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Page 1: Greek  Roots

Greek Roots

English I Pre-AP

Page 2: Greek  Roots


Sample Words: Anthropology (the study

of humans) Misanthrope (one who

hates people (humans) Philanthropy (active effort

to promote human welfare)

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Aster, AstroStar

Sample Words: Astronomy (study of

stars) Astronomical (relating to

stars) Asterisk (a star-shaped

punctuation mark)

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Sample Words: Bibliography (a list of

books and sources consulted)

Bibliophile (one who loves books)

Biblical (of or relating to the holy book of the Judeo-Christian tradition

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Sample Words: Biology (the study of life) Biochemistry (chemistry

of living things) Biodegradable (capable

of being broken down into harmless products by living things)

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Sample Words: Chromatic (pertaining to

color or colors) Chrome (a colored

pigment or dye that contains chromium)

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Sample Words: Synchronize (to cause to

happen at the same time) Chronic (happens time

and time again) Chronicle (an account of

events in order in time)

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CosmoWorld, Order, Universe

Sample Words: Cosmology (study of the

origin and structure of the universe)

Cosmonaut (a Russian astronaut)

Cosmos (the orderly, systematic universe)

Cosmopolitan (having a worldwide scope/outlook)

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Crac, CratRule, Govern

Sample Words: Democracy (rule by the

people) Aristocracy (rule by a

small, privileged class) Aristocrat (a member of

the aristocracy)

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Sample Words: Democracy (rule by the

people) Demagogue (one who

arouses discontent among people for personal political gain)

Epidemic (affecting many people at one time)

Pandemic (affecting all people)

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Sample Words: Dermatitis (inflammation

of the skin) Dermatology (branch of

science dealing with the skin)

Dermis (the inner layer of the skin)

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Sample Words: Ethnic (of or relating to a race

or large group of people) Ethnocentrism (exclusionary

favoring of one’s own nation/ethnic group)

Ethnology (the study of the origin, distribution, and relations of human races)

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EuGood, Well

Sample Words: Euphoria (a strong feeling

of well-being) Euphony (a pleasing,

good, sweet sound) Euphemism (the

substitution of a “good” term for an offensive or unpleasant one)

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Sample Words: Geology (the study of the

Earth, its history, and its features)

Geography (study of the physical and cultural features of the Earth)

Geocentric (relating to or measured from the Earth’s center

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Gno, KnoTo Know

Sample Words: Knowledge (that which is

known) Agnostic (one who

believes that whether or not there is a higher power cannot be known)

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Sample Words: Hydrotherapy (the use of

water in the treatment of disease)

Hydroplane (to skim/skid over water on a surface)

Hydrogen (one of the component elements of water)

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Sample Words: Hypnosis (an induced

state which resembles sleep)

Hypnotize (to induce hypnosis)

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Sample Words: Lithosphere (the outer,

“stone” part of the solid Earth)

Monolith (a single great stone)

Megalith (one of the huge stones used in various prehistoric monuments)

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Logue, LogoIdea, Word, Speech, Reason

Sample Words: Dialogue (a conversation/

speech between two people)

Monologue (a speech by one individual onstage)

Logical (can be proved by reason)

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Meter, MetrMeasure

Sample Words: Diameter (the length

[measure] of a straight line through the center of an object)

Metric (of or relating to a process of measurement)

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MicroSmallSample Words:

Microscope (an instrument used to view very small particles and organisms)

Microorganism (an organism so small as to necessitate the use of a microscope)

Microsecond (one millionth of a second)

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MimTo Copy, Imitate

Sample Words: Mimic (to imitate) Mime (one who imitates

life in a ridiculous manner)

Mimeograph (an older version of a copy machine)

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Sample Words: Monologue (a speech

delivered by one person) Monogamy (remaining

faithful to one person) Monolingual (only able to

speak one language)

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Sample Words:• Anthropomorphic (having

or resembling human form)

• Metamorphosis (a change in form)

• Morphology (study of the form and structure of animals and plants)

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Neur, NervNerve

Sample Words: Neurology (the study of

nervous system) Nervous (of or relating to

nerves) Neurosis (a nervous

disorder marked by anxiety and the use of defense mechanisms)

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Sample Words: Apathy (lack of feeling/

caring) Sympathy (inclination to

think or feel alike) Empathy (the capacity for

experiencing as one’s own the feelings of another)

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Philo, PhilLove

Sample Words:• Bibliophile (one who

loves books)• Francophile (one who

loves France and the French)

• Philharmonic (devoted to or appreciative of [loving] music)

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PhonSound, Voice

Sample Words: Telephone (a device for

transmitting sound) Phonics (deals with word

and letter sounds) Symphony (a harmonious

arrangement of sound)

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Sample Words:• Polychromatic (composed

of many colors)• Polyatomic (composed of

many atoms)• Polyester (a fabric made

of complex [many] ester)

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ScopeTo See

Sample Words: Kaleidoscope (an

instrument allowing one to see a changing pattern or scene)

Telescope (an instrument for seeing things at a great distance)

Microscope (an instrument for seeing very small things)

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Tom, TomyCutting, Operation of Incision

Sample Words:• Anatomy• Atom (the smallest particle to

which an element can be cut while still maintaining its elemental integrity)

• Appendectomy (an operation of incision in which the appendix is removed)