Download - Guide to being Awesome (and not dying miserable)

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Page 4: Guide to being Awesome (and not dying miserable)

My name is Appie Carr.

I’m a graphic designer, a musician, and an all-around creative guy.

form my approach to life that will leave you happy and ready for anything.

No need to do anything strenuous, just read on (it’s free!) and you’ll see.

A combination of with



Creativity Activity Employment Idiocy

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Simple, sound-bite pieces of advice have been around what seems like forever. “Money doesn’t make you happy” or more vague, incongruous statements

such as the classic“you only live once.”

Think of this as a collection of my personal view on how everyday life

works, that addresses the forgotten core meanings behind these phrases.


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Balance is the key to all.

Yes, that sounds a bit zen, but I’m not being mysterious on purpose.

Whether in nature, emotion, or rope-based circus stunts, balance is the underlying factor that more often than not determines success.

What this means is that all the points following fall under this, and your efforts at true happiness are pointless if you concentrate on one aspect above others.

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You know they say... “it’s the little things that count?”

Well, that’s only half true.

Let’s say the little thing in question is drinks at that weird little cocktail bar . If you went every day, you’d be bored of it (not to mention an alcoholic) but the spontaneous choice magnifies its novelty.

The little things matter BECAUSE of the big things. The very nature of this juxtaposition creates a sense of novelty and allows us to enjoy something menial a whole lot more.

The act of breaking routine generates contrast, and contrast breeds novelty.This is closely linked to balance, in that it requires a balance of imbalances.

And no, that’s not a typo.

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N oveltyvs



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Imagine a set of weighing scales.

Now imagine one side is filled with small, random bits of novelty.

NOW imagine the scales are made of flesh and are actually you, and you might see where I’m going here.

Stability is what balances out all the little things, the novelties, and makes them matter. In essence, we humans like the feeling of breaking a rule because the opposite of a rule is its contrast. So spend as much time indulging as you do putting one foot in front of the other.

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Make. Rules.


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We already know that you love the novelty of breaking the rules, of taking control...

You have to make rules to break rules.

We receive so much information and input our minds would probably melt if we didn’t have some kind of spongy filing-system up there, and these logical processes love order and rules.

Following the rules is a natural process for most and because of this, rewarding. So set yourself goals, rules and a routine. Not only will following these feel good, but so will breaking them now and then!

The very definition of win/win.

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Work Hard


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A simple idea, really.

A designated task + effort = completion,and a sense of completion makes us happy. It feels good to put your all into something and be proud of the result.

Put as much effort as you can into work! More importantly, enjoy the challenge.

Everybody has lazy days, it’s finding your motivation and pushing through the rough patches that makes everything worth it in the end – knowing you’ve really made it count. Don’t procrastinate, don’t put things off for later, just DO IT.

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Don’t Worry


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“ ”

As usual, balance won’t allow me to make such a specific point without throwing a MASSIVE WRENCH into the works.

‘Worrying is like a rocking chair. It’s something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere.’

Relax! Don’t work yourself to death, and make time for what you enjoy. It should never get to the point where simply having fun is a novelty.

So stay up late.

Have that extra drink.

Don’t over think it.

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We crave contact with other humans. This is a fact. We’re sociable creatures.

Real human contact is not only more fun than chatting online or over the phone, it’s healthier too.

Make time for the people in your life; let them inspire you with their passions and experiences.

As well, don’t pass up an opportunity to catch up with an old acquaintance - remember, it’s not just what you know, it’s who you know.

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Be healthy


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This might be a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how many people forget the benefit of at least 1 solid meal a day and some fruit now and again.

Another thing, sunlight lifts your mood and energises you, (there’s probably a scientific explanation for that, assuming we’re not in fact part-plant) and fresh air really is reinvigorating when you’ve been cooped up inside all day…

...even if said fresh air consists mainly of 50% car fumes and pollution these days.

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Fuel your imagination.Absorb every bit of input, you are creative and this is just more ammunition.

Indulge your imagination. Daydream as often as possible, and constantly let new ideas inspire you.

So take the long walk, and spend that time thinking, planning, and creating. I mean, would you rather be sitting on the bus and avoiding eye contact with scary-bearded-raincoat-man?

Thought not.

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DON’t givea shit


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You heard.

Live free, and don’t care what anyone thinks about you or the way you live life.

Don’t read this manifesto as my criticism of your current modus operandi either. It’s one viewpoint, and nothing more.

And last...

This is all really all about balance.

If you’re stressed, anxious, or generally unhappy, you have an imbalance somewhere down the line.

Everyone naturally favours certain aspects over others, and it’s up to you to find your own balance - life’s too short to not enjoy it folks, so get to it!

Vivir Libre, Sin Lamenta.

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About meSo who is this person who’s been preaching for the last 10 pages?

Well, my name is Appie Carr, I’m currently located in Carlisle, and I’m a graphic designer/creative guy with a passion for life.

Below are some contact details, and I can always send a physical/digital folio your way if you are interested in hiring me for design. Otherwise, feedback is always great, if youare that way inclined...

Phone: 07594348449 E-mail: [email protected]: 2 Alfred Street South, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 1QD

Also, feel free to take a gander at my website,