Download - Government of W est · Government of West Bengal Directorate of School Education Bikash Bhavan, 7th floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 091 Memo


Government o f W est Bengal School Education Department

Planning & Budget Branch Bikash Bhawan, Salt lake, Kolkata-91

No. 1 -SE(P& B)/ICT-3/1 OPt. Dt. 6* January, 2020

From: The OSD & Ex-officio Special Secretary to the Govt. O f W est Bengal

To: The Commissioner o f School Education, West Bengal

Subject : Alleged disengagement of Computer Instructors by the School authorities

attached to different Secondary/Higher Secondary Schools in West Bengal for

imparting Computer Literacy under programme.

R e f : This Deptt. Memo. No.384(8)-SE(P&B) dt.03.08.2012 (Copy Enclosed)

It is learnt from All Bengal Computer Teachers’ Association that some school

authorities have disengaged the Computer Instructors under CLTP programme without

taking any permission from the Commissioner of School Education, W est Bengal which is

against the order o f this Department as started above.

Under the circumstances, I am directed to reiterate that Computer Instructors who

were engaged in schools by the computer agencies for running CLTP programme should

not be disengaged without obtaining express permission from Commissioner of School

Education, WB.

In this context necessary instructions may be issued to D .I (SE)s & heads o f Govt. Schools.

Enclo:As above


V - Ic/vVwevO

District Inspector of Schools (S.E.)South 24 Parganas

Government of West Bengal

Directorate of School Education

Bikash Bhavan, 7th floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 091

M e m o No. I‘k c 1— sc/G D ated, K o lka ta , 1 7 /2 /2 0 2 0

From : The C o m m is s io n e r o f S chool E duca tion ,W e s t Bengal

To: 1. The D l/S (SE)s o f a ll S chool D is tric ts

2. The H .M .s /A .H .M .s In -C h a rg e /A .M .s In-C harge /T .I.C .s o f a ll G o v e rn m e n t


Sub: A lleged d is e n g a g e m e n t o f C o m p u te r In s tru c to rs by th e S choo l A u th o r it ie s

u n d e r C.L.T.P P ro g ra m m e .

Ref: G .O .N o .l-S E (P & B )/IC T -3 /1 0 Pt. D t.6 /1 /2 0 2 0 .

W ith re fe re n c e to th e s u b je c t m e n tio n e d above , th e u n d e rs ig n e d has to fo rw a rd

h e re w ith th e co p y o f th e GO N o .l-S E (P & B ) D t.6 /1 /2 0 2 0 w ith th e exp ress

d ire c tio n s to fo l lo w th e in s tru c tio n s o f th e School E d uca tio n D e p a rtm e n t as

s tip u la te d in th e a fo re m e n tio n e d G.O. re g a rd in g C o m p u te r In s tru c to rs engaged

by d if fe re n t C o m p u te r A genc ies u n d e r C.L.T.P P rog ram m e .

( Dr. S a um itra M ohan ,I.A .S .)

C o m m iss io n e r o f S chool E duca tio n , W e s t Bengal