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Hair Transplant Repair and Scar Removal

by Dr. Andrew Kim, MD

The benefits of hair transplant are

sometimes overshadowed by the fact that

you’d also be sporting a scar at the end.

For some this is a risk that they are willing

to take to regain that sense of normalcy

after regaining their full head of hair, while

others remain to be perturbed by this fact.

This lead experts and surgeons to find

measures that will answer the dilemma of

hair transplant scar removal.

The hair transplant procedure includes the

process of making a linear incision at the

back of the head in order to remove the

part of the scalp which contains the donor

grafts. This incision can extend almost

from ear to ear. For those who like to wear

short hairstyles, this can be a problem

because it makes the scar very much

visible. What makes it worse is that this

area will not grow any hair which only

highlights the problem that much more.

An easy way to conceal this is of course

by simply grow a few more inches to your

hair. Since others want another remedy

aside from limiting themselves to long

hairstyles, doctors searched for a way to

improve the situation. This can be done

through hair transplant scar repair or hair

transplant scar removal.

On important thing to note is that hair

transplant repair and removal does not

guarantee a total removal of your scars.

Removing the scarred area will still

generate a formation of another scar

because the process still includes some

incising. However the new one will

significantly be less visible because it

lessens the width of the scar.

For those who have scars that are less

than 4 inches in width, the greater the

chances of having better results. But there

is also a chance that the scars could

widen again depending on the laxity of the

individual’s scalp. It is expected that your

scalp will naturally sag especially when a

person grows older.

Another hair transplant repair method that

can also be used to address the problem

of hair transplant scars is by using the

tricophytic closure technique. This

approach enables the hair to grow over

the scarred area, therefore covering

the hair loss problem.

Transplanting hair into the scarred areas

is also a viable option and it is also very

effective in concealing hair transplant

scars. To prevent additional scarring, the

hair graft donor that has to be used to

cover the scars is obtained using the

Follicular Unit Extraction method. It is

done by singularly removing hair grafts

using a hollow instrument that will create a

circular incision around the hair without

damaging it. This process would often

require multiple sessions to completely

cover the area. This is also a cost effective

and permanent solution for hair transplant

scar removal.

But if you want to prevent having to deal

with scars later on, why not choose the

follicular unit extraction method. Though it

may be pricier than follicular unit

transplantation, or your traditional method,

but it prevents visible scarring. FUE can

still result to small scars but they can be

very tiny enough to be seen by the naked


Dr Andrew Kim, MD

Hair Transplant Surgeon

Dr Andrew Kim is the founder and

Medical Director of Australian Institute

of Hair Restoration, a clinic specializing

in surgical hair restoration.

He has a team of highly-skilled hair

transplant technicians who address the

needs of their clients after a thorough

consultation.They operate in various

locations in Australia including Sydney,

Melbourne, and Canberra.

For more information on protecting,

enhancing and restoring your living and

growing hair, call 1300 733 092, or

learn more online at

Australian Institute of Hair Restoration | Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra Australia