Download - Green Business Advantage Prospectus Burnet D Brown

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"I personally believe that sustainability is the most important issue facing the automotive industry and industry in general in the 21st Century."

— William Clay Ford, Jr., 2000 Chairman, Ford Motor Company

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“I recognize the right and duty of this generation to develop and use the natural resources of our land; but I do not recognize the right to waste them, or to rob, by wasteful use, the generations that come after us.”

— Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

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What is Sustainability?

❏  Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable Development, Brundtland Commission, 1983

❏  Sustainable products and services are products, materials, and services that create more productive and healthier work environments that respond to today's needs without imposing additional costs upon future users. They are guided by the efficiency advantages of "cradle-to-cradle" rather than "cradle-to-grave" cycles.

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Why Green Products? ❏  Green products (also called Sustainable Products) deliver

compelling advantages.

❏  Sustainability Advantage = Competitive Advantage…  Operational savings  Increased worker productivity (Studies by USPS, Lawrence

Berkeley National Laboratory, GAO, RMI)  Reduced contingent liability  Greater indoor air quality, visual, thermal, and acoustic comfort

creates a healthy, low-stress environment that improves productivity and reduces liability risks. (GSA)

 Green buildings typically sell or lease faster, and retain tenants better than non-green buildings. (McDonough)

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Why Green Products? (Continued…) US Post Office Productivity Chart

Source: Romm (DOE) and Browning (RMI), "Greening the Building and the Bottom Line” 1994

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Why Now? Trends…


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International Trends ❏  6E (Ecology, Ergonomics, Economics, Emissions, Energy and

Efficiency)  Developed by TCO, The Swedish Confederation of Professional

Employees (Swedish professional trade organization with 1.2 million members) to make it easier for companies and their employees to be able to develop systematic operating methods that respect both the external and working environments..

 Product labeling. Informed decision-making. Higher productivity.

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Where Should We Start?

  Start with the low hanging fruit: companies that already manufacture and market green products.

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The Situation   There are approximately 100,000 companies

in the U.S. that make or sell green products.

  These companies have a clear understanding of the environmental advantages offered by their products and services.

  Logically, these companies should be at the forefront of buying and using green products and services. And some are...

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...But most are focused on “selling” green rather than “buying green.”!

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The Situation ❏  Most do not apply the same level of sustainable thinking

to their own purchasing practices and management operations.

 The manufacturer of electric hybrid vehicles does not necessarily buy recycled computer disks or office carpets made of sustainable materials.

 The waste management company does not necessarily purchase energy efficient light bulbs or sustainable “cleaning products.”

 The manufacturer of solar panels does not necessarily use recycled 80-20 modular carpeting or bio-based packaging materials for shipping its products.

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The Need

❏  Manufacturers and marketers of sustainable green products and services need higher sales to secure greater levels of growth and market share advantages over their “non-green” competitors.

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The Advantage ❏  The financial health of green companies

and the green industry will benefit significantly by capitalizing on opportunities for “buying green” from sister companies.

❏  Green companies already understand the principle of environmental advantage: They need only broaden its application.

❏  They have a vital interest in accelerating market demand for green products.

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The Advantage ❏  Companies benefit through...

  Sustainable cost savings yielding competitive pricing advantages & higher margin potential

  Reduced exposure to liabilities & litigation   Healthier and more productive workforce   Lower insurance premiums   Higher resale value, faster leasing, sales and longer

tenant occupancy (where sustainable building design and management is employed)

  Sales advantage ‘point of difference’ by growing safe and trusted products, services and brands

  Networking advantages with companion ‘green companies’

  PR advantage over “non-green” competitors

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The Obstacles ❏  Most companies are not aware of the wide range

of new green products available that are capable of displacing non-green products that they are currently using.

❏  Most companies cannot afford the labor and time-intensive effort required for researching and tracking down “green products” that are not conveniently available through conventional retail distribution channels.

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The Solution ❏  A business-to-business enterprise that:

 Enables companies to easily find and purchase green products and services to meet their needs.

 Offers a compelling convenience advantage.

 Allows you to minimize transactional costs associated with researching, identifying, testing and acquiring.

 Offers the opportunity not only to benefit as a buyer of green products but also as a seller of green products.

 Enables companies to reach a highly qualified customer base already pre-disposed to environmental and sustainable values.

 Promotes demand for sustainable products and services.

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Introducing the Green Business Advantage...

User Friendly Source for

Finding Green Products!

Product Search Support!

Customers Pre-disposed to

Buy Green Products!

Green Product Information


Price Advantage Discounts!

Full Service E-commerce


Sales Teams Targeting Key

Market Segments!

Competitive Advantage

Green Companies

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GBA Products and Services ❏  A simple, user-friendly, one-stop information

clearinghouse and e-commerce shopping resource that companies can turn to for “Greening” their operations.

❏  Product search support for companies seeking “hard-to-find” green alternatives.

❏  Discounts on green products and services for GBA registered member companies.

❏  3rd party independent evaluations which rate product performance enabling buyers to make “informed purchase decisions” and minimize purchase risks.

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GBA Products & Services (continued)

❏  Opportunity for inclusion of your product in GBA partner sales team presentations to key target market segments.

❏  Access to special training seminars, industry experts, “how-to-implement a green procurement program in your company.”

❏  GBA-hosted conferences and trade shows.

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GBA Products & Services (continued) ❏  E-commerce portal featuring online store

where companies can find and order “green” products.

❏  Enables companies anywhere in the U.S. to access and order quality brand green products and services.

❏  Additional features including online advice, product reviews, bulletin boards, links to green company and government websites.

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The Target Market Priority Criteria Sub-Category Examples

Manufacturers of "Green Products"

Renewable Energy Companies Energy Efficiency Manufacturers Water Conservation Companies Electric, Gas & Water Utilities Energy Services Companies Building Products Manufacturers Bio-based Products Manufacturers Recycled Products Companies AFV Transportation Companies

Siemens Solar, BP Solar Johnson Controls, Inc. ETL, Niagara SCE, Con Ed, LADWP Armstrong Industries, Interface Kenaf Internat'l, ADM, Cargill Enviro-Tech Resources Calstart, DaimlerChrysler

Retailers and institutions appealing to customers and constituents with environmental values

Nature & Wildlife Retailers Backpacking & Outdoor Retailers Green Hotels Colleges and Universities

Wild Birds Unlimited, Adventure 16, REI, etc. Sheraton Suites Alexandria Green Hotels Association

Organizations with aggressive green procurement programs

Government (local state and federal agencies) Private Sector

Kings County, WA, Cities of Chattanooga, Santa Monica Warner Bros.

Organizations with primary environmental missions

National & State Parks Eco-Tour Companies Conservation Agencies

Yosemite National Park Lindblad Cruises Calif. Conservation Corps

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Target Markets (continued) Priority Criteria Sub-Category Examples

Professional Services Energy & Environmental ConsultingFirms

Ogden Environmental& Energy Services

Engineering, Construction& Management Services

Engineering and managementservices firms in construction,energy services (ESCOs),environmental, water & resourcemanagement.

ICF Kaiser, Tetra TechTurner ConstructionJohnson Controls,Honeywell, etc.

Environmental Achieversand Innovators

Recipients of EnvironmentalAwardsA. Government (partial list) FEMP Energy & Water

Management Award Winners EPA Closing the Circle Awards California Waste Reduction

Award RecipientsB. Private Sector (partial list) Hotel Assn's Stars of the

Industry Good Enviro-Management Award

Wright-Patterson AirForce BaseU.S. Postal ServiceTarget Stores, Disney,Herman Miller

Hilton Hotels (HiltonWashington & Towers)

Organizations withAggressive EnvironmentalPrograms

Private sector companies withdemonstrated commitment toenvironmental values

3M, McDonalds, Ben &Jerry's, Patagonia, TheBody Shop

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Target Markets (Continued) Priority Criteria Sub-Category Examples

Engineering, PollutionControl, P2 and WasteManagement Services

Solid waste, hazardous materials,toxic substances, ground waterprotection, land reclamation, etc.

Waste Management, Inc.,Woodward Clyde

Trade Organizations Green Building IndustryEnvironmental Industry

Energy Industry

Green Building CouncilAssn of EnvironmentalProfessionalsAssn of Energy ServicesProfessionals

Media Trade media organizations

Broadcast and print mediacompanies

Energy News, Envir'lScience & TechnologyDiscovery Channel,Outside Magazine

Organizations with PrimaryHealth-Related Missions

Medical Equipment & HospitalsFitness companies

Kaiser Permanente,Baxter Healthcare Corp.

Companies withAnnounced Desire orDemonstrated Need

Companies seeking a turn-aroundemphasis in their organization'scorporate environmental values &product offeringsCompanies with records ofenvironmental fines, violations,water conservation problems, etc.

Ford Motor CompanyExxon

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Why GBA Online?

❏  The Online Advantage ❏  Trends

 E-commerce trends  Business-to-business trends  Logistics trends

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Strategic Partners

❏  Green Seal ❏  AARC (venture capital) ❏  Government Sales Associates ❏  Green Product Advantage

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Organizational Strategy

(In development)

❏  Sales Force ❏  Channel managers ❏  Customer feedback mechanism

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Phase 1 Sales Priorities GBA Phase 1 Sales Team

PriorityTarget Market Segments

MilitaryHotelsParks Colleges

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The Challenge ❏  If you consider your company to be a “green

company” do you…

 Have “sustainability” incorporated as a central precept in your management strategy and operations?

 Have a green procurement program in place?

  …A program guiding purchases of furniture? Carpeting? Cleaning products? Lighting? New building initiatives? Office equipment? Vehicles? Shipping services? Etc.