Download - Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Page 1: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Google--Google Classic Page

Sign up for a Gmail account and get access to many Google tools free!

Switch between iGoogle (your personalized Google page) and Classic view or click Sign in to log in or create your account.

Many more Google tools are available under the more tab (Blogger, Google Scholar, Alerts, etc.).

Free email account with a lot of storage space. This also gives you access to RSS readers, calendars, etc.

Images, Videos, Maps, News and Shopping tabs let you search only these types of web sites to narrow your search.

Basic Search Tools in Google Type a series of words--Google finds sites with as many of those words as possible Type AND between words (or use +)--Google fins sites with both words in it Dassel AND Cokato +Dassel +Cokato Type NOT between words (or use -)--Google fins sites with the first word but not second word in it. Dassel NOT Cokato Dassel -Cokato Put phrases in quotes--Searches for the words as a phrase “Dassel Cokato” Site:gov or Site:edu, etc.--Google will search only sites with this url extension

Page 2: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets that are meaningful to you. It also gives you access to advanced features once you’ve clicked on the Gmail tab, things like the RSS Reader, Google Calendar and Google Docs.

Sign in or out.

Manage personal account settings and password.

Each area with a blue bar is a customizable gadget that you can add, remove or rearrange on the page.

Add more gadgets or change your theme (page look) to something more colorful. These can always be removed or undone.

Go to Gmail screen.

Page 3: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Gmail View This view gives you new menu options and allows you to access deeper Google tools.

This toolbar gives you access to your Gmail, a Google Calendar, Google Documents (create and share), Picasa photo storage, Google Reader for RSS feeds, a Website builder, and more advanced Google tools like Blogger and Alerts.

Compose new mail.

Check mail inbox.

Search your mailbox.

Manage your drafts and contacts list.

Send and receive emails with attachments.

Give emails labels and store them accordingly. This helps to search old email faster. It’s a lot like making folders

Page 4: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Google Calendar

Page 5: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Google Docs

Page 6: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Google Reader (to track RSS feeds and Alerts)

Add Google Reader gadget to your iGoogle front page.

Click on a subscription to view that list.

RSS items show up in this main reader area.

Google recommends other feeds based on the ones to which you currently subscribe.

Add a new subscription. This allows you to paste in an RSS address.

Here you can browse for new feeds to add.

Page 7: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Blogger You can create a free blog with Google’s Blogger. Either go to or click on the “even more” button at the bottom Google’s “more” list. You can find other interesting Google toys there too.

Sign up to create a free blog with Blogger. This link will guide you through the steps.

Page 8: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Blogger Once you’re signed up, you have a Blogger Dashboard which leads you to your editing choices. View or Edit Profile lets you view or define your basics profile settings. You can also add a profile photo here.

Click here to view your blog.

These choices let you work with your blog--add a new post, edit existing posts, change settings and layout.

Page 9: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Blogger This simple editor lets you compose your blog posts, add images, etc.

Page 10: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Blogger--Layout View This view lets you add gadgets or rearrange you blog elements.

Click to add gadgets.

Page 11: Google--Google Classic Page · iGoogle Once you’ve signed up for a Google account, you have access to Gmail and an iGoogle page. This is a customizable page that lets you add gadgets

Google Alerts Sign up for Google alerts and track either in your email in-box or in your Google Reader.

Choose how you wish to receive your alerts--email or RSS feed (Google Reader).

Choose frequency of your updates.

Choose the type of web content you wish to search each day (blogs, news, etc.).

Enter the topic for which you wish to receive alerts.