Download - HAGGERTY NEWS - Marquette University · In the coming months, the Haggerty Museum staff will undertake preparations for its first External Re-view which will take place on April 25

Page 1: HAGGERTY NEWS - Marquette University · In the coming months, the Haggerty Museum staff will undertake preparations for its first External Re-view which will take place on April 25


LANDSCAPES AND TOURIST POSTCARDS INSPIRE GERMAN PHOTOGRAPHER Elger Esser: Landscapes and Postcards,thefirstsoloexhibitionofGermanphotographerElgerEsser’sworksintheUnitedStates,willopenattheHaggertyMuseum on Thursday, May 4th. Esser will give the opening lecture at 6 p.m.followedbyareceptionattheMuseumfrom7to8p.m. Thetenphotographs,createdbetween1997and2005,areacombinationoflandscapesandphotographsofhistoricalpostcardspresentedinlargescale.Esser’smost recentworksevoke the tranquilityandromanceof the19thcentury. Thepale,soft-huedcolorsheemploysbyusingcamerafilterspulltheviewerbackintotheremotepast.Recently,hehasbeenexperimentingbyphotographinglandscapesthroughscratchedandspottedglassproducingimagesthatlookaged.HetraveledwidelytoFrance,Italy,Spain,HollandandScotland,takingcolorphotographsofoldtownsandscenesalongriversandtheseashore. Born in Stuttgart in 1967, Esser was raised by his parents in Romewhereheliveduntil1986whenhemovedtoDüsseldorftoattendtheDüsseldorfAcademyofFineArt.TherehestudiedunderBerndandHillaBecher.TheBecherswerenoted for their black andwhitephotographsof ordinary elements such asgrainelevators,watertowersandblastfurnaces.Theirinfluenceencouragedhimtoexploreordinarylandscapesandcityscenes. Esser’ssoloexhibitionsincludetheGalleriad’ArteModerna,BolognaandFoundationHerzog,Basel.HismostrecentgroupexhibitionsincludeAffinities…Now and ThenattheKansasCityArtInstituteandtheSonnabendGalleryinNewYork.TheexhibitionclosesonJuly9th.


The importanceof posters in theArtNouveauMovementduring the1880sand90swillbeestablishedbytheHaggertyMuseumexhibitionFrench Posters of Ber-thon, Grasset and Mucha from the Milton and Paula Gutglass Collection whichopensonThursday,June8th.AgallerytalkwillbegivenbyMilwaukeeartistandcollectorDr.MiltonGutglassat6p.m.AreceptionwillfollowintheMuseumfrom7to8p.m. NineteencolorlithographscreatedbyartistsEugèneGrasset,AlphonseMuchaandPaulBerthonbetween1894and1901willbefeaturedintheexhibition.ArtNou-veauwasaninternationalartmovementthatemphasizeddecorationandcraftsmanshipandwasareactiontotheIndustrialRevolutionandhistorical-basedartofthe19thcen-tury.Eventhoughlithographicposterswereprizedasfashionableartobjects,manyweredestroyedduringtheeconomicdepressionfollowingWorldWarIIorusedforwrapping

paperandwallpaper.Fewofthelitho-graphicposterssurvived. Of the three artists in the ex-hibition Alphonse Mucha is the bestknownandmostcelebratedforhisArtNouveau posters. Born in Moravia,now the Czech Republic, in 1860, hestudiedinPragueandMunich.Hebe-came the favoriteof theFrench actressSarah Bernhardt for whom he madethe lithographGismonda (1894)whichis featured in thisexhibition. Hethenproducedallofherimportantposters.

Newsletter of the Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WisconsinSpring 2006, vol. 20, no. 1

PaulBerthon,Les Chrysanthèmes,1899Colorlithograph,221/2x151/2in.CollectionofMiltonandPaulaGutglass


Theeldestofthethreeartists,EugèneGrasset,wasborninLausanne,Switzer-landin1841.HebeganhisartisticcareerbydesigningfabricandwallpaperinParis.Duringthe1880sheproducedcommercialposters forcompanies, twoofwhichareshowninthisexhibition.Healsodesignedtextiles,furnitureanddinnerservicesandtaughtdecorativearts.Untilhisdeathin1917hewasinvolvedinmanynotableorga-nizationsandwasawardedtheprestigiousLegiond’Honneur. PaulBerthon,aFrenchmanbornin1872,wasastudentofGrasset’sandhiscareerwasbasedontheArtNouveauMovement.Hisworkdiffersdramaticallyfromhisteacher’schieflyinitsdepictionofwomen.GrassettendedtoproduceimagesofdocilewomenembodyingfemininitywhileBerthon,interestedinthesensual,createdthe“femmefatal.”ExamplesofboththesecontrastingstylesarealsointheexhibitionwhichclosesonSunday,September10th.

EugèneGrasset,Salon des Cent–Exposition Grasset,1894Colorlithograph,24x161/8in.CollectionofMiltonandPaulaGutglass

Page 2: HAGGERTY NEWS - Marquette University · In the coming months, the Haggerty Museum staff will undertake preparations for its first External Re-view which will take place on April 25

NOVEL PRESENTATION OF ABSTRACTION EXPLORED IN RAY PARKER PAINTINGS Anewapproachtoabstractionwillbeinthespotlightwhen Ray Parker Paintings 1959-1973: Color into Drawing opensattheHaggertyMuseumonThursday,July20. Caroline Parker, the artist’s daughter, will give theopeninglectureat6p.m.followedbyareceptionfrom7to8p.m.intheMuseum. Parker substitutes a feeling of relaxed airiness andtranquilityfortheaggressionsandviolencetypicalofAbstractExpressionistpainting.The31paintingsintheexhibitionwillcaptivatetheviewerbytheiruniqueflowingshapesandsensual,intenseMatisse-likecolors. ArenownedsecondgenerationAbstractExpressionist,Parker (1922-1990) was influenced by Cubism in his earlycareer.HisworkasaJazztrumpeteralsoinfluencedhiswork.

FROM THE DIRECTOR...External Review Opportunities In the coming months, the Haggerty Museumstaffwill undertakepreparations for itsfirstExternalRe-viewwhichwill takeplaceonApril25and26. ExternalReview is a collaborative process by the staff to examinecurrentoperationsof theMuseumandareas totarget forenhancementandimprovement. Two external reviewers have been selected toconductthereview:SuzannahFabing,retireddirectoroftheSmithCollegeArtMuseum’sSummerInstitute,andGrantHolcomb,MaryW. andDonaldR.Clark, director of theMemorialArtGalleryoftheUniversityofRochester. PreparationsfortheMuseum’sexternalreviewwillincorporate the Haggerty Friends’ strategic plan preparedduring the last year with the aid of the Haggerty FriendsofficersandboardmembersandtheMuseum’sstrategicplan

TheimprovisationalaspectofJazzmusicledhimtohisstyleofpainting. He began with “simple paintings,” compositions ofloosely defined shapes of color on neutral backgrounds. Thisevolvedintobackgroundsofvividcolorandmoredefinedorganicshapes. Parker received his BA and MFA degrees from theUniversityofIowa.HetaughtattheUniversityofMinnesota,theUniversity of Southern California and Hunter College in NewYork. Parker’sworkshavebeenexhibitedattheMetropolitanMuseumofArt,theWhitneyMuseumofArt,theGuggenheimMuseuminNewYorkandtheWalkerArtCenterinMinneapolis.HereceivedtwoGuggenheimfellowshipsin1967and1981. TheexhibitionclosesonSunday,October8.




preparedfortheUniversity’sOfficeoftheProvostaspartoftheUniversitystrategicplanningprocess. The main focus of the review will consider suchquestions as: How well does the Museum achieve its statedmissionandgoals?HowwelldoestheMuseum’sperformancemeetstandardsandbestpracticesasgenerallyunderstoodinthemuseumfield,asappropriatetocircumstances?AndhowwelldoestheMuseumservethemissionofMarquetteUniversityand perform its role and responsibilities as a university artmuseum? Asapartofthereviewprocess,weinvitecommentson their experienceswith theHaggertyMuseumfromtheMuseumusersandthefriendswhosecontributionssupporttheMuseum. Please address anycomments toDr.CurtisCarter, director of the Haggerty Museum, PO Box 1881.E-mail:[email protected].



When a work of art enters theHaggertyMuseumofArtcollectionitsetsin motion an elaborate series of activitiesfor the Museum registrar. It’s desirable tohave as much information on the piecefromthestart,makingitpossibletoassigntemporarycollectionstatustotheworkandbindpreliminaryinsurancecoverage. Followingreceiptoftheshipmentis the inspection of the crating/packagingfor any obvious damage which, if discov-ered,isimmediatelydocumentedandpho-tographed. The work is then secured in

theHaggertyvaultforatleast24hourstoacclimateittotheMuseum’senvironment. Followingthisperiod,it’scarefullyunpacked with attention to the details ofthe package, including whether multiplepieces were packed together or any looseelements are apparent. Once unpacked,aphotoistakentodocumentthestate inwhich it arrived. At this time, a detailedcondition report is drafted on each piecenotinganyconditionconcernsorconserva-tionneeds. The next step is completion ofa standard cataloguing worksheet whichnotes such information as: artist, title,date,medium,dimension,editionnumber,frametype,supporttype,materialsusedinconstruction, a detailed written descrip-tion,provenance,donorcredits,conserva-tion requirements, previous numbers andproposedstorage/displaylocation.Theworkis thenassignedanacquisitionnumber inthepermanentcollectionledger. Once a number is assigned, thework is labeled, tagged and mounted/boxed (if necessary) for movement to its

‘permanent’ location. Research is alsoconducted on the artist, the artwork andalsoanycurrentmarkettrendsinthevalueofthepiece. This,alongwithanyformalappraisalofthework,isusedtoassignaninsurance value which is reported to theMarquetteUniversityDepartmentofRiskManagement as a Museum/Universityasset. Afileisthenassembledtoincludeall information and paperwork pertain-ingtotheobject.Thisinformation,alongwith photography and current locationis also added to an Art System databasewhichcataloguestheacquisitionandtracksany future activity surrounding thework.A letter of acknowledgement and deedof gift are then drafted and forwarded tothedonorwhoreturns thedeed forfilingin both the Museum’s donor file and theobjectfile.ThispaperworkisalsocopiedtotheUniversityAdvancementfordonorac-knowledgement.Atthispoint,donorsarealso assisted in completing taxpaperworkdocumentingthegiftasacharitablecontri-butiontotheHaggertyMuseum.

Page 3: HAGGERTY NEWS - Marquette University · In the coming months, the Haggerty Museum staff will undertake preparations for its first External Re-view which will take place on April 25

Michael Goforth, Young Milwaukee Collector, Adds to Haggerty Museum CollectionATTENTIONHAGGERTYFRIENDS! Youarenevertooyoungtobegincollectingartandsharingit through theMuseumasyour collectiongrows. Amajor sourceoftheHaggertyMuseumCollectionderivesfromgiftsofindividualdonors. Among the recent donors is Milwaukee collector MichaelGoforth. Michael, age33,whobegancollecting at age17, is theyoungestHaggertyartdonor,andat6’9”,healsostandsthetallest.

zations in1997. TheHaggertyMuseumwas among the first recipients of his artcontributions. Since his first art gift in1999,hehasdonated22worksonpaperbymajor artists includingGermanartistsMax Lieberman (1847-1935) and LovisCorinth(1858-1925). His latest,a1933drawing Figure Carrying a Bundle, ca.1940byMexicanartistDiegoRivera,wasexhibited in the 2005-2006 display ofrecentgiftsattheMuseum.OtherartistsincludedamonghisgiftsareworksbyMaxSlevogtandCarlHolty. Michael’sphilosophyofgiving istoofferartthatcomplementsotherworks

Michael Goforth

Haggerty Art AssociatesStage Cuban Celebration

The exhibition Bob Thompson: Meteor in a Black Hat was the settingfor the Haggerty Art Associatescelebration“Meteors and Mojitos” in theMuseum galleries on Saturday, February25.

Family Spring Event Featured Train and Railroad Crafts CraftsforchildrenrelatingtotrainsandrailroadswerefeaturedattheannualSpring Into Art family event sponsored by the Haggerty Museum Art Associates onSunday,March26.TheeventhighlightedtheexhibitionRailroads and the Industrial Landscape: Ted Rose Paintings and Photographs which opened on March 9 and willcontinueuntilMay29. Inadditiontothecraftssession,theeventincludedalightbrunchandsongsandstoriesforchildrenbyKristenPawlowski,ArtAssociatescommitteemember.





already in the collection of the receivinginstitution.Forexample,theMuseumalsoownsotherworksbyLieberman,Corinth,andRivera. As a collector-art consultant,Michael Goforth is in contact with artranging from the Rembrandt School ofthe 17th century to modern artists suchas Picasso and Matisse. He has recentlybecome an associate of Delind Gallerywherehehasbeenactivesince1997.(Note:Thisisthefirstinaseriesofarticlesfeaturing Haggerty Museum art donorsthatwillappearintheHaggertyMuseumnewsletterfromtimetotime).

CALENDAROFEVENTSAPRIL3/Mon. Friends of the Haggerty Museum Board Meeting, 12 noon at the Museum.12/Wed. Docent Meeting, 1:30 p.m. at the Museum.17/Mon. Closing – Bob Thompson: Meteor in a Black Hat.19/Wed. Student Fine Arts Night, 5-8 p.m. at the Museum.

MAY2/Tues. Friends of the Haggerty New Member Reception, 5-7 p.m. at the Museum. 3/Wed. Docent Meeting, 1:30 p.m. at the Museum4/Thurs. Opening –Elger Esser: Landscapes and Postcards. Opening Lecture, 6 p.m. in the Museum. Reception, 7-8 p.m.10/Wed. Docent Meeting, 1:30 p.m. at the Museum. Pius High School Art Exhibition in the Haggerty galleries, 7-9 p.m.11/Thurs Collecting Art 101, Haggerty Art Associates, 7- 8:30 p.m. at the Museum24/Wed. Docent Meeting 1:30 p.m. at the Museum29/Mon. Closing – Railroads and the American Industrial Landscape.

JUNE7/Wed. Docent Meeting, 1:30 p.m. at the Museum.8/Thurs. Opening – French Posters of Berthon, Grasset and Mucha, Milton and Paula Gutglass Collection. Gallery Talk by Dr. Milton Gutglass, 6 p.m. Reception, 7-8 p.m. in the Museum.21/Wed. Docent Meeting, 1:30 p.m. at the Museum.22/Thurs. Friends Spring Benefit Box Lunch, Tour and Lecture at the home of Linda and Barry Allen, noon - 2 p.m. Friends Spring Benefit at the home of Linda and Barry Allen, 6 p.m.

JULY10/Mon. Friends of the Haggerty Museum Board Meeting, 12 noon at the Museum.

19/Wed. Director’s Circle Annual Dinner, 6 p.m. cocktails at the Haggerty, 7:15 p.m. dinner at the Milwaukee Club20/Thurs. Opening – Ray Parker Paintings 1959-1973: Color into Drawing Opening Lecture by Caroline Parker, 6 p.m. in the Museum. Reception, 7-8 p.m.

(HisheightplaceshimaboveaverageNBAplayer’sheightat6’8”.) Michael first began making giftsto museums and other charitable organi-

Page 4: HAGGERTY NEWS - Marquette University · In the coming months, the Haggerty Museum staff will undertake preparations for its first External Re-view which will take place on April 25


Art club member Julie Wojtowicz, Kristen Beat and Tracy Hrajnohaposewith their posters inspiredby theBob Thompson: Meteor in a Black Hat exhibition. Local artists Ras Ammar Nsoroma and Ralph Heineckled painting and music workshops for elementary, middle and highschool students. Participating schools included Northwest OpportunitiesVocationalAcademy(NOVA),UrbanWaldorfSchool,InlandSeasSchoolofExpeditionaryLearning,MacDowellMontessoriSchoolandtheMilwaukeeEducationCenter.Thestudentsworkedwithbothartistscreatingpaintingsthatgrewoutoftheirphysical/emotionalresponsestoHeineck’smusic.


The jazz era in Milwaukee was in the spotlight whenHaggerty Museum galleries were transformed into a WalnutStreet Jazz Club on the weekend of February 16-19. Plannedin conjunction with the exhibition Bob Thompson: Meteor in a Black Hat, the event featured a special presentation by JohnSchneider,formerartisticdirectorofMilwaukee’sTheatreX,andperformancesbywell-knownjazzartists. Jazz: A Milwaukee History was an oral and musicalhistoryofMilwaukee’sBronzevilleneighborhoodinthemid-20thcentury. This area on Walnut Street was home to bars, musicclubsandrestaurantspatronizedbypeoplefromallcornersofthecitybeforedevelopmentofthefreewaysystemwhichbroughtthecommunitytoahalt. AjazzcomboledbyveteranjazzperformerBerkeleyFudgeaccompanied the full-scale song and dance numbers featuringnationally-knownjazzartistsAdekolaAdedapo,RobynPluerandAzeezaIslam.Theaudienceparticipatedasclubpatrons.

TEACHER’S CONVENTION LynneShumow, curator of education, conducted threeinformationalsessionsfocusingoneducationalprogramsavailableat theHaggertyMuseum,at theannual teachers’conventionoftheMilwaukeeArchdioceseonMarch24.Thethemeofthecon-ventionwas“CelebratingSpiritThroughtheArts.”


TheMequonhomeandgardensofBarryandLindaAllenwillbethesiteoftheannualSpringBenefitsponsoredbytheFriendsof the Haggerty Museum on Thursday, June 22. Their eclectic,charminghomeisanarchitecturaljewelsituatedona22-acrelakeandnaturepreserve. Ahighlightofthisyear’seventisamiddaytourandboxlunch,noonto2p.m.,featuringatalkbyBrianZimmerman,seniorlandscapearchitectatLied’sNursery,onthespecialattractionsof

MEQUON HOME AND GARDENS SITE OF SPRING BENEFITtheAllen’sgardensandlandscaping.Costis$50. Reservationsforthecocktailbuffetwhichbeginsat6p.m.are$125perperson.PatDowd,pastpresidentoftheFriendsoftheHaggertyMuseumBoard,ischairpersonoftheevent. TheAllensarelongtimesupportersofMarquetteUniversitywithaparticularfocusontheSchoolofEducationwhereLindataughtandwasinstrumentalinthefoundingofTheHartmanLiteracyandLearningCenter.

ART CLUB TenstudentsfromtheMarquetteArtClubpaintedpostersthatweredisplayedontheMarquettecampusduringthemonthsofJanuaryandFebruaryinconjunctionwiththeexhibitionBob Thompson: Meteor in a Black Hat.Thereareapproximately20ArtClubmembers. LynneShumow,curatorofeducation,servesastheclub’sadvisor.

Communityleadersingovernment,business,themediaand the arts gathered at the Haggerty Museum for the fourthannual Arts and Social Change Public Forum luncheon onTuesday,March14.TheywerewelcomedbyDr.CurtisCarter,HaggertyMuseumdirector. “BuildingaNewImageforMilwaukee”wasthethemeof the panel discussion which was moderated by James Hall,attorneywithHallLegalandmemberoftheHaggertyMuseumFriendsBoard. PanelmemberswereChrisAbele,president andCEOof the Argosy Foundation; Whitney Gould, architecture critic

for theMilwaukee Journal Sentinel;RobertRindler,presidentofMilwaukee Institute of Art and Design; and Rocky Marcoux,commissioner of the City of Milwaukee Department of CityDevelopment. ThepanelistsdefinedtheirvisionsfortheroleofartsandarchitectureinadvancinganewimageforMilwaukeeandfocusedon what collaborative steps could be taken to foster a lastingpartnership of business, government, the media and the arts increatingthisnewimageforourcity. Approximately50peopleattended.Committeememberswere Dr. Curtis Carter, Charles Mulcahy, Robert Rindler andJamesHall.

Page 5: HAGGERTY NEWS - Marquette University · In the coming months, the Haggerty Museum staff will undertake preparations for its first External Re-view which will take place on April 25

Platinum Partner ($10,000+)AnonymousEstate of Lillian BerkmanEstate of Eunice CaronEmmett J. Doerr Endowment FundMr. Donald M. EilerEstate of Erna Eckerle Mary B. Finnigan EndowmentMr. and Mrs. Marvin FishmanGreater Milwaukee FoundationMr. and Mrs. James K. HellerHeller Foundation, Inc.Estate of Nelson GoodmanDr. and Mrs. Milton Gutglass Beatrice Haggerty EndowmentMargaret E. HaggertyRichard and Ethel Herzfeld EndowmentMarquette University Women’s Council Endowment Estate of Mary MeixnerMeyer and Norma Ragir FoundationRobert P. RagirMr. Richard D. RiebelMr. Richard E. RiebelThe Rojtman FoundationMrs. David C. ScottThe David C. Scott Foundation/Greater Milwaukee FoundationEstate of Mrs. Ray Smith, Jr.Estate of Edith SommerichHon. and Mrs. David A. Straz, Jr.David A. Straz, Jr. FoundationMr. and Mrs. Murray WeissDr. Robert and Mrs. Sharon Yoerg

Diamond Partners ($5,000+)AnonymousMr. and Mrs. John J. BurkeJudy and Chas Mulcahy Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. PavlicDr. James A. Schelble Nora and Jude Werra Mr. Nathaniel Zelazo

Museum Partners ($2,500-4,999)AnonymousMrs. Robert AppleApple Family FoundationReginald BaylorMr. and Mrs. Ned BechtholdAnna Clair and George Gaspar Scott HaagEvan and Marion Helfaer FoundationMr. and Mrs. Warren J. HeyseDaniel Hoan FoundationMr. and Mrs. Theodore J. JaekelsMr. and Mrs. Jerry KostnerMr. Paul LiptonYvonne McCollowNCHM Charities Dolores and Greg Pauly Mr. and Mrs. Daniel SteiningerKate and Don Wilson

Directors Circle ($1,000-2,499)David and Carol AndersonAnonymousMr. Fred BermanPeter and Roz Bonerz Mary and James ConnellyRev. Ronald Owen CrewePat and John DowdTerry DowdMr. and Mrs. Oscar J. DrumlGinny and Pat DunphyBarbara and Don EllemanChristy and Rob FooteMr.and Mrs. Richard FridlMr. and Mrs. Robert GorskeMr. Scott HaagDr. and Mrs. Charles J. HajinianPaula and James HallDrs. Robert and Carla HayMrs. Virginia A. Horne Joan and Robert Houlehen Ms. Judith KeyesJohn and Mary KopmeierKopmeier FoundationBenedict and Lee KordusDr. and Mrs. Michael Kuhn Marianne and Sheldon LubarChristina and Thomas MonahanRosemary and John Monroe Mary Ellen and Frederick A. Muth, Jr. Mrs. Virginia QuirkTheodore RogersEleanor and Harold Schroeder Dr. and Mrs. John E. SinskyMr. Thomas J. SnyderMary Ellen and Scott StanekJo Ellen and John StollenwerkMs. Mary Joan StuessiKathleen and Frank ThometzMr. and Mrs. William M. TreulBarbara and Bob Whealon


Benefactor ($500-999)Margie and Bob BirdsellKathleen and John BradyJoan BrengelTherese and Bill BurkhartDr.* and Mrs. James E. ConleyMarlene and Tom Doerr Mary Ann and Jeff FarkasDr. and Mrs. Eugene A. GloudemanDolores and Gary HayssenDr. and Mrs. Charles HolmburgLois G. LadishMr. and Mrs. Louis Rutigliano Dr. Sanbo Sakaguchi

Patron ($250-499)Joan and Dick AbdooMr. and Mrs. Robert BonnerElaine BurkeMr. and Mrs. Michael CavaluzziMrs. John D. ConwayDr. and Mrs. John CordesMr. Frank Daily and Ms. Julianna EbertSandra Edhlund and Arthur J. Heitzer Dr. and Mrs. Leon EnglishAnn and Jon HammesMary HenkeRuss JankowskiPeggy Kelsey and Mike TeichHerb KohlMr. and Mrs. John P. McGowanMr. Ralph ResenhoeftMr. and Mrs. Dick RichardsSande RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Richard RomanoMr. and Mrs. Merlin RostadMr. and Mrs. David TolanMr. and Mrs. Charles TornerDr. and Mrs. Gerald Ziebert

Sustaining ($100-249)George and Pat AdlamKent and Dianne AndersonDr. and Mrs. Francis I. AndresMarilyn AuerDr. and Mrs. Frederick AustermannJoe and Kathy BeckerMr. and Mrs. John BeckerMark BishopGarrett and Noel BlackMr. and Mrs. Otto BonestrooBarbara BrennanDr. and Mrs. John D. BruskyDr. and Mrs. P. S. BurchillDr. and Mrs. Sheldon BurchmanMr. and Mrs. Robert DavisMrs. Sylvia DuBoisPatricia and Michael DunnMargot and John DunnMarianne H. EpsteinMike and Donna FarrellMr. John FeddersNancy and Bill GausJoan and Bill HargartenColette and William GoldammerKatherine M. GroganMr. and Mrs. Eckhart GrohmannBill and Joan HargartenMarie HouteffDr. and Mrs. Michael JaekelsThomas JostadMeg and Jeff KaschKathleen KellySue and Joel KimmelMr. and Mrs. Richard KomorowskiMary Jane KrollMrs. John T. KueselMr. and Mrs. Thomas KueselMr. and Mrs. Max KurzDr. and Mrs. Paul G. LaBissoniereMr. and Mrs. William R. LaidigMr. Bernard LevernierDiane LiebmannJim and Pat LipscombMs. Julia MaloolyJakob MarringaFloriann T. MartinDr. and Mrs. David G. MartynRose Mary and Frank MatusinecMrs. Martin McDevittMr. Thomas J. McHallePaul and Marilyn MeissnerMary A. MellowesDr. and Mrs. Anthony D. MeyerRalph MommaertsRobert and Mary MulcahyPamela and Leslie M. MumaNancy J. NoeskeMr. and Mrs. John OgdenMr. Daniel P. PulsJessica RaymakerSande RobinsonPeggy RoedelRichard RomanoTracy and Jay Rothman

Aneliese SawkinsJudy and Tom SchmidNancy and Walter SchmidtMr. Elliot SchnackenbergDaniel SilvestriSharon and Tom SmallwoodMichael SmithMr. and Mrs. Michael Switzenbaum Sheila and John TaphornDr. Howard F. Taswell and Ms. Beryl BymanBirgitta and Kenneth WaliszewskiMaureen and Bill WarmuthDr. and Mrs. Alphonse WisniewskiTheresa WoloschekCarmen WynnHerbert Zien and Elizabeth LevinsChristina and Joseph Ziino

Family ($65-99)Sue and Louis AndrewKathleen and Thomas ArenzErin and Les BlumBarbara BlusteinMary and Tim BowersMiss Mary BuergerMr. and Mrs. Glenn W. CaanDr. and Mrs. Donald ChisholmMr. and Mrs.Bernard DohertyJudy and Todd ElliottLaura and John EmoryMr. and Mrs. John EmoryAnne EpsteinStephanie ErbesCathy FinkDr. and Mrs. D.E. FitzgeraldElizabeth and Howard FrankLisa and Bill HenkMr. and Mrs. Bernard HlavacDr. and Mrs. William JanssenMr. and Mrs. David KahlerMr. and Mrs. Raymond KehmMaureen and John KellyDr. and Mrs. Leon Kendall Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. KloehnGeraldine KolackeMr. and Mrs. Ray Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. KutcheraMary Ann and Charles LaBahnJeanne and Frank LadkyMr. and Mrs. Dennis LaudonSherri and Lloyd LevinJohn LinehanMr. and Mrs. Nicholas LucasJudy and Sandy MallinMr. and Mrs. Robert C. MandelMr. and Mrs. Bela MarotiMr. and Mrs. Anthony N. MichelJohn Moulder and Joan DimowMr. and Mrs. Harold A. MilbrathMr. and Mrs. Michael NickolTrish and Tom OgnarEdward OlszewskiJessica PriceRobert Rindler and James ConnorsRuth and Warren RitterMichael and Elizabeth RuschMr. and Mrs. W.E. SchauerMr. and Mrs. Lawrence SchnuckMr. and Mrs. James Scott, Jr.John Shannon and Jan SerrRosalie and Carl SingerKatherine M. SmithJames South and Kelly WilsonMary and Joe StadtmuellerKaren and Leonard SteinLois and John StolzHerman and Ailene TuchmanMarihelen Hoppa-Willbrandt and Brian P. Willbrandt

Individual ($40-64)Rev. Richard J. AikenHope H. AndersonJohn AndrewJohn AshleyKit Smyth BasquinMs. Mary BensingPeter BentzFred BermanEleanor G. BuetschliRoy ButterMrs. Robert CallanElizabeth CasanovaMr. and Mrs. Michael P. CaseyKathleen R. CavalloSharon ChaplockPatrick CleminsDennis DarmekSusan DeWitt DavieMr. John DeinleinDr. Stephen P. DelahuntMrs. Theresa A. DrumlPatricia Zenda DuganMs. Catherine FinkJean FriedlanderDeborah and Thomas Gannon


Page 6: HAGGERTY NEWS - Marquette University · In the coming months, the Haggerty Museum staff will undertake preparations for its first External Re-view which will take place on April 25



Free admission daily Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m - 4:30 p.m., Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00 - 5:00 p.m.The Museum is located on the Marquette University campus at Clybourn and 13th Streets. It is accessible to persons with disabilities. Parking is available in the Museum’s facilities in Marquette Lot J, entered at 11th St., one block south of Wisconsin Ave., also in parking structure 1, located at 16th St., north of Wisconsin Ave. Weekend parking is available in all university lots.For more information call (414) 288 - 1669 or visit our website Newsletter Editor: Rosemary H. Cavaluzzi

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LOOKING FORWARD TO... Art and Conflict in Central Asia October19,2006–January14,2007Contemporary artists of Central Asia recreate their struggles to reclaim their cultural identity.

George J. GasparRosemary Schlitz GelmanMs. Yoko GachinasThomas GouldMs. Shirley HalloranPaula HillmanDolores HolmanCaterina Imperiale Barbara IrelandMrs. Richard G. JacobusAngela and James JodieDr. Sydney J. JohnsonSharon KayneBrian KelseyJoe KetnerGeraldine J. KolackeElizabeth KwassMarjie LatinovichWilliam R. LaidigBarbara Brown LeeRobin S. LeenhoutsJean S. LindemannMs. Diane LindenauE.O. LipchikRuth LorandMiss Shirley MarineMs. Marianna MarkowetzLainie MarshallJanet MatthewsMs. Anne McNamara

Mary A. MellowesMs. Ann MulgrewMr. Frank MurnErik and Joelle NeiderMrs. Gerry NoonanJane S. O’ConnellJudith O’Hair-ReganCarol PetersonJoanne Pier Mr. Raymond F. PiperMrs. Genevieve PrinceWilliam RoddayMr. and Mrs. David RosenzweigDorothy Nelle SandersMary Anne SchallMrs. Eugene SchumakerMrs. Andrew SelepMrs. Ira SpaniermanAmy and Matt StrongValerie L. StuckyMr. and Mrs. James UrdanPauline VavraMary Beth WaiteMarian WeinbergMichael J. WreenJoan WojtalArlene Wroblewski

CORPORATE SPONSORSAllen-Edmond Shoe Corp.Anthilia GalleryBecker Ritter Funeral HomesBurke PropertiesCanopies: Events with DistinctionCatholic KnightsCharles Catering/Red Rock CafeConnelly Interiors, Inc.Electro-Mechano, IncorporatedGrotta and Co.JacobusJuanita and DialiseMoore Oil, Inc.Northwestern Mutual FoundationPayne & Dolan, Inc. Rockwell Automatic Corporation TrustSBC FoundationSendiks on DownerStone Creek CoffeeUnderwood GalleryWisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation, Inc.

MEMBERSHIP/DONORS 2005 CONTINUED ,Kent and Dianne Anderson Anonymous (2)Monti and Cheryl BeckerPhilip Bergquist and Ingried KubitzDr. Clifford BoeckmanFrancis F. Burch, S.J.Thaddeus J. Burch, S.J.Rosella CosentinoRev. Ronald Owen CreweDr. and Mrs. Donald M. EilerMr. Timothy FlannerMr. and Mrs. Richard FridlGloria GarfinkelDr. Gary GerschkeDr. Keenan D. GrenellMr. Michael T. GoforthEstate of Beatrice M. HaggertyIhab and Sally HassanEstate of Jane K. HoelterJohn and Priscilla LerchJohn and Mary Madden Estate of Isabelle PolacheckMs. Sharon RinaldiMs. Mary Crewe RomeDr. Jack SchererMs. Barbara J. SchuhMary Ladish SelanderEstate of Martha W. SmithNancy and Robert SobczakCatherine and David A. Straz, Jr.Dr. Robert and Mrs. Sharon Yoerg

New York City Beckons Haggerty Friends Travelers TheHaggertyFriendsinviteyoutojointhemintheirnexttriptoNewYorkCitywheretheywillenjoyexclusivevisitstoprivatecollectionsandartists’studios.ThetripisscheduledforThursday,November2toSunday,November5. OrganizedbyArtHorizonsInternational,theitineraryincludesstopsinLongIslandCitytoviewtheIsamuNoguchiGardenMuseum.AtouroftheFisherLandauCenterforArtandthenewlyexpandedMorganLibrarydesignedbyrenownedarchitect Renzo Piano are also scheduled — plus a privatebehind-the-scenestourofChristies.TheexhibitionPicasso and American Art which opens on September 28 at the WhitneyMuseumofArtisalsoaspecialfeatureofthetrip. TheFriendswillstayatthehistoricParkSouthHotelon28thStreetbetweenParkAvenueSouthandLexingtonAvenue. Cost of the trip which includes round-trip air fareonMidwestAirlines,hotelandprivate tours is$1,536doubleoccupancyand$463singlesupplement. DepositdeadlineisMay1.CallAnnemarieSawkins,288-5588,attheHaggertyMuseumformoreinformation.

STAFF NEWSBrian Moore,communicationsassistant,performedin Jazz – A Milwaukee HistoryattheMuseumonFebruary16-19.Annemarie Sawkins, associate curator, received a grantfrom Étant Donnés, the French-American Endowment forContemporaryArt,tostudyinParis,June9-18.Shewasalsoa reviewer for the Midwest Association of Graduate SchoolsDistinguishedMaster’sThesisAward.