Download - Graduand reflection

  • 1. Teacher Education model forthe 21st Century

2. TE21 Model Adapted from Official NIE website 3. New revised V3SK Model Adapted from Official NIE website 4. Competencies I will adoptas a beginning teacherProfessional Practice : Nuturing the whole childLeadership & Management: Working with othersPersonal Effectiveness: Tuning into self 5. Professional Practice : Nuturing the whole childI believe that 6. Professional Practice : Nuturing the whole child Show genuine care & concern 7. Professional Practice : Nuturing the whole childMotivate and guide students Support physical, emotional & socialaspects of students 8. Leadership & Management: Working with others Build good relationship with parentsTo maximize learning of student 9. Leadership & Management: Working with othersCollaborate & work well with other teachers 10. Personal Effectiveness: Tuning into self-Monitor ones emotions- Balance & prioritize work-life matters- Seek guidance when needed 11. In the future, continue to work on othercompetencies to further develop myself.Learning is a life-time journey.