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  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


    White Paper


    This white paper explains how to set up two xPlore instances for load balancing on

    two clean host machines. This paper is organized in a set of steps that needs to be

    followed in sequence.

    November 2012



  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

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    Part Number h11213

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      3xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  


    This white paper is intended for EMC customers, partners, internal developers andengineers. It is organized in a set of steps that are easy to follow. Whenever required,a reference to other published guide is provided in order to avoid the duplication ofinformation. 

    Active Active setup Details

    As mentioned in the xPlore Installation Guide, If you require xPlore high availability,you will typically also require high availability for your

    Content Server. Therefore, you should coordinate your Content Server and xPlore highavailability deployments. Although many Content Server and xPlore high availabilityconfigurations are possible, a single repository served by two Content Servers istypical and can be used as a building block for more complex deployments. See theEMC Documentum Content Server Enterprise Edition Installation Guide for moreinformation about the different high-availability deployments and installationinstructions for Content Server.


    IndexingIndexing Single Content Server or

    Content Servers with sharing


    Index Agent 1 Index Agent 2

    Index Server1 Index Server2



    HOST C



    IndexingIndexing Single Content Server or

    Content Servers with sharing




    Index Server1 Index Server 2



    HOST C


  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      4xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    A.  The following describes the steps to install and configure xPlore High Availability inactive-active mode as per the following diagram:



    Single Content Server

    Index Agent 1 Index Agent 2

    Index Server1 Index Server2



    HOST C


    The following steps must be strictly followed in the listed sequence:1.  Install Content Server D7 and configure one repository on host C. Please refer to EMC

    Documentum Content Server Enterprise Edition Installation Guide D7 for various otherhigh-availability deployments and installation instructions for Content Server.

    2.  Install and configure Load Balancer. For the purpose of this white paper the testing isdone with Cisco Load Balancer namely ACE 4710 Device Manager A3(2.0) .

    3.  Install and configure the first xPlore primary instance and index agent on host A. Pleaserefer to EMC Documentum xPlore Installation Guide. Stop the index agent if it is started.

    4.  On Content Server host C, execute the following dmbasic script located at%DM_HOME%\install\admin to update full-text index related objects in the repository:

    dmbasic -f create_fulltext_objects_ha.ebs -eHAPreInstallStep  -- repository superuserpassword

    Note: eHAPreInstallStep is a single word and does not contain space. Also -- is a doubledash and not –.

    5.  Install and configure the second xPlore primary instances and index agent on host B.And stop the index agent if it is started.

    6.  On Content Server host C, execute the following dmbasic script located at%DM_HOME%\install\admin to update full-text index related objects in the repository:

    Dmbasic -f create_fulltext_objects_ha.ebs -eHAPostInstallStep  

    -- repository superuserpassword

    7.  Restart Content Server.

    Execute following queries to validate dm_fulltext_index, dm_ftengine_config anddm_ftindex_agent_config objects are updated correctly.

    API > ?, c, sel ect r _obj ect _i d, i ndex_name, f t _engi ne_i d, i s_st andby f r omdm_f ul l t ext _i ndex 

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      6xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    dsear ch_qrserver _host

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 5]


    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000d01

    API >get , c, l , param_name[3]dsear ch_qr ser ver _por t

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 3]

    API >get , c, l , param_name[5]

    dsear ch_qrserver _host

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 5]


    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000cd8

    For 1.2

    API >get , c, l , param_name[3]

    dsear ch_qr ser ver _por t

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 3]

    API >get , c, l , param_name[4]

    dsear ch_qrserver _host

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 4]


    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000d01

    API >get , c, l , param_name[3]

    dsear ch_qr ser ver _por t

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 3]

    API >get , c, l , param_name[4]

    dsear ch_qrserver _host

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 4]

    API >save, c, l

    11. Following step is only for xplore 1.2:

    Add parameter dsearch_config_host and dsearch_config_port for both thedm_ftengine_config

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      7xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000d01

    i api >append, c, l , par am_name

    set>dsear ch_conf i g_host

    i api >append, c, l , param_val ue

    set >

    i api >append, c, l , par am_nameset>dsear ch_conf i g_por t

    i api >append, c, l , param_val ue

    set >

    save, c, l

    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000cd8

    i api >append, c, l , par am_name

    set>dsear ch_conf i g_host

    i api >append, c, l , par am_val ue

    set >

    i api >append, c, l , par am_name

    set>dsear ch_conf i g_por t

    i api >append, c, l , par am_val ue

    set >

    save, c, l

    12. The flag load_balancer_enabled need to be set up to true for both thedm_ftengine_config object.API> ?,c,select r_object_id,object_name from dm_ftengine_config  

    r _obj ect _i d obj ect _name- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    0812d68780000cd8 DSearch Ful l t ext Engi ne Conf i gur at i on 00

    0812d68780000d01 DSearch Ful l t ext Engi ne Conf i gur at i onAPI >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000cd8

    API >append, c, l , par am_nameSET>l oad_bal ancer _enabl edAPI >append, c, l , param_val ueSET>t r ueAPI >save, c, l

    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000d01

    API >append, c, l , par am_nameSET>l oad_bal ancer _enabl edAPI >append, c, l , param_val ueSET>t r ueAPI >save, c, l

    13. Restart the Content Servers to apply the new settings of the dm_ftengine_configobjects.

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      8xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    14. Make sure that both the xPlore instances are up and running.

    Testing the setup

    Following testing is performed on the single content server. 

    Two types of testing can be performed in this setup.  Load Balancer is set to balance the load in Round Robin without weights.  Load Balancer is set to balance the load in Round Robin with the weights.

    A.  Round Robin without weights

    Testing the Load Balance

    In this case the requests should be distributed to both the xPlore Instances equally.The test setup had two xPlore Instances configured on and will test that load balancer has forwarded the request to xPlore Instance equallyby executing the following queries in sequence from iapi. If the first query was

    forwarded to first host, then second query should be forwarded to second Host.Following two queries are executed in succession.

    API > ?, c, SELECT r _obj ect _i d FROM dm_sysobj ect SEARCH DOCUMENT CONTAI NS' 121212121212121'

    r _obj ect_i d

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ( 0 r ows af f ect ed)

    API >

    API > ?, c, SELECT r _obj ect _i d FROM dm_sysobj ect SEARCH DOCUMENT CONTAI NS' 11414141414141411'

    r _obj ect_i d

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ( 0 r ows af f ect ed)

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      9xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

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      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    Observe that in the below screen first query is directed to xPlore instance at10.8.79.198.

    In the following screen observe that the second query is directed to xPlore instance at10.8.79.197.

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      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    Testing the failover

    1.  We will test the failover by stopping the each xPlore instance by turn. Do not stopthe instance from admin console as in that case it will not stop the appserver.Stop the first xPlore Instance from services or from console. Make sure that xPloreservices have been stopped.

    2.  In this setup with the xPlore instance is down at and running at10.8.79.198. xPlore instance at is named as PrimaryDsearch1 andxPlore instance at is named as PrimaryDsearch2.

    3.  Send a number of queries from the iapi at Content Server Host as shown in thefollowing screen.

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      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

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      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    4.  Check the dsearch log in the admin console to make sure that all the requests arebeing sent to the running server ie PrimaryDsearch2. 

    All the queries are redirected and executed at The following section ispart of the Dsearch log at on which instance named PrimaryDsearch2 isrunning.

    a)   2012- 09- 17 19: 52: 51, 640 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 2]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i mar yDsear ch2$41c7dee2- e848- 4a7c- b8f b-1ee239cccce9, quer y- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl ar e opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner_ name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _d

    omai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 1515151515151' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    b)   2012- 09- 17 19: 53: 13, 999 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 3]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i mar yDsear ch2$36c2e7c1- f 040- 4ca0- 9943-

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    85962e63c258, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner_ name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (

    ( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 1616161616161' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    c)   2012- 09- 17 19: 53: 34, 390 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 3]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i mar yDsear ch2$f cec4cc1- 4195- 497b- 9b06-356207a322d4, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner_ name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i n

    col l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 171717177117171' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    B.  Round Robin with weights

    Testing the Load Balance

    The weight for host is set to 100 and for is set to 1. All therequests are directed to xPlore Instances at Below is the screen shotshowing the query executed. Starting from 1 to 12. Notice the all the queries executed

    in the section of log.

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    Total of 13 queries executed as shown in the preceding screen. Here is the sampleoutput from the log.

    1.   2012- 09- 27 17: 43: 26, 751 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 6]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsear ch1$cf 9b26f 6- 9771- 453d- b35a-beaccdb4c3ef , query- l ocal e=en, quer y- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ ac

    l _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 111111' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    2.   2012- 09- 27 17: 43: 34, 548 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 6]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsear ch1$e6d24559- 8e57- 4bad- bf bd-

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    f 39cc4218428, query- l ocal e=en, quer y- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i n

    col l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 222222' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    3.   2012- 09- 27 17: 43: 39, 923 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 3]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsear ch1$704a2cee- 9f cd- 437d- 91f d-9690781f d945, query- l ocal e=en, quer y- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues

    ' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 33333' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    4.   2012- 09- 27 17: 43: 46, 188 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 3]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsear ch1$5d670813- d80f - 4421- b3bc-b28658606b9c, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-

    f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 4444444' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    5.   2012- 09- 27 17: 43: 52, 735 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 6]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsearch1$f d1a4dca- f 51e- 4b64- 87ef -96c7c97cf 15b, query- l ocal e=en, quer y- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass

    ' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    ( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 55555555' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    6.   2012- 09- 27 17: 43: 57, 938 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 6]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -QueryI D=Pr i mar yDsear ch1$d6960a52- 04ce- 4319- b661-202b4e58450a, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass

    ' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 66666666' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    7.   2012- 09- 27 17: 44: 00, 969 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 6]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsear ch1$9a975a77- f 0b0- 402c- 95ae-

    344e305f 108d, query- l ocal e=en, quer y- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 66666666' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    8.   2012- 09- 27 17: 44: 08, 844 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 3]

    c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -QueryI D=Pr i mar yDsear ch1$30ae2856- 9068- 45ee- 879d-d8a3ddf e7c9c, query- l ocal e=en, quer y- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 7777777777' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    9.   2012- 09- 27 17: 44: 14, 532 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 3]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsearch1$f ccf 0670- ec2c- 4d0f - 91c9-dad610f 83956, query- l ocal e=en, quer y- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' 88888888' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    10.   2012- 09- 27 17: 44: 19, 798 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 6]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsear ch1$442287f 0- b57d- 4c4c- 8a94-625e476d28a4, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve.I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y-f ul l t ext - cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs-val ues' dmf t metadata/ / owner_name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (

    ( ( ( ' 99999999' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    And so on. . . al l t he quer i es execut ed on Pr i mar yDsear ch1.

    Testing the Failover is down by stopping the primarydsearch1 service from services.

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      1xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    Executed the queries as below:

    Check the logs at xPlore Instance running at host All the queries areexecuted at host at as was down.

    1.   2012- 09- 27 18: 05: 59, 296 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 3]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -QueryI D=Pr i maryDsear ch2$63f 10df 3- f 898- 46f f - 8cc5-ac3b7696f aad, quer y- l ocal e=en, quer y- st r i ng=decl ar e opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass

    ' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _ domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' aaaaa1' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) …

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    2.   2012- 09- 27 18: 06: 03, 124 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 8]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsear ch2$0f 84be91- a472- 4b39- 8b4a-2971e67585d7, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues

    ' dmf t met adat a/ / owner _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _ domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' aaaaa2' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) …

    3.   2012- 09- 27 18: 06: 06, 640 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 8]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -QueryI D=Pr i mar yDsearch2$75952d28- 3144- 4d7c- bbe9-249272935a66, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -

    cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _ domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' aaaaa3' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) …


  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    Now is down by stopping the primarydsearch2 service from services.


  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    Execute the queries as below:

    Check the logs at xPlore Instance running at host All the queries areexecuted at host at as was down.

    1.   2012- 10- 06 11: 50: 21, 141 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 2]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i mar yDsear ch1$712f acc7- 59b6- 405c- 970f -84c971b6cd32, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner_ name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) …

    2.   2012- 10- 06 11: 50: 23, 110 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 2]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i mar yDsear ch1$e566d4be- f cb8- 47bc- b32e-174b238543f 5, quer y- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl ar e opt i on

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    xhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (

    ( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    3.   2012- 10- 06 11: 50: 25, 016 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 2]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsearch1$f 32d2aac- cce6- 4a7f - 9d0c-17d9006d381b, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner_ name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i ncol l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (

    ( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) …

    4.   2012- 10- 06 11: 50: 27, 579 I NFO [ ht t p- 0. 0. 0. 0- 9300- 2]c. e. d. c. f ul l t ext . i ndexser ver . sear ch. Sear chSer ver -Quer yI D=Pr i maryDsearch1$ef 8c7d2e- 033a- 4f 40- bf 02-893e86285ade, query- l ocal e=en, query- st r i ng=decl are opt i onxhi ve: f t s- anal yzer - cl ass' com. emc. document um. cor e. f ul l t ext. i ndexser ver . cor e. i ndex. xhi ve. I ndexSer ver Anal yzer ' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i gnor e- empt y- f ul l t ext -cl auses ' t r ue' ; decl ar e opt i on xhi ve: i ndex- pat hs- val ues' dmf t met adat a/ / owner_ name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _name, dmf t secur i t y/ acl _domai n, / dmf t i nt er nal / r _obj ect_i d' ; f or $i scor e $s i n

    col l ecti on( ' / r epo3/ dsear ch/ Dat a' ) / dmf t doc[( (( dmf t i nt er nal / i _al l _t ypes = ' 0312d68780000105' ) ) and (( dmf t ver si ons/ i scur r ent = ' t r ue' ) ) ) and ( ( . f t cont ai ns (( ( ( ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX4' ) wi t h st emmi ng) ) . . .

    And so on. 

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    B.  The following describes the steps to install and configure xPlore High Availability inactive-active mode as per the following diagram:



    Single Content Server 



    Index Server1 Index Server 2Load-Balancer 


    HOST C


    1.  Install Content Server D7 and configure one repository on host C. Please refer to EMCDocumentum Content Server Enterprise Edition Installation Guide D7 for various otherhigh-availability deployments and installation instructions for Content Server.

    2.  Install and configure Load Balancer. For the purpose of this white paper the testing isdone with Cisco Load Balancer namely ACE 4710 Device Manager A3(2.0) .

    3.  Install and configure the first xPlore primary instance on HOST A. Install first primaryindex agent on the content server HOST C. Please refer to EMC Documentum xPloreVersion Installation Guide. Stop the index agent if it is started.

    4.  On Content Server host C, execute the following dmbasic script located at%DM_HOME%\install\admin to update full-text index related objects in the repository:

    dmbasic -f create_fulltext_objects_ha.ebs -eHAPreInstallStep  

    -- repository superuserpassword

    Note: eHAPreInstallStep is a single word and does not contain space. Also -- is a doubledash and not –.

    5.  Install and configure the second xPlore primary instances on HOST B. Install secondprimary index agent on the content server HOST C. Please refer to EMC DocumentumxPlore Version Installation Guide. Stop the index agent if it is started.

    6.  On Content Server host C, execute the following dmbasic script located at%DM_HOME%\install\admin to update full-text index related objects in the repository:

    Dmbasic -f create_fulltext_objects_ha.ebs -eHAPostInstallStep  

    -- repository superuserpassword

    7.  Restart Content Server.

    Execute following queries to validate dm_fulltext_index, dm_ftengine_config anddm_ftindex_agent_config objects are updated correctly.

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    API > ?, c, sel ect r _obj ect _i d, i ndex_name, f t _engi ne_i d, i s_st andby f r omdm_f ul l t ext _i ndex 

    r _obj ect _i d i ndex_name f t _engi ne_i d i s_st andby

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    3b12d68780000100 r epo3_f t i ndex_00 0812d68780000cd8 0

    3b12d68780000500 r epo3_f t i ndex_01 0812d68780000d01 1

    ( 2 r ows af f ect ed)

    API > ?, c, sel ect r _obj ect _i d, obj ect _name f r om dm_f t engi ne_conf i g 

    r _obj ect _i d obj ect _name

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    0812d68780000cd8 DSearch Ful l t ext Engi ne Conf i gur at i on 00

    0812d68780000d01D Search Ful l t ext Engi ne Conf i gur at i on

    ( 2 r ows af f ect ed)

    API > ?, c, sel ect r _obj ect _i d, obj ect _name, i ndex_name f r omdm_f t i ndex_agent _conf i g 

    r _obj ect_i d obj ect _name i ndex_name

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    0812d68780000cda cs4- l b- m1_9500_I ndexAgent dm_f ul l t ext _i ndex_user

    0812d68780000d9a cs4- l b- m2_9700_I ndexAgent dm_f ul l t ext_i ndex_user

    ( 2 r ows af f ect ed)

    8.  Start the indexing on both xPlore instances.

    9.  Confirm the following URL will return “True” on both xPlore instances if both instancesare up: http://hostname:portnumber/dsearch/?action=CheckSearchable

    10. Update dsearch_qrserver_host and dsearch_qrserver_port values of dm_ftengine_configobject in the repository with the VIP (Virtual IP) and the port used by the load balancerfor the xPlore HA deployment. Both query plug-in point to the same load balancer IPaddress and port.

    API > ?, c, sel ect r _obj ect _i d, obj ect _name f r om dm_f t engi ne_conf i g

    r _obj ect _i d obj ect _name

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    0812d68780000cd8 DSearch Ful l t ext Engi ne Conf i gur at i on 00

    0812d68780000d01 DSearch Ful l t ext Engi ne Conf i gur at i on

    ( 2 r ows af f ect ed)

    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000cd8

    FOR 1.3

    API >get , c, l , param_name[3]

    dsear ch_qrserver _host

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 3]

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    API >get , c, l , param_name[5]

    dsear ch_qr ser ver _por t

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 5]


    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000d01API >get , c, l , param_name[3]

    dsear ch_qrserver _host

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 3]

    API >get , c, l , param_name[5]

    dsear ch_qr ser ver _por t

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 5]


    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000cd8

    For 1.2

    API >get , c, l , param_name[3]

    dsear ch_qr ser ver _por t

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 3]

    API >get , c, l , param_name[4]

    dsear ch_qrserver _host

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 4]


    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000d01

    API >get , c, l , param_name[3]

    dsear ch_qr ser ver _por t

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 3]

    API >get , c, l , param_name[4]

    dsear ch_qrserver _host

    API >set , c, l , par am_val ue[ 4]


  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    11. The following step is relevant only for xPlore 1.2:

    Add paramenter dsearch_config_host and dsearch_config_port for both thedm_ftengine_config

    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000d01

    i api >append, c, l , par am_name

    set>dsear ch_conf i g_hosti api >append, c, l , param_val ue

    set >

    i api >append, c, l , par am_name

    set>dsear ch_conf i g_por t

    i api >append, c, l , param_val ue

    set >

    save, c, l

    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000cd8

    i api >append, c, l , par am_name

    set>dsear ch_conf i g_host

    i api >append, c, l , par am_val ue

    set >

    i api >append, c, l , par am_name

    set>dsear ch_conf i g_por t

    i api >append, c, l , par am_val ue

    set >

    save, c, l  

    12. The flag load_balancer_enabled need to be set up to true for both thedm_ftengine_config object.API> ?,c,select r_object_id,object_name from dm_ftengine_config

    r _obj ect _i d obj ect _name

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    0812d68780000cd8 DSearch Ful l t ext Engi ne Conf i gur at i on 00

    0812d68780000d01 DSearch Ful l t ext Engi ne Conf i gur at i onAPI >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000cd8

    API >append, c, l , par am_nameSET>l oad_bal ancer _enabl edAPI >append, c, l , param_val ueSET>t r ueAPI >save, c, l

    API >f et ch, c, 0812d68780000d01

    API >append, c, l , par am_nameSET>l oad_bal ancer _enabl edAPI >append, c, l , param_val ue

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    SET>t r ueAPI >save, c, l

    13. Restart the Content Servers to apply the new settings of the dm_ftengine_configobjects.

    14. Make sure that both the xPlore instances are up and running.

    Testing the setup

    Following testing is performed on the single content server with index agents installedon Content Server machine. 

    Testing the Load Balance

    1)  Start both the Index instances. In this test the index instances are installed at

    and They are called PrimaryDsearch1 and PrimaryDsearch2 respectively. The

    weights in the LB are set to 100 for and 1 for

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      2xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

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      3xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    2)  Start both the index agents installed on the same host as Content Server. In thistest it is

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      3xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      3xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    3)  Execute following queries using iapi at Content Server host.

    4) The following section from the Dsearch log shows that all the preceding queries ran atPrimaryDsearch1 running at when both the index instances ie PrimaryDsearch1 andPrimaryDsearch2 are up and running. That means all the requests are being directed to only one

    instance to which the weight is set to 100 in the load balancer.

    a)  2012-10-06 21:09:42,469 INFO [http-] -QueryID=PrimaryDsearch1$0f4ab398-1caa-4d3a-a63b-b65950611d42,query-locale=en,query-string=declare option xhive:fts-analyzer-class'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id';for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types =

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      3xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    '0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains ( ((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXa')with stemming)) ...

    b)  2012-10-06 21:09:49,173 INFO [http-] -QueryID=PrimaryDsearch1$c020c8b2-328c-429a-82d6-bd49ec0c0043,query-locale=en,query-string=declare option xhive:fts-analyzer-class'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id';for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types ='0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains ( ((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXb')with stemming)) …

    c)  2012-10-06 21:09:53,110 INFO [http-] -QueryID=PrimaryDsearch1$696efab6-4cc9-4d16-bcab-110cbc3a5e9e,query-locale=en,query-string=declareoption xhive:fts-analyzer-class'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id';for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types ='0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains ( ((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXc')with stemming)) …

    d)  2012-10-06 21:09:57,579 INFO [http-] -

    QueryID=PrimaryDsearch1$ae5e8485-693f-4dd4-99ea-3b739edea62e,query-locale=en,query-string=declare option xhive:fts-analyzer-class'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id';for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types ='0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains ( ((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXd')with stemming)) …

    Testing the failover

    1)  Stop the xPlore instance running on as shown in the following screen.

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      3xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      3xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    2)  xPlore instance running at should be running as follows.

  • 8/9/2019 h11213 Xplore Active Active Setup With Loadbalancer Wp


      3xPlore 1.2 and xPlore 1.3 High Availability in an

    Active-Active Setup with Load Balancer  

    3)  Make sure both index agents on the Content Server host are also running.

    4)  Execute the following queries using iapi at the Content Server host.

    Confirm the failover. Check the dsearch logs at the running xPlore instances namelyPrimaryDsearch2 at All the queries must have run on this instance.

    a)  2012-10-06 22:10:04,968 INFO [http-] -QueryID=PrimaryDsearch2$7572aa68-2a81-410c-814f-c9685d2a2a39,query-locale=en,query-string=declare option xhive:fts-analyzer-class'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id'; for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types ='0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains (((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXP') with stemming)) …

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    b)  2012-10-06 22:10:12,312 INFO [http-] -QueryID=PrimaryDsearch2$c4059e93-1101-4d8f-8295-fd617069874a,query-locale=en,query-string=declare option xhive:fts-analyzer-class'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id'; for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types ='0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains (((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXQ') with stemming)) …

    c)  2012-10-06 22:10:16,468 INFO [http-] -QueryID=PrimaryDsearch2$56e7a6a6-450d-4ba4-99fd-81a997d3cf00,query-locale=en,query-string=declare option xhive:fts-analyzer-class'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id'; for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types ='0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains (((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXR') with stemming)) …

    d)  2012-10-06 22:10:21,327 INFO [http-] -QueryID=PrimaryDsearch2$81d2f06f-4439-4d73-8354-7a8c4cc3634d,query-locale=en,query-string=declare option xhive:fts-analyzer-class

    'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id'; for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types ='0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains (((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXS') with stemming)) …

    e)  2012-10-06 22:10:25,202 INFO [http-] -QueryID=PrimaryDsearch2$7f39f36f-35ab-4a26-8167-d14f971cfdcc,query-locale=en,query-string=declare option xhive:fts-analyzer-class'com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.index.xhive.IndexServerAnalyzer'; declare optionxhive:ignore-empty-fulltext-clauses 'true'; declare option xhive:index-paths-values'dmftmetadata//owner_name,dmftsecurity/acl_name,dmftsecurity/acl_domain,/dmftinternal/r_object_id'; for $i score $s in collection('/repo3/dsearch/Data') /dmftdoc[( ( (dmftinternal/i_all_types =

    '0312d68780000105') ) and ( (dmftversions/iscurrent = 'true') ) ) and ( (. ftcontains (((('XXXXXXXXXXXXXT') with stemming)) …


    This concludes this White paper.


    xPlore 1.2 and 1.3 Install guide.


    "All information included in this document is provided "as-is" and does not guaranteeEMC's support or approval. Please consult the official product documentation or theProduct Support team regarding any questions of supportability."