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Friday, 4 July 2014

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Friday, 4 July 2014

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5 top tipsApp Logos

What makes a good Icon?

- Bold and strong colours 

- A simple but yet interesting design 

- Contrasting Colours 

- Detailed with many different layers

- A 3D look/Objects coming out of borders

- Coloured borders

- A simple background that makes the object/character stand out.

Friday, 4 July 2014

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App Store Icon Analysis

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Logo Analysis

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Book Cover Analysis

When looking at the Hunger Games books I noticed that they all had something in common which was they had a bird on all three front covers. The reason why all three books have a picture of a Mocking Jay is because in the movie it is worn as a badge by the main character because it represents hope, the bird has also become more of a logo than a picture now and whenever it is shown people automatically think of The Hunger Games because the books were really popular and all three of them have this picture of a mocking jay on them. Even though all three of the books have the same type of picture on them they all different colors and styles for example the colors used in the first book (The Hunger Games) is black and gold. I think that black is a good choice to use for the first book because black represents dark, eerie and frightening and all these things are what the first book are. I like how they have used black for the whole book cover because it makes the Mocking Jay which is a bright gold stand out even more, the gold mocking Jay represents hope.

The second and third book are much more brighter than the first one, it’s almost like they get more brighter as they go along. The mocking jay in the second and third book also become less of a symbol and more of an actual animal that flys away, this looks like it represents someone being trapped and then being set free. I think that is what makes these front covers so interesting, because they look so simple but yet they are effective because they have so many meanings towards them that also link to the movie.

This book cover is for a different type of audience that has already watched the movie but might of heard about the book and want to read it, thats why the front cover looks more digital and movie like because they want to attract people who like the movies or people who always watch movies. The mocking jay looks much more computer generated in this book cover and is much more eye catching because they want to attract people who don’t usually read that much.

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Movie Poster Analysis

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Magazine Cover Analysis

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Tshirt Analysis

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Freelance Rates

I did some research into Freelance rates and then the Freelance rates for graphic designers. When researching I found a website that had a survey asking the question “are you earning the right amount?” the survey is based on 2,000 completed online responses where all the participants were asked for there job title, what they were earning and there own opinions.


This is the website where I got my information from.

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Client Brief


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One Week Plan

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Plan For My Products




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App Designs

Language - asImage



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App Designs

Title As Text Symbolic/TheMatic Character/Action

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Feedback on First App Logo Design

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Feedback on Second Design

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App Logo Designs After I chose my final design I then re-drew it on photoshop so that it was better quality and looked sharper. I also used the grid to help me get a better accuracy of where the centre was and what lines it fitted on, this gave my design look much more specific. I like both designs and think they look effective however my favorite out of the two is the first design as I feel this is the most eye catching and most detailed. I also like the background much better on the first one as it looks more detailed and also looks more professional. However the second one is good and I am pleased with the end result however it looks much more simple then my first idea. I changed the black,white and greys around to give me a better idea of what looked good and what did not, I like having a black shell and white background better as I feel it makes the design stand out a lot more.

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Colour Variations

The colour wheel was very helpful because it helped me to decide what colours went well together and what colours didnt. The red and blue version I

think looks really effective as the colours look more eye catching and interesting. This design would definatly appeal more to males than it would

females because of the colours that have been used such as the red, dark blue and light blues. On the second design I decided to change the background to

different shades of blues as I thought blue related to our game a lot because it represents blue sky’s and gives of a cheerful look. The blue background also increases the number of people that would play our game because before when it was green and pink it looked like the game was created for girls

however the blue background makes the game appeal to males also.

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Final App Logo This is my final app logo design. I re-drew it on photoshop because I thought that the original was bad quality and you could see were I painted over it so it looked very unprofessional. However I am glad

that I re done it because this version looks much sharper and eye catching. I chose this design to do for my final design because I think it’s my most powerful and effective design. It also got the best feedback and people seemed to really like how eye catching and abstract it looked. People also really liked how eye catching and bright the colours where and how they clashed but in a good way. I chose this design

also because it appeals to our target audience a lot, which is kids.

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Feedback on Final App Logo Design

This is the feedback on my app icon design that I re-drew.

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T - S H I R T D E S I G N S

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Changes to T-Shirt Designs based on the Feedback

At first I liked my first design of this t-shirt however now look back at the original idea I do not like it because I feel it looks to simple and unprofessional. However based on the feedback that I received from my peers I made the design look a lot better. Someone said that the slime in my first design would look really good if it looked a bit more detailed and realistic, I did this by going on Google and looking up what snail slime looks like to get the most accurate drawing.I also changed it so that it was no longer underlining the title but instead coming out from behind the title and showing the snail in front. I think that this t-shirt design is much better in the way that it makes the game seem like it’s action packed and full of adventure, which makes people want to play it. I decided to add more text in this t-shirt that spoke to the audience and made them curious as to what the game Snail Trail is and how to get a high score. It also makes the t-shirt very eye catching and interesting. I changed the colour of the t-shirt and gave it more of a grass looking texture as someone said in my feedback that the background was boring and the bright green made it look like a football top, which is something I agree with now looking back at my first design. I made the logo much smaller also as I was told that this added to the football looking t-shirt. Even though our game and this t-shirt is aimed at kids I think that this t-shirt has the ability to appeal to a more older audience as well because it looks quite complex.

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Changes to T-Shirt Designs based on the Feedback

For this I changed the background and the layout on the front of the t-shirt. The reason why I changed the background was because I felt that it was unoriginal and boring to look at however my new background of the clouds looks much more effective and eye catching, the fact that the background has been blurred also makes the images stand out a lot more on the front of the t-shirt. When looking at the feedback they said that the original design looked to simple so I made the background look more textured so that the t-shirt became more eye catching and interesting to look at.

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W e b s i t e B a n n e r D e s i g n s

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Website Banner Feedback

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Website Banner Feedback

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Changes to Banner Designs based on the FeedbackDesign 1

Design 2

Design 3

In the first design I changed the background to grass and then blurred it so that it gave the banner more texture and made it look more

interesting. I think it looks interesting however I also think that it makes the banner look to dark, so I think the background needs

to be a lighter colour. I changed the text in designs 2 and 3 on the website banners so

that it matched the text on our game so that people would recognize it more, however I feel like on Design 2 you can’t really see the

text because of the blue background. I changed the layout on Design 3 because on

the feedback it said it was not very clear who the main character was so I gor rid of the other snails so that it was more clear as to

who the main character was.

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Suggested Improvements

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Feedback & Amendments

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Fitness For Purpose & Target Audience

The Target Audience

Fitness for Purpose

My banner really fits into the targetaudience because the amount of

pictures that are used and children always look at stuff more when there is less text and more pictures which

is what my banner consists off.

I feel like my app logo fits in the with the target audience because the

strong use of colours that I have used really stand out to younger children. If I was to go back and change my

design I would make it less abstract as I feel the target audience would

not understand the picture.

My t-shirt design is very eye catching and appeals to my target audience

(younger children) very well because it has a lot of different images and eye catching colors. I wish I did not have

much text on my t-shirt as this would not appeal to the younger audience

because children usually just like looking at the pictures.

I am pleased with the end result of my app logo and feel that it fits into the style of the game really well. I wish that I added text to this app logo as I think it would of made it more clear as to what the game is


This banner works really well to tell people what the game is about and where you can download it. I think that I have managed to make it look

really eye catching which is very important with this banner as we want people to click on it so that

they download our product.

The way I have added text to this t-shirt is clever because it makes

people who see the t-shirt wonder what the game is. The t-shirt says

“Whats your highscore” this immediantly tells people that the t-shirt is about a game because the

word ‘Highscore’.

Friday, 4 July 2014