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Page 1: Gus and Grandpa  and the Two-Wheeled Bike

Gus and Grandpa and the Two-Wheeled


*Robust Vocabulary*

Created By: Agatha LeeJuly 2008

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Rickety means an object is old and shaky.

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The girl road on an old, rickety train.

The student sat at a rickety desk.

Is something new likely to be rickety?


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* Is it safe to standon a rickety ladder?

Why or why not?

* Would you rather sit on arickety chair or on a sturdy chair?



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rattlingRattling means something is

makingshort knocking sounds.

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The train was rattling on the tracks.

The window was rattling in the wind.

If something is rattling,is it quiet or loud?


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* How do you notice thatsomething is rattling?

Do you hear it or smell it?

* How can you stop ascreen door from rattling?


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pryingPrying means you are trying to

open something with a crowbar or other tool.

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I am prying open a boxwith a screwdriver.

The burglar wasprying open a window.


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* If you are prying open a door,are you trying to open it or shut it?

* If you want to pry something open,do you get a tool from a toolbox

or a book from a bookcase?

* If you are prying a staple from apiece of paper, what are you using?


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Impatiently means you are upset and bothered because you have to wait.

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The little girl impatiently asked a question.

The old woman impatientlywaited for the bus.

Do you think people complainwhen they are impatiently waiting

for something to happen?

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* If you answer impatiently,do you wait your turn or

do you shout out your answer?

* If a puppy acts impatiently, is he running around or waiting



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rompRomp means you move around


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Gus and Skipper like to romp in the yard.

Would an old cat romp around a house?

Would a young child romp around a house?


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* Can you romp on a playground?

* Should you romp in a movie theatre?

Why or why not?


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If you feel like you have lost,then you feel defeated.

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Gus feels defeated whenhe crashes his bike.

Would you feel defeated ifyou received a trophy?

Would you feel defeated ifyour soccer team lost a game?


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* If you feel defeated,are you smiling or frowning?

*If your friend feels defeated, how can you make your friend feel



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Jubilant means you feeljoyful and happy.

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Gus feels jubilant that hecan ride a two-wheeled bike.

Would you be jubilant ifyour friend got hurt?

The student was jubilant thathe received good grades.


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* If you are in a jubilant crowd,is everyone cheering or booing?

* Have you ever felt jubilant at school?

What happened?


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masterIf you master something,

then you learn to do it well.

Tiger Woods is a master at


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Gus practices until he can master riding a two-wheeled bike.

Would a child be likely tomaster driving a car?

Would a ninety old man be likelyto master riding a skateboard?


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* Can you master learning a new song

if you hear it only one time?

* What do you want tomaster when you grow up?

* Do you think an airplane pilot hasto master a lot of skills?
