Download - Green light stimulates terahertz emission from mesocrystal microspheres · 2011. 2. 5. · Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures have a unique combination of semiconducting and piezoelectric

  • Green light stimulates terahertz emission frommesocrystal microspheresX. L. Wu1*, S. J. Xiong1, Z. Liu1, J. Chen2, J. C. Shen1, T. H. Li1, P. H. Wu2 and Paul K. Chu3*

    The discovery of efficient sources of terahertz radiation hasbeen exploited in imaging applications1, and developing ananoscale terahertz source could lead to additional appli-cations. High-frequency mechanical vibrations of chargednanostructures can lead to radiative emission, and vibrationsat frequencies of hundreds of kilohertz have been observedfrom a ZnO nanobelt under the influence of an alternating elec-tric field2. Here, we observe mechanical resonance and radia-tive emission at ∼0.36 THz from core–shell ZnO mesocrystalmicrospheres excited by a continuous green-wavelength laser.We find that ∼0.016% of the incident power is convertedinto terahertz radiation, which corresponds to a quantum effi-ciency of ∼33%, making the ZnO microspheres competitivewith existing terahertz-emitting materials1,3. The mechanicalresonance and radiation stem from the coherent photo-induced vibration of the hexagonal ZnO nanoplates that makeup the microsphere shells. The ZnO microspheres are formedby means of a nonclassical, self-organized crystallizationprocess4–6, and represent a straightforward route to terahertzradiation at the nanoscale.

    Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures have a unique combination ofsemiconducting and piezoelectric properties7–14. By using the meso-crystallization pathway, core–shell ZnO mesocrystal microsphereswith variable sizes that depend on synthesis time can be fabricated6.Figure 1a,b presents field-emission scanning electron micrographs(FE-SEM) of two typical multi-microsphere samples with micro-sphere diameters of 2.7 and 5.4 mm, which were fabricated with syn-thesis times of 3 and 10 h, respectively. The insets schematicallyillustrate the side- and top-view morphologies of the core andshell of a microsphere. The microsphere surface is composed ofdensely packed hexagonal nanoplates aligned perpendicular to thesphere and pointing to the central core (Fig. 1c). The thickness ofthe packed nanoplates is �15 nm and consistent with the coherencelength D002 of the (002) reflection, and the ordering of the nano-plates in the shell layer increases with synthesis time. The inset inFig. 1c depicts the FE-SEM image of a nanoplate with a hexagonalside length of �50 nm. The shell layer of the microsphere consistsof a large number of �15-nm-thick flabellate nanocantileverswith lengths that depend on synthesis time. Figure 1d schematicallyshows a rectangular nanocantilever composed of a monolayer ofhexagonal nanoplates connected to each other by poly(sodium4-styrenesulphonate) (PSS).

    Figure 2 presents the Raman vibration spectra (obtained directlyon our high-resolution Raman measurement system) of five multi-microsphere samples (synthesis times: 2.5, 3, 5, 7 and 10 h) excitedby the 514.5 nm line of an argon laser. The vibration signals arisefrom the ZnO and are not a luminescent line. In addition to theweak first-order E2low mode at 2.91 THz (97 cm

    21) from ZnO15, astrong vibration mode appears at 0.36 THz for all samples. The

    full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this mode for the 10 hsample is �0.54 THz and increases slightly with shorter synthesistimes (Fig. 2, inset).

    To identify vibration coherence between the microspheres,vibration spectra were acquired from a single microsphere fromeach sample (representative spectra from the 10 and 3 h samplesare presented in Fig. 3a,b, respectively). When compared with thespectra taken from the multi-microsphere samples, some differencesare apparent. First, for the single microspheres, the peak generallyshifts to a higher frequency, and the shift is larger for the micro-sphere produced in the shorter time. Second, for the microspherewith the longer fabrication time, the FWHM is narrower (Fig. 3a).FWHM increases as the synthesis time reduces to approach thatof the 3 h multi-microsphere sample (Fig. 3b).

    The origin of this terahertz vibration mode can be determinedaccording to the microsphere structure and spectral characteristics.This vibration should be closely associated with the high-frequencyvibration of the photo-induced single hexagonal ZnO nanoplate andsubsequent propagation to the nanocantilevers due to elastic andelectrical coupling between the nanoplates. In multi-microsphere





    5 μm

    200 nm

    50 nm

    5 μm

    15 nm

    + + ++ ++++− − −− −−−−



    Figure 1 | FE-SEM images and schematic illustration of the ZnO

    mesocrystal microspheres. a,b, Microspheres fabricated with synthesis

    times of 3 h (a) and 10 h (b). Insets: side-view (a) and top-view (b)

    morphologies of the core and shell of the microsphere. c, High-magnification

    image of a microsphere surface. Inset: FE-SEM image of a hexagonal ZnO

    nanoplate. d, Schematic of a nanocantilever with thickness of 15 nm.

    1National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China, 2National Laboratory of SolidState Microstructures and Research Institute of Superconductor Electronics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China, 3Department of Physics andMaterials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. *e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

    LETTERSPUBLISHED ONLINE: 16 JANUARY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2010.264


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  • systems, as a result of contacts between the microspheres, vibrationsexcited locally by the laser can propagate to the whole system. Thisresults in the disappearance of the size effect and the emergence of asingle frequency feature that is independent of the size of a singlemicrosphere. This is the reason why all the modes in spectra a–eof Fig. 2 have almost the same frequency, despite the fact that themicrosphere sizes are different. Because contacts between the micro-spheres are not complete, different nanocantilever lengths can stillaffect vibration frequency slightly. For microspheres produced inshorter times, the arrangement of nanocantilevers in the shelllayer is less ordered, so the FWHM is slightly larger (Fig. 2, inset).

    In a single microsphere, one end of the nanocantilever is free andthe other end is in contact with the core. Propagation of vibrationwithin the sphere is therefore limited, and frequency is affected bysize. This frequency will be larger when the nanocantilever isshorter, as illustrated in Fig. 3a,b, which shows that the dimensionsof the microsphere in the 3 h sample are smaller than those of the10 h sample. In addition, because the nanocantilever arrangement inthe 10 h microsphere has better ordering than the 3 h microsphere,the FWHM is narrower. Similarly, ordering of the nanocantileverarrangement in the 10 h sample is better in a single microspherethan in multi-microspheres, and so the FWHM is narrower in thesingle microsphere (Fig. 3a). For the 3 h microspheres, the nanocanti-lever arrangement in a single microsphere has large disorder, so theFWHM is the same as that of the multi-microspheres.

    The basic structure of the system is a nanoplate. If one considersthe stretching vibrations in the thickness or x-direction (Fig. 3,inset) and two free surfaces at x¼ 0 and x¼ h (where h is the thick-ness), we obtain from the dynamical equation the eigenfrequenciesnn¼ na/2h (where n¼ 1, 2, . . .) and corresponding vibration func-tions wn(x)¼ Ancos(pnx/h), where a¼

    p(E0/r), E0 is Young’s

    modulus, r is density, and An is amplitude. Mode n1 (shown inthe inset of Fig. 3a) is infrared active, but Raman inactive.The lowest Raman active mode is n2 (Fig. 3b, inset). For ZnO,

    r¼ 5.6 g cm23, E0¼ 140 GPa (ref. 16), and the thickness of thenanoplates is 15 nm, giving n2 ≈ 0.33 THz, which is independentof the shape and area of the nanoplates and consistent with thefrequency of 0.36 THz observed for the multi-microsphere system.

    Many nanoplates are assembled to form a nanocantilever andmany nanocantilevers are in turn attached to the centre of thesphere. This leads to coherent vibrations of the n2 modes. If thenanoplates are arranged as a square lattice in the nanocantileversand we only consider nearest-neighbour coupling, the frequenciesof the collective vibration modes can be calculated as n(k1, k2) ≈p

    [n22þ h2(2–cos k1–cos k2)], where h describes the average coup-

    ling strength depending on binders between the nanoplates, andk1 and k2 are wave vectors in two directions. The modes with thesmallest k1 and k2 (the longest wavelengths) are mostly Ramanactive. However, the smallest wave vectors are limited by thesphere size and their values can be estimated as k1,2 ≈ 2p/l1,2,where l1,2 is the number of nanoplates included in the correspond-ing directions. Based on the structures shown in Fig. 1, we have l1¼l2 ≈ 20 and l1¼ l2 ≈ 26 for the 3 and 10 h samples, and can thenobtain the frequencies n¼ 0.41 THz and 0.46 THz, respectively, ifthe coupling strength is h¼ 1 THz.

    For the multiple microspheres, the spheres are in contact withone another, forming a larger structure. This removes the limitationfor the smallest wave vectors, so that k1,2 � 0 and n� n2, indepen-dent of the size of the microspheres. This effect is observed from ourexperiments (Fig. 2); details regarding theoretical calculations aredescribed in the Supplementary Information.

    To determine the suitability of the ZnO microsphere as a practicalterahertz source, we measure the terahertz radiation of the typical10 h microsphere sample. Figure 4a presents a schematic of theexperimental setup. The terahertz radiation power Wout exhibits agood linear dependence on input laser power Win (Fig. 5a) withoutany indication of saturation in the investigated range. The outputterahertz power can even reach 6.8 mW if the output power is notsaturated, as demonstrated in our Raman measurements. Thisimplies that the terahertz radiation power can be tuned easily overa wide range by changing the input power. Figure 5b shows thedependence of the output power on the detection distance dunder an excitation power of 36 mW. The output power decreases

    0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6

    0 20 40 60 80 100 120

    Wavenumber (cm−1)

    a 2.5 h





    Frequency (THz)

    e 10 h

    d 7 h

    c 5 h

    b 3 h

    0.3 0.6 0.9

    Sample aSample e





    Frequency (THz)

    Figure 2 | Vibration spectra of the multi-microsphere samples fabricated

    with synthesis times of 2.5, 3, 5, 7 and 10 h. Spectra are taken from Raman

    scattering under excitation with the 514.5 nm line of an argon ion laser.

    Inset: for identification of the FWHM difference, the normalized vibration

    spectra of two multi-microsphere samples with synthesis times of 2.5 and

    10 h are shown.

    0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5

    Frequency (THz)

    10 20 30 40 50

    Wavenumber (cm−1)


    3 h multi

    3 h single






    + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + +− − − − − − − − − − − − − −

    − − − − − − − − − − − − − −

    0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5

    10 20 30 40 50

    Frequency (THz)

    10 h multi

    10 h single

    Wavenumber (cm−1)a






    + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + +− − − − − − − − − − − − − −

    − − − − − − − − − − − − − −

    Figure 3 | Vibration spectra of single and multi-microsphere samples with

    different synthesis times. a,b, Data for 10 h (a) and 3 h (b) samples. Insets:

    stretching vibration modes in the thickness direction of a nanoplate with

    frequencies n1 (a) and n2 (b). Black arrows show the vibration directions in

    different layers and þ/2 signs indicate charges in the Zn and O layers.



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  • with d as the terahertz radiation comes out from a ‘point’ sourcecorresponding to the radiating spot of the sample. Figure 5c exhi-bits the dependence of the output power density per unit area atd¼ 1.8 cm on deviating angle u under an excitation power of

    36 mW. The oscillation in the curve reflects some effects of inter-ference, which will be analysed in the following. A detailed methodfor the calculation of total light radiation power has been givenpreviously17,18. Because of reflection at the silicon surface, the totalterahertz power Wout can simply be obtained by integrating the hemi-sphere above the substrate, Wout = 2p d2

    �p/20 wout(u) sin u du, where

    wout(u) is the power density per unit area at the measurement point.By dividing Wout by the total input laser power on the spot, theefficiency of the terahertz generation is calculated to be 0.016%. Inother words, the quantum efficiency in converting a green photoninto a 0.36 THz photon is �33%, which is greater than that observedfrom traditional semiconducting nanostructures such as Si (5%)19,3C–SiC (17%)20, or II–VI group quantum dots (21%)21, therebydemonstrating the practicality of using ZnO microspheres as aterahertz source.

    Furthermore, ZnO microspheres can be used as an ideal terahertzpoint source, as the effective size can be reduced to that of a singlemicrosphere. The oscillation in Fig. 5c is a result of interferencebetween two paths from a single point source. As illustrated inFig. 4b, there are two paths from the point source to the detector: adirect path d and another path via reflection at the silicon substratesurface x1þ x2. From the interposition of these two components17,18,the interference leads to the u-dependent power density wout(u)/cos2[p(x1þ x22d )/h0], where h0 is the wavelength, x1¼ d/cos wand x2¼ (d cos uþ d)/cos w, where d is the height ofthe point source above the substrate and angle w is determinedby cos 2w¼ (4d2þ 4dd cos uþ d2 cos 2u)/(d2þ 4dd cos uþ 4d2).From this formula, the oscillation in Fig. 5c can be fitted by settingd¼ 1.8 cm, d¼ 0.126 cm and h0¼ 0.09 cm. These parametersreflect the realistic situation in the experiments.

    Mesocrystal core–shell microspheres represent an experimentallysimple and efficient vehicle for generating terahertz radiation. It maybe possible to increase their efficiency by adopting effective mirrorreflection or designing hierarchical nanostructures, and their inte-gration into nanoscale devices may allow novel applications likemicroscale medical imaging and micro-displacement driving.

    MethodsSynthesis. Core–shell structured ZnO mesocrystal microspheres were synthesizedusing a facile one-pot hydrothermal method in the presence of the water-solublepolymer PSS6. Microsphere dimensions and nanocantilever lengths were controlledby selecting different durations of synthesis time. Multiple microsphere samplesfor Raman measurements were prepared by putting a trace of microsphere powderon a single-crystal silicon wafer with a thickness of 1.0 mm. SEM observationsindicate that powder thickness was in the range of 5–30 mm (ref. 6). To obtain asingle microsphere sample we placed a small amount of ZnO microsphere powderinto an aqueous solution, then applied ultrasonic vibration for 10 min. A drop of the

    2 4 6 8 100






    d (cm)0 15 30 45




    6.9a b c


    t (μW



    t (μW


    Win (mW)

    Win = 36 mW

    Win = 36 mW

    d = 1.8 cm

    0 20 40 60 80







    t (θ)




    θ (deg)

    d = 1.8 cm

    Figure 5 | Dependence on different parameters of terahertz radiation power for the 10 h microsphere sample. a,b, Dependence of Wout on incident laser

    power Win (a) and detection distance d (b). c, Dependence of terahertz radiation power density wout(u) on deviating angle u. Average uncertainty in

    terahertz radiation power is �10%.

    0 x


    THz pulse


    Beam514.5 nm









    Absorption (a.u.)




    0.3 0.6 0.9 1.20.0




    Figure 4 | Experimental setup and terahertz absorption spectra.

    a, Experimental setup for measuring terahertz radiation. PMT, terahertz

    detector, with a collection area of p× 52 mm2. b, Schematic of two-pathinterference from a point source to a detector. Inset: terahertz absorption

    spectra obtained from the 10 h multi-microsphere sample and the organic

    additives, PSS, respectively. An infrared active mode from the microsphere

    sample is observed at 0.288 THz.



    © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

  • suspension was put on the silicon substrate and we searched for a microsphere onwhich to carry out measurements. To measure terahertz radiation, multiplemicrospheres were attached to the silicon wafer with a twin adhesive polymer with athickness of �1 mm. Note that our Raman measurements did not reveal a similarlow-frequency Raman peak from the adhesive.

    Analysis. Raman vibration spectra were obtained on a T64000 triple Ramansystem with a micro-Raman backscattering geometry using the 514.5 nm line ofan argon ion laser as the excitation source. The diameter of the beam spot was 5 mm,and the power illuminating the sample could be adjusted from 0 to 20 mW. Themeasurement was conducted at room temperature without the polarizationconfiguration, and the resolution of the spectrometer was 0.1 cm21. The acquiredspectra were the same as those taken under excitation by the 488 nm line. The highresolution and rejection rate of this measurement system allowed observation of thevibration signals close to the Rayleigh line to less than 0.15 THz (5 cm21)22,23. Wealso acquired the terahertz absorption spectra of the microspheres on a traditionaltransmitted terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system (Ekspla)24, and an infraredactive mode at a lower frequency of �0.288 THz was obtained (Fig. 4b, inset)25. Nocorresponding terahertz vibration signals occurred for the organic additives,polymer PSS.

    We used the 514.5 nm line of an argon ion laser as the excitation source toacquire the terahertz radiation (Fig. 4a). The illumination power was adjusted from0 to 50 mW. The incident beam, expanded to an area of p× (5/2)2 mm2,illuminated the microsphere sample with an angle of 108 to the silicon substrateplane. To obtain pulsed terahertz radiation, we used a chopper (SR540, StanfordResearch Systems) with a rotating frequency of 10 revolutions per second to convertthe continuous visible light into a pulsed wave. A Golay Cell terahertz detector(Microtech Instruments) with a spectral range of 0.02–20 THz, connected to an NF5600A single phase lock-in amplifier (NF Electronic Instruments), was used in theterahertz radiation measurement. The terahertz detector was calibrated using the‘hot–cold load’ method26. During detection of the terahertz radiation, a Yoshinagalow-pass filter (,1.5 THz) was used to suppress the green pump light and thermalradiative power by more than 90% (ref. 27), also suppressing more than 90% of theterahertz radiation signal higher than 1.5 THz. As the emission intensity at 2.9 THzis far lower than that at 0.36 THz (Fig. 2), the influence of the 2.9 THz radiation isnegligible. To further suppress the green light, we added four layers of blackpolyethylene film on the entrance of the detector, such that the green pump signalbecame almost undetectable. Finally, to ensure that we could accurately measure theradiation from the samples without thermal background radiation and residualgreen pump signal, we conducted the same measurement on a commercial ZnOpowder sample with particle sizes of 1–5 mm and attached on the same silicon waferto obtain a reference radiation signal. This reference signal was subtracted from thefinal results for the microsphere samples. By changing the incident laser power Win,detection distance d and deviating angle u, we obtained the dependence of the pulsedoutput terahertz power Wout on these parameters. Note that the use of the fourpolyethylene films also reduced the obtained terahertz power reading due to Fresnelreflection losses (increasing with incident angle). This caused the practical terahertzoutput power to increase by �10% and the quantum efficiency to reach �37%.

    Received 15 November 2010; accepted 30 November 2010;published online 16 January 2011

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    AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Basic Research Programs of China (grants2011CB922102, 2007CB936301, 2007CB310404), as well as the National and JiangsuNatural Science Foundations (grants BK2008020, 60976063, 10874071). Partial supportwas also provided by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) under GeneralResearch Funds (GRF) no. CityU 112608) and City University of Hong Kong (StrategicResearch Grant (SRG) 7008009).

    Author contributionsX.L.W. designed the experimental setup, performed the experiments, analysed the data, andco-wrote the manuscript. S.J.X. analysed the data and co-wrote the manuscript. Z.L. andJ.C.S. performed the experiments. J.C. and P.H.W. designed the experimental setup andanalysed the data. T.H.L. plotted all the figures. P.K.C. analysed the data and co-wrotethe manuscript.

    Additional informationThe authors declare no competing financial interests. Supplementary informationaccompanies this paper at Reprints andpermission information is available online at and requests for materials should be addressed to X.L.W. and P.K.C.



    © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.[email protected]:[email protected]://

  • SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONdoi: 10.1038/nnano.2010.264

    nature nanotechnology | 1

    Green light stimulates terahertz emission from mesocrystal


    X. L. Wu, S. J. Xiong, Z. Liu, J. Chen, J. C. Shen, T. H. Li, P. H. Wu, and Paul K.


    Considering the stretching vibrations in the thickness ( x ) direction of a nanoplate

    (insets, Fig. 3), the displacement ( , )u x t satisfies equation

    2 22

    2 2

    ( , ) ( , ) 0,u x t u x tt x


    where 0E

    and 0E and are the Young's modulus and density, respectively.

    Separating the variables in ( , )u x t with ( , ) ( ) ( )u x t x q t , we have

    2 2

    2 2

    ( ) ( ) 0(2 ) ,d x xdx




    ( ) (2 ) ( ) 0,d q t q tdt

    where is the frequency. The general solution can be written as

    21 2

    2 2( ) ( ) sin cos ,i t x xx q t e C C

    where 1C and 2C are integration constants. Since two surfaces at 0x and

    x h ( h being the thickness) of the nanoplate are free, we have the boundary

    conditions for ( )x :


    ( ) ( ) 0.x x h

    d x d xdx dx

    By substituting the general solution into the boundary conditions and according to the

    existence of nonzero solutions, we obtain the eigenfrequencies

    © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

  • 2 nature nanotechnology |

    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION doi: 10.1038/nnano.2010.264


    h , 1,2,......n (2)

    and corresponding vibration functions

    ( ) cosn nnxx Ah

    . (3)

    In a microsphere, many nanoplates are assembled to form a nanocantilever and

    then many nanocantilevers are attached to the center of the sphere. We can adopt the

    2 modes of the nanoplates as the basic ones to analyze the coherent vibrations in the

    microsphere. Hence, the amplitude in Eq. (3) denoted as 2iA for the ith nanoplate

    can be viewed as the generalized coordinate. The kinetic energy of the system is

    2 2 222 i ii

    K m A ,

    where 2


    hSm and iS being the area of the nanoplate is the equivalent mass of

    the mode. The elastic energy includes those of the individual nanoplates and the

    coupling terms

    2 2 2 22 2 2 212 ( )2i i i j i ji i j

    V m A A A


    where ij is the coupling strength between plates i and j . If the nanoplates are

    arranged as a square lattice in the nanocantilevers and we only consider the nearest

    neighbor coupling, the frequencies of the collective vibration modes can be written as

    )coscos2(),( 2122

    221 kkkk ,

    where i



    describes the average coupling strength depending on the

    organic binders between nanoplates, 1k and 2k are wave vectors of the collective

    modes in the two directions.

    © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

    Green light stimulates terahertz emission from mesocrystal microspheresMethodsSynthesisAnalysis

    Figure 1 FE-SEM images and schematic illustration of the ZnO mesocrystal microspheres.Figure 2 Vibration spectra of the multi-microsphere samples fabricated with synthesis times of 2.5, 3, 5, 7 and 10 h.Figure 3 Vibration spectra of single and multi-microsphere samples with different synthesis times.Figure 4 Experimental setup and terahertz absorption spectra.Figure 5 Dependence on different parameters of terahertz radiation power for the 10 h microsphere sample.ReferencesAcknowledgementsAuthor contributionsAdditional information

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