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Costa da Morte

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


< Vista del Monte Pindo desde el mirador de zaroView of Monte Pindo from zaro viewpoint

Le llaman A Costa da Morte, pero debera llamarse A Costa da Vida.It is called A Costa da Morte, but it should be called The Coast of Life.

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte



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Cabana de Bergantios Camarias Carnota Cee Corcubin Dumbra Fisterra Laxe Mazaricos Muxa Vimianzo Zas Galera de FotosGallery of Photos

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


COSTA DA MORTEEl topnimo Costa da Morte es heredero de la creencia antigua de que Fisterra era el n de la tierra y el punto a partir del cual ya no exista navegacin hacia el Oeste. Era adems, segn la tradicin de los antiguos griegos y de los celtas, la regin donde el sol desaparece a diario, conduciendo la barca de Caronte, cargada con las almas que Hermes (S. Roque) recoga en pequeos templos (ermitas) al pas de los muertos que el Dios-Sol es capaz de atravesar para aparecer en un nuevo da. La Costa da Morte se extiende en el noroeste peninsular, comprendiendo los municipios costeros de Cabana, Laxe, Camarias, Muxa, Cee, Fisterra, Corcubin, Carnota; los municipios de Dumbra y Vimianzo, con salida al mar; y los municipios interiores de Mazaricos y Zas. Es una tierra de leyendas acerca de ciudades sepultadas, de curanderos que obran milagros, de supersticiones y grandes devociones. Es un pas salpicado de iglesias romnicas, pazos, castillos y monumentos megalticos rodeados de una naturaleza generosa. Es el confn de Europa, donde el mar golpea un paisaje de acantilados abruptos, islotes y peascos inmensos que sirven de proteccin natural a una tierra codiciada por su riqueza y saqueada, a lo largo de los siglos, por vikingos, piratas, escuadras inglesa y francesa... escenario de naufragios y hundimientos, en una tierra que, sobre todo, es smbolo de vida. Es, sobre todo, una tierra poblada desde la antigedad por gente esforzada y generosa que ha sabido extraer lo mejor que una naturaleza exigente le daba y ha desarrollado una cultura, en torno a ella, que le hace vivir con intensidad un tiempo que se desgrana lentamente.

COSTA DA MORTEThe name Costa da Morte comes from the ancient belief that Fisterra was the end of the world and the departure point from which it was not possible to sail toward the West. It was, furthermore, according to ancient Greek and Celtic traditions, the region where the Sun disappeared every day, steering Kharons boat, loaded with the souls that Hermes (S. Roque) would collect at small temples (hermitages), to the country of the dead that the Sun God is able to pass through in order to appear ever day. The Costa da Morte stretches out in the Northeast peninsula, comprising the coastal municipalities of Cabana, Laxe, Camarias, Muxa, Cee, Fisterra, Corcubin, Carnota; the municipalities of Dumbra and Vimianzo, with an outlet to the sea, and the inland municipalities of Mazaricos and Zas. It is a land full of legends about buried cities, about miracle working healers, about superstitions and about great devotion. It is a country scattered with Romanesque churches, country manors and castles and megalithic monuments surrounded by plush nature. It is the limit of Europe where the sea pounds against a landscape of abrupt clis, small islands and rocky outcrops that serve as the natural protection of a land that has been coveted for its wealth and plundered throughout centuries by Vikings, pirates, English and French squadrons...the scene of shipwrecks and sinking boats in a land that is, above all, a symbol of life. It is, most importantly, a land inhabited since times past by hard-working and generous people that have known how to extract the best that a demanding nature has given them and have developed a culture, which revolves around that nature, that enables them to intensely live a time that slowly ticks away.

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


< Castro A Cibd Fortied settlement of A Cibd

Cabana de BergantiosINTRODUCCIN / HISTORIA

Cabana de Bergantios

> Sus primeros asentamientos datan del Megaltico. Abundan restos castreos de la Edad de Hierro (VI-I a.C.) Los romanos extrajeron cuarzo aurfero en Corcoesto. En la Edad Media, tuvo protagonismo el monasterio benedictino de Canduas. De su pasado ms prximo, se constata la presencia de nobleza rural en un elevado nmero de pazos adornados con escudos.

Cabana de Bergantios

INTRODUCTION / HISTORY>Its climate is oceanic, humid and mild. Inland, there are numerous troutlled rivers and woods for small game hunting. On the coast, there is a sharp contrast between the abrupt barnacle rich clis and the softness of the A Insua cove surrounded by the Monte Branco mountains. Its rst settlements date back to Megalithic times. The area abounds with archaeological remains from the Iron Age (VI-I BC). The Romans extracted gold quartz in Corcoesto. In the Middle Ages, the Benedictine monastery at Canduas played an important role. Its most recent past was marked by the presence of rural nobility in a large number of country houses adorned with coats of arms.

Cabana de Bergantios se extiende desde la desembocadura del ro Anllns (Ponteceso) hasta la playa de Laxe. Desde la costa, sus 100 km2 de extensin se adentran en tierras de Bergantios para formar lmite con Ponteceso, Coristanco, Zas y Laxe. Su poblacin de 6.000 habitantes (2006) se asienta en diez parroquias. La actividad econmica se centra en la agricultura de autoconsumo, ganadera vacuna, industria maderera, pesca, marisqueo y un emergente sector de servicios de construccin y hostelera. Desde A Corua, se llega por la carretera a Fisterra en 56 km, desvo en Carballo hacia Buo y Ponteceso, o bien por el interior en 72 km por Baio (C-552). Desde Santiago, la distancia es de 55 km por Santa Comba, Zas y Baio. La Casa Consistorial y otros servicios se encuentran en A Carballa. En los ltimos cinco aos, se ha estabilizado la poblacin, debido a la pujanza de la oferta turstica y a la red viaria que facilita el desplazamiento laboral a A Corua y a su rea metropolitana. Su clima es ocenico, hmedo y suave. En el interior, discurren numerosos ros trucheros y bosques con caza menor. En la costa, contrastan abruptos acantilados percebeiros con la suavidad de la ensenada de A Insua anqueada por el Monte Branco.

Cabana de Bergantios spreads from the mouth of the river Anllns, Ponteceso, to the beach of Laxe. From the coast, its 100 km2 of surface area work their way into the lands of Bergantios to form a limit with Ponteceso, Coristanco, Zas and Laxe. Its population of 6,000 inhabitants (2006) are settled in ten parishes. Economic activity revolves around agriculture for their own consumption, cattle farming, the wood industry, shing, collecting shellsh and an emerging service sector for construction and the food-service industry. From A Corua, it can be reached using the road to Fisterra in 56 km by taking the exit in Carballo toward Buo and Ponteceso, or it is possible to use the inland route in 72 km passing through Baio (C-552). From Santiago, the distance is 55 km, passing through Santa Comba, Zas and Baio. The Town Hall and other services are located on in A Carballa. The town has developed over the last ve years due to the increase in the oer for tourists and in the railroad network, which makes it easier to commute to A Corua and its metropolitan area.

Puente sobre el ro Anllns Bridge over the river Anllns

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


Cabana de BergantiosThe most important archaeological sites, which are in Borneiro, include the Dolmen of Dombate and the fortied settlement of A Cibd.


Cabana de BergantiosComo yacimientos arqueolgicos sobresalen, en Borneiro, el dolmen de Dombate y el castro A Cibd.


Dolmen of DombateIt is a megalithic tomb made up of seven large vertical slabs covered by a large covering. The structure has a heptagonal chamber accessed through a corridor. Inside, there are preserved etchings and paintings. Its grave goods are comprised of protective idols and arrow heads. In the 19th century, the historian Manuel Murgua and the bard Eduardo Pondal, creator of the anthem of Galicia, made this monument famous. It is the only dolmen that has been excavated in A Costa da Morte and it oers guided tours.

Dolmen de DombateEs una tumba megaltica formada por siete grandes losas verticales cubiertas por una gran tapa. El conjunto presenta cmara heptagonal con acceso mediante corredor. En el interior se conservan grabados y pinturas. Su ajuar se compone de dolos protectores, restos cermicos o puntas de echa. En el s. XIX, el historiador Manuel Murgua y el bardo Eduardo Pondal, autor del himno gallego, dieron fama a este monumento. Es el nico dolmen excavado en A Costa da Morte y ofrece visitas guiadas.

Fortied Settlement of A CibdIt was inhabited between the 6th and the 7th century BC. Its discovery (1924) is owed to Parga Pondal and Prez Bustamente. It is medium sized and its acropolis has an oval shape. Inside, there are many houses with a circular and semi-rectangular oor. The door to enter the houses is slightly raised from the earth in order to prevent animals and water from entering. It has the novelty of an outside neighbourhood where it is quite likely that metals were cast. Ceramic pieces and hand mills were also found. It is the only fortied settlement excavated in A Costa da Morte and if oers guided tours.

Castro A CibdEstuvo habitado entre los s. VI y I a.C. Su descubrimiento (1924) se debe a Parga Pondal y Prez Bustamante. Tiene tamao medio y su acrpolis presenta forma ovoidal. En el interior, se agrupan numerosas casas de planta circular y semirrectangular. La puerta de acceso a stas se encuentra a pequea altura para evitar la entrada de animales o agua. Presenta la novedad de un barrio exterior en el que, con toda probabilidad, se fundan metales. Tambin se hallaron piezas de cermica y molinos de mano. Es el nico castro excavado en A Costa da Morte y ofrece visitas guiadas.

Other Interesting Sites. A Insua cove, a natural space that oers a viewpoint for watching birds. . San Esteban de Cesullas Church, Romanesque remains and baroque altarpieces. . San Martio de Riob Church, Romanesque remains and baroque altarpieces; it contains the tombs of Lorenzo Bermdez de Castro and his wife. . A Penela Tower. . San Pedro de Nantn Church, nave from the 18th century, rectangular apse from the 16th century.

Torre da Penela A Penela Tower

San Esteban de Cesullas San Esteban de Cesullas

San Pedro de Nantn San Pedro de Nantn

Otros lugares de inters. Ensenada de A Insua, espacio natural dotado con un mirador para observacin de aves. . Iglesia de San Esteban de Cesullas, restos romnicos y retablos barrocos. . Iglesia de San Martio de Riob, restos romnicos y retablos barrocos; contiene sepulcros de Lorenzo Bermdez de Castro y esposa. . Torre de A Penela. . Iglesia de San Pedro de Nantn, nave del s. XVIII, bside rectangular del s. XVI.Dolmen de Dombate Dolmen of Dombate

Hermita de San Fns San Fins Hermitage

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


Cabana de Bergantios

PAISAJES / RUTAS FIESTAS / GASTRONOMARomera de San Fins do Castro(Patrono de Cabana de Bergantios) Se celebra el 1 agosto bajo la sombra de un bosque de abedules. El 17 de octubre de 2007, la Xunta de Galicia la reconoci como Festa de Interese Turstico Galego. Los romeros debern mojar los pauelos en las aguas milagrosas de su fuente y dejarlos secar en la campia para curar las verrugas. Al medioda se realizan varios actos que le otorgan identidad: interpretacin del Himno a San Fins, quema del Santo de Plvora y emisin del Berro Seco, tres fuertes gritos lanzados a coro por todos los romeros.

La gran riqueza paisajstica junto a un enorme legado etnogrco, histrico y artstico son los ingredientes que hacen de Cabana de Bergantios un territorio muy atractivo.

Itinerarios No confn dos verdes castrosConjunto de ocho itinerarios para conocer la totalidad del ayuntamiento. Cuenta con la ayuda de un libro-gua homnimo y CD del grupo folk Milladoiro.

Senda de O AnllnsSenda sealizada por los mrgenes del ro Anllns. En ella se encuentra el mirador de aves Jos Lus Rabual Patio. Nueva perspectiva para gozar de un privilegiado espacio natural.Desembocadura del ro Anllns Anllns Rives estuary

Ruta arqueolgica por Borneiro

CELEBRATIONS / GASTRONOMYSan Fins do Castro Pilgrimage (Patron saint of Cabana de Begantios)It is held on the 1st of August under the shade of a birch tree grove. On the 17th of October 2007, the Government of Galicia declared it as a Galician Tourist Attraction. Pilgrims must soak their handkerchiefs in the miraculous waters of its fountain and leave them to dry in the countryside in order to heal warts. At midday, events are held that give the pilgrimage its name: performance of the Hymn to San Fins, burning of the Santo de Plvora and the emission of the Berro Seco, three loud cries shouted in unison by all of the pilgrims.

Sendero sealizado que descubre los valores arqueolgicos, etnogrcos y artsticos de Borneiro.

Romera de Carme do BrioSe celebra cada 18 de julio bajo la sombra de un robledal centenario. En su entorno artstico-etnogrco destaca un primitivo crucero, una ermita con historiada fachada de piedra y la fuente de aguas milagrosas.

Tras las huellas de los RiobSendero sealizado por tierras interiores dominadas por la nobleza del apellido Riob.

LANDSCAPE / ROUTES Cabana de BergantiosThe great richness of its landscape and an enormous ethnographic, historical and artistic heritage are the ingredients that make Cabana de Bergantios a very attractive area. A set of eight itineraries to get to know the entire town. It has the aid of a homonymous guidebook and CD from the folk group Milladoiro.

Romera de Santa Maria do RemuoTambin se celebra cada 18 de julio al lado de un meandro del ro Anllns. Su entorno cuenta con un singular crucero y una sencilla ermita. La tradicin narra que las aguas de su fuente son beneciosas para las ubres de animales.

Ruta del Rego dos MuosSendero sealizado que transcurre por un entorno etnogrco poblado de 24 molinos de auga.

Carme do Brio Pilgrimage

No Confn dos Verdes Castros Itineraries

It is held on the 18th of July under the shade of a hundred-year-old old oak grove. Its artistic and ethnographic surroundings include a primitive transept, a hermitage with elaborate stone faade and the fountain of miraculous waters.

O Anllns Path

A path marked by the edges of the river Anllns. On the path you will nd the Jos Lus Rabual Patio bird watching viewpoint. New perspective to enjoy the spectacular natural space.

Santa Maria do Remuo Pilgrimage

It is also held on the 18th of July next to the meander of the river Anllns. The area has a unique transept and a simple hermitage. Legend has it that the waters from its fountain are benecial for the udders of animals.

RECETA: Truchas fritas del ro AnllnsLas truchas del Anllns tienen fama mundial, sobre todo las pescadas en das largos con la temporada avanzada. Ingredientes: 2 letes de trucha, 1 patata grande, 1 cebolla grande, 1 diente de ajo, sal, aceite, estragn, albahaca, 2 copitos de mantequilla y un chorrito de vino. Preparacin: Se fre la cebolla con el ajo y las especias. Se corta la patata en rodajas y se fre ligeramente. Se pone la mitad del refrito de cebolla en una fuente mediana de horno con una capa de patatas encima y otra de letes de trucha, todo cubierto con el resto del refrito. Se le aade el vino y la mantequilla. Se pone al horno fuerte unos 15 minutos.

Archaeological Route around Borneiro

A marked path to discover the archaeological, ethnographic and artistic treasures of Borneiro.

RECIPE: Fried trout from the river Anllns.

Following the Footsteps of the Riob

A marked path through the inland areas dominated by the noble family with the surname Riob.

Rego dos Muos Route

A marked path that winds through an ethnographic environment inhabited by 24 water mills.

The trout from the Anllns are famous around the world, especially those shed on the long days late in the season. Ingredients: 2 trout lets, 1 large potato, 1 large onion, 1 clove of garlic, salt, oil, tarragon, basil, 2 little scoops of butter and a splash of wine. Preparation: Sautee the onion with the garlic and the spices. Cut the potato in rounds and fry it lightly. Put half of the sauted onion mixture in a mediumsize baking dish with a layer of potatoes over it and another layer of the trout lets. Cover it all with the rest of the onion mixture. Add the wine and the butter. Bake it at high heat for approximately 15 minutes. Playa Pendn Pendn Beach Bosque en San Fns San Fns Woods

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


< Faro Viln Lighthouse of Viln

Camarias> En los ltimos aos se ha potenciado la actividad turstica y la artesana del encaje de bolillos. La Mostra do Encaixe de Bolillos est convirtindose en reclamo para miles de visitantes. El topnimo de este municipio deriva de un arbusto autctono llamado caramia (hierba del hambre). Sus primeros asentamientos de poblacin datan de la poca megaltica. La ra de Camarias fue escenario, en 1809, de una sangrienta invasin de los franceses que saquearon haciendas y asesinaron a todos cuantos opusieron resistencia. La historia del municipio de Camarias est vinculada al mar. A travs de l llegaron oleadas de pobladores en el pasado. Y tambin por mar emigraron cientos de paisanos desde nales del siglo XIX, primero a Amrica y, ya en los ltimos tiempos, a Europa por otros medios.




INTRODUCTION / HISTORY>Agriculture and livestock are important complementary sectors in the area. There is little construction activity. Service sectors, on the other hand, are gaining importance, given the large distance to urban areas of a certain size. In recent years, tourism and bobbin lace craftsmanship have been promoted. The Mostra do Encaixe de Bolillos (bobbin lace display) has become a draw for thousands of visitors. The name of this municipality comes from the regional bush called caramia (herb of hunger). Its rst settlements date back to the megalithic era. In 1809, the Camarias estuary was the scene of a bloody invasion led by the French who plundered homes and killed all who put up resistance. The history of the municipality of Camarias is connected to the sea. The sea brought waves of settlers in the past. And thousands of compatriots emigrated by the sea from the end of the 19th century, rst to America and, in recent times, to Europe using other means.

Camarias se sita en el centro del litoral de la Costa da Morte. Su territorio de 52 kms2 de supercie est baado, al norte y al oeste por el Atlntico; al sur limita con los ayuntamientos de Muxa y Vimianzo, y al este, tambin con ste ltimo. Se accede a Camarias por la carretera C-552 (A Corua-Fisterra) y dista 89 Km. de la capital de la provincia. Para llegar a Camarias desde Santiago podemos seguir la carretera a Baio (61 Km), por Portomouro y Santa Comba. La otra ruta consiste en dirigirse a Berdoias por Negreira y desde all por Ponte do Porto a Camarias (80 Km.) Sus 6.467 habitantes (INE 2005) estn distribudos a lo largo y ancho de las parroquias de Camarias, Camelle, Ponte do Porto y Xavia. El clima es suave y hmedo. El litoral que va desde Camelle a Camarias es paradigma de peligrosidad. Es sta una regin sometida a fuertes vientos que mueven las aspas de cientos de modernos molinos de viento. La poblacin municipal se ha ido recuperando paulatinamente del azote de la emigracin. La base econmica principal de Camarias es la explotacin de los recursos marinos (pesca y marisqueo) y las labores industriales derivadas de ella. Agricultura y ganadera son sectores complementarios importantes en la zona. La actividad constructiva es escasa. S gana en importancia el sector de servicios, dada la distancia grande a centros urbanos de cierta envergadura.

Camarias is located in the centre of the coastline of Costa da Morte. Its territory, which occupies 52 km2 of surface area, borders the Atlantic Ocean to the north and to the west; in the south, it is delimited by the towns of Muxa and Vimianzo; and in the east, also by latter. It is possible to reach Camarias by the C-552 road (A Corua-Fisterra) and it is 89 km from the capital of the province. To arrive at Camarias from Santiago, we can use the road to Baio (61 Km), passing by Portomouro and Santa Comba. The other route is to head toward Berdoias, passing by Negreira, and from there pass by Ponte do Porto to Camarias (80 km). Its 6,467 inhabitants (INE 2005) are distributed among the districts of Camarias, Camelle, Ponte do Porto and Xavia. The climate is humid and mild. The coastline that goes from Camelle to Camarias is a paradigm of danger. It is a region exposed to strong winds that move the blades of hundreds of modern windmills. The municipal population has been slowly recovering from the ood of emigration. The principal economic activity of Camarias is the exploitation of marine resources - shing and shellsh collecting - and the related industrial tasks.

Drsena de Camarias Pier of Camarias

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte






Camarias was already inhabited in the megalithic era. This is demonstrated by the remains of the tumulus of Mmoa de Reira and the fortied settlements of Mourn and Monte Croado. Around the Mmoa de Reira, there is a primitive construction used to hunt wolves called Foxo dos Lobos. In Ponte do Porto, there are three fortied settlements around a town centre which give evidence of the pre-Roman origins of the villa. The footprint of Roman domination also left its mark on these homes. On the banks of the river Grande, there is a path that is a Roman road from the 1st century that later became part of the Royal Road used by Alfonso IX. In the past, the river Grande was used as a channel of communication and for freight transport from Ponte do Porto, in the middle of the estuary, to Camarias. One of the major events that occurred in the region during the Middle Ages was the sea invasions by Norman and Muslim people against coastal towns, especially in the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries, which prompted people to leave the area and to withdraw to land further inland. During the Middle Ages, religion had a considerable inuence on the entire region. The parish church Sta. Mara de Xavia (12th century) dates back to this time; however, the faade and the oor were later modied. It has a single nave with a barrel vault. It has Romanesque capitals with vegetable and gure decoration. On the faade, there is a window over the door and a bell tower with openings at the base. The construction is made out of granite ashlars. The San Xurxo de Bura Church was built in the 18th century, the parish of Camarias, which has sculptures by Xos Ferreiro and the San Roque Church, in Ponte do Porto, of which only the bell tower has been preserved. During the reign of Ferdinand VI and Charles III, toward the middle of the 18th century, when there was hardly any danger of invasions, the El Soberano Castle was constructed over a rocky promontory in Camarias using thick masonry walls. It had systems of loopholes and embrasures for pieces of artillery. Inside, there was a building to house troops. Later, the rural nobility took over and the predominance of the clergy ended. Gentlemen had stately homes built, which were called pazos. Pazo dos Mouzo and Pazo da Paxaria. In Camelle, there is a unique outdoor sculpture museum, the work of a German hermit and artist, Man, whose life came to an early end due to the pain that the Prestige disaster caused him.

Camarias fue poblada ya en la poca megaltica. As lo atestiguan los restos del tmulo Mmoa de Reira, as como los castros de Mourn y Monte Croado. En los aledaos de la Mmoa de Reira se halla una construccin primitiva utilizada para la caza de lobos llamada Foxo dos Lobos. En Ponte do Porto, tres castros dispuestos alrededor del casco urbano avalan el origen prerromano de la villa. La huella de la dominacin romana tambin dej su impronta en estos lares. A orillas del ro Grande discurre un sendero que no es sino una calzada romana del siglo I, que luego form parte del Camino Real utilizado por Alfonso IX. El ro Grande fue utilizado como va de comunicacin y para el transporte de mercancas en el pasado, desde Ponte do Porto, en el saco de la ra, hasta Camarias.Iglesia de San Xurxo Church of San Xurxo

Santa M de Xavia Santa M de Xavia

Santa M de Tosto Santa M de Tosto

En el siglo XVIII se edicaron la iglesia de San Xurxo de Bura, parroquia de Camarias, que guarda esculturas de Xos Ferreiro y la iglesia de San Roque, en Ponte do Porto, de la que se conserva el campanario original. Durante el reinado de Fernando VI y Carlos III, hacia mediados de siglo XVIII, cuando ya no haba prcticamente peligro de invasiones, se construye sobre un promontorio rocoso el castillo del Soberano, en Camarias, dotado de gruesos muros de mampostera. Dispona de sistemas de troneras y aspilleras para situar las piezas de artillera. En su interior se levantaba una construccin para albergar las tropas. Luego la nobleza rural toma el relevo y acaba con la predominancia del clero. Los seores se hacen construir casas seoriales, denominadas pazos: Pazo dos Mouzo y el Pazo da Paxaria. En Camelle se ubica el singular museo de escultura al aire libre, obra del artista anacoreta alemn Man, cuyo nal de vida estuvo precipitado por el dolor que le caus el desastre del Prestige.

Uno de los principales acontecimientos que sucedieron en la comarca durante la Edad Media fueron las invasiones martimas de los pueblos normandos y musulmanes contra los ncleos costeros, sobre todo en los siglos IX, X, XI, lo que motiv que la poblacin se retirase a vivir hacia tierras situadas ms al interior. Durante la Edad Media la inuencia religiosa fue muy grande en toda la comarca. De esta poca data la iglesia parroquial Sta. Mara de Xavia (siglo XII), si bien fue modicada con posterioridad en fachada y planta. Presenta una sola nave con bveda de can; dispone de capiteles romnicos con decoracin vegetal y gurada. En la fachada hay una ventana sobre la puerta y un campanario con dos vanos a los pies. La construccin es de sillares granticos.

Museo del Alemn The Museum of the German

Cementerio de los Ingleses English cemetery

Ponte do Porto Ponte do Porto

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


PAISAJES / RUTAS CamariasLa costa norte de Camarias est congurada por enormes acantilados esculpidos por el viento y el mar, que han ido dibujando formas caprichosas como la Furna dos Infernos o la Pedra do Oso. Las playas de Reira, Santa Maria, Arou, Camelle o Trece son de una belleza salvaje. Cerca de esta ltima, en el Monte Blanco, se encuentra la duna de mayor altura de Europa. El paisaje entre Cabo Viln y Arou, declarado Sitio Natural de Inters Nacional, ofrece una biodiversidad de gran valor, con especies protegidas de ora y fauna, como los Araos de Cons, el cormorn moudo y la gaviota tridctila. La pennsula de Camarias protege la Ra de los embates del Atlntico, propiciando el tranquilo aporte del Ro Grande para acabar de componer un escenario de playas acogedoras: Area da Vila y Ario.Entre Cabo Viln y Arou Between Cape Viln and Arou

Playa de Ario Ario Beach

FIESTAS / GASTRONOMAVirxe do Carmeen Camelle y Camarias, el 16 de julio, con procesiones martimas y Danza de Arcos. en el rea recreativa de la playa de Ario de Xavia, con una sardiada acompaada de msica tradicional.

LANDSCAPE / ROUTES CamariasThe northern coast of Camarias is made up of enormous clis sculpted by the wind and the sea that have over time created capricious shapes such as the Furna dos Infernos and the Pedra do Oso. The Reira, Santa Maria, Arou, Camelle and Trece Beaches exude a wild beauty. The highest dune in Europe is near the Trece Beach, in the Monte Blanco mountains. The landscape between Cape Viln and Arou, which has been declared a National Site of National Interest, oers extremely valuable biodiversity, with protected species of ora and fauna, such as the Common Murre, the Shag and the Kittiwake. The peninsula of Camarias protects the estuary from the ravages of the Atlantic, encouraging the quiet contribution of the river Grande to nish composing a scene of cosy beaches: Area da Vila and Ario. Many stone crosses on the clis provide evidence of the harshness of a sea that has been the cause of hundreds of shipwrecked boats over the centuries. In the English Cemetery, among others lie the bodies of three hundred cadets from the British navy that died in the shipwreck of the training trip The Serpent on the night of the 10th of February 1890. The lighthouse of Cape Vilana, an indispensable guide, was built on the rocks 125 metres high. Its beam of light, the rst in Spain to use electricity, can reach a distance of 30 nautical miles. At the lighthouse, it is possible to visit the Interpretation Centre of the Shipwrecks, Lighthouses and Sea Signals of A Costa da Morte.

CELEBRATIONS / GASTRONOMYVirxe do Carme in Camelle and Camarias, on the 16th of July, with sea processions and the Danza de Arcos dance. Apostle James Pilgrimage in which neighbours join together in the Recreational Area at the Ario de Xavia Beach, with a meal of sardines accompanied by traditional music. Other important celebrations are: A Virxe do Monte Pilgrimage, on Easter Monday; the O Esprito Santo Celebration, in Camelle, on the Sunday of Pentecost; the Festivities in honour of San Pedro, in Ponte do Porto, on the 29th of June; the Celebration of the Mussel, on the second Saturday in August, in Xavia, and La Mostra do Encaixe de Bolillos (bobbin lace display), in Easter Week, when it is a good time to visit the Museo do Encaixe (bobbin lace museum). Shellsh is very important in the regions cuisine: small crabs, spider crabs, spiny and common lobsters and, above all, large barnacles and octopus, which are a symbol of identity in these parts. And cockles, clams and razor clams from the estuary. Of the large variety of sh enjoyed in the region, the most popular sh include the horse mackerel and sardines, which are never missing, barbequed, at any summer festivity. Trout from the river Grande have renowned prestige. Inland livestock remains important due to the custom, fuelled by migrants to South America, to barbeque pork and beef.

Numerosas cruces de piedra sobre los acantilados dan cuenta de la dureza de un mar que ha hecho naufragar a cientos de barcos a lo largo de los siglos. En el Cementerio de los ingleses reposan, entre otros, los cuerpos de los trescientos cadetes de la marina britnica que naufragaron en el buque escuela The Serpent, la noche del 10 de febrero de 1890. El faro del cabo Viln, imprescindible gua, fue levantado sobre las rocas a 125 metros de altitud. Su can de luz, el primero de Espaa en disponer de energa elctrica, es capaz de alcanzar las 30 millas marinas. En l podemos visitar el Centro de Interpretacin de los Naufragios, Faros y Seales Martimas de A Costa da Morte.

Romera de Santiago Apstol en la que los vecinos se renen Otros festejos importantes son la Romera de A Virxe do Monte, el lunes de Pascua; la esta de O Esprito Santo, en Camelle, el domingo de Pentecosts; los festejos en honor de San Pedro, en Ponte do Porto, el 29 de junio; la Fiesta del Mejilln, el segundo sbado de agosto, en Xavia, y La Mostra do Encaixe de Bolillos, en Semana Santa, donde aprovechamos para visitar el Museo do Encaixe.En la gastronoma destaca la presencia del marisco: ncoras, centollas, langostas, lubrigantes y, sobre todo, el percebe y el pulpo, que aqu alcanza seas de identidad. Y los berberechos, almejas y navajas procedentes de la ra. De la enorme variedad de pescado apreciado en la mesa, destacan por su popularidad el jurel y la sardina, que no falta asada, en ninguna esta veraniega. Las truchas del ro Grande tienen prestigio reconocido. De la ganadera de interior se nutre la costumbre, alimentada por emigrantes a Sudamrica, de pasar por la parrilla carnes de cerdo y ternera.

Ruta de OS MUOSCon salida y llegada en Ponte do Porto, esta fcil caminata de cinco kilmetros discurre por un sendero salpicado de molinos que jugaron un papel muy importante en la cultura y la economa populares de la Galicia rural y agrcola. A lo largo del camino se asienta una vegetacin frondosa, en la que no faltan helechos o acebo, y animales como el nade, la gallina de ro o la garza real. Abundan puntos de pesca para la captura de truchas y reos.

OS MUIOS RouteLeaving from and arriving to Ponte do Porto, this easy ve-kilometre walk goes along a path dotted with mills that played a very important role in the popular culture and economy of rural and agricultural Galicia. All along the path, there is lush vegetation, where there is no scarcity of ferns or holly trees or animals such as the Gadwall, the Common Moorhen or the Heron. In addition, the area abounds with areas to sh for dierent types of trout.

RECETA: Pulpo de Camarias a la brasaSe cuece el pulpo hasta que est al dente segn el tamao. Se enfra y se letea. Se marca en la parrilla y se alia con ajo, aceite, pimienta blanca y zumo de limn. Se presenta en un brasero con perejil y limn.Pinares en Ario Pine forest in Ario

RECIPE: Barbequed Camarias octopusThe octopus is cooked until it is al dente, depending on the size. It is cooled and cut. Sear it on the barbeque and garnish it with garlic, oil, white pepper and lemon juice. Present it in a brazier with parsley and lemon.

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


< Hrreo de Carnota

Granary of Carnota

Carnota> La agricultura, un tanto complementada por la ganadera, es del tipo de autosubsistencia. Es ms relevante la silvicultura, con la plantacin de especies de crecimiento rpido, si bien las olas de incendios que han asolado los montes de Carnota en los ltimos aos han supuesto un varapalo del que este pueblo se recupera.



Poblada desde la poca megaltica, Carnota form parte en la Edad Media del Condado de Cornatum, propiedad de la dinasta de los Trastmara, para pasar a depender, a partir del s. XV, de los condes de Lemos. Las guerras irmandias trajeron consigo la destruccin de las forticaciones de los Castillos de San Jorge y de Peael. Durante el Antiguo Rgimen la propiedad de Carnota pas sucesivamente de manos del Conde de Altamira a el Arzobispado de Santiago y a el Marqus de la Sierra. Durante la Guerra de la Independencia no se libr del saqueo de los franceses. El ayuntamiento, en la conguracin prcticamente actual, naci como tal en 1835.


INTRODUCTION / HISTORY>The agriculture, which is somewhat complemented by cattle farming, is for self-subsistence purposes. Forestry, on the other hand, is more important. Fast-growing species have been planted in order to ght against the setback caused by the waves of res that ravaged the mountains of Carnota in recent years and from which the town is recovering. Inhabited since megalithic times, in the Middle Ages, Carnota formed part of the County of Cornatum, which belonged to the dynasty of the Trastmara. Later, beginning in the 15th century, it came to pertain to the counts of Lemos. The Irmandias Wars brought with them the destruction of the fortications of the Castles of San Jorge and of Peael. During the Old Regime, ownership of Carnota successively passed from the hands of the Count of Altamira, to the Archbishopric of Santiago and to the Marquis of La Sierra. During the War of Independence, it was not spared from looting by the French. The town, in practically the same conguration as it has today, was created as such in 1835.

Carnota se extiende a lo largo de 70 km2, que por la costa abarcan desde la desembocadura del Xallas, al pie del Monte Pindo (Olimpo en la tradicin celta) a Punta Lens, en el lmite con el Ayuntamiento de Muros. Su nombre parece proceder del vocablo prerromano corn (prejo presente en topnimos de todo el mundo celta), que signica piedra. Se puede considerar un territorio a caballo entre las Ras Altas y Bajas. Su clima es hmedo y suave. De todos los ros que la surcan, destaca el Xallas, como elemento de cultura y por proporcionar, con sus saltos, abundante energa elctrica. Su principal va de comunicacin es la C-550, con la que se enlaza desde la C-552 viajando desde A Corua, o bien desde la C-543 si se procede de Santiago. Carnota dispone de los puertos de Lira y O Pindo, con puntos de amarre para embarcaciones de recreo. El ayuntamiento de Carnota registr desde los aos 50 un intenso ujo migratorio hacia otras tierras, estando hoy en da abiertos procesos de intentos de recuperacin demogrco a travs de incentivos a la natalidad e implantacin de retornados. Las principales actividades econmicas son la pesca, la acuicultura y las conserveras. En Lira est ubicada la mayor piscifactora del mundo, especializada en la cra y engorde del rodaballo.

Carnota stretches out along 70 km2 that on the coast goes from the mouth of the Xallas at the foot of Mount Pindo Olympus in Celtic tradition to Punta Lens, bordering the town of Muros. Its name seems to come from the pre-Roman word corn (prex common in names throughout the Celtic world) that means stone. It may be considered a territory halfway between the rivers Altas and Bajas. Its climate is humid and mild. One of the most important rivers that cross the area is the river Xallas, which is a cultural symbol and a provider, with its waterfalls, of a large amount of electricity. Its main road is the C-550, which can reached from the C-552 if travelling from A Corua or from the C-543 if travelling from Santiago. Carnota has the ports of Lira and O Pinto, which have mooring points for pleasure boats. Since the 1950s, the town of Carnota has had an intense migratory ow toward other areas. Nowadays, processes have put in action in order to recover demographically by giving incentives to births and helping returnees settle down. The main economic activities are shing, aquaculture and canning. Lira is home to the largest sh farm, specialising in the breeding and fattening of turbot.

Casa do Concello Town Hall

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte






The most important heritage is of a religious nature and the transepts around the churches. Especially noteworthy:

Predomina el patrimonio de carcter religioso y los cruceros en los entornos de las iglesias. A destacar:

Santa Comba de Carnota Church, from the 18th century. It has aninteresting Latin cross oor plan with a basilica oor. The walls are granite stonework. The faade, which is made of granite, has a front with baroque mouldings surrounded by four pillars with Ionic-style capitals, a triangular pediment and an oval window. The bell tower is the work of the master mason Carlos Aboy. Inside the church, there is an altarpiece created by the sculptor Ferreiro.

San Mamede de Carnota Church (1755). Neoclassic style, it hasan altarpiece created by the masters Ferreiro and Gambino. Its nave has a Latin cross oor plan, gabled and hip gabled roof. On the faade, there is a prominent image of the patron saint. The bell tower has four panels and it is decorated with a cornice and pinnacles and topped with a small dome. Paganism is mixed with the Christian tradition in the spirit of the congregation and thus, in the cemetery, the multitude of tombs is facing the altar from which the light of Salvation will emerge on Doomsday.

Iglesia de Santa Comba de Carnota, del siglo XVIII. Presenta una curiosa conjuncin de planta en cruz latina con planta basilical. Los muros son de cantera grantica. La fachada, de granito, contiene una portada con molduras barrocas, anqueda por cuatro pilares, con capiteles de estilo jnico, frontn triangular y ventana ovalada. La torre-campanario se debe al maestro cantero Carlos Aboy. En su interior hay un retablo obra del escultor Ferreiro. Iglesia de San Mamede de Carnota (1755). De estilo neoclsico, cuenta con un retablo obra de los maestros Ferreiro y Gambino. Su nave es de cruz latina, cubierta a dos y tres aguas. En la fachada destaca la imagen del patrn. La torre-campanario es de cuatro cuerpos, decorada con una cornisa y pinculos y rematada en pequea cpula. El paganismo se mezcla con la tradicin cristiana en el espritu de los eles y as, en el cementerio multitud de tumbas estn orientadas hacia el altar desde el que surgir el da del Juicio Final la luz de la Salvacin. Iglesia de Santa Mara de Lira (1760). Se compone de una nica nave estrecha y alargada, dividida internamente en cuatro tramos, los tres primeros con arco de medio punto y bveda de can, y su correspondiente zona de altar, con bveda de crucera. Patrimonio tradicional. Dentro del patrimonio tradicional destacan los hrreos que en nmero de 884, siembran la orografa de Carnota, las eras, elementos arquitectnicos populares ligados al ciclo de los cereales, los molinos de agua, autnticos motores econmicos de antao; fuentes, casetas marineras como las de Caldebarcos, as como los cruceros, ligados a creencias religiosas y con un gran valor simblico, destacando el situado en el Campo de Notigos, que est fechado en el siglo XVI. Molino de viento de Lario (1914). De estructura cilndrica ymuros ptreos, dispuso de aspas de madera hasta que las acometidas del mar y del viento se las arrancaron.Cruz del Santo Cruz del Santo Santa Comba de Carnota Santa Comba de Carnota Pindo pueblo Pindo town


Santa Mara de Lira Church (1760). It is comprised of a single long andnarrow nave divided internally into four parts; the rst three have a round arch and a barrel vault and the corresponding altar zone has a rib vault. Traditional Heritage. The most important traditional heritage includes the 884 granaries that sow the terrain of Carnota; the threshing oors, popular architectural elements linked to the cycle of cereals; water mills, true economic engines of yesteryear; fountains; sea sheds, like those of Caldebarcos; as well as transepts, linked to religious beliefs and with a great symbolic value, with the transept located in the Campo de Notigos, which dates back to the 16th century, being an excellent example. San Mamede San Mamede

Hrreo y palomar de Carnota. Declarado Monumento Nacional, su longitud es de 35 metros. Construdo en 1768 por Gregorio Quintela, descansa sobre 22 pares de pies, rivalizando en belleza con el de Lira, probablemente del mismo autor. El palomar es de planta cilndrica y cubierta cnica, en teja del pas. Hrreo y palomar de Lira (s. XVIII). Construdo en granito, perteneci a la Iglesia hasta la desamortizacin del s. XIX. Est sobreelevado sobre una plataforma y alcanza una longitud de 35 metros. El palomar, en mampostera, es de planta cilndrica y cubierta cnica. Faro de nsua, en la punta del mismo nombre.

Lario Windmill (1914). Cylindrical structure with stone walls; it had wooden blades until attacks by the sea and the wind tore them o. Granary and Dovecote of Carnota. Declared a National Monument,it has a length of 35 metres. Built in 1768 by Gregory Quintela, it rests upon a base of 22 pairs of feet, rivalling in beauty with that of Lira, probably created by the same person. The dovecot is cylindrical and has a cone-shaped tiled roof.

Granary and Dovecote of Lira (18th century). Built in granite, itbelonged to the Church until the disentailment of the 19th century. It is elevated on a platform and reaches a longitude of 35 metres. The dovecot, in masonry, is cylindrical and has a cone-shaped roof.

nsua Lighthouse, at the point with the same name.

Palomar de Carnota Dovecote of Carnota

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


PAISAJES / RUTAS CarnotaUno de los paisajes ms impactantes de la Costa da Morte es el Monte Pindo, lugar donde se precipita en cascada el Ro Xallas para encontrarse con el mar en la ensenada de zaro. La tradicin popular consider a esta mole grantica de formas caprichosas como el Olimpo Celta, en el que la legendaria Reina Lupa haba ocultado sus fabulosos tesoros. En sus altares ptreos se desarrollaron cultos paganos hasta entrada la Edad Media. Sus entraas intrincadas sirvieron de escondite a combatientes durante la Guerra Civil. En direccin a Carnota est el puerto natural de Quilmas, donde los normandos reparaban y carenaban sus naves. En los arrecifes de la punta de Caldebarcos se hundieron naves de la Armada Invencible que viajaban a la conquista de Inglaterra. Playa de Boca do Ro Playa del Pindo Playa de Lira Playa de Carnota, de siete km de largo, caracterizada por sus dunas, una laguna interior y marismas en las que anidan una gran variedad de aves migratorias. Playa de Lario

Faro de Lario Lario Lighthouse

FIESTAS / GASTRONOMALas estas ms importantes en Carnota son las estas de San Clemente de O Pindo del 8 al 10 de agosto, la esta de San Mamed del 7 al 9 de agosto y la esta del Cristo del 8 al 10 de septiembre, la esta de la Milagrosa en Quilmas el primer n de semana de agosto, el Carmen de Caldebarcos el 17 y 18 de julio, los Remedios nuevos (1er martes despus de Semana Santa) y viejos (siete semanas despus de los nuevos) en Lira, as como la esta del Mar el 23 y 24 de agosto, las Dolores de Carnota el ltimo viernes de agosto y por ltimo la esta de la cachelada en Mallou el 23 y 24 de agosto. Carnota exporta productos del mar y del campo a mercados nacionales e internacionales. Los productos tpicos y de la tierra los ofrece los mircoles en Carnota y los jueves en O Pindo - y en la carta de sus restaurantes y casas de comida.

Playa de Carnota Carnota Beach

LANDSCAPES / ROUTES CarnotaOne of the most striking landscapes of the Costa da Morte is that of Mount Pindo, where the river Xallas cascades over the mountain to meet the sea at the cove of zaro. Popular tradition believed this granite mass with capricious forms to be the Celtic Olympus in which the legendary Queen Lupa had hidden her fabulous treasures. Pagan worshipping took place in its stone altars into the Middle Ages. Its intricate inside served as a hideout for ghters during the Spanish Civil War. In the direction of Carnota is the natural port of Quilmas, where the Normans repaired and careened their vessels. Ships from the Spanish Armada that were sailing to conquest England sank in the reefs at the tip of Caldebarcos. Boca do Ro Beach El Pindo Beach Lira Beach Carnota Beach, seven kilometres long, characterised by its dune, an inland lagoon and marshes that are the nesting area for a large variety of migrating birds. Lario Beach

CELEBRATIONS / GASTRONOMYThe most important celebrations in Carnota are the festivals of San Clemente in O Pindo from the 8th to the 10th of August; the celebration of San Mamed, from the 7th to the 9th of August; the Festival of Christ from the 8th to the 10th of September; the Festival of the Milagrosa in Quilmas, the rst weekend August; the Carmen de Caldebarcos, the 17th and 18th of July; the Remedios Nuevos (1st Tuesday after Easter Week) and Viejos (seven weeks after the Nuevos) in Lira; as well as the Festival of the Sea, the 23rd and 24th of August; the Dolores de Carnota, the last Friday in August; and, lastly, the Festival of the Cachelada in Mallou on the 23rd and 24th of August. Carnota exports products from the sea and from the land to national and international markets. Traditional products and products from the land are oered on Wednesdays in Carnota and Thursdays in O Pindo - and on the menus at their restaurants and dining halls.

_ 1 Ruta: Senda Verde de CarnotaRuta de senderismo sealizada de 14 km de longitud, desde Lario hasta el mirador de Louredo, con conexiones al Castro de Mallou, estaciones de petroglifos de Portaventosa y Laxe Escrita, Bico do Santo y la Fervenza das Fontes.

RECIPE: Grilled turbot with potatoes from CarnotaBoil 1 kilogram of unpeeled potatoes in salted water for 30 minutes. Peel and cut the potatoes. Put 8 pieces of turbot on a very hot grill slightly greased with oil. Grill them until golden on both sides, lightly sprinkled with oil and pressing rmly with the spatula. Put them in a baking dish (with the skin side up) and bake at 200 for 3 minutes. Lastly, serve 2 pieces of turbot per person with some potatoes sprinkled with paprika. Sprinkle the dish with olive oil and the sauce from the sh.

RECETA: Rodaballo a la plancha con patatas de CarnotaSe cuece en agua salada 1 kilo de patatas sin mondar durante unos 30 minutos. Se pelan y trocean. En una plancha muy caliente, mojada ligeramente con aceite, ponemos 8 trozos de rodaballo. Se doran vuelta y vuelta, ligeramente rociados de aceite y apretando bien con la esptula. Se sacan a una fuente (con la piel hacia arriba) y se hornean a 200 durante 3 minutos. Finalmente se sirven 2 trozos de rodaballo por persona y unos cuantos trozos de patata espolvoreados con pimentn dulce. Se roca el plato con aceite de oliva, aprovechando la salsa.

Route 1: Carnota Green PathFourteen kilometre hiking path from Lario to the Louredo viewpoint, with connections to the fortied settlement of Mallou, the petroglyph sites of Portaventosa and Laxe Escrita, Bico do Santo and Fervenza das Fontes.

Puerto Quilmas Port of Quilmas

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


< Playa Canelias Canelias Beach

Cee> Estas tierras fueron ya abundantemente pobladas en el Megaltico. En la poca castrea es habitado por los Nerios, que se asientan en zonas del interior para protegerse de invasiones costeras (Castros de Son, monte do Castro, Pereiria, Toba). Aun as, el puerto de Cee es de los ms antiguos de Galicia en registrar actividad. Durante el Antiguo Rgimen, estas tierras estuvieron bajo el seoro del Conde de Altamira y del Arcedianato de Trastmara, por mediacin del Arzobispo Xelmrez, en el siglo XII. Cee tampoco se salv del saqueo y los incendios por parte de los franceses durante la Guerra de la Independencia. No obstante, la villa se repuso y hoy conserva un casco antiguo muy meritorio. El municipio naci como tal en 1.812, a partir de la abolicin de la administracin seorial y el nacimiento del municipalismo.




INTRODUCTION / HISTORY>The most commonly accepted etymology for the word Cee relates it to the term cetrea (from the Latin cetus = tuna or whale), referring to the former presence of cetacean factories in the region. This area was already widely populated in the megalithic era. In the Castro era, the region was inhabited by the Nerios, who installed themselves inland as protection from coastal invasions (Forts: Son, monte do Castro, Pereiria, Toba). Nevertheless, the port of Cee is one of the oldest in Galicia to record activity. During the Ancien Rgime, the region was under the rule of the Count of Altamira and the Archdeaconship of Trastmara, through Archbishop Xelmrez, in the 12th century. Cee was not spared from the plundering and res of the French during the War of Independence. However, the town was able to recover and now boasts a very admirable old quarter. The municipality was established in 1812, through the abolition of noble administration and the birth of municipalism.

El ayuntamiento de Cee ocupa 58 kms2 en el extremo occidental de la provincia, lindando con Fisterra. Su territorio tiene contacto con el Ocano Atlntico en tres lneas de costa, y con los municipios de Muxa, Dumbra y Corcubin. A su capital se llega desde A Corua, distante 95 km, por la C-552. Desde Santiago, el Camino Jacobeo hace en Cee una ltima parada antes de llegar a Fisterra. Junto a su condicin costera, Cee est protegida de los vientos por las montaas Sete Grises, Alto das Penas y montes de Quenlle. Su clima es muy benigno. Cee ha registrado una evolucin demogrca positiva durante todo el s. XX. Sus cerca de 7.806 habitantes viven principalmente de la explotacin del sector servicios y de la industria, destacando los astilleros y la produccin de aleacin de hierro y carburos metlicos. La explotacin forestal y la actividad constructiva tambin contribuyen a la jacin de la poblacin. El sector primario est escasamente dimensionado. Sin embargo, los servicios de comercio, sanitarios, hosteleros, administrativos y de transporte estn potenciados en Cee dada su condicin de cabecera comarcal. El origen etimolgico del trmino Cee ms admitido lo relaciona con la palabra cetrea (del latn cetus = atn o ballena), atendiendo a la existencia en el pasado de factoras de cetceos en la localidad.

The municipality of Cee covers an area of 58 km2 and is located in the westernmost point of the province, neighbouring Fisterra. It is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on three sides and is bordered by the municipalities of Muxa, Dumbra and Corcubin. Its capital can be reached from A Corua, a distance of 95 km, by the C-552. From Santiago, there is a nal stop on the Way of St. James in Cee before arriving at Fisterra. In addition to being situated on the coast, Cee is protected from the wind by the Sete Grises, Alto das Penas and Quenlle mountains. It enjoys a very mild climate. Cee experienced positive demographic growth throughout the entire 20th century. The town has a population of close to 7,806 and its inhabitants work mainly in the service and industry sectors. The shipyards and iron alloy and metal carbide production are of particular importance. Forest exploitation and construction activity also contribute to the local economy. The primary sector is scarcely documented; however, the commerce, public health, hotel, administrative and transport industries are quite strong in Cee given its status as an administrative centre.

Zona de la drsena Docking area

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte






The abundant architectural heritage of the municipality notably includes: Santa Mara de Xunqueira Parish Church. Built in late Gothic style (16th cent.), the church was burned down by the French and rebuilt in the 19th century. Only the main chapel remains from the old temple. The image of Our Lady of the Apparition was also burned during the invasion. Folk tradition relates that a foreign ship was unable to weigh anchor because of a mysterious force. The crew then decided to cast a wooden image from the ship into the sea. The sculpture was later found by a local among the xunqueiros (reed beds) of the ria. A chapel was erected near where the image was found to house the image of the Virgin Mary.

Del abundante patrimonio arquitectnico del municipio destacan:

La iglesia parroquial de Santa Mara da Xunqueira, de estilo gtico tardo (s. XVI), que fue incendiada por los franceses y reedicada en el siglo XIX. Del antiguo templo slo se conserva la capilla mayor. La imagen de la Virgen, La Aparecida, tambin se quem durante la invasin.Cuenta la tradicin que un navo extranjero era incapaz de zarpar porque una fuerza misteriosa se lo impeda. La tripulacin decidi entonces arrojar al mar una imagen de madera que llevaban en el barco. La talla fue encontrada luego por un lugareo entre los xunqueiros (juncales) de la ra. Cerca del lugar del hallazgo se levant una ermita para alojar a la virgen.Plaza de la Constitucin Constitution Square

Castillo del Prncipe (Princes Castle), declared a Site of Cultural Interest in 1994, its construction was ordered by Charles III to protect the ria from foreign attacks and in honour of his son, Charles IV. San Pedro Mrtir Chapel, erected over a site of pagan worship, it isvisited by hundreds of pilgrims once a year.

Casa Fernando Blanco Fernando Blancos House

> El edicio de la Fundacin Fernando Blanco, acabado de construir en 1886, destaca por aunar grandeza de formas y armona. Por deseo del benefactor que orden su construccin y le da nombre ha funcionado como Centro de enseanza. Cuenta con un hermoso jardn en el que Blanco mand plantar especies americanas. Entre su dotacin material, cuenta con instrumentos didcticos usados en el s. XIX y pinturas de Urquiola, Daz Carreo y Madrazo, que se exponen en el museo de la fundacin situada en la antigua escuela de nias levantada sobre el suelo en el que se ubicaba la casa materna de Fernando Blanco. En el entorno de la capitalina Plaza de la Constitucin el conjunto de casas particulares destaca por la conservacin de su estructura original.

Santiago de Ameixenda Church, where, as tradition has it, theApostles little nger is housed. Regarding civil architecture, the collection of granaries of the Casa do Camio do Vilar of Toba is worth mentioning. The pazos (country manors) of Cee, Brandariz and, particularly, Cotn are worthy of a visit. The pazo of Cotn, dating back to the 18th century, exhibits close harmony in its lines, a beautiful side stone staircase and an extraordinary nobiliary coat of arms with the eur-de-lis of the Inquisition axed; also featured are the pine and lances of the Leis family, the squares of the Bermdez de Castro family, two castles belonging to the Pardias y Rioboo family and, in the inescutcheon, the six roundels of the Castro family and the squares of the Bermdez de Castro family. The Fernando Blanco Foundation building, whose construction was completed in 1886, is notable for combining large forms and harmony. In keeping with the wishes of the eponymous benefactor who ordered its construction, it has served as an educational institution. It has a beautiful garden in which Blanco ordered American species to be planted. It houses didactic instruments from the 19th century and paintings by Urquiola, Daz Carreo and Madrazo, which are on display in the foundations museum located in the old girls school erected above Fernando Blancos maternal house. The private homes near the Plaza de la Constitucin are notable for the preservation of their original structure.

El Castillo del Prncipe, declarado Bien de Inters Cultural en1994, fue mandado construir por Carlos III para proteger la ra de ataques extranjeros y en honor de su hijo Carlos IV.

La Capilla de San Pedro Mrtir, fundada sobre un lugar en el que se celebraban cultos paganos, convoca a cientos de romeros una vez al ao. Iglesia parroquial de San Adrin de Toba. Conserva restos romnicos del s. XII. El santo aboga por la curacin de verrugas y quistes. Iglesia de Santiago de Ameixenda, donde, dice la tradicin,se conserva un dedo meique del Apstol. En arquitectura civil es reseable el conjunto de hrreos de la Casa do Camio do Vilar de Toba. Tambin son dignos de recibir visita los pazos de Cee, Brandariz y, sobre todo, el de Cotn. Este ltimo, del siglo XVIII, presenta una armona compacta en sus lneas, una hermosa escalera lateral ptrea y un escudo nobiliario singular con la or de lis de la Inquisicin acolada. Se descubre el pino y las lanzas de los Leis, los escaques de los Bermdez de Castro, dos castillos de Pardias y Rioboo y, en escusn, los seis roeles de los Castro y los escaques de los Bermdez de Castro.

Santa M da Xunqueira Santa Mara of Xunqueira

San Adrin de Toba San Adrin de Toba

Plaza de la Constitucin Plaza de la Constitucin

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


PAISAJES / RUTAS CeeEl paisaje de Cee reeja una variedad geogrca notable: por un lado, el escenario tranquilo que en el valle dibuja el ro Castro, sosegado hasta el ltimo tramo hacia Lires. Por otro lado, est la zona costera. En ella encontramos desde acantilados escarpados hasta una pequea ensenada, la de Canelias, en la que descargaban los balleneros sus botines. Tambin hay lugar, en Estorde, para el encuentro con una playa tranquila y segura, al abrigo del viento del norte.

Hrreo de Toba Granary of Toba

_ 1 Ruta: Lires GuresPlaya de Estorde Estorde Beach

FIESTAS / GASTRONOMAFiesta de Santa Mara de A Xunqueira, los das 12 al 18 de agosto. Incluyen una gran sesin de fuegos articiales en la playa de A Concha, procesiones, conciertos de carcter popular y grupos de actualidad. Romera de San Pedro Mrtir, en la ermita del mismo nombre,a la que acuden eles buscando remedios para sus males de cabeza.

Se parte de Lires, al lado del ro del mismo nombre que muere mansamente en la playa. Abundan los hrreos y las casas de piedra rea de descanso en Tedn Los Molinos de Toba, que salpican el curso del ro Laxes.



CELEBRATIONS / GASTRONOMYSanta Mara de A Xunqueira, on the 12th-18th of August. Includes a large reworks display at the A Concha Beach, processions and concerts featuring traditional music and current acts. San Pedro Mrtir Pilgrimage, in the chapel of the same name, to which the faithful ock seeking cures for conditions aicting the head. San Adrin de Toba Rural Pilgrimage, on the 16th of June. Cockle Festival, in Cee the third weekend in August.

The landscape of Cee reects remarkable geographic diversity: there is the peaceful landscape which in the valley features the Castro River, whose waters are still up to the nal stretch toward Lires. There is also the coastal area. It is here that we nd treasures ranging from steep clis to a small cove, Canelias, in which whalers unloaded their haul. Estorde oers a safe, serene beach, which is sheltered from the northern wind.

Iglesia parroquial de San Adrin de Toba, rodeada de robledales Iglesia de Santa Mara da Xunqueira Piedad del Campo do Sacramento- Los Molinos de Ameixenda Castillo del Prncipe, viga sobre la ra de Corcubin Iglesia de Santiago Mirador de Gures, con vistas panormicas que abarcan desde el Cabo de C hasta el de Fisterra Playa de Gures, abrigada de los vientos norteos.

Romera campestre de San Adrin de Toba, el 16 de junio. Fiesta del Berberecho, en Cee el tercer n de semana agosto. RECETA: Empanada de maz con berberechosIngredientes para 6 personas: 1 kg harina de maz - 250 grs de harina de centeno - 250 grs de harina de trigo - 2 a 2,5 kg berberechos - 1 kg cebolla - 1 vaso aceite oliva - sal y agua segn textura. Elaboracin: Se amasa la harina de maz con la harina de centeno y de trigo, aadiendo sal y agua hasta conseguir la masa con textura para manipularla. Se hace un sofrito de cebolla y aceite de oliva y se aaden los berberechos. Con la masa realizamos una base, aadimos el relleno y lo cubrimos nuevamente con la masa. Con el horno suave la cocemos 1 hora controlando el proceso

Route 1: Lires GuresStarting from Lires, next to the river of the same name which gently ows into the beach. There are a number of granaries and stone houses Rest stop in Tedn The Toba Mills, which are scattered along the Laxes River. San Adrin de Toba Parish Church, surrounded by oak groves Sta. Mara de Xunqueira Church Piedad del Campo do Sacramento- The Ameixenda Mills Princes Castle, a watchtower above the Corcubin River St. James Church. Gures Viewpoint, with panoramic views extending from Cape C to Fisterra Gures Beach, sheltered from the northern winds.

RECIPE: Mazie and Cockle PieIngredients for 6 servings: 1 kg cornmeal - 250 g rye our - 250 g wheat our 2-2.5 kg cockles - 1 kg onion - 1 cup olive oil salt and water as needed for desired consistency. Preparation: Combine the cornmeal, rye our and wheat our, adding salt and water until a pliable dough is formed. Saut the onion in olive oil and add the cockles. Make a base with the dough and add the lling, then cover again with the dough. Bake for 1 hour on low heat, checking occasionally.

Molinos de Toba Toba Mills

Playa de Gures Gures Beach

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


< Castillo del Cardenal Cardinals Castle

Corcubin> Para defender la ra se construye (s. XVIII) el Castillo del Cardenal. No obstante, la villa de Corcubin no se libr de ser invadida por los ejrcitos de Napolen. Resurge, ya como municipio, a partir de la promulgacin de la Constitucin de 1812, y se consolida desde entonces como cabecera de partido judicial. Actualmente Corcubin concentra la mayor parte de los servicios administrativos y sociales del extremo occidental de la provincia. El comercio, la hostelera y todas las actividades derivadas del turismo en general tienen gran implantacin en la villa. Junto con la contigua poblacin de Cee conforman una conurbacin que representa el ms importante ncleo poblacional y de servicios del occidente corus. El resto de los puestos de trabajo se fundamentan en la pesca, el marisqueo y la construccin. La agricultura y ganadera tienen un carcter marginal en el municipio, donde el 70% de los trabajadores pertenecen al sector servicios. En la dcada de los sesenta, la villa recibe varios galardones que premian su pulcritud y belleza, destacando el premio estatal concedido por el Ministerio de Obras Pblicas en 1964. En 1984 la villa fue declarada Bien de Inters Cultural en la categora de Conjunto Histrico-Artstico y en el ao 2000 Municipio Turstico Galego por la Xunta de Galicia. En los ltimos aos, un auge del turismo atrae a la villa seorial de Corcubin a visitantes de todo el mundo.




INTRODUCTION / HISTORY>El Cardinals Castle was constructed (18th cent.) to defend the ria. This is not to say that the town of Corcubin was safe from the invading forces of Napoleons armies. It re-emerged, already as a municipality, through the promulgation of the Constitution of 1812, and has since stood as an administrative area. The majority of the administrative and social services of the westernmost part of the province are currently concentrated in Corcubin. Commerce, the hotel industry and all tourism-related activities are generally well established in the town. Corcubin and the neighbouring town of Cee form a conurbation which represents the most signicant population and service centre of western A Corua. Other industries which oer employment include shing, shellsh harvesting and construction. Agriculture and cattle rearing play a marginal role in the municipality, where 70% of workers are employed in the service sector. In the 70s, the town received several awards in recognition of its tidiness and beauty; of special note being the state prize issued by the Ministry of Public Works in 1964. In 1984 the town was declared a Site of Cultural Interest within the Historical-Artistic Monuments category and in 2000 it was declared Galician Tourist Municipality by the Xunta de Galicia. In recent years, the noble town of Corcubin has seen an increase in tourism, attracting visitors from around the world.

Los 7,6 km2 que ocupa el ayuntamiento de Corcubin acogen una poblacin de 2.000 habitantes, fruto de un crecimiento estable que apenas ha acusado los embates de una fuerte emigracin caracterstica de toda la comarca. Su situacin geogrca marca la transicin de las Ras Baixas a la Costa da Morte. Su perl litoral es rocoso y recortado, exceptuando la ensenada de Corcubin donde encontramos abrigadas playas como la de Quenxe distinguida con la bandera azul. La etimologa prerromana del topnimo o los restos de la cultura castrea en el municipio evidencian la gran antigedad de los asentamientos en estas tierras, habitadas por los antiguos Nerios como sealan los gegrafos grecorromanos. Sobre la etimologa del topnimo Corcubin, la interpretacin ms acertada considera que las races de este nombre estaran en el celta o en el luso-galaico arcaico. Las voces corcu o corco que signicaran crculo y bin/-ben que signicaran lago, daran lugar a un crculo o fondo de lago o a una ensenada curviforme. Durante la Edad Media la villa perteneci a los seoros de Traba, Trastmara y Altamira. A lo largo del Antiguo Rgimen su territorio form parte de la provincia de Santiago. A partir del siglo XVIII y sobre todo en el s. XIX se instalan en el municipio las primeras industrias de salazn de pescado.

The 7.6 km2 that comprise the municipality of Corcubin support a population of 2,000, the result of steady growth that has hardly shown signs of the eects of the signicant emigration typical of the entire region. Its geographical location marks the transition from the Ras Baixas to the Costa da Morte. Its coastline is rocky and scalloped, with the exception of the Corcubin cove, where we nd sheltered beaches, such as Quenxe, which is identied by a blue ag. The pre-Roman etymology of the place name or the remains of the Castro culture in the municipality bear witness to the impressive antiquity of the settlements in these areas, inhabited by the Nerios as indicated by GrecoRoman geographers. The etymology of Corcubin is widely interpreted as being rooted in Celtic or archaic Luso-Galician. The words corcu or corco meaning circle andbin/-ben meaning lake, resulting in a lake circle or bottom or a curviform cove. During the Middle Ages, the town was under the rule of the Trabas, Trastmaras and Altamiras. Throughout the Ancien Rgime, the region was part of the province of Santiago. Beginning in the 18th century and, particularly throughout the entire 19th century, the rst sh salting industries were installed in the municipality.

Corcubin Corcubin

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte






Of note is the old town centre, declared in 1984 a Site of Cultural Interest in the Historical-Artistic Monuments category. In the old quarter, we nd San Marcos Church. This marieiro Gothic temple (15th cent.) houses Roman remains from the old parish temple of San Andr da Canle situated further inland to prevent plundering by pirates. The parish church of Corcubin features a spectacular image of San Marcos of Cadeira, a Gothic sculpture of the Venetian school dating back to the second half of the 15th century. In line with other oral traditions of the Costa da Morte, legend has it that the sculpture came from a Venetian ship which was unable to leave the port due to a severe storm, which only died down once the sailors cast the image overboard. However, it appears as though the seated image was donated to the parish church by counts, which would explain the symbols of the house of Altamira carved on the saints chair cadeira in Galician. Iglesia de San Marcos San Marcos Church

Destaca el ncleo antiguo de la villa, declarado en 1984 Bien de Inters Cultural en la categora de Conjunto Histrico-Artstico. En l encontramos la Iglesia de San Marcos. Este templo de estilo gtico marieiro (s. XV) conserva restos de origen romnico, procedentes del antiguo templo parroquial de S. Andr da Canle, situado ms al interior para evitar el saqueo de los piratas. La iglesia parroquial de Corcubin est presidida por la impresionante imagen de San Marcos da Cadeira. Se trata de una talla gtica de la escuela veneciana datable en la segunda mitad del siglo XV. Segn la leyenda recogida por la tradicin oral, en la misma lnea de otras de la Costa da Morte, procedera de un barco veneciano incapaz de salir del puerto por un fuerte temporal, que slo amain cuando los marinos arrojaron la imagen por la borda. Todo parece indicar que en realidad la imagen cedente fue donada por los condes a la iglesia parroquial, lo que explicara, que en la ctedra (cadeira en gallego) del santo, guren tallados los smbolos de la casa de Altamira.

San Pedro da Redonda Romanesque Church. Constructed at the end of the 12th century, its nave is rectangular and has a pitched roof. The faade has a round arch. The cornice is supported by modillions decorated in vegetable motifs. The single belfry has two stilted round arches which sit above pillars. The interior features interesting altarpieces and sculptures. Other Places of Interest:Palace of the Counts of Traba Palace of the Altamiras, on the Calle de S. Marcos. Cardinalls Castle, a fortress dating from the 18th century equipped with 12 cannons for defending the ria. Constructed according to guidelines issued by the Marquis of la Ensenada, minister of Ferdinand VI. It was the site of erce confrontations with Napoleons troops. San Antonio Chapel (1700), ), which is prominently seen from the entire city centre. Chapel of the Pilar, constructed in the 20th century along with the annexed former nursing home. The old quarter of Corcubin which features several buildings bearing coats of arms, such as the remarkable Casa de Teixeira, testify to the towns historical importance. The old Psito Martimo School. Several modernist buildings were constructed at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, coinciding with signicant economic development in the town: Casa Mins, the old courthouse building, the old prison and the collection of middle class houses situated along the promenade. Popular architecture: granaries, mills, stone crosses, pigeon lofts Quenxe Fort, with its impressive defence walls and moat, from which the entire Corcubin ria can be seen.

Iglesia romnica de San Pedro da Redonda.Construda a nales del siglo XII y principios del XIII, su nave es rectangular, cubierta a dos aguas. En la fachada presenta un arco de medio punto. La cornisa est sostenida por canecillos decorados con motivos vegetales. La espadaa es de un cuerpo con dos arcos de medio punto peraltados sobre pilares. Contiene retablos y tallas interesantes en el interior.

San Pedro da Redonda San Pedro da Redonda

Paseo Martimo Promenade

. Capilla del Pilar, construida en el siglo XX junto con el antiguo asilo de ancianos anexo. . Ncleo antiguo de Corcubin, donde destacan sus numerosas edicaciones blasonadas, como la singular Casa de Teixeira, que testimonian la importancia histrica de la villa. . La Antigua escuela del Psito Martimo. . Numerosos edicios modernistas son construidos a nales del S.XIX y principios de S.XX, coincidiendo con un importante desarrollo econmico de la villa: Casa Mins, edicio del antiguo Juzgado, la crcel vieja y el conjunto de edicios burgueses situados a lo largo del paseo martimo. . Arquitectura popular: hrreos, molinos, cruceros, palomares... . Castro de Quenxe, en el que destacan sus muros de defensa y el foso. Desde l se divisa toda la ra de Corcubin.

Otros lugares de inters:. Palacio de los condes de Traba . Palacio de los Altamira, en la calle de S. Marcos. . Castillo Cardenal, fortaleza del siglo XVIII dotada de 12 caones para la defensa de la ra. Construda siguiendo directrices del Marqus de la Ensenada, ministro de Fernando VI. Fue escenario de encarnizados enfrentamientos con las tropas napolenicas. . La Capilla de San Antonio (1.700), dominando la vista de todo el ncleo urbano.

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


PAISAJES / RUTAS CorcubinLa propia actividad humana conform un paisaje salpicado de lugares para el culto, la defensa, la gua de los marinos y la encomienda a los buenos espritus. El municipio de Corcubin abarca una pequea pennsula que se adentra en la ra de su nombre. El paisaje est formado por un territorio humanizado a lo largo de milenios de historia, caracterstico de la nacin gallega y el inmenso mar que lo circunda. En l destacan en medio de la ra las islas Lobeiras. Un recorrido por la costa del concello nos permitir descubrir lo pintoresco y ms caracterstico de las pequeas poblaciones marineras. El puerto de Corcubin, abrigado en el fondo de la ra, est inseparablemente unido al devenir de la poblacin desde sus orgenes. Actualmente, las calles de Corcubin son testimonio el de un importante pasado materializado en su rico patrimonio, donde lo religioso, lo civil y lo popular conviven en perfecta armona.Faro C C Lighthouse

Playa de Quenxe Quenxe Beach



Feria Medieval, durante el tercer n de semana de julio. Toda lavilla es un mercado medieval, con los vecinos vestidos de poca.

LANDSCAPE / ROUTES CorcubinSheer human activity transformed the landscape into one peppered with places for worship, defence, the guiding of seamen and the entrusting to good spirits. The municipality of Corcubin extends over a small peninsula that penetrates the Corcubin ria. The landscape encompasses a territory which reects human existence spanning millennia, characteristic of Galicia and the immense sea surrounding it. Of special note are the Lobeiras Islands located in the middle of the ria. Travelling along the concello coast allows one to discover the typical, small, picturesque, seaside establishments. The port of Corcubin, situated at the back of the ria, has, from its beginning, been inseparably connected to the towns identity. The streets of Corcubin are proof of an important past evidenced in its rich patrimony, where the religious, civil and traditional live in perfect harmony

CELEBRATIONS / GASTRONOMY>San Marcos, on the 25th of April. The image of the towns patron is put on display in a procession. All of Corcubin comes out to celebrate. San Juan, in Oliveira, on the 24th June. On the evening of the 23rd, locals gather to grill sardines and make bonres. San Pedro (Redonda), on the 29th June. Locals gather for a typical Galician procession in the neighbouring San Roque eld to eat, sing and celebrate the day. Virgen del Carmen, on the 16th of July. The patroness of seamen is displayed in a seaside procession. Medieval festival, during the third weekend in July. The entire town is transformed into a medieval market, with the locals in period dress. Porco Celta Festival, the second Saturday in August. Gastronomic festival centred around this typical product of Galicia. Las Mercedes, on the 24th of September. Celebration of the end of summer. Since an annual Bonito del Norte tuna festival is celebrated in Corcubin, we have included a local recipe:

Corcubin, plaza del pueblo, paseo martimo y playa de Quenxe dotada de todos los servicios donde destaca la mansedumbre de sus aguas, en el interior de la ra, la hacen recomendable para personas de cualquier edad y condicin fsica. Durante el verano, el club de vela local organiza cursos para principiantes. Faro de Cabo C (1860), desde el que se divisa una impresionante vista de la ra, el faro de Fisterra, las islas Lobeiras y el Monte do Pindo Iglesia de S. Pedro (s. XII), en Redonda. En su interior alberga una talla de S. Pedro del s. XV O Vilar, desde donde hay una buena panormica de la pennsula de Fisterra Corcubin.

Fiesta del Porco Celta, el 2 sbado de agosto. Fiesta gastronmicade exaltacin de este producto caracterstico de Galicia.

Las Mercedes, el 24 de septiembre. Despedida de la temporadaveraniega. Dado que en Corcubin se celebra una esta anual del bonito del norte, transcribimos una receta al uso en la localidad:

RECETA: Bonito del norte a la planchaIngredientes para 6 personas: 600 grs de bonito en rodaja 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva 1/2 limn 1 diente de ajo 1 ramita de perejil Preparacin Se pican el ajo y el perejil y se mezclan con el zumo de limn, el aceite y sal en un recipiente. Empapar bien la rodaja de bonito por ambos lados, con esta mezcla. Dejar reposar as durante un par de horas, para que el bonito coja los sabores del adobo. Sacar la rodaja de su adobo, dejando que escurra, y dorarla 5 minutos por cada lado en una plancha o sartn antiadherente bien caliente, mojada con unas gotas de aceite, salar por ambas caras. Servir recin hecho.

FIESTAS / GASTRONOMASan Marcos, el 25 de abril. La imagen del patrn de la villa es sacadaen procesin. Todo Corcubin lo celebra.

ROUTE:Corcubin, Plaza del Pueblo Promenade - Quenxe Beach. The inner part of the ria, with the stillness of its waters, and full service oerings, is perfect for people of any age and physical condition. During the summer, the local sailing club organises courses for beginners. Cape C Lighthouse (1860), from which a magnicent view of the ria, the Fisterra lighthouse, the Lobeiras Islands and the Monte do Pindo can be seen San Pedro Church (12th cent.), in Redonda. It houses a sculpture of St. Peter from the 15th century O Vilar, from which a wonderful panoramic view of the Fisterra peninsula can be seen Corcubin.

RECIPE: Grilled Bonito del norte tunaIngredients for 6 servings: 6600 g of sliced bonito, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1/2 lemon, 1 clove of garlic 1 small sprig of parsley Preparation: Chop the garlic and parsley and combine in a bowl with the lemon juice, oil and salt. Soak the bonito in this mixture, taking care to cover both sides. Allow to rest for a few hours, so that the bonito absorbs the avours of the marinade. Remove the slices from the marinade, allowing them to drain, and brown for 5 minutes on each side on a very hot grill or non-stick pan sprinkled with a few drops of oil. Season both sides with salt. Serve soon after making.

San Xon,

en Oliveira, el 24 de junio. El sbado anterior a esa noche, los vecinos se renen en torno a una gran sardiada y saltan las hogueras.

San Pedro, 29 junio. Los vecinos se renen en una tpica romera gallega en el aledao campo de San Roque para comer, cantar y festejar el da. Virgen del Carme, el 16 de julio. Se saca en procesin martima laimagen de la patrona de los marineros.

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte


< Ro Xallas en Ponte Olveira Xallas River in Ponte Oliveira




Durante la Edad Media estuvo bajo la dependencia del Arzobispado de Santiago. Vinculada a la Ruta Jacobea, en la aldea de Hospital exista un albergue para peregrinos desde el siglo XIII. Durante la Guerra contra los franceses los vecinos de Dumbra fueron derrotados por un ejrcito que se encaminaba a Cee y Corcubin a travs de Ponte Olveira, cruzando el Xallas. Las aldeas de Olveiroa y Hospital fueron arrasadas y muchos de sus habitantes ejecutados. En plena recuperacin de la guerra, ser solo a partir de la aprobacin de la Constitucin de 1812 cuando Dumbra je los lmites denitivos del municipio.


INTRODUCTION / HISTORY>continued into the pre-Roman period: Teixoeiras, Regoelle, Berdeogas and Alvarellos forts. During the Middle Ages, the region was under the archbishopric of Santiago. Connected to the Way of St. James, a hostel for pilgrims was in place as of the 13th century in the village of Hospital. During the war with the French, the inhabitants of Dumbra were defeated by an army that set o for Cee and Corcubin by way of Ponte Olveira, crossing the Xallas. The villages of Olveiroa and Hospital were destroyed and many of their inhabitants were executed. Only with the passing of the Constitution of 1812, in the midst of recovery from the war, did Dumbra establish the municipalitys denitive limits.

Dumbra, perteneciente a la comarca de Fisterra, se encuentra, en la lnea costera, entre Cee y Carnota. Su supercie, de 124,65 Km2, acoge una poblacin de 4.800 habitantes (2005), dispersos en aldeas y ncleos de siete parroquias. Su clima es suave, aunque un tanto ms fresco en el interior, accidentado e inuido por la elevacin progresiva de la placa grantica. Una red de ros drena el territorio, destacando el Xallas, que lo cruza hasta su desembocadura en la ensenada de zaro. La evolucin demogrca es descendente desde los aos cincuenta, debido al ujo migratorio con destino a Amrica, Europa y la capital de la provincia. La actividades econmicas ms importantes son la agricultura y la ganadera, que alimenta la actividad industrial lctea. La produccin de ferrosilicio y la construccin generan otros tantos puestos de trabajo. A principios del s. XX se instalan centrales hidroelctricas en el Xallas. El sector de servicios es menos relevante. Dumbra registra asentamientos humanos desde el Megaltico. Testimonio de ello son los dlmenes de Monte Lousada y el de Casa dos Mouros, en Olveira. El petroglifo de Pedra Ancha es una interesante muestra del arte al aire libre de la Edad de Bronce. Las mmoas situadas cerca de la ermita de San Pedro o las de Bustelo denotan una importante actividad en la Prehistoria que alcanz continuidad en la poca prerromana: castros de las Teixoeiras, Regoelle, Berdeogas y Alvarellos.

Dumbra, part of the Fisterra region, is situated on the coast between Cee and Carnota. Its 124.65 km2 supports a population of 4,800 (2005), distributed throughout villages and seven parish centres. It enjoys a mild climate, although it is a bit cooler inland, due to the gradual elevation of the granite formations. A network of rivers drains the territory, with the Xallas standing out, as it crosses the territory until owing into the zaro Cove. Since the 50s, population growth has been in decline due to migration to the Americas, other parts of Europe and the provincial capital. The most important economic activities are agriculture and cattle rearing, which supports the industrial dairy industry. The production of ferrosilicon and construction also generate employment. In the beginning of the 20th century, hydroelectric power stations were installed on the Xallas River. The service sector is of minor importance. Dumbra has sustained human populations since the Megalithic era. Proof of this lies in the dolmens of Monte Lousada and the Casa dos Mouros, in Olveira. The Pedra Ancha petroglyph is an interesting display of outdoor art from the Bronze Age. The tumuli located near the San Pedro Hermitage and the Bustelo tumuli indicate important activity in the prehistoric age which

Desembocadura del Ro Xallas Xallas River estuary

Gua Turstica de la Costa da Morte Sightseeing Guide of the Costa da Morte





PATRIMONIOCIVILCasa da Vacariza, casa Curia, rectoral de Berdeogas, rectoral de Dumbra, albergue de peregrinos de Olveiroa, centro cultural de Berdeogas, central elctrica de Castrelo y del Pindo y pazos de Pedria, puente de Ponte Olveira sobre el ro Xallas.

RELIGIOUS: Temples Sta. Uxa de zaro, Baroque (18th century), basilical plan and image of the Virgin Mary on the faade. Interesting bell tower.. San Pedro de Buxantes (18th century). Latin cross plan and image of St. Peter on the faade. The interior features a stone choir stall. Santiago de Berdeogas, hall church constructed between the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Has a nave and pitched roof. The faade features a round-arch door which displays an image of the patron. The sacristy is placed against an aisle of the nave. The church tower is crowned by a small cupola. The interior has altarpieces of religious images. San Martio de Olveira. Constructed in the late 12th century and remodelled in Baroque style, the church has a Latin cross nave, pitched roof, semicircular door and image of St. Martin on the faade. The double tower is crowned by a small cupola. Interesting altarpieces are featured in the interior. San Mamede de Salgueiros. Constructed in the 18th century, the nave is in Latin cross layout, with a pitched roof. On the faade, two round arches above a base, a tympanum decorated with a cross, a rectangular light opening and two shell-shaped cavities on either side of the front door. The singular belfry is double-bodied: the bottom houses the bells, with the top featuring a small pinnacled cupola. The Santiago de Olveiroa Church dates back to the end of the 12th century, although it was extensively remodelled in the 18th and 19th centuries. The nave features a basilical plan, with a tiled pitched roof. The faade is simple, with a rectangular window. The sacristy is placed against the apse. The single-volume belfry has a round arch that sits above pillars. Located in the interior are altarpieces and sculptures. Santa Luca Chapel. The faade is rectangular and displays above the door an image of the Virgin Mary holding a book in her left hand and a dove in her right. During the St. Luca procession, the faithful soak a handkerchief in the adjoining fountain, then place it on the images eyes, allowing the handkerchief to dry and thereby obtaining healing eects. Santa Eulalia de Dumbra Church and As Neves de Buxantes Hermitage.

RELIGIOSO: TemplosSta. Uxa de zaro, barroca (s. XVIII), con planta basilical e imagen de la Virgen en la fachada. Interesante torre-campanario. S. Pedro de Buxantes (s. XVIII). Planta de cruz latina e imagen de San Pedro en la fachada. En su interior alberga un coro de piedra. Santiago de Berdeogas, construda entre los s. XVI, s. XVII y s. XVIII. Presenta una nave de planta de saln, con cubierta a dos aguas. En la fachada hay una puerta con arco de medio punto que acoge la imagen del patrn. La s