Download - Grace-based justice quotes


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 1

ospel solutions are far and above allowing Colin Clouts and Devil Dodgers deserting the Gospel colours with Con the Barbarian and Hissy-Fit Copperheads to feel our collars and come the old soldier over us!


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 2

udaeo Christianity as an imported legalistic and State conforming ‘moral’ but still powerless ‘religion’ with

its pathetic intelligentsia and compromising ‘Shylock’ Shepherds, (with their ‘half dead’ ‘Hubert Churches’ and ‘Red Pagan’ followers, and passing parade of Holy ‘vulgar games’ before the Lord) - has shown its inability and unwillingness to PUBLICALLY RESIST the trends

toward centralization, bureaucracy and the secularization of all of Public life.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 3

T IS TIME to STOP going cap in hand to the caps and gowns and the caped Child crusaders, seeking the counsel of those with limited spiritual and mental wattage from the Land of Chimera:

with collar-proud ‘bright dead alien eyes’; being sons and daughters of right and wrong and ‘pouring indignation into the wrong thing;’ walking in the light of their own fires as so many ‘consenting stars’ of Religion following in the wake of the Messianic State, living in the foul air of their own supposed self-righteous innocence; walking over subterranean fires and believing lies; not so much not seeing the solution but not seeing and not wanting to see the real problem; ‘caring’ and dictating but not giving of themselves in any costly way; keeping intact their emotional investment, maintaining a safe

‘professional’ distance from the problem person – with conceit, caricature and cruelty –no wonder no one else is a happy camper!!


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 4

Postiche, Pastiche, Passe-Partout Justice that does NOT provide a Moratorium on Retribution and

NO Mandamus Writ for Mercy; with no Modulus of contextual Graced-Truthed elasticity; that considers Grace-Based Justice as passé; that provides NO Public Passageway, no Pass and no Master Key for opening and securing a Redemptive Justice that Heals and

Reconciles – is NO Justice by God and the Gospel and mature human Standards!


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 5

uch anti-Christ Statist ‘justice’ keeps us ‘Bound and Gagged’, subservient to the entrenched Professional

and Political Class who are more interested in keeping things running and keeping themselves in power, than keeping things REAL! It is a Pasteboard, Modish, Monetised, Moonshining Justice for the Marshalling Yard – a “turnip ghost of a shocker” when compared to

the Justice of Jesus! It is far worse than a Moot Point in a Mock Court!


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 6

pparently to these Justice Practitioners, Jesus’ ATONING Justice is PISSANT! They forget that a Misreckoning

Mandatory Reporting Justice that grinds the poor, and creates widows and orphans, and that sends leanness into the soul is no God honouring payment for crime. “Woe unto the lawyers” whose name is Legion, when “much Law doth make thee mad.” All this adversarial lawyering and all

its attendant evils only pave the way to the bottomless pit of despair.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 7

e ain’t heavy, He’s my Brother and the Real ‘Force’ is with us when the evil ‘Empire’ strikes back with its

incendiarism and incarceration! As for those Copperheads and Silks that would dress in Silvertails, that also seek to pre-empt the final Judgment of Christ - and INSIST that we continue down the false ‘feel remorse and repent and pay for our crime route’ - let’s remind them of Christ’s present

Golden Age of Grace or ‘Free of Charge’ Justice instead.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 8

he perpetuation of a Post-Cross Retribution – partial or otherwise – by the State or otherwise – legitimizes

ongoing ‘Redemptive’ and other unnecessary and avoidable coercion and violence - makes for unjust, inequitable and unloving infringements on the Rights, Responsibilities and Freedoms that Christ has purchased for fallen and now redeemed Humanity.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 9

he ‘offence’ of Grace-Based Justice allegedly represents a ‘Chinese Wall’ or perverse

confected offence and specious pretence of a ‘Conflict of Interests’ (between Christ and Caesar) - and also a HARMFUL, Unsatisfactory Standard of Public Justice.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 10

esides extant justice is and represents an unlawful Statist Confiscation of the Right

of Ready and Reasonable FREE Access to, and unjust Denial of the Remedy of the Grace-Based ONLY Pardoning and Reconciling Justice of Jesus Christ.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 11

e should be prepared to put down the regnant lies of the pseudolearned that effectively decommission the Church and

its own Grace-Based ONLY Justice; ones that turn Christ’s Free-of-Charge Pardoning and Transformative Justice into an indecent ‘Johnny- come -lately’ or a Jack Walker’s ‘Budgie Smuggler’ virtually naked Justice. It is not good enough for Ministers of whatever stripe to play a Pilate by “washing their own hands of the matter” by succumbing to the pressure of the religious and legal authorities that be, to proceed with the Christless and Anti-Christ ‘Justice’ of

Pendragons in penguin suits and white whigs - delivering a Piso like injustice!


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 12

oltroonery, Political Correctness and the Pollarding or truncating of the Gospel’s Grace-Based only Justice cannot

hide under the leaky umbrella ‘Proof ’ text of Rom 13:1-4: nor be justified by the Politicking of our Polytheistic Society, as Christ’s Law cannot LAWFULLY be subject to the polls and be made subservient to the Polling booths and fallen Grundnorms of our Bi-polar, bifurcated, or lowest common denominator Sociological Jurisprudence, or the Dictates of Political Science, the Pointy

Heads, and the Mandates of the Police State.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 13

hen the Rule of Free men by free men through Spirit-Filled prudential deliberation and peacemaking

Christlike Laws is Dismembered by Gospel apostates and ‘Don’t ask me’ right Reverends; when it is Displaced by Philosopher-Kings and radically Demeaned by the Gospel ‘Delinquent Drift’ of secular Masters of Public Policy and praxis - THEN both the natural order and the Divine Law of Christ are simultaneously violated.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 14

t is well to remember that the separation of spheres is NOT a separation of realms (whether

worldly, political, or spiritual, economic or legal, black or white), BUT a separation of WAYS of perceiving and acting, relating and Governing, in a SINGLE diverse but unified, Created and Redeemed REALITY (under God in Christ as ONE LORD, One Faith, One Justice and One Kingdom.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 15

nternational, Federal, State criminal and other Law may not contravene or interdict or interfere

with the Redemptive purposes of the Universal Highest Law of the LORD Jesus Christ as Mandatory upon all whether Believer or Unbeliever. WHY? - since it is the ONLY Divinely Instituted and Ratified, human and humane, and justly binding, Mercifilled, New Covenant Law of Bonded Love for the Godly

Government of the Nations.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 16

he Law of Christ alone is for the enabling and empowering, or the equalizing

and ennobling of the Sociology of Salvific Solidarity, for effecting Blood bought and Spirit wrought Shalomic Peace and Reconciliation.


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 17

ocial order is always either moving toward self-government directly under

God through the Holy Spirit of Christ in a relationship UNMEDIATED by any other law EXCEPT CHRISTLIKE LOVE - OR it is moving toward a Law-based, Centralised,

Bureaucratic and Police State playing the role of God!


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 18

his means, among other things, that the task of the Church of Christ is as William Cavanaugh has suggested, to present a Christlike and Non-Violent Counter-Politics so as to

interrupt the violent tragedy of the Earthly City of Athens and Babylon and Auschwitz with the Alternative Practices of a Living, Loving and Learned Radical Orthodoxy conformed to the Doctrine and Praxis of the Gospel and Kingdom of Christ with the ‘Comedy’ of Christ’s Cosmic Redemption – thus, “creating an alternative Public performance, a drama of Redemption not war, RATHER than simply be expected to

suspend its own performance by ceding precedence to that of the State.” (Michael Kirwan in Political Theology: A New Introduction; Darton, Longman & Todd, London: 2008, p 190).


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 19

n some ways the Church of Christ as a sui generis Institution is the primary institution of life, even above that of the State, because the life and sociology

of CHRIST in and through His Body the Church, courses THROUGH and encapsulates all the rest of life and is the nursery or training ground of the of the Kingdom of God and so the Justice of God. Thus “her courts are the FOUNDATION of all OTHER courts and

her laws the foundation of all OTHER laws” as James B. Jordan recognizes (Read his book The Sociology of the Church: Essays in Reconstruction; Geneva Ministries, Tyler Texas: 1986, p 189).


James C. WallerOctober 2016

Quote 20

hus BOTH Church AND State are mandated by Faith and Repentance to administer a Christ-like or Grace-Based, Relational and Restorative, Redemptive and Reconciling,

Reconstituting Remedial Justice for a New Humanity on a NOW Legally Redeemed Earth! “The individual State can be willed and affirmed as service to the neighbour ONLY in repentance before God, that is, under the proviso of God’s Grace and in Faith that God will make good what we cannot help but do badly.”

(Read more about this in the chapter, entitled Church and State, by Karl Barth, in An Eerdman’s Reader in Contemporary Political Theology: 2012, pp. 303-315; emphasis mine-jcw).