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"Do not touch anyt hing unnecessarily. Beware of pret ty girls in dance halls and 

parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead 

horses, and men lying on roads - - they are not there accidentally. " 

Soviet inf antry manual, issued in the 1930' s 


These stat ist ics ar e universal t o all char act ers, and cannot be upgraded or modif ied in

any way.


All char act ers move at t he Speed of Plot . This means, t hey can get as f ar as t he GM

t hinks is appr opr iat e. Consider t he capabili t ies of an armored, hungry human f oraver ages. I f necessary, Speed of Plot can be assumed t o be about 2 met ers per second

when walking, or 10 met ers per second when running.

Wound Levels

All char act ers have t en wound levels. A charact er suf f ers a penalt y t o all dice rolls equal

t o half t he number of wound levels he suf f er s f rom. When the char act er has t aken a

number of wounds gr eat er t han his wound levels, he' s dead. At least beyond help or j ust

a hindrance t o t he squad. Free ammo and spare par t s, people!

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"The best tank t err ain is that without ant i- tank weapons. " 

- Russian milit ary doctr ine.


Violence is used t o cause damage, and li t t le else. The skill r epr esent s t he abil it y t o

dest roy, maim, mut ilat e, r uin, break and annihi lat e t hings in any number of inhumane,

basic, and down-t o ear t h ways.

Heavy Weapons

The use of big weapons such as machine guns or r ocket launchers. Weapons t hat might

not always be available, but you sur e as hell want t he biggest bang f or your buck once

you' ve got some.

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Melee Combat

The noble ar t of clubber ing someone t o deat h wit h t he but t -end of your r if le, kicking his

br ains out , and ot herwise making people' s lives miserable while not able t o do so f r om asaf e dist ance.

Small Arms

How t o shoot people. Pref erably in t he head or in any other way t hat r esult s in t hem

dying. Or perhaps not , if you are r eally bored, have no mor als, and nothing bet t er t o do

t han wat ch someone die.


How to hur t people by hur ling st uf f at t hem, be it st ones, r ocks, r ubble, debr is, chunksof concr et e or anyt hing else at hand. Perhaps a knif e, or even a grenade. J ust r emember

t o pull t he pin. Or not .

"Just drive down t hat road, until you get blown up" 

- General George Pat ton, about reconnaissance troops 


This is t he ar t of st aying alive, and – possibly – keeping ot her s alive wit hout t he use of

Violence. While i t might sound bor ing, it will let you make it t hrough t he day, laughing atyour clumsy companions as t hey f all over and br eak t heir legs.

First Aid

I n addit ion t o pat ching yourself up, you can count eract poisoning, disease, radiat ion and

all sor t s of st uf f . You can do t his t o your squad mat es t oo, making ever yone else want t o

keep you alive.

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Percept ion

The ar t of not walking onto a land mine, a live bomb, an unst able t ent h-st ory f loor , a

ki lling zone, toxic wast e, or anyt hing else. Also helps you f ind t hings such as dinner and

enemy sniper s.


How to st ay hidden, how t o hide st uf f , and how to sneak up on someone so you can stab

t hem t o deat h wit hout anyone not icing. Very usef ul f or moving around wit hout get t ing

shot at , or r unning away.


Car ef ul st udy of t he composit ion of t err ain and milit ar y asset s which let s you know your

chances of sur vival and/ or ki lling t he enemy. People wit h high Tact ics scor es of t ensuf f er f r om depression.

"They couldn' t hit an elephant at this dist . . . . " 

- Major- General John Sedgwick, 9 May 1864.

Killed by a sniper dur ing the bat t le of Spotsylvania.


The use of any and all sor t s of t echnical gadget s not associat ed wit h Violence or

St ealt h, Hardwar e is nif t y f or big explosions and f ast , f ur ious f un (of t en ending in mor e

big explosions) and f or f ix ing st uf f so you can have more f un wit h it .


How t o shell t he living * ** * out of anyone you don' t like, assuming you have t he r ight

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weapon on hand. Also can be used when spot t ing f or ar t il ler y, assuming you ar e lucky

enough t o have 1) A r adio and 2) Allies near by. Use Ar t iller y t o shoot mort ar s, cannons

and any ot her kind of indirect , explosive f ir e.

Demolit ions

The power t o make and plant chemical compounds t hat t ear apar t buildings, people, and

t anks alike. Also handy t o avoid blowing yourself up when plant ing a bomb, a land mine or

a claymore.


Making t he t r acked, wheeled, f lying, sail ing t hings move about wit hout causing damage t o

you and your f r iends. Used t o operate any and all kinds of vehicles, regardless of t ype.


The repair skill is used t o f ix anyt hing, be it r uptured gas masks, j ammed guns, f lat t ir es

or f lashlight s wit h dead bat t er ies. I t can also be used t o j ur y-r ig stuf f so t hat it wor ks

when it shouldn' t . Handy!

"Gentlemen, we are being killed on the beaches. Lets go inland and be killed. " 

  General Norman Cot a: Omaha Beach, 1944 


Edge is a special at t r ibut e, available in equal amount s t o all players. A player ' s Edge

star t s at 5, and can be increased t hrough providing ent er t ainment value to t he game.

Humor provided in-game by t he charact er should be rewar ded more t han out of game

humor provided by t he player . Not e t hat Edge is t ied t o t he player , not his char act er ,

and f ollows t he player t o his next char act er should t he f ir st one die. Edge can be used in

a var iet y of ways:

Extra Action

One point of Edge can be spent t o t ake an ext r a act ion in a combat t ur n. This can be

done only once per t ur n, and t he act ion is t aken on t he char act er' s t urn. A player does

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not have to declare in advance that he is spending Edge t his way.

I ncrease Chance of Success

One point of Edge can be spent t o double a char act er ' s bonus to any roll. I f t hechar act er suf f ers a penalt y t o t hat par t icular r oll, Edge can be spent t o halve t he

penalt y. Only one point of Edge may be spent t his way per dice roll.

Weird Stuff

Whenever somet hing comes up t hat isn' t r eally covered in t he r ules, but a player wants

t o t ake a shot at it , he can use his Edge at t r ibut e to t r y it . To do so, he r olls a dice

against a TN as usual (see Rolling Dice, below), adding his Edge scor e as a bonus t o t he

dice roll. This does not spend Edge in any way, but Edge may be used t o modif y t he dice

roll.Not e t hat some st uf f may be declared impossible by the GM.

"You really can' t blame t he military f or want ing to go to war. They' ve got all these 

new toys and they want to know whether t hey work or not . " 

 —   Andy Rooney 


Whenever someone at t empt s t o do somet hing which is cover ed in t he skills, t he

char act er r olls a dice and adds t he bonus of his skill t o t he dice roll. I f he scor es higher

t han a Tar get Number (TN) set by t he GM, he succeeds at his t ask. I f he rolls lower , he

f ails. I f he rolls lower by a par t icular ly large amount , somet hing goes wrong. The lower

t he number , t he worse t he result . TNs should be determined by consider ing t he chance

t he char act er has of complet ing it .

Dice Type

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Any t ype of dice can be used t o play, depending on t he playing gr oup' s desir e f or

r andomness. The mor e sides t he dice have, t he higher t he r andomness. Also, TNs should

be higher in games using dice wit h many sides than in games wit h f ewer -sided dice.

Unless t he GM wants t hings t o be really hard – or easy – of cour se

Distract ions

Dist r act ions ar e anyt hing annoying, uncomf or t able or even f unny happening t o divide t he

char act er ' s at t ent ion. Examples include air st r ikes, ear t hquakes, get t ing shot at , or

being in a moving vehicle. Depending on t he int ensit y of t he dist r act ion, shoot ers suf f er

somewher e between a -1 and -5 penalt y. This penalt y applies t o all skill r olls, not only

Rule of One

Whenever a char act er ' s dice t urns up a “1”, somet hing f unny, but annoying, happens.Guns j am, cover f alls away, recoil smacks the char act er in t he f ace. While not t ied t o

any game mechanics, t hese glit ches cause ot her char act er s t o laugh, and may r equire t he

char act er who glit ched t o t ake some kind of unwanted act ion. The char act er who

glit ched may come up wit h something f unny himself , and if t he GM likes it , it happens

and t he player wil l be r ewarded wit h Edge. I f t he GM comes up wit h something f unnier ,

t hat happens instead.

"War is much too serious a matter t o be entrust ed to the military. " 

 —   Georges Clemenceau 


Whenever one or more char act ers at t empt t o murder any other s, and t he ot her side is

awar e of t heir at t empt s, t hese r ules are used. I f t he ot her side is unawar e, t hey' r e

stat ic t ar get s, and pr obably j ust going t o die.

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I nit iat ive

When combat star t s, all char act er s immediat ely declare t heir act ions. Along wit h t heir

act ions, t hey provide me wit h an appr opr iat e skill roll f or t hat act ion, and an init iat ive

roll. This init iat ive r oll will det er mine when t hey t ake t heir act ions. When at t acked, t heGM r olls your char act er ' s def ense rolls t o det ermine whet her your char act er s have

been hit or not (at t ack and def ense r ules det ailed below). Players must declar e on t heir

act ion whether t hey want t o use Edge t o dodge at t acks t hat t ur n or not . Edge spent in

t his way will be applied on all def ense-relat ed Sur vival/ Melee Combat r olls unt il t he

player ' s next t urn.

So, to boil down the new combat sequence:

1. GM declar es t he beginning of a combat 2. Players declare act ions 

3. Players r oll dice t o det ermine how well t hey per f or m t heir act ions 

4. Players roll init iat ive to det ermine when t heir individual act ions t ake place 

5. Players declare whet her or not t o use Edge f or any def ense rolls t hat t urn.

6. GM per f orms steps 2 t o 5 f or any enemies and allies (NPCs)

7. GM det ermines changes t o t he bat t lescape based on Player and NPCs act ions, t heir 

success or f ailure, and cir cumst ant ial st uf f .

8. Repeat st eps 2 t o 7 unt il combat ends.

Combat Turns

A combat t urn is somewher e bet ween t wo and f ive seconds

long. Dur ing t his t ime, each char act er get s t o do one t hing.

Things include shoot ing a gun, st abbing someone, t hrowing

a grenade, or r unning f or cover . Char act ers can spend one

point of Edge t o do t wo t hings in one t ur n, but no more

t han one point may be spent t his way each t urn.

Melee At tacksTo at t ack someone in melee, a char act er r olls t he Melee Combat skill. I f he is awar e of

t he at t ack, t he def ender r olls his Melee Combat skill t o avoid get t ing punched, kicked,

clubbed, st abbed, et c. The at t acker must beat t he def ender ' s r oll in or der t o hit him. I f

he hit s, he deals damage.

Ranged At tacks

When shoot ing at someone or somet hing, a char act er r olls a dice, adding his skil l wit h

t he weapon t ype being used as a bonus. I f he at t empts t o hit a t arget t hat cannot

dodge, t he GM set s a f lat TN t hat he must beat . I f t he t ar get is awar e of t he shoot er ,

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he may at t empt t o doge by r olling Survival against a TN equal t o t he at t acker ' s roll. The

t ar get may also chose t o f or f eit his next act ion t o roll Violence + Sur vival t o avoid

get t ing shot . I f he scores higher t han t he at t acker , t he shot misses. I f he scor es lower ,

t he shot hit s.

A couple of t hings can make shoot ing a lit t le mor e dif f icult .

Range: Ranges ar e divided int o Point -Blank, Close, Medium, and Long. Point -Blank shot s

are so close and easy t he char act er s gains a +2 bonus t o his at t ack r olls. Al l point -blank

shot s, r egardless of gun t ype, ar e wit hin 5 met ers or so. Close shots ar e wit hin t he

weapon' s close r ange, and suf f er no modif iers. Medium shot s ar e f ur t her out , and suf f er

a -2 penalt y. Long shot s suf f er a -5 penalt y.

Cover: Cover is anyt hing t hat makes a shot har der . Smoke, dar kness, r ubble, or screensof t er r if ied civil ians act ing as human walls all count as cover . Depending on the densit y

of t he cover , it can cause a -1 to -5 penalt y on any at t acks.


When a char act er has hit , he rolls a

dice, adding his weapon' s damage

scor e t o t he damage. He also adds

half t he amount by which t he at t ack

roll beat t he def ense roll t o damage.The vict im t hen t akes t his amount of

damage, and suf f ers penalt ies

depending on his wound.


A charact er wit h t he First Aid skill can heal up wounds he – or anyone else, if he want s

t o – has t aken. To do so, he rolls a dice and adds his Fir st Aid skill. For every mult iplier

of f ive t he dice t ur n up, he heals one wound level. Any charact er can only benef it f r om

Fir st Aid once per scene, so once one at t empt has been made, he has t o wait f or t he GMt o let anyone work on him again. A player may spend Edge t o I ncrease Chance of Success

on any Fir st Aid r oll made on him, even if he' s not t he one r olling t he dice.

Running Out of Ammo

Occasionally, when t he GM deems it appropr iat e or t he charact er rolls a “1” on a

shoot ing-r elat ed roll, t hat char acter r uns out of ammo. Aside f r om t r acking clips, t her e

is no more advanced ammunit ion t r acking system.

Basic Gear

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All char act ers star t wit h a unif orm, a gas mask, and a helmet . The unif or m and helmet

protect t he soldier s f r om t he host ile envir onment and ser ve t o ident if y f r iend and f oe.

The gas mask pr otect s against t he host ile envir onment and causes people a gr eat deal of

conf usion and mix-ups.

"We are not retreat ing—we are advancing in another direction. " 

 —   General Douglas MacArthur 



Guns kil l people by shoot ing met al pellet s at t hem unt il t hey die. Because keeping t r ack

of ammo is bor ing and r ules f or f ir e modes complicat ed, t his is not included. Char act ers

occasionally r un out of ammo when a dice r oll associat ed wit h t he gun t urns up as a “1”, or

when t he GM says so. All t hese weapons ar e used wit h t he Heavy Weapons skil l specialt y.

Light MG: Short 100 m; Medium 250 m; Long500 m; Damage 7; -2 at t ack penalt y if not

set up proper ly.

Medium MG: Shor t 160 m; Medium 400 m;

Long 800 m; Damage 8; -4 at t ack penalt y if

not set up pr oper ly.

Heavy MG: Shor t 200 m; Medium 500 m;

Long 900 m; Damage 9; Can not be f ir ed if

not set up pr oper ly; Requir es a t eam of 2 t o

operat e and car r y.

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Grenade Launcher: Short 40 m; Medium 100 m; Long 200 m; Damage as gr enade t ype

Rocket Launcher: Minimum 15 m; Shor t 40 m; Medium 100 m; Long 200m; Against

inf ant r y, gr oups et c damage is as a Grenade, but it also can damage ar mored t ar get s

well. Flame Thrower: Short 10 m; Medium 25 m; Long 50 m; Damage 4; Tar get usually ignit ed,

Can ignore cover in most cases.


Dangerous st uf f used to ki ll people t he good old way.

Also known as emer gency combat solut ions f or

desperat e soldiers wit h no real weapons. Al l t hese

weapons ar e employed wit h t he Melee Combat skil l

specialt y.

Body (Self ): Damage 1 

Body (Other ): Damage 2

Knif e: Damage 3 

Close Combat Weapon: Damage 4 

Debr is (anything else): Damage 1-5 , depending on mat er ial and size

SMALL ARMSGuns kil l people by shoot ing met al pellet s at t hem unt il

t hey die. Because keeping t r ack of ammo is bor ing and

r ules f or f ir e modes complicat ed, t his is not included.

Charact ers occasionally r un out of ammo when a dice roll

associat ed wit h t he gun t ur ns up as a “1”, or when t he

GM says so. Al l t hese weapons are used wit h t he Small

Ar ms skill specialt y.

Pistol: Shor t 10 m; Medium 25 m; Long 50 m; Damage 4Revolver: Shor t 12 m; Medium 30 m; Long 60 m; Damage 5

SMG/ Carbine: Shor t 40 m; Medium 100 m; Long 200 m; Damage 4 

Shotgun: Shor t 20 m; Medium 50 m; Long 100 m; Damage 6; -1 damage at Medium r ange,

-2 damage at Long range

Assault Rif le: Shor t 60 m; Medium 150 m; Long 300 m; Damage 5 

Batt le Rif le: Short 80 m; Medium 200 m; Long 400 m; Damage 5; -2 at t ack penalt y if

not st at ionar y 

Sniper Rif le: Short 200 m; Medium 500 m; Long 1000 m; Damage 6; -2 at t ack penalt y if

not set up pr oper ly; -4 penalt y if not set up and moving. 

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Unlike ot her r anged weapons, t hrown weapons ar e one-shot t hings, which don' t r un out

of ammo only when you have a bad dice r oll. Once used, t hrown weapons must beret r ieved bef ore you can use t hem again. Of t en an impossible t ask, since t hey blow up.

All t hese weapons use t he Thr owing skil l specialt y.

Knif e: Short 6 m, Medium 15 m; Long 30 m; Damage 3; no point -blank r ange

Grenade: Shor t 10 m; Medium 25 m; Long 50 m; Damage 7; damage not incr eased f or

accur acy, can t arget ground, not enemy, damage incr eased in t ight condit ions 

Napalm Grenade: Shor t 10 m; Medium 25 m; Long 50 m; Damage 2; damage not

increased f or accur acy, can t ar get ground, not enemy, bur ns f or f ive rounds unless

choked.St un Grenade: Shor t 10 m; Medium 25 m; Long 50 m; Damage 0; Usually does no act ual

damage, but disor ient s and dist r act s opponent s and can give an advant age. 


Ther e ar e many ot her weapons t han t he ones on t his list , when appr opr iate t hey’ll be

creat ed and put int o t he game, and per haps added t o t he list .


Ther e is ot her st uf f in t he cit y, wait ing t o be used – and t o malf unct ion spectacular ly!Ther e is no need to develop specif ic st at s or r ules f or it . The GM will develop r ules f or

t hese t hings as necessary. J ust roll t he dice and apply t he corr ect modif ier s when and

how t he GM t ells you t o.

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