Download - GORDON WEST BULLETIN€¦ · GORDON WEST BULLETIN VOLUME 15 2019 SEPTEMBER 26 2019 Principal’s Report Ryde Road Pymble 2073 Telephone: ... ideas for some new recipes or items to

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GORDON WEST BULLETIN V O L U M E 1 5 2 0 1 9 S E P T E M B E R 2 6 2 0 1 9

Principal’s Report Ryde Road Pymble 2073 Telephone: 9498 4644 Fax: 9498 4436 Email: [email protected] Website:

Thursday 26 Sept

K-2 Athletics Carnival

Friday 27 Sept

Last Day Term 3

Monday 14 Oct

Students resume

Mon 14-Fri 25 Oct

Swim Scheme

Tuesday 15 Oct

Yr4 Expo Day

Powerful Project

Ryde Spec Choir

Wednesday 16 Oct

Area Athletics

Friday 18 October

Ryde Spec Choir


Tuesday 22 Oct

Yr6 Field of Mars

Thursday 24 Oct

Ryde Spec Choir

Opera House

Yr5 Field of Mars

Band Info Evening

Dates to Remember

Our K‐2 Athle cs Carnival was held on the school oval today. Spectators, par cipants and carnival organisers all worked together to make the day a wonderful success. Everyone had a great me and were enthusias cally involved! Our school oval is certainly a beau ful se ng to hold such a carnival. Congratula ons to the students who were successful in their individual races and to all other students who did their personal best. The students enjoyed the novelty events too. Thank you to Mrs Armstrong and her team of teachers and parent volunteers for so efficiently running the carnival. School policy has been that all parent emails are sent to the school email address and then forwarded to the relevant teacher. Phone messages are also forwarded to the teacher for a response. The policy is that teachers will check their emails once daily then respond to all emails within 48 hours. Thank you to those parents who have been repor ng poten al Work Health and Safety (WHS) concerns in the school when issues come to their a en on. Our school will be a much safer environment if parents in addi on to staff and children report poten al risks before an accident happens. There are a number of ways that parents can report their concerns including speaking to a member of staff or emailing the school directly. Parents are advised that the WHS team makes regular school inspec ons which are formally

recorded and ac oned. The school WHS team is conduc ng a thorough review of the very sensi ve issue of the 9104 school bus to and from Gordon Sta on. We thank those parents who have wri en to the local member of State Parliament Mr Alister Henskens regarding this issue. The TRANSDEV bus company has sent inspectors to the school on two occasions this week to evaluate the situa on. The main problem is one of logis cs. School buses are licensed to carry specific numbers of children seated and standing. Regardless of personal opinion in allowing young children to stand while travelling on the bus it is government policy that this prac ce is allowed. Also the government bases their numbers on three children to a seat which is very difficult given that children carry school bags and other musical instruments. TRANSDEV inspectors have made sugges ons on how to “fit” the children on the bus and believe that it is unlikely the government would provide an addi onal bus before the end of the school year.

Congratula ons to Mrs Whiteman on her organisa on of a Book Week celebra on that

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J Huckerby Principal

The Tell Them From Me: Parent Survey (Term 3, 2019) (REMINDER)

This Term, our school will be par cipa ng in the Partners in Learning parent survey, another part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys (student, teacher and parent surveys) on student engagement. The survey asks parents and carers ques ons about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement. Running this survey will help our school understand parents’ and carers’ perspec ves on their child’s experience at school. These include: communica on between parents/carers and staff, ac vi es and prac ces at home and parent/carer views on the school's support of learning and behaviour. This valuable feedback will help our school make prac cal improvements. The survey is conducted en rely online on smartphones, iPads, tablets, laptops or

computers. The survey will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely

confiden al. The parent survey will be conducted

between 26 August and 25 October. Although

par cipa ng in the survey is en rely voluntary, your

responses are very much appreciated.

To access the survey for our school go to: h p:// More informa on about the survey is available at: h p:// The survey is available in 23 languages.

encompassed the 5 Keys to Success & Happiness:

1. Ge ng Along 2. Persistence 3. Organisa on 4. Confidence 5. Resilience

The whole school embraced the occasion and had a great day.

Thank you for our support over the past term. Have a safe and happy holiday. Summer uniform is to be worn from the start of Term 4. Students and staff resume on Monday 14th October 2019.

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The school tennis tournament will be running during recess and lunch during Term 4. Please return entries to Scott Gregson by October 16 2019. Name:…………………………………………………………...……. Class:…………… Senior Boys Singles Year 5 and 6 Senior Girls Singles Year 5 and 6 Junior Boys Singles Year 3 and 4 Junior Girls Singles Year 3 and 4 Senior Boys Doubles partner____________________________________ Senior Girls Doubles partner____________________________________ Junior Boys Doubles partner____________________________________ Junior Girls Doubles partner____________________________________

CANTEEN NEWS From next term we will be replacing our Tuesday special of Chicken Fried Rice with Chicken Hokkien Noodle s r fry. This will be made on site and will contain egg. Also at recess we will be introducing hommus dip with vegetable s cks, as well as bringing back mango smoothies and blueberry smoothies. Both will be available to order online or buy over the counter. We con nue to be very busy at the counter everyday, especially for the cheese melts. No ma er how many we prepare in advance we are no cing some children are wai ng a long me for their cheese melts. Please remember you can order these online to save your child wai ng in the queue. I visited a canteen expo this term and have realised how lucky we are here at Gordon West to have a canteen where most food is prepared onsite using fresh ingredients and s ll run by the P & C and not outsourced. I picked up lots of ideas for some new recipes or items to sell here at our canteen and we will keep you updated of anything else new on our menu. Thank you to all our volunteers this term, your help is greatly appreciated and we hope to see you again next term. Jo Greenway

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STUDENT NEWS Another successful performance by the GWPS Jazz Band at the recent NSSWE Spring Jazz Fes val at the Concourse Chatswood.


KD Boyu C, Annabel O, Ivy C KP Eric M, Claire Y, Matthew X KT Alisa L, Immy G, Marco T KX Zara L, Charlie D, Robbie S 1E Eric X, Liam A, Gerri C 1F Hayden T, Jocelyn L, Agnes D 1G Poppy M, Vienna R, Emily L 1T Isabella F, Edward S, Lachlan B 2E Patrick L, Emeline M, Rebecca L 2G Victor K, Bella M, Nicholas W 2H Yiping P, Archie L, Sophie W 2T Daphne B, Sophie W, Amin R 3A Gauravi T, Lucy N, Caden S 3G Jackson H, Emily A, Grace K 3H Sofia L, Carlos Z, Sally A 4H Max S, Emily Y, Will P 4W Dominic H, Dannon P, Flynn M 4/5C Zoe S, Zara D, Alex B 5D Campbell J, Melisa M, Jai A 5T Jazleen K, Gerhard B, Jacob P 5/6W Alicia B, Oishiki C, Livia L 6S 6Y Rohan H, Lotte A, Sophie E

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Holiday Tennis Programs Two holiday tennis programs will be conducted at Gordon West Public School in the Sept/Oct School holidays catering for beginners to advanced. Tennis Clinic 1: September 30th– October 2nd (Mon‐Wed) 9:30am to 12:00pm $80 9:30am to 2:30pm $140 Tennis Clinic 2: October 8th– October 10th (Tues‐Thurs) 9:30am to 12:00pm $80 9:30am to 2:30pm $140

Enquiries and enrolments to Sco 0414 554 612