Download - Gulf of Mexico Challenges with Contractor Verification - Skills and Knowledge

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Gulf of Mexico Challenges with Contractor Verification - Skills and Knowledge

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“You must be the change you wish to see in the world

”~Mahatma Gandhi

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Genesis of Contractor Verification (CV) Skills and Knowledge

Challenges for Operators and Contractors Trends Across Industry Skills and Knowledge Assessment Positive Direction for Future

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Old days…

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SEMS Changed That…

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Evolution of SEMS

Fixborough Incident (1974)

Development of Process


Piper Alpha Incident (1988)

API 75 RP - Development of Safety and Environmental Management


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Evolution of SEMS

Deepwater Horizon Incident (2010)

Requirement of API 75-

Development of Safety and Environmental Management


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Elements of SEMS

1. General Provisions (Background Info)2. Safety and Environmental Information 3. Hazards Analysis4. Management of Change 5. Operating Procedures 6. Safe Work Practices 7. Training 8. Mechanical Integrity9. Pre-startup Review 10. Emergency Response and Control 11. Investigation of Incidents12. Audits13. Records and Documentation

Contractor Verification –Skills and Knowledge

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Genesis of CV Skills & Knowledge


30 CFR 250 – Subpart S § 250.1901 - (b) All personnel involved with SEMS program must

be trained to have the skills and knowledge to perform their assigned duties.

§ 250.1914 - (c) SEMS program must include procedures and verification for selecting a contractor as follows: – Operator is responsible for making certain that contractors have the

skills and knowledge to perform their assigned duties and are conducting these activities in accordance with the requirements in SEMS program.

– Operator must make the results of (their) verification for selecting contractors available to Bureau of Safety Environment and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) upon request.

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DOT Pipeline Parallel

OQ is performance based Operator's responsibility to ensure that every

individual, (operator and contractor) who performs a covered task on an operator's pipeline facility must:• Either be qualified to perform those tasks or • Be directed and observed by a qualified person

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"It is the intent of this rule [SEMS] to hold the operator accountable for the overall safety of the offshore facility, including ensuring that

all contractors and subcontractors have safety policies and procedures in place that support the implementation of the

operator's SEMS program and align with the principles of managing safety set forth in API RP 75."

~ Federal Register on Oct. 15, 2010

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Challenges for Operators

Heavy responsibility for interpreting regulation correctly

No common industry solution– Different existing processes– Different organizational structures

Define minimum skills and knowledge needed to perform a job safely

No clear definition from BSEE regarding acceptable risk

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Challenges for Contractors

Complying with different Operator solutions Cost of complying

– Subscriptions– Technology– Augmented staff

Assessing skills and knowledge

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Job Title Challenge


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Job Title Challenge

Field Service Technician?

Field Service Specialist?


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How Prescriptive Is Necessary?

Company and Employee Verification?HSE and Technical Requirements?

General or Role Specific?Daily Check or Spot Check?

Quality of the Requirements?Minimum Duration for Course?

Approved Training Providers?

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Operators  A B C D E

HSE-Centric Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Company Level Verification

Yes (In progress) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Employee Level

VerificationNot yet Yes Yes Yes Yes

Role Specific Requirements No Yes No Yes Yes

Go/No Go Decision No No No Yes Yes

Same process for Operators’

employeesNo No Yes Yes No

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Benefits to SEMS


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In the meantime… Change Management

It is important to approach change management with all aspects in mind:– Strategic planning– Business modeling– Organizational and cultural change– Communications and marketing strategy– Project management– Trend and market analysis– Dealing with the outcome of change

How do I efficiently fit the change into already existing processes instead of just adding to my plate… SIMPLIFY?

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If you want some help… ChaucerPeople

All are seasoned and proven, combining specialized expertise with business acumen Operate at both the strategic advisory and hands-on execution / implementation level All about accountability and responsibility for desired end-results

Expertise Business transformation, change management, project management and M&A are our

heritage Areas of deep expertise are formalized and delivered within the context of practice

disciplines Most of our consultants are thought leaders in their respective fields

Approach Our core operating philosophy revolves around long-term client relationships Maximum flexibility of approach … we leverage our methodology, the client’s or a blend of

both Solution alignment with client’s unique business context … no ‘square peg / round hole’


Value Major value-add … emphasis on making our Knowledge Management System a client

asset Attractive rates for comparable level and expertise of resources Knowledge transfer is a key component of every engagement … i.e., sustainable business
