Download - Grand Forks herald (Grand Forks, N.D.). 1922-12-16 [p ] · PAGE SEVEN y •ti VJ "i ir f - St. Paul's BptocofMl.

Page 1: Grand Forks herald (Grand Forks, N.D.). 1922-12-16 [p ] · PAGE SEVEN y •ti VJ "i ir f - St. Paul's BptocofMl.

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OF INTEREST TO WOMEN . • . • . - . : . . ,.—V — 1—\

Th. J)rTJn,°r,Il>ion '®r the women'a pa re. of the morning edition of. should .Be In the' hand* o,fthe editor of that-page before 8

evening. After that hour no Items will be kcceptfcd for" d^y on women'* pace in the morning edition o* the following

/< r

Billy Whiskers By Kiwiices Iret» Montgomery.

to pull the hose cart through the 1 sand., Others had. not come at the i whlrtle's warning, each man thinking : there would be plenty to pyll It if h9 did jiot get' there In iuch a hurry. And of course .these three men were stalled, for three men cojli not pos-Blbly pull thi cart'when It took/eight to pull It" when It etruck sand. «

Mendcnliall Memorial Services: . .Bible school when I

\ * * • # . . . . Red River Valley chapter, Daugh- story of the Wise Men/

ters of the 'American Revolution, - — -

Service at. 7-45. "Great Faith Proven I by -Works.". Tenor and baritone solo: | "I Will Extol Thee" by B. Lee and

G. Thorgrimsen. p v' •.'

Congregational. (Lawrence B. Robertson, minister.). 11:00 a. m., morning worship. . 8er-

»MhPn Ziliin 11. «r ,Uw mon- The Greatest Figure in His-IpjbKp worship 11 a. m., abject, *Th»; tory « 8pecta, muslc constetlng of third in carojs goio with violin obligato.

' A rt Exhibit ,/ To Be Held v

During Week ' VTjle fn dayartment of the Academy or tst. J am on announces an'exhibit of wo,-* done by studen'e in Yh'ac depart-

»meiit, to bo In progress during the coming week,' beginning Sunday aft­ernoon, and an invitation is extended i Ki... pu',lic t0 ca'l and view the ex- i hlbit. Paintings, -in oil and water! colors will be on display, and' the .Minted Chlnaware which the students have Completed also will be exhibited. ' !.,n^addition'' during the week, there will be a sale of painted china which has been done by the sisters /Of the

,, school.



V \


By Elotee

'After Bl21y arrived home from the disastrous, race lie had just fettled himself comfortably In the straw in ters or the American revolution, the Christmas ae-'ea of nublects - W , *""" WJln "»"•> his stan for a shor; nap and rest be- will h>Yd/its annual meeting Monday x- 01I,lK , or ® J i ' Christmas nnthem. Closing with a foreaupper wheha soft velVfety pawnfternQ>n.,4n the home ofMrs..Mar- , . w^is.!»uppij\ i famous Russian Doxology." A Christ-

, touched nls nose and. opening hia tin Jensbrt, 1410 university'avenue. | - • ' mas service before the students leave jeyesr he ?aw Chatterbox sitting be- Annual Cues will he. payable at tliie, v

: uetncis. i for the holidays. | fore him. j time. A full attendance is requested.! Belmont avenue. . e. vices, 10:80 a •(.- 'I thoiight I'd be the first to wtel-; . '* *' * 1 come you back,'' she said in her; Mrs. P. -S. Sargent, who has been soft, teasing voice. "How is it that with Mrs. 1'. B. Holmes for th? last

.you are back so sobn?" j two weeks, left • Thursday ta Baa! Baa!" laughed Billv. "it'spend a few days with Mr. and Mm.


•ti "i ir f -

St. Paul's BptocofMl. Third Sunday In Adveiit. HolF

communion at 8; Sunday school at 10. * Morning prayer, at 11, sermon topic, "The Gathering at -.the Cradle of Jesus." Evening prayer at 7, aermon topic, "Great in the SlgHt of the Iiord." F- W, Goodeve, rector, j,

Herald Want Ads Bring Reaults.i^f \ , • •

really is too rich ft:- anythinz ih> 11 ^ Whithcd in Minneapol:;:. She will later go to jJoston, ~1-" jw*y I happen to be here asain.. . - . .

And once more ha baaed at the ree- ' f-xpecta to remain until Ollectlon of the tlcck of f;hot:p. an-i h61iu.i>e.

j Pain's, disgusted face aq he sat in I the ditch and the way, he hurried' V'i.ftecn woi en were in"orma!lj

m; by Prt>r. S. L. Klyve. In the Ens-; First Mi'thod'st Kptscopal. ! lUh language at 7:30 by I'rji. E. Al. r G.or„ . Hpnrv nastor I Slro.n/ The mixed ch,.ir from lb a Morn]nc ~ wor^h'i. 10-35 Sermon' I nr-vfr-p01100' W'11 S*nK &t tlle eveninB "Jesus: lleailng Minister And Master:

• _____ i Teacher," pastor. Sunday school. 12. [ W. A. Mclntyre. superintendent. Ep- ; worth league, 0:30. Miss Muriel Bell. 1 leader. Tonic. "The Anticipated • Christ. Evening worship. 7:30. Can-;' tata, "Tlis Christ Child." Ilawley, giveiw by the choir, under the dlrec-;

of Foster Krake.

ivrst Cliurtli of t'liilst. Sdrniift. C'hurch on Belmont avenue. Sun­

day sorviees 11 a. m. Subject?' "Is the l.'niverso including M:wi, Evolved by

en_ | Atomic Force?" Sunday school fol-tion

Inimuino*. LnJicran. 60S Soiiih Third. English service

"TJiat is about it. But if you • Nei-dlcWo'rlt occupied the hours. want to hear a good story and hive ] ' * * # the time to wait and hear it, I will' Mrs. Ge:-rge B. Black gave a .. _ tell you how it happens that I am stalled report' of the national and at 10 ®ervlc- i" German at 11 back here instead of in Paul's stable world conventions of the \V. C., T. L". ?• B.b.e c.aas meetr. at 9 a. in. tonight." And then Billy told her j at a meeting of the local union held Sunday school In the afternoon at

: • -The annual meeting of-the Bethany Aid society will be held oil Thursday afternoon, and in view of the fact that

J»Ports are to be given, officers elect­ed, and pther important business given ••attention, a good attendance Is urged. Mrs. C. J. Anderson, lurs. J. E. Eng-»tad, Mrs. John Elkhoff. Mrs. Mc-Mahon and Mrs. Henry Holt will be the hostesses, ,

- ^ ' •' i|t -i|i L and Mrs. Ward Neleon of ~8viIs I^ake are week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Booth, 621 Chest­nut street. .-; '-..-5; .,

3|t ^1 9H v ^ | The Ladies' .Aid- of the' Bcandi-

navian M. E. church will not 'meet this week, as previously announced.

\ • * * * ihe general public Is invited to at­tend the December program of the Thursday Musical club which will be given in the Grand theater Sunday afternoon. The program will open at 4:30 o'clock, and Mrs. Paul B. Griffith ]^ill be ip charge:.

Besides the feature number which will be^a tableau, "The Nativity," to be given under the direction of Miss Marie Yoi^ngberg, there will be violin pelections by Miss Alusilga Sorenson, numbers by Prof. Paolo Conte, a duet by Mr. Conte and Mrs. W, R. Vander-hoef, and a group by the Masonic

' i chorus uvjler the direction of Prof. H. J. Humpstone. • . Miss Mildred. Metcalf and Mrs. J.

MT Gillette are assisting Miss Young-berg) (

# • » A Joint committee of members from

the American Legion auxiliary, and the American Legion met in the Com- »• ^ ^ morcial olub rooms on Friday after- ^ would be extremely smart neon and p.o.^red Christmas pack-op-^q whirtii ...m,,.. fnptiffif ' southern resort this winter you luust tf, V lr.« n,rn 1 wear » brilliant bandana of sjlk and

® -h-weIrt Sf Jamestown arfd one.and ^ n wIth the abandon of the

rm." , . . , . . , . v.!most hardened cowpuncher. • It is The packets -which a* being %ent: the newe8t feminine foible.

contain each a bathrobe, bedroom ; n lg a rather darlnK idea, but ,it rareesTho'teT Slippers, pajamas, books, fruit fruit doee add a dash of color and a nov'el1 ?ar*«st hotel

cake, candy, and nuts, and 8om» few j finish to the usiial plain slip-over

Thursday afternoon at the parsonage. H> F. Buegel.

what you already know. Chatterbox! in the Y. W. -C. A. rooms on Friday The^LAdier:^ Aid meets hi enjoyed Billy's telling of it lm> afternoon. ^ "mensely, and wished she had been Other business included the instal-there to see It. lation of Mia#'Franses Wagar as pres-

That same night the boys were! ident. For iome . months. Mrs. J. D. hunting for pencils and paper to put j Van Dusen has been acting president. down the namfes of the people they I

S\v«llsh butlieran. i Corner of S^xth street and Alpha avenue. Rev. L. K. Sjolinder. pastor. Sunday si hool. bible cias<j and girls' chorus at 9:30 a. m-; service in Swed­ish at 7:30 p. in ; Saturdny afternoon. December 23. at ^ o'clock the Sunday school and the girls' chorus will meet for rehearsal of the Christmas pro­gram.

i Evangelical. Corner Belmont avenue and Fifth

street. W. A.. Menges, pastor. Clos­ing meetings of the revival campaign

imore hall entertained the residents < M Baitinger Of .St. Pail. Minn. All language.

• * *

The Lutheran .Fret* Church. ! Corner of Cottonwood street and :

Second avenue, Ingel Hovland. pasfor. ' Norse services Sunday forenoon at; 1,0:15 o'clock and English service? at : 11:16. The children wlQ rehearse:

mvA : --—j,i i 0 f „ ; 4*iis inc6uii(js oi inr revival CainpaiBn i«»»«»«.« by the evangelist. Rev. J.

lore hftll ent®rtalnca the residents Baitinger of 53t PahI *"— 4,1

of Sayre hall on, Friday evening. This ^v^s In the ' EnauSh is an. annual event, and Is given as a Prearhlnv nervine in%« . |the Christmas program after services.! return affair for a-party given earlier !day school 11-V0 a' m' Eveninc -"«>«"-«• »• "•»" t in the J-ear by Sayre hall men when se„.ices beginning,with song service. I^arimore hall glrls wefe guests. Dr. at 7 p. m. Reception of members at and Mrs. E. P. Robertson of Wesley college were chaperones last evening.

• • * The .Young People's sodality of St.

Mary's church met in the church auditorium on Friday evening. Miss Genevieve McClernan had charge of tho program.

* * * Miss Mildred Lehman, 1103 Xortli

the evening service.

Scandinavian M. E. Corner First avenue and Cfiestnut.

, Rev. O. B. . Asp, pastor. Morning ! worship. 10:45, by Mr. Jurgens. Sun-| day school and bible class, 11:45. Epworth league, 7 p. m. Evening service by Ole Egeland. Prayer

Fourth street, Is entertaining Miss; Helen Howard of Fargo, as her house and ' Sunday school Friday


toilet articles.

The Civic league organisation of

sweater worn for golfing. The' young 1 miss pictured here is wearing a bandana of red and tan blocked silk,

lnforma.1 dancing party in the small ted sports hat Is also of .wool. An ^iwnailum. Emard's orchestra fur- :outflt like this should And its way njsneq tne music, ana refreshments into every trunk marked % winter ^ere Served during the evening. ! i« the south •='Chaperones werer Prof, C, , C. I

Bchnjidt andPaul Nerliun. 1 Thpse In 1«• . - 1 ' ,. 1 chftrge,Ki(tere the Sflsses Lucille | !_ „ '

°2ST BgfflfTbeTi, and Charles Ryan, Ray- torn, the local branch of the Y. W. mo«d, Markell and Conrad 'Keck, C; A. will hpld a special vesper .ser-


•tor /Forest' City, , Iowa, io bo present St. the golden - wedding anniversary celebration of his parents, Mr, and $Ire. L. S. Lewis.; He e^peets to re­turn here just before Christmas.

* * •-<• , •1 eat my lunch at 11:SO every noon

the Hotel. Dacotah. .Costs 50 cents. —Adv. . ; ' \ •


jr- \ . - « * •- vice in the Baptist church oA Sunday 3. L. .Lewis left Thursday evening afternoon. ' The service will open at

3." o'clock and will be of only one hour's duration, thus permitting all' persons attending to be present at the public meeting of the Thursday Mu­sical club which will be held In the Grand Theater.

Those participating In the service will be members of the High School. Student club who have been rehears- i ng under the direction of Miss Elea­

nor Healy. As Is customary, this will be a can­

dle light service, beginning with a iiroceiislon In which the chorus of the i-iub 1 will march to the choir loft,

. whi'o singing, "It Came Upon a Mid­night Clear.'' Following the proces­sion, Miss Regina Brennan will read Van Dykes "TheiOther Wise Men." Then, while the choir sings, a tableau, "Unto Us a Chilly Is Born," will be presented by members of tlWstudent club. The cast wiir include the fol­lowing: Mary, Lois Fuller; Joseph, Sophia Mortenson; Angels, Blenda Benson, Magda Fagstad, Pearl Gem-mill, Jessie Simpson, Frances Smith, and Mary Stevens; Shepherds, Har­riet Dilworth, Ina- Jones, and Helen

,Moore; Wledrhen, Mildred Augustine, Zella Hill, and Lucille Hurd. As a recessional, the chorus will sing "O Little Town of Bethlehem."

Miss Laurlhe Odell will be at the j organ.

i Prof. Sylvlo Sclontl* of the Amerl-! can Conaervatdry of Music, Chicago,

• who Is at the head of the department. • of music at the Academy of St; James, i made his semi-annual visit to th6 academy on Friday when he conduct-

i ed examinations. . ; | ' Prof. Sclontl alsoi gave a lecture be-1 fore the student body- during which

hfi played selections by Mendelssohn, sand .following his talk,, he. played an 11mpromptu program In which he in-,1 eluded: numbers .by Bach,.'". Debussy,'

Xilast, and Chopin. ^Sclontl is a com-! poser of considerable note, and be­sides, is the author of the well known SoIontlVmethod'In piano muslo.

In the spring Mr. Sclontl has prem­ised to appear In' public recital before the people of Grand Fork* under the auspices of the Acadeniy. of St. James.'

- • M;rs. R. Si Kanaan, Mrs. Frank Gerrlsh and the Misses JeanDreeian and Helen Fadden assisted Mrs. Ij. p. )£olbprn and« Mrs. A. Leln on Friday

! afternoon, wbeh the latter two women gave the second d( a series of two b.ridge ' parties. '*Jn'! Mrs, : Colborn's home, Dinnle blool^.

> High; score, tirlsea were won by Mrs. J.' E. S^ndlle and Mrs.!». W. Delchert. Bight (ables were in play,.

thought would hire them to sQrinkle the street before their houses, when they both stopped to listen so sud­denly that one looking at them would have thought they had / been struck with paralysis.

'-'Do you hear that. Johnnie?" And out on the still evening air

reverberated! moaned and shrieked the Are whistle, for in this #to>Vn a whistle blew instead of bells ringing when there was a Are.

"Where is it, do you suppose?" And out of the house they ran like

wild men. for a lire was the most ex­citing thing that could happen In a town of this size where there was no tegular Are company, but only a hand hose-cart pulled by whomever got to the hose-cart house first.

When they reached the front door, they could plainly see. where the Are was between the trees and houses, and they also saw that it was the

in town, a three-story building built of Wood, with ver­andas' running all around it. And of course It was burning like a box of matches^ when the boys reached the scene. The hose cart—for they had no Are engine In the town—had not arrived.

As usual. Bobble and Johnnie were the first to get there.

"Gee. why don't they hurry?'' ex­claimed Bobbie, jumping up and down, first on one fdot and then on the other. t

"Let's go help them," suggested^ Johnnie. • > , • •" •¥

They.' went, and when they got' about three .blocjts from the fire, they saw there were only thriee men

night,. December 22.

Morning. Conception school, 12i intendent/

Baptist. worship, 10:30. of Forgiveness." Paul 1 B. Griffith.

B. Y. P. U„ 6:30

'Jesus' Bible

sup'er-p. m.

Jfi&ardGtted .CHARACTER.

Build It well and build It straight, Strong enough to buffet fate, 'Staunch enough to bear the blow Life compels us all to know; Have it rugged, have It clean', Nowhere- false and nowhere mean. Whatsoever be your post. Make your character your'boast.

Build your character to be Fit tot every eye to see; Neveiylet some secret1 sin Or some shameful thing creep in; He gives powder to his foe.a Who must hide whati he mayTtnom1, But who keeps his record true Has no foe who may pursue.

Spite of loss or spite of gain, , Let your character remain Free from blemish, free from guile; Let it sing and dance and smile, (Keep it cheerful, keep it kind, Big pT heart and'broad of mind, Then, whatever may/befall, You may triumph over all. (Copyright, 1922, by Edgar A. Guest.)


•' VM 11:00 A. M,

Sermon-I *


. y-r• . , • '

• v'" 1 "i 'a ^ w 1" / " rm;/:

Special Music—- -

Christmas carolo, solo with violin acoon^panlmen t, antlxra, closing with a famous Russian Doxology.


SHOWS J:tfO • 4:00 ?:3U - 0:15



BETTY C0MPS0N m "The Bonded Woman"

A Paramount Picture From the novel "The Salving of John Somers", by the late

John Fleming Wilson. — ' f ALSO TWEEDY COMEDY—"FIRE! FIRE!"

Matinee 3:00 Dally 7:30 • 9:15 ORPHEUM Vaudeville

LAST TIMES TODAY. Evening, Adults—Main Floor

. Evening, Adults—Ifttfcony ... Matinee, adults—All' Scats . • •

35c 23c 25c

FIRMIN & 0LSMITH Harmony and Jazz

Jack Marclis & Do Lores In "MARRIED."

A Laughing Matter.

VERNON The Man Who Put TIic Trill in


NIPPON DUO Versatile Entertainers From the

Land of the Midnight Sun.


"Little Eva Ascending?' rhe dramatization of the story from the Saturday Evening Post.

Miss Catherine Tuttle, president. Eve­ning service, 7:30. Prof. John Ad­ams Taylor will read "The Christmas Carol,'" by Dickens. Prayer meeting and mission study, 7:30 Wednesday evening.' John Gerald York, pastor.

First Presbyterian. 1 Sunday services for the First Pres­

byterian church, December 17, 1922. Supday school at 9:48, Miles K. Lan­der. superintendent; morning wor­t-hip at 11, subject. When Shiloh Conies. Senior C. E. at 6:45; evening worship at 7,:45, subject. The Prepar­ation of the World for Christ. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7:45. F. Halsey Ambrose.

Bethany Lutheran. Ziou Lutheran church, corner of

Chestnut and .Fourth avenue. English services Sunday morning at 10:45; Norse services Sunday evening at 7:45. Rev. A. J. Hulteng ^ill con­duct the evening services, and the men's chorus will sing. English Sun­day school and bible classes at 9:40; Norse Sunday school and bible classes at 18. Lpdies' Aid next Thursday aft­ernoon. David Stoeve.

St. Mark's Ev. Lutheran. * (Cor. Fifth St. and International Ave.,

Ernest O. Armbruster, pastor.) "-Bible school 9:45 a.' m. " Morning worship 11. Therfie: "The Need of the Hour." 3 p. rn.. practice by primary department. Evening service 8. Sacred music service, Christmas cantata, St. Mark's choir.

First Lutheran. Belmont and Fourth avenues, S- L.

Taiiakson, pastor. Worship at 10:45 with sermon topic, "The Believer Midst Doubters." Choir sings Bach's "Thy Way and All Thy Sorrows."

Services also Sunday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting and bible study at I Mrs. Rolsland Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. [

Meeting J Conducted By '?

J. M. BAITINGER ; » At The ' j ' . 4 _

Evangelical Chnrdi Corner fitb St. and Belmont. ~

MORNING, 10:30. EVENING, 7:00.

Tills is the closing Sunday ot Liu- ten day campaign.


m 1



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HATtHEK DAILY4ADIES ONLY 50c Plus Tax, Any Scat.

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ANDY GUMP COMEDY ^ . latl ad "TUhum Beat" and another

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Southern Pacific "Son Fnodaco Overbad Limited" from Omaha, Uniow Pacific (Union Station) at 9:45 m. m. daily. Arrlvaa Sen Fnnciara 2:30 p. m. (aecond day). Observation, bnlfat-clab and dlnink can, standard aleaptrai Tralna laav ink Twin Cities in early evanini for Omaho, connect with thla train in Omaha Union Station.

k Southern Pacific "Pacific Limited" from Omaha, Union ® Pacific (Union Station) at 1:20 a. m., dally. Airlvae

San Frucisco 8:30 a. m. (aacond day). Obaar«allon, standard and tourist slaapera, chair can and dlnen. Trains leavinft Twin Cltlaa in moraiak for Omaha ooa> nect with this train in Omaha Union Station.

For ntarvationi, infurmatioa and illastnted booklet, address

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