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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Grade 11 Exam Schedule

Date Exam 1 Time


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Exam 2 Time



Exam 3 Time

Tuesday, Jan 6

Mathematics SL

8:00 – 9:00 – non Calculator paper

9:00 – 10:00 – calculator paper

Math Studies Math American

8:00 – 10:00 Bus Mgt HL/ SL/Am 10:45 – 12:45

Wednesday, Jan 7 Biology HL/SL/Am/ self-taught

8:00 – 10:00

French ab (ext) P1 10:45 – 12:15 French ab (ext) P2 1:00 – 2:00

French ab (regular) Spanish ab (regular)

10:45 – 12:15

Thursday, Jan 8 Chemistry HL/SL/Am 8:00 – 10:00 Economics SL/Am 10:45 – 12:45

Sunday, Jan 11 Physics/ HL/SL/Am self-taught

8:00 – 10:00 Psychology HL/SL/Am 10:45 – 12:45

Monday, Jan 12

Arabic Am - P1 Arabic A SL - P1 Arabic B HL/SL – P1

8:00 – 9:30 Arabic Am – P2 Arabic B HL/SL – P2

10:45 – 12:15 Islamic Studies ( )فقه

1:30 – 2:30

Arabic A HL 8:00 – 10:00

Tuesday, Jan 13

English Am - P1 English A SL – P1

8:00 – 9:30 English Am – P2 English A SL - P2

10:45 – 12:15 Islamic Studies )توحيد(

1:30 – 2:30

English A HL – P1 8:00 – 10:00 English A HL – P2 10:45 – 12:45

* Students must arrive at the exam venue 30 minutes before the exam begins. * Students will be dismissed immediately after their last exam. Parents to ensure that transport arrangements are made accordingly. * EXAM VENUE: COMMON ROOM

* Students must review from the IB past papers and the booklets given to them .

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



English A Lang & Lit HL/SL Notification:


Language and


Higher Level

A comparative commentary of two

texts of different genre, linked by


Time: 2 hours

Note: There will be NO guiding


An essay based on all Literature

Texts studied, which addresses

the ways language, context and

structure affect your reading of

each work. You will choose one of

a selection of four provided


Time: 2 hours

Language and


Standard Level

An analysis of one text chosen from

a selection of two non-literary

genres, showing an understanding

of type, purpose and context.

Note: You will have guiding

questions to assist you.

Time:1.5 hours

An essay based on All My Sons,

which addresses the ways

language, context and structure

affect your reading of this work.

You will choose one of a selection

of four provided topics.

Time: 1 .5 hours

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



English Lang & Lit American Notification:

Paper 1:

Time: 1.5 hours

Reading Comprehension

Students should be prepared to read two non-fiction passages and answer questions based on the

passages, in addition to creating a reader's response to the passages.


Pronouns, verb tenses, capitals, periods, commas, word usage and spelling.

Paper 2:


Time: 1.5 hours

Text: All My Sons by Arthur Miller

Students should be familiar with the plot, characters, mood, tone, quotations and symbols within the play,

All My Sons and be prepared to answer multiple choice questions, short answer questions and one essay


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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Arabic A Lang & Lit- HL Notification:

المستوى الورقة الأولى

النصوص من زوجينتحليل مقارن ل

ةالطالب ختارت .قبل من يدرسا لم

تحليلا عنهما كتبلت منهما ازوج

ا .مقارن

: ساعتان الزمن

تكون هناك أسئلة لن: ملاحظة

إرشادية مساعدة

اللغة و الأدب

المستوى المتقدم


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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Arabic A Lang & Lit - SL Notification:

) رواية اللص والكلاب ) دراسة وتحليل حتى الفصل السادس فقط كتيب الطالبة

( المتعلقة بالجزء الأول ) اللغة في السياق الثقافي أوراق العمل الورقية

و التحليل و مهارات الكتابة . 1علقة بالجزء المت جميع الملفات ( أوراق العمل الالكترونية على موقع المانج بك ) محتوى

Arabic American Notification:

مفردات اختبار الصف الحادي عشر ) أمريكي ( : من كتاب العبرات ) قصة الذكرى وقصة اليتيم (

محور التواصل والإعلام .

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Arabic B HL/SL Notification:

هج المطلوب دراستها لامتحان نصف السنة:مفردات المن

من محور القضايا العالمية الهجرة: وتحتها قصيدة بلاد العرب أوطاني ومقتطفات من قصائد الهجرة والغربة

محور الصحة مجموعة قصصية( وتحتها: –العمل الأدبي: )لم أعرف أن الطواويس تطير

القطط لاتصلح

French Ab initio Notification:

In the first semester of this year, students in the Gr 11 French Extended course studied and revised

the conjugation of verbs in the présent; the passé composé; the imparfait; the futur proche; the futur simple

and the conditionnel. la négation – ne..pas; ne..jamais; ne..que;; ne..personne.

adverbs – aujourd'hui, hier, demain soir, le lundi etc.

describing people, their personality and appearance; activities

numbers - 1000

leisure activities and relaxation

likes and dislikes

asking and answering questions

nationality, time, extending and accepting/ refusing invitations; weather; seasons; date; time; ordering food

Students also worked through past papers and discussed images using the vocabulary and tenses they have studied.

French American Notification:

- Textbook Festival: Review unit 0,1,2 from page 10 to 37. - All notes from copy book

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



- Review verbs and conjugation: travailler (to work), habiter (to live), aimer (to like), aller (to go), parler (to speak), regarder (to watch), acheter (to buy), venir (to come/have just done), être (to be), avoir (to have)

- Je (I), tu (you), il (he) elle (she), on (we), nous (we), vous (you plural), ils (they), elles (they feminine) - Numbers p12 and numbers (first, second, third, fourth etc...) - French celebrities (workbook p6 and notes from slides on copybook)

- Adjectives, nationalities, colors and professions: difference between feminin and masculine

- To be able to describe a person - to be able to talk about your weekend plans and hobbies

Spanish American Notification:

Greeting dialogues. Number and gender of the nouns: Masculine-feminine nouns and singular and plural nouns. Days of the week, months of the year and dates. Numbers and its spelling from 0-100.definite and indefinite articles in spanish: Indefinite: Un-unos-una-unas Definite: El-los-la-las Parts of the face. The difference between Verb: Ser/Estar/Tener and how to congugate them. Personality and physical adjectives.

Psychology HL/SL Notification:

The format of the exam will be: - Two mandatory short answer questions, and - One long answer question chosen from a pool of three questions Textbooks:

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Pearson baccalaureate Psychology textbook - Chapter 1: Research Methodology (until Qualitative methods) - Chapter 2: Biological level of analysis (pp. 34-65) - Chapter 3: Cognitive level of analysis (pp. 66-80)

Oxford IB Psychology Textbook - Units 1.1-1.3 (pp.9-29) - Chapter 2 (Pp. 38-60) - Unit 3.1 (Pp. 67-88)

Learning Outcomes to be covered: Biological:

- Explain how principles that define the biological LOA may be demonstrated in research - Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological LOA (i.e. experiments,

case studies, correlational studies) - Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the Biological LOA - Examine one study related to localization of function of the brain (i.e. Wernicke, Broca, Split Brain

patients, etc) - Explain, using examples, the effects of neurotransmission on human behavior - Explain, using examples, the effects of hormones on human behavior - Discuss two effects of environment on physiological processes (eg. Effects of jet lag on bodily

rhythms, deprivation on neuroplasticity) - Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology on behavior (prosopagnosia) - Discuss the use of brain-imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between biological

factors and behavior. - With reference to relevant research studies, discuss the extent to which genetics influence behavior - Examine one evolutionary explanation of behavior - Discuss ethical considerations in research into genetic influences on behavior


- Outline the principles that define the cognitive LOA - Explain how these principles can be demonstrated in research (through theories and/or studies) - Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at this level of analysis - Discuss ethical considerations related to research at this level of analysis - Evaluate schema theory with reference to research studies - Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process (Memory)

Psychology American Notification:

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Textbook: Pearson baccalaureate Psychology textbook Relevant chapters:

- Chapter 2: Biological level of analysis (pp. 34-65) - Chapter 3: Cognive level of analysis (pp. 66-80)

Learning Outcomes to be covered: Biological:

- Explain how principles that define the biological LOA may be demonstrated in research - Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological LOA (i.e. experiments,

case studies, correlational studies) - Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the Biological LOA - Examine one study related to localization of function of the brain (i.e. Wernicke, Broca, Split Brain

patients, etc) - Explain, using examples, the effects of neurotransmission on human behavior - Explain, using examples, the effects of hormones on human behavior - Discuss two effects of environment on physiological processes (eg. Effects of jet lag on bodily

rhythms, deprivation on neuroplasticity) - Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology on behavior (prosopagnosia) - With reference to relevant research studies, duscuss the extent to which genetics influence

behavior - Examine one evolutionary explanation of behavior - Discuss ethical considerations in research into genetic influences on behavior

Cognitive - Outline the principles that define the cognitive LOA - Explain how these principles can be demonstrated in research (through theories and/or studies) - Evaluate schema theory with reference to research studies - Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process (Memory)

Bus & Mgt HL/SL Notification:

Covered Topics from the book "Business and Management" by Paul Hoang 3rd Edition are as follows:

1. Business Organization and Environment

1.1. Introduction to Business Management Pg: 1

1.2. Types of Organization Pg: 14

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



1.3. Organizational Objectives Pg: 29

1.4. Stakeholders Pg: 47

1.5. External Environment Pg: 55

1.6. Growth and Evolution Pg: 72

1.7. Organizational Planning Tools Pg: 98

Please study everything related to the included material from the book, Exercise book, worksheets, quizzes, PowerPoint presentations and the Student Booklet.

Bus & Mgt American Notification:

Covered Topics from the book "Business and Management” by Peter Stimpson are as follows:

1. Business Organization and Environment

1. Nature of Business Activity Pg: 1

2. Types of Organization Pg: 8

3. Organizational Objectives Pg: 22

4. Stakeholders Pg: 39

5. External Environment Pg: 45

6. Organizational Planning Tools Pg: 57

7. Growth and Evolution Pg: 68

9. Globalization Pg: 89

Please study everything related to the included material from the book, Exercise book, worksheets, quizzes, PowerPoint presentations and the Student Booklet.

Economics SL/Am Notification:

Section 1 : Microeconomics - Oxford Textbook From Page 18 to 61 Chapter 2 : Demand and Supply P 18 - 34 Chapter 3 : Market Equilibrium , Price Mechanism and Market efficiency 35 - 45 Chapter 4 : Elasticity 46 - 61

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Concentrate on : the relevant questions on the above units from the student booklet, past paper booklet, text book exercises, student workpoints and end of chapter questions as well as any diagrams practised in copybooks or booklets. Refer to Powerpoints and resources posted on managebac.

Biology HL Notification:

Please study all material related to the below chapters, including PPTs, summary notes, lab activities. Practice by solving the worksheets in the student booklet and from the past papers. 1) Topic 1: Cell biology 1.1 Introduction to cells 1.2 Ultrastructure of cells 1.3 Membrane structure 1.4 Membrane transport 1.5 The origin of cells 1.6 Cell division 2) Topic 2: Molecular biology + Topic 7 (AHL): Nucleic acids + Topic 8 (AHL): Metabolism 2.1 Molecules to metabolism 2.2 Water 2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids 2.4 Proteins 2.5 Enzymes 8.1 Metabolism 2.6 Structure of DNA and RNA 2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation 7.1 DNA structure and replication 7.2 Transcription and gene expression 7.3 Translation

Biology SL Notification:

Please study all material related to the below chapters, including PPTs, summary notes, and lab activities. Practice by solving the worksheets in the student booklet and from the past papers. 1) Topic 1: Cell biology

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



1.1 Introduction to cells 1.2 Ultrastructure of cells 1.3 Membrane structure 1.4 Membrane transport 1.5 The origin of cells 1.6 Cell division 2) Topic 2: Molecular biology 2.1 Molecules to metabolism 2.2 Water 2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids 2.4 Proteins 2.5 Enzymes 2.6 Structure of DNA and RNA 2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation

Biology American Notification:

Ch 1: Cell Biology Lessons 1 to 6 Ch 2: Molecular Biology Lessons 1 to 5 Study from the summaries in your student booklets then review textbook pages 1 to 104. Review presentations on managebac and exercises in student booklet, pastpapers and quizes.

Chemistry HL Notification:

Chapter 1 :Quantitative chemistry, Chapter2 : Atomic structure Chapter 12 : Atomic structure Chapter 3: Periodicity

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Chemistry SL Notification:

Chapter 1 :Quantitative chemistry,

Chapter2 : Atomic structure

Chapter 3: Periodicity

Chemistry American Notification:

Chapter 1 :Quantitative chemistry,

Chapter2 : Atomic structure

Chapter 3: Periodicity

Physics HL Notification:

Topic1: Physics and Physical measurement 1.1 The realm of physics 1.2 Measurements and uncertainties 1.3 Vectors and scalars

Topic 2: Mechanics 2.1 Kinematics 2.2 Forces and dynamics 2.3 Work, energy and power

Physics SL Notification:

Topic1: Physics and Physical measurement 1.4 The realm of physics 1.5 Measurements and uncertainties 1.6 Vectors and scalars

Topic 2: Mechanics

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Jeddah Knowledge International School

IB DP Department

Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



2.1 Kinematics 2.2 Forces and dynamics 2.3 Work, energy and power

Physics Am Notification:

Topic1: Physics and Physical measurement 1.7 The realm of physics 1.8 Measurements and uncertainties 1.9 Vectors and scalars

Topic 2: Mechanics 2.1 Kinematics 2.2 Forces and dynamics

Mathematics American Notification:

5.3 Factoring

5.4 Factoring

5.6. Solving Quadratic Equations 5.7 Complex Numbers 5.8 Completing the Square 5.9 Quadratic Formula and the Discriminant 6.1 Properties of Exponents 6.2 Polynomials and their Graphs 6.3 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 6.4 Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials 6.5 Factoring Cubic Polynomials 6.6 Polynomials of Greater Degree

Mathematics SL Notification:

Chapter 1: Quadratics Chapter 2: Functions Chapter 3 Exponentials Chapter 4: Logarithms Chapter 5: Transforming Functions Chapter 6: Sequences and Series

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Mid-Year __ Evaluation Pack



Chapter 7: The binomial expansion

Mathematical Studies Notification:

Chapter 1 Number Properties Chapter 2 Measurement Chapter 3 Laws of Algebra Chapter 4 Equations and Formulae Chapter 5 Sequences and Series Chapter 7 Sets &Venn Diagrams Chapter 9 Probability

Islamic Studies Notification:

اختبار الصف الحادي عشر مفردات

مادة التوحيد :

معنى الإيمان بالملائكة عليهم السلام –معنى الإيمان بالله تعالى

الإيمان بالقدر وفعل –معنى الإيمان بالقدر ووجوب الإيمان به ، ومراتبه

آثار الإيمان بالقدر –الأسباب

مادة الفقه :

الغضب –الصلح -الكفاله –الضمان –الادخار -الاحتكار