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Guidance and counseling for sped

SPED 9Prepared by: Lobelia Abellanosa

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Meaning and nature of guidance

O Guidance is viewed as a helping relationship between a counselor and a counselee. The helping relationship is aimed to meet the needs od the counselee. It is further mean to enable the counselee to assume responsibility for himself, make his own decisions based on alternatives and approaches.

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Meaning and nature of guidance

O Counselors do not solve the counselee’s problems. They assist and support counselees so they can come to terms with their problems by exploration, understanding and constructive action. The helping relationship benefits the counselee through a mutual learning process between the counselee and one or more other persons.

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How is guidance defined by different authorities?

Different authorities present their own definitions of the term guidance. Here are some of the many definitions of guidance:

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How is guidance defined by different authorities?

O Guidance is defined based on the personal observation practiced by others who extend help to people meet their needs.

O Guidance is associated with the vocational aspect of this special form of vocational choices, vocational placement, and adjustment (Frank Parsons)

O Guidance is a system of organized phase of the educational process (Lefever

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How is guidance defined by different authorities?

O Jones stresses that guidance personally assists someone solve his problems. The focus of guidance is not on the problem itself but on the person.

O Bennett defines guidance as a process given by someone to an individual to determine his personality assets and liabilities, existing conditions, requirements and opportunities available.

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Meaning of CounselingO Counseling is part of helping the

relationship. Both counselor and counselee are always engaged in mutual communication. The counselor has the expertise, while the counselee has his problems and concerns.

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What is the difference of guidance from counseling?O Guidance means help or advice that

tells you what to do;O While counseling means advice and

support that is given to people to help them deal with problems, important decisions, etc.

O Generally, both terms compliments each other. They always go together in parallel and are essential to one another.

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How is counseling defined by different authorities?

O According to Dinkmeyer (1966), it is a personal relationship between professionally trained counselor and someone who aims to assist him to communicate and meet his immediate needs and problems.

O According to Glanz (1955), it is an open-ended face-to-face problem solving situation, within which the student, with professional assistance can focus and begin to solve problems.

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What are the types of Counseling?

There are 3 types given by Kapunan, R. (1974):1. Directive or clinical counselingThis type of counseling allows the counselor to give the counselee information about himself, his opportunities, his problems.The steps involved in directive counseling as listed by Williamson are as follows:

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a) Analysis- this involves collecting data, summarizing and organizing.

b) Diagnosis- the counselor formulates hypothesis, makes conclusions about the causes and characteristics of the problem.

c) Prognosis- this refer to the prediction made by the counselor on the clients’ future developments of the problem.

d) Counseling- here, the counselee talks and discusses the problem with the client by means of “leads”. The counselee is helped to develop insight.

e) Follow-up- the counselor assists the counselee with new recurring problems. This may be due to a “relapse” that might have occurred.

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Assignment no. 1O Discuss the aims of guidance.O Give your own definition of “GUIDANCE”

and “COUNSELING”O Explain how guidance is more than

“teaching the learners”O Describe a person who is “guidance-

oriented” or “guidance-conscious”(Assignment may be printed or handwritten in a short bondpaper. Indicate also your subject schedule, date, and name of teacher)

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Types of Counseling2. Non-directive counselingThis is also known as client-centered counseling. Rogers, Strang, and Warters describe this approach as one, which places the responsibility of the client for exploring his own problem. The emphasis is not on the problem but on the individual. Here the counselor does not provide information.The steps involved in non-directive counseling as outilined by Rogers (1961) are as follows:

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a) The client comes in for help and gives his reason for doing so.

b) The client describes the situation. The counselor encourages the client to confide to tell all.

c) The counselor helps the client to feel free to talk. To do this, the counselor shows friendly and receptive attitude. She neither agrees nor disagrees. He tries to put himslef in the situation of the client.

d) The counselor accepts, recognizes and clarifies both positive and negative feeling

e) The period of release is followed by insights, which make for growth.

f) Insights are converted to action.

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g. Further insights are developed for a more complete and accurate self-understanding.

h. A positive action is increased.i. A relationship with the counselor


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Types of Counseling

3. Ecclectic counselingThis is the merging of both directive and non-directive counseling. The counselor should be competent and proficient in incorporating this method so that a happy medium can be effected. This ecclectic process is outlined by Thorns.

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Ecclectic Processes as outlined by Thorns:1. Diagnosis of the cause or causes of

maladjustment2. Planning the modification of the

cause or the causes3. Securing conditions conductive to

learning4. Stimulating the client by implied

motivation to develop his resources5. Proper handling of any problem

subsequent to adjustment

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Principles of Counseling

Beck gives the following basic principles in counseling: Counseling is based on the recognition

of the dignity and worth of the individual and on his right to personal assistance in time of need.

Counseling is client-centered being concerned with the optimum development of the whole person and the fullest realization of his potentials for individual and social ends.

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Counseling is a continuous, sequential, and educational process.

Counseling has a responsibility to society as well as to the individual.

Counseling must respect the right of every person to accept or refuse the services it offers.

Counseling is oriented around cooperation not compulsion.

Counseling implies assistance given by persons in making wise decisions, plans, interpretations and adjustment in the critical situation in life.

Counseling requires a comprehensive study of the individual in his cultural setting by the use of every scientific technique available.

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Counseling is focused on helping the individual realize and actualize his best self, rather than in solving isolated problems.

Counseling to be effective must be scientifically evaluated.

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Characteristics of Counseling Goals(S.P.A.M.O.)

1. SPECIFIC- the behavior to be altered should be explicitly stated and specified definitely by all concerned

2. PERTINENT- the goal is appropriate to the problem causing the maladaptive behavior

3. ATTAINABLE- the goal is within reasonable reach of the client

4. MEASURABLE- the result can be externally assessed

5. OBSERVABLE- the behavior can be manifested or observed by another

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O Group yourselves with

4-5 members each

group. And choose your


O Make a list of


with specific goals. (i.e.

to be able to start a

business of my own

before the year 2015

ends) Each student in

the class submits the

list to the leader.

O Categorize the goals as

in: O Talk about your goals

with your group, and

come up with effective

ways on how to achieve

your goals.