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Microsoft is the publisher of the Halo series of games. It’s subsidiary, Bungie, develops the game. In 2011 Bungie shifted development of the game to 343 Industries, a company made solely for making the Halo games.

(343 Industries (Post 2011))

Merchandise, Anime, Books, Comics, DLCs




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The Halo game also markets itself with merchandise, shirts and toys are readily available for the 2Halo nation” (The name of Halo fans).

Even some third party companies advertise Halo, such as the Brickforge armour made for LEGO minifigures. Brickforge is a 3rd party, any money they make doesn’t go to Bungie/343 Industries. But it’s free marketing for them in a way.


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For most Halo games you get the usual trailers and such. But after Halo: Combat Evolved, Bungie started making books and comics that tie-in to the game. Also, during and after Halo 3, Bungie/343 Industries started making live-action trailers as well to promote the game, this links the Halo franchise to the movies, and provides more entry points into Halo. One can read a book about Halo, or watch the Halo Anime, to get involved with Halo you don’t need to play the game.

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Halo’s USP (Unique Selling Point)

State of the art graphics- Halo is known for the best in game graphics, each game they create consistently has better graphics than the last, and usually better graphics than any other game out at the time.

Multiplayer- Halo has some of the most revered multi-player, it can host up to 16 players in one game. Halo was the first game to host multi-player matchmaking on the Xbox. Though recently it’s in competition with Call Of Duty game over who has the most players.

Game play- Halo’s game play is known to be one of the most action packed games you can buy. It offers campaign mode, with varying difficulties, multiplayer matches and it’s own unique game modes, such as Firefight (The player can team up with up to 4 people and fights constant waves of the covenant)

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Halo’s entry points

Halo Waypoint

Shortly after the release of Halo 3, 343 Industries created another way to access the game, Halo Waypoint. The user downloads this from Xbox marketplace for free, it displays stats from all the Halo games he/she has played and has videos/comics/news about Halo displayed. This is the first game to offer a service like this, by being free it gains no money, but it advertises the game to players and makes people who are already players more intrigued in the game, they can find out news about DLCs or new Halo games.

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Halo’s entry points

Halo: Legends

In 2009, an Anime for Halo was made, titled Halo: Legends. It was a series of small episodes to with Halo, all varying in style and tone. This links video-games to the film industry again, also reinforced by the fact that also in 2009 production for a Halo film was started, but ended soon after because of budget problems.

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Synergy in HaloYou can access Halo through a variety of entry points:







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