Download - GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Update for SPP

    Chris BeckmanArkansas Electric Coop. Corp.

    NERC GridEx II

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013



    Who, What, When.of GridEx II Lead Planner concept

    Likely participants (aka players) at your organization

    GridEx II Construct and Agenda

    Example Inject

    Regional Play (SPP GridEx II Task Force)

    Benefits of participating in GridEx II

    Accessing the GridEx II Web Portal

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    What is GridEx II?

    Must have been a GridEx I.

    Conducted in November 2011.

    NERC-led exercise to assess the readiness of the

    electric sector to respond to a cyber incident. 75 industry and government organizations from the U.S.

    and Canada participated.

    GridEx II builds on GridEx I and combines ageographically distributed environment with a muchmore robust scenario than GridEx I.

    Designed by NERC and Booz | Allen | Hamilton

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    What is GridEx II?

    The majority of players will participate in the GridEx IIfrom their normal places of work.

    Players will engage in both internal response activitiesand external information sharing activities across the


    An Exercise Control (ExCon) cell, based in VA will:

    Manage scenario distribution

    Monitor exercise play

    And capture response activities

    NERC and BAH will distribute after action report.

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    Who is participating?

    102 Full Player Organizations Each assigned a Lead Planner who had a role in shaping thescenario.

    Participated in planning conferences, which culminated withthe FPC on October 1.

    Full Player orgs will respond to all exercise activities andcopy or report their responses to NERC and BAH.

    49 Monitor/Respond Organizations Should also assign a Lead Planner to coordinate the

    exercise for their org. Monitor/Respond orgs only exercise the scenario internally.

    Can gather key personnel and just act like its an internaltable top.

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    Total Registered Organizations

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    Major Communication Paths

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    When is Grid Ex II?

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Executive Table Top Nov. 15

    10 CEOs from industryselected by Electricity Sub-sector Coordinating Council(ESCC) will participate

    10 assistant secretary levelplayers from government(DOE, DHS, DOD, FEMA,etc.)

    10 facilitators to provide discussion injects, moderatediscussions, and facilitate discussion on industry responseto previous two days.

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Where is Grid Ex II?

    Distributed Exercise

    Meaning that players will participate from where they are:


    Home Or any other area that their Lead Planner designates.

    Backup site for simulated, functional play.

    Employee meeting room for convenience.

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    How to participate

    Assign a Lead Planner.

    Will register organization as full player or monitor.

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    Lead Planner duties

    Lead Planner should contact Me orLesley Bingham to coordinate RegionalPlay.

    Lead Planner will determine and notifyindividual employees that need toparticipate.

    LP should also assign internalControllers/Evaluators to help conductexercise.

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Likely Players per MSEL


    Most of your Key Personnel

    Those with defined roles within your Incident Response andBusiness Continuity Plans.

    Utility Market/Trading Personnel

    Corporate IT Network and SCADA IT Security

    Physical Security

    Corporate Communications/Media Relations


    Member Utilities

    Local L/E, FBI, and DHS



  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Exercise Control (ExCon)

    Herndon, VA

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    ExConLead Planner


    Inject Distribution Design

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Must be registered w/ NERC at:

    If and only if as a Lead Planner

    you choose, ExCon will routeinjects directly to individual players.

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    Exercise Agenda



    12 Injects



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    Example Inject

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Injects will also be videos

    Lead Planner will need to coordinate video access byNov 1st.

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    Lead Planner will periodically call theSPP Conference Bridge to report

    organizations responses.

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    Regional Play (SPP GridEx II Task Force)

    SPP is going to have an openconference call during the exercise.

    To catch areas where SPP Members

    respond similarly. So that we may integrate areas that are found

    to be similar into each of our plans.

    Which would allow a coordinated, regionalresponse next time.

    And a better coordinated, regional responseduring a real emergency event on the system.

    9 00 9 15 NERC O i

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    9:00-9:15 = NERCs OpeningRemarks

    SPP Call Opens SPP Takes a Roll Call from Scribe

    at each location. 9:30 = Official Exercise Start

    Periodically, Scribe calls in to SPPto report exercise responses

    TBD how often we call in.


    Inject / Video Screen

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    How AECC will

    setup ourexercise room.

    Inject / Video Screen


    Lead Planner

    LunchSnacks Coffee

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Post Exercise SPP After-Action Review

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    Why participate in GridEx II?

    For AECC, we have to exercise annually.To walk through our plans against a mock scenariowhen the sky is blue.

    Cross that bridgementality aint gonna work.Find where improvements in plans can be made.

    For me, its a free table top scenario.

    Im not having to draft one from scratch.Must tailor it to be effective, but if youre a

    Monitor/Respond player, you dont have to shareyour responses with NERC.

    If Ive sold you.

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    Accessing BAH Portal


    Need access? Contact: [email protected]
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    Player resources and education material

    Player Orientation from the FPC was recorded and itcan be sent to players.

    A link will be provided on the BAH portal.

    Planner and Player Handbooks will also be availableon the portal.

    Planner Handbook will be posted to the portal within aweek.

    Player Handbooks will be available 2 weeks prior tothe exercise.

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    Between now and next SPP GETF call

    Use the Lead Planner Checklist


    Look at the Master Scenario Event List (MSEL)spreadsheet on the BAH Portal.

    Look at Sample Customized Entity Injectsspreadsheet on BAH Portal.

    Begin to customize injects for your organization

    Im customizing my orgs with a simple PowerPoint.

    Identify and register your players @

    Communications check on November 7th

  • 7/27/2019 GridEx II: Electric Grid Failure Drill - November 13-14, 2013


    GridEx II Points of Contact

    Booz | Allen | Hamilton

    General Support

    BAH Web Portal Support

    RegionalCIPWG GridEx Task ForceChris Beckman

    Arkansas ElectricCooperative Corporation

    [email protected]

    CIPWG GridEx Task Force

    Lesley Bingham

    Southwest Power [email protected]


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]