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Advertising Campaign


Created by Bold Media Solutions

Dillon AvnetSydney Hill

Matthew MeloMcKenna Petri

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Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Agency Identity3. History of Halo Top4. Environmental Analysis5. Competitor Analysis6. SWOT Analysis7. Objectives and Budget8. Research9. Brand Value Proposition10. Target Market11. Campaign Startegy12. Big Idea13. Creative Strategy

14-16. Creative Executions17. Creative Testing and Marketing Suggestions18. Media Objectives and Strategies19-21. Media Mix22. Media Schedule23. Media Bugdet24-25. Brand Activation26. Evaluation27. Creative Brief28-29 Meet BMS30. End Notes

Executive Summary


Halo Top is a newer brand of ice cream made with all natural ingredients that includes 24 grams of protein and less than 300 calories, making it easy to indulge in without worrying. Offered in grocery stores across the U.S., Halo Top offers seven flavors that not only taste delicious, but also

beat its competition in every aspect.

The ice cream market has dramatically widened over the past few years, leading consumers to not recognize newer brands over well-known brands. Through the use of television, internet, out of home, and

television commercial advertisements as well as creative brand activation techniques, Bold Media Solutions’ goal is to promote Halo Top Ice Cream

as the new solution to frozen dessert cravings without the guilt.

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Bold Media SolutionsWant to make a statement? We’ll make it a bold one.

Bold Media Solutions was formed in the fall of 2015 by four Ithaca College students. As an advertising agency, they are committed to providing quality advertising campaigns to passionate companies. Bold Media Solutions makes sure to create the best ad campaigns for their clients by first listening and understanding the position of the client. Followed by in-depth research and brainstorming, BMS creates the best campaign to fit the needs of the client. They then evaluate and test the campaign to ensure it’s effectiveness. Bold Media Solutions is excited to have Halo Top as a client and work with them to create a strong, competitve campaign in the ice cream agency.

Agency Identity

1,Listen 2,Research 3.Brainstorm

4.Create 5,Evaluate 6,Implement


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History of Halo Top

Halo Top was officially founded in 2012 by Justin Woolvertin. His idea came from the realization that the options for healthy ice cream in stores were limited and lackluster. He did not like the that the options available were filled with artificial ingredients, lacked good taste, or both. Seeing an opportunity, Woolvertin started to develop an idea of an ice cream made with all natural ingredients that still tasted like ice cream. After perfecting his heathy ice cream formula in his own kitchen, he teamed up with his friend, Doug Bouton, who is now Halo Top’s President and COO. Both Woolverton and Bouton were corporate attorneys. Slowly but surely, they ganied enough traction that allowed them to fully invest their time in Halo Top. In 2012, Halo Top was brought to the market with four flavors: Vanilla Bean, Chocolate, Lemon Cake and Strawberry. The duo started to sell Halo Top in small, independent stores in Southern California and local farmers markets. By 2014, Halo Top had na-tional distribution across the United States. In 2015, they introduced three new fla-vors: Birthday Cake, Chocolate Mocha Chip, and Mint Chip. Today, Halo Top continues its growth and is now sold in approximately 1,400 stores across the United States.

2012:Halo Top is

introduced with four flavors and is sold

in Southern California

2015:Halo Top adds

three new flavors and is sold in about 1,400 stores nationwide

2014:Halo Top begins to distribute across the United States


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Legal/Regulatory Forces:There are many laws that govern the way products are distributed, regulated, priced, and promoted. The primary area Halo Top should be wary of is the labeling of their product. Halo Top markets itself as being “all-natural”, “high in protein”, and having “low calories and sugar”. The Federal Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (1990) has exact descriptors of what defines these specific labels. Halo Top should ensure

their product meets these definitions or they will face ramifications from the FDA.

Competitive Forces:Ice cream is a staple in the frozen dessert market. Since it has been around for so long, there are many brands in the market for it. Many sellers are competing with substitutable products within a price range. If one product becomes too expensive, consumers will switch to another. Due to this, it is important that Halo Top

heavily advertises what makes their product utility different and more beneficial than its competitors.

Economic Forces:Many of the consumers in our market are current, or former students. This will greatly affect their income, as college prices are rising faster than the rate of inflation. If the consumers are paying for school, they’re going to have a much lower discretionary income to spend on ice cream. Fortunately, in general, ice cream consumption is on the rise, as according to the Dairy Foods Magazine, sales of ice cream and frozen desserts

grew 2.1 percent in 2013.

Sociocultural Forces:The health aspect of Halo Top is greatly leveraged in advertising because health consciousness is on the rise in America, and specifically within our target market. 64% of consumers in 2013 said that it is important to eat healthy and pay attention to nutrition. In fact, 32% 20-39 year olds said they’d be willing to spend more money for healthier products. Ice cream carries an unhealthy connotation, which may be a barrier for some to even consider purchasing the product.


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Competitor AnalysisStrengths: - Extremely well-known brand with big fan base- 57 total flavors of ice cream

- Known for its creative and fun flavors

Weaknesses: - High calorie count in each pint- High in fat

Strengths:- Well-known brand- Many ice cream flavors

- Less expensive

Weaknesses:- High calorie count in each pint- High in fat

Strengths: - Fat free, gluten free, lactose free- Known as a healthier brand

- Some flavors are low in calories

Weaknesses:- Some flavors are high in calories- New brand, not as well known as competitors


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SWOT AnalysisStrengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

- Lots of attractive health benefits

- Excellent social media presence

- Attractive logo and packaging

- Won awards in Men’s Health and Muscle and Fitness

- New brand which means not many people know about it

- Only offer a few flavors

- Flavors are very generic

- Increasing trends in fitness and health interests

- Calorie-wise, the healthiest product in the ice cream industry

- The ice cream industry is highly com-petitive and many consumers of ice cream are already very brand loyal

- There are many different ice cream brands competing for limited shelf space in grocery stores


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Objectives and Budget

Marketing and Advertising:Our target market is 18-34 year old women. Through our $12 million budget the goal is to increase sales by 10%. Our goals are to increase comprehension of messages by 75%, and subsequently cause 65% to find value in this message. We also will strive to effectively reach 75% of people in the market by exposing them to the message three times, and to create an effective frequency of 3%.

Time Frame:Bold Media Solution’s will run their campaign for a year, starting in January 2016. Ice cream is eaten year round, however it is most consumed in the summer. To fit this specific consumer behavior, we will use a pulsing technique by increasing advertising in the months leading up to the summer, and advertising the heaviest during the summer.

Budget:Bold Media Solutions will be working with a 12 million dollar budget. We will allocate this as follows:


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Primary Research: Secondary Research:

- Investigate what drives consume decisions when selecting ice cream- Find out if social media is an effective tool in the ice cream industry - Discover the patterns of how people consume ice cream- Determine how many people know about Halo Top

The average American consumes about 22 pounds of ice cream per year. Summer is the absolute best season for ice cream sales, with June being the highest production month of the year. America’s top five favorite flavors are vanilla, chocolate, cookies n’ cream, strawberry and mint chocolate chip. Consumers also enjoy unique flavors that many popular brands offer. Some key emerging trends in the industry include niche companies and products, health concerns, and flavors.

We conducted a survey as well as two focus groups. In our survey, we found that the major-ity of people in our target audience have never heard of Halo top. We also found that 79% of our target audience consumes ice cream in a few scoops, 13.4% in a half pint, 5.9% in the whole pint in one sitting. We also found that 86.6% select their ice cream based on flavor. This was reflected in our focus group where many participants stressed flavor and taste as a key factor in their selection of ice cream. In the focus group, we also found that none of our participants, despsite being active users of social media, did not follow any of their favorite brands.


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Brand Value PropositionFunctional Benefits:Halo Top’s ice cream is an edible frozen treat. When consumed, it can satisfy a craving, specifically for something sweet or cold. Due to its cold tempera-

ture, it also can cool one down, or lower body temperature. The product

itself has protein, fiber, and various other nutrients, providing nourishment.

Emotional Benefits:Ice cream has been stereotyped as a complement to negative emotions. It turns out there is science to support this. When something negative happens, we experience a dip in a chemical called serotonin, which controls our mood. Eating sweets, such as ice cream, is often associated with a reward, therefore when we eat these foods, a pleasure-inducing chemical called dopamine is released, temporarily making us feel better. Since Halo Top is low in calories, consumers are able to eat more of the

product with peace of mind that it isn’t nearly as likely to cause weight gain as other brands of ice cream.

Self-Expressive Benefits:Halo Top is a new, chic, healthy brand, with a stylish container that conveys all of these things. When someone is seen eating Halo Top, it shows that they are an individual, and are willing to stray from the leading brand standards. The large numbers on the front of the container displaying the caloric content also convey the message that these consumers are health-conscious and are aware of what they’re putting into their bodies. These consumers aren’t “normal” people who just walked to the ice cream aisle and grabbed the typical Ben and Jerry’s ice cream carton; they took the time to select the unique, and healthy option.


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Target MarketSam- The College Student

Meet Sam. Sam is a 22 year old female in her senior year of college in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sam lives in an apartment with friends and waitresses to make rent, though her parents help make up for any financial needs. Sam likes to go to the bars with her friends, and heavily frequents social media platforms. She is very conscious of the latest trends, and earning acceptance from her peers and the opposite sex. She maintains a fit physique by visiting the gym four times a week, and generally eating healthy. She eats Halo Top because she feels the need to “treat herself”, but doesn’t want the calories of the other brands of ice cream. She also thinks the container looks really stylish.

Jennifer- The Young Professional

Meet Jennifer. Jennifer graduated college with a bachelor’s degree 6 years ago and is 28 years old. Jennifer is a young professional that is working toward her next promotion at a law firm in Syracuse, NY, where she currently resides. She makes a salary of $35,000. Since Jennifer is independent and does not have to support a family, she has a discretionary income that is large enough to allow her to live comfortably, but she still has to be very conscious of her budget. She lives alone, but has a steady partner of two years. Jennifer is very conscious of modern issues, especially environmental ones. Jennifer eats Halo Top because she researched various brands and liked the high protein and low sugar/caloric content. She also likes that it is available in a pint.

Joan-“Just Getting Settled”

Meet Joan. Joan is a 33 year old woman living in the suburban Red Bank, NJ. She has been married for four years, and has a one year old. Her husband commutes to New York City daily for work, and Joan works as a receptionist at a dentist’s office 5 minutes from their home. Together the couple makes $90,000 a year, but are both paying off school loans. Joan enjoys watching talk shows and reading Cosmopolitan. She closely watches sales so that she can dress fashionably on a budget. Joan eats Halo Top because between work and being a mother, she needs the stress relief sweets offer. She maintains a very strict diet because she often does not have time to go to the gym, so she enjoys the low caloric content of the product. She does the shopping for the household, and Halo Top is her special, personal treat.


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Campaign StrategyThe Challenge:

The challenge Halo Top Ice Cream faces is recognition as an ice cream brand. Halo Top is not as familiar as other products to consumers. Their competition includes

Ben & Jerry’s, Haagen-Dazs, and Arctic Zero. Therefore, it is Bold Media Solutions’ challenge and goal get Halo Top recognized as a major competitor against these

brands by highlighting its unique selling points: Every pint has only 280 calories or less, high in protein, and made with all natural ingredients.

The Key Insight:Bold Media Solutions conducted primary research and found that

consumers, specifically women ages 18-34, want to eat an entire pint of ice cream as they please without feeling the guilt. This demographic is focused on incorporating a healthier diet in their everyday lives. That is

why Bold Media Solutions will focus on the fact that each pint of Halo Top Ice Cream has 280 calories or less, high in protein, and made with all

natural ingredients.

The Solution:Bold Media Solutions will market Halo Top Ice Cream as the guilt

free choice amongst other ice cream brands. Our goal is to a make our target market aware that “healthy ice cream” is no longer an

oxymoron. Halo Top Ice Cream is a treat that you don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying.


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The BIG Idea


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Creative OverviewCreative StrategyWhen life gets tough, sometimes you just need to fall back on your favorite treat. However the calories, ingredients, and negative views on ice cream keep our target audience from enjoying their favorite dessert when they need it most. Bold Media Solutions wants to share the solution to this common dilemma. The hope is for consumers to realize that if they buy Halo Top, they can eat the whole pint in under 280 calories. Our ice cream lovers work hard, and that’s why they deserve the whole pint.

Art DirectionTo establish consistency across our ads, of the ad will contain Halo Top’s slogan, logo, and close up of the product featured in the ad. These will be in gold with a white background to establish brand identity. In each of the situations, the person who is eating the Halo Top ice cream will have a halo over their head. We will use the halo to symbolize the consumer making the good, healthy ice cream choice.

CopywritingEach ad will begin on the top. It will start with short sentences that gives a quick rea-son why the consumer deserves to eat a whole pint. It will then list the health benefits of Halo Top that differentiates it from the competition. The copy will be in a clear font that is easy for the consumer to read, yet catchy to the eye so they want to read it.


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Print Ads


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Online Ad


Visit to get what you DESERVE


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TV Commercial


Three women at the gym start gossiping about their friend and her new workout partner.Woman 1: “Oh my god. Did you see Michelle’s new workout partner?”Woman 2: “Yeah. He looks so cool. How did she get so lucky?”Woman 3: “He seems so sweet too.”Woman 1: “And I heard he is only 240 calories.”

Pan to Michelle incorporating a pint of Halo Top while working out. Michelle: “With only 240 calories, 24 grams of protein and less sugar, Halo Top keeps me healthy while enjoying my favorite treat. I work hard, and that’s why I deserve the whole pint.”

Zoom into Halo Top container. “Because you deserve the whole pint” appears across the screen.Narrator: “Halo Top ice cream, because you deserve the whole pint.”

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Creative Testing

Marketing SuggestionsAccording to observation and research, Halo Top is currently featured in the gluten-free section of Wegmans. Though the gluten-free section is often perceived as the “healthier” section, Halo Top should strive to achieve placement in the general ice cream section, as gluten-free is too small of a niche, and the product has far more of a utility than just that it is gluten-free. They will get a much wider exposure and audience by moving to the frozen desserts section. Another suggestion we have is to continue to develop more unique flavors for Halo Top. Our research indicated that ice cream consumers value flavor the most in their selection of ice cream. If Halo Top developed more unique flavors to choose from, they could grow much more rapidly.


Bold Media’s Solutions’ creative materials, which include the television commercial, Internet, magazine, and billboard advertisements were subjected to the opinions of Halo Top’s target audience: women ages 18-34. The responses Bold Media’s Solutions received were positive. Our audience loved Halo Top’s low number of calories. They also found the 24 grams of protein and less sugar to be extremely attractive benefits. When women were informed of Bold Media’s Solutions mission for Halo Top’s advertising campaign, it was unanimous that the creative materials presented were consistent and represented Halo Top as a healthy alternative to other well-known pints of ice cream. The younger demographic of Halo Top’s target audience identified with the struggle of finding healthier solutions to their favorite snacks, and were excited about this concept of a guilt free, all natural full pint of ice cream. The older demographic of Halo Top’s target audience were also enthused about Halo Top, but felt more excluded from the advertising campaign more so than the younger demographic. While they said they would still consider buy-ing the product, they found the content of the advertisements to be less relatable for them. Bold Media’s Solutions took their opinions into account and made some changes to the content. After a re-test of the advertisements, the full target audience overall felt more included, reaching the positive response Halo Top was looking for.

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Media ObjectivesReach the target marketOur primary target is 18-34 year old women of the middle American class. They are of all races, and are likely to be a current or former student of a post-secondary educational institution. Most make a salary of around 35,000. The older representatives of the target market may be newly married, or young mothers, but are not yet “settled down”. They primarily reside in metropolitan areas, or in areas that provide a convenient commute to a metropolitan area that is likely their place of employment. These women are young, hip, on the go, and very conscious of their appearance. If more money means less calories or a more fashionable product, it is a viable opportunity cost. They’re also very active on most social media platforms and heavily use the internet for leisure.

Geographic ScopeBold Media Solutions has implemented both national and regional advertisements. The television, internet, and print advertisements will be national. Our out of home and transit advertisements will be placed regionally. We will target main cities in each region to place these types of advertisements and maximize effectiveness.

Message WeightBold Media’s Solutions target audience is women ages 18-34 who are looking for a guilt-free, all natural, and healthy solution to the pint of ice cream. That is why Bold Media’s Solutions has decided to implement our advertising campaign on mediums that are dominated by this demographic of women. For our television advertisements, Bold Media’s Solutions focused our commercials on late night television shows as that is when our target audience watches the most television. For Halo Tops magazine advertisements, we focused on publications that identified women as their target audience and were also advocates of a healthierlifestyle. Our other advertisements including internet and out of home advertising also took these aspects into account.


Media DimensionsTelevision Commercial: (1) :30 second spotsPrint Advertisements: (3) Full Page Color AdsInternet Banner: (1) 468x60 pixels Billboard: (1) 30 Sheet 10’6”x22’8” / Bulletin: (1) 10.5’ by 36

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Shape MagazineCirculation: 2,575,900

Women’s HealthCirculation: 1,517,906

Cooking LightCirculation: 1,799,156

CosmopolitanCirculation: 3,003,601

US WeeklyCirculation:1,963,995

Weight WatchersCirculation: 1,181,795

Magazines like Cosmopolitan and US! Weekly cater to younger women that are more up to date on pop-culture, so our half page ads would be seen by the young female socialites section of our target audience. The readers of Weight Watchers, Women’s Health, Shape, and Cooking Light would represent the part of our target audience whose values lie more heavily in health and fitness.

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ABC’s Modern Family focuses on three unconventional families that are all related to each other and the trials and tribulations they go through together. The themes of the show involve unity, love, acceptance, and of course: family. Since the show features characters from a wide age-range, Modern Family attracts a large audience of all ages. Bold Media Solutions placing com-mercials during Modern Family would capture the attention of several target markets.

Ryan Murphy’s new show takes place in a college and focuses on several young students in a sorority involved with murder. This new horror show’s target market is largely made up of young women ranging from ages 18-29, which is also Halo Top’s target market. The implementation of commercials during Scream Queens would allow Bold Media Solutions to obtain the attention of young woman across the U.S.

ABC’s How To Get Away With Murder stars Viola Davis, who, fresh off her Emmy Win, plays a brilliant criminal defense professor in a show about being involved a mysterious murder plot. How to Get Away with Murder has a target audience of women, ages 18-49, which also captures much of Halo Top’s target market. Incorporating Halo Top Ice Cream commercials during How To Get Away With Murder would ensure sales of Halo Top Ice Cream.

The CW’s The Vampire Diaries target audience is women, ages 18-34. The vampire genre has always caught the attention of a mainly female demographic, which is the attention Halo Top wants to also capture. Halo Top Ice Cream commercials playing during premieres of episodes would bring the idea of Halo Top to its demographic’s minds and encourage them to buy a pint of their own.

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Billboard PlacementThe women in our target market are active and on the go. Whether going out on the town, or commuting to work, they will be travelling and passing billboards. The cities selected are those that are ranked the youngest and healthiest in America. They’re are also spread throughout the nation. The cities we chose are:

San Fransisco, CADenver, CO

Washgton, D.C.Boston, MA

New York City, NYSalt Lake City, UT

Seattle, WA

We selected these websites because they are frequented by consumers in our de-mographic. Halo Top is not only a food product, but also healthy food product, which directly concerns the content on many of these sites as well. We wanted to reach consumers in our target market that are interested in different things, so we chose a range of sites that would appeal to our audience.

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Media schedule


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Media Budget


Grand TotalsMedia Costs: $10,351,434Production Costs: $600,000Total: $10,951,434

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Brand Activation

I Scream for Halo TopObjective:To reach college students aged 18-22 and introduce them to Halo Top and share the benefit of a healthy whole pint study snack.Strategy: Bring a Halo Top ice cream truck onto campuses. The truck will be filled with Halo Top pints, laptop stickers, and Halo Top’s golden spoon coupons. College students can spin a wheel which tells them their prize. If they win the pint, they get to choose their flavor. There will also be someone in an ice cream mascot costume walking around campus with the Halo Top hashtag on it. This is meant to get the attention of the students and have them send SnapChats, pictures and messages to their friends of the Halo Top ice cream doing funny things around campus.

The Golden Spoon Objective: Motivate members of our target audience to try Halo Top and continue to buy it using creative coupons. The spoons can be used in many different ways across different forms of media to motivate people to buy Halo Top. Strategy: The Halo Top Golden Spoon is a gold spoon with the Halo Top “H” on it as well as a coupon for Halo Top. The spoons can be used in many different ways. One example is to have a moving kiosk that delivers free samples to consumers in a small cup that they can eat with the gold spoon. Then they can later use the spoon as a coupon to get Halo Top. Our example spoon says, “Because you deserve to buy one Halo Top, get one half off.”

Show Us How You HaloObjective:To create a community and appeal to women who value health. This will also differentiate Halo Top from the competition as it will be used to make tasty creations. Strategy:Halo Top will run a contest on their social media outlets asking consumers to show how they enjoy their Halo Top ice cream. They can submit their photos and ideas by tagging Halo Top. Once the deadline hits, consumers can then encourage people to vote for their savory ice cream creation. The winner’s idea will be featured on Halo Top’s social media and they will have the opportunity to taste test new flavors before they are available on the market.


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Brand Activation Cont.

Pinting MachineObjective:To make Halo Top ice cream easily accessible to an audience that is health-conscious, while exposing them to the product and its associated health benefits.Strategy:Halo Top will be placed in vending machines in Planet Fitness, a fitness center that is inexpensive, and promotes a healthy life style. This chain of brands is growing and can be found almost anywhere. For these reasons, consumers of our demographic are likely to be members, and will therefore be exposed to the product.

Brand Activiation Schedule

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EvaluationThe following represents our predictions of how comprehension, conviction and sales will increase in the next year with Bold Media Solution’s ad Campaign


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Halo Top Creative Brief Presented by Bold Media Solutions

Target Audience Analysis The audience we are targeting are women 18-34 years old. Our target audience views ice cream as their

favorite dessert. They also typically eat ice cream from just a few scoops to a half a pint in one sitting. Women

aged 18-34 are typically college students, freshly out of college, or newly married. They are also health

conscious, but also enjoy ice cream once in awhile. They may try to bring their health conscious attitude into

the ice cream aisle at the grocery store, but more often than not, flavor dictates their final decision on which ice

cream to buy. This target audience also likes to keep up with the current trends.

Our Brand’s Position The majority of our target audience does not know this brand exists. The few that do know about the product,

enjoy the fact that it has significantly less calories than the competition. Every pint is less than 300 calories,

contains 24 grams of protein and less sugar than the competitors. They are also known for their high protein

and low sugar. Halo Top was the winner of the Men’s Health Best Food Award for Men in 2014. Halo Top is

also very active on social media and keeps it updated. They have a strong website and an attractive logo and


Goals Marketing: Our goal is to increase sales by 10%

Advertising: Reach 75% of our target market with an effective frequency of 3%. This means that 75% of 18-34 year olds will be exposed to to our ads at least 3 times.

Most Important Message to Communicate Halo Top is the best choice for the health conscious ice cream lover. It allows consumers to enjoy the whole

pint of ice cream without any regrets. Halo Top’s unique selling points include that every pint has only 280

calories or less, high in protein, and made with all natural ingredients.

Big Idea Because you deserve the whole pint.

Creative Brief


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Meet Bold Media SolutionsDillon Avnet is an Integrated Marketing in Communications Major in his sophomore year at Ithaca College. His is interested in either a career path in PR or Advertising. Regardless of which profession he chooses, Dillon knows he wants to do creative work for advertising agencies. He is interested in working with social media and being a copywriter / art director for a creative Boutique. Dillon just recently joined ICPRSSA and is apart of their social media team. Recently, he has helped develop an ICPRSSA Snap Chat account to encourage more students at Ithaca College to join the club. The Snap Chat account highlights ICPRSSA activities such a skype video chats with profession-als in the PR industry and fundraising events. He is also working on a promotional video for the club which he will be directing, editing, and filming. He plans to spend his next summer with an internship in either advertising or PR in Manhattan.

Sydney Hill is a sophomore Theatre Arts Management major, and an Integrated Marketing Communications major at Ithaca Col-lege. Sydney has ambitions to work in a variety of administrative roles for the live arts ranging from theatre, to concerts, as well as festivals. In pursuit of this, Sydney is currently the marketing intern at the Hangar Theatre, a professional regional theatre in Ithaca, NY. She also is on the outreach and fundraising commit-tees of Ithaca Underground, a not-for-profit underground music presenting organization. Additionally, Sydney has begun to inde-pendently manage bands and produce theatrical works with Ithaca College students and is in the final planning stages of creating her own company. She also serves as the group sales coordinator for Ithaca College Theatre Arts Department where she works front of

house for all of the shows and is on the marketing team.


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McKenna Petri is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major with a double minor in sport studies and legal studies at Itha-ca College. On campus, she serves as the Vice President of Ithaca College Cheerleading and is a member of 180 Degrees Consulting. She also works as a part of the operations staff for IC’s Campus Center Event Services. She spent the past summer working as a manager for Varsity Spirit and as a marketing intern for Well Effect, a local personal fitness gym. McKenna enjoyed traveling to Memphis, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and North Carolina to run cheerleading camps for Varsity and researching social media for Well Effect. This summer, McKenna plans on interning at an Integrated Marketing Communications firm in London as well as to continue her position with varsity.

Matthew Melo is currently a sophomore Integrated Market-ing Communications major at Ithaca College. He is a member of ICPRSSA, and is interested in a career in Public Relations or Crisis Management. With experience in graphic design with a small agency in High School, he worked with Gillette Stadium and Showcase Cinemas creating posters and banners for various events. A sous-chef during the summers, he is working to create merchandise and direct mail advertisements that will better suit the brand and expand the reach of the restaurant. He hopes to be hired as an intern in New York City to gain some Crisis Man-agement and Public Relations experience.

Meet Bold Media Solutions


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End Notes

30 (2014). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from Cream Insights and Consumer Perceptions: 3 trends impacting the US market. December 7, 2015, from insights-and-consumer-perceptions-3-trends-impacting- the-us-marketIce Cream Sales & Trends. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from ice-cream/ice-cream-sales-trendsMarket share of the leading ice cream brands in the U.S., 2015 | Statistic. Retrieved December 7, 2015, from of-the-leading-ice-cream-brands-in-the-united-states/Save the Bowl. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from