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  • 8/14/2019 gong01.pdf


    18 Nov 2012


    Gongchig Teachings at Drikung Kagyu Institute:

    First Week

    At Drikung Kagyu Institute in Dehradun India, a teaching has commenced on

    the subject of the Gongchig ("The Holistic Enlightened View"), the core

    philosophy of the Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. This teaching,

    by Kyobpa Jigten Sumgn, the founder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage,

    organized and written down by his direct disciple Chnnga Dorje Sherab as

    "The Lamp of Wisdom Illumination", and currently being taught by

    Khenchen Knchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche to more than two hundredparticipants, presents a revolutionary approach to actualizing a direct and

    authentic perception of reality and to engaging in a path of practice that brings

    about the best possible benefit for oneself and all others.

    This first week of the teaching started by setting up a stark contrast between

    the way that the philosophy and practice of Buddhism is typically presented

    and this Gongchig style of teaching. In general, the Buddha, "The Thus Gone

    One" (Sanskrit tathgata), is presented, either explicitly or implicitly, as a kind

    of Buddhist God, similar to the all-powerful creator God of Hinduism,

    Christianity, and other traditions. This religious style of presentation,

    understanding, and practice of Buddhism brings about much benefit, and is

    vitally important to the tradition. Here though, the Gong-chig style of

    presentation, that of the Holistic Enlightened View, starts with non-dual

    reality, as it is, and opens up from there, naturally and comprehensively

    unfurling into whatever level of detail is required for each practitioner to come

    to engage authentically with reality. This style of presentation is a scientific way

    of approaching reality, from first principles, and is one that does not requireany need for blind faith and accords well with the modern mind.

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    18 Nov 2012


    The first Gongchig presentation of reality was a single sentence: "It is generally

    accepted that the Thus Gone One is the God of the Dharma; and held to be

    like that, is taught as like that, and so becomes just that; but here it is accepted

    that all of the buddhadharma reveals solely the mode of abiding of the basic-

    character / disposition (reality as-it-is)."

    Next, the Gongchig opened up to a seven-fold presentation as:

    1) Wheels of Dharma2) Interdependence3) Vowing for Individual Liberation4) Training as a Bodhisattva5) Tantric Accomplishment6)

    View, Meditation, and Conduct

    7) The Result, BuddhahoodThis seven-fold presentation was illustrated by the example of an umbrella with

    seven ribs: From the top it is seen as a unified whole, but look underneath and

    the seven supporting ribs can be seen distinctly and individually, but

    interdependently, working together to make the umbrella useful. In addition,

    these seven ribs come together into a single handle so that the whole thing may

    be grasped as once.

    The practice aspect of the Gongchig was presented by corresponding these

    seven to the pinnacle practice system, the Five-Fold Path of Mahamudra:

    1) Bodhicitta Motivation: (4) Training as a Bodhisattva2) Yidam Deity: (5) Tantric Accomplishment3) Guru Yoga: (6) View, Meditation, and Conduct4) Mahamudra: (1) Wheels of Dharma and (2) Interdependence5) Dedication: (7) The Result, Buddhahood

    Supporting all five aspects of the practice: (3) Vowing for Individual


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    18 Nov 2012


    The seven-fold presentation of the Gongchig then opened up further into one

    hundred and ninety "vajra statements" (one hundred and fifty main statements

    and forty supplementary statements) divided into seven sections. These wereintroduced this week, and will begin to be explained one by one in the second

    week of teachings.

    "The Lamp of Wisdom Illumination" is the earliest of the ten or so

    commentaries on the Gongchig, and was written down by a direct disciple of

    the founder, and so the teachings this week have included a wealth of detail

    about the founding teacher Kyobpa Jigten Sumgn, his life and teaching style,

    and how the Gongchig presentation of reality as-it-is and its path of practice

    are truly a non-dual pair.

    The teaching is progressing well, with Khenchen Rinpoche energetically

    presenting the Holistic Enlightened View, as well as adding many engaging

    insights, stories, and advice. A number of sponsors have contributed to offer

    support to all the monastics in attendance, and morning tea and a complete

    lunch is being offered daily to everyone by Khenchen Rinpoche so all are well

    contented and participating with full attention and interest.

    Acharya Kinley Gyaltsen and Terence Barrett, 18 November 2012

    The Office of HH the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang