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Page 1: Goldeneye Opening Sequence Analysis

Goldeneye Opening Sequence


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The sequence starts with an image of the inside of a gun. The colours in the frame are dark and dull apart from the orange section in the middle which is later revealed to be the bullet being fired out of the gun. The text for the titles here appears in gold font, which could be used to link to the title of the film.

The music for the opening sequence

starts which is dramatic and slow, with sudden increases at times. This music could be associated with ‘spies’ which links with the film.

The shot tracks outwards to reveal the bullet in slow motion leaving the gun, with the name of the main actor, ‘Pierce Brosnan’ appearing in gold capital letters to show his importance in the film. There is an ‘explosion’ effect as the bullet comes out of the gun, although this sequence is clearly animated as it is not a real gun. The background in this shot is plan black, which would allow space for the titles, although the editors have decided to place them over the images.

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The next shot shows the an explosion including dramatic red and yellow colours. This could help to show that the film is an action film, and probably contains use of guns. The explosion is then cleared to reveal the name of the film, ‘Goldeneye’ on a plain background, which then fades into what looks like fire.

There are silhouettes of women around the title shown to be dancing or moving seductively, which could suggest the film is aiming more for a male audience. The use of such warm colours as orange and red may be used in invite the audience into the film, and gold could be used to represent wealth and status that will later be shown within the film.

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The following shot crabs to the left, revealing more silhouettes of women in slow motion, dancing. The women, although somewhat unrecognisable, seem to be stereotypically attractive, which could persuade the male audience to continue watching this film.

The next shot shows an animated silhouette of a man walking across the bottom of the screen, turning around and ‘shooting’ a gun towards a woman's face which looks like it is illuminated by a fire, or similar lighting. As a hyperbolic sound of the gun firing is used, the woman is shown through a close up to blow smoke out of her mouth. The background of this shot then changes from the ‘firey’ background, to an eye, which can be faintly seen in this shot. The music continues as a slow, yet dramatic mood creator.

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Although the eye is still only shown faintly in this shot, it is apparent that the eye colour is orange, which could appear as something that has been tampered with or is supernatural. The eye then blinks and is staring into the camera, perhaps connecting with the audience.

The next shot shows a mix of animated ‘hooks’ falling downwards, and a mid-close up of a woman looking to the left. The background is very red here, which could suggest danger or uncertainty into what is going to happen. This could create a sense of mystery for the film, as not much is shown through the opening sequence. Music and titles continue to appear over the images.

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Following this, the shot further cranes down to reveal a series of women walking on the hooks that were seen to be falling from above. The background are red and the variety of women are still silhouettes, telling the audience that they are not main or important characters, and perhaps will not even appear in the film.

The next shot follows a structure as it falls and breaks next to three women dancing around a star. The star is again red, which could also be connected with blood or killings. The music is continued with a woman singing.

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The shot then fades to black and a gun appears to the lower left corner, which is shown to be shot, creating another explosion and showing a reaction from the women dancers, as they ‘jump’ back and turn the colour of the explosion.

The next shot shows a track of the women dancing again, this time on grey statues. The scene is ‘foggy’ or ‘cloudy’, making the figures increasingly mysterious and covering up their identities. The women are shown to be doing rather acrobatic poses, which could suggest they have a lot of agency or could fight, as they show strong body movements.

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One statue is shown to fall over, following it to show a close of of another statue which bares resemblance to a mask. There are women climbing through the eyes and mouth of the mask. As the woman singing refers to ‘Goldeneye’, the eye of the statue glows gold and spreads out to the rest of the frame.

This changes the scene to a close up of a blonde woman's face, with a cigar in her mouth. Her face is turned to reveal a symmetry of her face, and as she opens her mouth, a gun comes out. This could suggest that the women featured in this film could be dangerous.

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The next shot cranes downwards to show women dancing on what seems to be pedestals, although they are turned to reveal that they are actually standing on guns. The background here is more orange, showing warmth.

An extreme close up of a

gun next to a close up of a woman is then shown, with the woman staying in the same place whilst the camera cranes down the gun, which then turns purple. Another woman is shown to be standing on the bottom of the frame, holding which seems to be a walking stick, standing in a very ‘dominant’ pose.

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There is then an image of a close up of a stiletto heel, with the woman with the stick on the left doing actions to reveal that she is actually holding a hammer. The music here continues and the purple background gives a heightened sense of mystery and uncertainty of what is going on, as the title sequence could be seen as very confusing due to the animated features.

The shot then crabs to the left to reveal more women holding these hammers, and appear to be using them to work on the statues that they were earlier dancing on. This could suggest that as well as being attractive, the women can work and look after themselves.

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The crab shot then stops on a woman hammering on one of the ‘hooks’ seen earlier in the sequence, as the golden coloured eye appears in the background, giving the effect that someone may be watching her, or the audience themselves.

The woman then fades away and the eye is shown to again blink, revealing golden colored eye shadow. The eye is then shown to fade away into the barrel of the gun which was first seen in the sequence, creating a looping effect.