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    Green perf ormance criteria for

    sustainable ports in Asia

     Article  in  International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management · June 2013

    Impact Factor: 1.8 · DOI: 10.1108/IJPDLM-04-2012-0134





    3 authors, including:

    Taih-Cherng Lirn

    National Taiwan Ocean University



     Yenming J. Chen

    National Kaohsiung First University …



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  • 8/16/2019 Green Port in Asia


    Green performance criteria forsustainable ports in Asia

    Taih-cherng LirnShipping & Transportation Management,

     National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan

    Yen-Chun Jim Wu Business Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University,

     Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and 

    Yenming J. Chen Logistics Management,

     National Kaohsiung First University of Science & Technology,

     Kaohsiung, Taiwan


    Purpose  – The purpose of this paper is to measure a port’s green performance. The literature isreviewed and a survey is carried out to identify major green port performance indicators and toevaluate three major ports’ overall green performance in Asia. Indicators located in the criticalquadrants with a high degree of importance and low degree of performance are identified andresources are suggested that can be employed to improve the ports’ overall sustainability performanceeffectively.

    Design/methodology/approach – Port performance indicators are reviewed to select thegreen-related ones by a session of brain storming with academicians from China, Hong Kong, andTaiwan in the shipping discipline. Selected indicators are used to design an analytic hierarchy process(AHP) questionnaire. The weight and degree of performance of each of the 17 green indicators among

    three major container ports are calculated by the data obtained from the AHP round surveyrespondents.

    Findings  – Avoiding pollutants during cargo handling and port maintenance, noise control, andsewage treatment were perceived to be the three critical indicators by respondents in two of the threeports investigated. Among the three investigated ports, Shanghai port had the highest number of critical indicators to be improved. Air pollutants avoidance, encouraging the use of low-sulphur fuel,and using electrically powered equipment were three of the five critical indicators found in Shanghaiport, but not in the other two investigated ports in this study.

    Originality/value – The theoretical implications of this research are the development of aconceptual framework to measure the degree of importance of a set of green port performanceindicators, and to provide a decision support system to help port authorities to evaluate theirperformance regarding the 17 green port performance indicators compared with that of other ports.

    Keywords Green performance, Analytical hierarchy process, Port management,

    Importance-performance analysis, Sustainability, Asia

    Paper type Research paper

    The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at

    The authors are much obliged to two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments toimprove the quality of this paper. The first author would like to thank for the National ScienceCouncil’s financial sponsorship under the project number 98-2410-H-327-041-. Thanks also go toMs. Szu-Chi Yen for her unfailing support as a research assistant for this project. This study issupported by National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC 100-2628-S-110-006-MY4).

    Received 19 April 2012Revised 3 July 2012

    23 August 2012Accepted 24 August 2012

    International Journal of Physical

    Distribution & Logistics Management

    Vol. 43 No. 5/6, 2013

    pp. 427-451

    q Emerald Group Publishing Limited


    DOI 10.1108/IJPDLM-04-2012-0134




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    1. Introduction: research backgroundContainer ports around the world are growing at a phenomenal rate, and a port’sperformance takes into account not only its throughput and efficiency, but also itsgreen performance. Ports and their stakeholders can use their associations with green

    improvements to explore their commercial benefits, such as branding and corporatesavings (Galbraith  et al., 2008). With the increasing cargo throughput in a port, thismight result in ecological preservation and environmental protection issues. Theexistence of the port and any expansion of its installations could imply a loss of habitat(Darbra   et al., 2004).   Portugal  et al.   (2011)   employed the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) technique to discuss the factors used in the selection of cargo terminals’ location,and indicated that environmental impacts are one of the ten factors in their cargoterminals’ selection decision model. On the environmental and health protection side,Corbett  et al.  (2007) carried out a global assessment of mortality from ship emissions,and found that shipping-related particulate matter (PM) emissions are responsible forapproximately 60,000 cardiopulmonary and lung cancer deaths annually, with mostdeaths occurring near coastlines in Europe, East Asia, and South Asia.

    Developing ports without an adequate environmental and ecological preservationpolicy could hurt both the residents and fauna and flora close to the port. Although thesix annexes attached to International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) InternationalConvention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 73/78 have indicatedactions a port can take to make the port clean and green, according to the author’sknowledge, there is a lack of up-to-date studies on measuring the degree of importanceand performance of green port indicators.

    Indeed, there is very limited research investigating green port indicators( Peris-Mora   et al., 2005). Therefore, how to set up a set of comprehensive greenperformance indices for a port before it can improve its green performance is becomingincreasingly important. This research aims to establish a set of green performance

    indices and to weigh the importance of each performance index. The AHP techniqueand an importance and performance analysis (IPA) model are employed to evaluate theoverall green performance of three of the largest Asian seaports and provide the portauthorities with clear green performance improvement strategies.

    2. Green port practices and literatures review 2.1 Literatures of previous researchesPort management studies have focused mainly on ports’ competitiveness andefficiency ( Murphy  et al., 1989; Lirn et al., 2003, 2004; Walter and Poist, 2004; Wu andLin, 2008;   Wu and Goh, 2010). However, education for sustainability managementand training is gradually becoming an important part of courses in the businessschools of European and American universities (Wu   et al., 2010). Thus, sustainable

    transportation and distribution systems have become a vital element in the globallogistics industry. According to the UK’s Department of the Environment, Transportand the Regions, a sustainable distribution system should include the following eightobjectives (as cited in Gilman (2003, p. 276)):

    To improve the efficiency of distribution; [. . .] minimise pollution and reduce greenhouse gasemissions; reduce noise and disturbance from freight movements; manage developmentpressures on the landscape (both natural and manmade); and reduce the number of accidents,injuries and cases of ill health associated with freight movement.



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    Various transportation modes are the links between various nodes in a distributionsystem. Among all the freight transportation modes, shipping is considered one of themost environmentally friendly. As ports are the transfer point between the maritimemode and other modes, the evaluation of green performance has become very important.

    Frankel (1987) suggested that a port design and development plan should includethe following issues:

    (1) sediment of port entrance and coast erosion;

    (2) marine biology protection;

    (3) oil spill;

    (4) waste dumping in the water;

    (5) cargo spilling from chemical carriers and tanker;

    (6) air pollution from bulkers’ cargo handling;

    (7) aesthetic interference with local community;

    (8) oil spillage during disconnection of cargo pipeline;

    (9) noise and vibration from cargo handling;

    (10) impact on marine fauna during vessel sailing, operation, and anchoring;

    (11) impact of ballast water on plankton;

    (12) decreasing number of marine fauna near the port (because of the concentrationof marine fauna and flora by the port infrastructures);

    (13) separation effect during the dredging of the navigation channel;

    (14) collision and stranding of vessels;

    (15) interference with recreation boats and fishing boats;

    (16) pipeline network and its impact on thereal estate value of the local community; and

    (17) interference during construction or renovation of the port facility.

    The first 12 issues are related to the measurement of a green port’s performance.Black (1996)   studied the sustainable transportation in the North America and

    indicated a sustainable transportation system should take the full transportation costinto consideration, which includes air pollution (nitrogen oxide (NOx ), CO2, CO, SPM,and SOx ), urban ozone, acid deposition, stratospheric ozone depletion, climate change,long-term health, noise, structural vibration damage, and water pollution (marine spillsand runoffs) costs.

    Tsinker (2004) identified the indicators of the effect of a port’s development on itssurroundings, including the hardware impact (community traffic, gas and sewagepipeline, and fire fighting facilities), impact on local fauna and flora, water quality,

    sediment and coastline erosion as a result of the construction of a breakwater, floodingand its control (port facilities should be situated in the relative high position), shippingoperations and sailing activities, increasing amount of vehicular activity, deteriorationin air quality, noise and vibration from cargo handling equipment and trucks,social-economic and environmental justice (communities near the port area are mostlylow income communities and they suffer from pollution from the port), cultural impact(the preservation of the historical, religious, and cultural buildings in the port area), andvisual impact (the strong lighting late at night, uncovered cargo stockpiles, and the




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    unattractive appearance of port buildings). According to Veloso-Gomes andTaveira-Pinto (2003), breakwaters and dredged navigation channels for commercial,fishing,and leisureports introduce a “barrier” effect to the transport of solidsto the coast.

    Gupta   et al.  (2005)   studied the environmental impacts generated by various port

    activities and their sources, and suggested a port and harbour environmentalmanagement plan for the Jawaharlal Nehru port Trust in India. They indicated that theharbour operations could have two major types of impact on the environment: theimpact on surface water quality and the impact on air quality. Regarding the first typeof impact, the port generates sewage, bilge wastes, sludge waste, oil discharges andleakages of harmful materials both from the shore and ships. Regarding the secondtype of impact, the air quality in a port neighbourhood can be affected by dust and PMfrom traffic (re-suspension of road dust), site clearing, rock excavation and constructionactivity, and by emissions from vehicles bringing materials to the site and from shipsand construction equipment.

    Zonn (2005) studied the anthropogenic environmental pollution in the Caspian Seaand found three pollution sources, namely, watersheds of rivers flowing into theCaspian, sea coastal territory, and the sea. The types of activities observed in the threepollution sources include shipping, port terminals, and the shipping and transportationof oil by barges, tankers, etc. These activities all had negative impacts on the coastal,river, and marine eco-systems. Environmental stress mainly occurred during theconstruction of new sea ports and the rehabilitation of existing sea ports, the revival of the merchant tanker fleet, the enhancement of the navy component, and theconstruction of oil and gas pipelines.

    Using stage diagrams and systemic material and energy flow charts, Peris-Mora etal.(2005) evaluated the environmental impacts of a set of 17 sustainable industrial portmanagement indicators developed by the Valencia port Authority. However, the degreeof impact of these indicators is not quantified in their study and only one Italian port was

    used for this case study report. In 2004, European Sea Port Organization (ESPO) listedthe ten most common issues in port environmental management: garbage/port waste,dredging, dredging disposal, dust, noise, air quality, hazardous cargo, bunkering, portlandside development, and ship bilge discharge (ESPO, 2005). However, the ranking of these ten most common issues was changed in 2009. Noise and air quality were rankedthe first and second most important environmental issues by the European portsorganization. The 2004 survey also found that environmental monitoring managementis carried out by most of the EU ports; 65 per cent of ESPO members had set up their ownenvironmental monitoring mechanism, and the ratio increased to 77 per cent in 2009.

    Matishov and Selifonova (2008) addressed the issue of biological invasions viawaterborne traffic as a source of ecological danger for water resources in the port of Novorossiysk, the largest Russian nodal point of transportation on the Black Sea,

    with a capacity of more than 5,000 ships and ten million tons of cargo per year. Theyestimated that as much as six million cubic meters of isolated water ballast aredischarged into the aquatic area of the Tsemes Bay during the loading and unloadingof ships. Although there are regular examinations and controls of water ballast in theport of Novorossiysk, there is an absence of a scientifically based and generallyrecognized methodology of ballast water control in the port.

    Saengsupavanich   et al.   (2009) used the procedures of ISO14001 and port statecontrol to establish environmental performance indicators specific to industrial ports



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    and estates. They suggested five sets of parameters for use in their environmentalmonitoring program, namely, marine water quality around the port, marine sediment,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, specific parameters, and biological indicators.Fernandez (2007)   indicated that ships might unintentionally carry alien species of 

    marine plant, animal or microorganisms to vulnerable ports during the discharging of their ballast water in the loading ports. These species could have negative impacts onhuman health, marine ecosystem health, and economic production from marineresources. Moreover, the density and types of phytoplankton and zooplankton as wellas benthic species were included. Jugovic (2007) studied the town-maritime passengerport interface in Croatia, and indicated that there are several sources of potentialconflicts on a daily basis, including pollution and noise, visual effect of port operations,urban traffic blockage, limited mobility of cars, and other physical and functional typesof interference.

    Chin and Low (2010)   reviewed port environmental performance and efficiency inAsia and identified atmospheric and water pollution as the two main negativeenvironmental externalities generated by shipping. Shipping generates a range of atmospheric emissions, including not only NOx, carbon dioxide (CO2 ), and sulphurdioxide (SO2 ), but also oils spills and local damage to soil and wildlife around ports.Winnes and Fridell (2010) studied emissions of NOx and particles from manoeuvringships and also found the effects of particle and NOx emissions from ships in a port to besignificant. Hartman and Clott (2012) studied the impact of truck emissions control on aport’s container throughput, and indicated that diesel container trucks are largesources of NOx   and PM. They developed an economic model minimizing the cost of truck emissions control to allow decision makers for a port to meet the throughput goaland satisfy an emission constraint.

    Wiegmans and Louw (2011) studied the changing port-city relations in Amsterdam,and found port users were increasingly facing environmental regulations concerning

    fine dust, noise, CO2, safety, water quality, security, etc. and expressed their concernabout the strict execution of European regulations in The Netherlands compared withneighbouring countries. In addition, where housing had legally encroached on formerport areas (enabled by a land-use plan), the inhabitants of these houses had started tocomplain about port activities; such issues can result in a serious conflict between portand community.   Portugal   et al.   (2011)   included the issues of air pollution, soundpollution, vibration, and the creation of eyesores in their environmental impacts factorto structure a cargo terminals selection model.

    Park and Yeo (2012) used a fuzzy set and factor analysis techniques to evaluate thegreenness of major Korean ports, and they indicated 15 issues related to a port’sgreenness, including the use of alternative fuels, incentives for pollution reduction,renewable-energy use, technical development of the industries of ocean waste disposal,

    resource recycling within a port area, and so on. A mathematical modelling study byChang and Wang (2012) indicated reducing the ship’s speed when making her landfalland adopting an onshore power supply system (cold ironing) are two of the beststrategies to improve a port’s greenness performance.

    The IMO and the International Labour Organization are the shipping industry’smain regulatory bodies. There has been a change of emphasis over time in the focus of these agencies, with current attention being on environmental sustainabilitymanagement. For example, the MARPOL now deals with the prevention of pollution




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    from oil chemicals and other hazardous substances, ballast water treatment,a reduction in the use of harmful paints, a reduction in emissions from ships, and shiprecycling ( Heij et al., 2011 ).

    Previous research had suggested various measurement indicators of a port’s green

    performance, but these have not changed significantly overthe last twodecades. In short,most academicians (Frankel, 1987;   Gilman, 2003;   Gupta   et al., 2005;   Jugovic, 2007;Saengsupavanich et al., 2009) have indicated that residents-sensitive indicators of a portneighbourhood are important to its green performance, including the cases of “ill healthassociated with freight movement”, “regulation in noise and vibration from dischargingequipments”, “infrastructure impact avoidance, biology and wetland impact avoidance,and cold ironing”. Some other scholars have found pollution prevention is an importantissue for a port’s green performance (Veloso-Gomes and Taveira-Pinto, 2003; Tsinker,2004; Zonn, 2005; Wenning  et al., 2007; Matishov and Selifonova, 2008), including thelack of any “oil spill contingency plan”, “solid waste dumping management”, or “liquidcargoes spilling contingency plan”; “reducing infrastructure disturbance to marinebiology density”; “ecology preservation and environment protection training”;“sediment of port entrance and coast erosion”, and “dredging sediment disposal”.

     2.2 Current port practicesA study of the current practices of five container ports in Asia and America explored thesimilarities and differences in their policies on, and concepts and measurements of greenecological port management. Galbraith   et al.   (2008) research findings indicatedShenzhen and Honk Kong were reducing marine and port-related emissions so theycould become green harbours, and they suggested green ports should foster greatercross-border, cross-port, and cross-sector collaboration, develop a comprehensive greenports strategy and related policy measures, look at cleaner fuel initiatives, provideongoing training programmes for industry, and undertake research into the health

    effects of marine and port related emissions. The establishment of an “emission controlarea” and “lower tax and duties if carriers use the ultra low sulphur diesel oil” are two of their concrete strategies. Emission sources include ocean-going vessels, local tug boatoperators, and land-based emissions from terminal and port operations (diesel-poweredrubber tire gantry cranes, tractors, and old trucks). Singapore port has launched a greenport programme to encourage ocean-going vessels calling at Singapore to reduce theemission of pollutants by giving a 15 per cent concession in port dues. Shanghaiport Administration Centre published a report on the environmental protection of Shanghai port, and indicated that the Shanghai Municipal port Administration Bureauis responsible for the supervision and management functions of the environmentalprotection and pollution management of the port (Feng, 2012). According to ShanghaiMunicipal Transport and port Authority (2011), the port has published its

    environmental protection strategies, including management strategies on air quality,waste water quality, noise level, solid waste volume, and ecological protection.International port environment protection organizations are mostly engaged in reducingthe green gas generated by ports’ activities. Kaohsiung port has set up extensiveenvironmental monitoring stations around the port to collect data on the port’s airquality. It also encourages quayside container terminal operators to install solar andwind power lighting systems. The Pacific ports Clean Air Collaborative (PPCAC) groupis an advanced cooperative pollution control mechanism between ports, and is based



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    in Los Angeles. PPCAC is a voluntary group of international participants from ports,private industries, and environmental agencies throughout Central America,North America, and Pacific Rim countries. The goal of the PPCAC is to collaborate todevelop port environmental protection strategies and evaluate potential port policies

    and mitigation measures. Another international organization, the InternationalAssociation of ports and Harbours (IAPH), had its port environment committeelaunch the World ports Climate Initiative programme, and 59 of its members have giventheir commitment to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

    In short, most port authorities (Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Port of L.A. andL.B., and Kaohsiung, 2012), and international organizations (PPCAC, IAPH) have comeup with six green port performance indicators: speed reduction after landfall, coldironing, using electrically powered equipment, encouraging the use of low-sulphur fuel,a willingness to reuse recyclable resources, and encouraging public transport modedevelopment. Some environmental protection and ecological preservation practices inthe ports of Hong Kong, Shengzhen, Shanghai, Kaohsiung, and Los Angeles and LongBeach, along with previous academic research findings, are summarized as 32 greenperformance indicators in Table I. A brainstorming session with four colleagues in twotraditional maritime universities helped the authors group these 32 green portperformance indicators, reported by previous studies and port practices, into 17 greenport performance indicators as shown in Table I, and these 17 performance indicatorsare further clustered into five dimensions as shown in Table II.

    3. Methodology3.1 Survey, sampling and measurement indicators selectionThis research used these 17 green performance indicators to design the researchquestionnaire. These 17 indices were explained in detail in thefirstpart of thequestionnaire,and the authors’ contact details were shown on the same page to help respondents contact

    the authors if they were confused about the questionnaire. Respondents were askedto evaluate the importance of these 17 indices on a five-point Likert scale, where 1 indicatedthe least importance and 5 indicated the greatest importance.

    At the end of 2009, a 100 copies of the questionnaire were e-mailed to academiciansteaching in maritime studies and environmental engineering departments; 64 replies werereceived. Of these 64 replies, eight were incomplete, thus 56 complete replies werecollected. A descriptive statistics technique was used to analyze the 56 completedquestionnaires in a descriptive statistics table (Table III). If an average degree of importance of an indicator was perceived to be less than 3, then the indicator was removedfrom the second stage of the AHP survey. All 17 green performance indicators were foundto have an average degree of importance of more than 3 and thus were selected to beincorporated into the design of the AHP research structure (Figure 1). According to

    Zanakis et al. (1998), both the number of alternatives and the number of criteria have theeffect of ranking reversal if a multi-criteria decision-making technique (including AHP) isemployed to support decision making. The rank reversal effect occurs and the preferencesfor the ranking of the alternatives and the subcriteria are changed if any one of thealternatives or subcriteria is removed from the decision-making structures. Rankingreversal is frequently criticized as a major limitation when using the AHP technique tosupport decision making. To avoid the ranking reversal effect resulting from unrelatedand unimportant subcriteria, an initial round of a five-point Likert scale survey is




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       1   0   B  a   l   l  a  s   t  w  a   t  e  r  p  o   l   l  u   t  a  n

       t  p  r  e  v  e  n   t   i  o  n

       1   1   S  e  w  a  g  e  p  r  o  c  e  s  s   i  n  g  a  n

       d  w  a   t  e  r  r  e  s  o  u  r  c  e


      c  o  n   t  r  o   l

       1   2   A   i  r  p  o   l   l  u   t   i  o  n  a  v  o   i   d  a  n  c  e   (   t  o  x   i  c  g  a  s


      r  e  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n   )

       1   3   R  e   d  u  c   i  n  g  v  e  s  s  e   l  s  p  e  e   d  a   f   t  e  r   l  a  n   d   f  a   l   l

       (  r  e   d  u  c   i  n  g   f  u  e   l  c  o  n  s  u  m  p   t   i  o  n   &  p  o   l   l  u   t   i  o  n   )

       1   4   C  o   l   d   i  r  o  n   i  n  g   (  o  n  -   d  o  c   k

      p  o  w  e  r  s  u  p  p   l  y   )

       1   5   U  s  e  o   f  e   l  e  c   t  r   i  c  a   l   l  y  p  o  w  e  r  e   d  e  q  u   i  p  m  e  n   t

       (   t  o  r  e  p   l  a  c  e   d   i  e  s  e   l  e  q  u   i  p  m

      e  n   t   )

       1   6   E  n  c  o  u  r  a  g   i  n  g  u  s  e  o   f   l  o

      w  -  s  u   l  p   h  u  r   f  u  e   l

        (     c     o     n       t       i     n     u     e       d    )

    Table I.Port green performanceindicators byacademicians and ports



  • 8/16/2019 Green Port in Asia


       A  u   t   h  o  r  s   /   P  o  r   t   A  u   t   h  o  r   i   t   i  e  s

       G  r  e  e  n   P  e  r   f  o  r  m  a  n  c  e   I  n

       d   i  c  a   t  o  r  s

       F  r  a  n   k  e  l  (  1  9  8  7  )

       B  l  a  c   k  (  1  9  9  6  )

       A  l  d  e  r  t  o  n  (  1  9  9  9  )

       G  i  l    m  a  n  (  2  0  0  3  )

       E  S   P   O  (  2  0  0  4 ,  2  0  0  9  )

       T  s  i  n   k  e  r  (  2  0  0  4  )

       V  e  l  o  s  o .    &   T  a  v  e  r  i  r  a  (  2  0  0  3  )

       G  u  p  t  a  e  t  a  l .  (  2  0  0  5  )

       Z  o  n  n  (  2  0  0  5  )

        W  e  n  n  i  n  g  e  t  a  l .  (  2  0  0  5  )

      J  u  g  o  v  i  c  (  2  0  0  7  )

       F  e  r  n  a  d  e  z  (  2  0  0  7  )

        M  a  t  i  s  h  o  v    &  S  e  l  i  f  o  n  o  v  a

      (  2  0  0  8  )  S  a  e  n  g  s  u  p  a  v  a  n  i  c  h  e  t  a  l .

      (  2  0  0  9  )   P  o  r  t  u  g  a  l  e  t  a  l .  (  2  0  1  1  )

        W  i  e  g    m  a  n  s    &   L  o  u   w  (  2  0  1  1  )

       C  h  a  n  g    &    W  a  n  g  (  2  0  1  2  )

       H  a  r  t    m  a  n    &   C  o  l  t  (  2  0  1  2  )

       P  a  r   k    &   Y  e  o  (  2  0  1  2  )

       H  o  n  g   K  o  n  g

       K  a  o  h  s  i  u  n  g

      S  h  a  n  g  h  a  i

      S  h  e  n  z  h  e  n

      S  i  n  g  a  p  o  r  e

       P  o  r  t  s  o  f   L   A    &   L   B

       P   P   C   A    &  I   A   P   H

       1   7   U  s   i  n  g  s  u   b  s   t   i   t  u   t  e  e  n  e  r  g  y  a  n   d  e  n  e  r  g  y  s  a  v   i  n  g   d  e  v   i  c  e

       1   8   A  e  s   t   h  e   t   i  c   i  n   t  e  r   f  e  r  e  n  c  e   /   V   i  s  u  a   l   i  m  p  a  c   t   /   I  m  p  r  o  v   i  n  g

       c   i   t  y  s  c  e  n  e  r  y

       1   9   A  v  o   i   d   i  n  g   t   h  e   d  u  s   t  p  o   l   l  u   t  a  n   t   d  u  r   i  n  g   l  o  a   d   i  n  g   &


       d   i  s  c   h  a  r  g   i  n  g

       2   0   B   i  o   l  o  g  y   &  w  e   t   l  a  n   d   i  m

      p  a  c   t  a  v  o   i   d  a  n  c  e   /   R  e   d  u  c   i  n  g


       i  n   f  r  a  s   t  r  u  c   t  u  r  e   d   i  s   t  u  r   b  a  n

      c  e   t  o  m  a  r   i  n  e   b   i  o   l  o  g  y


       d  e  n  s   i   t  y

       2   1   R  e   d  u  c   i  n  g  r  o  a   d  v  e   h   i  c   l  e  s   ’   C   O  x  e  m   i  s  s   i  o  n

       2   2   E  c  o   l  o  g  y  p  r  e  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n   &

      e  n  v   i  r  o  n  m  e  n   t  p  r  o   t  e  c   t   i  o  n


       t  r  a   i  n   i  n  g

       2   3   P  o  r   t  m  a   i  n   t  e  n  a  n  c  e  a  n   d  p  o   l   l  u   t   i  o  n  a  v  o   i   d  a  n  c  e

       2   4   F   l  o  o   d   i  m  p  a  c   t  a  n   d  c  o  n   t  r  o   l

       2   5   I  m  p  r  o  v   i  n  g  w   i   l   l   i  n  g  n  e  s  s

       t  o  r  e  u  s  e  r  e  c  y  c   l  a   b   l  e

      r  e  s  o  u  r  c  e  s

       2   6   A  v  o   i   d   i  n  g   d   i  s   t  u  r   b  a  n  c  e   t  o  c  o  m  m  u  n   i   t  y   d  u  r   i  n  g


       i  n   f  r  a  s   t  r  u  c   t  u  r  e  c  o  n  s   t  r  u  c   t   i  o  n   &   d  e  m  o   l   i  s   h  m  e  n   t

       2   7   I  n   f  r  a  s   t  r  u  c   t  u  r  e   i  m  p  a  c   t  a  v  o   i   d  a  n  c  e

       2   8   E  n  c  o  u  r  a  g   i  n  g  p  u   b   l   i  c   t  r  a

      n  s  p  o  r   t  m  o   d  e   d  e  v  e   l  o  p  m  e  n   t

       2   9   D  r  e   d  g   i  n  g  s  e   d   i  m  e  n   t   d   i  s  p  o  s  a   l

       3   0   S   h   i  p   b   i   l  g  e   d   i  s  c   h  a  r  g  e  m

      a  n  a  g  e  m  e  n   t

       3   1   H  a  z  a  r   d  o  u  s  c  a  r  g  o  m  a  n  a

      g  e  m  e  n   t

       3   2   U  s   i  n  g  r  e  c  y  c   l  a   b   l  e  r  e  s  o  u

      r  c  e  s ,  a  n   d  r  e   d  u  c  e  e  n  e  r  g  y


      c  o  n  s  u  m  p   t   i  o  n

    Table I.




  • 8/16/2019 Green Port in Asia


    employed to remove the unimportant and unrelated subcriteria before the AHP decisionsupport schema is structured. This can help the authors avoid the possible necessity of removingthe unimportant and unrelated subcriteria from the decision support model oncethe AHP round of the survey is completed. Finally, the ranking reversal effect from theremoval of unimportant subcriteria in the AHP survey result is avoided by the decisioncriteria screen mechanism in the Likert scale survey.

    Dimensions Indicators Indicators

    Air pollutionmanagement

    1. Reducing speed after landfall Reducing vessel speed after landfall to reducefuel consumption and pollution

    2. Using substitute energy andenergy-saving device

    Using substitute energy and energy savingdevice

    3. Encouraging use of low-sulphur fuel

    Encouraging use of low-sulphur fuel

    4. Using electricity power Using electrically powered equipment to replacediesel ones, cold ironing (on-dock power supply)

    5. Air pollution avoidance Air pollution avoidance (toxic gas regulation),reducing road vehicles’ CO2  emission,encouraging public transport mode development

    Aesthetic andnoisepollutionmanagement

    6. Aesthetic interference/visualimpact/improvingcity scenery

    Avoid decreasing community real estate valuedue to the existence of cargo pipelines,infrastructure impact avoidance

    7. Noise control Avoiding disturbance to community during

    infrastructure construction and demolishment,regulation on noise and vibration from cargohandling equipment

    Solid wastepollutionmanagement

    8. Solid waste dumpingmanagement

    Solid waste dumping management; dredgingsediment disposal

    9. Avoiding pollutants duringport maintenance and cargohandling

    Port maintenance and pollution avoidance,avoiding the dust pollutant during loading anddischarging, hazardous cargo management

    10. Using recyclable resourcesand reducing energyconsumption

    Using recyclable resources, and reduce energyconsumption, improving willingness to reuserecyclable resources

    Liquid pollutionmanagement

    11. Fuel spilling contingencyplan

    Liquid cargoes spilling contingency plan, oil andfuel spill contingency plan

    12. Ballast water pollutant


    Ballast water pollutant prevention

    13. Cargo spilling control andprevention

    Spill prevention during disconnection of cargopipeline

    14. Sewage treatment Sewage processing and water resource control,ship bilge discharge management

    Marine biologypreservation

    15. Wetland and marine habitatpreservation

    Biology and wetland impact avoidance/reducinginfrastructure disturbance to marine biologydensity, marine biology preservation andprotection

    16. Ecological preservation andenvironmentalprotection training

    Ecology preservation and environmentprotection training, flood impact and control

    17. Port entrance sediment andcoastal erosion control

    Sediment of port entrance and coast erosion

    Table II.Classification of the34 port greenperformance indicators



  • 8/16/2019 Green Port in Asia


    To obtain the relative importance of the 17 subcriteria, a pairwise comparison and

    decision-support technique, namely, the AHP technique, is employed. With the relativeweight of importance of these 17 subcriteria obtained from the AHP survey, the portstakeholders can then decide how they should allocate their limited resources toimprove their green performance on a certain criterion. A follow-up AHP questionnairesurvey was posted to 160 community leaders in three major port cities in Asia(Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Kaohsiung). There were 137 replies to this survey;120 completed questionnaires were found valid and were used for the AHP round of analysis. The high response rate was achieved by giving souvenirs and offering a freesummary of the survey result as incentives and as a result of many follow-up callsbeing made after the initial AHP questionnaires had been posted.

    3.2 The AHP technique

    The AHP technique was first developed by   Saaty (1977); it is used to prioritizeand rank alternatives. In other words, it is a multicriteria decision-making techniquethat can combine qualitative and quantitative indicators to evaluate the overallperformances of all alternatives. Saaty combined several previously existing butunassociated concepts and techniques, such as hierarchical structuring of complexity,pairwise comparisons, redundant judgments, an eigenvector method for derivingweights, and consistency considerations, to develop the AHP technique. In the AHPsystem, the total weight of the alternatives under each objective will not change, and the

    Green performance indicators Average value SD Ranking

    11. Fuel spilling contingency plan 4.63 0.606 18. Solid waste dumping management 4.48 0.583 2

    13. Liquid cargo spilling control and prevention 4.35 0.668 315. Wetland and marine habitat preservation 4.31 0.657 414. Sewage treatment 4.27 0.893 512. Ballast water pollutant prevention 4.21 0.798 610. Using recyclable resources and reducing energy

    consumption 4.19 0.704 716. Ecological preservation and environmental

    protection and training 4.15 0.714 85. Air pollution avoidance (toxic gas emission

    regulation) 4.15 0.714 92. Using substitute energy and energy-saving

    device 4.13 0.789 1017. Port entrance sediment and coastal erosion 4.10 0.831 11

    3. Encouraging use of low-sulphur fuel 3.92 0.794 129. Avoiding the dust pollutants during portmaintenance and cargo handling 3.81 0.704 13

    1. Reducing vessel speed after landfall (reducingfuel consumption and pollution) 3.69 0.829 14

    4. Using electrically powered equipment (to replacethe diesel ones) 3.60 0.736 15

    7. Noise control (regulation on noise and vibrationfrom unloading equipment) 3.52 0.652 16

    6. Aesthetic interference/visual impact/improvingcity scenery 3.13 0.866 17

    Table III.Importance of a port’s

    green performanceindicators




  • 8/16/2019 Green Port in Asia


    total weight for the alternatives under all (sub) objectives will always equal 1.0 (Formanand Selly, 2001).

    The technique involves first the construction of a ratio scale to prioritize thealternatives of the problem by means of hierarchical modelling and pairwisecomparisons ( Aguarón et al., 2003). However, AHP has a major limitation and is basedon an assumption: the researchers have to decompose all the major dimensions in

    Figure 1.The hierarchicalstructure of greenindicators in threesea ports in Asia

    (Shanghai) (Hong Kong) (Kaohsiung)

    Green Port

    Performance Indicators

    Ai  r  p ol  l   u t  i   on

    m a n g e m e n t  

     S  ol  i   d  w a  s  t   e  & p ol  l   u t  i   on

    m a n a  g e m e n t  

    L i   q ui   d  p ol  l   u t  i   on

    m a n a  g e m e n t  

    M a r i  n e  b i   ol   o g y

    P r  e  s  e r  v a  t  i   on

    P  or  t   e n t  r  a n c  e  s  e  d i  m e n t   & c  o a  s  t   a l   e r  o s i   on c  on t  r  ol  

    E  c  ol   o gi   c  a l   pr  e  s  e r  v a  t  i   on & e n vi  r  onm e n t   a l   pr  o t   e  c  t  i   on & t  r  a i  ni  n g

     W e  t  l   a n d  &m a r i  n e h  a  b i   t   a  t   pr  e  s  e r  v a  t  i   on

    R e  d  u c i  n g s h i   p s  p e  e  d  a f   t   e r l   a n d f   a l  l   (  r  e  d  u c i  n gf   u e l   c  on s  um p t  i   on & p ol  l   u t  i   on )  

     U s i  n g s  u b  s  t  i   t   u t   e  e n e r  g y a n d  e n e r  g y- s  a  vi  n g d  e  v

    i   c  e 

    E n c  o ur  a  gi  n g u s  e  of  l   o w- s  ul   ph  ur f   u e l  

     U s i  n g e l   e  c  t  r i   c  a l  l   y p o w e r  e  d  e  q ui   pm e n t   s 

     S  e  w a  g e  t  r  e  a  t  m e n t   (   a n d  w a  t   e r r  e  s  o ur  c  e  c  on t  r  ol   )  

    F  u e l   oi  l   s  pi  l  l  i  n g c  on t  i  n g e n c  y pl   a n

    B a l  l   a  s  t   w a  t   e r  p ol  l   u t   a n t   c  on t  r  ol  

     C  a r  g o e  s  s  pi  l  l  i  n g c  on t  r  ol   & pr  e  v e n t  i   on

    Ai  r  p ol  l   u t  i   on a  v oi   d  a n c  e  (  T  oxi   c  g a  s  e mi   s  s i   onr  e  g ul   a  t  i   on )  

     S  ol  i   d  w a  s  t   e  d  um pi  n gm a n a  g e m e n t  

    A v oi   d i  n g p ol  l   u t   a n t   s  d  ur i  n g c  a r  g oh  a n d l  i  n g a n d 

     p or  t  m a i  n t   e n a n c  e 

     U s i  n gr  e  c  y c l   a  b l   e r  e  s  o ur  c  e  s  a n d r  e  d  u c i  n g e n e r  g

     y c  on s  um p t  i   on

    A e  s  t  h  e  t  i   c  a n d n oi   s  e 

     p ol  l   u t  i   onm a n a  g e m e n t  

     N oi   s  e  c  on t  r  ol  

    A e  s  t  h  e  t  i   c i  n t   e r f   e r  e n c  e  , vi   s  u a l  i  m p a  c  t   , a n d i  m pr  o vi  n g c i   t   y s  c  e n e r  y

    Port 1 Port 2 Port 3

    Di  m e n s i   on s 

    I  n d i   c  a  t   or  s 

    Al   t   e 

    r n a  t  i   v e  s 



  • 8/16/2019 Green Port in Asia


    a vertical direction to ensure the indicators in each of the horizontal sub-criterion havesimilar qualities before these indicators are compared pairwise. The AHP techniquemakes an assumption concerning the independence of both the indicators and thealternatives ( Liberatore and Stylianou, 1995). The consistency of the comparison

    matrices is judged by the consistency index (CI) and consistency ratio (CR) ( Saaty, 1980 ).According to Forman and Selly (2001), an inconsistency ratio of 10 per cent or less isnormally considered acceptable. However, increasing the number of factors andalternatives in a decision hierarchy may warrant the acceptance of a higher inconsistencyratio. Decision-makers’ extreme judgments in a complex analytical structure can alsoresult in a high inconsistency ratio; thus, one can accept the inconsistency ratio eventhough it is greater than 10 per cent. A set of perfectly consistent judgments produces a CIand a CR of zero. However, a low inconsistency is necessary but not sufficient for a gooddecision. As many experts’ viewpoints on green performance criteria have to be takeninto consideration in this research, this is a multiple criteria group decision-makingproblem involving a group of community leaders in three major ports. To aggregategroup decision-making with the non-equivalent importance of individuals in the group inDS/AHP, Beynon (2005) suggested a discount rate value for each member of the groupdepending on their perceived individual levels of importance. In this research, eachrespondent is perceived to have the same level of importance, and their responses are firstanalyzed by the AHP technique to obtain the relative degree of importance of each factorand the performance of each port on these 17 factors. Finally, a weighted geometricalmean method suggested by Xu (2000) is used to aggregate group preference in the AHP.

    The AHP technique comprises the following three basic components.First, the principal problem is decomposed into a hierarchy. Each level of the

    hierarchy consists of a set of elements and each element, in turn, is broken down intosub-elements for the next level of the hierarchy. The final level consists of the specificcourses of alternatives that are being contemplated for adoption.

    Second, within each hierarchical level, relative weights for the various elements areestablished using a measurement methodology. Use of the methodology requires thedecision-maker to evaluate the elements in a particular level in a pairwise style using anine-point scale. The pairwise comparisons indicate the degree to which one elementdominates the other with respect to each element of the preceding level.

    Third, the pairwise comparison matrices are evaluated through eigenvector scalingto give a set of weights for the elements of the matrix. Continuing the process of theeigenvector extraction and weighting through the levels of the hierarchy leads to aglobal weight for the elements in the final level. Since the final level of the matrixrepresents the alternatives being compared, the global weight for the final level reflectsthe decision-makers’ relative weights for the alternatives.

    3.3 Importance and performance analysisIPA was first reported by Martilla and James (1977). The technique compares productattributes on a two-dimensional grid which illustrates their relative strengths andweaknesses, and suggests actions that can be taken to improve the effectiveness of marketing efforts ( Crompton and Duray, 1985; Chu and Choi, 2000; Matzler et al., 2004 ).The origin of the axes can beset at the level of the median of the relevant values or at theaverage of the relevant values. This research uses the median as the crossing point inconstructing the importance-performance analysis model. By comparison with the




  • 8/16/2019 Green Port in Asia


    average value, the median value can be used to avoid some strong response biasinfluences during an investigation. Many IPA model researches use the median value asthe axis for the IPA matrix ( Martilla and James, 1977; Oh, 2001 ). The use of the medianvalue as the axis in Figure 2 has allowed the authors to differentiate clearly attributes

    with a high degree of importance and a low degree of satisfaction, and these attributesare classified as potential determinants for the green performance of an internationalport. The median values of performance and importance are intersec