Download - Hamilton Street Baptist Church Newsletter · April, Tony, Alyson, Anna Keene – tea pots, hanging ceiling tulle and lights, ... Sherie Eklof – Guest Speaker Lisa King – Activity,



ÿ Women’s Ministry

ÿ Higher Hope

ÿ Graduate Recognition

ÿ May Calendar

ÿ Men’s Breakfast

ÿ 8:30 am Music Minister

ÿ 11 am Music Minister

ÿ Nominating Committee

ÿ College Student Ministry

ÿ Building Progress

ÿ Sunday School Promotion

ÿ Church Council

ÿ Shoeman Water Project

ÿ Vacation Bible School

ÿ Interim Youth & Family Minister

ÿ Lost Members

ÿ Nursing Home Ministry


ÿ Summer Schedule

ÿ Graduation Recognition

ÿ Sunday School

Hamilton StreetHamilton StreetHamilton StreetHamilton StreetHamilton StreetBaptist ChurchBaptist ChurchBaptist ChurchBaptist ChurchBaptist Church

Essential Church for all the seasons of life.


Pastor [email protected]

Several months ago, we began preparations for a new

ministry called Spiritual Family Tree.  Kevin Martin came

up with the idea of one church member being in a supportive

relationship with up to six other members.  This idea has been

embraced by the church and we are now just weeks from its

implementation.  During the month of May or in early June, more

information will be sent out as to how this ministry will work.  Initially,

we will be including adult church members who currently attend either

morning worship service.  We would like to include everyone, but this

will be our starting point.

Building construction is moving ahead.  We anticipate that construction

should be complete sometime in June.  A community wide open house

is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 29, with the dedication

services and meal on Sunday, June 30.  More information will come as

we draw closer to the date.

There is much going on at HSBC.  To God be the glory and praise.



Our Parent / Baby Dedication will be heldMother’s Day, May 12th. If you would like

to participate, please contactthe church office.

And let us not be weary in well-doing:

for in due season we shall reap, if we

faint not. Galatians 6:9 (ASV)



More than 90 guests attended our

Ladies’ Tea. Although we asked our

ladies to sign our guestbook, our youngest

guests, seated in carriers and laying in

their mother’s arms, were often not

listed. Additionally, eight men assisted in

various ways.

The decorations were beautiful, the

program remarkable, the food delicious,

the women gorgeous. What else could

we have hoped? To achieve this result,

I would like to thank everyone who

helped, most notably, Lisa King, who

took charge of the event when my

mother’s health deteriorated.

Thank you, Lisa, and the many

miscellaneous volunteers who created

this stunning affair.


Lisa King Pam Barnett

Sherry Bratton Rebecca Forsythe

Brenda Jones April Keene

Dee Matheney Wanda Rogers

FOOD Tiffany Athon &Tabitha Cleaver

AUDIO Pastor Charles

PHOTOGRAPHY Charles Porter


Michael Hartman Pastor Charles

Tony Keene John Lunn

Kevin Martin Jesse Miller

Zach Vicars


Brandon Mack and the Northeast

Regional Medical Health and

Fitness Center




Lisa King – Invitations, centerpieces,

chair covers

Sherry Bratton – flower pens, tea pots,

centerpieces, door prizes

Rebecca Forsythe – tea pots

Billie Hunsaker – tea pots, my hat

Brenda Jones – columns, rocking chair,

tea pots

April, Tony, Alyson, Anna Keene – tea

pots, hanging ceiling tulle and lights,

Jessica & Kevin Martin – painting &

hanging front porch backdrop


Vicki Falls – MC

Pam Barnett – Prayer

Joyce Sayre – Music

Vickie Rudd – Music

Willa Hutcheson – Music

Sherie Eklof – Guest Speaker

Lisa King – Activity, Shoeman Water

Project, Prizes

Everyone on the planning committee

helped clean, set up, get out, move,

decorate, clean up, put away, etc., etc., etc.

The Planning Team will be meeting

soon to evaluate the Tea and begin

thinking about next year in a larger

space. We will also be looking at the

total cost of the event including many

donations, and hope to bring the church

the cost of this year’s Ladies’ Tea at

the next business meeting.

For a mixture of Fellowship and

Discipleship, join us on Monday evenings

at 6 p.m. at the church for Movie Night.

We’ll be watching the Bible. This is not

the series which just aired on the History

Channel. Men are welcome, so bring

your husbands. Children are also

welcome, but childcare is not provided.

For more information, contact: Brenda



Nearly 40 women have been involved

in Bible study this spring. Those studies

will conclude by the end of April. I will

be teaching a study this summer by

Shannon Ethridge, Every Woman’s

Battle Discovering God’s Plan For

Sexual And Emotional Fulfillment.

Because of the topic, there will be no

sign-up sheets. The start date and study

location has yet to be determined.

Please contact me to volunteer to host

the group or to enroll in the class.


We’ll be Treating The Kirksville Fire

Department well in May. We will need

8 dozen (homemade) and healthy treats.

Please sign up in the foyer and have your

donations at the church no later than

noon on Thursday, May 23. Contact

Vickie Rudd for information.


The Ladies’ Tea planning committee

liked the used shoe project last year so

much they wanted to do it again. Thank

you for contributing your gently used

shoes to those in a third-world country

who need footwear. These shoes will

be sold to streetside vendors who resell

the shoes to those who have limited

resources. The funds generated from the

sale of your donated shoes purchases

water drilling rigs and purification

equipment to provide life-giving water

for these people.

I would also like to especially thank

Pastor Charles for the two radio

interviews he did for the Shoeman Water



Higher Hope continues to be an

effective ministry for our church. The

church office occasionally receives

phone calls from the hospital chaplain

or other area providers for information

about our group or requesting the Higher

Hope ministry to contact someone.

Additionally, the group’s Facebook page

has been an encouragement and

information source for those who wish

to remain anonymous or do not live in

our geographic area. Monthly meetings

continue the first Tuesday of each month

at the church. Results are difficult to

define, and yet growth and healing are

observed in many.

Kay ShelbyKay ShelbyKay ShelbyKay ShelbyKay Shelby, Women’s Ministry Director

660-349-7268, or [email protected]

Job descriptions for three areas

within the Higher Hope ministry will be

written soon and will go through the

process of being approved.

The Wave of Light has been

scheduled for October 12. Our hope is

to have it at Rotary Park, but in case of

inclement weather, it will be held at the


Love, Lily is dedicated to

demonstrating God’s love to pregnant

women and their babies by donating

handmade layette items to Lifeline

Pregnancy Resource Center.

We want to show the love God has

for women and their babies by giving of

our time, talent, creativity, and heart.

These blankets and booties are

prayerfully made in the hopes that the

warmth and comfort they give will be a

testament to God’s love for them during

the pregnancy and for their entire lives.

Yarn has been donated to Love, Lily.

If you would like to use this yarn to knit

or crochet for Love, Lily, or for other

information please contact Stacy


Additionally, the women’s ministry

was asked to provide centerpieces and

pies for the Grand Oaks Capital

Campaign banquet held on Saturday,

April 27. These centerpieces were

donated to those who attended the

banquet. Kathy Adkins, Joy Taylor and

the Decorations budget provided five

centerpieces; paper tea pots remaining

from the Ladies’ Tea were also donated.

Dee Matheney provided the pies.

Tuesday, May 7Tuesday, May 7Tuesday, May 7Tuesday, May 7Tuesday, May 76:30-8:00 pm at HSBC6:30-8:00 pm at HSBC6:30-8:00 pm at HSBC6:30-8:00 pm at HSBC6:30-8:00 pm at HSBC


Sarah Mack

[email protected] or

Joy Taylor

[email protected].


Do you have a specific prayer

request? Would you like the women’s

ministry prayer team to pray for your

need? Contact Jane Jackson with your

request, and she will discreetly pass it

on to our team of prayer warriors.


Like us on Facebook: Hamilton

Street Baptist Church Women’s Ministry,

HigherHopeNEMO, and Love, Lily.


Feel free to check out material from

the Women’s Resource Table in the

foyer. Please write down the items

you’re borrowing and indicate when they

are returned.

I want to thank everyone who

participates in and supports the many

aspects of Women’s Ministry. It is a

pleasure to work hand in hand with

others who love Christ and who are

striving to grow in Him. In all we do,

it’s not hard to rejoice in the compelling

unity and love expressed for one another.

Ladies, it is a joy to watch Christ work

in and through you willingly, sacrificially,

generously, and graciously.

May Jesus alone be glorified.


We will be recognizing all those

graduating from 8th grade, high

school, trade or technical school,

undergraduate- and graduate level-

college & university.

In order for us to prepare, we

would like to know the names of all

of our graduates. Please contact Tony

Keene or the church office with

graduates’ names and information.

SundaySundaySundaySundaySunday May 5May 5May 5May 5May 5


Saturday, May 4

8:00 a.m.Rosie’s Northtown Cafe

Contact Doug Athon

Whenever you see an elephant,

please remember to pray for

Josh, Kimbre & the kids.

You will find one (or more) pictures of

an elephant in each newsletter.

Can you find the 8 elephants

hidden in this newsletter?

May 1 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study / Youth

7:30 p.m. Nominating Committee

May 2 National Day of Prayer

May 3 7:00 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal

May 4 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast, Rosie’s Northtown Café

May 5 Graduate Recognition

May 6 9:30 a.m. The Arbors

6:30 p.m. Movie Night @ HSBC

May 7 9:30 a.m. Twin Pines

6:30 p.m. Higher Hope

May 8 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study / Youth

7:30 p.m. Church Council

May 10 7:00 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal

May 12 Mother’s Day

11:00 a.m. Parent Baby Dedication Service

2:00 p.m. Graduation Celebration

6:30 p.m. Movie Night @ HSBC

May 14 9:30 a.m. Twin Pines

6:00 p.m. Church & Outreach Visitation

May 15 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study / Youth

May 16 Newsletter Items Due

May 17 7:00 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal

May 19 Sunday School Promotion

May 20 6:30 p.m. Movie Night @ HSBC

May 21 9:30 a.m. Twin Pines

May 22 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study / Youth

7:30 p.m. Staff Meeting

May 23 Men’s Softball begins

May 24 7:00 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal

May 25 11:00 a.m. Mobile Food Pantry Distribution

May 26 2:30 p.m. Adair County Detention Center

May 27 Memorial Day, Office Closed

May 28 9:30 a.m. Twin Pines

6:30 p.m. Deacons

May 29 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study / Youth

Vital Signs

Year to Date (04/24/13):

Budgeted Offering: $94,054.80

Received Offering: $95,594.70

Budget Expenses: $94,260.46

Bldg Fund Offering YTD: $21,092.32

YTD Average Attendance:

8:30 a.m. Worship: 101

11:00 a.m. Worship: 138

Worship Total: 242

Sunday School: 152



If you would like to help the BSU feed some

starving students-and be a blessing for Jesus,

please check the sign-up sheet in the foyer for

a list of items you could donate.

We would also love volunteers

to help serve, clean, or

just come visit with students.

Contact Greg and Stacey at

[email protected]


Jim Barnett,Jim Barnett,Jim Barnett,Jim Barnett,Jim Barnett, 8:30 am Music Minister

[email protected]

The purpose of the Church is to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commandment

(36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart

and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love

your neighbor as yourself.’ 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40)

and the Great Commission

(18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make

disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to

obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20).


pick upyour

from the


What a blessed day we had on

Easter. I want to thank the choir for a

great job on their cantata and for their

dedication to practices and Sunday

morning leading of worship. It has been

such a joy to see the sanctuary so full

on Sunday morning. And you all sound

so good as you lift your voices in praise

to the Lord! Psalms 18:49 reminds us,

“Therefore I will praise you among the

nations, O Lord; I will sing praises to

your name.”

Here are a few important dates

regarding the choir. We will have choir

practice on Mother’s Day, May 12. Our

last practice will be May 19, and then

we will take a brief hiatus during June

and July. Regular practices will resume

on August 4 so that we can prepare for

Worship in the Park.

Let me know if you would like to

share your musical talents during the

summer while the choir is not singing.

Looking forward to seeing you in

worship as we continue to praise His


Ben Austic,Ben Austic,Ben Austic,Ben Austic,Ben Austic, 11am Music Minister

[email protected]

I relate life experiences through

music. If you’ve read my newsletter

articles, you probably guessed that. Last

month I wrote about how the testimony

of Andrew Peterson’s song “Nothing to

Say” helped to change my eternity. I also

said that the songs we sing at church

are there for us to sing our testimony. I

want to talk about music as a testimony.

The hymnal is full of songs that were,

at the time of their writing, contemporary

witnesses to the work of the Holy Spirit

in the life of the writer. They are a

testimony. Hymns are a path of faith

blazed by the faithful. Psalm 143: “I

remember the days of old; I meditate on

all You have done; I reflect on the work

of Your hands. I spread out my hands to

You; I am like parched land before You.”

Hymns help us remember and reflect.

They are like grandparents: they teach

us lessons from experience; hymns give

us roots. They are an opportunity for us

to experience and learn from the

testimonies of generations past.

If hymns are our roots, then modern

worship songs are the branches. They

are the testimony of what God is doing

now. They are the new growth. If hymns

show us where we’ve been on the path,

modern songs show us where we are

now. In Psalm 144 David writes, “God,

I will sing a new song to You; I will play

on a ten-stringed harp for You the One

who gives victory to kings, who frees

His servant David from the deadly

sword.” God wants us to sing new

songs; to testify about how He

continually frees His servants from the

deadly sword. He is doing that very thing

amongst us now… So we sing new

songs testifying about it to encourage

each other.

The goal of our contemporary

worship is to sing about what God is

doing, what God has done and ground

all of that in God’s word. We will sing

the best of the hymns and the best of

modern worship. And as we sing, we will

praise Him for His mighty works, thank

Him for His salvation and worship Him

because of His worthiness. Our desire

is for every worshipper to walk out of

the church on Sunday with their faith

strengthened, confident that they are on

the right path with God’s word lighting

the way into the future. I look forward

to seeing you Sunday!

The Mission of HSBC

Honor God’s Truth

Share the Gospel

Build Believers

Care for Others

College Student Bible Study Teacher:

Stacy Tucker-Potter Would you like to save your

pop can tabs for the


There’s a collection bin in the foyer.

Contact: Barbara Coy

Lana Brown,Lana Brown,Lana Brown,Lana Brown,Lana Brown,

Nominating Committee Chair

We are happy to report that most of

the areas of service in our church are

currently filled. Therefore, the

Nominating Committee has two-three

months in which we can focus on the

larger picture—i.e., getting to know our

church family and its giftedness so we

can do a better job of matching our

members’ gifts to ministry opportunities.

You can help us by contacting us

about areas of ministry in which you

have an interest. If there is a ministry

that you are passionate about, but that

HSBC does not yet have, please let us

know that as well. Merely contact any

committee member:

Vera Willis

Geraldine Rowland

Don Riley

Lisa King

Ben Gockel

Lana Brown


Sunday School

May 19

11 am worship service

Summary of ChurchCouncil Agenda


These items are donatedto the

Christian Community Food Depot.

Church Council recently discussed the


Building Update – Progress continues

with a completion date possibly in June.

Preschool Class Move – Preschool

classes will move to their new spaces

as soon as they are available. The 3 yr

old (Vickie Falls/Sue Sprague) and 4 yr

old classes (Debbie Athon) will move into

the new structure, with the nursery and

toddlers moving into the 18-30 month

classroom and the 3 yr old classroom,

respectively at the time the new

construction is completed. Sunday

School Promotion is scheduled for

Sunday, May 19. With a possible

completion date for new construction in

June, this will necessitate two classroom

moves for these children.

Open House Post-New Construction

– Copies of invitations and the order of

the Dedication Service from the

Education Building’s dedication were

reviewed. Possible dates for the

Dedication Service and Open House

were discussed. Tentatively the Open

House will be held on Saturday, June 29,

with the Dedication Service on Sunday,

June 30 followed by a carry-in dinner.

Property Acquisition – The Building &

Grounds Committee will be meeting with

the Finance Committee to determine the

source of $8,000 for the purchase of a

strip of land south of the car wash on

Osteopathy owned by the distributors.

The owner has strongly suggested he

would want the land paved if it were to

be used for parking. Maintenance of

the property would be an added expense

for the church until the lot is paved.

Additionally, the Building and

Grounds Committee will be consulting

with the Finance Committee to discuss

financing the replacement of the

sanctuary and office/foyer roof as it is

noticeably deteriorating.

When these items have been

adequately addressed, the Building and

Grounds Committee and the Finance

Committee will bring joint

recommendations to the church

for approval.

Spiritual Family Tree Ministry – The

Nominating Committee will submit a list

of volunteers for the Spiritual Family

Tree Ministry for church approval at the

next business meeting. Those whom the

volunteers will be contacting are

members who currently attend morning

worship services.

Spiritual Family Tree Ministry Job

Description – The ministry job

description was reviewed and approved

for presentation at the next business


Easter Egg Hunt Evaluation – We had

good participation and a good event.

There was consensus the afternoon was

a better time than the morning to hold

the event in future years.

Easter Evaluation – There was a

modification of location from the grassy

area on the east side of the sanctuary to

the west side of the parking lot. This

allowed more sunshine and pavement

rather than more shade and muddy

ground. Overall, it was agreed to be a

better space to use again next year.

Usher Ministry Job Description – The

Ushers/Greeters Team Job Description

was reviewed and approved for

presentation at the next business


Discipleship Team Update – Comments

and suggestions are being reviewed.

Child Security Task Force Update –

It was noted that action items are in

process and wording is being finalized.

Mother’s Day Flowers – It was agreed

to again give flowers on Mother’s Day.

The Nominating Committee volunteered

to find someone to purchase and prepare

the flowers.

Lake Picnic & Baptism – This event

will be held on Sunday, June 23.

Youth & Family – Wednesday Night

Youth Bible study will continue through

May. The Youth are having good Bible

studies on Wednesday nights, including

Bible Drill.

Children’s Church Coordinator Job

Description – This job description was

reviewed and approved for presentation

at the next business meeting.

Personnel Committee reported they

have filled the part time custodian and

fill-in secretary positions. They will be

making an announcement in the


Music – The last choir rehearsal will be

Sunday, May 19. They will not practice

on Mother’s Day. The choir will take a

summer break and resume in early

August to prepare for Worship in the Park.

Church Council will probably dismiss in the

summer unless there is a need to meet.

One pair of shoes serves twice

Once lifesaving shoes,

another lifesaving water!

The Women’s Ministry is sponsoring

a gently used shoe drive. Our shoes will

be donated to Shoeman Water Projects

near St. Louis, Missouri. Shoeman

sells the donated shoes to retailers in the

developing world where they will be

resold for pennies or barter. The resale

of shoes also provides jobs in these

third-world countries. The process

promotes micro businesses, such as hand

pump-repair services and roadside shoe

sales. Affordable shoes are a life-

saving tool as they protect the new

owner’s feet and overall health from foot

abrasions and deadly parasites.

Funds generated from the export of

shoes provide well drilling rigs, water

purification systems, hand pump repair,

and other supplies to bring clean, fresh

water to developing nations, as well as

health and hygiene training.


1. Clean out your closets of new and

gently used shoes. All sizes and styles

of shoes can be donated.

2. Clean your gently used shoes.

3. Tie the laces together or use a

rubber band to keep both shoes in the

pair together.

4. We will continue to receive donations

(in the church foyer) through

Mother’s Day, May 12.


Anyone in our community may do-

nate shoes for this project. You may

share this information at your school or

work place, etc. The donations should

be prepared as above and brought to the

church on or before May 12.



Shoeman Water Projects was

formed in 2008. Since that time, they

have collected more than 1.5 million pairs

of shoes. The Sole Power of donated

shoes has resulted in the purchase of

four water-well drilling rigs, more than

250 wells drilled serving more than

200,000 people, as well as water

purification system installations and well

pump repairs serving clinics, schools and

villages across the globe.

The Personnel Committee would like

to thank Debbie Fincher for accepting

the position of Part-Time Custodian. We

would also like to thank Lisa King for all

of her help with filling in for the Part-

Time Custodian position over the past

months. Thank you both for being such

a blessing to the church.

The Personnel Committee would like

to thank Debbie Fincher for also

accepting the position of

Fill-In Secretary.

Michael Hartman,

Personnel Committee Chair,

Laura Brown

Mike Brummit

Jessica Martin

Phil McIntosh



July 7 - 11 (Sun - Thurs)


To volunteer,

contact our VBS Director,

Lisa King

TTTTTony Kony Kony Kony Kony Keene,eene,eene,eene,eene,Interim Youth & Family Minister

[email protected]

Matthew 22:21b “...Give to Caesar what

is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”


As I reflect on this past tax season, I

can’t help but think about this verse.  We

all “give to Caesar” in one form or

another; income taxes, sales taxes, usage

taxes, etc.  But do we all give to God as

we should; tithes, prayers, scripture

reading, worship attendance, service to

his Kingdom, etc.  If we fail to pay our

taxes or try to evade them by any number

of means, we risk IRS audit, criminal

investigations, or jail.  How much time

do we spend gathering income

statements, receipts, anything we can

find to increase our chances for a nice


Are we as organized and determined

in our walk with our Lord?  Do we tithe

such that we can claim God’s promise

from Malachi 3:10?  Do we pray as

Jesus modeled for us in Matthew 6:9-

13?  Do we meditate on God’s Word and

act upon it as in James 1:22-25?  Do we

gather with our fellow believers in

worship as in Hebrews 10:25?  Are we

serving in God’s Kingdom as Paul

describes in Ephesians 4:11-13?

We have all given to “Caesar”, but

are we giving our all to God?

May God bless you in your walk

with Him.

Planning your family’s Easter meal?

Need a break from routine? WMU

Cookbooks are available for $5.

Contact: Pam Barnett

WMU Cookbooks

Would you like to help missions just by

saving labels? A full list of products is in

the foyer. There’s a box in the foyer to

drop them in. Thank you!

Contact: Julia Owings

Product Labels

Twin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesTwin PinesEvery Tuesday at 9:30 am

The ArborsThe ArborsThe ArborsThe ArborsThe ArborsMonday, May 6, at 9:30 am

PPPPPam Barnett,am Barnett,am Barnett,am Barnett,am Barnett, Sunday School Director

Well, Spring is officially here and we

are seeing signs of the earth once again

awakening from their winter slumber.

Spring is one of my favorite times of

the year because we get to see new life

appearing and warm temperatures are


We have been seeing those signs of

Spring growth in our Sunday School

classes. The hallway is bustling every

Sunday morning as attendance has been

rising. I encourage you to be faithful to

Sunday School and church attendance

this summer. It sometimes gets easy to

slack off on church attendance during

the summer months because our

schedules are somewhat less structured

and we find ourselves just wanting to

be outside.

Also, as you travel this summer,

please make church attendance a

priority. I don’t know about you, but I

love to visit other churches and take in

their way of doing worship.

Sunday School promotion is

scheduled for May 19 during the 11:00

a.m. worship service. I will be in touch

with the teachers who are affected by

this. Thanks to all of our Sunday School

teachers who have been so willing to

dedicate their time and talents to

teaching. Please take a moment to

show your appreciation to your teacher.

See you in Sunday School!

Middle School:

Alyson Keene Jordan King Scott Krause

Senior High:

Sarah Harrell Preston Miller

Associate Degree:

Josh Pearson

Undergraduate, Graduate & Technical Degrees:

Will Bryan Cheryl Flaim Lindsey Fraser

Hannah Lantz Heather King Matthew Pearson

Julie Perrey Tony Potter Nancy Schlichting Jonathan Walker

The church is invited to a graduation

open-house celebration for

Matthew Pearson,

Sunday, May 5 from 2 - 4 pm

The Rejuvenated and Strength Training

Sunday School classes invite you to a

celebrate with us!

Sunday, May 12, 2013, 2 - 4 p.m.

HSBC Fellowship Hall

Cheryl Flaim, Tony Potter, Nancy

Schlicting, and Jonathan Walker are

finishing their Undergraduate and

Master’s Degrees.

Join us for a desert reception

to celebrate their accomplishment and

fellowship together.

We hope to see you there!

Monday - Friday

June 17 - 21

Associational Youth Camp

Grand Oaks, Chillicothe


June 23

Lake Picnic & Baptism


June 29

Open House (Tentative)


June 30

New Construction Dedication (Tentative)

Sunday - Thursday

July 7- 11

Vacation Bible School

Sunday - Friday

July 21-26

HSBC Mission Trip to Stockton, MO

Monday - Friday

August 5 - 9

Associational Children’s Camp

Grand Oaks, Chillicothe


August 25

Worship in the Park

L king Forward

Charles Jackson - Pastor

Jim Barnett - 8:30 am Music Minister

Ben Austic - 11 am Music Minister

Tony Keene - Interim Youth & Family Minister

Kay Shelby - Administrative Secretary

Hamilton Street Baptist Church

802 W. Hamilton

Kirksville, MO 63501

665-4633 [email protected]

Return Service Requested




Kirksville, MO



Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship

9:45 a.m. Bible Study

11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship

5:00 p.m. Choir

6:00 p.m. Worship

Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. Prayer

6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Programming

Friday: 7:00 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal

June 4 Higher Hope

June 9 Twin Pines

June 16 Father’s Day

June 17-21 Youth Camp @ Grand Oaks, Chillicothe

June 22 Mobile Food Pantry Distribution

June 23 Lake Picnic & Baptism

June 29 Open House (Tentative)

June 30 Dedication Service (Tentative)

Highland Crest

THBA Associational Picnic

July 4 Independence Day, Office Closed

July 7 – 11 Vacation Bible School

July 21- 26 Mission Trip to Stockton, MO

July 27 Mobile Food Pantry Distribution

Adair County Mobile

Food Distribution

Saturday, May 25

11:00 am - ???

Hamilton Street Baptist Church

802 W. Hamilton St., Kirksville, MO