Download - Guest Chef Dinner with Michelin-starred Chef Christophe Émé



OCTOBER 2021The Athenaeum


Dining and Club Events

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(626) 395-8282

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(626) 395-8200

551 South Hill AvenuePasadena, CA 91106

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Prime Rib Buffet NightWednesday, October 20

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Seating every half hour

$65 per person | Menu online

Just in time for fall evenings and heavier appetites, the prime rib buffet is back at The Athenaeum! On October 20, we’ll serve prime rib, along with the delightful salads, sides, and desserts that make this evening such a treat. Be sure to make your reservations now; this evening will sell out quickly.

Guest Chef Dinner with Michelin-starred Chef Christophe Émé

Friday, October 22Registration, 5:45 p.m., Dinner 6:00 p.m.

Menu and price online

The Athenaeum is pleased to welcome Michelin-starred Chef Christophe Émé back to the club for an evening of gastronomic delight!

Chef Émé’s passion for food has taken him around the world, to dining capitals like Paris and London, and finally to the United States in 2001. After two decades of cooking at some of the world’s finest restaurants, Chef Émé opened his own restaurant, Ortolan, in 2004. For eight years, both he and the restaurant garnered awards and accolades, including one Michelin star and Food & Wine Best New Chef. Currently, Chef Émé creates private fine dining events, including weddings and dinner parties, for his select clientele.

On October 22, Athenaeum members and their guests will have the rare opportunity to enjoy a dining experience with Chef Émé. Come to the club and be enchanted by the creations of this legendary chef!

We are hoping for a mild and pleasant autumn because we are keeping the Rath al Fresco open until the 29th of October. Make your reservation soon to enjoy the last days of summer and the start of fall.

Wine Committee Chair Jess Adkins will lead us through a Bordeaux tasting curated from The Athenaeum’s wine cellar. Like all the events for October, this is one that should not be missed. It is, really, a once in a lifetime event! The experience happens on October 6.

Chef Christophe Émé comes back to The Athenaeum as a guest chef on Friday, October 22. Chef Émé was a guest chef at the club back in 2008, along with other well-known chefs. This time, he is doing a solo stint and will undoubtedly wow you with the menu he has created for the evening. Seating is very limited, so make your reservation early.

As all of us at The Athenaeum are navigating the protocols associated with the pandemic, we request

your patience and understanding. Along with reservations, proof of vaccination will be required from all members and guests coming to the club starting October 18. This is a Caltech-wide requirement for all campus students, faculty, staff, and visitors, with the goal of keeping all in this community safe and healthy. The procedure and process of how this will be implemented here at the club is still being studied. We request your forbearance as we hone the process throughout October.

Thank you, again, to all members who continue to support The Athenaeum. We are here because of you. I look forward to seeing you all at Rath al Fresco before the end of the season.

Marisu Jimenez General Manager

Autumn is Here

Breakfast is BackMondays – Fridays (except holidays)

7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. | Reservations requiredBreakfast service has returned to The Athenaeum,

bright and early! We welcome our members and their guests to start the day with a delicious meal, served in a gracious and safe environment. Make it a good morning

at The Ath!

Let’s Have LunchMondays – Fridays (except holidays)

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Reservations requiredFEATURING THE LUNCH BUFFET

EVERY FRIDAY We welcome you to join us for lunch service, on the

patio or in the dining room. Fridays will feature a lunch buffet, which you won’t want to miss. As we all return to campus, let’s reconnect at The Athenaeum over a

wonderful lunch (don’t forget to order dessert). No time to sit? You can order lunch to-go.

Either way, we’ll see you soon!

Updated COVId-19 prOtOCOls fOr the CalteCh CampUs

wIll start On OCtOber 18All Athenaeum members, guests, visitors, and staff must provide proof of vaccination or an approved exemption to enter the club, when visiting any of The Athenaeum’s dining, hotel, and tennis outlets.

Face masks must be worn at all times inside the club, except when eating or drinking.

Children under the age of 12, who currently are unable to be vaccinated per government regulations,

may accompany adults to The Athenaeum. Like adults, children aged 2-12 years must wear a face

mask at all times, except when eating and drinking. For their safety, per CDC guidelines, children under

the age of 2 years should not wear masks.

We will update you with details on how this mandate will be implemented at

The Athenaeum.

(Marisu’s Message Corner)

Bordeaux TastingWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6

Registration, 5:45 p.m., Dinner 6:00 p.m.

$100 per person | Menu online

Come join us for a perfectly-themed fall tasting: Bordeaux. Our Director of Food and Beverage, Jerry Rodriguez, has chosen fine selections for your tasting pleasure. Our featured speaker will be the Chair of The Athenaeum’s Wine Committee, Prof. Jess Adkins. Prof. Adkins is known for his warm demeanor and knowledgeable commentary. The Bordeaux will be paired with small appetizers, to

enhance your tasting experience. Let’s toast the fall season with gusto!


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Lunch BuffetLast Day of

Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco

BreakfastLunch Buffet

Guest Chef Dinner RAF Closed


Rath al Fresco


Prime Rib BuffetRAF Closed


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco

BreakfastLunch BuffetRath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco

BreakfastLunch BuffetRath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Bordeaux TastingRath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco

BreakfastLunch / No Buffet

RAF Closed


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco


Rath al Fresco

The Athenaeum Hotel is OpenThe Athenaeum’s hotel is open and welcoming guests with our trademark hospitality! Athenaeum members and their guests can enjoy this valuable feature of membership. Keep our sparklingly-clean rooms and suites in mind as you plan staycations for yourself or a holiday visit for friends and family. Book your visit with our Front Desk at (626) 395-8200 or [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Rath al Fresco closes on October 29Don’t miss the last nights of the Rath al Fresco! After a wonderful summer season, the Rath al Fresco is scheduled to close its doors on Friday, October 29. We encourage you to use these last few weeks to enjoy the cooler weather and continue to reunite with family, friends, and colleagues safely outdoors. As work and school schedules increase, remember that the entire Rath al Fresco menu can be ordered to-go. At the club or at your home, The Athenaeum is here for you!

The Einstein Suite Twin Room

Queen Room The Hale Suite

Message from Dr. Gary Lorden, Chair of The Athenaeum’s Board of Governors

Since my message in the May Athenaeum newsletter, the Board of Governors (BOG) has continued the process of considering the renaming of the Millikan Suite. Caltech’s

Committee on Naming and Recognition (CNR) recommended renaming several buildings and other assets that were deemed honorific, while maintaining and remembering Caltech’s history and recognizing its future aspirations. These recommendations were adopted by the Institute’s board of trustees in January, but changes at The Athenaeum require action by our own board. The BOG has made the same distinction, regarding the name of the Millikan Suite as honorific, whereas the portraits of Millikan in the gallery of Caltech Nobelists in the Hayman Lounge and the gallery of presidents of the Institute, and the painting of Millikan, Hale and Noyes in the Main Dining Room are important historical artifacts. At its meeting on July 14th, the BOG discussed the responses to my newsletter message as well as the suggestions of an ad hoc committee comprised of Athenaeum members drawn from the House Committee, the Caltech Associates and Alumni Association, and the graduate student body.

The opinions we have received regarding renaming the Millikan Suite have largely echoed the opinions expressed to the CNR by members of the Institute community and summarized in their report – on the one hand recognizing Millikan’s contributions as a scientist and founder of Caltech and on the other hand lamenting his beliefs and actions regarding race and gender and his role as a trustee and unwavering scientific supporter of the Human Betterment Foundation, which advocated successfully for the forced sterilization of tens of thousands deemed unfit. The differences in these opinions, often passionately held, center on how we should weigh these two parts of his history. Some hold, as argued in the CNR’s report, that leaving Millikan’s honors unchanged conflicts unacceptably with Caltech’s aspirations – and The Athenaeum’s – for a future in which inclusiveness and other core values are made clear in how we present ourselves and our history. Others contend that removing Millikan’s name would be a disproportionate response, judging too harshly from the perspective of a later time a person of extraordinary importance and contributions to Caltech.

Whatever decision is reached, the BOG plans to take steps to deepen and enrich our understanding of Millikan’s history. The Institute is committed to doing this – for example, with exhibits in the campus library and websites explaining the multiple facets of his life, including his extraordinary accomplishments as a scientist and scientific leader and his unique role in leading Caltech’s development but also including his role in the eugenics movement. The BOG will consider educational initiatives, too, including greater recognition of the important part in The Athenaeum’s history played by Caltech’s Associates and alumni, the Huntington, the Hale observatories – and later JPL – as well as members from our local community. We recognize our responsibility to decide – by late October we anticipate – whether to change the name of the Millikan Suite and, if so, how to undertake the process of renaming it. To this end, we want to encourage additional responses by October 15th. We would like to provide for the possibility that you may prefer to address your email to individuals on the BOG or the ad hoc committee. A list of available recipients with email addresses can be found on The Athenaeum website at These emails will only be read and may be responded to by the individual to whom the email is addressed. Your name will not be disclosed without your explicit permission.






Chair, Board of GovernorsGARY LORDEN, Ph.D.Email: [email protected]

Chair, House CommitteeMELANY HUNT, Ph.D.Email: [email protected]

General ManagerMARISU JIMENEZ, CCMEmail: [email protected]

Director, Food & BeverageJERRY RODRIGUEZEmail: [email protected]

Director, Private and Club EventsDEBBIE CARROLLEmail: [email protected]

Director, Hotel Operations & MembershipMARGARET McVEY THOMAS, CCMEmail: [email protected]

Finance Director JOE WONGEmail: [email protected]

For all Dining & Club Event ReservationsLog onto the website orPhone: (626) 395-8282Email: [email protected]

Athenaeum Front Desk(626) 395-8200Email: [email protected] Front Desk is open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

Athenaeum Administration and Staff


551 South Hill Avenue | Pasadena, CA 91106 |

The Athenaeum

Prime Rib Buffet DinnerWEDNESDAY


Thanksgiving To-GoWEDNESDAY


Thanksgiving Eve DinnerWEDNESDAY