Download - HACETTEPE ONivERSiTESi, MOHENOisLiK FAKOLTESi, ANKARA ... · Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara, Turkey and University of Strathclyde, Faculty of Engineering, Glasgow,

Page 1: HACETTEPE ONivERSiTESi, MOHENOisLiK FAKOLTESi, ANKARA ... · Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara, Turkey and University of Strathclyde, Faculty of Engineering, Glasgow,



Arasmdaki Akademik i~birligi Protokolu

Karsrhkh i~birligini ve ortak anlayis: tesvik etmek ve geli~tirmek amaciyla , Hacettepe Onivers itesi, Muhendislik FakUltesi, Ankara, TLirkiye ve University of Strathclyde, Muhendislik FakUltesi, Glasgow, Bl rtes lk Krallrk a~agldaki hukumler

cerceveslnde bu protokolO kabul ederler.

l-Hacettepe Universitesi. Muhendislik Fakilltasl ve University of Strathclyde, MUhendislik Fakultasl asaqrdakl konularda ulke mevzuatlan ve olanaklanrun simrlan dahilinde i~birligi yapacaklardir.

1) Ogretim ve arastrrma elemanlartrun degi9imini iceren ortak arastrrrna cahsrnalanru tesvik etme .

2) Ogrenci degi~im programlan qelisfirrne, her iki ulkenin mevzuatma uygun olarak ve Yuksekoqretim Kurulu'nun onayi alinarak cift diploma olanaqrru saglayan programlar yapma.

3) Akademik arastrrrna verileri ve teknik materyal degi9imi yapma.

4) Yayrrn larna ve kulturel aktivitelerde i9birligi yapma.

5) Seminer, sempozyum, kongre vb. ortak akademik ve bilimsel faaliyetlerin d Ctzenlenmesi .

11- Ortak arastirma calrsrnalan kapsarrunda yapilacak degi$imler her bir Clniversitenin olanaklan ve kosullarina gore aynca planlanacak ve degi:;>im proqrarrurun usul ve esaslan taraftar arasinda imzalanacak ek protokolle belirlenecektir.

111- Yukanda tarif edilen akademik deqisirnler iki kurumun Cllke rnevzuative bOt~e

kaynaklan He smtrhdtr.

IV- I~bu protokol hicblr taraf loin finansal anlamda baqlayrc: degildir.

V- lsbu prctokolun lmzalanmasi, taraflara herhangi bir spesifik anlasrnayi kabul etme

yukumlUlOgu getirmez.

VI- lsbu protokol gergevesinde yOrOtolen ortak faaliyetler nedeni ile fikri mutklyet haklanrun soz konusu olacaq: ongorClldClgCl durumlarda, taraflar ortak projenin baslatilmasmdan once fikri mCllkiyet haklanru ek bir protokol ile dUzenler.

VII- lsbu ProtokolUn yurutulmestnde taraflann her birinin kendi hukuku uyqulanir. Tarafiar bagll olduklan mevzuat geregi kurum lei ya da kurum drsindan gereken onayi almak icin sorumludurlar.


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VIII-Bu protokol imza tarihinden sonraki bes yil lcln geger1i olacaktir. Gereken

durumlarda iki Oniversitenin yetkili temsilcilerinin ortak ve yazih rnutabakatiyla lsbu protokole ek protokoller veya protokolde degi~iklikler yaprlabllecektir.Yaptlan ek ve degi9iklikler yazil: olmadikca ve lrnzalanrnadtkca gec;:erli olrnayacaktrr. Sozlssme suresi tarafiannkarsihkl: ve yazlll rnutabakati ile 5yli daha uzatJlabilecektir.

IX- Oniversitelerde n biri protokolO sonlandrrmak isterse, bu niyetini alf ay once kars: tarafa yazll, olarak bildirecektir. Bu durumda devam etmekte olan prejeler


x- lsbu protokol Turkce ve Ingilizce dillerinde her biri esit gec;erlilige sahip ikiser orijinal kopya olarak hazirlanrrustrr.

Bu protokol her iki Oniversitenin yetkili temsilcisi tarafmdan imzalandrktan sonra

gel;erli otacaktir.

Prof. Dr. Atilla INCECiKProf. Dr. Abidin TEMEL

Dekan Vekili Dekan Vekili (ldarl)

Milhendislik Faki1ltesiMuhendislik FakUltesi

Hacettepe Oniversitesi University of Strathclyde

Glasgow, Birlesik Kralhk Ankara, Turkive Tarih : 24.06.2015Tarih: 24.06.2015

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In order to promote mutual cooperation and to extend mutual understanding,

Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara, Turkey and University of Strathclyde, Faculty of Engineering, Glasgow, United Kingdom agree to enter into a protocol on the following articles.

1- Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara, Turkey and University of Strathclyde, Faculty of Engineering, Glasgow, United Kingdom agree to cooperate on the following items, within the extent of each country's regulations and facilities.

1) Promotion of joint research works including exchange of faculty and research members.

2) Development of student exchange programs and organization of programs granting dual diplomas in conformity with the legislation of both countries upon approval from the Turkish Council of Higher Education.

3) Exchange of academic research data and technical materials.

4) Cooperation in publication activities or cultural activities.

5) Organization of joint academic and4 scientific activities such as conferences, seminars, symposiums and congresses.

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II- Exchanges done within the joint research works shall be planned separately by taking into consideration each university facilities and conditions; the rules and procedures of the exchange program shall be determined in a separate protocol between the parties.

III- The academic exchanges described above shall be limited to legislation in force in each country and to their respective budgetary resources.

IV- This protocol shall not cause any binding financial obligation for either party.

.V- Signature of this protocol shall not cause any obligation for either party to en ter

into any specific agreement relating to cooperation between two universities.

VI- In case that research results impacting upon matters of intellectual property rights are expected to arise in the course of collaborative projects within the scope of this protocol, the parties shall enter into an addition al protocol governing the conditions regarding the treatment of intellectual property rights so arising, prior to the start of the collaborative project in question.


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VII- The execution of this protocol shall be subject to the laws in force in each Parties country. The parties are responsible for obtaining the required in-house or other approvals in accordance with the legislation they are subjected to.

VIII- This protocol shall be in effect for five years following the date of signature. This protocol may be complemented or amended by the written and common consent of authorized representatives of both universities and additional protocols to this protocol. The Addenda or amendments will not be valid unless it is written and signed. The protocol may be extended for another five years by written and signed consent of the parties.

IX- Each university shall reserve the right to terminate the protocol by issuing a written notice six months in advance to the other party. In that case, on-going

projects shall complete.

x- This agreement is made in two versions, in English and Turkish, with an original copy that

has equal validity for each university.

This protocol shall become effective after signing by the authorized representatives of both universities.

Prof. Dr. Abidin TEMEL Prof. Dr. Atilla INCECIK

Dean (per pro.) Acting Executive Dean

Facuity of Engineering Faculty of Engineering

Hacettepe University

Ankara, Turkey

Date : June 24th, 2015

University of Strathclyde

Glasgow, United Kingdom

Date: June 24th, 2015

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