Download - Haber - Gold Processing Brochure

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Minerals Division


HHaabbeerr GGoolldd PPrroocceessss



Page 2: Haber - Gold Processing Brochure

he Haber Gold Process (HGPenvironmentally friendly process

classification are a number of formulationsappropriate process controls which cover a wide spectrum of ore types. These processes along with specializedover a period of 25 years and are no HGP4 represents the latest series ofextraction and recovery processelectrowinning and Merrill Crowe. telluride pretreatment solutions, lixiviants (extracting In practice, HGP4 achieves exceptionally fast particularly suited to counter current decantation circuits in a 1addition, the HGP4 recovery process works in minutes with simple equipment. The “recovery” cycle starts with the extracted pregnant gold solution “recovery processor”, the HGP4 recovery solution is in about 15-30 minutes the gold begins to participate out of solution and a filtration system is used to capture the high purity powdered gold. with micro fine gold, sulfides, and telluride and other ore types where cyanide becomes uneconomical or very inefficient. The special properties of HGP4 and operating process parameters allows the cequipment requirements to be(“Aladdin” series) to maximize the effectiveness of the HGP4 work with both high and low-grade ores. Vat leaching is a pref



(HGP) stands for a series of basic hydrometallurgical processes developed to process gold ore. Wof formulations and their various subsets along with

process controls which cover a wide spectrum of applications forThese processes along with specialized equipment have been deve

over a period of 25 years and are now ready for commercial implementation.

series of proprietary environmentally friendly, extraction and recovery processes that replace cyanide, mercury carbon towers, lectrowinning and Merrill Crowe. Additionally, HGP4 includes proprietary sulfide and

telluride pretreatment solutions, lixiviants (extracting solutions) and recovery solutions. HGP4 achieves exceptionally fast “extraction” rates making its u

particularly suited to counter current decantation circuits in a 1-4 hours overall cycle. In addition, the HGP4 recovery process works in minutes with simple equipment. The

cycle starts with the extracted pregnant gold solution being pumped into, the HGP4 recovery solution is then premixed, added and stirred,

minutes the gold begins to participate out of solution and a filtration system is used to capture the high purity powdered gold. The HGP4 systwith micro fine gold, sulfides, and telluride and other ore types where cyanide becomes uneconomical or very inefficient.

The special properties of HGP4 and operating process parameters allows the cequipment requirements to be quite modest utilizing uniquely designed equipment

to maximize the effectiveness of the HGP4 formulations whichgrade ores. Vat leaching is a preferred mode of use.



hydrometallurgical . Within this HGP

and their various subsets along with s for various

equipment have been developed implementation.

ally friendly, gold carbon towers,

proprietary sulfide and ) and recovery solutions.

rates making its use 4 hours overall cycle. In

addition, the HGP4 recovery process works in minutes with simple equipment. The gold mped into a

premixed, added and stirred, minutes the gold begins to participate out of solution and a filtration

The HGP4 system is effective with micro fine gold, sulfides, and telluride and other ore types where cyanide becomes

The special properties of HGP4 and operating process parameters allows the capital quite modest utilizing uniquely designed equipment

formulations which can erred mode of use.


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Approximately 100 tons of various types of gold ore have been successfully processed in HGP pilot tests. The authenticity of the extraction technology has also been independently verified by several respected mining engineering firms.

TThhiirrdd PPaarrttyy VVeerriiffiiccaattiioonn

� The Haber Gold Process is a novel method for processing gold ores. It offers various

advantages over other present techniques.

� The Haber Gold Process extracted gold in bulk and in significantly less time than is

possible with cyanide. Recovery rates were exceptionally good, particularly when

compared to cyanide on the ores tested.

� The Haber Gold Process does not require any exotic equipment or hardware, or pose

unusual engineering problems in the design or fabrication of a commercial plant.

� Handling requirements for the chemicals used are significantly less stringent than

those practiced for cyanide. This should simplify waste disposal.

� In the tests observed, the Haber Gold Process extracted 89% of the gold from a low-

grade ore from the Cripple Creek district of Colorado and 93% of the gold in a high-

grade ore concentrate from the Victorville area of California. In both instances, leach

time was completed in 6 hours.

AAddddiittiioonnaall TTeessttss oonn CCoonncceennttrraatteess

� Increased gold recoveries in a shorter period of time when comparing the new

lixiviant versus cyanide leaching.

� The reagent costs are similar to cyanide and with certain ore types much lower with

the HGP reagents versus the cost of conventional cyanidation. The costs with the

cyanide system were an order of magnitude greater than those with the HGP system.

� The ores responded much faster under the new lixiviant system compared to

conventional cyanidation.

� Without the use of mercury or cyanide, the concentrate in Ghana was extracted and

recovered with 99% efficiency. The extraction process took 3 hours. Recovery was

accomplished in 2 minutes.

� This new lixiviant system will work extremely well on gold bearing ores which are

microfine or that contain heavy metal concentration.

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� Test work also investigated whether or not conventional gold capturing means can be

used to recover the gold from solution.

investigated and it was determined that both systems could be used in order to

gather the gold from the leached ore.

the preferred method that works on a number of ore types in

more than the pregnant gold solution, holding tank, and stirrer


the seepage invariably causesheavy metals which regularlyresulting ore tailings are also contrast to cyanide leaching, HGP operates cleanly.

HHGGPP PPaassssee

An independent California-certified laboratory tested the HGP solution in accordance with the California Department of Health Services '96Bioassay'. In order to meet this environmental standard, 50% of aquatic organisms used in the test must survive after a 96The HGP lixiviant passed with



250 mg/L

500 mg/L

750 mg/L

nnaall TTeessttss oonn CCoonncceennttrraatteess ((ccoonntt’’dd))

Test work also investigated whether or not conventional gold capturing means can be

recover the gold from solution. Both Merrill-Crowe and carbon were

investigated and it was determined that both systems could be used in order to

r the gold from the leached ore. However, HGP has a unique recovery system,

method that works on a number of ore types in minutes with nothing

more than the pregnant gold solution, holding tank, and stirrer and filtration system.


More and more states around the world are restricting the use of cyanide in mininoperationsCyanide, aknown happens to leaka containment pond,

causes serious environmental problems. Furthermore,regularly leach during cyanide processing and from the also known to contaminate the land and water supplies

contrast to cyanide leaching, HGP operates cleanly.

eedd CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa’’ss AAqquuaattiicc TTooxxiicciittyy TTeesstt

certified laboratory tested the HGP solution in accordance California Department of Health Services '96-Hour Acute Aquatic Toxicity

Bioassay'. In order to meet this environmental standard, 50% of aquatic organisms used in the test must survive after a 96-hour exposure to a 500mg/l concentration.

passed with noteworthy results.




100% 90%

85% 100%

100% 90%

Test work also investigated whether or not conventional gold capturing means can be

Crowe and carbon were

investigated and it was determined that both systems could be used in order to

has a unique recovery system,

minutes with nothing

and filtration system.

More and more states and countries around the world are restricting the use of cyanide in mining operations. When yanide, a well

poison, happens to leak from containment pond, Furthermore, the

leach during cyanide processing and from the contaminate the land and water supplies. In

certified laboratory tested the HGP solution in accordance Hour Acute Aquatic Toxicity

Bioassay'. In order to meet this environmental standard, 50% of aquatic organisms re to a 500mg/l concentration.


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The Aquatic Toxicity Test demonstrated that the HGP is not only environmentally safer than cyanide, but furthermore, safe in accordance with government standards. In short, living creatures can harmoniously exist with the nonpoisonous HGP system.

HHGGPP DDooeess NNoott LLeeaacchh HHeeaavvyy MMeettaallss

As a second component of the bioassay test, the laboratory also examined the materials that were present in the HGP lixiviant both before and after ore was processed. As evidenced by the table comparisons below, the extraction of heavy metals (other than gold) from the treated ore was negligible. Additionally, the spent solution that was analyzed had a neutral pH (7.0).


*The bioassay results listed above are specific to the ore tested and may not be achievable with a number of other ores types.










Antimony (Sb) 7040 <2 <2

Arsenic (As) 7060 <0.01 <0.01

Barium (Ba) 7080 <2 <2

Beryllium (Be) 7090 <0.05 <0.05

Cadmium (Cd) 7130 <0.05 0.05

Chromium (Cr) 7190 4.4 0.2

Cobalt (Co) 7200 0.08 <0.05

Copper (Cu) 7210 0.6 0.1

Lead (Pb) 7420 0.2 <0.1

Mercury (Hg) 7470 0.009 0.001

Molybdenum (Mo) 7480 <0.5 <0.5

Nickel (Ni) 7520 2.3 <0.05

Selenium (Se) 7740 <0.05 <0.05

Silver (Ag) 7760 0.09 0.1

Thallium (Tl) 7840 <0.5 0.6

Vanadium (V) 7910 <0.5 <0.5

Zinc (Zn) 7950 0.3 0.1

Cyanide, (total) 9010 <0.1 <0.1

Sulfide, (total) 9030 <0.05 <0.05

Reactivity to Water Negative Negative

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HGP techniques for various ore types have already been developed and the process has shown to be more effective than cyanide on the typical gold ores listed below.

� Microfine Gold

� Oxidized Ores With Significant Heavy Metal Content

� Acidic Ores

� Some Carbonaceous Ores

� Concentrates

� Sulfide ores

� Telluride ores

HGP has also been effective on limestone and hematitic ores and can be used to extract gold from the tailings left by cyanide operations. Due to compositional variances from one type of ore to another however, it is essential that a laboratory study be performed by Haber in each case in order to determine the optimal processing strategy.

Pretreatment When dealing with certain refractory ores (such as sulfide and telluride ores) using Haber’s pretreatment on the head ore or concentrate may be employed in order to make overall processing more economical. Also, as a general rule, if it is possible to concentrate an ore before processing - so that less 'waste' is introduced into the system - processing becomes more economical. This is because the chemical volumes needed to wet the concentrated gold ore are reduced.

CCoommppeettiittiivvee LLiixxiivviiaanntt CCoosstt Although the chemical costs per ounce of gold extracted with HGP will vary with optimization techniques, they are generally similar to and can even be less than those for cyanidation. In one independent study the cost per ton of concentrate was approximately $60.00 with the cyanide method while the HGP reagent suite cost less than $8.00. (This result is only indicative of the relative difference achievable with a specific concentrate.)

HHGGPP OOppttiimmiizzaattiioonn

The optimization of HGP in particular cases varies according to ore type. Techniques for a variety of ore types have already been developed. It is generally advisable to conduct a laboratory study in order to enhance the economics of any system overall. In most cases, HGP will recover more gold, and in less time, than cyanide. which translates into higher revenues and profits?

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HHaabbeerr PPrroocceessssiinngg EEqquuiippmmeenntt

SScchheemmaattiicc ooff BBaassiicc AAllaaddddiinn MMaacchhiinnee PPrroocceessss FFuunnccttiioonnss

HHGGPP44 GGoolldd RReeccoovveerryy PPrroocceessss RReessuullttss

Recent Selected Test Results of Various Ore Types

(The data represented below only indicate the laboratory results of specific ores submitted for testing. There is no representation that other ores from the same region will have similar results.)

Country of Origin USA

State: California

Type of Ore Oxide

Ore assay value 8-10 g/t Au

Type Head ore

Test results: Extracted 99% Gold using green chemistry in approx. 30 minutes. Gold recovery 99.5% using green chemistry in approx. 30 minutes. Gold purity 98%

HGP4 Process CASE 1 Gold Extraction and Recovery

Country of origin: State:

USA Alaska

Type of Ore Sulfide ore

% Sulfur 15-20% approx.

Ore assay value: 1.37g/t Au

Type Concentrate

Test results: Extracted 99% Gold using green chemistry in approx. 2.5 hours including sulfur reduction. Gold recovery 99.5% using green chemistry in approx. 30 minutes. Gold purity 98%.

HGP4 Process PACE rev.1 Sulfur reduction, Gold Extraction and Recovery

Aladdin 1/2T

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Country of Origin Suriname Type of Ore Sulfide ore

% Sulfur 20-30% approx.

Ore assay value: 3.36g/t Au

Type Head ore

Test results: Extracted 99% Gold using green chemistry in approx. 3 hours including sulfur reduction. Gold recovery 99.5% using green chemistry in approx. 15-30 minutes. Gold purity 98%

HGP4 Process PACE rev.3 Sulfur reduction, Extraction and Recovery-Gold from ore

Country of Origin Ghana

Type of Ore Oxide

Ore assay value: 11 oz/t Au

Type Concentrate

Test results: Extracted 99% Gold using green chemistry in approx. 50 minutes. Gold recovery 99.5% using green chemistry in approx. 30 minutes. Gold purity 98%.

HGP4 Process CASE rev.2 Gold Extraction and Recovery

Country of origin Type of Ore

Peru Oxide

Ore assay value 6.8 oz/t Au

Type Head ore

Test results: Extracted 99% Gold using green chemistry in approx. 25 minutes. Gold recovery 99.5% using green chemistry in approx. 30 minutes. Gold purity 98%.

HGP4 Process CASE 1 Gold Extraction and Recovery

Country of Origin


Type of Ore Sulfide ore-Telluride

% Sulfur 40-50% approx

Ore assay value 47 g/t Au

Type Concentrate

Test results: Extracted 98% Gold using green chemistry in approx. 2.5 hours including sulfur

reduction. Gold recovery 99.5% using green chemistry in approx. 40 minutes. Gold purity 98%

HGP4 Process PACE rev.5 Sulfur reduction, Gold Extraction and Recovery

Country of Origin Mexico

Type of Ore Oxide

Ore assay value 15 g/t Au

Type Head ore

Test results: Extracted 99% Gold using green chemistry in approx. 45 minutes . Gold recovery 99.5% using green chemistry in approx. 30 minutes. Gold purity 98%

HGP4 Process CASE 1 Gold Extraction and Recovery

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Extraction Rate High Variable to low

Extraction Time 1 - 4 hours 24 - 72 hours (typical)

Capital Equipment Simple More costly

Chemical Cost Generally comparable Greater cost per ounce of AU

Water Requirements Less - thick slurry Greater - needed for fast agitation

Grinding Requirements

80 - 120 mesh 200+ mesh

Spent Solution Minimal treatment, if any Costly - cyanide neutralization

Reclamation Costs Lower - less stringent Costly - poison control

Environmental Effects Friendly Hazardous


HHaabbeerr’’ss BBuussiinneessss MMooddeell

Haber does not sell equipment or chemical formulations directly to users. Rather, the company only works through joint ventures or licensing agreements. In any business arrangement, Haber is totally responsible for all ore processing. No project is too small or large for consideration, and all agreement terms are project specific. The deciding factor in any business arrangement is whether HGP – as opposed to alternative processing methods – is able to deliver more profits and other benefits to the venture participants.

Ore Testing Policy and Procedure Haber Inc. tests ore samples for parties who -- in good faith -- are interested in exploring the possibility of a business relationship with company. These tests are used to evaluate ore for compatibility with Haber processes. Testing costs $100.00 per ore sample, and is used to determine extraction speeds, recovery efficiency. Expenses also cover material assays from both before and after extraction. Results for a sample are generally available 2 to 4 weeks from when it initially arrives at the laboratory. In order to have samples laboratory tested, interested individuals must first submit a ‘Confidential Request for Ore Testing’ form (available for download on the Haber website: The information provided in this form allows Haber to make a preliminary determination about the ore in question. Provided that initial criteria are satisfied, Haber sends notification indicating that the company agrees to test the material, and also provides a shipment identification code. Any approved party interested in following through with the testing procedure will then need to send Haber approximately 3 lbs of each characteristic sample (ground to 80-100 mesh) accompanied by an assay report. Samples must be clearly identified, contain the sender’s contact information, a check made payable to Haber Inc. ($100.00 times the number of samples submitted) and should be sent to: Haber Inc, 58 Medford Street, Arlington, MA 02474

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STRATEGIC ABATEMENT OF MERCURY AND POVERTY (STAMP) In order to address the mercury problem extensive within the worldwide gold mining industry, Haber has developed the Strategic Abatement of Mercury and Poverty (STAMP) program. This program is designed to induce artisanal and all mercury mining users to adopt Haber’s environmentally friendly, highly efficient mining technologies.

TTrraaddiittiioonnaall MMeerrccuurryy AAmmaallggaammaattiioonn One of the simplest and most widely utilized methods for obtaining gold from ore relies on mercury as the extracting medium. When liquid mercury is poured over gold concentrate that contains free gold, the gold and other contaminating metals are absorbed and an amalgam is formed. The amalgam is then heated in order to remove the mercury, leaving a residue of gold and possibly other metals. Finally, the residue -- with its impurities -- is weighed by gold dealers who in turn estimate its value and purchase at a discount. Unfortunately, mercury is a highly toxic substance. Because the indigent in third world countries have few choices when confronted with the constant struggle to eke out a meager subsistence however, when there is an opportunity to mine gold, they are typically left with no options but to disregard associated dangers. Escaping mercury vapors, as well as mercury residues in tailings, routinely destroy the health of these miners and their families. Furthermore, mercury contamination delivers serious negative effects upon regional wildlife and the food chain.

SSTTAAMMPP PPrrooggrraamm DDeettaaiillss The STAMP program is designed to provide a wholesome alternative to the 20-40 million small scale miners worldwide currently using mercury to recover gold from ore. STAMP looks to establish regional plants in areas where small scale mines are located, and then proposes to buy gold concentrates for more money than what the local miners would receive if they used mercury to process the materials themselves. Although the Haber technology is an environmentally friendly alternative to the use of mercury, this is not sufficient enticement to miners struggling to survive. Generally, it is only a technology offering favorable economics that can prompt the miners to move away from a reliance on mercury.

The efficiency of mercury recovery is 33% to 65%. The efficiency of HGP recovery is 90% to 99.5%.

The large efficiency differential between mercury and HGP allows Haber to pay miners more for their material and still make a profit while helping to eliminate the use of toxic mercury.

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Haber, Inc.

Albert Conti, Chief Executive Officer 58 Medford Street Arlington, MA 02474

This information is not to be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities. All information in this

presentation is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Haber does not warrant or assume any legal

liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information disclosed.


781.643.2727 781.643.6164 [email protected]

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