Download - Hand-Head-Heart Hobgoblin Extra H

Page 1: Hand-Head-Heart Hobgoblin Extra H


While they didn’t make the cut as honest-to-goodness base mechanics, the following options were still interesting enough to be listed here as potential tweaks you can add to your game. If this is your �rst session, just ignore these. Before your second session, or any session therea�er, have everyone sit down and look them over, deciding which, if any, you’d like to add to your game. Pick them all, pick none, or mix-and-match as you like.○Critical SuccessesA result of 20 instantly reduces the rating of the challenge being faced by -20. �is reduction occurs before the player’s skill is compared to the challenge’s rating. If the reduction reduces the rating to 0, the challenge is overcome.○Critical FailuresA result of 1 is an automatic failure. Not only is the challenge’s rating not reduced by the player’s power, but the DM may also in�ict two injuries or two misfortunes on the player.○Advanced ClassesPlayers may spend 25 experience to gain an advanced class, selecting a new class for their hand, head, or heart in addition to the one they chose at the start of the game. �ey may gain knacks for this class as normal. A player may never possess more than one advanced class, and once the class has been chosen they may not change it.○DebilitationPlayers must subtract their hurt from their skill. �is makes the game much more punishing and injury a much more dangerous proposition. If active, overcoming challenges should grant 1/5th their original rating in experience, instead of 1/10th.○Enforced CallingWhen acting in direct opposition of their calling, a player su�ers -1 skill.○StylishWhen a player acts in a way suiting one of the adjectives they listed for their looks, they gain +1 skill.○Just RewardsFor each knack the DM places on them, Challenges reward +2 experience when overcome. Continuing challenges still only grant experience once.○Opportunistic A�acksWhen a player a�empts to do a long, involved, or distracting action in combat, the DM may in�ict an injury or misfortune on them, just as if they’d failed to overcome a challenge. In e�ect, this gives all challenges the Dangerous knack with it cued to activate when any player leaves themselves defenseless. What “defenseless” means is up to the DM, but rummaging through your kit, trying to pick a lock, or disable a trap would all certainly count.○�e Ammo ProblemIf you’re using a ranged implement (big crossbow, balanced short bow, quick sling, etc.) you must have ammo to make use of it. Spending 1 supply allows you to draw 5 ammo into your inventory, and each use of your implement spends 1 ammo.○Speci�ed SuppliesPlayers must choose the use (healing, rations, camp, light, or items) for their supplies when they purchase them, not when they use their kit. Once purchased, supplies are locked into their chosen use.○Max KnacksPlayers may only have as many hand, head, or heart knacks as their hand, head, and heart respectively. �is means a player with a Head of 3 may possess 3 head knacks, which can be from their head class or the head section of the Basic Knacks listing. If this player wishes to gain a fourth head knack, however, they would �rst have to raise their head to 4 by spending the required experience.○�e ReaperWhen dying, a result of 19 or less does not instantly kill the player. Instead, it summons �e Reaper - a being determined to drag the player’s soul into the a�erlife. �e Reaper is a challenge with a rating equal to the player’s hurt multiplied by 5. �e Reaper is a Continuing, Dangerous challenge, and is invisible and Immune to any e�orts made against it by players who are not dying. It will continue to hound the dying characters until they are no longer dying. It can only in�ict injuries on dying characters, but can cause misfortune to anyone it wishes.

Optional Mechanics




HobgoblinExtra H

Extra HExtra H was made to allow you to expand and customize Hand-Head-Heart: Hobgoblin. Page I contains optional mechanics and start-up steps, while page II o�ers an expanded list of enhancements for you or your players’ equipment.

Generate WorldGenerate World is a new step for the start of a Hand-Head-Heart: Hobgoblin game. It �ts into the �ve steps listed under “Ge�ing Started” (pg.1) as a sort of 3b, and provides a more rigid, de�ned creation process for the world the game will take place in. Starting with the DM and moving le�, each person playing selects one of the following options and �lls in the blanks. �e DM may veto a selection, but only once. Once all playing have made one selection, continue with “Ge�ing Started” as normal.

○�e world is covered in , do�ed with , and separated the by vast .○ has �ourished in this age.○�e fell, leaving only ruins and behind.○ gave the world , and it is now commonplace.○�ere has always been war between and .○ drove from the face of the world.○For aeons, and have lived together in peace.○Truly, it is an age of .○ is scarce, and extremely valuable.○�e gods are , and know it.○ broke the , and it cannot be repaired.○In , the live as kings and are revered as gods.○ rule the .○�e secrets of have been kept safe, hidden by .○ encroaches on .○Everything changed when .○ was only recently discovered, and people are wary.○Civilization is , and rapidly .○ is dangerous, and few take the risk.○Prophecies speak of the coming of a great .

Ties That BindTies �at Bind �ts snugly into step 5 of “Ge�ing Started” (pg.1), and helps players establish connections with one another. A�er the players have gone around the table introducing their characters, but before the DM begins the game, go around the table one more time. Starting with the player to the DM’s le�, each player answers a pair of questions from the following list about their relationship with another player’s character.

●How did you meet them, and why have you stayed with them?●What makes you trust them, and do you think they trust you?●What are they to you, and what do you want to be to them?●What’s the darkest moment you’ve shared, and who’s fault was it?●How have they changed you, and do you think you’ve changed them?●What secrets do you share, and don’t they know about you?

Hand-Head-Heart: Hobgoblin Extra H is an expansion for the Hand-Head-Heart: Hobgoblin role-playing game.It is licensed under the Creative Commons A�ribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Modify and redistribute as you like, just be sure to give credit where credit’s due, and allow others the same privileges.System, Words, and Art by: Malachi Sharlow

Credits and things

mark sabtato (order #6908011)

Page 2: Hand-Head-Heart Hobgoblin Extra H


Lesser Enhancements:●Defensive (Implement): On a result of 20, gain +2 toughness for

the remainder of the scene.●Graceful (Implement): +1 skill, -2 power.●Flurry (Implement): On a result of 20, lower a nearby opponent or

obstacle’s rating by your power.●Heirloom (Implement): On a result of 20, gain +5 resolve for the

remainder of the scene.●Hidden (Implement): Can be easily hidden on your person, and is

unlikely to be taken in anything short of a full-body search.●Prying (Implement): On a result of 20, the DM will tell you a secret

about the challenge you’re using the implement against.●Vicious (Implement): -1 skill, +4 power●Austere (Out�t): +3 resolve.● hunter (Implement): +1 skill and +2 power when used

against .● uniform (Out�t): Marks you as a , even if you

aren’t.● -weather gear (Out�t): Your out�t protects you from the

harsh weather, and other dangers of terrain.●Flexible (Out�t): +1 skill when performing athletic or acrobatic feats.●Hardened (Out�t): -1 skill when moving, +1 toughness.● sense (Extra): You are always aware of any nearby.●Lucky (Extra): On a result of 20, +1 skill on your next action.●Focusing (Extra): When shaken, you only lash out or �ee on a result

of 5 or less, instead of 10.●Good fortune (Extra): When you gain gold, you gain +5 gold.●Sage’s (Extra): When you gain experience, you gain +1 experience.●Owleye (Extra): You can see clearly by even the faintest light.●Restful (Extra): -1 hurt on a full night’s sleep.●Air tank (Kit): Comes with a breathing mask. �is strange device

provides one hour of air when you spend 1 supply.●Beautician’s case (Kit): Spend 1 supply to make yourself pre�y,

gaining +2 skill and +4 power in social situations for �ve hours.●Climber’s belt (Kit): You are well stocked with ropes, pitons, and

other climbing gear. Spend 1 supply to apply them and lower the rating of any physical obstacle which could be overcome by scaling by -15.●Convenient pocket (Kit): Once per scene, you may instantly

produce a minor item from your kit without having to rummage around for it.●Cook’s satchel (Kit): Spend 1 supply to produce rations and water

for two days. Rations you produce are always of excellent quality, and you may include tea, liquor, or juices to accompany them at no supply cost.●Costuming chest (Kit): Spend 1 supply to adopt a disguise. �is

disguise can be of anyone roughly the same height and build as yourself and will fool most, but fall apart under extremely close scrutiny.●Messenger’s scroll-case (Kit): Contains scrolls on which you may

write or draw as you wish. You may spend 1 supply to send a scroll �ying to any person you know of, across any distance.●Miser’s (Kit): Restocking your kit only costs 4 gold per 1 supply

purchased.●Smokepellet pouch (Kit): Spend 1 supply to �ll the area with thick

but harmless smoke, obscuring vision for one minute, or longer in enclosed areas.●Parachute (Kit): You may spend 1 supply to save yourself and up to

one ally from a great fall.

Extra EnhancementsGreater Enhancements:●Architect’s (Implement): Creates structures of its own material.

�ese structures last until the end of the scene. When used to create stairs or bridges, reduce an obstacle’s challenge rating by -10.●Bloody (Implement): Add your hurt to your power.●Dueling (Implement): When you fail to overcome a challenge, it

may only in�ict injury or misfortune on you.●Executioner’s (Implement): Each living opponent you kill grants

+1 skill when striking to kill for the remainder of the scene.●Forceful (Implement): Your implement can send opponents and

objects �ying up to 1 yard per point of your power.● burst (Implement): On a result of 20, the implement

surges, �lling the area with . �is lowers the rating of any challenges vulnerable to by -10.●Savior’s (Implement): +2 skill when directly acting to save

another’s life.●Stunning (Implement): When you fail to overcome a challenge,

you may opt to forgo reducing its rating and instead prevent it from in�icting an injury or misfortune.●Immaculate (Out�t): Your out�t is always perfectly clean and

polished, no ma�er what hell you put it through. It can be damaged, but it cannot be ru�ed.●Runed hide (Out�t): You can take on the form of a .

While in this form, add hand to skill when behaving according to the creature’s instincts. You may shi� into and out of this form once per scene. Your equipment and inventory disappear into the form with you, but the runes remain on the creature’s hide.●Giant’s (Extra/Out�t): You grow to 9 feet tall. Your weight scales

accordingly and your equipment is similarly expanded. You gain +2 hand when facing a challenge with brute strength. You take -2 skill when sneaking or squeezing through cramped spaces.●Linguist’s (Extra): You can understand and speak all languages.●Morphing (Extra): You can alter your physical appearance and

surface structure to mimic any member of your species or similarly sized and shaped species. �is e�ect may also alter your equipment’s appearance, but not change its type.● tongue (Extra): You can speak to and understand .● sight (Extra): When you concentrate, you may see through

any have touched.●Shrinking (Extra/Out�t): You may shrink down to a height of one

inch. Your hand is reduced by -2 while shrunken. You may shrink and return to your normal size once per scene.●Truthseeing (Extra): Hidden objects, including secret doors and

traps, stand out clearly to your sight, and you are immune to illusions and hallucinations (including those caused by being addled).●Bo�le of Storms (Kit): You may spend 1 supply to cause heavy

rainfall in the scene. Spending 2 supply creates powerful winds as well. Spending 3 supply adds thunder and lightning or snow, your choice.●Bo�omless Flask (Kit): You have an endless, slow supply of water.

You may spend 1 supply to create a strong stream, or 2 supply to create a geyser-like blast of water.●Darklantern (Kit): You may spend 1 supply to cast the area into

preternatural darkness for the remainder of the scene.●Pouch of Holes (Kit): You may spend 1 supply to create a hole in

any physical, non-organic structure, just big enough for an adult human to climb through. Placing a hole on a physical barrier lowers its challenge rating by -20.●Transmuting (Kit): On your command, your kit can transform 6

gold into 1 supply, or 1 supply into 3 gold.●Quicksilver Key (Kit): Spend 1 supply to gain +4 skill when

picking locks.

Legendary enhancements are intensely powerful and extremely rare enhancements made to be suitable rewards for killing dragons, destroying ancient necromancers, or saving fair-sized portions of the world. �ey are potent, and they are available only when the DM decides to award them. Unlike ordinary enhancements, legendary enhancements are always connected to a speci�c item, chosen by the DM, and do not transfer should the player swap out their implement, out�t, or extra. �ere may be a way to transfer a legendary enhancement to another piece of equipment, but this is entirely up to the DM and will likely involve some arduous task that must be completed under the right moonsign.

Legendary Implement Enhancements:●Devouring (Implement): On a result of 20, the implement lowers the rating of all nearby

living opponents by -10, and reduces your hurt by -2.●Celestial (Implement): �e implement is formed of raw celestial light. It burns instantly through

most earthly materials. When you face physical opponents or obstacles, treat their rating as -20 lower, and increase your power by +10 against them. Cannot be combined with Infernal.●Infernal (Implement): �e implement is formed of raw hell�re. It burns to the core of

beings. When facing any sentient being, treat their rating as -20 lower, and increase your skill against them by +4 against them. Cannot be combined with Celestial.●Pain-of-Many (Implement): Add your hurt to skill. Add your hurt, and the hurt of all

other players, to your power. Cannot be combined with Bloody.

Legendary Out�t Enhancements:● dragonhide (Out�t): Your out�t is plated with dragonhide, sewn together with

dragonsinew, and treated with dragonblood, just to drive home the point. +10 toughness, and you are immune to the native element of the dragon your armor is made of. ●Ghostskin (Out�t): Made of carefully tanned ectoplasm, your out�t allows you to become

incorporeal, and return to corporeality, once per scene. While incorporeal you are immune to physical e�ects, but magic and other non-physical e�ects still a�ect you normally. Similarly, your physical a�acks are harmless, but you may still a�ect the world with magic or speech. You may �oat at walking speed in any direction, pass through any non-magical barrier, and do not require food, drink, or air. ● -charged (Out�t): Your out�t is infused with raw, unstable . When you su�er

injury, you release a burst of , lowering the rating of the nearby challenges vulnerable to it by -5.●Shadowear (Out�t): Made of light-bending fabric, renders you and your equipment

invisible to the naked eye. While invisible, the DM only in�ict injury on you on a result of 5 or less, though they may in�ict misfortune on you as normal.

Legendary Extra Enhancements:●Absorbing (Extra): -1 hurt every ten seconds while immersed in . ●Cyclestone (Extra): You may spend 1 supply to change day to night or night to day for the

remainder of the scene. By spending 2 supplies you may also change the season.●Phylactery (Extra): So long as you possess your phylactery, you cannot die. A result of 19

while dying only a�ects you if you are separated from your phylactery. �e DM may use a misfortune to take your phylactery from you, as any other object. A result of 1 while you are dying and separated from your phylactery allows the DM to destroy your phylactery.●Titan’s (Extra): You are impossibly strong. When you face a challenge with brute strength,

treat its rating as -20 lower than it actually is. +2 skill and +15 power when using raw strength.

Legendary Kit Enhancements:●Arc Compass (Kit): You may spend 1 supply to instantly transport yourself and one

passenger for each additional supply spent to any se�lement you or one of your passengers has visited.●Maw (Kit): You have a pouch lined with teeth. When you feed it a living, or once-living,

being, you gain +1 supply.●Poltergeist enchantment (Kit): You can �re items from your inventory at physical

opponents or obstacles, reducing their rating by -4 for each item �red.●Sanctum Charm (Kit): You may spend 1 supply to lay down a doorway to an

extra-dimensional sanctuary with comfortable sleeping quarters, good food and drink, and plenty of space for you and your companions. �e space remains for one day, a�er which it gently deposits you back into the real world. You may maintain its existence by spending 1 supply for each additional day it remains. You determine the speci�c styling of this space, but it most o�en takes the form of a mansion or palace.

Legendary Enhancements

mark sabtato (order #6908011)