Download - Grasslands

Page 1: Grasslands


By: Sarah and Meena

Page 2: Grasslands

Human Impact

• Large areas of grassland has been turned into farmland for farmers. Before, animals which lived there were not endangered.

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• The yellow is where the grasslands are.

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1. Their long necks and the fact they can drink 12 gallons from the water hole, without water for a long Helps them adapt. Their long necks can help them spot predators in the distance

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Boa Constrictors

• 3. The Boa Constrictor can survive in the grassland because of its colors so it could camouflage. They have a special sensor on their bottom lip. Boa constrictors look like they are always awake.

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• 8. Coyotes are related to wolfs. The coyotes dark skin helps to camouflage them while they are out hunting. Coyotes also have keen senses.

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• 2. They live in groups. Meerkats do teamwork. When they're outside, there is a guard. If he/she sees a predator, it will warn the others. 4. The meerkats can easily burrow through the ground.

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Big Bluestem

• 6. Depending on the soil and moisture conditions, the big bluestem plant grow from 1-3 meters. Inside the stem, the color turns to a blue-purple it. Big bluestem is also known as ‘tallgrass’.

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Black Oatgrass

• 7. The black oatgrass plant is common eastward in the starting of summer. This plant is foreign and has silky feathered awns. A stem is from 1-3 feet long.

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• 9. Switchgrass is native to North America. It is also found in Alabama and Mississippi. It is resistant to many pests and plant diseases. There are two types of switchgrass. 1. Upland, which grow from 5-6 feet tall. 2. Alamo, which produces 6-8 tons per acre.

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Canada Wild Rye

• 5. You find the Canada Wild Rye in every country in Illinois. The plant is 13” long and 15 mm across. Each blade is green. It can live in dry areas. Insects feed on this plant.

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