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Page 1: Grace Church of Philly - An Introduction

University City

Grace Church of Philly

Page 2: Grace Church of Philly - An Introduction

Grace Church of PhillyThe dream for Grace Church is to see God create in

University City a Christian Church which clarifies what it means to be "Christian." We know we live in a culture

that has witnessed many misrepresentations of both the Christian life and Christian message and that,

consequently, finds neither Christians nor the church very attractive.

We have chosen the word 'grace' for our church as a starting point in clarifying and communicating the

essence and simplicity of Christianity.

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GraceGrace is that undeserved, unearned blessing of

God that meets us where we are and transforms us. Grace is what we want to show to others, indiscriminately serving them and

loving them in the name of Jesus.

We ask you for the opportunity to share life together with you in an environment marked by

grace. At the outset, we confess the imperfections of our grace and our need for

more grace, but we desire to meet you as you are and to grow with you in understanding and

living the magnificent grace of God.

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Our Discipleship Commitments – 4G


•We gather each Sunday to worship our great Lord and Savior in spirit and in truth.

•We grow through small group Bible study and fellowship to lead grace-filled lives of genuine significance for the glory of God with other believers.

•We give our resources and time to support the work of God and to love our community with acts of kindness.

•We go to intentionally make disciples both locally and globally in announcing the Good News of God’s grace to all peoples without regard to ethnicity, gender, or social standing.

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Our Discipleship Commitments – 4G

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Our Core Values - TRIMTransformational

Prayerfully depending upon the power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to transform any life.

RelationalJoyfully offering love and grace to everyone, regardless of where they are on their

spiritual journey.

IncarnationalPractically living out and modeling the gospel

of grace within the culture.

MissionalIntentionally committed to engage those who

either do not know or misunderstand Jesus.

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Synergy of Values and Commitments

Each of the TRIM values undergirds and empowers every aspect of the 4G discipleship commitments.

How we fulfill our 4G discipleship commitments should always reflect our TRIM values.

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Of Importance to Us• We believe that God calls every believer to wholehearted discipleship. A church full of Christians running hard after

God, living with intent as His children and using their gifts to extend his kingdom, brings God great glory and is a powerful witness to the world. We are eager to help every Christian live

as a learner, minister, evangelist, and steward.

• We believe that the church is a ‘glocal’ mission outpost. By ‘glocal’ we mean being missional both locally and globally. As a mission outpost, the church actively seeks ways to penetrate

the community, the nation, and the world with the Gospel.

• We believe that effective ministry must be biblically based as well as culturally relevant. We do not need to sacrifice either biblical truth or cultural relevance. All of our ministries will

be in the ‘vernacular,’ speaking directly to the immediate culture and people without compromising Scripture or


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Core GroupWe ask you to prayerfully consider becoming part of the GCP core group for the birth phase of the church for as

long  as the Lord leads you for the following:

1. To pray daily and persistently for the city of Philadelphia and for the launch and establishment of Grace Church of Philly in University City.

2. To be involved in the lives of the believers and unbelievers in that area; to build bridges with them that might serve to further the kingdom of God.

3. To maintain a consistent devotional life and consistent walk with Christ.

4. To open yourself to the Lord as to what types of ministry roles He may have for you at Grace Church.

5. To give to the work of this ministry as you are able to do so.

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