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Page 1: Graphic Space Project

Mrs. Petry’s

Graphic Space Project

The importance of positive and negative space. One can not exist without the other.

Page 2: Graphic Space Project

1. Find an Image that will work…

The image must be split in ½ and not change. It must be symmetrical!

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These will not work…

Not symmetrical!

Most letters do not work

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These are too simple…

Too easy!

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These are AWESOME!

Done by my former students!

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2. Adjust Your Image Size

In Photoshop create a 6 x 9 inch document or 4.5 x 12 inch document depending how fat or narrow your design is. This wing is wider so the document size is 6” x 9”.

Only use ½ of your image and make as large as possible on the document.

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3. Adjust Your Image Choice

Some images are ok to use but may take some modifications. Think of this project as stained glass and consists of SHAPES.

Each shape has to exist on its own (not touch the others).

Remember, we are working with construction paper so don’t cut your lines too thin. They will rip and you’ll be making lots of repairs.

The wing pieces touched so I had to visually move them away from each other and make them into shapes.

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4. Select Your Colors

Choose two different construction paper colors.

The lighter piece will be only a half sheet.

Be sure to choose the right direction piece for your project.

The yellow is lighter so I will trace my design using that color.

The blue full sheet will be what I eventually glue to.

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5. Trace your image

Trace your image using the light tables.

Trace lightly with pencil since you will erasing lines later!

Hint: Be sure to line your image against the edge of the paper that will be in the center.

You don’t want a huge space in the middle of your design…

My wings do not touch so I left a little space…

This is the edge I lined my image against! NO GAP unless your final project should have a gap… Mine does (wings don’t touch).

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5. Cut out all of your pieces

Do not throw anything away. NOTHING!

You will use every piece.

Take your time.

Be careful holding the exacto knives.

Remember to use the sharp side of the blade…

Keep your pieces, no matter how teeny, in a safe place (envelope) until they are glued!

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6. Fold the large paper in half

Watch which way your design goes (horizontal or vertical).

Mine was horizontal.

Take your time folding.

The design working correctly is based off of this fold.

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7. Glue your largest background piece

Take your time.

Line up your sides.

Everything else will be glued based off of this very important piece.

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8. Puzzle Time

Take every piece that touches that background piece and place it where and how it belongs, just like a puzzle.

Take your time.

If you are missing a piece cut a new one to match.

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9. Glue those pieces

Put glue on those pieces you just puzzled in.

Take your time.

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10. Fold the paper

Fold the paper over onto the glued pieces.

Press down so they attach to the other side of the folded paper.

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11. Mirrored Magic!

The pieces should be glued to the exact spot they were on the other side.

You have the beginnings of a mirror image.

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12. Puzzle and Glue Time Again

Put in the pieces that fit into the other side of the puzzle.

These are the pieces that touch that side only.

Glue them once they are in their spots.

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13. Fold Again

Fold the paper over onto the glued pieces.

Press down so they attach to the original side of the folded paper.

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14. Repeat if Necessary

This image is complete.

Both sides are mirrors of the other.

You may have more pieces that fit in. If you do, keep doing the “puzzle, glue, fold process”.

Allow to dry overnight.

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15. Erase Pencil Marks

Once dry, erase any extra pencil lines.

This neatens your work and makes it look finished.

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16. Fill Out Rubric and Hand In Project

Fill out a rubric and hand in your work with it.

Awesome examples will be shown off and might be used as future teacher examples!