Download - Gram Panchayats under Rajkanika Block

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Successful implementation of M.G.N.R.E.G.S at

Rajkanika Block, Dist-Kendrapara

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Gram Panchayats under Rajkanika BlockGram Panchayats under Rajkanika Block Gram Panchayats under Rajkanika BlockGram Panchayats under Rajkanika Block 1 Panasaganda

2 Abdulpur

3 Padhanapada

4 Hatasahi

5 Charapada

6 Namatara

7 Deulatara

8 Sihopada

9 BarhaDomanda

10 Pegarapada

11 Nahuni

12 Balarampur

13 Olavara

14 P.Habalaganda

15 Baruna

16 Barunadiha

17 Koranda

18 Siko

19 Jagulaipada

20 Bharigada

21 Trailokyapur

22 Katanabania

23 Jayanagar

24 Akhulipada

25 Koilipur

26 Baradia

27 Baghabuda

28 Kantapada

29 Taras

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Panasaganda 387

Abdulpur 413

Padhanapada 414

Hatasahi 178

Charapada 233

Namatara 204

Deulatara 229

Sihopada 306

BarhaDomanda 420

Pegarapada 338

Nahuni 555

Balarampur 217

Olavara 288

P.Habalaganda 350

Baruna 187

Barunadiha 335

Koranda 639

Siko 263

Jagulaipada 363

Bharigada 466

Trailokyapur 516

Katanabania 676

Jayanagar 486

Akhulipada 228

Koilipur 652

Baradia 271

Baghabuda 422

Kantapada 568

Taras 228


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MGNREGS at Pegarapada G.P

1. Name of the Village - Pegarapada

2. Name of the Project - Renovation of Sanapokhari Tank

3. Estimated Cost - Rs.2,00,000/-

Description of the Project :- It was an existing traditional pond with an water area of 54 mtrs x 54 mtrs and was used for bathing purpose. Since long the pond was not renovated and silt was deposited for a depth of 2.50 mtrs to 3 mtrs Hence the pond was not suitable for any use.

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3.To the make the pond usable this project was taken up, under MGNREGS scheme

4. 2444 mandays were created and 302 nos of poor people of Balibhanda and Pegarapada village were engaged and got financial benefits. 4107.46 cum of silt were desilted from the pond to increase the reserve capacity of

the pond .It is now used for multipupose such as bathing and irrigating Ravi corps.

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Before start of the project”Renovation of Sanapokhari “at Pegarapada Grampanchayat.

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Work on Progress at project”Renovation of Sanapokhari

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1. Name of the Village - Balibhanda

2. Name of the Project - Improvement of road from village Balivanda to Pegarpada RD Road

3. Estimated Cost - Rs. 2,97,942.00

Description of the Project :- This Project is located in the Flood Zone usually submerged during the Flood .It covers a length of 1.20 Kms

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4. This road was partially damaged during High Flood 2008 and no motor vehicles was passing over it. The villagers( SC people) of Balibhanda were facing a lot of problem like marketing , carriage of building materials , educating and medical facilities in their day to day life .

5. In view of such difficulties this project has been taken up under MGNREGS Scheme creating 1814 mandays .128 Nos of poor jobseekers were engaged and got financial benefit in both the villages of “Balibhanda” and “Pegarpada” under Pegarpada G.P. 5670.90 cums of earth has been executed for improvement of this road .

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5. After execution of this project the villagers of the village Balibhanda , Pegarpada & Narasinghpur are moving freely through motor vehicles.Their children are going to their schools through bicycles , autorikshaws etc.

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Before start of the Project” “Improvement of road from village Balivanda

to Pegarpada RD” road

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Work on Progress“Improvement of road from village Balivanda to

Pegarpada RD” road

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Work on Progress“Improvement of road from village Balivanda to

Pegarpada RD” road

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MGNREGS at Baghabuda

1.The Project namely “Renovation of Badataila Tota Tank ” with an estimated cost of Rs. 1,60,000.00 .located at village Badataila in Baghabuda Gram Panchayat under Rajkanika Block, District Kendrapara, State Orissa.

2. It was a Gochara land and laid unused since long time by implementing the project the villegers of the Badataila financially benifitted and there is a revenue generating assets created for the Baghabuda G.P

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Work inagurated by Sarapancha Baghabuda

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Work Progress at “Renovation of Badataila Tota Tank”

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Work Progress at “Renovation of Badataila Tota Tank”

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1. The Project namely “Imp of road from Gualigaon Irrgn Embkt to Baranga “with an estimated cost of Rs. 81000.00 .located at village Gualigaon in Taras Gram Panchayat under Rajkanika Block, District Kendrapara, State Orissa.

2. This Project is constructed from Malik Sahi of Gualigaon to Canal .with a length of 0.5 k.m . The people of Gualigaon were facing a lot of problem for their farming located at canal side. After completion of this project they will be benefited both financially as well as communication.

MGNREGS at Taras

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1. Name of the Village - Khunta

2. Name of the Project –” Improvement of road from Khunta RD Road to Luna Gheri”

3. Estimated Cost - Rs. 10,00,000.00

Description of the Project :-This Project is located in the Flood Zone Usually flood water enters to the village through this stretch.This project solves the purpose of road and flood embankment covers a length of 1km

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4.To avoid such deficulties this project under NREGS scheme is

taken up.

• 5. 7420 mandays are created and 180 no of HH were engaged and got financial benefit.

• 6.10566.46 cum of earth is deposited to build up the road of 11 ft height and 23 ft width.

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GRS ,Jyanagara distributing the Job card to the job seekers at worksite.

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A.E,Rajkanika Supervising the work at site.

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