipt of complete application.

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    PART 2

    When eligibility has been fully assessed the applicant receives a letter of acceptance

    of the proposal from AED. The DAED updates the DGCA approvals database with

    all the relevant information and inform the following to the applicant in writing, with a

    copy to regional office if applicable:

    (a) whether the application is accepted or not. If not, the reason there to,

    (b) project / file number (e.g.: xx / xx- year-AED )

    (c) the DGCA certification team that will perform the technical investigation. If it has

    not been decided yet, the DAED will intimate the applicant the projected time

    frame. This intimation follows as soon as possible, after the selection of the DGCA-

    certification team.

    (d) the fees payable in accordance with the applicable fees & charges laid down in

    the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and CAR 21.

    After receipt of fees DAED updates the database of AED and the process of STCstarts.

    In order to streamline the process and to be time-efficient, any of the above

    communication steps can be merged as soon as the necessary information is


    In case of refusal of an application, the DAED intimates his decision in writing to

    the applicant together with the reasons thereto instead of a letter of acceptance.

    2.2 Allocation of technical investigations tasks

    After eligibility has been fully assessed and once in-principle acceptance is given, the

    DDG constitutes an appropriate DGCA certification team (see 3.2) of AED officers

    headed by the DAED. Officers from other Directorates of DGCA are also co-

    opted as team members depending on the complexity of certification work. The

    DAED is allocated with the responsibilities of Project Certification Manager


    2.2.1 Reserved

    2.2.2 Reserved


    3.1 General

    The DGCA certification process for a Supplemental Type Certification of a change to

    an approved type design is performed by a team of specialists, led by the

    DAED(PCM). The DAED reports to the DDG on progress of the work.

    3.2 Determination of the Certification Team

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    Supplemental Type Certification Procedure AED-HDBK

    PART 2

    The objective of this phase is to provide technical information about the project to the

    team specialists to enable the definition of the project and the agreement on the

    DGCA Supplemental Type Certification Basis.

    Phase II Agreement of the Certification Programme

    The objective of this phase is to agree on the proposed means of compliance with

    the Certification Basis and the identification of the team involvement.

    Phase III Compliance determinations

    The objective of this phase is to agree on demonstration of compliance with the

    Certification Basis and acceptance of the compliance demonstration.

    Phase IV- Final Report and issue of a Supplemental Type Certificate

    The objective of this phase is to establish and justify the compliance demonstration

    with respect to design requirements, type investigation and, based on approval of

    the final report by the DDG , the issue of the DGCA-Supplemental Type Certificate..

    4.2 Classification of Changes

    Changes to an approved type design which will result in STCs are divided into two


    Significant: A significant change is a product-level major change and results from

    either an accumulation of changes or an isolated extensive change of the product

    which makes the product distinct from others. It is classified in accordance with CAR

    21.101(b)(1) (i) and/or (ii).

    Non-significant: A non-significant change is a product-level major change

    classified in accordance with CAR 21.91 that does not come with the criteria that

    defines a significant change (see CAR 21.101(b)).

    The classification of significant and non-significant changes shall be made byDGCA in one of the following two ways:

    (a) by agreeing to appropriate controls and procedures that enable the applicant to

    make a declaration that a change is non-significant. An appropriate declaration by

    the applicant to DGCA may be acceptable for this purpose. In all cases, the DGCA

    retains the option to be involved and decide.

    (b) by accepting the determination of significance of a major change, based on the

    applicants submission.

    4.3 Phase I - Technical familiarisation and establishment of the STC Basis

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    Supplemental Type Certification Procedure AED-HDBK

    PART 2

    4.3.1 Technical familiarisation

    For significant changes the certification team needs to receive thorough technical

    briefings from the applicant about the product in order to fully understand the design,

    including new used technologies and any unique or unconventional features or

    intended unconventional usage of the product. Those technical information aboutdesign features, which can not be addressed by the usual applicable certification

    specification/ airworthiness standard/design code, and might affect the establishment

    of the DGCA Type Supplemental Certification Basis are included as Special


    For non-significant changes the technical briefings from the applicant are examined


    4.3.2 Establishment of the initial Supplemental Type Certification Basis

    For non-significant changes, the certification basis is the original Type Certification

    basis of the applicable product, except when the applicant elects to comply with a

    later amendment.

    For significant changes, the DAED(PCM), supported by his certification team, drafts

    the initial Supplemental Type Certification Basis which consists of applicable

    certification specifications /airworthiness code/ design codes at the date of

    application and includes, if applicable, deviations/ limitations and environmental

    protection requirements.

    Special Conditions, where properly justified, may also form part of the Supplemental

    Type Certification Basis. The applicant may also elect to comply with a later

    amendment of the applicable certification specifications which will then become part

    of the Supplemental Type Certification Basis.

    New Special Conditions, if considered important by the DDG shall be stipulated. The

    DDG approves the initial Supplemental Type Certification Basis and any changes to

    it, based on the draft prepared by the DAED.

    The initial Supplemental Type Certification Basis may need to be changed along the

    course of the certification process due to new applied technologies, introduction of

    design changes, discovery of unsafe conditions or compliance demonstration results.

    The process for such changes is the same as for the establishment of the initial

    certification basis.

    4.3.3 Recording of the Supplemental Type Certification Basis

    If the DGCA Supplemental Type Certification Basis is different from the original

    DGCA Type Certification basis of the applicable product, then the DAED records it in

    a document called Certification Review Item (CRI).

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    Supplemental Type Certification Procedure AED-HDBK

    PART 2

    In such cases, each Special Condition, Exemption, Equivalent Safety Findings or

    useful interpretation and alternative means of compliance are presented in detail in

    a separate CRI.

    4.3.4 Intimation on CRI

    The PCM intimates the applicant about CRI after examination of the document

    4.3.5 Acceptable Airworthiness Design Codes

    a. According to CAR 21.17(a), applicable FAA/ EASA design codesfor aeronautical products are to be proposed by the applicant.

    b. Suitable environmental (emission and noise) protectionrequirements in line with CAR 21.18(a)&(b). Also, subpart I of CAR21 prescribes procedure for issue of Noise certificate, if


    c. In accordance with CAR 21.16B, DGCA may impose specialcondition(s) in the certification basis if it is considered that theselected airworthiness requirement do not contain adequatesafety standards for the product, or the product has novel/unusual design features, usage etc.

    4.4 Phase II - Agreement of the Certification Programme

    Based on the proposal of applicant, the certification team discusses and agrees

    with the applicants certification programme which:

    (a) defines the proposed means of compliance with the supplemental type

    certification basis ; and

    (b) describes all the activities and team involvement with respect to compliance

    demonstrations, test witnessing, compliance tracking, compliance records, conformity

    statements, time schedule for achieving compliance, etc.

    All documents required for showing compliance with the applicable requirements and

    their scheduled date of availability are identified by the applicant in the CertificationProgramme for each subject.

    While defining the certification teams involvement, the applicants Design

    Organisation Approval (DOA) privileges under CAR 21.A263 (b) is considered.

    Whether all compliance documents are to be accepted, without any further

    verification or not, by the certification team should be agreed upon with the

    applicant according to the scheduled level of involvement.

    The DAED approves the agreed certification programme and intimates the applicant

    in writing.

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    Supplemental Type Certification Procedure AED-HDBK

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    4.5 Phase III Compliance Determinations

    The task of showing compliance with the certification basis is the responsibility of the

    applicant. The applicant :

    (a) defines the DGCA -Type Design(b) submits a procedure to cover equipment qualification;

    (c) submits a statement of conformity for certification tests;

    (d) submits the required certification documents (including compliance reports,

    manuals, etc.);

    (e) concludes each compliance report with a Declaration of Compliance with the

    applicable requirements.

    The acceptance of the compliance demonstrations is the responsibility of the DAED,

    supported by his certification team.

    4.6 Phase IV- Final Report and issue of Supplemental Type Certificate

    4.6.1 Statement of Compliance

    On completion of the certification programme the applicant provides a declaration of

    compliance (see CAR 21.114) that the type design of the changed product which is

    to be certificated complies with the Supplemental Type Certification Basis.

    The Team members submit their observation to the DAED with the applicants

    compliance declaration of the discipline involved.

    On acceptance of all necessary statements of satisfaction by the certification team,

    the DAED issues a compliance statement to the DDG confirming that the type

    design of the changed product complies with the Supplemental Type Certification


    4.6.2 Final Certification Report

    For significant changes, the DAED, in conjunction with his team, submits a report,

    which covers the Type Design on which the type investigation process is based,

    significant subjects investigated, details of that investigation, process followed and

    conclusions regarding compliance with the Supplemental Type Certification Basis.

    The DAED submits the final report in the form of an internal note to the DDG for


    For non-significant changes also DAED submits an internal note to DDG for

    approval. After approval of DDG, DAED takes necessary action for formal closure

    of the technical investigation.

    4.6.3 Issuance of the Supplemental Type Certificate

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    After approval of final report, the DDG intimates the Director General (DG) through

    an internal note about successful closure of the technical investigation process. The

    DAED then prepares the STC and Type Certificate Data Sheets (if applicable) to

    be signed by the JDG or DG., and ensures all necessary steps to close the project.

    A Type Certificate Data Sheet becomes a part of the DGCA- STC.

    4.6.4 STC for a product with FAA/EASA Type design

    For issue of a DGCA-STC for a product with FAA/EASA Type design, the applicant

    should inform the TC holder, manufacturer and Civil Aviation Authority of the state

    of design under intimation to AED, DGCA. The procedure laid down in this handbook

    is applicable for such products.

    4.7 Changes to a Supplemental Type Certificate

    In accordance with CAR 21.117(a), the procedure for approval of minor changes topart of a product covered by a STC shall follow CAR 21, Subpart D and the

    Handbook of Procedures for TC changes.

    In accordance with CAR 21.117(b), the approval of major changes to the part of a

    product covered by a STC shall be carried out within the framework of this STC

    procedure following CAR 21, Subpart E and approved as a separate STC.

    In accordance with CAR 21.117(c), the approval of major changes to the part of a

    product covered by a STC submitted by the STC holder itself may be approved

    following this procedure as changes to the existing STC.

    4.8 STC application from a foreign country

    4.8.1 General

    For supplemental type certification of changes originating from applicants whose

    principal place of business is located outside the territory of India, procedures other

    than those described above may apply depending on the content of bilateral

    agreements or working arrangements.

    When an application has been made within the framework of a bilateral agreement,

    the DGCA may accept classification of changes by the foreign applicant. In this case

    the DDG confirms that the application is in accordance with bilateral agreements.

    Certification procedure shall be as per the provisions of bilateral agreement.

    4.8.2 Supplemental Type Certification under a formal bilateral agreement with

    the State of Change Design

    In case of a formal recognition agreement between the aviation authority of State of

    change design and DGCA including the associated implementing procedures, the

    implementation procedures for change of product supersede the abovesupplemental type certification procedures.

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    In this case, the DGCA certification may be called validation and it is assumed that

    the major change designed by a foreign applicant meets the same level of

    confidence and a level of safety equivalent to that required for comparison with a

    major change product , designed and manufactured within India.

    4.8.3 Supplemental Type Certification under a working arrangement with the

    State of Change Design

    In case of a working arrangement between DGCA and the civil aviation authority of

    state of change design, above supplemental type certification procedures is

    applicable. However, based on the working arrangement, the DAED may use the

    foreign certification system, which has demonstrated the same level of independent

    checking function, and compliance determination functions and correspond to the

    DGCA certification basis prescribed in 4.3.2 of this part.


    5.1 General

    Co-ordination is required with a number of other activities. These activities include:

    (a) Aircraft/Engine/Propeller interactions

    (b) Equipment approval

    (c) Design Organisation approval

    (d) Production Organisation approval(e) Maintenance interactions

    (f) Operations interactions

    5.2 Aircraft/Engine/Propeller interactions

    In cases where the change covers alternative engine or propeller for the aircraft,

    then the STC applicant is responsible for installation of engine/propeller on the

    aircraft and has to show compliance with installation requirements that apply to, over

    and above, those required for a separate type certification of engine/propeller. The

    engine/propeller manufacturer is expected to support the STC applicant in this


    The certification team examines the potential interfaces between the relevant

    certification specifications/ airworthiness code and ensures proper interface


    5.3 Equipment Approval

    For approval of new or alternative equipment that is not to be certified as part of the

    product, obtaining Indian Technical Standard Order (ITSO) Authorisation is

    responsibility of the equipment manufacturer. ITSO Authorisation is the recognition

    by DGCA that the equipment meets predefined qualification and performance criteria.

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    However, the STC applicant is responsible for all interface aspects between

    equipment approval and product certification including showing of compliance of the

    equipment installed on his product with the Supplemental Type Certification Basis.

    However, for the equipment for which ITSO authorization has not been issued,

    DGCA accepts the equipment manufactured under FAA TSO / ETSO


    5.4 Design and Production Organisation Approval

    The DAEAD ensures appropriate communication with the responsible DOA/POA

    team leader in order to exchange any findings by the STC team which may affect the

    continuous validity of the organisational approvals of the applicant.

    5.5 Maintenance interactions

    As required by CAR-21.120 and in accordance with the provisions of the applicable

    design airworthiness codes, specifications and instructions for continued

    airworthiness are furnished by the applicant. Certification Maintenance

    Requirements (CMRs) and Airworthiness Limitations arising there, are reviewed by

    the certification team to ensure compliance with the Supplemental Type Certification


    5.6 Operation interactions

    If the applicant requests to establish an operations evaluation board (OEB), the DDGproposes for setting up of an OEB to JDG/DG. The JDG/DG would constitute an

    OEB with appropriate representation covering AED, AID, Flight Inspection

    Directorate, Directorate of Training and Licensing and any other Directorate of

    DGCA, as deemed necessary. The DDG ensures appropriate representation on the

    OEB from the certification team.


    6.1 Panel of Experts

    6.1 Committees for Special Certification work

    In certain areas of supplemental type certification work such as certification of

    electronic equipment, avionics, software and systems with unusual design features

    and having new technologies, DGCA does not have the technical experts to carry

    out certification work. In such cases, DGCA constitutes committee of experts from

    the relevant fields and applicable to the work under consideration. The experts for

    such committees are taken from reputed Government organisation / public sector

    undertakings/ retired DGCA officers / industry. DGCA enters in to a working

    arrangement with the external committee members. These committee is chaired by

    DAED/ DDG and the committees work according to the principle of supplemental

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    type certification procedure of AED. DAED is responsible for the entire

    certification work.

    6.2 Resolution of Disagreements

    The Certification Team is the primary decision maker in the process under thesupervision of the DAED(PCM). The Certification Team should have the ability and

    power to take the first decisions to the largest possible extent. If the Certificate

    holder/applicant does not agree with the Certification Teams decision, the

    responsible DAED (PCM) will try to find a mutually acceptable solution. If an

    agreement still cannot be reached, the matter will be brought to DDG to take a

    decision thereto.

    If further deliberation is necessary, then the final decision will be made by the DG.

    The applicant is informed about the final decision.

    6.3 Reserved

    6.4 Suspension, limitation and revocation of a certificate

    Based on sound justification provided by the DDG , the JDG / DG may decide to limit,

    suspend or revoke a STC as per the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and CAR 21.

    When a certificate or a subsequent approval to a certificate is suspended, limited or

    revoked, on behalf of JDG/ DG, the DDG intimates the holder of the STC of his

    decision and the reasons thereto.

    6.5 Documentation

    6.5.1 General

    Some documentation, manuals or sections of manuals require formal DGCA

    approval. The relevant documents, which are found acceptable by the DAED, are

    referenced in STC, including number and revision status, and deemed to be

    approved as integral part of the DGCA- STC.

    6.5.2 Documents associated with Aircraft Type Certification

    (a) Aircraft Flight Manual

    If the change leading to a STC affects the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM), an AFM

    amendment is reviewed and agreed by the certification team.

    In such cases, the team determines whether the limitations, operational procedures

    and performance contained in the AFM amendment provides for safe operations and

    are in accordance with the original Type Design, and the DGCA Supplemental

    Type Certification Basis.

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    (b)Airworthiness Limitations Items and Certification Maintenance


    The documents containing Airworthiness Limitations and Certification Maintenance

    Requirements arising from the certification process are reviewed and agreed by the

    DGCA certification team.

    6.5.3 Communication and Publication

    Significant decisions affecting the result of the certification procedure are

    communicated by DDG to the applicant in writing. These decisions are related to

    issuing, modification, limitation, suspension or revocation of certificates are

    communicated to those concerned. The DDG makes provisions, in order to make

    the relevant information circulated.

    6.5 Confidentiality of Documents

    All documents and information received are retained by DGCA which are related to

    the certification procedure and originates from the Supplemental Certificate

    holder/applicant or a third party. If the applicant choose to submit data required to

    support applications in electronic format , then also , these data are protected and

    kept safely.

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    Effective from: 01 08 2008 AED HDBK



    NEW DELHI-110003

    Handbook of ProceduresPART 3


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    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3


    Subject page number

    1.0 Purpose 2

    2.0 Scope 2

    3.0 Reference 2

    4.0 Basic Principles 2

    5.0 Procedure 3

    5.1 Flow charts 4

    6.0 Descriptions of Repairs and Changes/Modification 8

    7.0 Guidelines for Change/Repair approval and Responsibilities 14

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    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3

    1.0 Purpose :

    This procedure defines the Type certificate change and repair approval process as

    well as the approval process for stand-alone or minor changes related to revision of

    flight manual.

    2.0 Scope ;

    This procedure applies to approval of Type certificate changes, Flight Manualchanges and repair design data approval when the applicant is the TC holder. Thisprocedure is also applicable for minor changes to TC, when the applicant is not theTC holder. In accordance with CAR 21.117(a), this procedure is also applicable toapproval of minor changes to the part of the product covered by a STC. Inaccordance with CAR 21.117(b) and (c), This procedure is not applicable to major

    changes to part of a product covered by a STC irrespective of the applicantwhether the STC holder himself or any applicant. Further, this procedure is notapplicable to RTC and ITSO authorisation holder.

    3.0 Documents referred

    1. CAR 212. AMC and GM of CAR 21

    3. ICAO Doc 9760.

    4.0 Basic Principles

    a) Changes :

    According to CAR 21.91 changes in type design are classified as major or minor.A change which does not have any appreciable effect on mass, balance,structure, strength, reliability, operational characteristics, noise, fuel venting, exhaustemission or any other characteristics effecting the airworthiness of the product iscalled minor change. The minor changes are not significant change. The changeswhich are not minor are called major.

    b) Repair :

    The approval of design data of repairs follows the same principles as for theapproval of changes. However, in this case the requirements of CAR 21.101 doesnot apply. Qualification, production and release of repair parts shall followrespective provisions of CAR 21.

    c) Flight Manual Changes :

    Changes of Flight Manual (FM) with out a technical change of aircraft is called

    Stand-alone FM change. AED approves such changes.

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    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3

    Approval of a change to FM or its supplements in relation to a major technicalchange or STC is included in the technical design change. The design changeapproval would automatically approve the FM changes.

    5.0 Procedure :

    The structure of the procedure reflects the classification of changes and repair asmajor and minor. The procedure for major change and minor changes are describedseparately using two flow charts. The minor changes, minor repairs and standalone FM change are grouped in one flow chart.

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    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3

    5.1 Flow Charts Ma jor chang e ap prova l proc essCP Certification Programm e

    CRI c ertific at ion Review Items

    ESF Equiva lent Safety Find ings

    FR Fina l Report

    I. a. w In ac corda nce with

    PCM Projec t Certification Ma nag

    RCM Respo nsible Ce rtifica tion Ma

    RP Respo nsib le Party

    RTM Responsible Tea m Memb er

    S of S Sta teme nt of satisfac tion

    TC Type Ce rtific a te

    TCDS Type Ce rtifica te Data Sheet

    Sta rt

    Review the application whether

    the change is significant orsubstantial & Organise technical

    familiarization meeting with the

    applicant-if necessary (PCM)

    ESF Equiva lent Safety Find ings

    FR Fina l Report

    I. a. w In ac corda nce with

    PCM Projec t Certification Ma nagRCM Respo nsible Ce rtifica tion Ma

    RP Respo nsib le Party

    RTM Responsible Tea m Memb er

    S of S Sta teme nt of satisfac tion

    TC Type Ce rtific a te

    TCDS Type Ce rtifica te Data Sheet

    Is the change



    Formulate programmes,

    and detailed justification


    Inform the a pp lica nt

    that an ap plica tion

    for a new TC is

    Archive application &


    (PCM) Is

    the changesi nif icant?


    Involve Ce rtifica tion Tea m

    memb ers & the ap plica nt

    to estab lish TC b asis

    app licab le at the da te of

    ap plica tion+ spec ial

    co ndition if nec essar

    Initial TC b asis app lies

    (21.101(d)) + spe c ial

    condition (if necessary)

    i.a.w. 21.16 (PCM )

    Review , disc uss & ag ree o n

    the Certification Program


    If necessary-amend the

    Certification Program

    ac cording to theagreement

    Acc eptance of the

    Certification Program

    Is the tea m

    involved in

    c om lia nc e

    Issue compliance

    dec laration (ap plica nt)


    Collec t a nd/ or verify

    co mp lianc e findings i.a.w.

    the Certification Program

    Acceptance of

    co mplianc e doc uments &

    state ment of satisfac tion


    CRICRI revision

    SC or ESF



    Yes No


  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3


    Verify com pletion of all ac tion/

    issuance of final report-if applicable

    Is TCDS c ha ng e is

    nec essary?

    Draft t he up da ted TCDS &

    forward it to the PCM (ap plicant)

    Draft TCDS

    Document revision

    Yes No


    Sub mit fina l report/ TCDS as

    ap plica ble (PCM)

    Issue Tec hnica l note -ba sed on

    ap plica nt s & RTM s sta tem ents-PCM

    Forwa rd Tec hnica l note toDDG

    Receive & sign draft

    certificate/ approval

    necessar DDG

    PCM Forwa rds the TCDS to

    web co ntact manager for

    pub lica tion on DGCA web site

    Forward all project relate d

    do cum ents & reco rds to the

    Archive all projec t relate d

    doc uments & records

    FR & TC a nd / or TCDS

    Draft TCDS

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3

    Majo r repair app rova l process

    Review & d iscuss Certifica tion

    Pro ramme- if necessar (PCM)

    Is the tea m

    involved in


    Collect and/or verify compliance

    findings i.a.w. the C ertific ation Program


    Yes No

    Verify com pletion of a ll ac tions

    Issue c omp lianc e d ec laration

    Issue Tec hnica l note ba sed

    on a pp lica nts & RTM s

    sta tem ents if a lic ab le

    Forwa rd Tec hnica l no te to DDG

    Receive & sign draft

    certifica te/ ap proval (DDG)

    Forward all project relate d

    do cum ents & reco rds to the

    res onsible office

    Archive all projec t relate d

    doc uments & records

    Document revisions

    Draft TCDS


    Acc eptance of compliance

    doc ume nts & internal note -RTM

    Esta b lish the TC b asis (PCM)

    Review the a pp lica tion &

    organise technical

    familiarisation meeting with

    the a licant-if necessar

    Sta rtCP Certifica tion Programm e

    ESF Equiva lent Sa fety Find ings

    RP Respo nsib le Party

    RTM Responsible Tea m Me mb e

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3

    Minor change/ repair & AFM stand-alone c hanges

    Review the a pp lica tion & the

    ro osed doc umentation PCM

    Verify co mp letion o f all ac tions

    if necessary (PCM)

    Define a ction items and

    involvem ent -if nec essa ry (PCM)

    Issue Tec hnica l Note b ased on

    comp liance doc umentation &

    RTM s sta tem ents if a pplica b le

    Forwa rd Tec hnica l Note (PCM)

    Receive & sign draft

    certificate/ approval

    nec essa ry (DDG)

    Forward all project relate d

    do cum ents & reco rds to the

    res onsible office r PCM

    Archive all project related

    doc uments & records

    Action list

    Action list


    Sta rt


    RP Respo nsib le Party

    RTM Responsible Tea m Me m

    TN Tec hnic a l Note

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of Procedures 2008


    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3

    6.0 Desc ription o f Rep air/ Mod ifica tion

    6.1 INTRODUCTION : There a re two type of rep a irs, viz., (a) M a jor rep a ir, and (b)

    Minor rep a ir. In the follow ing pages, a ll releva nt deta ils in respec t of ma jor and

    minor rep a irs a nd guidanc e ma teria l of the same ha ve be en de sc ribed .

    6.2 REPAIRS :

    6.2.1 Major repairs :

    The DGCA should advise the industry ma intena nc e pe rsonnel and a irc ra ft ow ners

    and operators regarding the classification of major/ minor repairs. Major repairs are

    c lassified into two c a teg ories:

    a . those w hic h co nform to da ta p reviously ap proved by the DGCA; and

    b. those w hic h require a dd itiona l evaluation b y the DGCA.

    Those in ca teg ory (b) must b e investigated to the extent nec essa ry to d ete rmine

    tha t they me et the req uirem ents of the ap p lic ab le DGCA reg ula tions.

    Typic a l ma jor rep a irs a re listed below :

    a ) Airframe ma jor rep a irs. Rep a irs to the follow ing pa rts of an airframe a nd

    repairs of the following types, involving the strengthening, reinforcing,

    splicing and manufacturing of primary structural members or their

    replacement is by fabrication such as riveting, bonding or welding, area irframe ma jor rep a irs:

    1) box bea ms;

    2) honeycom b p ane ls;

    3) mono c oq ue o r sem i-monoc oq ue w ings or co ntrol surfac es;

    4) wings skins, stringers or c ho rd m embers;

    5) spars;

    6) p ressure bulkhea ds, do ors, hatches and w indows;

    7) spars flanges;

    8) mem bers of truss-type b ea m;

    9) thin shee t we bs of b ea ms;

    10) kee l and chine mem bers of b oa t hulls, or floa ts;11) c orruga ted shee t c om pression me mb ers which ac t a s ma teria l of wings

    or ta il surfac es;

    12) wing ma in ribs and c om pression mem bers;

    13) eng ine p ylons;

    14) eng ine mounts;

    15) fuselage longerons;

    16) members of the side truss, ho rizonta l truss or bulkheads;

    17) ma in shee t sup port brac es and b rac kets;

    18) land ing g ea r b rac e struts;

    19) axles;

    20) wheels;21) skis and ski pedestals;

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    Procedure for Type certificate Change AED-HDBKand Repair Approval PART 3

    22) pa rts of the c ontrol system suc h a s c ontrol c o lumns, pe da ls, sha fts,

    b rac kets or ho rns;

    23) rep a irs involving the sub stitution of ma te rial;

    24) the repa ir of p ortions of skin shee ts by ma king add itiona l sea m;

    25) the sp lic ing of skin sheets;

    26) t