Download - Governance and rural development in development cooperation


Henrik Brundin, deputy CEO

6-year old Samina Hasani in Kosovo

Who are we?

Founded by several large Swedish cooperative companies in 1958

One of Sida’s 19 frame organisations

Our funding (2015)Operating Expenses 330 M SEK ~ 39 million USD

Where do we work?

We Effect 2016

What do we do?

Vivan Chung in VietnamAmina Kasyano in Malawi

Miguel Hernandez in Nicaragua

Savings and loans



How do we work?

In cooperation with over 160 partner organisationsin 24 countries

What are the results?

Results chain within our development cooperation work

Africa• 99 700 young women and men received training on entrepreneurship and financial services• 1.3 million people in Eastern Africa have gained access to financial services. Women’s access to these

services increased to 52,5% in 2015• In Zambia, 593 small-scale farmers obtained registration of title to land. • In Mozambique the right to land was secured for 20 communities, benefitting around 32 700 people

Latin America• 10 485 leaders received training on organisational development, finance and political processes. 73%

of these were women • 7 259 women attended courses on equality. 387 men participated in equality courses aimed specifically

at men• The proportion of women on the boards of farmers’ organisations increased to just over 45%• 42% per cent of ”our” farmers in the region increased their production per hectare, despite another

year of El Niño weather phenomenon – the improvement was largely possible thanks to agro-organic methods and climate-adopted crops

Some examples from 2015

Some examples from 2015Asia• 5 378 farmers participated in courses on animal husbandry• In Cambodia, farmers who attended our course on sustainable farming and animal husbandry

increased their incomes by and average of 10%• 11 707 people in Sri Lanka increased their income from an average of SEK 16 to SEK 28 per day

Europe• In Moldova, dairy farmers were paid 27% more for their milk, compared to 2014. A result of increased

capacity and strengthened negotiating power • 50% of the participants in our Europe Programme were women• 3 000 Romanies recieved support in setting up organised groups, and education on sustainable


Samina with her mother Ganimete Hasani in Kosovo

What has happened recently that might change Swedish development aid?

Will poverty be eradicted faster now?

Samina Hasani in Kosovo


Thank you

Henrik Brundin, deputy CEO [email protected]