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Going to Griffith Ball? Tux hire from ONLY €30

Dublin formal Wear will be in Griffith College to fit anyone who needs a

Tux for the Ball.

We will: Measure you

Drop the Tux to you & Collect it after

All from the Collage Campus

With Tux hire starting from €30 you won’t get a better price in town

Dublin Formal Wear will be in Griffith College Students’ Union on Wednesday 15th of April for suit rental.

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Ola! !e end of the semester is almost upon us so i hope you’re coping well with all that comes with it. We’ve been busy in the SU organising the end of year Gri"th Ball (Claire will talk more about that), winning championships (Steve will talk about that) and planning this new Gri"ti (Ok i’ll talk now). In this issue we have news, reviews, interviews, and church pews (maybe not). !ere’s an interview with Jenny Abrahamson who has recently supported Peter Gabriel, a review of Paddy’s Day as a #rst time experience in Dublin. We’re taking a look back at the recent RAG Week and Surf Trip as well. Both were a big hit. Raising vital money for Pieta House and sur#ng in oe of Europe’s best surf spots? How could we go wrong. !e SU elections are coming up too with the results announced at the Gri"th Ball. It looks like there’s a great race this year. !ere are some great candidates. I won’t be running again this year so you’ll have a new editor next year. !ere’s one issue and one month le$. Let’s have some fun with it!! See you around!!! Contributors

A letter from the editor



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Printed by: Percision Print

Gri!iti MagazineGri!ith College Students’ Union

South Circular RoadDublin 8

Email: [email protected]

Gri!iti Magazine is the Students’ Union Publication at Gri!ith College. It was established in 2004. All contents copyright

of Gri!iti, reproduction of any part of the magazine without permission is prohibited.

The views expressed do not neccessarily reflect that of the college or the SU

Going to Griffith Ball? Tux hire from ONLY €30

Dublin formal Wear will be in Griffith College to fit anyone who needs a

Tux for the Ball.

We will: Measure you

Drop the Tux to you & Collect it after

All from the Collage Campus

With Tux hire starting from €30 you won’t get a better price in town

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Hi All,

Hope you all had a good assignment week and got

the bulk of work done before the dreaded exams lume again in May. For any ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů�ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ�ǁŚŽ�ŚĂĚ�ƚŚĞŝƌ�ĮƌƐƚ�ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ�ŽĨ�^ƚ͘�WĂƚƌŝĐŬƐ��ĂLJ�ŝŶ�/ƌĞůĂŶĚ�/�ŚŽƉĞ�ŝƚ�ůŝǀĞĚ�ƵƉ�ƚŽ�LJŽƵƌ�ĞdžƉĞĐƚĂƟŽŶƐ͕�ĂŶĚ�ƚŚĂƚ�LJŽƵ�ŐŽƚ�ƚŚĞ�ĐŚĂŶĐĞ�ƚŽ�ƐĞĞ�ƚŚĞ�parade.

^ŝŶĐĞ�ƚŚĞ�ůĂƐƚ�ŝƐƐƵĞ�ŽĨ�'ƌŝĸƟ�ǁĞ�ŚĂǀĞ�ďĞĞŶ�ďƵƐLJ�ǁŝƚŚ�ŽƵƌ�Z͘�͘'͘�tĞĞŬ�ĂŶĚ�^ƵƌĨ�dƌŝƉ�ƚŽ�make sure that you were all ŬĞƉƚ�ďƵƐLJ�ǁŝƚŚ�ƚŚĞ�ƐŽĐŝĂů�ƐŝĚĞ�ŽĨ�ĐŽůůĞŐĞ�ĂƐ�ǁĞůů��ĂƐ�ƚŚĞ�ĂĐĂĚĞŵŝĐ�ƐŝĚĞ�ŽĨ�ĐŽƵƌƐĞ͘�tĞ�ĂƌĞ�ŶŽǁ�ƌĞĂĐŚŝŶŐ�ƚŚĞ�end of the year and before ƐƵŵŵĞƌ�ŚŝƚƐ�ǁĞ�ƐƟůů�ŚĂǀĞ�ŵŽƌĞ�ĐŽŵŝŶŐ�ƵƉ�ƚŽ�ŬĞĞƉ�LJŽƵ�entertained.

�ŽŵŝŶŐ�ƵƉ�ŝŶ��Ɖƌŝů͕�ǁĞ�ĮƌƐƚ�ŽĨ�Ăůů�ŚĂǀĞ�ŽƵƌ�ĂŶŶƵĂů�'ƌŝĸƚŚ��Ăůů�ǁŚŝĐŚ�ŝƐ�ƚŚĞ�ďŝŐŐĞƐƚ�ĞǀĞŶƚ�ŽĨ�ƚŚĞ�LJĞĂƌ͕ �ĨŽƌ�ƚŚŝƐ�ball we will be entering the ǁĂĐŬLJ�ǁŽƌůĚ�ŽĨ�ĐŝƌĐƵƐ�ĂŶĚ�ĐĂƌŶŝǀĂů͕�ǁŝƚŚ�ŐĂŵĞƐ�ĂŶĚ�props to keep you amused

ĨŽƌ�ƚŚĞ�ŶŝŐŚƚ͘�dŚŝƐ�ĞǀĞŶƚ�ǁŝůů�ƚĂŬĞ�ƉůĂĐĞ�ŽŶ�ƚŚĞ�ϭϳƚŚ�ŽĨ��Ɖƌŝů�ŝŶ�ƚŚĞ��ŽƵďůĞ�dƌĞĞ�,ŽƚĞů͘�dŝĐŬĞƚƐ�ŚĂǀĞ�ƐŽůĚ�ĨĂƐƚ͕�ďƵƚ�ǁĞ�ƐƟůů�ŚĂǀĞ�Ă�ĨĞǁ�ƌĞŵĂŝŶŝŶŐ�ĂŶĚ�LJŽƵ�ĐĂŶ�ƐƟůů�ƉŝĐŬ�LJŽƵƌƐ�ƵƉ�ŝŶ�ƚŚĞ�Students’ Union for €45. dŚŝƐ�ƉƌŝĐĞ�ŝŶĐůƵĚĞƐ�Ă�ĚƌŝŶŬƐ�ƌĞĐĞƉƟŽŶ�ŽŶ�ĂƌƌŝǀĂů͕�Ă�ϯ�ĐŽƵƌƐĞ�ŵĞĂů�ĂŶĚ�Ă�ůŝǀĞ�ďĂŶĚ�ĨŽůůŽǁĞĚ�ďLJ�Ă��:͘�DĂŬĞ�ƐƵƌĞ�that you don’t miss out on the night to end an amazing year.

dŚĞ�ůĂƐƚ�ĞǀĞŶƚ�ŽĨ�ƚŚĞ�LJĞĂƌ�will be on the 22nd of April ŝŶ��ƚǁŽ�EŝŐŚƚĐůƵď͕�ƚŚŝƐ�ǁŝůů�ďĞ�ƚŚĞ�ĞŶĚ�ŽĨ�LJĞĂƌ�ĞǀĞŶƚ�ĂŶĚ�will be a great way to go out and say goodbye to all the ƉĞŽƉůĞ�ƚŚĂƚ�LJŽƵ�ŚĂǀĞ�ŵĞƚ�ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ�LJŽƵƌ�ƟŵĞ�ŚĞƌĞ�ŝŶ�'ƌŝĸƚŚ��ŽůůĞŐĞ͘�


See you all around and ƉĂƌƚLJŝŶŐ�ŚĂƌĚ�ƚŽ�ĐĞůĞďƌĂƚĞ�ƚŚĞ�ĞŶĚ�ŽĨ�ƚŚĞ�ĐŽůůĞŐĞ�LJĞĂƌ͘ �


Hi All,


ƐĞŵĞƐƚĞƌ͘ ��/�ŚŽƉĞ�LJŽƵ�Ăůů�ĞŶũŽLJĞĚ�LJŽƵƌ�ƟŵĞ�ŚĞƌĞ�ǁŝƚŚ�ƵƐ�and are ready to end it in style. �ůƚŚŽƵŐŚ�ǁĞ�ŚĂǀĞ�ƚŚƌĞĞ�ďŝŐ�ĞǀĞŶƚƐ�ůĞŌ�ƚŽ�ƐĞĞ�ŽƵƚ�ƚŚĞ�LJĞĂƌ͘

tĞ�ŚĂǀĞ�ǁŚĂƚ�ŝƐ�ĂůǁĂLJƐ�ƚŚĞ�best night of the year, the 'ƌŝĸƚŚ��Ăůů�ĐŽŵŝŶŐ�ƵƉ�ŽŶ�ƚŚĞ�ϭϳƚŚ�ŽĨ��Ɖƌŝů͘��dŚĞƌĞ�ĂƌĞ�ůŝŵŝƚĞĚ�ŶƵŵďĞƌ�ŽĨ�ƟĐŬĞƚƐ�ůĞŌ�and make sure you are the one ǁŚŽ�ŐĞƚƐ�ƚŚĞŵ�ŝĨ�LJŽƵ�ŚĂǀĞŶ͛ƚ�yet, so you do miss out on this amazing night.


On our Club end of things ƚŚĞLJ�ŚĂǀĞ�Ăůů�ĮŶŝƐŚĞĚ�ƵƉ�ŶŽǁ�ĞdžĐĞƉƚ�ĨŽƌ�ƚŚĞ��ĂƐŬĞƚďĂůů͘��KƵƌ�dĂďůĞͲdĞŶŶŝƐ�ƚĞĂŵ�ǁĞƌĞ�ƵŶůƵĐŬLJ�ƚŽ�ĞŶĚ�ƚŚĞ�LJĞĂƌ�ǁŝƚŚ�ŽŶůLJ�Ă�ƌƵŶŶĞƌ�ƵƉ�ƐƉŽƚ�ƚŽ�dƌŝŶŝƚLJ��ŽůůĞŐĞ�ǁŚŽ�ǁŽŶ�ƚŚĞ�h���tournament last weekend. Our ŐƵLJƐ�ƉƵƚ�ŝŶ�ŐƌĞĂƚ�ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞƐ�ŽǀĞƌ�ƚŚĞ�ƚǁŽ�ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚƐ�ĂŶĚ�ǁĞƌĞ�ũƵƐƚ�ƵŶĨŽƌƚƵŶĂƚĞ�ƚŽ�ďĞ�





Stephen :)



Voting for SU Sabbatical Officers takes place in

Café Arthur April 15th & 16th






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Voting for SU Sabbatical Officers takes place in

Café Arthur April 15th & 16th






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R.A.G. week, which stands for Raise And Give is a week that we host dedicated to raising money for

charity. Our R.A.G. week took place this year on the 9th – 12th of March, and the charity of choice was Pieta House, which aims to help any people who are having issues with Suicidal distress. In order to keep things as light-hearted as possible and get people in the mood for some fun, we had in!atables on the green, which were extremely popular on Tuesday and Wednesday and even created some healthy competition with the Sumo suits and Bungee Run being used constantly.We kicked o" this week with the R.A.G. Riot in

Lafayette Nightclub, which was a great night with #1.50 drinks !owing, who wouldn’t get involved

when it is all for a good cause. Tuesday Night saw an incredible beer pong tournament, with costumes worn by students to add some extra excitement to the night. $e winners of our R.A.G. Beer Pong Tournament were team TTBM which consisted of Jean-Noel & Quint in their pretty pink tutu’s. On Wednesday the Basketball team won their %nal against Dundalk IT to make it to next year’s Division 1, make

sure to head to the sports section and read about their success. Of course with the win it was a brilliant excuse to head out and celebrate, so many supporters and the team headed out to Dicey’s.

byClaire Aston



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The annual Surf trip to Lahinch took place on the weekend of the 20th of March. We took 24

students from here in Gri!th College Dublin and 5 from Gri!th College Cork to one of the most famous and best loved sur"ng spots in Ireland, La-hinch and gave international students a taste of rural Ireland. We arrived in Lahinch on Friday evening, the students were then given a free evening to explore and take photos of the picturesque town. As with most rural towns all pubs had live music, which really added to the atmosphere of the town. Saturday morning is where the real fun started. We were greeted with perfect conditions for sur"ng: blue skies, sun, and great waves. #e Lahinch Surf School took us out to the ocean. #ey helped surfers of all levels. We surfed for over 2 hours and there were plenty of wipeouts, salt water drank and the odd person actually sur"ng. Sur"ng "nished around 12 o’ clock and for some students just in time to catch the start of the "nal day of the RBS 6 nations. #e "nal 3 games of the tournament took place on the one-day with Ireland the favourites to take the trophy at the end of the day. A$er an incredibly tense day Ireland came out of top, getting great momentum coming up to the World Cup in England later this year.

Saturday night there was live music in most pubs (Kenny’s and Flanagan’s being some of the top spots) again. Some students "nished the night in the local nightclub. Sunday morning the bus was waiting bright and maybe a bit too early. #e weather really made the trip this year. Between the sunsets and early morning it made the trip in"nitely better. Who likes the rain anyway. #e Surf Trip was the "nal SU trip of the year. #e only big event le$ is the Gri!th Ball on April 17th. It’s a great way to end the year and a bargain for all that’s included.

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Saint Patrick’s Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, It’s also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora around the world, especially in Great Britain, Canada the United States, Argentina,

Australia and New Zealand.

According to tradition, St. Patrick returned to Ireland to convert the Pagan Irish to Christianity. !e Declaration says that he spent many years evangelising in the northern half of Ireland and converted “thousands”. Tradition holds that he died on 17 March (annual celebration day) and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland’s foremost saint.

Here’s what I learned from my "rst St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland.

The Dos and Don'ts of an Irish Paddys Day!

DO'S:On St Patrick’s Day it is customary to wear Shamrocks and/or green clothing or accessories (the “wearing of the green”).

-Do !nd out more about Ireland and the things you can do on that weekend. It’s a very cultural country with so much to o"er!

-Do ear festive hats and/or glasses.

-Do wake up early for the parade! It’s worth it, believe me.

-Whatever you wear, do keep it comfortable.

-Do wear face paint! Or temporary tattoos of shamrocks or the Irish #ag. (St Patrick is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish)

-Do enjoy a drink or two, but know your limits. Getting hammered on a day like that isn’t as fun as it might sound and it can even get you arrested or in trouble with locals, tourists or bouncers.

-Do pace yourself, Tis’ a long day!

-Keep your phone locked, credit cards, cash and ID safe.

byNoor Saleh


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DON'T'S:-Don’t wear a lot of things, keep it simple. (huge costumes, a thousand accessories, no) Trust me you don’t want to be struggling with a heavy bag or too many accessories getting in your way.

-Don’t coat your body with green paint. Body paint is so messy, comes o! easily and it would stain everything and even your friends!

-Don’t chug drinks or get too drunk way too fast. First of all it’s not nice or fun getting hammered and leaving early, or ruin someone’s day letting them take care of you. Pace yourself and enjoy the day and your friends’/family’s company.

-Don’t carry/drink alcoholic beverages on the streets. One second you’re drinking from your can and the second the Garda is pulling it out of your hand- sigh

-Don’t stay home just because you’re afraid or overwhelmed. "e streets are safe and getting out of your com-fort zone can be rewarding every once in a while.

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Following a tour supporting former Genesis frontman Peter Gabriel, Jennie Abrahamson has been making a name for

herself. Spread across 9 countries over the last 2-months, Jennie has gone from being support act to joining Peter onstage with Peter including on ‘Don’t Give Up’.

“It’s been fantastic, in so many ways. I’ve always been a big Peter Gabriel fan, so on a personal level just getting the chance to work with him wasn’t exactly something I had expected in my lifetime. On a professional level, getting to lend the ears of Peter’s crowd in the supporting set every night has been such a gi!. I’m truly grateful for that. I think the So Back to Front really was a fantastic show too, so I’m not surprised it got good reviews. It had a bit of everything.” she says.

It isn’t her "rst time supporting Peter on a tour or touring in that way though…

“No, I’ve been part of the whole ‘So Back to Front’ tour during four legs, the "rst one was North America in the autumn of

2012. And before I went solo I used to work as a freelance musician in Sweden, so I’ve done some bigger tours there. But none really that had this kind of production and so many people involved.”

Jennie got into music easily enough, coming from a musical family where her parents and older siblings were always playing instruments. A!er some persistent nagging to her parents for piano lessons as a child, Jennie began her classical piano lessons at the age of 5. But for her, it wasn’t exactly a career choice,

“I started my classical piano training at age 5 with a very strict german lady, and then started bands in my teens and on it went… A common interview question is ”When did you decide upon attempting a musical career?” – but it was never a choice for me. Music was natural for me, it was just who I was. Or how I viewed myself as a child. I’m trying to constantly remind my grown-up self about that simplicity of it.”

As for in#uences, Jennie was mostly listening to what her older


byRobbie Morrissey


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sister played in the late 80’s. Music from Eurythmics, Peter Gabriel, U2, Donna Summer & Kate Bush in!uenced her style, but one of her favourite acts of the past 12 months has been "e War On Drugs;

“Great singers, songs and productions – it’s music that I still go back to. "e album that really got to me in 2014 was “Lost In A Dream” by "e War on Drugs, I’ve listened to that for days on end. "ere’s also been some of Blood Orange and Arcade Fire lately, and some Swedish colleagues like Linnea Olsson and Jonathan Johansson.”

At the moment, Sweden is bursting with new acts making the sub-heads on music blogs le#, right, and centre. For Jennie, being part of that has been inspiring to see acts and friends make a mark internationally.

“Stockholm is pretty small so in a way most people know each other or know of each other. I think the whole ”Swedish music wonder” has to do with just that, Sweden being so small, and that early on we saw people making it out in the big world "at creates a sort of ”oh, I could also do that” kind of feeling. I think ABBA is responsible for a lot of that! And as Sweden is so small and there are only a few who can live out of a career solely built on a Swedish audience, we have to think big. And I think we’re helping each other in doing that.

As for her setup on stage, it has always been about a solo project in her mind. A bold move, especially when you’re settled in the comfort of bands or performing of her own volition;

“I’ve always loved and idealised the band thing – I think it’s one of the greatest things on earth to be in a band when you’re all in sync and you can make it work. In a way though, I have a band. Johannes Berglund, my co-producer and bassplayer, and Mikael Häggström, my drummer, were in the very very $rst band I put together when I was 13. So we’ve been with each other for a very long time, and we run a studio together in Stockholm. We’ve added a fantastic keyboard player this past year, Samuel Starck, and right now it’s been the four of us touring and I think it’s my best band setup so far.”

Jennie released her $rst single ‘"e War’ ahead of her début album in March, which she describes as a “sort of a tribute song to those who endlessly $ght for equal rights, regardless of sex.” A song that also covers the feminist views in her, which she learned from her time at university in Stockholm. Armed with a “more educated perspective” on a range of issues. She sought to use the title as more of an analogy rather than a statement of intent, believing that there shouldn’t be a $ght for rights, or indeed a war.

Upon the release of the record last month, Jennie plans to return sooner rather than later on her own set of dates.

“We’re going to tour Europe a bit in May, and then hopefully some summer festivals, so I do hope to get back to Dublin in not too long. Always lovely to come to Dub-lin, but I haven’t had any shows there in my own name. It’s about time!”

Jennie Abrahamson’s album “Gemini Gemini” is out now.

Music was natural for

me, it was just who I was. Or how I viewed myself as a child

I think it’s one of the

greatest things on earth to be in a band when you’re all in sync and you can make it work

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byPaul Quigley

byLouis Jacob Walsh

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byPaul Quigley

byLouis Jacob Walsh

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That’s right! !e world’s most popular instant

messaging service, Whatsapp, has "nally started rolling out it’s call feature. It’s only on Android devices as yet but it’s coming! !e app will change it’s lay out once you have the updated version and some-one who has the call faeture calls you.

Calling all Whatsapp users

Wrap Your Head Around This

The new Samsung S6 Edge has been released recently with a edge to edge curved screen. Pros and cons? Pros:

looks slick, bigger screen without making the device unneccessarily bigger. Cons: !e curved screen is bound to make selecting the odd app di#cult or least until you get used to the screen.

!e Samsung S6 edge is now on sale in Ireland.

Tech News

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!is unique app is for those dangerous situations when you need to quickly (and discreetly) get help from your friends. Two quick taps sends one of three pre-written text messages to as many as six of your contacts. One message sends your GPS location and a request to be picked up, while another asks your friends to quickly get in touch with you.

Circle of 6 is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

A recycle bin for your phone is now here. Deleting things by accident will never be a problem again. Dumpster is a handy little app that is, essentially, a recycle bin for your phone. Anything you delete is stored there until you want to clear it completely. !e app takes up little space on your memory too. It’s a win win. You’d actually forget about it until you actually need something you delete.

Dumpster is free and available on the Google Play Store.

Ever play Tetris and wonder what would happen if to couldn’t turn the bricks but had loads of time to place them? Well wonder no more!! !anks to 1010 that is now a reality. !is is a really simple puzzle game that gets high-ly addictive. You. Have. Been. Warned! !e aim of the game is to clear lines of 10 for as long as possible. (See, Tetris)

1010 in a available on the Apple App store and the Google Play store.

Dumpster Circle of 61010


The End of Geo Tagging?

Ever been wanting to watch the RTÉ player in other country? Net"ix but you’ere in the wrong

country and been stopped with a screening telling you the content is banned in your region? !at could soon be a problem of the past. !e European Competition Commissioner, Margrethe Vestager, said that ‘geo-restrictions’ -- where broadcasters restrict access to movies and shows according to individual countries -- go against the spirit of the single market. And she says that the European Commission may launch a formal competition inquiry that will include the issue of geo-blocking.!e European Commission is poised to launch a wide-ranging competition inquiry into whether such geo-blocking should be allowed to continue in its present form.VPN changers and browser extension could soon be a thing of the past!!

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The Gunman, directed by Pierre Morel, Sean Penn stars as a former Special Forces soldier and

military contractor su!ering from PTSD. He tries to reconnect with his long time love, but "rst must go on the run from London to Barcelona and across Europe in order to clear his name. #e "lm also stars Javier Bardem, Idris Elba, Ray Winstone, Mark Rylance and Jasmine Trinca. Sean Penn isn’t precisely the sort of actor brought to mind by the audiences when an action movie is mentioned. What’s more, they’d be correct. Typically in crime dramatization (like Carlitos way, Dead man walking, & Colours). #e skilled actor hasn’t endeavoured to do a straight-forward action "lm before Director Pierre Morel’s in-your-face thriller. Despite the fact that its more a drama about corruption, whistle-blowers and the pigeonholing of those who stand up for truth than an action thriller. #e "lm sometimes shows Penn giving out some ass whooping justice. It’s just too bad the stunt work (or lack thereof) is hidden in poorly covered in shaky cam “e!ects”. With no feeling of scale, degree, story or how to shoot wounding activity, Morel misses the target. #e notable setting of the Congo con$ict gives the piece brief $ashes of profundity; however it’s obvious that Morel isn’t keen on that story, deciding to adventure instead of investigate, his genuine interests lie in Sean Penn circling around his life’s story shooting people. One thing that Morel comprehends is the way to give action scenes impact. Without a doubt, the overly done shaky cam technique cam is horrendously exaggerated and makes the choreography unwatchable.and yet the earth-shattering sound design, emphasises the bloody violence and military hardware porn, which stacks up to give a reasonable 80 minute movie. In the event that you are going to go and see this $ick, see it on the loudest and most idiotically measured screen you can.

The Divergent Series: Insurgent written by Brian U%eld Akiva Goldsman Mark Bomback,

directed by Robert Schwentke, and based upon the novel “Insurgent” by Veronica Roth. It stars Shailene Woodley, #eo James, Octavia Spencer, Jai Courtney, Ray Stevenson, Zoë Kravitz, Miles Teller, Ansel Elgort, Maggie Q, Naomi Watts, and Kate Winslet

In this future-tragic world where a micro-society has been partitioned into groups, Tris is

a “divergent,” somebody whose characteristic capacities put her into more than one of those classi"cations. Insurgent ups the ante for Tris as she hunts down both allies and answers in the vestiges of an advanced Chicago. Presently as Tris and Four are cur-rently outlaws on the run, chased by Jeanine, the pioneer of the power-hungry Erudite elite. Hustling against time, they must "gure out what Tris’ family relinquished their lives to keep from the world, and why the Erudite leaders will do anything to stop them. Haunted by her past doings however desperate to secure the ones she cherishes, Tris, with Four at her side, faces one unimaginable test a&er another as they open the world they know to the past and eventually the fate of their reality. With breathless chases, strong design components and dazzling e!ects, the faction framework that partitions society into "ve gatherings in light of identity — develops furthermore in “Insurgent”. #e MacGu%n that guides the stories action: a puzzle box that no one but Tris can open containing a message about said framework, is a dazzling jewel squinting blue lights, its enormous value sets up the next sequel while throwing the story’s characterizing metaphor in uncertainty.

Release Date: March 20th

Run Time: 119 minutes


Release Date: March 20th

Run Time: 115 minutes

By Colm Human By Colm Human

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The album was released a week earlier than its original release date, nevertheless, this creative collection has

de!nitely intrigued a lot of listeners. Kendrick Lamar has worked on his third studio album recording in a few di"erent studios across the U.S, collaborating with big names such as Snoop Dogg and George Clinton on di"erent tracks.

#e album conveys di"erent stories narrated from Kendrick’s own experiences, from hardships to maintaining success. It begins with thumping, pushing beats infused with funky bass-lines then progresses to solid but smooth jazzy rhythms, melodically blending with mystic synth phrases.

It could be argued that the album would revolutionize hip-hop and rappers’ approach to writing their music, Kendrick is one of the artists who could potentially !nd a way around traditional hip-hop in terms of writing, arranging and producing, undoubtedly with the help of his

creative crew of producers. It has been two weeks since the unexpected release date, the album maintained number one on Billboard 200, becoming the !rst album to maintain number one since Taylor Swi$’s 1989 for two weeks a$er its debut. In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Lamar described his album as “honest, fearful and unapologetic”, he also shares his experience about !nalizing the mix and what it felt like a$er his masterpiece came to completion.

“Yeah its de!nitely an exhale, once we... the !nal mix. Because for me its so much of a spiritual process while making an album. I gotta really feel connected to the music, I gotta feel connected to what I’m talking about. And that can drain you, because you’re pulling all these di"erent emotions out. You’re grabbing all these di"erent experiences around the world and all these conversation pieces — you almost have to reenact that because the time I got inspiration I probably was on the road”.

By Hadi Yaser



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Page 20: Griffiti Magazine - Issue 62

FEATURESThe Awkward Side of Shared Student Accommodation

bySarah Buttle

Living in the comforts of your own home, with mammy on standby for just about anything is now a thing of the past for us students. !e days of coming home a"er school to #nd your dinner waiting for you on

the kitchen table or not having to wash your own clothes are a thing of the past, unless you are the percentage of students that still bring home the bag full of a few weeks worth of dirty clothes on a Friday evening. It is time for us students to become independent and to look a"er ourselves! We all know this, but what we do not know is how to live with other students during your crazy years in college. Living with your family you #ght and make up. You can give out to your little sister or brother when they leave a mess or use the last drop of hot water in the evening. !ese situations are slightly more awkward when it comes to other students. In fact, most of us would rather tip-toe around the problem that to confront your fellow house or room mate.

Awkward incidents and things that will make your skin itch whilst in shared student accommodation:

WHY DO I BOTHER CLEANING? If you are the messy type this is also for you. You have a messy room mate or house mate that never does their share of cleaning. !eir suitcase from the #rst week of term is still thrown in the corner of the room with a pile up of dirty clothes. !ere’s constantly dirty dishes in the sink or le" out dishes in the living area. You suck it up and end up cleaning for a few hours just to #nd that a couple of days or even hours later, the mess is back. You will have to get over this or be prepared to let all cannons loose and confront the ‘messy one’. It is either that, or wake up every morning to #nd not a clean cup or bowl to have your breakfast.

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TOILET ROLL. I didn’t realise how much toilet roll you go through in a week until I moved into shared accommodation. At home you never gave it a second thought because you had a constant supply at home. In college you see more empty cylinders than you do cooked meals a week. !ere will be at least one, even more, that think it is ok not to buy toilet roll for the house. You will also have the person who keeps their rolls in their room and use it as they need it. !ey forget that this doesn’t cover their friends coming over and, also using toilet roll for other purposes. !is may seem like a small thing, but toilet roll is not cheap. Again, either confront your house mate or suck it up and shake!

SHOWER THIEFS. !e number one rule when sharing a toilet with other house mates: It is never safe to leave your precious shampoo, conditioner, soap or body lotions lying around the toilet/bathroom. It will be used, and not two sh!ts will be given. It will be used and abused, you have been warned. You may "nd yourself in that awkward situation where your house mate recognised the smell of their new, expensive body wash o# of you. You will use the excuse of, ‘I’m sorry I just ran out, won’t use it again’. All lies…

SLACKERS WITH SAFETY Is it really that di$cult to shut a window or lock a door properly? In shared accommodation you will have belongings that add up to a lot of dolla for some lucky robber. Student accommodation is prone to break-ins. Little things that may happen to you: Rushing home from college and you leave your keys in the

keyhole when you go inside, Closing the door behind you but not checking did it shut because your pre-occupied, You’re having pre-drinks and you hop into the "rst taxi outside leaving your house not locked up and if you have a lock on your bedroom door make sure not to close the door a%er you, with your keys inside, when the latch is on the door. BE SMART!

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TAKING TOO LONG IN THE BATHROOMWhat are they doing in there? Either they have seriously unusual bowel problems or they think that the shower is a place to re!ect their entire lives, the constant battle for bathroom time is a daily problem you will face in shared accommodation. Trust me, if there is more than four sharing the accommodation and you are all up for 9:30 in the morning you will have to wake up early to have time for a shower. Also, if you are lucky it will be an electric shower if not you are facing waiting for the immersion. Best of luck …

"e best advice to all of the above is to be honest and up front about everything that is making it somewhat not enjoyable to live there. More than likely it can be resolved very easily. Better vibes in the house will mean a happier place to live, and in the end of the day, college years are supposedly the best of your life!

THE PARTIERS RETURN AT 3AM…When they stumble casually through the door at 3am, waking everybody up the night before a tutorial or exam, these house mates are the night owls who wake everything in their path. "ey have a week o# and decide to use your house as the ultimate half-way house. You can give out and complain, but realistic this will drive them on to annoy you again and again. Best way to make this stop or become less frequent, do it back to them. Let the madness unfold, it will be worth it.


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FEATURESBest Places to watch your

football around Dublin

You’re a football maniac and you live in an apartment that has a bad internet connection, your friends are going out for a drink and you really don’t want to miss the game on tonight, or you simply want to enjoy the thrill of watching your favourite team win (or in Arsenal’s case lose) with other fans who are as crazy as you are, or maybe even more. A!er all, nothing is better than watching a game with people who understand you for yelling at the TV when Gareth Bale does not pass to Ronaldo, and for shedding a tear when "iago Silva scored that header and knocked Chelsea out of Champions League – You know you’re going to want some-body there to comfort you when Stevie Gerard makes his last appearance with Liverpool at the end of this season (I cried a little just writing this!).No matter what your reason is, you decided to go watch the game in a pub, but you don’t want to go too far. Say no more, here’s a list of the best nearby pubs and bars where you can watch your team(s); it begins with “local” pubs near Gri#th College, and moves on to others located a bit closer to the city centre.

Leonard’s Corner is literally down the road from Gri#th College. Nice atmosphere and a friendly sta$. You can actually hear the match commentators, unlike some pubs that just turn the volume down. "ere are two big screens; one is close to the door while the other is a little bit further in. "ey don’t charge you anything for only watching a game unlike other places in the city centre. (But you’re obviously going to order a drink or two).

If you want a more football – intense atmosphere, then "e Bleeding Horse is what you’re looking for. Usually anywhere decent is packed for a match, but with two levels, you are guaranteed to %nd a table here; you can even enjoy a nice meal to go along with that drink. "ey don’t only show Premier League games, but also Champions League, Europa League, FA Cup, and Rugby games.

"e minute you walk in there you feel those football enthusiasts’ atmosphere. "is sports bar has everything any football fan needs; Big screens all around the bar, food, drink, and stadium-like seating designed specif-ically for football maniacs like you. It is a little bit further than the other pubs mentioned, located on Parnell Street in Dublin 1, but the distance is de%nitely worth it.

One of Dublin’s best venues for live sports with 60 HD Plasma TVs. Head down to Cathal Brugha Street and watch your match indoors or outdoors on one of the biggest HD screens in Dublin venues. "ey also have the build-up, so if it’s a big match like El Clasico, don’t worry about missing any part of the coverage. If you want to feel like you’re at the stadium, "e Living Rooms is the place to go

byWalaa Ajjawi

Leonard’s Corner

The Woolshed

Bleeding Horse

The Living Room

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Last week or so One Direction fans were shocked, as it was revealed Zayn Malik was leaving the band. Well as usually

happens in today’s music industry, Zayn quickly revealed he le! to strike out on his own with his own backing band “"e Ones with Talent”. In a real coup, the Gri#th Conference Centre has managed to nab themselves Zayn’s $rst Irish date as solo artist. When asked, a Conference Centre spokesperson had this to say: “When we heard he had le! the band we moved quickly. We knew others would try putting him in more well-known venues such as the Olympia "eatre or Vicar Street. We thought, why not us?” "is new announcement comes on the back of last month’s hugely successful staging of the Abbey Lee Dance Company’s Irish tour dates. “"ey were great an all, but this lad used to be in One Direction! He’s like the Brian

Zayn Malik announces Irish date to try out as a new solo artist

Griffith conference centre lands rising solo artist

byDrew Peacock


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SU elections heat up as Jeremy Clarkson looks for new job with SU.

Rumours of elephants appearing at the Gri!th Ball remain uncom"rmed.

Philophosical student posts inspirational Facebook status telling others to grow up.

Students appeal for Stephen to use subtitles if re-elected.

Tumbleweeds disappear as assignment week ends

Table Tennis bats in SU still broken.

End of year approaching, student stress levels hit maximum.


Occupation: Lecturer/Jam maker

Greatest Ambition: To have a secret


Hobbies: Jedi Master

Likes: Pretending his life is a GTA


Dislikes: Getting fined for treating

his life like a GTA game

Interesting Fact: Remember Groot

walking around campus? Yea...


McFadden of this generation!” he added. Coming a#er his announcement to leave the band Zayn released a statement in which he apologised to the fans that felt let down but said he must get back to his musical roots. A#er some brief investigating, we found this is most likely to involve singing in front of his mum and waiting for her approval. So there are some things in his statement that require some explaining. Speaking to the Genuine Article a#er announcing his Gri!th Date, Zayn had this to say, “I’m delighted to be returning to music so quickly and especially to do it with ‘$e Ones With Talent’ is very exciting for me. $e Gri!th Conference Centre has some rich history in Dublin, I can’t wait to bring

the house down.” When asked if fans could expect any of One Direction’s hits Zayn said: ”Well, I le# to get my material out there so not really. It’ll be more stadium rock anthems if you must know. Plus! $ere were 5 people singing on those songs, you think I’m going to let ‘$e Ones with Talent sing’?! Haha good one, mate”. Tickets for Zayn Malik and $e Ones With Talent are on sale in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on the Gri!th Conference Centre Facebook page for updates. Here at the Genuine Article, we are all ready to line up.

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From le!: Juan Torres, Marcus McDaniel, Diarmuid Hegarty, Spenser Mitchell, Sam Markle

byStephen Donnery

Congratulations to all involved with our Men’s Basketball Team over the last year. !e team

done extremely well in remaining unbeaten for the whole league campaign which ended with a 82 - 53 victory over DKIT in the "nal at the National Basketball Arena in Tallaght a couple of weeks ago.Despite playing 7 league games, the toughest task for the team came in the semi-"nal against rivals DBS. !e game which was played at Clogher Road Sport Centre saw great support from the college which proved a massive factor come the end of the game. DBS came with one intension of beating favourites GCD and for the "rst half of the game looked like they had a great chance of achieving this. !ey were consistent in the "rst half which saw them hit 3 pointer a#er 3 pointer which saw Gri$th under pressure. As the game ran on, GCD showed why they were unbeaten all year and ran on for a 20 point victory, 96 - 76. !is was a great match that gave us the best possible challenge which was on the following Wednesday.

We started o% at the NBA (National Basketball Arena) the way we "nished o% in Clogher Road and by half time the game was as good as over. We had a 20 point lead, the lads came out to "nish o% their opponents at the start of the third quarter. And that’s exactly what they done. By the start o% the "nal quarter the score-board showed Gri$th having a 40+ point lead. Again, for the second game in a row and also the second year in a row the support that we had in Tallaght was amazing. It really made the victory that more memorable and I am sure that all the players and coach would agree. We like to thank all the supporters who got out over the two days as there support was much appreciated. Finally we would like to wish the team all the best in their Varsities tournament which is coming up on the 10th of April. Hopefully we can go the whole year unbeaten and end up with a second cup to show for all the players hard work.

GCD Basketball team victorious in Division 2

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